GPS glitches after app update. Yandex Navigator - weak GPS signal

Your phone's GPS allows you to use navigation apps such as Google Maps and location services. And a good signal is crucial not only for navigation, but also for augmented reality games like Pokemon Go. If you are experiencing problems with this on your Android phone, then check out our tips to help improve the GPS signal on your Android device.

What is GPS?

To know how to optimize the performance of the GPS module, you need to understand how it works. GPS stands for Global Positioning System, that is, a global positioning system. It was developed by the military, but later began to be used for civilian purposes. GPS originally used 24 satellites orbiting planet Earth, but the number has now increased to 31.

Your smartphone communicates with these satellites through a special antenna that is part of the hardware in most modern mobile devices. Naturally, the hardware is controlled by software through the driver. Thus, there are three sources of error for the GPS signal in a smartphone:

  • Number of available satellites at current location
  • The quality of the antenna that is inside the smartphone
  • Driver implementation in the Android operating system

Switch to High Precision mode

To get the best signal, you should be prepared for the battery life of your device to be lower than usual. It's a necessary sacrifice, but you can still change the settings back when you don't need to pinpoint your location. For example, when you play Pokemon Go. It's very simple, follow our instructions in the instructions below.

Open Settings, go to Location and make sure location services are turned on. If they are turned off, then click on the switch in the upper right corner.

At the very top, under this switch, there is a menu with mode selection. Tap on it and make sure that the “High accuracy” option is selected. This means that the built-in GPS, Wi-Fi and mobile network will be used to determine your location. This may increase power consumption, but the detection accuracy will improve significantly.

Make GPS always active

To save battery power, the GPS module can be turned off when not in use. If, for example, you are playing Pokemon GO and at that moment you want to read a new message, then the GPS will turn off for this time.

One way or another, you can force it to always be active, but this is not difficult to do. You need to install one application from the Google Play Store, and it will do everything for you. We recommend Connected GPS because it's the easiest to use. Keep in mind that this can be a real blow to the autonomy of your device.

Why might GPS not work?

With GPS Essentials, you can diagnose the cause of a weak GPS signal. Problems may arise from hardware or software. On the main screen of GPS Essentials, find the “Satellites” item and go to it. The smartphone must connect to satellites available in Earth orbit.

If your phone has not found any satellites or is unable to connect to them due to a poor signal, then the reason for this may be interference from metal objects around you: the smartphone case or the module built into it simply does not work as it should. If the satellites appear, but the GPS is still not working properly, then the problem is in the software and we recommend using the next tip on the list.

Clear GPS data

Sometimes your device gets stuck on some GPS satellites, even if they are not within range, which causes problems in the module's operation. This can be corrected using another application - GPS Status & Toolbox, which clears GPS data and the phone can reconnect to satellites from scratch.

Install this tool and then run it. Press the “Menu” button, where you need to select “Manage A-GPS state”. Next, you need to click the “Clear” button, and after completing this process, return to “Manage A-GPS state” and click on the “Download” button. That's it, after this the GPS module should work like new.

Buy an external GPS receiver

If the GPS on your smartphone still does not want to work or its accuracy is not enough for you, then you can try an external GPS receiver. It can be synchronized with your phone via Bluetooth and charged with the same charger that comes with your smartphone. The only problem in this case is the cost of an external GPS receiver, since you will have to pay about 6,000 rubles for a good model.

All modern smartphones and most tablets are equipped with a GPS location module. GPS “lays out” routes through unfamiliar areas, can determine your location with an accuracy of several tens of meters, and also automatically launches some programs or turns on reminders in specific places. Perhaps the only disadvantage of GPS is that it drains the battery of a smartphone (tablet) very quickly. Before starting GPS, let's figure out how to properly configure its operating mode. Let's take a closer look at how this can be done, and also explain how to configure GPS using the engineering menu in case of incorrect operation.

Modern devices combine the functions of several devices at once

Setting the GPS operating mode

GPS is enabled in the notification bar. It is indicated by an icon that resembles a needle. You can determine the operating mode by going to “Settings - Personal data - Location - Mode”. The system will offer you three options: “High accuracy”, “Battery saving”, “By device sensors”. In newer versions of Android they may be called: “By all sources”, “By network coordinates”, “By GPS satellites”. Let's figure out what's behind each of them.

  1. "High accuracy"(“According to all sources”). The most accurate, but at the same time the most “gluttonous” mode. Determines coordinates by all available means: GPS, Wi-Fi and using . The space is constantly monitored for the presence of a signal, determining the location both in open areas and indoors. This mode is also called A-GPS. If conventional navigators pick up signals exclusively from satellites, then not every smartphone and tablet is capable of this. Additional service information downloaded from the World Wide Web will significantly speed up search and communication with satellites.
  2. "Battery Saver"(“By network coordinates”). Uses only wireless networks - the GPS module is not used. In this case, the accuracy of determining coordinates decreases somewhat. Indoors, the location is determined quite accurately by the Wi-Fi signal; in a mobile operator’s network, by the signal from the radio tower.
  3. "By device sensors"(“According to GPS satellites”). This mode only works in open areas - the location is determined by the satellite signal. Indoors, the signal is lost, and the location, accordingly, will not be determined.

For optimal battery consumption, you should select the “By device sensors” mode and turn off location detection in the notification panel. If you need to get directions, then you turn on location determination again and follow the instructions of the navigator. If you want to have one, and you are not bothered by slightly increased battery consumption, then select the “Battery Saver” mode. If battery consumption issues do not bother you, and you like it when the system determines your location with an accuracy of up to a meter, then your mode is “High Accuracy”.

Setting up GPS through the engineering menu

A flawlessly working GPS module (search for satellites, quick connection to them, stable communication with them) greatly simplifies life, especially when you are moving through unfamiliar terrain.

But in Chinese models running on the MTK processor, if GPS is used for a long time, the connection may become unstable, in the worst case, the location may not be determined at all. This is all due to the fact that the module is not configured quite correctly to work in our latitudes.

In order to adjust the GPS operation, log in where you will have to make a number of simple settings. We would like to warn you that you will perform all actions at your own peril and risk.

So, the device must receive superuser rights (also called Root).

  1. Turn on GPS and Wi-Fi and go out onto the balcony, or better yet, to any open space.
  2. Enter the engineering menu. To do this, enter the combination *#*#3646633*#*#, or *#15963#*, or *#*#4636#*#* on the keyboard. It may differ from the combination for your smartphone (tablet). If none of the listed combinations work, download the Mobileuncle ToolHero program and select the appropriate menu item in it. The program itself is Russified, but the engineering menu is in English.
  3. In the program menu you will see several bookmarks. Scroll to the left, select the Location tab, and go to Location Based Service.

  1. In the EPO tab, check Enable EPO and Auto Download. EPO is a system file containing information about the coordinates of satellites and their flight path. This item is not active on all devices. How to download EPO can be found on specialized Internet forums, for example,
  2. Go back to the previous level and select YGPS. In the Satellites tab you will see a diagram with the location of the satellites. They will all be red. This means that the gadget sees them, but due to incorrect settings it cannot connect to them.
  3. Go to the Information tab, click full, then after a couple of seconds AGPS restart.
  4. Return to the Satellites tab. After a few minutes, the tablet will connect to the satellites and the dots will turn green. Please note that if you are setting up GPS on the balcony, then your device may still not connect to some of the satellites. This occurs due to signal interference.
  5. Reboot your device. Now the signal from satellites should be picked up much faster and more reliably.


Nowadays you know everything about the operating modes of the GPS satellite module on an Android tablet, and in case of unstable operation, you can configure it.

We will be very grateful if you share your feedback on the material or add valuable additions regarding the operation of your particular device model.

Modern smartphones are equipped with a GPS chip, which greatly simplifies our travels or searches for a specific address. However, there are often cases when GPS does not work well. And this is not always the fault of an insufficiently well-built smartphone. You can often improve the functioning of the navigation module by tinkering with the settings.

Many motorists have a full-fledged GPS navigator. Some of these devices have an antenna connector on the back wall or side. This allows you to enhance signal reception several times - you just need to get the appropriate antenna.

As for modern smartphones, we hasten to disappoint you. You will never find a special antenna connector in their composition. You can improve GPS reception on Android only using software methods. If they don't work, then you will have to come to terms with the current state of affairs. As you might guess, budget devices work worst with GPS satellites. This is explained by the fact that they are equipped with the cheapest and oldest navigation chips, which have a low operating speed and a weak signal receiver.

Visiting the settings section

In many smartphones and tablets, the GPS chip is completely disabled by default. In this case, the device determines its location using cell towers and Wi-Fi networks. To enable the navigation chip, you need to configure the device. To do this, do the following:

Step 1. Go to the section " Settings».

Step 2. Here you should be interested in the item “ Location».

Step 3. This item may have a different name on different devices. For example, on Samsung tablets you need to select the “ Connections" and click on the item " Geodata", at the same time activating the corresponding switch.

Step 4. In this section, you need to enable high location accuracy. The device must use all sources for this - GPS satellites, Wi-Fi networks and data from cell towers.

It should be noted that in this operating mode, energy consumption increases. And if this is practically not noticeable on new smartphones, then owners of budget and older devices will definitely feel the reduced battery life.

Compass calibration

If it’s impossible to enhance signal reception on smartphones, then no one can stop you from improving the performance of your digital compass. The fact is that on some devices it is not calibrated, as a result of which the navigation program cannot understand in time which direction of the world your smartphone is facing. At this moment it seems to you that the device does not pick up GPS.

To calibrate the compass you will need an app GPS Essentials. Download and install it, then do the following:

Step 1. Launch the program.

Step 2. Enter the mode Compass.

Step 3. If the compass works stably, then the problem is not with it. If the compass refuses to show the cardinal directions correctly, then calibrate it.

Step 4. First, rotate the smartphone around its axis with the screen facing up. Next, turn it over from bottom to top. Well, then turn it over from left to right. This should help. In some versions of the application, you must first select Calibrate in the section settings.

View the number of visible GPS satellites

In the same GPS Essentials you can look at how many satellites your smartphone connects to. If it is large enough, then the navigation chip should not be blamed - the problem is in one of the programs. To view satellites, you need to select the item in the application menu Satellites.

Resetting GPS data

A common problem with some devices is that they take a long time to lock onto specific GPS satellites, even when they have managed to move out of sight. The application can help in this case GPS Status & Toolbox. It will reset the GPS data, after which the connection to satellites will be made from scratch.

Step 1. Download and install the utility.

Step 2. Launch the installed application, agreeing to the terms of the license agreement.

Step 3. On the main screen of the program you will see readings from various sensors, as well as information about the number of GPS satellites overhead.

Step 4. Click anywhere on the display, after which you can pull out the curtain with the main menu on the left. Here you can calibrate the compass if this was not possible using the application discussed earlier. But now you need to click on the item “ A-GPS state management».

Step 5. In the pop-up menu, click the button " Reset».

Step 6. After the reset is complete, return to this pop-up menu by clicking the " Download».

What to look for when buying a new smartphone?

Now you know the answer to the question “How to set up GPS on Android?” But all this will not help you very much if you want to use your smartphone as a GPS navigator on a regular basis. It is better to get a good modern smartphone for these purposes. When choosing it, be sure to read the full technical specifications. In them you need to find a mention of support for A-GPS technology - it greatly reduces energy consumption. The ideal smartphone for you will be one that also works with GLONASS satellites. Fortunately, almost all devices that have been imported into our country over the past year have support for the Russian navigation system. But, again, you still need to look at the specifications of the device before purchasing it.

The presence of navigation modules on smartphones with Android OS allows you to use numerous navigation applications - they are used to plot walking, cycling and car routes, as well as to track your own location. Therefore, it is customary to give special preference to the presence of GPS/GLONASS chips. GPS not working on Android? It doesn’t matter - first we’ll try to figure out the reasons, and then we’ll talk about troubleshooting.

Why GPS may not work on Android

If GPS does not work on your Android smartphone, then the problem may be extremely trivial - the navigation module is disabled. This is often encountered by novice users who do not fully understand the design of Android smartphones. In order to enable navigation, you need to slide down the top curtain, behind which numerous shortcuts, clocks and notifications are hidden, and find the “Geodata” item here - it should become active (green, bluish, etc.).

Now we can launch the navigation program and start using it. By the way, many navigation applications can notify users that geodata reception is disabled. This is exactly what the popular Navitel application does - it will issue an appropriate warning and even send the user to the navigation enable menu. After this, you can start plotting your route.

Have you enabled geolocation in your device settings, installed the necessary applications, but have not been able to achieve any results? It is quite possible that the whole point is your impatience. If this was the first launch of the GPS/GLONASS module, try to wait 10-15 minutes - during this time the electronics will process information about satellites visible in the area. All subsequent launches will occur much faster.

You need to do the same thing if you arrive with the navigator turned off to another region, for example, from Rostov to Novosibirsk - you need to give the navigator time so that it can recognize its own location (by analogy with the initial “cold” start).

Here are some more reasons for GPS not working:

  • You are trying to perform a “cold” start on the move (in a car) - stop and let the navigator think. Some chips are quite slow, so they need time and rest;
  • You are indoors - GPS does not work inside buildings (not to be confused with calculating location using cell towers and Wi-Fi zones);
  • You are in an unfavorable reception area - the sky is obscured by trees, nearby rocks or tall buildings. In this case, you need to get out under a more open area of ​​the sky.

If the navigation still does not work, try contacting the service center.

GPS stopped working on Android, although it worked before? This behavior indicates the presence of some internal damage.. If you are too lazy to go to a service center, try doing a factory reset.

To test your satellite reception, use the GPS Test app from Chartcross Limited. If the geolocation function is turned on, the GPS chip is working, and you are outdoors, you will see dots indicating satellites on a schematic sky map.

How to set up GPS on Android

Some users are wondering how to set up GPS on Android? No special settings are needed here, but you can play around with the detection method:

  • High accuracy - in this mode, location is determined using all wireless modules (GPS/GLONASS, telephone module, Wi-Fi);
  • Energy saving - Wi-FI and mobile networks are used;
  • GPS only – only satellites are used.

The detection method is selected in the “Settings – Geodata” menu. To further work with navigation you will need suitable software. You can choose the free Maps.ME application with offline maps or the paid Navitel application.

Does GPS work poorly on Android? Set the mode to “GPS Only” or “High Accuracy”, then try to test the navigation again - these are the most accurate modes.

Incorrect operation of the GPS module is a fairly common problem with Android devices. The system can connect to satellites, but navigation will still not work. In some cases, the defect is associated with a breakdown of the gadget’s hardware, but most situations can be resolved using software methods. Below we describe what to do if GPS does not work on Android.

First, let's determine how the navigator on the phone works. Yandex.Maps or navigation from Google contacts the system satellites and requests data about the user’s current location. Based on the information received, an optimal route is built or public transport is selected. If the GPS module stops functioning, normal navigation operation is impossible, even using A-GPS technology. The main causes of failure are usually software problems, but in some cases the source of the malfunction is the failure of a hardware module.

Geolocation services do not work on Android if the settings are incorrect. The defect may also be caused by the installation of incompatible firmware or the lack of necessary drivers.

The navigator from Google or Yandex does not work well even with a weak satellite signal. It is worth remembering that programs do not always display location correctly, and you should not rely on the system when hiking or off-road. To troubleshoot, let’s look at the causes and solutions to popular problems.

Reasons for no signal

There are two main groups of faults: hardware and software. The former can be fixed by qualified specialists in service centers, while the latter can be fixed at home.

  • Hardware - a component can fail after a mechanical impact on the device body, for example, a fall or a strong blow. The cause of the breakdown may also be liquid entering the main board, followed by oxidation of the contacts.
  • Software - infection with malicious software, incorrect firmware or update failures - all these malfunctions can damage the location driver.

The first thing to do if the GPS sensor does not work is to restart your smartphone and scan it with an antivirus. It is possible that the device's RAM is full and there are not enough processor resources to activate communication with satellites.

Incorrect setting

Correctly setting the smartphone parameters is the key to the correct operation of the GPS system on Android.

  • If Android does not find the location, go to the device settings, then “General”, and then open “Location and modes”.
  • On the Location tab, specify your preferred location method. If you select Satellites Only, Android will not use A-GPS technology, which collects data from nearby cellular and Wi-Fi networks to improve geolocation accuracy.
  • Try setting the “Mobile networks only” mode and check the functionality of the cards. If navigation turns on, there is a problem with the driver or hardware.
  • When GPS on Android does not turn on (the system does not respond to switching the option), there is probably a problem in the firmware. Perform a full reset or contact a service center.
  • To reset your location settings, click on the “Backup and reset” tab, then tap on “Reset network and navigation settings.” Sign in to your Google account to confirm.

Important! All saved passwords from Wi-Fi access points, as well as cellular data, will be deleted.

The described method helps eliminate most problems with the software.

Incorrect firmware

The consequences of careless firmware on Android can be quite unpredictable. Installation of third-party OS versions is performed to speed up the operation of the gadget, but as a result, the phone modules stop functioning.

If you decide to reflash your device, download firmware files only from trusted forums - XDA and Do not try to flash your smartphone with an OS version from another phone, as the drivers necessary for operation may no longer function. If the device has become a brick, perform a full data reset.

  • Press the volume up and lock buttons for 5-7 seconds. When the Android logo appears on the screen of the turned off gadget, release Volume Up.
  • The Recovery menu will load. Select “Wipe Data/Factory Reset”, confirm Hard Reset.
  • To reboot your smartphone, tap “Reboot system now”. Setup will take a few minutes when you turn it on.

The method is suitable for devices with damaged firmware. The GPS module will restore functionality after switching to the factory version of the OS.

Module calibration

In some cases, it is necessary to perform a quick calibration of the device.

  • Open the “Essential setup” application, you can download it for free from the Play Market.
  • Tap the compass icon and place your smartphone on a flat surface.
  • Tap the “Test” button and wait 10 minutes until testing ends. Once completed, try turning on satellite navigation.

Hardware problems

Cheap Chinese smartphones are often equipped with low-quality satellite communication modules. The problem can be corrected by replacing the corresponding module at a service center. Malfunctions occur on both Android and iOS phones.

Ask a question to a virtual expert

If you still have questions, ask them to a virtual expert, the bot will help you find the problem and tell you what to do. You can talk to him about life or just chat, it will be interesting and informative!

Type your question in the field and press Enter or Submit.


If navigation on Android does not work or you cannot connect to satellites in open areas, determine whether the cause of the defect is in the gadget’s parameters or whether the electronic board has failed. Repairs to hardware faults should only be carried out at authorized service centers.


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