Gleb Zhemchugov spoke about his life after the operation. Gleb Zhemchugov: “If my wife doesn’t introduce me to her boyfriend, then I’ll find him myself Gleb Zhemchugov after house 2

The name of one of the most charismatic and scandalous participants in the television set, Gleb Zhemchugov, is known to many. A man whose behavior in front of cameras was never exemplary, and after leaving the project he continues to shock the public on television and radio.

Your biological father he did not know. Zhemchugov was raised by his mother and stepfather, who, despite financial difficulties, were able to raise Gleb to his feet. From the very youth the future participant in the television project was attracted to music and everything connected with it. IN adolescence he studied hip-hop and dancing, and in his free time from studies and classes, he worked as a promoter.

From the biography of the reality show star it is known that, in addition to the average, Zhemchugov has also higher education. The man graduated from Vladivostok State University economy and service in 2010 (at that time he was already a full participant in Dom-2). The provincial rapper understood perfectly well that he would not find loud fame in his native land. When representatives of the TNT channel arrived in Vladivostok, Gleb immediately filled out the form and began to wait for the call. Zhemchugov did not doubt for a second that he would become a participant in the scandalous project.

Show "Dom-2"

Zhemchugov’s debut appearance on the project took place in March 2009. Then the young man showed sympathy for the most obstinate participant in the television set -. Everyone liked the cheerful, open guy, except for the object of their affection. The charming brunette immediately made it clear that Gleb was not the hero of her novel. After a series of outings and one-on-one conversations, the young man realized that the singer of the song “Black Panther” sees him exclusively as a friend and there is no talk of a relationship.

The first appearance of Gleb Zhemchugov in the show "Dom-2"

Despite the fact that the would-be gentleman was courted by the spectacular, buxom brunette Rimma Pendzhieva, and his heart and soul were still suffering from unrequited love, Strawberry (Zhemchugov’s nickname) decided to try his luck in a relationship with his girlfriend Bushina -.

This union showed the world the true essence of Zhemchugov. Endless quarrels and scandals often ended in brawls, and constant drinking sprees and an addiction to alcohol that became a habit resulted in betrayals outside the project. It is worth noting that Strawberry fought not only with his girlfriend. During Gleb's stay on the show, he managed to engage in hand-to-hand combat with, and with, and even with.

Sometimes the young man’s actions were so ridiculous and absurd that even the team could not find an excuse for them. So, one day, after a three-day absence, Zhemchugov returned to the perimeter with a tattoo of Elena Bushina’s portrait on his arm. While members of the household condemned Gleb for his recklessness, Nadya, blinded by love, defended her chosen one and often reminded the participants of their sins. The young people came together and then diverged. It is unknown how much longer this love affair would have lasted if in November 2011 Gleb had not been kicked out of “House-2” for another drunken fight.

Gleb Zhemchugov at “Telestroyka”

Strawberry's next return took place in October 2012. Then he tried to woo Oksana Ryaska and Varvara Tretyakova, but the girls did not reciprocate his feelings. Attempts to win the heart of the Ukrainian beauty were also unsuccessful. After a series of love failures, Zhemchugov left the television set, finding himself out of reach of television cameras.

Personal life

Gleb hoped that after leaving Dom-2 there would be an abundance of job offers, but this did not happen. Zhemchugov’s disastrous performance in “ Comedy Battle“finally and irrevocably closed the doors to TNT channel projects for him. The man, not used to giving up, decided to try himself in a new role and applied to participate in the First Channel program “Let's get married!” In the presentation video, Zhemchugov did not hesitate to declare that he would officially tie the knot only with the girl who would be expecting a child from him. Then Strawberry did not yet know how prophetic his words would be.

Having gone to China to work in 2013, he met a native of the city of Bratsk, who performed in dance show night club, where Gleb also worked. Their relationship developed rapidly, and a couple of months after they met, the young lady said young man about your pregnancy. This news shocked the rapper. For several weeks he did not leave the bars. Olga had to look for the would-be gentleman through the hot spots of the night Celestial Empire and drag him home.

Olga understood that it would not be possible to reason with her chosen one by talking. Veter silently packed her things and left for her homeland. Less than a week had passed before Zhemchugov realized that marriage was the only way to put an end to a dissolute lifestyle and bad company once and for all. On October 10, 2014, Olga and Gleb got married, and in March 2015, Veter gave birth to her husband’s son, who was named Mikhail.

In July 2015, Klubnichka returned to the television project with his wife and heir. The young family was moved into a VIP house, where they had previously lived. While on the show, Gleb thoroughly took up his appearance. On the advice of his friend, the rapper decided to undergo liposuction and in September 2016 went to a cosmetology clinic, where he had excess fat removed from his sides and abdomen.

Gleb Zhemchugov undergoing liposuction surgery

After the operation, Zhemchugov seemed to have been replaced: loving husband and the caring father again began to go out and indulge in excess when communicating with the fairer sex. Olga could not calmly watch how her husband was sliding to the bottom, turning into an alcoholic, a rowdy and a cheater. Veter left the television set in October 2016, and Gleb, instead of trying to save his family, flew to Love Island, where he tried to build a relationship with his ex-girlfriend at that time. The young lady turned the rapper away, and at the beginning of January 2017, Zhemchugov left the reality show, and at the end of the same month, Olga and Gleb officially divorced.

In June 2017, news spread across the Internet that Zhemchugov had fallen in love with a current participant in a television project. Over the course of a couple of months, Strawberry attacked social media a charming brunette: he commented on her photographs, left entries on microblogs and periodically wrote to the young lady in direct messages. Also on your page

The ex-star of “House-2” is having a hard time with his breakup with his wife and separation from his son Misha. While Gleb cannot bring his family back, he hopes that Olga Veter will come to her senses and find the strength to restore peace in their relationship. After a series of conflicts with his wife, her departure from the project along with her son, and failed romances, Zhemchugov, unexpectedly for everyone, also left the perimeter of the country’s main television set. Gleb himself openly spoke about the new relationship of his still official wife, loneliness and the desire to return everything to StarHit.

Gleb, for many, your departure from “House-2” came as a complete surprise, because then you did not leave your family. Why did you break down now?
Gleb Zhemchugov
After returning from the Seychelles site, which has an atmosphere conducive to introspection and rethinking everything, I again found myself in the men's bedroom, just like when I was 20 years old. It seemed like so much had changed, so much time had passed, and in the end I was back at the starting point - this is very difficult to accept. It wasn't until I was on the island that I really started to realize that I had lost my family, and it's still hard for me to get over it. My nerves couldn't stand it and I lost control.

But when Olya left, you didn’t follow her, and then you tried to build relationships with several more girls...
Gleb Zhemchugov
Everyone accuses me, writes comments, saying, how could you not leave after her when she said so many times that she wanted to leave the show. In fact, I agreed every time and did not keep her on the project. When she left, I literally On his knees he begged her to leave together, but she answered “no.” As for the girls, this was the first time I lost my family, so I simply didn’t understand how to behave in this situation, what to do. There is a phrase: “To forget one, you need to go through ten.” I felt like I was drowning and tried to grab onto others. Apparently, he thought it would be easier this way.

If you were ready to drop everything and follow her, why didn't she appreciate it?
Gleb Zhemchugov
Don't know. On the project, we were mired in showdowns and swearing, sorting out relationships, we got confused. I probably should have picked them up on time and left the project, but for some reason I didn’t. We did not have betrayals and betrayals, as it was presented, but at that moment it was very difficult to convey this. After I saw her, I asked her to give last chance, promised to fix everything, but she didn’t give it. He cried and said: “Let’s spend time together, go to the skating rink, to the cinema, to a restaurant, just walk around Moscow, we will return everything...” When I realized that no one needed me there, I decided to stay. Then everyone said that I abandoned my family and chose the project, but I didn’t abandon anyone.

The other day information appeared that management kicked you out of the gate for using amphetamines. This is true?
Gleb Zhemchugov
Of course not. This is a provocation yellow press. I didn’t take any tests, much less take anything. I have great relationship We communicate with the show’s management periodically and congratulate each other on the holidays.

When did you finally leave Dom-2, where did you stop?
Gleb Zhemchugov
I had nowhere to go, and I called Olya and asked: “Listen, I left, I have no one but you. Can I come for a couple of days, I just want to talk, understand where to move next?” But she flatly refused: “No, I won’t let you in. Do not even think".

Maybe she already has someone?
Gleb Zhemchugov
Yes, she has a new boyfriend. Nowadays they even circulate on the Internet joint photo. He works at the driving school where Olya went to study when we still lived together.

So they've known each other for a long time?
Gleb Zhemchugov
It turns out that way. Maybe they didn’t communicate closely then, of course, or maybe they did communicate... I don’t know. Some said that she had already left the project for someone else. In any case, I hope Olga will be prudent and introduce us, because this man will live with my son, and I should know him. And if he doesn’t introduce him, then I’ll find him myself. Let’s just talk like men, I definitely don’t want war. It is in my interests now to do everything to see my son as often as possible.

Gleb, you want your family back, yet you so calmly accept Olya’s new man...
Gleb Zhemchugov
I'm just letting Olya have some fun. Now she is trying to try everything new, let her. When we came to the project, she was an ordinary girl, she wanted to raise a child, now she has other priorities: money, filming, self-development. It's not bad, if she wants to, let her try it. I'm still waiting for her and hope she comes back.

But will the divorce still take place?
Gleb Zhemchugov
Unfortunately yes. We submitted the documents to the registry office, where we signed – in Bratsk.

How did you celebrate the New Year?
Gleb Zhemchugov
To be honest, it's not very good. I was at the hotel, then went for a couple of hours to congratulate my friends and returned. The wife was with a new man, the child was with Olya’s mother in Bratsk. I was all alone.
- You didn’t even have a rented apartment on New Year’s Eve?
Gleb Zhemchugov
No. After the holiday, I had absolutely nowhere to go, even with suitcases. I wanted to rent an apartment next to Olya to be closer to my son. While the search was going on, I again asked my wife to shelter me, at least for a little while, but she wouldn’t even let me in for tea. She said, “No, don’t even bring this up again.”

Doesn't she live in the same apartment that she won Person of the Year?
Gleb Zhemchugov
No, there are still some problems there. I don’t delve too much into it, since I no longer have anything to do with this apartment, although the people who voted for it were rooting for me, too. Olga asked me to sign documents that I was not applying for housing, I signed. The main thing for me is that Misha is happy. Mother and child are one, so I gave up the apartment. Although, of course, it’s a shame that the role of the father is now very underestimated: the legislation is almost always on the mother’s side, even at train stations there is a “mother and child” room, but there is nothing about fathers anywhere.

What about housing now?
Gleb Zhemchugov
I rented an apartment not far from my wife, I’m trying to build my life in a new way. During the day I work in a clothing store, where many participants of “House-2” already worked; at night I write musical material, I’m thinking through programs for corporate events, weddings, anniversaries.

Do you communicate with your son?
Gleb Zhemchugov
Certainly. This is the most important thing for me. Very lucky that things worked out a good relationship with my mother-in-law, so we are constantly in touch. I can chat with my son via video at any time.

It seems to me that this whole situation served as an impetus for your own development and self-discovery...
Gleb Zhemchugov
Yes! I completely agree. I know that all this was given to me so that I could stand firmly on my feet, become a serious person, build a career, and be able to give something to my son.

Gleb, several times during the interview you called Olya your family. Why?
Gleb Zhemchugov
She gave birth to my son, so she will always remain my family, no matter how our communication develops further. But I still hope that time will pass, she will come to her senses, rethink everything and return.

A few months ago, Gleb Zhemchugov left the television project House 2, who stayed on the perimeter a little longer after the departure of his wife and child. As it turned out, so short period of time and Gleb’s disgusting behavior on the project played a decisive role, because Olga Veter managed to find herself a new man with whom she is still building a relationship.

For quite a long time, Gleb tried to regain his favor ex-wife and restore the family outside the perimeter. Even despite the divorce, Zhemchugov entertained the hope of making peace with his wife and starting over. But Olga did not and does not intend to forgive him, because she has been in a relationship with a new man for a long time. IN last weeks Gleb has come to terms with his role in life former family. Now the man doesn’t mind that his wife has a new chosen one who will replace Misha’s father. Despite everything, Zhemchugov tries to pick up his son more often and spends a lot of time with him so that he knows who the real father is.

He did not know his biological father. Zhemchugov was raised by his mother and stepfather, who, despite financial difficulties, were able to raise Gleb to his feet. From a very young age, the future participant in the television project was attracted to music and everything connected with it. As a teenager, he studied hip-hop and dancing, and in his free time from studies and classes, he worked as a promoter.

From the biography of the reality show star it is known that, in addition to secondary education, Zhemchugov also has a higher education. The man graduated from the Vladivostok State University of Economics and Service in 2010 (at that time he was already a full member of “House-2”). The provincial rapper understood perfectly well that he would not find loud fame in his native land. When representatives of the TNT channel arrived in Vladivostok, Gleb immediately filled out the form and began to wait for the call. Zhemchugov did not doubt for a second that he would become a participant in the scandalous project.

Show "Dom-2"

Zhemchugov’s debut appearance on the project took place in March 2009. Then the young man showed sympathy for the most obstinate participant in the TV show, Elena Bushina. Everyone liked the cheerful, open guy, except for the object of their affection. The charming brunette immediately made it clear that Gleb was not the hero of her novel. After a series of outings and one-on-one conversations, the young man realized that the singer of the song “Black Panther” sees him exclusively as a friend and there is no talk of a relationship.

Despite the fact that the would-be gentleman was being courted by the spectacular, buxom brunette Rimma Pendzhieva, and his heart and soul were still suffering from unrequited love, Strawberry (Zhemchugov’s nickname) decided to try his luck in a relationship with Bushina’s friend, Nadezhda Ermakova.

This union showed the world the true essence of Zhemchugov. Endless quarrels and scandals often ended in brawls, and constant drinking sprees and an addiction to alcohol that became a habit resulted in betrayals outside the project. It is worth noting that Strawberry fought not only with his girlfriend. During Gleb's stay on the show, he managed to engage in hand-to-hand combat with Andrei Chuev, and with Oleg Miami, and even with Sergei Pynzar.

Sometimes the young man’s actions were so ridiculous and absurd that even the team could not find an excuse for them. So, one day, after a three-day absence, Zhemchugov returned to the perimeter with a tattoo of Elena Bushina’s portrait on his arm. While members of the household condemned Gleb for his recklessness, Nadya, blinded by love, defended her chosen one and often reminded the participants of their sins. The young people came together and then diverged. It is unknown how much longer this love affair would have lasted if in November 2011 Gleb had not been kicked out of “House-2” for another drunken fight.

Best of the day

Strawberry's next return took place in October 2012. Then he tried to woo Oksana Ryaska and Varvara Tretyakova, but the girls did not reciprocate his feelings. Attempts to win the heart of Ukrainian beauty Victoria Bernikova were also unsuccessful. After a series of love failures, Zhemchugov left the television set, finding himself out of reach of television cameras.

Personal life

Gleb hoped that after leaving Dom-2 there would be an abundance of job offers, but this did not happen. Zhemchugov’s disastrous performance in “Comedy Battle” finally and irrevocably closed the door to TNT channel projects for him. The man, not used to giving up, decided to try himself in a new role and applied to participate in the First Channel program “Let's get married!” In the presentation video, Zhemchugov did not hesitate to declare that he would officially tie the knot only with the girl who would be expecting a child from him. Then Strawberry did not yet know how prophetic his words would be.

Having gone to China to work in 2013, he met Olga Veter, a native of Bratsk, who performed in a dance show at a nightclub where Gleb also worked. Their relationship developed rapidly, and a couple of months after they met, the young lady informed the young man about her pregnancy. This news shocked the rapper. For several weeks he did not leave the bars. Olga had to look for the would-be gentleman through the hot spots of the night Celestial Empire and drag him home.

Olga understood that it would not be possible to reason with her chosen one by talking. Veter silently packed her things and left for her homeland. Less than a week had passed before Zhemchugov realized that marriage was the only way to put an end to a dissolute lifestyle and bad company once and for all. On October 10, 2014, Olga and Gleb got married, and in March 2015, Veter gave birth to her husband’s son, who was named Mikhail.

In July 2015, Klubnichka returned to the television project with his wife and heir. The young family was moved into the VIP house where Aliana and Alexander Gobozov had previously lived. While on the show, Gleb thoroughly took care of his appearance. On the advice of his friend Rustam Solntsev, the rapper decided to undergo liposuction and in September 2016 went to a cosmetology clinic, where he had excess fat removed from his sides and abdomen.

After the operation, Zhemchugov seemed to have been replaced: the loving husband and caring father again began to go out and indulge in excess when communicating with the fairer sex. Olga could not calmly watch how her husband was sliding to the bottom, turning into an alcoholic, a rowdy and a cheater. Veter left the television set in October 2016, and Gleb, instead of trying to save his family, flew to “Love Island”, where he tried to build a relationship with Ivan Barzikov’s then-girlfriend Elizaveta Polygalova. The young lady turned the rapper away, and at the beginning of January 2017, Zhemchugov left the reality show, and at the end of the same month, Olga and Gleb officially divorced.

In June 2017, news spread across the Internet that Zhemchugov had fallen in love with the current participant in the television project, Lilya Chetrara. For a couple of months, Strawberry attacked the charming brunette’s social networks: he commented on her photos, left entries on microblogs and periodically wrote to the young lady in direct messages. Also on his VKontakte page, Gleb published a post in which he called Lilya a “bomb” woman.

The producers invited the unfortunate gentleman to the talk show “Dom-2 - Debriefing” to find out what really connects the girl in a relationship with Sergei Zakharyash with the divorced 29-year-old rapper. As it turned out, Gleb and Lilya corresponded for a long time. According to both, there was nothing reprehensible in it: Chetrara wrote to Gleb only during moments of quarrels with Sergei. Fans of the TV show are sure that in this way the girl was just trying to make her boyfriend, who was stingy with emotional displays, jealous.

Gleb Zhemchugov now

It’s no secret that many participants in “House-2”, after leaving the talk show, begin organizing and holding various celebrations. Thus, Zhemchugov’s colleagues film set Andrey Cherkasov and Evgeny Kuzin - shining example how you can wisely use your media. Men have been welcome guests at weddings and birthdays for many years. Gleb, for his eccentric character and love of alcohol, was not particularly favored in the corporate event market.

On this moment the ex-participant of the TV show works at the MW karaoke bar. Every Friday and Saturday the establishment hosts a show program called “Karaokemania with Gleb Zhemchugov.” Among other things, in June 2017, Klubnichka starred in the scandalous video of the rapper Zanudy, in which he tried on the role of a man who uses illegal substances.

On his Instagram, the Dom-2 star posts with enviable regularity both video clips of work moments (recording songs, rehearsals) and photos from vacations.


“Dom-2” (2009, 2012, 2015);

“Let's Get Married” (2012);

"Comedy Battle. Without Borders" (2013).

Former participant in the reality show “Dom-2” Gleb Zhemchugov, known under the pseudonym Klubnichka, commented on the scandalous information about his departure from the project. Earlier, there were rumors that he was caught using drugs at a TV set.

“This is all complete nonsense. The journalists who wrote this acted unprofessionally and provided absolutely no evidence,” Gleb told the correspondent website. - Of course, earlier, in my youth, I may have made some mistakes, but they are in the past. The saddest thing is that this publication will most likely not be held accountable."


According to the ex-participant of "House-2", he truly regrets that he broke up with his wife Olga Veter. "Perhaps this is one of the most big mistakes in my life,” he added. – Perhaps you shouldn’t have come to Dom-2 with your wife. Olga made a good career on the project, and her needs changed. But maybe we're just tired of each other. I can’t say for sure yet,” he added.

Let us remember that at the end of December it became known that Gleb was leaving the project. Klubnichka’s former “colleagues” on the project, Rustam Solntsev and Mikhail Terekhin, said that he now has nowhere to live, and his wife does not even let him onto the threshold.

As the site wrote, after separating from his wife, Gleb actively tried to build a relationship at Dom-2, but his efforts were unsuccessful. In addition, the participant in the reality show took great care of his own appearance - he had liposuction on his abdomen. Now Strawberry’s plans are to reduce his knees and thighs, increase his chin, and he is also thinking about a hair transplant on his head.

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