Cities of Chuvashia by population. Chuvash Republic

The Republic of Chuvashia is located on the right bank of the Volga River in the middle of its tributaries Suroy and Sviyaga. There are more than 750 large and small lakes on the territory of the Republic. In the northern part of Chuvashia there are mainly ravines, and in the southern part there is a plain with hills.

The Chuvash Republic is a federal subject. Its area is 18.3 thousand km2.

Climatic features

The temperate continental climate prevails on the territory of Chuvashia. During the year, according to average data, 400-600 mm of precipitation falls.

Residents of the republic

More than 1.3 million people live in Chuvashia, of which about 40% are rural residents.

The Chuvash Republic has 21 districts, nine cities, eight urban settlements and more than 1,700 villages, villages and hamlets. The capital of Chuvashia is Cheboksary, where about half a million people live. At the end of 2001, the city was rated as the most attractive large settlement in Russia.

Story Chuvash people

As researchers say, the first people inhabited these lands 50-70 thousand years ago. In the 4th-3rd millennium BC. e. Finno-Ugrians, who are the ancestors of the present-day Mordovians and Maris, lived here. The Bulgarian and Sabir tribes, who became the ancestors of the Chuvash, lived in Siberia, and their forefathers were the Huns, steppe nomads who eventually abandoned nomadic life and took up arable farming and the production of tools.
In the 10th century, Volga Bulgaria appeared on the territory of Chuvashia - a famous state in the early Middle Ages. In the 13th century it fell to the Golden Horde and became part of it.
In 1438, after the collapse of the Golden Horde, Volga Bulgaria became part of the Kazan Khanate. At this time, the Chuvash had to hide in the forests from forced Islamization.
In the mid-16th century, Chuvashia independently joined the Russian state. It is from this moment that the formation of the Chuvash people takes place.
In 1920, the Chuvash Autonomy was formed, and five years later the Chuvash Autonomous Soviet Socialist Republic was created. Since 1992, this territory received the name of the Chuvash Republic.

Industry and agriculture

There are 12 powerful industrial enterprises in the Republic that produce complex electrical mechanisms and apparatus, refrigeration chambers, soda, resin, high-quality plastic, as well as knitwear, furniture, reinforced concrete structures and much more.
About 60 collective farms and more than 1,200 farms are registered in Chuvashia, producing grain and vegetable crops, potatoes, meat and dairy products and eggs. Many types of cattle, pigs of various breeds are raised here, there are many herds of sheep and herds of horses.

Located in the northern part of the republic, on the banks of the Volga. IN written sources first mentioned in 1469. Population 441.6 thousand people. (2008).

Novocheboksarsk (Çĕnĕ Shupashkar)

Satellite city of Cheboksary. Located 5 km from the capital on the banks of the Volga. Founded in 1960 in connection with the construction of a chemical plant. Population 126 thousand people. (2008).

Kanash (Kanash)

Administrative center of Kanashsky district. Located in the center of the republic, a large railway junction. Founded in 1891. Distance to Cheboksary - 76 km, population - 47.3 thousand people. (2008).

Alatyr (Ulatăr)

Administrative center of the Alatyr region. Located in the southwestern part of the republic, on the left bank of the Sura River, at the confluence of the Alatyr (river)_Alatyr tributary. Founded in 1552 by Ivan the Terrible. Distance to Cheboksary - 185 km, population - 45.8 thousand people. (2008).

Shumerlya (Çĕmĕrle)

Administrative center of the Shumerlinsky district. Located in the western part of the republic. Founded in 1916 in connection with the construction railway. Distance to Cheboksary - 110 km, population - 34 thousand people. (2008).

Tsivilsk (Çĕrpӳ)

Administrative center of Tsivilsky district. Located south of Cheboksary, at the confluence of the Big Civil_Big and Small Civil. Founded in 1589. Distance to Cheboksary - 37 km, population - 13.1 thousand people. (2008).

Kozlovka (Kuslavkka)

Administrative center of the Kozlovsky district. Located on the right bank of the Volga, in the northeastern part of the republic. Founded in 1671. Distance to Cheboksary - 97 km, population - 11.7 thousand people. (2008).

Mariinsky Posad (Sĕntĕrvări)

Administrative center of the Mariinsko-Posad district. Located on the right bank of the Volga, in the northern part of the republic. Founded in 1620. Distance to Cheboksary - 36 km, population - 10.1 thousand people. (2008).

PRIVOLZHSKY federal district. Chuvash Republic - Chuvashia. Area 18.34 thousand sq. km. Formed on June 24, 1920.
Administrative center of the federal district - city ​​of Cheboksary.

Cities of the Republic of Chuvashia:

– subject Russian Federation, part of the Volga Federal District, located in the east of the East European Plain, on the right bank of the Volga River. The main river is the Volga with tributaries Sura, Tsivil, Anish. Cheboksary reservoir. In the south there are tributaries of the Sura (Abyss, Kirya, Me) and Sviyaga (Bula, Kubnya). Floodplain and karst lakes.

Chuvash Republic - Chuvashia included in Volgo-Vyatka economic region. Leading place The economy of Chuvashia is occupied by the industrial complex, which accounts for more than half of the turnover of organizations of all types of activities. The structure of turnover of industrial organizations is dominated by manufacturing, production and distribution of electricity, gas and water. The structure of manufacturing industries is dominated by organizations engaged in production food products, electrical equipment, electronic and optical equipment, machinery and equipment, vehicles. The agricultural complex occupies a special place in the economy of Chuvashia. The main cultivated crops in the Republic are potatoes, vegetables, grains, industrial crops (rapeseed, hemp, sugar beets) and fodder crops. Traditional culture- hops. In the livestock industry, the Chuvash Republic specializes in the production of milk, meat and eggs.

On June 24, 1920, the All-Russian Central Executive Committee and the Council of People's Commissars of the RSFSR adopted a resolution on the formation of the Chuvash Autonomous Region as part of the RSFSR.
On April 21, 1925, the All-Russian Central Executive Committee decided to transform the Chuvash Autonomous Region into the Chuvash Autonomous Soviet Socialist Republic.
On October 19, 1990, the Chuvash Autonomous Soviet Socialist Republic was renamed into the Chuvash Soviet Socialist Republic.
On February 13, 1992, with the adoption of the Law “On Changing the Name of the Chuvash SSR,” the Chuvash SSR became known as the Chuvash Republic.
In accordance with Decree of the President of the Russian Federation dated June 9, 2001 N 679, the name of the subject of the Russian Federation was changed to “Chuvash Republic - Chuvashia”.

Cities and regions of the Chuvash Republic - Chuvashia.

Cities of the Republic of Chuvashia: Alatyr, Kanash, Kozlovka, Mariinsky Posad, Novocheboksarsk, Tsivilsk, Shumerlya, Yadrin.

Urban districts of the Chuvash Republic - Chuvashia:"City of Cheboksary"; "City of Alatyr"; "City of Kanash"; "City of Novocheboksarsk"; "Sumerlinsky".

Municipal districts - Administrative center: Alatyr district - Alatyr city; Alikovsky district - village. Alikovo; Batyrevsky district - village. Batyrevo; Vurnarsky district - town. Vurnars; Ibresinsky district - town. Ibresi; Kanashsky district - Kanash city; Kozlovsky district - Kozlovka; Komsomolsky district - village. Komsomolskoe; Krasnoarmeysky district - village. Krasnoarmeyskoe; Krasnochetaisky district - village. Red Chetai; Marposadsky district - Mariinsky Posad; Morgaushsky district - village. Morgaushi; Poretsky district - village. Poretskoe; Urmara district - Urmary village; Tsivilsky district - Tsivilsk city; Cheboksary district - Kugesi village; Shemurshinsky district - village. Shemursha; Shumerlinsky district - Shumerlya city; Yadrinsky district - Yadrin city; Yalchik district - village. Yalchiki; Yantikovsky district - village. Yantikovo

NOVOCHEBOXARSK, a city (since 1965) in the Russian Federation, Chuvashia, a port on the Volga, 20 km from the Cheboksary railway station. Population 123.1 thousand people (2002). Production of building materials, cotton spinning factory. It appeared in 1960 as a satellite of Cheboksary. Near Novocheboksarsk there is the Cheboksary hydroelectric station.

KANASH(until 1920 Shikhrany), a city (since 1925) in the Russian Federation, Chuvashia. Railway junction. Population 55.3 thousand people (2002). Mechanical engineering and metalworking (factories: electric forklifts, auto aggregates, etc.); PA "Lakokraska", polymer materials plant; food industry. Museum of Local Lore.

ALATYR, a city in the Russian Federation, the Republic of Chuvashia, is located in the Middle Volga region, on the left bank of the river. Sura, at the confluence of the river. Alatyr, 195 km south of Cheboksary. Railroad station. Airport. District center. Population 46.2 thousand people (2001). Founded in 1552. City since 1780.

Coat of arms of the city of Alatyr. Approved December 22, 1780.

Main industrial enterprises: JSC "Electroavtomat", "Electropribor", electromechanical "Lisma", low-temperature refrigerators, mechanical, "Alba" (production of pianos), "Furniture factory". Enterprises of footwear, textile, food industries. Deposits of peat, clay, sand, etc. have been discovered in the area.

Founded by Ivan the Terrible as a fortified point to protect the borders of the Moscow state at the mouth of the river. Alatyr. Since 1780 county town Alatyr.
The city has local history and art museums.

Alatyr. The building of the Chuvash University branch.

In the city and its immediate surroundings there are 15 cathedrals and churches, including St. John the Baptist (1703), Nativity of the Virgin Mary (1747). Active monasteries: Holy Trinity Monastery (founded in 1584) and Kiev-Nicholas Novodevichy Women's Monastery (founded in 1634). Stone mansions from the late 19th - early 20th centuries have also been preserved in Alatyr.

There is an arboretum in the city.

Children's and teenage years sculptor S. D. Erzya (Nefedov), shipbuilder A. N. Krylov (monuments were erected, memorial house-museums were opened), gunsmith designer A. I. Sudaev and others.

SHUMERLYA, in Chuvashia, republican subordination, district center, 110 km southwest of Cheboksary. Located on the slopes of the Volga Upland, the pier is on the right bank of the river. Sura. Railway station on the Moscow - Kazan line. Population 42.7 thousand people (1992; 15.2 thousand in 1926; 30.2 thousand in 1959; 36.2 thousand in 1979).
It emerged in 1916 as a railway settlement. In the 1930s. became the location of a number of industrial enterprises. City - since 1937. In modern Sh.: a caravan plant (built in 1931); factories - special vehicles (1928), chemical (1930); wood processing and food industry enterprises. Sh. is the center of an agricultural region. Museum of History and Local Lore.

TSIVILSK, a regional center in Chuvashia, 37 km southeast of Cheboksary. Located on the Volga Upland, on the banks of the river. Bolshoy Tsivil (near the confluence with the Maly Tsivil river), 8 km from the railway station of the same name on the branch to Cheboksary from the Moscow - Kazan line. Road junction (to Cheboksary, Ulyanovsk, Kazan). Population 10.4 thousand people (1992; 2.3 thousand in 1897; 8.3 thousand in 1979).
The first mention dates back to 1584, when, by order of Boris Godunov, a fortress inhabited by Russians was built here. In 1609 Ts. was burned by the Cheremis, in 1671 it was attacked by the detachments of S. T. Razin, and in 1774 it was taken by the detachments of E. I. Pugachev. In 1781 Ts. received the status of a district city of the Kazan governorship, and from 1796 - in the Kazan province. IN late XIX V. There were 4 stone churches in Tsentralny, and 17 small industrial enterprises operated. The inhabitants were mainly engaged in agriculture. Since 1920, Ts. - as part of the Chuvash Autonomous Okrug, in 1925-90 - in the Chuvash Autonomous Soviet Socialist Republic. In modern C.: food and light industry; brick and car repair factories. Museum of Local Lore.


Yadrin, a regional center in Chuvashia, 86 km southwest of Cheboksary. Located on the left bank of the river. Sura, 59 km from the Shumerlya railway station on the Moscow - Kazan line. Population 10.6 thousand people (1992; 7 thousand in 1979).
Known since 1590. By Chuvash legends, the city is named after the pagan Chuvash. In 1708 Yadrin was assigned to the Kazan province, and in 1781 received the status of a district town of the Kazan province. In modern Yadrin: enterprises of the metalworking, food and clothing industries; production of building materials. Near Yadrina, on the banks of the Sura, there is the Chuvash stud farm.
The creator of the 17-volume Dictionary was born in Yadrino Chuvash language N. I. Ashmarin, artist N. D. Mordvinov.

NOVOCHEBOXARSK, in Chuvashia, republican subordination. Located on the slopes of the Volga Upland, on the right bank of the Volga, 5 km below the city of Cheboksary (the nearest railway station to N.). River port. Airport. Population 120.2 thousand people (1992; 39 thousand in 1970; 86.5 thousand in 1979).
It emerged in 1960 as a builders’ settlement during the construction of the Cheboksary hydroelectric power station. City - since 1965. In modern N.: production of building materials; light and food industry enterprises; a chemical plant is under construction (1992).

MARIINSKY POSAD, a regional center in Chuvashia, 48 km east of Cheboksary. Located on the right bank of the river. Volga, at the confluence of the river. Syndyrka. Pier (Kuibyshev Reservoir). The nearest railway station is Cheboksary. Population 10.7 thousand people (1992).
Known since the beginning of the 17th century. like the village of Sundyr. At the request of the residents of the village of Sundyr and its surrounding villages, in 1856 it was transformed into the city of M.P. Cheboksary district of the Kazan province. In modern M.P.: factories - cable products, car repair, machine-building, building materials, alcohol, creamery, etc. Museum of Local Lore.

KOZLOVKA, regional center in Chuvashia, 95 km southeast of Cheboksary. Located on the right bank of the Volga (Kuibyshev Reservoir). It is connected by a road (9 km) to the Kazan-Moscow highway and the Tyurlema ​​railway station on the Moscow-Kazan line. Population 13.1 thousand people (1992; 11.4 thousand in 1979). City - since 1967. Van plant, creamery.


Buinsk, an urban-type settlement in the Ibresinsky district, in Chuvashia, 117 km southwest of Cheboksary. Railway station on the Kanash - Ruzaevka line. Population over 2 thousand people (1993; 4.2 thousand in 1897; over 2.5 thousand in 1979).
In 1780 the village of B. was transformed into a district town of the Simbirsk governorship. After 1917 - rural settlement, since 1938 - an urban-type settlement.

The Chuvash Republic is located in the center of the European part of Russia - the Volga-Vyatka region. Chuvashia is surrounded by industrially developed centers of Russia: in the west it borders with the Nizhny Novgorod region, in the north with the Republic of Mari El, in the east with the Republic of Tatarstan, in the south its neighbors are the Mordovian Republic and the Ulyanovsk region.

Chuvashia is a compact subject of the federation. From south to north, the territory of the republic stretches for 190 km, from west to east - for 160 km, and occupies an area of ​​18.3 thousand square meters. km.

The Chuvash Republic is located in the east of the Russian Plain, mainly on the right bank of the river. Volga - between its tributaries Sura and Sviyaga. The length of the great Russian river within Chuvashia is 127 km. Over two thousand large and small rivers flow into it. There are over 750 lakes on the territory of the republic. In the north, ravines predominate, in the south - undulating plains.

The distance from Cheboksary to Moscow is about 630 km. Communication with other regions is carried out by rail, road, water and air transport.

Map of Chuvashia »


Moderate continental with clearly defined seasons. In the northern part, the depth of soil freezing reaches 1 m or more, in the middle and southern part - 80-90 cm. Snow cover lasts for five months. The relative humidity in December-January is 80-90%, and in May-June - about 60%. On average, 450-550 mm of precipitation falls annually. Winter precipitation is about 39%, spring - 16%, summer - 31%, autumn - 14% (Cheboksary). For last For 250 years, 32 drought years and 21 cases of severe floods have been recorded. The average air temperature in winter is minus 11 degrees, in summer - plus 20.


On December 26, 1993, a presidential form of government was introduced in the republic. The first president was elected on the basis of universal secret ballot. In 1997 he was elected President of the Republic for a second term, and in 2001 for a third. On August 29, 2005, at the regular XXVI session, on the recommendation of the President of the Russian Federation, the State Council of the Chuvash Republic vested the powers of the President of Chuvashia for a fourth term.

July 28, 2010 on the recommendation of the President of the Russian Federation State Council of the Chuvash Republic is vested with the powers of the President of the Chuvash Republic. August 29 at Great hall Government House took place solemn ceremony assumption of office as President of the Chuvash Republic. Since January 1, 2012 - Head of the Chuvash Republic. On September 13, 2015, on the Single Voting Day, having received 362,301 votes (65.54%, that is, more than half of the votes), he was elected to the post of Head of the Chuvash Republic for a second term. On September 19, 2015, he took office as the Head of the Chuvash Republic.


Communication with the regions is carried out through all types of transport: railway, road, water and air.

Highways are one of the most important elements transport system, which has a huge impact on social and economic development any region. Today, the republic's road network is 12,253.13 km. The roads contain 404 bridges and overpasses, 7994 culverts. In terms of the density of paved roads, Chuvashia occupies one of the leading places in the Volga region federal district, and in the top ten in Russia. Density highways public use with hard surface on the territory of the Chuvash Republic is 408 km per 1000 sq.m.

The main transport arteries are federal roads: the main highway M-7 "Volga" with western and eastern approaches to the city of Cheboksary, providing international road transport connections and federal roads - A-151 "Tsivilsk-Ulyanovsk" and "Vyatka", providing interregional transport connections. Length federal highways, passing through the territory of the republic 329.074 km.

The total length of regional, intermunicipal and local roads is 11,924.056 km, of which 7,156.499 km are paved.

– 1540.256 km - roads of regional and intermunicipal importance, constituting the core network of highways, connecting the capital of the republic with the centers of municipal districts and urban districts, as well as between the centers of municipal districts, and providing access to neighboring regions;

– 10383.8 km of local roads, which are the property of the Chuvash Republic, connecting the administrative centers of municipal districts, urban districts with rural settlements, as well as settlements within the boundaries of the municipal district, road network settlements and cities.

In terms of their importance and the volume of goods transported, federal and republican roads perform the functions of routes that form the framework of the transport network. These are routes with exits to external directions, duplicating federal roads and passing through all regions of the Republic: "Cheboksary - Surskoye", "Anish", "Nikolskoye - Yadrin - Kalinino", "Sura".

One of the main federal highways passes through the capital of the republic, connecting Moscow with Southern Urals, Western and Eastern Siberia. And the Volga and Sura rivers connect Chuvashia with international network waterways.

Along the river The Volga is open to ships until Volgograd, Astrakhan, Rostov-on-Don and to the Caspian, Azov and Black Seas.

International dialing code

8352 + six-digit number (Cheboksary and Novocheboksarsk).

On the territory of the republic, communication standards are GSM - 900-1800, AMPS - 800, CDMA, NMT - 450.

Historical excursion

By scientific information, the first people appeared on Chuvash land 80 thousand years ago. In the IV - III millennia BC. Finno-Ugric peoples lived here, the ancestors of today’s Mordovians and Maris. The Ogur (Bulgarian) and Suvar (Sabir) tribes, from which the Chuvash descended, lived in the upper reaches of the river. Irtysh in Siberia. Their ancestors were the Huns, nomadic pastoralists, already at the end of the last millennium BC. who were introduced to agricultural labor and knew how to make tools from bronze.

In the 10th century AD On the lands of present-day Chuvashia, an early feudal state emerges - Volga Bulgaria. Handicrafts - jewelry, blacksmithing, pottery - are intensively developing here.

At the beginning of the 13th century. The Bulgarian state fell under the yoke of the Golden Horde. While fighting with the Mongols, the Bulgarians partially moved to the area between the Sura and Sviyaga rivers, where they mixed with the Finno-Ugric peoples. The Bulgarians (Suvars) called themselves “Suvaz”, hence the name of the people - Chuvash. It is worth noting that the main language in Volga Bulgaria was the so-called Middle Bulgarian language - the direct ancestor of the modern Chuvash language, containing all its characteristic phonetic and morphological features. This is evidenced by the texts of Bulgarian gravestone inscriptions of the 13th-14th centuries.

In 1438 Golden Horde fell, and Volga Bulgaria passed into the Kazan Khanate. The once prosperous region was devastated; the pagan Chuvash began to hide in the forests to avoid Islamization.

Since mid-18th century before mid-19th centuries The Chuvash were forcibly converted to Orthodoxy.

The modern Chuvash people developed by the 15th century. In 1551, the Chuvash region voluntarily joined the Russian state. The history of the Chuvash developed in such a way that no matter where they lived, they always found themselves at the crossroads of cultures and civilizations, on lands where there was active interethnic interaction, where migration flows and economic and trade ties intersected. This circumstance left its mark on the ethnic culture and language of the Chuvash people.

Chuvash language belongs to the Turkic language language group, while preserving elements of the Finno-Ugric language. It contains many Persian and Arabic words. The Chuvash literacy on the basis of the Slavic alphabet was created in 1871 by the educator of the Chuvash people, the organizer of the first national school in Simbirsk, Ivan Yakovlevich Yakovlev. At the same time, the first books and textbooks appeared in their native language.

IN Tsarist Russia The territory of modern Chuvashia was part of two provinces - Kazan and Simbirsk. On June 24, 1920, the Chuvash Autonomous Region was formed, in 1925 it was transformed into the Autonomous Soviet Socialist Republic, in 1990 it was renamed into the Czechoslovak Socialist Republic, and in 1992 into the Chuvash Republic.

In the Chuvash Republic there are 21 administrative districts, 9 cities, 8 urban-type settlements, and about 1,700 rural settlements. The capital of the republic is the city of Cheboksary (founded in 1469) with a population of more than 470 thousand people.

In terms of population, the Chuvash occupy the fifth place in Russia. They live in many regions of the Russian Federation.

In the Chuvash Republic there are two state languages- Chuvash and Russian. The Chuvash Republic was awarded the Order of Lenin (1935), October revolution(1970), Friendship of Peoples (1972).

The state emblem of Chuvashia is a heraldic shield, on which one can see the “Tree of Life” growing from the Chuvash land. The purple color of the Tree and the lower semicircle symbolizes the eternal desire of the people for freedom. The light yellow background is the color of the Sun, which gives life to everything on earth. According to Chuvash folk beliefs, yellow is the most beautiful of all colors. Above the heraldic shield there are three octagonal stars - one of the most common elements of the Chuvash ornament, expressing beauty and perfection. Stylized hops at the ends of the semicircle are an image of the traditional wealth of the Chuvash people and the republic - “green gold”. Back in the first Treaty Prince of Kyiv Vladimir with Volga Bulgaria in 985 it was said: “Then there will be no peace between us when the stone begins to float and the hops sink” (“The Tale of Bygone Years”).

The state flag of the Chuvash Republic is a rectangular panel with an aspect ratio of 5:8. The main emblem of the State Emblem is the “Tree of Life” - a sign of longevity historical path traversed by the Chuvash people.

Anthem of the Chuvash Republic.

Words - I. Tuktash. Music - G. Lebedev.

Chuvash text National Anthem The Chuvash Republic expresses three circles of images:

  • awakening of nature to new life;
  • relatives, father, mother, children - family circle;
  • unity and consent of all relatives in the “Chuvash world” - the Chuvash Republic.

The melody and words of the anthem are very close to the Chuvash folk song, but have a modern sound and meaning.

On April 29, the republic celebrates the Day of State Symbols of the Chuvash Republic. The attitude towards the symbols of statehood is one of the indicators of the culture of a society, since they reflect the history of the people, their past and present, the traditions of our ancestors and new aspirations for the future. As the President of Chuvashia Nikolai Vasilievich Fedorov noted: “The state flag, coat of arms and anthem of the Chuvash Republic are symbols designed to unite all citizens living in the same territory. They fully and succinctly reflect the Chuvash national flavor as evidence of the connection of times.”

Natural resources

Mineral resources are represented by a group of non-metallic minerals: peat, sands, clay, gypsum reserves, dolomites, carbonates and oil shale. Geological survey data recent years indicate the presence of oil and gas deposits in the depths of the republic. The Chuvash Republic has a unique natural environment. Sources water resources are the beauties of the Volga, Sura, Tsivil rivers, as well as 754 lakes, pearls scattered throughout the Chuvash region. The fish fauna of reservoirs is characterized by an abundance of cyprinids - bream, carp, ide, roach. One of the riches of the republic are forests, which cover a third of the territory, mainly along the Sura and in the Volga region. The forests of Chuvashia are mountain oak forests, mixed forests, and pine forests. Typical representatives of the animal world are elk, bear, wolf, wild boar, hare, fox, marten and otter.


Chuvashia is included in the forest-steppe and forest natural areas. In the southeastern and southwestern steppe regions, meadow-steppe associations dominate. Many plants of steppe areas are located at the northern and northeastern boundaries of their ranges and are represented by populations isolated for a long time. The grass stand is dominated by forbs. Hayfields are insignificant and are represented by dry, flooded and swampy meadows. The vegetation of the swamps is dominated by thickets of black alder and downy birch. Swamping processes were observed on all lakes. About 200 species of weeds, ruderal (plants of disturbed habitats), and adventive (associated with human activity) species grow on the territory of the republic.

Forest resources

In some areas, forests occupy more than 50% of the territory. The entire territory of the Chuvash Republic is divided into 6 plant regions. The Zavolzhsky coniferous region is covered with pine forests of various types, including mossy-lichen, green moss (lingonberry and blueberry), long-moss, lily of the valley, etc. About 65% of the entire area of ​​​​the region is occupied by pine-lingonberry and pine-blueberry forests. In these types of pine forests, a continuous moss cover is developed, consisting of pleurotium, Dicranum species, and Hylocomia lucidum. Common types of undergrowth are Russian broom, gorse, ground reed grass, lily of the valley, common lily of the valley, and among shrubs - lingonberry and blueberry. In small areas there are coniferous plantations with dense grass cover. In the second tier of the tree stand there is rowan, and sometimes buckthorn. The types of spruce forests in this area correspond to the types of pine forests (oxalis, maynikovy, blueberry, etc.). The forests of the Volga region are of water conservation and recreational importance. To the south of the Volga is the Volga oak-forest-steppe region, which occupies about one third of the territory of the republic. The forests are dominated by oak groves, which perform water and soil protection functions. There are pure oak forests and oak forests with linden, maple, elm and elm trees, and in the western parts of the region - with ash trees. The undergrowth consists of hazel with constant participation of euonymus, rowan, viburnum, and bird cherry. West of the Volga oak-forest-steppe region and east of the river. Sura is located in the Prisursky oak forest region. Its southern borders run along the Poretskoye - Vurnary line. Oak forests with an admixture of ash, linden, maple, and elm are common here. Along with hazel, raspberries and currants grow in the undergrowth. The herbaceous cover is composed of oak groves, which includes species that are not typical of the Volga oak groves (for example, pyrethrum, etc.). South of the Poretskoye - Vurnary line and east of the river. Sura is located in the Prisursky coniferous region. In the northern part of the region there are over-aged spruce forests, the rest of the territory is occupied by pine, birch, and aspen. Along with the widespread ones, there are rare species here: Austrian rosemary, multifidus, and representatives of the orchid family.


From north to south there is a change in soils of four main genetic types: podzolic, sod-podzolic, gray forest and chernozem. Podzolic soils occur mainly in the Volga region and the Sur region, soddy-podzolic soils - in the central part of the republic. Before their settlement, the territories of Yalchik, Batyrevsky and partly Alatyr and Shemurshinsky districts were steppe landscapes with mixed grass vegetation. Relatively dry weather and weak soil leaching led to the development of humus-accumulative process and the accumulation of humus - chernozems were formed here. Soddy-floodplain accumulative soils have developed on the floodplains and river terraces. In the Sur and Trans-Volga regions, moss-peat and meadow-peat swamp soils are found. The weighted average content of humus in the soils of the republic is 4.3%.


The most important integral part Chuvashia's economy is a diversified industry. This is a modern branch of material production in which means of production and objects are created. consumer consumption. It accounts for more than 30% of the employed population, about half of the fixed production assets.

There are about 3 thousand industrial enterprises in the Chuvash Republic. Of these, only 217 are large and medium-sized, which produce about 82% of goods and services. If previously the entire volume of industrial products was produced at state industrial enterprises, now the picture has changed dramatically. Up to 77% of products are produced at enterprises of mixed ownership, mainly open and closed joint-stock companies, and only a little more than 11% - at state-owned enterprises.

The leading industries of Chuvashia are mechanical engineering and metalworking, electric power, chemical, light and food. All of them belong to the group of manufacturing industries. Industrial enterprises operate on imported raw materials, fuel and semi-finished products, which come to us from neighboring regions - the Ural, Northern and Western Siberian regions, from near and far abroad countries.

The most developed industry remains mechanical engineering and metalworking. By the end of the 20th century, a machine-building complex was formed in the republic, in which machine-building enterprises are interconnected through the supply of components, finished products and semi-finished products. The republic is preparing qualified mid- and senior-level personnel for these enterprises.

The second largest production volume is the electric power industry. Its importance is extremely great for the entire economy of Chuvashia. Thanks to the Cheboksary hydroelectric power station, the republic fully provides itself with electricity and supplies it to neighboring regions.

Of great importance in the economy of the republic is chemical industry. The largest chemical production is located in Novocheboksarsk. Enterprises in the light and food industries remain important.


About 113 thousand workers are employed in agricultural production, which is about 20% of all workers in the sectors of the economy of Chuvashia.

Chuvashia has relatively favorable natural conditions for farming. Largest specific gravity(56.7%) in the structure of land resources belongs to agricultural lands, including 44.8% of arable lands and 8.3% of pastures. The existing difference in the ratio of cultivated land and pastures in different regions of the republic affects the specialization and degree of development of the crop and livestock sectors. The proportion of arable land is higher in the central and southeastern regions of the republic. The highest rates are in the Yalchik and Tsivilsky districts, 97.3% and 97.2% of the total land area of ​​these districts, respectively. In the central and south-eastern regions of the republic, grains, potatoes, vegetables and fodder crops are cultivated, and in livestock farming, preference is given to pig farming and poultry farming. Hayfields and pastures in to a greater extent are represented in the south-west (Alatyrsky district) and north-west (Krasnochetaisky and Yadrinsky districts), which creates favorable conditions for the development of meat and dairy cattle breeding here.

Nai large areas In the republic, grain and fodder crops occupy, their share is 42.3% and 45.7%, respectively. The following grain crops are grown in the republic: spring and winter wheat, barley, oats, and rye.

In addition to grain crops, large areas of the republic's farms are currently allocated to potatoes (20,611 hectares), which are located in all regions, but especially a lot of them are planted on the farms of the Morgaush, Batyrevsky, and Vurnar districts. Potato yields have increased noticeably. Agricultural enterprises of the republic receive an average of 121 centners per hectare, and in Morgaushsky - more than 160 centners.

In the southern regions, significant areas are occupied by onions and other vegetables. In total, 2,754 hectares are occupied by vegetables in the republic. The largest producers of vegetables are the Cheboksary and Morgaushsky districts. Vegetables are grown in specialized enterprises. An example of such an enterprise is the Oldeevskaya agricultural company, located in the Cheboksary region. Its products (cucumbers, tomatoes, herbs, radishes, etc.) delight us all year round.

In the northeastern regions and some central and southern regions of the republic (an area of ​​2000 hectares), hops are cultivated - an important industrial crop. The republic has good soil and climatic conditions and the skills of the population for its cultivation. Hops are a perennial crop. Hop cones are an indispensable raw material for brewing. The medical, perfumery, canning, baking and paint industries cannot do without it. Chuvashia is the only region of Russia where the main industrial hop production of the country is concentrated (87%).

The climatic conditions of Chuvashia are most favorable for growing apples and berries, so gardening has developed in the republic, especially in suburban areas. In the Cheboksary, Mariinsko-Posad, Tsivilsky and Kanashsky districts, gardens and berry fields occupy up to 1,200 hectares of land.

Livestock farming remains the leading sector of agriculture in the republic. Farms in Chuvashia raise cattle, pigs, sheep, and poultry. Some farms still have horse breeding. The structure of livestock farming is dominated by cattle, which have meat and dairy production.

Pig farming has developed in the suburban farms of the republic and in areas with sufficient food supply. The farms of Morgaushsky, Yalchiksky, Kanashsky, Tsivilsky districts have the highest number of pigs. And the most productive pig breeding is represented in the farms of the Morgaushsky, Yalchik and Yadrinsky districts.

Sheep farming in the republic has received insufficient attention, so the number of sheep is insignificant.

More details:

Chuvash Republic: nature, population, history, economy, healthcare, physical education, education, literature, culture and art: scientific and reference publication / Chuvash. state Institute of Humanities. Sci. - Cheboksary: ​​ChGIGN, 2014.

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