Garnet bracelet yolks characteristics who. Garnet bracelet: main characters, issues, analysis

Love is a great, sublime feeling that pushes one to heroic deeds and self-sacrifice for the good of one’s chosen one. In books, writers extolled this feeling as the meaning of existence, the great goal in human life. Pushkin, Lermontov, Kuprin, Yesenin, Akhmatova and Tsvetaeva - worldwide famous writers whose works glorify this wonderful feeling. But is love always like this? Unfortunately no. Betrayal, hatred, and anger can also be hidden behind such a feeling. The Russian writer Alexander Ivanovich Kuprin was against such imaginary love.

Characteristics of Zheltkov in the story "Garnet Bracelet"

From 1900 to 1910, the writer wrote a number of stories and short stories that show true love. Kuprin elevates this all-consuming feeling over people, endowing it with his main characters. The story didn't ignore this topic either." Garnet bracelet". The main character in it becomes a simple official - G. S. Zheltkov. Kuprin endows him with a faithful and pure love, the one who is not capable of betrayal and deception, which is similar to the ideal.

The characterization of Zheltkov in “The Garnet Bracelet” begins with a description of his unrequited love. The object of the protagonist’s sigh is a young socialite, Vera Nikolaevna. First letter main character He writes stories to the princess even before her marriage. In it, a young and inexperienced telegraph operator describes all his feelings for Vera Nikolaevna. But he doesn’t receive any answer to it. For many years, the hopelessly in love Zheltkov sent letters to the princess, who did not take all his love revelations seriously. Moreover, Vera’s entire family openly mocked and ridiculed him, considering G.S.Zh. a maniac and an abnormal person.

Garnet bracelet

Zheltkov sends his penultimate letter and gift to the princess on her name day. As the telegraph operator himself wrote: “I would never allow myself to present you with anything chosen by me personally: for this I have neither the right, nor subtle taste and - I admit - no money.” This fragment, taken from a letter to his beloved, can be included as the beginning of Zheltkov’s characterization. The gift of a minor official is a bracelet decorated with a scattering of red garnets. This is the only thing that the main character of the story could give to his beloved.

Despite the severity of fate, the hero of Kuprin’s story is happy from the realization that he loves. The main characteristic of Zheltkov is the purity and recklessness of his feelings for Vera. In his letters, he reflects that the most correct thing would be to leave and leave his love, but he is not able to do this. With all his thoughts and feelings, he would still be forever connected with her.

External characteristics of the hero

In appearance, Zheltkov was endowed with soft features, medium build, blue eyes and tall stature. He looked to be about 35 years old. Despite his gentle appearance, the hero absorbed both sensitivity and sincerity, as well as perseverance. External characteristics Zheltkova is intertwined with his state of mind.

Vera Nikolaevna's grandfather, General Anosov, becomes a supporter of his feelings. Imbued with the whole story of the poor telegraph operator’s unrequited feelings, he tries to convince his granddaughter of that selfless, selfless love, with which Zheltkov burns.

Living conditions of the main character

The key characteristic of Zheltkov in Kuprin’s “Garnet Bracelet” is also the room in which he lived. Because of his low rank, the hero lives in one room, which presents him as a poor man with a complex life story. The living space itself had low ceilings and small windows; it contained only the most necessary furniture.

With all its guts the room showed state of mind its owner. He did not strive for comfort and rich decoration. The only joy and outlet in Zheltkov’s life was Vera Nikolaevna. The main character was overwhelmed with feelings for her, and he was not interested in anything else. This moment complements the characterization of Zheltkov in “The Garnet Bracelet” as a sincere person capable of sacrifice in the name of pure and great love.

In his story, Alexander Ivanovich Kuprin shows all the power and strength true love, not expecting a reward. The one that is strong as death. And the main character of the story carries such love as a cross throughout his life. Judging by Zheltkov’s characterization in “The Garnet Bracelet,” it is clear that he is a man of a broad soul, in which there is a place for love and self-sacrifice. And he gives himself to her completely, without reserve, feeling happy only because he has the opportunity to experience this feeling.

Zheltkov G.S. (apparently, Georgy is “Pan Ezhiy”)- appears in the story only towards the end: “very pale, with a gentle girlish face, blue eyes and a stubborn childish chin with a dimple in the middle; He must have been about thirty, thirty-five years old.” Along with Princess Vera, he can be called the main character of the story. The beginning of the conflict is when Princess Vera received on September 17, her name day, a letter signed with the initials “G. S. Zh.”, and a garnet bracelet in a red case.

It was a gift from a then stranger to Vera Zh., who fell in love with her seven years ago, wrote letters, then, at her request, stopped bothering her, but now confessed his love again. In the letter, Zh. explained that the old silver bracelet once belonged to his grandmother, then all the stones were transferred to a new, gold bracelet. J. repents that he previously “dared to write stupid and impudent letters” and adds: “Now only reverence, eternal admiration and slavish devotion remain in me.” One of the guests at the name day, for the sake of entertainment, presents the love story of the telegraph operator, P.P.Zh. (distorted G.S.Zh.), to Vera in a comic form, stylized as a pulp novel. Another guest, a person close to the family, old General Anosov, suggests: “Maybe he’s just an abnormal fellow, a maniac.”<...>Maybe your path in life, Verochka, has been crossed by exactly the kind of love that women dream about and that men are no longer capable of.”

Under the influence of his brother-in-law, Vera’s husband, Prince Vasily Lvovich Shein, decides to return the bracelet and stop the correspondence. J. amazed Shein at the meeting with his sincerity. Zh., having asked Shein for permission, speaks on the phone with Vera, but she also asks to stop “this story.” Shein felt that he was present “at some enormous tragedy of the soul.” When he reports this to Vera, she predicts that J. will kill himself. Later, from a newspaper, she accidentally learned about the suicide of Zh., who referred in his suicide note to the embezzlement of government money. That evening she receives Farewell letter from J. He calls love for Faith “an enormous happiness” sent to him by God. He admits that he “is not interested in anything in life: neither politics, nor science, nor philosophy, nor concern for the future happiness of people.” All life lies in love for Vera: “Even though I was ridiculous in your eyes and in the eyes of your brother<...>Leaving, I say in delight: Let him be holy your name" Prince Shein admits: J. was not crazy and loved Vera very much and therefore was doomed to death. He allows Vera to say goodbye to J. Looking at the deceased, she “realized that the love that every woman dreams of has passed her by.” In the face of the dead ^K. she noticed “deep importance”, “deep and sweet mystery”, “peaceful expression”, which “she saw on the masks of the great sufferers - Pushkin and Napoleon.”

At home, Vera found a familiar pianist, Jenny Reiter, who played her exactly that passage from Beethoven’s second sonata that seemed to J. the most perfect - “Largo Appassionato”. And this music became an afterlife declaration of love addressed to Vera. Vera’s thoughts that “she passed by great love”, coincided with the music, each “verse” of which ended with the words: “Hallowed be Thy name.” At the very end of the story, Vera utters words that only she understands: “...he has forgiven me now. Everything is fine".

All the heroes of the story, not excluding J., had real prototypes. Criticism pointed out, however, the connection between “The Garnet Bracelet” and prose Norwegian writer Knut Hamsun.

The novel “The Garnet Bracelet” by A. Kuprin is rightfully considered one of the best, revealing the theme of love. The basis storyline taken real events. The situation in which the main character of the novel found herself was actually experienced by the mother of the writer’s friend, Lyubimov. This work It's called that for a reason. Indeed, for the author, “pomegranate” is a symbol of passionate, but very dangerous love.

The history of the novel

Most of A. Kuprin’s stories are permeated with the eternal theme of love, and the novel “The Garnet Bracelet” most vividly reproduces it. A. Kuprin began work on his masterpiece in the fall of 1910 in Odessa. The idea for this work was the writer’s visit to the Lyubimov family in St. Petersburg.

One day Lyubimova’s son told an entertaining story about his mother’s secret admirer, who for for long years wrote her letters from frank confessions in unrequited love. The mother was not delighted with this manifestation of feelings, because she had been married for a long time. At the same time, she had a higher social status in society, rather than her admirer - a simple official P.P. Zheltikov. The situation was aggravated by a gift in the form of a red bracelet, given for the princess’s name day. At that time it was a daring act and could put a bad shadow on the lady’s reputation.

Lyubimova’s husband and brother paid a visit to the fan’s home, he was just writing another letter to his beloved. They returned the gift to the owner, asking not to disturb Lyubimova in the future. ABOUT future fate None of the family members knew the official.

The story that was told at the tea party hooked the writer. A. Kuprin decided to use it as the basis for his novel, which was somewhat modified and expanded. It should be noted that work on the novel was difficult, as the author wrote to his friend Batyushkov in a letter on November 21, 1910. The work was published only in 1911, first published in the magazine “Earth”.

Analysis of the work

Description of the work

On her birthday, Princess Vera Nikolaevna Sheina receives an anonymous gift in the form of a bracelet, which is decorated with green stones - “garnets”. The gift was accompanied by a note, from which it became known that the bracelet belonged to the great-grandmother of the princess's secret admirer. The unknown person signed with the initials “G.S.” AND.". The princess is embarrassed by this present and remembers that for many years a stranger has been writing to her about his feelings.

The princess's husband, Vasily Lvovich Shein, and brother, Nikolai Nikolaevich, who worked as an assistant prosecutor, are looking for a secret writer. He turns out to be a simple official under the name Georgy Zheltkov. They return the bracelet to him and ask him to leave the woman alone. Zheltkov feels ashamed that Vera Nikolaevna could lose her reputation because of his actions. It turns out that he fell in love with her a long time ago, having accidentally seen her at the circus. Since then, he writes letters to her about unrequited love until his death several times a year.

The next day, the Shein family learns that official Georgy Zheltkov shot himself. He managed to write last letter Vera Nikolaevna, in which he asks for her forgiveness. He writes that his life no longer has meaning, but he still loves her. The only thing Zheltkov asks is that the princess not blame herself for his death. If this fact will torment her, then let her listen to Beethoven’s Sonata No. 2 in his honor. The bracelet, which was returned to the official the day before, he ordered the maid to hang on the icon of the Mother of God before his death.

Vera Nikolaevna, having read the note, asks her husband for permission to look at the deceased. She arrives at the official's apartment, where she sees him dead. The lady kisses his forehead and places a bouquet of flowers on the deceased. When she returns home, she asks to play a piece by Beethoven, after which Vera Nikolaevna burst into tears. She realizes that “he” has forgiven her. At the end of the novel Sheina realizes the loss Great love, which a woman can only dream of. Here she recalls the words of General Anosov: “Love should be a tragedy, the greatest secret in the world.”

Main characters

Princess, middle-aged woman. She is married, but her relationship with her husband has long grown into friendly feelings. She has no children, but she is always attentive to her husband and takes care of him. She has a bright appearance, is well educated, and is interested in music. But for more than 8 years she has been receiving strange letters from a fan of “G.S.Z.” This fact confuses her; she told her husband and family about it and does not reciprocate the writer’s feelings. At the end of the work, after the death of the official, she bitterly understands the severity of lost love, which happens only once in a life.

Official Georgy Zheltkov

A young man about 30-35 years old. Modest, poor, well-mannered. He is secretly in love with Vera Nikolaevna and writes about his feelings to her in letters. When the bracelet he had been given was returned to him and asked to stop writing to the princess, he commits an act of suicide, leaving a farewell note to the woman.

Vera Nikolaevna's husband. Good, cheerful man who truly loves his wife. But for the love of constant social life, he is on the verge of ruin, which drags his family to the bottom.

Younger sister main character. She is married to an influential young man, with whom she has 2 children. In marriage, she does not lose her feminine nature, loves to flirt, plays gambling, but very pious. Anna is very attached to her older sister.

Nikolai Nikolaevich Mirza-Bulat-Tuganovsky

Brother of Vera and Anna Nikolaevna. He works as an assistant prosecutor, a very serious guy by nature, with strict rules. Nikolai is not wasteful, far from feelings of sincere love. It is he who asks Zheltkov to stop writing to Vera Nikolaevna.

General Anosov

Old military general ex-friend late father of Vera, Anna and Nikolai. Participant Russian-Turkish war, was injured. He has no family or children, but is close to Vera and Anna like his own father. He is even called “grandfather” in the Sheins’ house.

This work is rich different symbols and mysticism. It is based on the story of one man's tragic and unrequited love. At the end of the novel, the tragedy of the story takes on even greater proportions, because the heroine realizes the severity of loss and unconscious love.

Today the novel “The Garnet Bracelet” is very popular. It describes great feelings of love, sometimes even dangerous, lyrical, with a tragic ending. This has always been relevant among the population, because love is immortal. In addition, the main characters of the work are described very realistically. After the publication of the story, A. Kuprin gained high popularity.

I. A. Kuprin can be called one of the “kings” of prose. Love occupies a special place in his works. The story “The Garnet Bracelet” is imbued with unearthly love. The plot of the work takes place in Kuprin’s beloved Odessa. It compares the great feeling of an official with the hardened soul of people standing above Zheltkov.

The hero of the story is Zheltkov. He holds the post of official of the Control Chamber. G.S has a pleasant appearance. He has blue eyes and long soft hair. Zheltkov tall and thin build. He has a sublime feeling.

Zheltkov is in love with Vera Shenina, a cold aristocrat. He thinks she's extraordinary. He himself is also very an extraordinary person. From the letter that Zheltkov wrote on Vera’s name day, one can understand his spiritual appearance. He has nothing to hope for, but he is ready to sacrifice everything. His words convey admiration, respect, and courage. As a gift to Vera, he presented a garnet bracelet. It belonged to Mother Zheltkov, who was already deceased at that time, so he was a very valuable hero. In addition, the bracelet has interesting story. According to legend, he gives the gift of foresight and protects from violent death its owner.

The meaning of the hero's life was endless love. He didn't need anything else. Zheltkov was filled with sweet thoughts about his beloved. The hero believed that escaping the city would not be able to withstand his feelings. He wouldn't be able to let go of his dreams of Vera. Unfortunately, his love was not reciprocated. Unrequited love has destructive force. Zheltkov wrote in his letter that he was not interested in science, politics, or the world, in a word, absolutely nothing except his beloved Vera. His life consisted only of her. He wrote this letter before his suicide. With his appeal, he raised feelings to the level of tragedy. Now another world opens up before Vera, filled with unknown feelings. It turns out that Zheltkov loved before last breath, until the last beat of your heart.

It doesn’t matter who you are: a turner, a boss, a writer, a deputy, a cashier, a commander—everyone is on the same level before love. Yolks evokes a feeling of compassion, since unrequited love- this is a heavy burden. But only in her did he see the meaning of life, only she gave him moments saturated with happiness and madness. Probably the worst thing is to be indifferent to everything around and see in front of you only the object of your admiration.

Essay by Yolks with portrait characteristics

Not a single work of Russian literature is devoted to the theme of love. This feeling in any of its manifestations moves people and the world. Relationships between lovers often become a habit. However, A. I. Kuprin endowed one of his heroes in the story “The Garnet Bracelet” with an immortal feeling - love that did not fade away until his death.

Although general characteristics Zheltkova was not distinguished by either her bright appearance or special manifestations of male strength, actions and ideas, but at the end of the work this hero focuses the attention of everyone around her. It becomes understandable, reveals itself thanks to its rich inner world where pure, sincere love takes place.

Occupying the position of a small official “in some government institution,” he did not stand out for his merits or appearance. The unsightly appearance of a frail, short young man no older than forty years old, he looked more like a gentle girl with a dimple on her chin and “soft hair.” His pale skin, erratic movements, nervousness (“buttoned and unbuttoned”) completed the image of a seemingly insecure, secretive man.

Zheltkov’s lack of his own housing confirmed his unfavorable financial situation. Judging by the description of the room he rented, he didn't have much money. He lived in an unlit, small room with old furniture. However, despite such characteristics, this man had endless energy, which gave him strength and the ability to endure any pressure. life path thanks to the moment when he first met Vera Sheina at the circus. From that moment on, love eclipsed everything. He saw no flaws in her, it was his ideal. At times, life seemed like torture to Zheltkov, since he did not see the slightest bit of reciprocity. His beloved was under his supervision all the years. But he did not want to change anything, enjoying the opportunity to love.

This man did not have a special vision of the world. He was an ordinary man, capable of truly loving one woman all his life. Despite her marriage and coldness, hope for reciprocity glimmered in her soul. This feeling gave him unearthly strength and a feeling of happiness. The attitude towards the hero changes from the beginning to the end of the story. From a quiet, unknown person, he turns into a thinking man with raging passions. However, he remains alone with his feelings, expressing thoughts only in letters. He was true to himself and to Vera. And he’s happy just from the thought that he loves her dearly. Zheltkov’s gift in the form of a garnet bracelet is nothing more than a desire to feel an invisible spiritual connection with a woman after she receives it.

Thus, Kuprin endowed Zheltkov with a feeling that pushes a person to exploits. In the souls of such people there is room for kindness, patience, self-sacrifice and loyalty, the desire to give of oneself without reserve.

Several interesting essays

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"Garnet bracelet"- The story of Alexander Ivanovich Kuprin, written in 1910. The plot was based on real story, which Kuprin filled with sad poetry. In 1915 and 1964, a film of the same name was made based on this work. The main characters of the story Garnet Bracelet reside bright moments life, they love, they suffer.

Garnet bracelet main characters

    • Vasily Lvovich Shein - prince, provincial leader of the nobility
    • Vera Nikolaevna Sheina - his wife, Zheltkov’s beloved
    • Georgy Stepanovich Zheltkov - official of the control chamber
  • Anna Nikolaevna Friesse - Vera's sister
  • Nikolai Nikolaevich Mirza-Bulat-Tuganovsky - Vera’s brother, comrade prosecutor
  • General Yakov Mikhailovich Anosov - grandfather of Vera and Anna
  • Lyudmila Lvovna Durasova - sister of Vasily Shein
  • Gustav Ivanovich Friesse - Anna Nikolaevna's husband
  • Jenny Reiter - pianist
  • Vasyuchok is a young rogue and reveler.

Garnet bracelet characteristics Zheltkov

The main character of "Garnet Bracelet"- minor official funny last name Zheltkov, hopelessly and unrequitedly in love with Princess Vera, the wife of the leader of the nobility.

Zheltkov G.S. The hero is “very pale, with a gentle girlish face, blue eyes and a stubborn childish chin with a dimple in the middle; he was about 30, 35 years old.”
7 years ago J. fell in love with Princess Vera Nikolaevna Sheina and wrote letters to her. Then, at the princess’s request, he stopped bothering her. But now he again confessed his love to the princess. J. sent Vera Nikolaevna a garnet bracelet. In the letter, he explained that garnet stones used to be in his grandmother’s bracelet, but later they were transferred to a gold bracelet. In his letter, J. repented that he had previously written “stupid and impudent letters.” Now “only reverence, eternal admiration and slavish devotion” remained in him. This letter was read not only by Vera Nikolaevna, but also by her brother and husband. They decide to return the bracelet and stop the correspondence between the princess and J. When they meet, J., asking permission, calls the princess, but she asks to stop “this story.” J. is experiencing a “tremendous tragedy of the soul.” Later, from the newspaper, the princess learns about the suicide of J., who explained his act as government embezzlement. Before his death, Zh. wrote a farewell letter to Vera Nikolaevna. In it, he called his feeling “tremendous happiness” sent to him by God. J. admitted that, apart from his love for Vera Nikolaevna, “he is not interested in anything in life: neither politics, nor science, nor philosophy, nor concern for the future happiness of people... As I leave, I say in delight: Hallowed be Thy name.” Having come to say goodbye to J., Vera Nikolaevna notices that his face after death shone with “deep importance”, “deep and sweet secret”, as well as a “peaceful expression”, which was “on the masks of the great sufferers - Pushkin and Napoleon”.

Garnet bracelet characteristics of Vera

Vera Nikolaevna Sheina- Princess, wife of Prince Vasily Lvovich Shein, beloved of Zheltkov.
Living in a seemingly prosperous marriage, the beautiful and pure V.N. fades away. From the first lines of the story, in the description autumn landscape with the “grassy, ​​sad smell” of the southern pre-winter, there is a feeling of withering. Like nature, the princess also fades, leading a monotonous, drowsy lifestyle. It is based on familiar and convenient connections, activities, and responsibilities. All the heroine’s emotions have long been dulled. She “was strictly simple, cold with everyone and a little patronizingly kind, independent and royally calm.” In the life of V.N. there is no true love. She is connected with her husband by a deep sense of friendship, respect, and habit. However, in the entire circle of the princess there is no person awarded with this feeling. The princess's sister, Anna Nikolaevna, is married to a man whom she cannot stand. V.N.’s brother, Nikolai Nikolaevich, is not married and does not intend to get married. Prince Shein's sister, Lyudmila Lvovna, is a widow. It’s not for nothing that the Sheins’ friend, the old general Anosov, who also never had true love in his life, says: “I don’t see true love.” Royal calm V.N. destroys Zheltkov. The heroine experiences the awakening of a new spiritual mood. Outwardly, nothing special happens: guests arrive for V.N.’s name day, her husband ironically talks about the princess’s strange admirer, a plan to visit Zheltkov arises and is carried out. But all this time the heroine’s internal tension is growing. The most intense moment is V.N.’s farewell. with the deceased Zheltkov, their only “date”. “At that second she realized that the love that every woman dreams of had passed her by.” Returning home, V.N. finds a pianist she knows playing her Zheltkov’s favorite excerpt from Beethoven’s second sonata.

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