City in the Perm region 5 letters crossword puzzle.

PRIVOLZHSKY federal district. Perm region. Area 160.24 thousand sq. km. Formed on December 1, 2005.
Administrative center federal district - city ​​of Perm.

– subject Russian Federation, part of the Volga Federal District, located in the east of the East European Plain and the western slopes of the Northern and Middle Urals.

Part of the Ural economic region. The Perm region has a variety of natural resources and powerful industrial potential. Main industries: mechanical engineering, chemical, petrochemical, oil refining, forestry, woodworking, pulp and paper, printing, ferrous and non-ferrous metallurgy. Potassium and table salts are mined in the region, coal, oil. In the north of the region there are the largest deposits of potassium salts in Europe. There are precious (diamonds) and semi-precious (selenite) stones, gold and platinum, chrome ores, metallurgical and cement raw materials, and carbonate raw materials. 205 oil and gas fields have been discovered in the region, and eight alluvial diamond deposits have been discovered in the north. The forest resources of the region are also significant. Profitable geographical position defines a complete structure transport system. On the territory of the region, transcontinental railway, road and air lines intersect, there are four easternmost ports of a single deep-water system of the European part of Russia, providing access to Northern and Southern Europe. At the same time, the region has unfavorable natural and climatic conditions for farming and food self-sufficiency. Feed production for meat and dairy farming has been developed; grain crops, potatoes and vegetables are grown. The leading branch of agriculture is livestock farming: dairy and beef cattle breeding, pig farming, poultry farming, goats and sheep are raised. Poultry farming and beekeeping are developed, and suburban farming is located around industrial centers.

The Perm region was founded on October 3, 1938. On December 1, 2005, as a result of the merger of the Perm region and the Komi-Permyak Autonomous Okrug, the Perm Territory was formed.

Cities and regions of the Perm region.

Cities of the Perm region: Perm, Aleksandrovsk, Berezniki, Vereshchagino, Gornozavodsk, Gremyachinsk, Gubakha, Dobryanka, Kizel, Krasnovishersk, Krasnokamsk, Kudymkar, Kungur, Lysva, Nytva, Osa, Okhansk, Ocher, Solikamsk, Usolye, Tchaikovsky, Cherdyn, Chermoz, Chernushka, Chusovoy.

Urban districts of the Perm Territory:"City of Perm"; "Bereznikovsky"; "City of Kungur"; "Kudymkarsky"; “Village Zvezdny ZATO”; "Solikamsky".

Municipal areas: Alexandrovsky district, Bardymsky district, Berezovsky district, Bolshesosnovsky district, Vereshchaginsky district, Gainsky district, Gornozavodsky district, Gremyachinsky district, Gubakhinsky district, Dobryansky district, Elovsky district, Ilyinsky district, Karagay district, Kizelovsky district, Kishertsky district, Kosinsky district, Kochevsky district , Krasnovishersky district, Krasnokamsky district, Kudymkarsky district, Kuedinsky district, Kungursky district, Lysvensky district, Nytvensky district, Oktyabrsky district, Ordinsky district, Osinsky district, Okhansky district, Ochersky district, Permsky district, Sivinsky district, Solikamsky district, Suksunsky district, Uinsky district, Usolsky district, Chaikovsky district, Chastinsky district, Cherdynsky district, Chernushinsky district, Chusovsky district, Yurlinsky district, Yusvinsky district.

Populated areas of the Aleksandrovsky district
Populated areas of Bardymsky district
Populated areas of Berezovsky district
Populated areas of Bolshesosnovsky district

Alexandrovsky district of Perm region

The village of Vsevolodo-Vilva

- a village located in the Aleksandrovsky district of the Perm region. The village is home to 2.8 thousand people.

The village appeared in 1811 during the construction and launch of the Vsevolodo-Vilvensky ironworks. The plant was named in honor of its founder, nobleman Vsevolod Andreevich Vsevolozhsky, and the Vilva River, along which metal was transported at one time.

In 1880, the Vsevolozhskys sold their lands to Pavel Pavlovich Demidov, who managed the Vsevolodo-Vilva factories for five years, after which his son, Elim Pavlovich, became the manager, under whom production ceased.

In 1890, the lands and the plant were acquired by Savva Morozov. He converted the ironworks into a chemical plant. During his time, the plant processed wood and produced charcoal, ketone malo, vinegar powder, methyl alcohol and acetone, necessary for textile dyes and even chloroform. IN western Russia and beyond its borders, the plant's products were in great demand.

Savva Morozov also developed the cultural life of the village. Thanks to his efforts, a hospital, schools at factories and libraries appeared here. In Vsevolodo-Vilva, under the leadership of Morozov, an amateur theater was organized. The great Russian writer Anton Pavlovich Chekhov visited here at his invitation.

After the death of Savva Morozov, the factories passed to his wife, Zinaida Grigorievna, and she gave the factories under the management of Boris Zbarsky, and after a while sold them to Wilhelm Markovich Levi.

Thanks to Boris Zbarsky, Boris Pasternak visited Vsevolodo-Vilva in 1916. In order not to participate in the actions of the First World War, the young poet was formally employed at a factory.

In the house where Boris Pasternak lived from January to June 1916, the Pasternak House Museum, a branch of the Perm Regional Museum, now operates.

Yaiva village

The village was founded in 1930, when special settlers (dispossessed peasants) came here to a new place of residence.

They settled near the Yaiva railway station

The village was founded near the Yaiva railway station. In the 60s there was an attempt to rename the village of Yayva to the city of Mayakovsky, but this attempt ended unsuccessfully. In the 1930s, a sawmill was created in Yaiva, which later grew into a house-building enterprise. In Yaiva during the Great Period Patriotic War there is an evacuation hospital. In 1956, construction began on Yaivinskaya GRES-16. On June 30, 1963, the first units of the state district power plant began operating, and by September 16, 1965, the fourth unit was already operating. Yayva was given the status of an urban settlement on May 12, 1948.

The population of the village of Yayva is about 11 thousand people.

In Yaiva there is a shelter for children and orphans, a city hospital, two secondary schools, School of Music. There is a library and a cultural center.

The basis of the village’s economy is Yaivinskaya GRES-16, Yaiva-les LLC, Yaivinskaya poultry farm, and other enterprises.

Yaivinskaya GRES is the main employer of the village of Yayva.

What interesting things are there in Java?

The main attractions of the village include the monument to the participants of the Great Patriotic War. And further interesting fact: iconic Soviet film“Girls” was filmed at the cutting sites of the Yaivinsky timber industry enterprise. The timber industry enterprise was then one of the largest, most advanced in the Soviet Union, and the nature there was magnificent, which is why they chose it for filming.

Local local history museum For the 50th anniversary of the comedy, we organized an exhibition: we lovingly collected preserved black and white photographs from locals and attached them to the stand.


The first mention of the village refers to the census books of 1630-1631, in which the villages of Barda and Krasnoyar are mentioned. In 1750, the first mosque was built in the village, and in 1760 the first Muslim school (madrassa) was registered with it.

Barda has always been a large village in the entire district; in 1834 more than 1 thousand people already lived in it.

In the middle of the 19th century, when the Bardym volost was formed as part of the Osinsky district, the village of Krasnoyar became the volost center. Thus, according to information from 1908, a volost administration, a zemstvo station and a school were located in Krasnoyar. However, neighboring Barda even then played the role of a kind of center of the district. There was a paramedic station in Barda, weekly markets were held on Wednesdays and two one-day annual fairs on September 5 (18) and November 24 (December 7).

At the beginning of the 20th century, Barda already had 528 households with 2,600 inhabitants.

In 1924, the village of Barda became the administrative center of the newly created district.

origin of name

The name Barda is borne not only by the village, but also by the river flowing along the outskirts of the village - a tributary of the Tulva. And the small river Kazmashka runs through the village itself. And these two rivers gave the village its names - Barda and Kazmakty.

At the same time, the official name Barda is known to everyone far beyond the region, and the name Kazmakty is used only by local residents - Tatars and Bashkirs. If we talk about the origin of these names, then it is worth mentioning the legend of the swam away geese, of which there are several variants. Here is one of them: One day a woman went to wash the geese on the river, but the geese swam away. So she runs and shouts: “ Kazym acts, bar yes, bar yes» (« The geese have swum away, that's it, that's it"). So they named the river Kazmakty, and the village - Barda.

This is just a legend. Toponym Bard on geographical map widespread: a city in Azerbaijan with this name is known, several settlements in Ukraine and Altai have the same name.

The toponym Barda may have its roots in Slavic languages. The word “barda” is widespread in Russian dialects. This is usually the name given to muddy drinking water, so there is a version that this name was originally given to a river with muddy water.

The Barda River and the village of Barda in the Bardymsky district are not the only ones in the Perm Territory. Another river with the same name - a tributary of the Sylva River - flows in the Kishert region, where the Russian village of Spas-Barda is also located.

There is also a hypothesis that the name of the village comes from the Bashkir name for the grayling fish - “berde”. So there is still no definitive answer to the question of how the name Bard appeared.

U local residents special attitude towards the goose. The goose in these parts is a symbol of purity, prosperity and prosperity. It is present both on the coat of arms of the Bardym region and as a ritual dish on the wedding table.

Barda’s calling card is the “goose urine” ritual held in late autumn.

The birds walk importantly through the streets, confident that none of the local residents will dare to encroach on the symbol of loyalty to the traditions of their ancestors.

In the name of the village, the emphasis is placed on the second syllable; in the Perm region there is a humorous saying: “Horda, Barda and Kueda are originally Russian cities.” The essence of the joke is that these are VILLAGES in the Perm region, and Barda and Kueda are also mainly populated by Tatars and Bashkirs.

And another joke that I don’t understand: on local websites they write: “The founding date is considered to be 1932, although it was first mentioned in 1740.” I thought for a long time about the meaning of this phrase and did not understand it. In Wikipedia and the guide to Barda, published in 2009, the first mention dates back to 1630-1631, that is, more than a hundred years earlier. But I couldn’t find the mysterious date 1932 anywhere. Why the village, which had existed for more than 300 years, was suddenly founded again in 1932 is unclear. One gets the impression that this date was taken “from the bullshit,” or, in the context of this situation, “from the bard.”

Just like in ancient times, main pride The cultural life of the area is the annual Barda Zien festival. Several thousand people from the villages of Pritulvye, as well as from all over the Perm region from Tatarstan, Bashkortostan and other regions of Russia, gather for this celebration.

Barda-Zien has its own history. Traditionally, the holiday was held in the village of Krasnoyar after the end of spring field work on June 22 - the day of the summer solstice.

With the formation of the Bardym region with a regional center in the village of Barda, Barda-Zien began to be held in the village of Barda near the Tulva and Barda rivers. Currently, the holiday is held on the Maidan - a special square in Bardazien. It is here that thousands of people gather, living not only in Pritulvie, but also guests from the republics of Bashkortostan and Tatarstan.

The most exciting spectacle of the holiday is horse racing. The winners of the most prestigious 4,000-meter horse racing event in Barda-Siena (derby) will receive a prize established by the governor.

Barda village telephone code: +7 34292

Postal code: 618150

Sights of Barda

In the center of the village there is the Bardymsky regional center of culture and leisure (Lenin St., 39). This is where holidays and festivals are held national cultures. Cultural life Bards cannot be imagined without folk theater, which is one of the oldest rural and national theaters Perm region. The theater’s first performance took place in 1918; in 1966, the theater was awarded the title “national”, and in 1994 – “exemplary”.

Within the walls of the Bardym Culture and Leisure Center there is also the Bardym Regional Museum of Local Lore, which began operating in 1974. This is the only regional museum that sufficiently fully represents the culture of the Turkic population of the region.

Of particular interest in the exhibition are holiday towels - tastymals, richly decorated with patterned weaving. The towels surprise not only with the technique of execution and the variety of ornamental motifs, but also with the multicolored colors and color scheme. Contrast in the use of color is one of the typical features of the decorative and applied arts of the Bashkirs and Tatars. The Bardym Museum is especially proud of its collection of tastymals and other patterned weaving items.

Not far from the House of Culture is Victory Square. There is a stele installed here - a monument to fellow countrymen who died during the Great Patriotic War. Since Soviet times, a monument to V.I. Lenin has stood on the square.

Another central street of the village is Sovetskaya. The main administrative building of the Bardym municipal district is located on this street. Opposite this building is the Bardymskaya gymnasium - the first and only rural gymnasium in the Perm region. Bardym Gymnasium was created in 1993-1994. The gymnasium implements a national-regional component, and the system general education higher level is built in a bilingual environment. In the gymnasium, teaching is conducted in Russian and Tatar.

On the southern outskirts of Barda rises one of the village’s attractions – Cast Iron Mountain.

The mountain offers a magnificent view of the surrounding village of Krasnoyar, the Barda and Tulva rivers. It was Cast Iron Mountain that was chosen as the site for the construction of the Bardym Cathedral Mosque, designed to become architectural center landscape.

This is the highest Cathedral Mosque in the Perm region.

On Chugunnaya Mountain there is a complex of buildings of the Bardym Central District Hospital, among which the red brick buildings built at the beginning of the twentieth century stand out. for the zemstvo hospital: the main hospital building, the outpatient clinic building and the doctor's house. The hospital in 1912 had a hospital with 8 beds and one doctor working there. There was a small pharmacy at the hospital. For more than a hundred years, the buildings have served their intended purpose.

In Barda, traditional rural architecture, wooden houses with carved architraves and gable roofs, and modern brick multi-storey buildings coexist. Recently, new streets and entire neighborhoods have been appearing in Barda.

There are numerous modern shops on the central streets. At the Bardym market you can see the following picture: lambs lie peacefully waiting for their new owners, goslings and ducklings squeak incessantly, and nearby you can buy ultra-modern electronic equipment.

Barda is a village of contrasts, where past and present coexist peacefully, creating a unique flavor.

Historical sketch:

We find the first mention of the village of Elpachikha in the census books of 1630–1631. Originally - the village of Elpakova (it is assumed that the name is based on the Tatar nickname Yalpak, which translated means “flattened, flattened, flat”). And the local residents, the Bashkirs, have their own name for the village - Udik.

In the second half of the 19th century, the village was the center of the Elpachikha volost of the Osinsky district. And today you can see in the village the building of the Elpachikhinsky volost administration, built in 1908-1912. made of red brick. This is one of the few surviving historical monuments sat down.

For a long time, Elpachikha was the center of canton administration; the canton chief’s apartment was located in this village.

(Canton in this case is a military district). According to the reform of 1798, the Bashkirs were equated to the Cossack class, their main duty was military service. The Bashkirs served together with the Orenburg and Ural Cossacks on the Orenburg border line. The entire community collected weapons, equipment, and food supplies for those serving in the service at their own expense. Such a system conscription Bashkirs existed until the 1860s.

Today, exhibits tell about the history and culture of the village school museum and the Museum of the History of the Collective Farm (opened in January 1983).

Sights of Elpachikha:

  • monument to the victims of the civil war;
  • building of the Elpachikha volost government (1908 – 1912);
  • archaeological sites – settlements of Elpachikha I, III and III (IV century BC – V century AD, Ananyinskaya and Glyadenovskaya culture).

By Bardym standards, this is a fairly young village, founded in 1832 by residents of nearby villages and hamlets. It is believed that the first inhabitants of the village were three brothers, after whom the local springs - chishma - were named:

  • Kerlem chishma,
  • Marat Chishma,
  • Shәmsәy chishma.

But the history of the Kudashevo land began long before the founding of the village. It has its roots in ancient times. On the territory and in the vicinity of the village there are the most famous archaeological monuments of the area:

  • Kudashevsky burial ground,
  • Kudashevskoye settlement,
  • Kudashevskoe settlement.

They date back to the early Iron Age (IV–V centuries).

If you look into Kudash in summer months, then you can see how archaeological excavations take place, how scientists discover secrets

stories, what secrets the Kudashevo land keeps.

Materials from excavations in Kudash have been repeatedly demonstrated at exhibitions in the local history museum of the village of Barda, in the village of Kudash. Among the exhibits are weapons found by archaeologists - swords, helmets, chain mail, as well as household items, women's jewelry, and festive horse harness. Currently, the district administration and archaeologists from Udmurt University are working on the creation of an archaeological museum in the village of Kudash, a branch of the Bardym regional museum of local lore.


According to the results of the 2010 census, the population was 411 people.

Sultanay is the birthplace of the Mansurs of Muhammadgat. This is a famous religious and public figure, educator, ishan, entrepreneur and philanthropist. Emperor Nicholas II granted him the title of general. Comes from a Bashkir princely family.

The village of Sultanay has been known since 1738 as the village of Saltanayev.

Here, in mid-19th century, with the support of Muhammatgat Hazrat Mansurov, a madrasah was opened, where Zinnatula, the grandfather of the poet Gabdulla Tukay, studied.

In 1897, a secular madrasah school was opened, where humanities and natural sciences were taught.

In 1983, a local history museum was opened at the Sultanay school, where ancient books in Tatar and Arabic and materials on the history of the village are stored.

Since 1992, the school has been located in a new brick building.


History of the village of Asovo

When the first inhabitants came here, and when the village arose, such information has not been preserved. It is only known that the Asovo region was settled later than the Berezovsky region.

The settlement was originally called the village of Osof, and was mentioned under that name for the first time since 1747 in written sources. This village got its name from the river, which in 1623-1624. was known as Osov, and since 1625 as Asov. This name comes from the Turkic word asau “bitter, salty” (salt springs exist in these places).

While there was no church in this settlement, the parishioners belonged to the church in the village of Taz. By decree of the Holy Synod of August 31, 1832, it was allowed to build a church in Asov.

It became a village in 1833, when the stone Holy Trinity Church was founded here. In the past this was the village of Asovskoye.

In 1823, a sawmill was founded in Asov, which operated until 1917; its last owner was G.I. Komissarov.

In 1833-1836. in the village itself, in the Asov volost and other surrounding volosts, unrest broke out among peasants, frightened by the message that they were being transferred to an appanage department, which meant the loss of personal freedom. These unrest in May-July 1836 resulted in an armed uprising, which was led by the rebel headquarters led by V. M. Sukhanov.

Asovo was the center of the Asovo volost of the Kungur district.

Sights of the village of Asovo

The sights of the village of Asovo are monuments to the victims of the civil war and participants of the Great Patriotic War.

The building of the current Holy Trinity Church (1833-1844) is interesting. The large brick church was built in the style of late classicism. It consists of a three-story quadrangle covered with a domed roof, an extensive refectory and a hipped bell tower in the pseudo-Russian style, built in the late 19th - early 20th centuries. Closed in 1936, returned to believers in 1992.

Taz Russian

Taz Russian- a village in the Berezovsky district of the Perm region. The first mention of the village of Taz Russkiy dates back to 1693, which means it is over three hundred years old. Once upon a time the village was the center of the volost. In 1701, a wooden church already existed in the village.

It was replaced by another wooden temple. In 1810, the stone Church of John the Baptist was founded. Construction took 15 years, and in 1825 the temple was completely completed.

The brick Church of John the Baptist was built in the forms of classicism. The two-story low quadrangle is covered with a domed roof with lucarnes and a dome; from the west, the quadrangle is adjoined by a two-aisle refectory and a bell tower of eclectic architecture, probably rebuilt at the end of the 19th century.

IN Soviet time, in 1939, the Church of John the Baptist was closed. A grain warehouse is located here. Then in the church building different time cultural institutions and a correctional school were located.

In the fall of 2008, the Church of John the Baptist was returned to believers.

- a village in the Berezovsky district of the Perm region. The population is just over 200 people. This small settlement is interesting because there is an active stone Church of the Nativity of Christ, built at the end of the 19th century.

The first wooden church in Sosnovka was built and consecrated in 1838. Over time, it became dilapidated and cramped. Therefore, in 1881, a stone temple was founded. The church took 11 years to build and was consecrated in 1892.

The brick church is made in eclectic forms. Adjacent to the main volume, crowned with a rotunda under a dome, is a small refectory, which connects the main quadrangle of the temple with a three-tier bell tower. The Nativity Church was closed in 1938 and was mostly used as a club. Only in 1943-1945. there was a grain warehouse in it. In 2009, the Church of the Nativity in the village of Sosnovka was returned to believers.

The landmark of the village is the Tractor pedestal, which is located in the center of the village. Locals call it the "Iron Horse". This is one of four tractors that were the first to arrive in the Berezovsky district in May 1932 and were sent to the Rassvet collective farm. Tractor brand STZ (Stalingrad Tractor Plant).

On the day of the fortieth anniversary of the Great October Revolution Socialist revolution in Sosnovka, a stele was unveiled dedicated to the first executive committee of the Sosnovka volost council of workers, peasants and soldiers' deputies, who was brutally murdered in 1919 by the White Guards

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Bolshesosnovsky district

Bolshaya Sosnova- a village in the Perm region. The distance to Perm is 134 km. The village stands on the Sosnova River, a right tributary of the Siva River, which flows into the Kama, the administrative center of the Bolshesosnovsky Municipal District. The population of the village is approximately four and a half thousand people.

The village of Bolshaya Sosnova appeared in the eighteenth century as a result of the merger of several villages - Okolotok, Podkukuy, Podgorica and Kurmysh. In historical documents, the first mention of the village dates back to 1716. In 1762 it was called “the village of Vasilyevskoye, Sosnova also.” In the 18th century, the village was a postal station on the Siberian Highway. In the nineteenth century it was Sosnovskoe village. It became district center in 1924.

In 1927, a flax processing station appeared in the village of Bolshaya Sosnova, which later grew into a flax mill.

Sights of the village Bolshaya Sosnova

Vasilyevskaya Church

The Church of St. Basil was founded in 1822 to replace the wooden one that existed on this site already in 1763. Built in 1834 at the expense of parishioners. The brick three-altar church was built in the style of classicism. This is indicated by both the volumetric design and details in the spirit of classicism: pediments, rustication, Tuscan portico, entablature.

Moreover, the plan is a baroque building. Three-petal configuration in plan, a unique temple in composition. Closed in the 1930s, a club was located within the walls of the temple. The church was returned to believers in the 1990s and consecrated as Vladimir.

In the 30s of the last century, a three-tiered belfry with a spire rose above the Church of St. Basil, the altars were decorated with domes, and there was a white stone arch in front of the entrance.

House of merchant Limonov

The mansion of merchant Limonov was built at the beginning of the 20th century. It is a rectangular one-story brick building. Main facade The mansion is symmetrical, its center is emphasized by an attic of complex shape. The cornice is decorated with a crenate frieze. The windows with segmental finishing are framed with brick platbands. An example of residential architecture from the early 20th century. The house of merchant Limonov marks the red line of the historical development of the village. It is included in the list of urban planning and architectural monuments of the Perm region of local significance.

Chapel-monument in honor of the passage of Emperor AlexanderI

Emperor Alexander I passed through Bolshaya Sosnova in 1824. A chapel-monument was built in the center of the village in honor of this event. It is an octagonal plan with narrow diagonal edges. All facades are symmetrical, completed with triangular fronts, windows with segmental completion, a hipped roof, the corners are flanked by smooth blades. The chapel-monument is included in the list of urban planning and architectural monuments of the Perm region of local significance. An example of the first cult architecture half of the 19th century century.

The main attractions of Bolshaya Sosnova include:

  • Lisitsin estate,
  • house of merchant Lobashev,
  • monuments to the victims of the civil war and participants of the Great Patriotic War,
  • birch grove near the central district hospital.

Village Bolshaya Sosnova photo

- a village located on the banks of the Kyzylka River, near its confluence with the Siva River, in the Bolshesosnovsky district of the Perm Territory. The first information about the village of Polozovo dates back to 1748. It became a village in the 1860s. Administrative center of Polozovsky rural settlement. Population: about 400 people.

In 1891-1898 In Polozov, a brick church of St. Prince Vladimir was built. Prince Vladimir became famous for the Baptism of Rus'. All over Rus', after the death of the prince, temples were built in his memory. One such temple was built in the village of Polozovo. The architecture of the church is close to exemplary designs. A five-domed quadrangle with cut corners, with a small refectory and a bell tower adjacent to it. The Church of St. Prince Vladimir was closed in 1926. Restoration of the temple began in 1995.

Currently, services are held in the temple on holidays.

Village Zachernaya

Village Zachernaya is located in the Bolshesosnovsky district of the Perm region. It is part of the Chernovsky rural settlement.

According to documents, the village of Zachernaya has been known since 1787.

In 1941, most of the Zachernovsky men volunteered to defend their homeland from fascism. Many did not return home. In 1947, when there was no one to wait for from the front, the village residents decided to plant a birch garden in honor of their fallen relatives, acquaintances, and friends.

The garden has been fenced. In the center of the planted garden there was a paved area made of boards. They watched strictly so that the trees did not die. New ones were planted periodically. There were benches and a table on the site.

And now the birch garden in the village of Zarechnaya brings joy to people. In the Chernovsky rural settlement, this is so far the only beautiful birch park.


Lyagushino- a village in the Bolshesosnovsky municipal district of the Perm Territory, part of the Chernovsky rural settlement.

There is a legend according to which the first resident of the village of Lyagushino was a Sagittarius, who was exiled to this region during the reign of Peter the Great. Allegedly he was very tall, lanky, awkward and belonged to the type of people who at that time were called “frogs”. The name of the village came from his nickname.

At the turn of the 19th and 20th centuries, the village of Lyagushino was one of the largest in the Chernovskaya volost. By the middle of the twentieth century, there were more than 100 peasant households in the village. The decline of Lyagushino began after the 60s of the twentieth century.

Just like a hundred years ago, a chapel in honor of the appearance of the Tikhvin Icon rises above the village Mother of God. The chapel is active, and near the chapel there is a spring, which the residents called the “Cross”.

The reason for the appearance of this chapel is explained by a legend, according to which about 100 years ago, one of the residents of Lyagushino discovered an icon of the Tikhvin Mother of God at this place. The icon was taken to the church in the village of Chernovskoye. However, a few days later the icon appeared in this place again, and soon a spring began to flow here. Residents decided to celebrate this event by building a chapel. At the beginning of the twentieth century, a wooden chapel was built with donations from parishioners, which was named after the icon of the Tikhvin Mother of God. And the villagers quickly noticed medicinal properties water in the spring. After using it, digestion improved (heartburn and heaviness in the stomach went away), wounds washed with it and sore eyes healed faster. And since the spring is located next to the chapel, the water began to be called holy. People from surrounding villages began to come for water.

Every year on July 9th hundreds of people gather near the village chapel. Here the priests hold a prayer service in honor of the icon of the Tikhvin Mother of God, and then a solemn procession takes place to the “Cross,” a small spring whose water is considered holy.

- a village in the Bolshesosnovsky municipal district of the Perm Territory. The famous Siberian Highway passed through the village, along which “politicals” went into exile.

At one time, Emperors Alexander I and Alexander II visited Tarakanovo. A small chapel was even built in the village in honor of the arrival of Alexander I.

The main pride of the village is the holy spring of Seraphim of Sarov.

The water in the source was considered healing, and each case of healing was spread widely throughout the area. There is a legend according to which an icon of the Mother of God appeared to people more than once in this spring.

The spring is named in honor of the especially revered Venerable Wonderworker Seraphim of Sarov, celebrated Orthodox Church August 1.

According to the testimony of old people, in early XIX century, a small convent settled here. A two-story wooden chapel was built. The source was located inside the chapel, there were wooden benches there. People came and came to the source from afar, so they could first rest from the road at the source, and then start praying.

The monastery was destroyed after 1917 and pilgrimages were prohibited. Old-timers claim that they repeatedly tried to fill up the holy spring, but again and again the spring made its way out to people.

Every year on August 1, Christians go to bow to the source, among them there are many people who are weak, sick, wheelchairs. The source of Seraphim of Sarov has now become a place of pilgrimage not only for believers from Bolshaya Sosnova, but also Perm, Ural, Chasty, Nytva, Maysky.

- a village in the Bolshesosnovsky district of the Perm Territory, the center of the Toykinskoye rural settlement. It is located on the Potka River, a right tributary of the Chernaya River, which in turn flows into the Siva River (a tributary of the Kama). About five hundred people live in Toykino.

History of the village of Toykino

The settlement on this site was founded in 1715. There is a legend that a man nicknamed Toyko (according to another version, Tuyka) came here for the first time. He was the first to settle here and build a farm for himself. This is how Toykino appeared.

Initially it was designated as follows: “the village of Toykino on the wasteland on the Votyak herring.” It is unknown whether Toyka was there or not, but it is known for certain that the village was founded on the lands of the Udmurts by Russian yasash peasants (they paid yasak). In 1832, when the Church of the Virgin Mary was built here, the village received the status of a village.

This church still exists today. True, there is information that its current building was erected in 1908.

In the village, the Church of the Virgin Mary is called the “old church”. In 1935 it was closed.

Three kilometers from the village of Toykino, on the slope of a hill, framed at the foot by a stream, there was a monastery. The monastery was founded by Old Believers who fled Nikon's reforms. The Toykinsky monastery existed until the beginning of the 20th century, gradually falling into decay; the last inhabitants left it during the Civil War.

During the Civil War, intensive military operations took place in the vicinity of the village. fighting. The trenches dug during the battles, now heavily overgrown, preserve the memory of these events.

Until 1924, the village of Toikino was the center of the Toikinsky volost of the Sarapul district of the Vyatka province and until January 2006 the center of the Toikinsky village council. Until November 1959, Toykino was part of the Chernovsky district.

A significant date for the village of Toykino was 1922. In July of this year, a convoy of 21 tractors from the American Society of Friends arrived to work at the Toykinsky state farm. Soviet Russia" This is a very interesting episode in the history of the Perm region. The column was led by Harold Ware. These were the first tractors in the Urals. The arriving detachment was placed in the cells of an empty monastery.

In Toikino, the detachment began plowing virgin soil. The state farm was “neglected”; the land had not been cultivated for many years. The local residents were stunned by both the tractors, which they had never seen before, and the American guests themselves. Masses of peasants came here, dozens of miles away, to see the machines at work.

The help of the Americans could not have come at a better time: there were almost no men in the surrounding villages, most had not returned from the fronts of the imperialist or civil wars, and the remaining residents did not have the physical means to cultivate their own plot.

According to the recollections of the old-timers of the village of Toikino, the Americans were friendly to everyone who came to them and tried to feed the hungry people lunch. Recently ended Civil War, many people did not have a piece of bread.

During the entire period of work in Toikino, the Americans plowed and sowed 1,400 hectares. Having left in the late autumn of 1922, they left tractors and fields sown with rye at the state farm.

Toykin residents and residents of surrounding villages who interacted with the Americans have the brightest memories of them.

In 1929, the former monastery lands were given to the first organized in the Bolshksonsky district collective farming- Zarya commune. In 1935, the Zarya commune was reorganized into the Zarya collective farm. A village was formed next to the former monastery, which also became known as Zarya.

In connection with the reforms of N.S. Khrushchev, the village of Zarya, along with dozens of other villages in the area, was declared unpromising, and in 1960-1970. All the inhabitants left it. The houses, as well as the walls of the monastery, were dismantled and transported to neighboring settlements. Everything that remained after that gradually collapsed.

In 2010, a wooden Old Believer church was built in Toykino. This temple was named in honor of the “holy and glorious prophet Elijah the Tezbite.” Residents of the village of Toykino call Ilyinskaya Church “the new church.”

, with a population of more than 2 thousand people. Located on the territory of the Bolshesosnovsky district of the Perm Territory, the center of the Chernovsky rural settlement.

History of the village of Chernovskoye

A settlement on this site has been known since 1713. Initially it was called “repair on the Siwa River”. In 1716, it already appears in documents as the village of Ilyinskoye (so named after the Church of Elijah the Prophet built in the village), in 1719 it is already called “Ilyinskoye, Chernoe also.” Chernovskoe received its modern name from the Chernaya River flowing here, the right tributary of the Siva River. The village was the center of the Chernovskaya volost of Okhansky district. In years already Soviet power it was the center of the Chernovsky district for two periods:

  • February 27, 1924 – June 10, 1931;
  • January 25, 1935 – November 4, 1959

After the Chernovsky district was abolished, until January 2006 it was the center of the Chernovsky village council.

From 1932 to 1962 a flax mill operated here in the 1950s. - creamery. In 1960, a cheese factory was founded in Chernovsky. Now the rural economy is represented by a number of small agricultural and construction enterprises.

Sights of the village of Chernovskoe

House of merchant Gorokhov

The House of Merchant Gorokhov is a one-story brick building with a basement, built in 1903.

The richest young merchant Nikolai Gorokhov once lived in this house. Their long façade was asymmetrical. The house had many different buildings. The windows with segmental finishing are framed with brick platbands. The building is the architectural dominant of the quarter and marks the red line of the historical development of the village of Chernovskoye.

An example of residential architecture from the early 20th century. The house of the merchant Gorokhov is included in the list of urban planning and architectural monuments of the Perm region of local significance.

Architectural monuments late XIX- beginning of the 20th century There are also the house of the merchant Kashkarov and merchant warehouses.

Near the village - archaeological sites– Chernovskoe settlements I, II, III (Iron Age).

Go to the list of settlements in the Perm Territory by district...

They have different histories and fates, differ in size and population. How many are there in total within the region? When were they founded and what can tourists see here? You will learn about this from our article. Special attention will be allocated to the second most populous city in the region - Berezniki.

Cities of the Perm region

One of the subjects of the Russian Federation, which is located in its European part, in the Urals. Geographically, only 0.2% of the region's territory is located in Asia.

The region is famous for its beautiful nature, rich mineral resources and developed economy. Coal has been mined here for two centuries, oil since 1929. The only chromite deposit in Russia is being developed in the region. The region is quite highly urbanized: the share of the urban population here reaches 76%. The cities of the Perm region, with the exception of Perm (the administrative center), are small. There are 25 of them in total.

Full list of cities in the Perm Territory (settlements are listed in order of decreasing population):

  1. Permian.
  2. Berezniki.
  3. Solikamsk (part of the same agglomeration together with Berezniki).
  4. Chaikovsky.
  5. Kungur.
  6. Lysva.
  7. Krasnokamsk.
  8. Chusovoy.
  9. Dobryanka.
  10. Chernushka.
  11. Kudymkar.
  12. Vereshchagino.
  13. Lips.
  14. Nytva.
  15. Kiesel.
  16. Krasnovishersk
  17. Wow.
  18. Alexandrovsk.
  19. Gornozavodsk
  20. Gremyachinsk.
  21. Okhansk.
  22. Usolye.
  23. Cherdyn.
  24. Chermoz.

It is curious that the last two cities have a population of less than five thousand people. Within the Perm region there are towns and even villages in which more people live.

The number 1 city in the region is Perm: in terms of size, population and economic potential. But not by age. The Perm region is Cherdyn, which was once the capital of these lands. It was founded back in the 15th century. Today it is a provincial town with a population of 4.5 thousand people. It's amazing how radically the fate of a particular settlement!

architecture, interesting places

The most famous tourist attractions of the Perm region are not in the cities, but outside them. These are, first of all, huge tracts of taiga forests, mountain rivers, mysterious caves and, of course, amazing rock outcrops. It is not for nothing that travelers call this region the land of rocks and stones. Gray, Talkative, Written Stone - all these objects attract many tourists every year.

The cities of the region also have a lot of interesting things: numerous museums, temples and architectural monuments. Fans of beautiful architecture and ancient estates should definitely visit Perm, Usolye, Lysva, Solikamsk and Kungur. It is best to stay in the “capital” of the region - Perm. The city is located in its central part, and from it it will be convenient to make radial trips and excursions to different parts of the region.

The city of Berezniki (Perm region): history and attractions

Berezniki is the second most populous city in the Perm region, with a population of about 150 thousand people. It was founded not so long ago - in 1932, although the history of salt mines in these lands began in the 17th century. The Verkhnekamskoe potassium salt deposit is the largest on the planet. And since the 1970s, oil has also been produced in the city.

In Berezniki several ancient architectural structures. This is a temple from 1754 and several civil buildings of the early twentieth century (hospital, school, cinema).

Local sinkholes - unique landscape formations that arose on the site of underground workings - can be considered a unique attraction. In the 2000s, several serious sinkholes up to 90 meters deep occurred in the city.


The cities of the Perm region can be very interesting for tourists and travelers. There are ancient manors and temples, museums and beautiful civil architecture. The most attractive in in terms of tourism The cities of the region are Perm, Lysva, Solikamsk, Berezniki, Usolye, Kungur.

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