The main characters of the work are Taras Bulba Gogol. The main characters of N.V. Gogol's story "Taras Bulba"


The story "Taras"
Bulba" is one of the most perfect
creations of N.V. Gogol. It cost the writer
enormous work. In the story Gogol
talks about the heroic struggle
Ukrainian people for their national
liberation. The main events take place in
Zaporozhye Sich, in the kingdom of freedom and
equality. This is a free republic, in
where people of wide scope of soul live,
absolutely free and equal, where
are raised to be strong and courageous
characters. There is no such character for people
nothing higher in the world than the interests of the people,
than the freedom and independence of the Fatherland. IN
the story unfolds perfectly
the atmosphere of a powerful popular movement.
The image of the main character of the story, Taras, is remarkable.

Harsh and
the unyielding Taras Bulba leads life,
complete. adversity and danger. He was not
created for the family hearth. His "tenderness"
-! an open field and a good horse. See you
after a long separation from his sons, he
the next day he hurries with them to the Sich, to the Cossacks.
This is his true element. Gogol

writes about
him: “He was all created for abuse
anxiety and was distinguished by the brutal directness of his

enormous will and remarkable natural mind,
touchingly tender towards his comrades and
merciless to the enemy. He punishes the Polish
tycoons and protects the oppressed and
disadvantaged. This is a mighty image, covered
a poetic legend, as Gogol puts it:
"exactly an extraordinary phenomenon of the Russian

Bulba is a wise and experienced leader
Cossack army. He was "distinguished" by his ability
move troops and strong hatred towards
enemies." At the same time, Taras does not
opposed environment. He
loved the simple life of the Cossacks and did nothing
stood out among them.

Tarasa embodies prowess and scope
people's life. This is a man of great intensity
feelings, passions, thoughts. There's nothing in it
selfish, petty, selfish. His
the soul is imbued with only one desire - to
freedom and independence of its people. Here
why does he speak with such hatred about
insignificant souls of traitors: “I know, it’s vile
has now started on our land: they are adopting
God knows what Busurman customs;
they abhor their tongue; they are selling their people..."

Entire life
Tarasa was inextricably linked with the Sich.
He gave to the service of the partnership, to the Fatherland
all of yourself undividedly. Valuing in a person
above all his courage and devotion
ideals of the Sich, he is merciless towards traitors and

How many
courage in the behavior of Taras, making his way
to enemy territory in the hope of seeing
Ostapa! The famous one is stunningly dramatic
scene of a father meeting with his eldest son. "Lost
in a crowd of strangers, Taras looks like
They bring his son to the execution site. What
old Taras felt when he saw
your Ostap? "What was in his mind then?
heart?" exclaims Gogol. But nothing
Taras betrayed his terrible tension.
Looking at his son selflessly enduring

he quietly said: “Good, son, good!”

opens up large and expressively
Taras's character tragic conflict With
Andrey. Love did not bring Andrey happiness,
she separated him from his comrades, from his father, from
Fatherland. This won't even be forgiven
to the bravest of the Cossacks, and the seal of the curse
lay on the traitor's forehead: "Gone, gone
ingloriously, like a vile dog...". Treason
No one can redeem the Motherland, nor

draws a huge moral
superiority of Taras and his associates over
Andrey. How vile is the person who betrayed
your homeland! And his life is inglorious, and his death
shameful. Taras, a stern man and together with
those tender soul, doesn't feel any
pity for the traitorous son. Without hesitation he
makes his sentence: “I gave birth to you,

and kill! " These words of Taras are imbued with
consciousness greatest truth that matter, in
whose name he executes his son.

heroic image of Taras Bulba, N.V. Gogol
doesn't try to idealize him. In him
tenderness and rudeness, serious and
funny, great and small. Gogol dreamed of
strong, heroic character. Exactly
This is the image of Taras. In him
the features of the Russian are poetically captured
national character. No wonder
Gogol's immortal story is one
one of the favorite books of modern people.

“Taras Bulba” is a story by Gogol, included in his collection “Mirgorod”. The main events of the book take place among the Zaporozhye Cossacks. The main characters of Taras Bulba are Cossacks fighting for the independence of Ukraine. The images of the heroes of the story are revealed together with the popular movement, revealing their true essence. The writer's work begins with a description of Taras's meeting with his sons. Participating in the fight against the Poles, Ostap and Andriy, children of the same father, will stand on opposite sides of the barricades and clearly demonstrate their characters. In the work “Taras Bulba” the heroes, the Zaporozhye Cossacks and the Polish gentry, reflect the features of the liberation era. Below is a table that gives an incomplete description of the heroes.

Characteristics of the heroes of “Taras Bulba”

Main characters

Taras Bulba

A strong and unyielding Cossack, he has a powerful will and a global mind. He loves his homeland, the simple Cossack life. The leader of the Cossack army, honest and just, destroys his enemies with furious mercilessness. Element of Taras - Zaporozhye Sich. He cruelly punishes the Polish invaders and stands up for the oppressed. He bravely goes to the enemy’s camp to attend the execution of Ostap, and mercilessly kills Andriy, who betrayed his Motherland. The goal of his life is to win the independence of his native country.


WITH early childhood was stubborn and disobedient. Like his father, he loves free life and freedom most of all. Persistent and demanding of himself, he managed to achieve success in his studies. He enjoys unquestioned authority among his comrades, a reliable and loyal friend, incapable of meanness and betrayal. A brave and courageous warrior, fearlessly rushes into battle. Having been captured by the Poles, he behaves calmly and proudly, supporting his comrades. Accepts a painful death with honor and dignity. A real hero and the hero.


Unlike his brother, he is more gentle and sophisticated. More emotional and impressionable. The need to love is highly developed. Like a brave and fearless warrior, a brave hero. His love for a Polish woman radically changed his life. Without hesitation, he went over to the enemy’s side and killed former comrades- Cossacks. He died ingloriously and shamefully at the hands of his own father.

Minor characters


Daughter of a Polish governor, young beautiful girl. She grew up in wealth and luxury, without being denied anything. Fickle and frivolous, she seduces Andria with her beauty, pushing him to betrayal. Cunning and insidious, she lures him to the city by deception, playing on his feelings.

Taras Bulba's wife

The image of Taras' wife and mother of his children embodies general image all the wives and mothers who raised their sons and sent them to war. This collective image grief and suffering, eternal waiting and torment, tears and sadness brought by war. The role of a woman is insignificant, she does not have the right to vote, she must be quiet and submissive.


Yankel is a Jew living among the Cossacks. The goal of his life is to make money in any way. Calculating and enterprising, he benefits from everything, even from the story of Andriy’s betrayal. He pursues selfish goals, rushes to tell this news to Taras, forgetting about his explosive character. In the case of Ostap, he only agrees to take Taras to Warsaw for money. He knows how to adapt to any conditions, and is constantly enriching himself.

Mosiy Shilo

A brave and courageous Cossack, he bravely fights for the Fatherland and has many merits. Sometimes he shows great wisdom in solving problems. He has one weakness - he likes to drink. He died in a fair battle, glorifying his land.

Kirdyaga, Koshevoy

An elderly Cossack, an old comrade of Taras, an intelligent and experienced warrior. A brave and courageous Cossack, the unlimited ruler of his army. Gives reasonable orders, experienced leader.

Cossack Tovkach

A fearless and determined Cossack, a participant in many battles. True friend Taras, saved the wounded and senseless Bulba from the reprisals of the Poles, and was able to deliver him to the Zaporozhye Sich. I made every effort to raise my old friend to his feet.


The maid of the Polish lady, she serves her faithfully and devotedly. A brave and courageous girl, despite the danger, carries out the orders of her mistress.

This list brief characteristics characters can be used not only in a literature lesson, but also for a reader's diary.

Work test

I propose to characterize the heroes of the work “Taras Bulba” in this way:
1. Ostap. He is the eldest of two sons in the family. He received a proper education - he graduated from the Kyiv Academy. However, studying was difficult for the guy at first. Only his father's threats forced him to learn.
He is kind, sincere, brave and courageous. Over time, he began to be considered one of the best in the academy. He had close comrades and was loved and appreciated by many people. Ostap dreamed of the Sich. All his life, like his father, he dreamed of battles and battles. In addition, it was important for Ostap to perform feats of arms. He wanted to become like his father in this way. The guy sincerely loved his homeland and remained faithful to it until the end of his days. When the fighter was captured, he showed fortitude and despite terrible torment, did not utter a word, did not moan or cry. That is, Ostap is an example of a true citizen, patriot, courageous and brave fighter.
2. Andriy. This is the youngest son in the family. He received a good education in Kyiv, where training was quite easy for him. However, unlike his older brother, Andriy was more peaceful. That is, he did not dream of exploits and battles as much as Ostap. He was attracted to peaceful life with its pleasures.
Having fallen in love, younger son Tarasa commits a crime that even her own father will soon not be able to forgive - she betrays her homeland and goes over to the side of the enemy. One day he utters the following words: “What are my father, comrades and homeland to me?” He gave up everything he had for the sake of love with the lady. Forgetting about everything, Andriy enters into battle with his comrades from yesterday. For such a betrayal that was unacceptable in those days, his son is punished by his father.
3. Taras. This is the central character of the work, a real Cossack, the father of two sons. Taras shows the traits of a warlike, brave person. This is what the author says about him: “Taras was one of the indigenous, old colonels: he was all about scolding anxiety and was distinguished by the brutal directness of his character. Eternally restless, he considered himself the legitimate defender of Orthodoxy.” He achieved veneration, because he won many fights. Despite the fact that the man is no longer young, the Cossack spirit still plays within him.
The meaning of Taras’s life is military campaigns. He is not used to peaceful life. Taras is a sincere patriot of his land, who treats his comrades with love and does not spare his enemies. When he found out that his son Andriy had now become his enemy, he did not spare him either. He doted on his eldest son Ostap. Perhaps he saw his reflection in it. But when his real hope dies, Taras falls into despair and kills all the Poles who come across his way. Soon the Cossack was caught. During the execution, Taras, like his son, behaved courageously. Even at the stake, Taras tried to help his comrades.

The story “Taras Bulba” by Nikolai Vasilyevich Gogol, part of the cycle of stories “Mirgorod” (2 parts), was written in 1834. This is one of the most outstanding Russian historical works V fiction of that time, different big amount characters, the versatility and thoughtfulness of the compositions, as well as the depth and capacity of the characters.

History of creation

The idea to write a large-scale historical story about the feat of the Zaporozhye Cossacks arose from Gogol in 1830; he worked on creating the text for almost ten years, but the final editing was never completed. In 1835, in the first part of Mirgorod, the author’s version of the story “Taras Bulba” was published; in 1942, a slightly different edition of this manuscript was published.

Each time, Nikolai Vasilyevich remained dissatisfied with the printed version of the story, and made changes to its content at least eight times. For example, there was a significant increase in its volume: from three to nine chapters, the images of the main characters became brighter and more textured, more vivid descriptions were added to the battle scenes, the life and life of the Zaporozhye Sich acquired new interesting details.

(Illustration by Viktor Vasnetsov for “Taras Bulba” by Gogol, 1874)

Gogol very carefully and meticulously read the written text in an effort to create that unique combination that would best reveal his talent as a writer, penetrating into the depths of the characters’ characters, showing the unique self-awareness of the entire Ukrainian people as a whole. In order to understand and convey in his work the ideals of the era he describes, the author of the story with great passion and enthusiasm studied a wide variety of sources that described the history of Ukraine.

To give the story a special national flavor, which was clearly manifested in the description of everyday life, the characters, in bright and rich epithets and comparisons, Gogol used works of Ukrainian folklore (thoughts, songs). The work was based on the history of the Cossack uprising of 1638, which Hetman Potocki was tasked with suppressing. The prototype of the main character Taras Bulba was the ataman of the Zaporozhye Army Okhrim Makukha, a brave warrior and ascetic of Bohdan Khmelnitsky, who had three sons (Nazar, Khoma and Omelko).

Analysis of the work

Story line

The beginning of the story is marked by the arrival of Taras Bulba and his sons to the Zaporozhye Sich. Their father brings them in order to, as they say, “smell gunpowder,” “gain their wits,” and, having hardened themselves in battles with enemy forces, become real defenders of their Motherland. Finding themselves in the Sich, young people almost immediately find themselves in the very epicenter of developing events. Without even having time to really look around and get acquainted with local customs, they are called to military service into the Zaporozhye army and go to war with the nobility, which oppresses the Orthodox people, trampling on their rights and freedoms.

The Cossacks, as courageous and noble people, loving their homeland with all their souls and sacredly believing in the vows of their ancestors, could not help but interfere in the atrocities committed by the Polish gentry; they considered it their sacred duty to defend their Fatherland and the faith of their ancestors. The Cossack army goes on a campaign and bravely fights with the Polish army, which is much superior to the Cossack forces both in the number of soldiers and in the number of weapons. Their strength is gradually drying up, although the Cossacks do not admit this to themselves, so great is their faith in the fight for a just cause, fighting spirit and love for their native land.

The Battle of Dubno is described by the author in a unique folklore style, in which the image of the Cossacks is likened to the image of the legendary heroes who defended Rus' in ancient times, which is why Taras Bulba asks his brothers-in-arms three times “do they have gunpowder in their flasks,” to which they also answered three times times: “Yes, dad! The Cossack strength has not weakened, the Cossacks are not yet bending!” Many warriors find their death in this battle, dying with words glorifying the Russian land, because dying for the Motherland was considered the highest valor and honor for the Cossacks.

Main characters

Ataman Taras Bulba

One of the main characters of the story is the Cossack ataman Taras Bulba, this experienced and courageous warrior, together with his eldest son Ostap, is always in the front row of the Cossack offensive. He, like Ostap, who was already elected atamans by his brothers-in-arms at the age of 22, is distinguished by his remarkable strength, courage, nobility, strong-willed character and is a true defender of his land and his people, his whole life is devoted to serving the Fatherland and his compatriots.

Eldest son Ostap

A brave warrior, like his father, who loves his land with all his heart, Ostap is captured by the enemy and dies a difficult martyr’s death. He endures all tortures and trials with stoic courage, like a real giant, whose face is calm and stern. Although it is painful for his father to see his son’s torment, he is proud of him, admires his willpower, and blesses him for a heroic death, because it is worthy only of real men and patriots of his state. His Cossack brothers, who were captured with him, following the example of their chieftain, also accept death on the chopping block with dignity and some pride.

The fate of Taras Bulba himself is no less tragic: having been captured by the Poles, he dies as a martyr. terrible death, he is sentenced to be burned at the stake. And again, this selfless and brave old warrior is not afraid of such a cruel death, because for the Cossacks the most terrible thing in their lives was not death, but the loss of their own dignity, violation of the holy laws of comradeship and betrayal of the Motherland.

Youngest son Andriy

The story also touches on this topic: the youngest son of old Taras, Andriy, having fallen in love with a Polish beauty, becomes a traitor and goes over to the enemy camp. He, like his older brother, is distinguished by courage and boldness, but his spiritual world richer, more complex and contradictory, the mind is more sharp and dexterous, its mental organization is more subtle and sensitive. Having fallen in love with the Polish lady, Andriy rejects the romance of war, the rapture of battle, the thirst for victory and completely surrenders to the feelings that make him a traitor and traitor to his people. His own father does not forgive him terrible sin- treason and sentences him: death by his own hand. Thus, carnal love for a woman, whom the writer considers the source of all troubles and creatures of the devil, overshadowed the love for the Motherland in Andriy’s soul, ultimately not bringing him happiness, and ultimately destroying him.

Features of compositional construction

In this work, the great classic of Russian literature depicted the confrontation between the Ukrainian people and the Polish gentry, who wanted to seize the Ukrainian land and enslave its inhabitants, young and old. In the description of the life and way of life of the Zaporozhye Sich, which the author considered the place where “the will and Cossacks throughout Ukraine” develops, one can feel the author’s especially warm feelings, such as pride, admiration and ardent patriotism. Depicting the life and way of life of the Sich and its inhabitants, Gogol in his brainchild combines historical realities with high lyrical pathos, which amounts to main feature a work that is both realistic and poetic.

Images literary characters depicted by the writer through their portraits, described actions, through the prism of relationships with other characters. Even a description of nature, for example the steppe along which old Taras and his sons are traveling, helps to penetrate more deeply into their souls and reveal the character of the heroes. In landscape scenes, various artistic and expressive techniques are present in abundance; there are many epithets, metaphors, comparisons, it is they that give the described objects and phenomena that amazing uniqueness, rage and originality that strike the reader right in the heart and touch the soul.

The story “Taras Bulba” is a heroic work glorifying love for the Motherland, one’s people, Orthodox faith, the holiness of the feat in their name. The image of the Zaporozhye Cossacks is similar to the image epic heroes of antiquity, who harrowed the Russian land from all misfortunes. The work glorifies the courage, heroism, bravery and dedication of the heroes who did not betray the holy bonds of comradeship and defended until their last breath native land. Traitors to the Motherland are equated by the author to enemy offspring, subject to destruction without any twinge of conscience. After all, such people, having lost honor and conscience, also lose their soul; they should not live on the land of the Fatherland, which the brilliant Russian writer Nikolai Vasilyevich Gogol sang with such great fervor and love in his work.

Taras is an old, experienced Cossack, who is respected both in the family and in the Sich. He spent his entire life at war or in the camps. The wife very rarely saw her husband at home, but, like a real Cossack woman, she always waited for him. She never once complained about lack of attention to herself or loneliness while her husband was alive.

Taras lives prosperously, he has land and villages. And perhaps he could make a good manager. But Taras is not created for a calm, measured life. He is fascinated by military actions. It is also worth noting that Taras is not interested in wealth, he likes simple life. Because of this, he even came into conflict with other Cossacks, whose wealth “dwarfed their eyes.”

Taras Bulba has two sons. He brings them up in strictness Cossack traditions. He believes that boys should grow up to be good Cossacks. In his concept, a Cossack is someone who can defend the honor of his family and Motherland. And if necessary, he will give his life for her without hesitation.

Bulba’s favorite pastime is smoking his pipe, which he calls a cradle in the Cossack manner. He does not part with her even on the verge of death. He is a true believer in God. He believes that a Cossack should keep God in his soul and honor him. He is very stubborn. Gogol even compares it to a mighty oak tree. He will never forgive betrayal and is even adamant towards his own son. After all, he went over to the side of the Cossacks. He himself kills his Andriy.

The Poles want to catch him because they consider Taras a serious and worthy opponent. And one day their dreams came true. They captured Taras Bulba and burned him at the stake.

Andriy Bulba

Andriy is the second son of Taras Bulba. He grew up courageous and strong, as befits a true Cossack. But with all this, Andriy is a little different than his father and brother. He is a refined nature. He probably picked up his sensitivity and sensuality from his mother. Feelings are the main thing for him. Love for a woman is above all for Andriy. It is because of his love for a Polish woman that he betrays his native Zaporozhye Sich and all the people dear and close to him. It is betrayal that his father cannot forgive him and kills his Andriy with his own hands. Andriy understands that he is wrong, but he cannot stop loving the lady or abandon her.

Ostap Bulba

Ostap is the first-born of Taras. Ostap is his pride and hope. He is, one might say, a copy of his parent. He has his own point of view on all things in life. He defends his opinion. Ostap is strong and brave. For him, there are two main components in life - war and festivities, the rest is not important to him. Warrior is in his blood, like a true Cossack, and he imbibed leadership with his mother’s milk. He is young and vigorous. He is only twenty-two years old.

Despite his young age, Ostap is smart and wise, like a gray-haired old man. For his ingenuity, Ostapushka's friends choose him as ataman in the Cossack army. It’s a pity that such a Cossack died at a young age, otherwise he could have accomplished so many glorious deeds! When they are fighting with the Poles, Ostap and his army are captured by their enemies. And it is clear that they will execute him along with the army loyal to Ostap.


Pannochka is the only and beloved daughter of a Polish nobleman. She is very beautiful like miraculous picture. Her age, as they say, is “exceeding age.” The girl is just in time. She lived in her parents' house in wealth and prosperity, and nothing was denied to her. Her favor is sought by the most eligible bachelors nobility state. But the young, unapproachable beauty doesn’t need any of this. She is in love with the Cossack Andriy, who comes from the Sich. He also loves her recklessly, so much so that he even betrays his family and friends, that is, he goes over to the side of the Poles. The most important thing in his life is love and the desired sweet woman nearby.

Taras Bulba's wife

Describing the wife of old Taras Bulba, Gogol emphasizes the kindness, timidity and meekness of a middle-aged, experienced woman. She is faithful to her husband. He endures his indifferent, sometimes even insulting attitude. She is a true Cossack. Once upon a time, at a young age, she was very beautiful. I married Taras for the big time mutual love. Her life was hard, difficulties and worries aged this persistent woman. She is a very good attentive mother. Love and tenderness for her sons is the sincere and sensitive thing that remains in her life. Meetings with my husband and children are infrequent, because the Cossacks are always under martial law.

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