Characteristics of the heroes in the work Woe from Wit. Quote and speech characteristics of the heroes of the comedy Woe from Wit

Quite a lot of different and interesting characters participate in this comedy by Griboyedov. But despite their large number, the main action is still centered around several main characters. They are, first of all: Alexander Chatsky, Pavel Famusov, Sofya Famusova, Alexey Molchalin.

Chatsky is a positive hero of Griboyedov. Orphaned at an early age, he was raised in the Famusov family. But despite this, having matured and lived for several years separately and away from his former home, Chatsky condemns the opinions and views of Famusov himself and the entire noble society.

He considers himself a patriot, loves his country and will not tolerate the mocking attitude of foreigners towards his native, domestic people. Chatsky is a young nobleman who stands out among the rest with his sharp mind and high morality. In love with Famusov's daughter, Sophia. But having become disillusioned with love, and having also failed to explain to those around him his ideas, principles and goals in life, he decides to leave Moscow, since he already sees another way out.

Pavel Famusov, the personality is quite contradictory. On the one hand, he took in an orphaned boy and raised him as his own. But on the other hand, the author describes him as a hypocritical, dishonest deceiver and bribe-taker. He is a fairly wealthy landowner, raising his only daughter, Sophia, on his own. His wife died quite a long time ago. In his views on life and in many disputes he acts as an opponent of Chatsky.

Sophia- the naive daughter of Pavel Afanasyevich. Despite the good education, upbringing and strong character, the girl is not able to understand Chatsky’s real and sincere feelings. She loves to spend her time reading good books, despite his father's dissatisfaction. But still, she is her father’s daughter, since she was raised in an environment where only money and rank are important. The climate in which she was brought up certainly influenced the character of the heroine. Sophia chose Molchalin because she wants to rule not only in the world, but also in the family. The character of Sophia is very complex. On the one hand, she almost the only person, which is close to Chatsky in spirit. On the other hand, it was she who became the cause of Chatsky’s suffering and his decision to leave this society.

Alexey Molchalin a simple person by origin, ready to do anything to be recognized and accepted in society. Possesses exclusively negative qualities. Works as Famusov's secretary. He is a dishonest, vile, hypocritical and stupid person. He pleases Pavel and Sofya Famusov in every possible way.

Minor characters

Repetilov – old friend Famusov, who was unable to provide for himself career growth, due to his own absent-mindedness. A simple-minded and stupid character.

Sergei Skalozub is an officer who is unable to think about anything other than own career. The man is stupid and uninteresting person, dreaming of a career as a general.

Anton Zagoretsky is a famous deceiver; he prefers to play cards and actively attend balls, dinners and theaters. A secular person.

Lisa works as a maid in the Famusovs’ house. Because of her beautiful appearance, she is forced to endure the harassment of Molchalin and Famusov himself. A frivolous and cheerful girl.

Anfisa Khlestova is a lonely old woman, sister-in-law of Pavel Famusov. Out of loneliness I started a pack of dogs. She was once a respected lady-in-waiting, but in her old age she became of no use to anyone.

Platon Gorich is a retired military man, a friend of Chachky. Obediently obeys his wife. A kind and sincere person with a gentle character.

Natalia Gorich – amateur social life, balls and evenings.

Option 2

One of the important features of the author’s work “Woe from Wit” is the finding of two dissonances that are interconnected. The first is love, the second is public. Thanks to this, the role of the characters was determined.

For love line answer - Chatsky, Sophia and Molchalin. For the social line - the conservative nobility, where the main one is Famusov, and also, one can note Chatsky, he is for progressive views on the arrangement in society. Molchalin can also be included in the Famus company.

A. A. Chatsky, only recently returned from abroad and immediately decided to visit the Famusovs’ house, where the young man received his education and where he had not been for more than three years. He wants to see his beloved Sophia, Famusov’s daughter. But the girl does not experience mutual emotions. She is cold and reserved, she loves another, she loves Molchalin. Alexander cannot understand the reason for this attitude towards him.

The young man asks the girl what happened, what the changes are in her heart, he also asks her dad. And here the global counterbalance on the issue of decency, traditions and knowledge, and the organization of the public is well shown.

Famusov is presented in the work as “the last century.” A special trait is how he sees the nobility, and does not want any changes, since they could cause harm to financial condition. In the life of any nobleman, material well-being is very important, and he is no exception. The man is proud of his uncle, who knew how to obey and therefore everyone respected him. The opinion of society is very important to him.

Molchalin behaves the same way. Its important feature is uniformity and punctuality. The young man is worthy to continue the views of the highest nobility of the capital of Russia. Molchalin knows how and in front of whom you need to present yourself well, knows with whom you need to have good relationship. And communication with Famusov’s daughter is no exception; by this he shows how important the connection with her dad is for him.

Alexander Chatsky himself is a complete counterbalance to the entire character. He marvels at his views on the arrangement of society. His mind is mobile, he needs to create. He wants to be needed by deeds, not by people, because personal freedom is very valuable to him. This is the only character who is shown to be "last century". Chatsky reflects the views of the writer himself - the views of decency and knowledge, which the highest nobility do not want to take seriously.

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Molchalin Alexey Stepanych- Famusov’s secretary, living in his house, as well as an admirer of Sophia, who despises her in his heart. M. was transferred by Famusov from Tver. The hero's surname expresses his main trait - “wordlessness.” It was for this that Famusov made M. his secretary. In general, the hero, despite his youth, is a full-fledged representative of the “past century”, since he has adopted its views and lives by its principles. M. strictly follows his father’s behest: “to please all people without exception - the owner, the boss, his servant, the janitor’s dog.” In a conversation with Chatsky M. sets out his life principles- “moderation and accuracy.” They consist in the fact that “at my age I should not dare to have my own judgment.” According to M., you need to think and act as is customary in “Famus” society. Otherwise they will gossip about you, and, as you know, “ evil tongues worse than pistols." M.'s romance with Sophia is also explained by his willingness to please everyone. He obediently plays the role of an admirer, ready to read romance novels with Sophia all night long, listen to the silence and trills of nightingales. M. doesn’t like Sophia, but he can’t refuse to please his boss’s daughter.

Skalozub Sergey Sergeich- in his image, the “ideal” Moscow groom is depicted - rude, uneducated, not very smart, but rich and pleased with himself. Famusov reads S. as his daughter’s husband, but she considers him “the hero of a novel that is not hers.” At the moment of his first arrival at Famusov’s house, S. talks about himself. He took part in the War of 1812, but received the order “on the neck” not for military exploits, but on the occasion of military celebrations. S. “aims to become a general.” The hero despises book wisdom. He makes derogatory comments about his cousin reading books in the village. S. tries to embellish himself externally and internally. He dresses in army fashion, using belts to make his chest look like a wheel. Having understood nothing in Chatsky’s accusatory monologues, he, nevertheless, joins his opinion, saying all sorts of nonsense and nonsense.

Sofya Pavlovna Famusova– Famusov’s 17-year-old daughter. After the death of her mother, she was raised by “Madame”, an old Frenchwoman, Rosier. S.'s childhood friend was Chatsky, who became her first love. But during the 3 years of Chatsky’s absence, S. has changed a lot, as has her love. The formation of S. was influenced, on the one hand, by Moscow habits and mores, and on the other hand, by the books of Karamzin and other sentimentalist writers. The girl imagines herself as the heroine of a “sensitive” novel. That’s why she rejects the sarcastic and brave Chatsky, as well as Skalozub, stupid but rich. S. chooses Molchalin for the role of a platonic admirer. In his home, S. does not have the opportunity to develop mentally. The only thing she is capable of is to imagine herself as the heroine of a novel and act according to this role. Either she comes up with a dream in the spirit of Zhukovsky’s ballads, then she pretends to faint, etc. But her “Moscow” upbringing also makes itself felt. During the ball, it is she who spreads the rumor about Chatsky’s madness. The romantic behavior of the heroine turned out to be just a mask; her true essence is this nature of a Moscow young lady. At the end of the comedy, S. is punished. She learns about the “betrayal” of Molchalin, who flirts with Liza and speaks impartially about S. In addition, Famusov, having learned about his daughter’s affair with his secretary, decides to remove S. from Moscow “to the village, to her aunt, to the wilderness, to Saratov” .

Famusov Pavel Afanasyevich- Moscow gentleman, “manager in a government house.” Sophia's father, friend of Chatsky's father. The events of the play take place in his house. F. is one of the brightest representatives of the “past century”. In one of his monologues, F. praises Moscow morals, unchanged from century to century. Here there is “honour” for father and son; here who has “two thousand ancestral souls, He and the groom.” Moscow ladies can be sent “to command the Senate,” they are so “informed” about everything; Moscow daughters “just cling to the military,” supposedly “because they are patriots”; Moscow old men, called upon to solve serious matters, “will argue, make some noise... and go their separate ways.” In the “Famus” society, everything rests on connections: “well, how can you not please your loved one.” This model of life seems ideal to F. and other members of Moscow society; they consider it the only correct one and do not want any changes. F. is two-faced. He claims that he is “known for his monastic behavior,” but at the same time he hits on the maid Lisa. F. is afraid of all new trends. During a conversation with Chatsky, he covers his ears so as not to hear bold speeches. F.'s main enemy is learning, since it makes changes to the calm Moscow life. The hero’s dream is to “take all the books and burn them.” Like a typical Moscow gentleman, F. is deceived by all and sundry. And daughter Sophia, and secretary Molchalin, and maid Liza. The hero's last appearance on stage is timed to coincide with the final date between Sofia and Molchalin. Seeing the young people together, F. is horrified. He blames the “new” Moscow for his daughter’s “licentiousness,” which is infected with free ideas and the “spirit of Kuznetsky Most” (that is, Paris). At first, F. threatens to make this shameful incident public (“I will submit it to the Senate, to the Ministers, to the Emperor”), but then he remembers that his daughter will be gossiped about in all the houses of Moscow. In tearful horror, F. exclaims: “What will Princess Marya Alekseevna say!!!” The opinion of this princess means more to F. than the opinion of the tsar himself, because in “Famus” society she occupies one of the main places.

Chatsky Alexander Andreich- a young nobleman. Representative of the “present century”. A progressive person, well educated, with broad, free views; true patriot. After a 3-year absence, Ch. comes to Moscow again and immediately appears at Famusov’s house. He wants to see Sophia, whom he loved before leaving and with whom he is still in love. But Sophia greets Chatsky very coldly. He is perplexed and wants to find the reason for her coldness. Remaining in Famusov's house, the hero is forced to enter into a fight with many representatives of "Famusov's" society (Famusov, Molchalin, guests at the ball). His passionate accusatory monologues are directed against the order of the century of “obedience and fear,” when “he was famous whose neck was more often bent.” When Famusov offers Molchalin as an example of a worthy person, Ch. pronounces the famous monologue “Who are the judges?” In it, he denounces the moral examples of the “past century,” mired in hypocrisy, moral slavery, etc. Ch. examines many areas in the life of the country: civil service, serfdom, education of a citizen, education, patriotism. Everywhere the hero sees the prosperity of the principles of the “past century.” Realizing this, Ch. experiences moral suffering, experiences “woe from the mind.” But to no lesser extent the hero experiences “grief from love.” Ch. finds out the reason for Sophia’s coldness towards him - she is in love with the insignificant Molchalin. The hero is offended that Sophia chose him over this “most pitiful creature.” He exclaims: “The silent ones dominate the world!” Very upset, Ch. ends up at a ball in Famusov’s house, where the cream of Moscow society gathered. All these people are a burden to Ch. And they cannot stand the “stranger.” Sophia, offended by Molchalin, spreads a rumor about the hero’s madness. The whole society happily picks it up, putting forward the hero’s free-thinking as the main accusation against Ch. At the ball, Ch. pronounces a monologue about the “Frenchwoman from Bordeaux,” in which he exposes the slavish admiration for everything foreign and the contempt for Russian traditions. At the end of Ch.'s comedy, Sophia's true face is revealed. He is disappointed in her just as in the rest of “Famus” society. The hero has no choice but to leave Moscow.

The main idea of ​​the work “Woe from Wit” is to illustrate meanness, ignorance and servility before ranks and traditions, which were opposed by new ideas, genuine culture, freedom and reason. The main character Chatsky acted in the play as a representative of that same democratic-minded society of young people who openly challenged conservatives and serf owners. Griboyedov managed to reflect all these subtleties that were raging in social and political life using the example of the classic comedy love triangle. It is noteworthy that the main part of the work described by the creator takes place over the course of just one day, and the characters themselves are depicted by Griboedov very vividly.

Many of the writer's contemporaries awarded his manuscript with sincere praise and advocated for permission to publish the comedy to the Tsar.

The history of writing the comedy "Woe from Wit"

The idea of ​​writing the comedy “Woe from Wit” came to Griboyedov during his stay in St. Petersburg. In 1816, he returned to the city from abroad and found himself at one of the social receptions. He was deeply indignant at the Russian people’s craving for foreign things, after he noticed that the city’s nobility worshiped one of the foreign guests. The writer could not restrain himself and showed his negative attitude. Meanwhile, one of the invitees, who did not share his beliefs, retorted that Griboedov was crazy.

The events of that evening formed the basis of the comedy, and Griboedov himself became the prototype of the main character Chatsky. The writer began work on the work in 1821. He worked on comedy in Tiflis, where he served under General Yermolov, and in Moscow.

In 1823, work on the play was completed, and the writer began to read it in Moscow literary circles, receiving rave reviews along the way. The comedy was successfully distributed in the form of lists among the reading population, but it was first published only in 1833, after the request of Minister Uvarov to the Tsar. The writer himself was no longer alive by that time.

Analysis of the work

The main plot of the comedy

The events described in the comedy take place in early XIX century, in the house of the capital official Famusov. His young daughter Sophia is in love with Famusov's secretary, Molchalin. He is a prudent man, not rich, and holds a minor rank.

Knowing about Sophia's passions, he meets with her for convenience. One day, a young nobleman, Chatsky, a family friend who has not been in Russia for three years, comes to the Famusovs’ house. The purpose of his return is to marry Sophia, for whom he has feelings. Sophia herself hides her love for Molchalin from the main character of the comedy.

Sophia's father is a man of the old way of life and views. He is subservient to the ranks and believes that young people should please their superiors in everything, not show their opinions and serve their superiors selflessly. Chatsky, in contrast, is a witty young man with a sense of pride and good education. He condemns such views, considers them stupid, hypocritical and empty. Heated disputes arise between Famusov and Chatsky.

On the day of Chatsky’s arrival, invited guests gather at Famusov’s house. During the evening, Sophia spreads a rumor that Chatsky has gone crazy. The guests, who also do not share his views, actively pick up this idea and unanimously recognize the hero as crazy.

Finding himself the black sheep of the evening, Chatsky is about to leave the Famusovs’ house. While waiting for the carriage, he hears Famusov’s secretary confessing his feelings to the master’s maid. Sophia also hears this and immediately drives Molchalin out of the house.

The denouement of the love scene ends with Chatsky's disappointment in Sophia and secular society. The hero leaves Moscow forever.

Heroes of the comedy "Woe from Wit"

This main character comedy by Griboyedov. He is a hereditary nobleman, in whose possession there are 300 - 400 souls. Chatsky was left an orphan early on, and since his father was a close friend of Famusov, from childhood he was raised together with Sophia in the Famusovs’ house. Later he became bored with them, and at first he settled separately, and then left to wander the world.

Since childhood, Chatsky and Sophia were friends, but he had more than just friendly feelings for her.

The main character in Griboyedov's comedy is not stupid, witty, eloquent. A lover of ridicule of stupid people, Chatsky was a liberal who did not want to bend to his superiors and serve the highest ranks. That is why he did not serve in the army and was not an official, which was rare for the era of that time and his pedigree.

Famusov is an older man with gray hair at the temples, a nobleman. For his age he is very cheerful and fresh. Pavel Afanasyevich is a widower; his only child is Sophia, 17 years old.

The official is on public service, he is rich, but at the same time flighty. Famusov without hesitation pesters his own maids. His character is explosive and restless. Pavel Afanasyevich is grumpy, but with the right people, he knows how to show due courtesy. An example of this is his communication with the colonel, to whom Famusov wants to marry his daughter. For the sake of his goal, he is ready to do anything. Submission, servility before ranks and servility are characteristic of him. He also values ​​society’s opinion of himself and his family. The official does not like to read and does not consider education to be something very important.

Sophia is the daughter of a wealthy official. Pretty and educated best rules Moscow nobility. Left early without a mother, but under the care of the governess Madame Rosier, she reads French books, dances and plays the piano. Sophia is a fickle girl, flighty and easily attracted to young men. At the same time, she is gullible and very naive.

During the course of the play, it is clear that she does not notice that Molchalin does not love her and is with her because of his own benefits. Her father calls her a disgrace and a shameless woman, but Sophia herself considers herself an intelligent and not a cowardly young lady.

Famusov's secretary, who lives in their house, is a single young man from a very poor family. Mine noble title Molchalin received it only during his service, which was considered acceptable in those days. For this, Famusov periodically calls him rootless.

The hero's surname perfectly matches his character and temperament. He doesn't like to talk. Molchalin is a limited and very stupid person. He behaves modestly and quietly, respects rank and tries to please everyone around him. He does this solely for profit.

Alexey Stepanovich never expresses his opinion, due to which those around him consider him a completely handsome young man. In fact, he is vile, unprincipled and cowardly. At the end of the comedy, it becomes clear that Molchalin is in love with the maid Liza. Having confessed this to her, he receives a portion of righteous anger from Sophia, but his characteristic sycophancy allows him to remain in the service of her father further.

Skalozub — minor character comedy, he is an uninitiated colonel who wants to become a general.

Pavel Afanasyevich classifies Skalozub as one of the eligible Moscow bachelors. According to Famusov, a rich officer with weight and status in society - good game for his daughter. Sophia herself did not like him. In the work, the image of Skalozub is collected in separate phrases. Sergei Sergeevich joins Chatsky’s speech with absurd reasoning. They betray his ignorance and lack of education.

Maid Lisa

Lizanka is an ordinary servant in Famusov’s house, but at the same time she takes up quite a lot of work. high place among others literary characters, and she is given quite a lot of different episodes and descriptions. The author describes in detail what Lisa does and what and how she says. She forces other characters in the play to admit their feelings, provokes them to certain actions, pushes them to various solutions, important to their lives.

Mr. Repetilov appears in the fourth act of the work. It's minor, but bright character comedy, invited to Famusov’s ball on the occasion of his daughter Sophia’s name day. His image characterizes a person who chooses the easy path in life.


Anton Antonovich Zagoretsky is a secular reveler without ranks and honors, but he knows how and loves to be invited to all receptions. Due to your gift - to be pleasing to the court.

Hurrying to be in the center of events, “as if” from the outside, the minor character A.S. Griboedov, Anton Antonovich, himself, finds himself invited to an evening at the Faustuvs’ house. From the very first seconds of the action with his person, it becomes clear that Zagoretsky is still a “frame”.

Madame Khlestova is also one of the minor characters in the comedy, but still her role is very colorful. This is a woman of advanced years. She is 65 years old. She has a Spitz dog and a dark-skinned maid - a blackamoor. Khlestova is aware latest gossip yard and willingly shares his own life stories, in which he easily talks about other characters in the work.

Composition and storylines of the comedy "Woe from Wit"

When writing the comedy "Woe from Wit" Griboyedov used the characteristic of this genre reception Here we can see a classic plot, where two men are vying for the hand of one girl at once. Their images are also classic: one is modest and respectful, the second is educated, proud and confident in his own superiority. True, in the play Griboyedov placed the accents in the characters’ characters a little differently, making Molchalin, and not Chatsky, sympathetic to that society.

For several chapters of the play there is a background description of life in the Famusovs' house, and only in the seventh scene does the beginning of the love plot begin. A fairly detailed long description during the play tells about just one day. The long-term development of events is not described here. Storylines there are two in comedy. These are conflicts: love and social.

Each of the images described by Griboyedov is multifaceted. Even Molchalin is interesting, towards whom the reader already develops an unpleasant attitude, but he does not cause obvious disgust. It's interesting to watch him in various episodes.

In the play, despite the adoption of fundamental structures, there are certain digressions to construct the plot, and it is clearly evident that the comedy was written at the junction of three literary eras: thriving romanticism, emerging realism and dying classicism.

Griboyedov's comedy "Woe from Wit" gained its popularity not only for the use of classical plot techniques in a non-standard framework, it reflected obvious changes in society, which were then just emerging and taking their first sprouts.

The work is also interesting because it is strikingly different from all other works written by Griboedov.

Continuing to look at the site, I often wonder who is actually here goodies, and who are negative? And I can’t clearly answer this question. It would seem that the most negative heroes, subsequently, do very good deeds, and the heroes, seemingly positive, are quite the opposite.

Types of Characters in Griboyedov's Comedy "Woe from Wit"
Characters of Griboyedov's comedy "Woe from Wit"

Chatsky Alexander Andreevich is the main character of the comedy, a young nobleman.

>Sofya Famusova - Chatsky's lover

>Molchalin Alexey Stepanovich - secretary, Sophia’s lover

>Famusov Pavel Afanasyevich - Sophia's father

>Skalozub Sergei Sergeevich - a young colonel, a candidate for Sophia’s husband

>Gorici - a young lady Dmitrievna and her husband Platon Mikhailovich. Both are old acquaintances of Chatsky

Lisa is a servant and confidant of the owner's daughter, Sofia Pavlovna Famusova.

Tugoukhovsky - these spouses came here mainly to find rich grooms for their daughters. Chatsky also comes into their sight, but since he is not rich, they quickly lose interest in Chatsky. Prince Tugoukhovsky, following the logic of his surname, is deaf. Almost all of his lines are interjections. He is henpecked and does not disobey his wife in anything. The princess is distinguished by her evil disposition and causticity.

>Khryumins - grandmother and granddaughter. Granddaughter is evil old maid. Chatsky responds to her caustic remarks no less harshly. He compares her to French milliners.

>Zagoretsky is a regular in living rooms and dining rooms, “a liar, a gambler and a thief.”

Old woman >Khlestova, sister-in-law of Famusov - minor character comedy "Woe from Wit" by Alexander Sergeevich Griboyedov. She is a living ruin of the past, a remnant of Catherine's century, a typical lady of Catherine's time.

Repetilov is only able to repeat in words the lofty ideas of the Decembrists, without delving into their true meaning. He becomes the central figure of the fourth act.

>Petrushka - Servant in Famusov's house. Famusov addresses him with words that have become popular: “Read not like a sexton, but with feeling, with sense, with order.”

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In the comedy "Woe from Wit" by A. S. Griboedov, the author conveys his attitude towards the characters through speaking names and names. Quotes from heroes give full description their images.

Famusov Pavel Afanasyevich - the surname is formed from fama - rumor and famous - noble, Pavel is small, and Afanasy is immortal. It turns out - a noble nobleman who fears rumors, a little man who will always be. The type of officials who live by the opinions of others, who are afraid of rumors.
A widower, he raised his daughter alone: ​​“Free, widowed, I am my own master.”
A noble nobleman - "Like all Moscow, your father is like that," a "bureaucrat", rich: "Whoever is poor is not a match for you." Afraid of gossip and dependent on the opinions of others: Ah! My God! what will Princess Marya Aleksevna say?
“Well, how can you not please your loved one!” - he places his relatives in “good places.”
He is unprincipled, only the goal is important, and all means are good for him: “A sycophant and a businessman.”
A dissolute, uneducated gentleman: “Learning is the plague, learning is the reason.” Madcap “After all, your father is crazy.” and the rank-worshipper "Sir Father, you who are passionate about ranks."

Sophia Pavlovna Famusova - Sofya - wise, Pavlovna - small, Famusova - connected with rumors. The meaning of the name is a little wise girl spreading rumors, rumors.
Sophia is a young, attractive Moscow noblewoman: “you have blossomed charmingly, inimitably, and you know this,” a rich and “enviable bride”: To please the daughter of such a man.”
She received a home education: “We really didn’t care about yours, About your upbringing! From the cradle!”
Follows fashion, “Everything is in French, aloud, reads while locked,” and loves music: “And dancing! and singing! and tenderness! and sighs! As if we were preparing them as wives for buffoons.”
A naive, narrow-minded and fickle girl: “I was very careless, perhaps I acted, And I know, and I’m guilty; but where did I change?”
Not timid, decisive: “However, I will say about myself that I am not a coward.”
She behaves in inappropriate ways, which provokes her father’s anger: “Daughter, Sofya Pavlovna! Stray girl!”

Molchalin Alexey Stepanovich is a constantly silent person, Alexey is an assistant, Stepan is a ring, a wreath. The meaning of the name is an eternal assistant who has no words and no prospects, silent and helpful.
“He lives in the house here, a great misfortune!”
An ignorant young man, without much intelligence: “Why not a husband? He just doesn’t have much intelligence.”
A careful, helpful and petty person: “He’s on tiptoe.” “Helpful, modest.”
He achieves everything through pleasing: “My father bequeathed to me: First, to please all people without exception.”
Hidden, on his mind: “God knows what secret is hidden in him.”
Deceitful, cunning and two-faced: “But who would have thought that he could be so insidious!”
He uses Sophia to achieve a position in society: “I don’t see anything in Sofya Pavlovna.”

Chatsky Alexander Andreevich smokes, that is, he scares others with his opinion, Alexander is a defender of people, Alexey is courageous. The meaning of the name is a courageous defender of people, with progressive views on life.
The young nobleman - "" - had a soul of three hundred. - Four hundred, please understand,” educated, very eloquent: “... What does he say! and speaks as he writes!..”
He has a sharp tongue and does not hide his views: “Look, Chatsky will make you laugh.”
Smart, with progressive thoughts and ideas: "Oster, smart, eloquent."
A freethinker and a thinking person who speaks the truth and does not tolerate deception: “Why should I deceive myself,” “he’s just a Jacobin.”
The patriot and freethinker was rejected by society and declared crazy:
“You have praised me as crazy by the whole choir.”
Noble, man of honor: “I would be glad to serve, but it’s sickening to be served.”

Skalozub- bares his teeth, grins - constantly laughs obsequiously, but is stupid and has no intelligence.
A rich nobleman, moves through the ranks: “Colonel Skalozub: And a golden bag, and aims to become a general.”
He’s not bad in appearance, he follows fashion and his appearance: “a hoarse guy is a dapper army officer who speaks in a hoarse bass voice.”
A narrow-minded and boring person: “He never said a smart word.”
Careerist: “and aims to become a general.” Opponent of education, doesn’t like to read: “books will be saved like this: for big occasions.”

Lisa, Elizabeth is God's help, restless and cheerful. “Lisanka, a servant” in the Famusovs’ house, a serf. Lisa is a pretty girl, funny and lively: “You are a cheerful creature! Alive!”
She is sharp-tongued and truthful: “You and the young lady are modest, but what about the maid’s rake? She comes to him, and he comes to me.”
She is smart and knows how to express her thoughts: “Happy people don’t watch the clock.”
She’s not stupid, but she tries to be modest: “You’re my stupid judgement. You never regret it.”
She cannot be bought, she is not selfish: “You know that I am not flattered by interests,” and she loves not for her rank, but for her human qualities: “And how can you not love the bartender Petrusha!”

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