The main face of '60 Minutes'. Biography and personal life of Evgeny Popov

Olga Skabeeva is a Russian journalist, TV presenter of the rating programs “Vesti. Doc" and "60 Minutes", winner of prestigious awards.

The childhood of the "iron" lady

Olga was born on December 11, 1984 in a small town in the Volgograd region. Since childhood, the girl was distinguished by her analytical mind, straightforwardness, and love of truth. She was fond of reading books and was responsible for her studies. Skabeeva always looked much older than her classmates, but not in appearance, but in her way of thinking.

Olga Skabeeva in her youth

Towards the end of school, Olga admitted to her mother that she had made her choice future profession, decided to become a journalist. Therefore, the girl began to study books in advance for admission to university. To be 100% confident in her choice, Skabeeva decided to test her strength in practice and got a job at the Volga newspaper “City Week”, where she mastered writing articles on various topics.

Famous journalist Olga Skabeeva

Making sure she's standing on the right way, the girl went to conquer St. Petersburg, where she entered State University. Olga graduated from the Faculty of Journalism with honors. The young girl, while still studying, tried to conduct her first reports in the news block “Vesti St. Petersburg”. After the first broadcast, Skabeeva was finally convinced of the correctness of her choice.

Work at VGTRK

Certified journalist Olga was hired by one of the largest media holdings in Russia - VGTRK. Skabeeva gave 100% in each of her reports, trying to fully convey specific news to the viewer. The girl has always been distinguished by her unusual manner of conducting the program and interviewing. Many critics believe that she has too harsh statements and an iron voice.

Olga Skabeeva interviews

In 2007, Skabeeva received the prestigious Golden Fleece award in the Promising Television Journalist category. IN next year Olga was awarded another prize in the “Profession – Reporter” category. For two years she was the host of a rating project on the Russia-1 channel - “Vesti. Doc." This program discussed sensitive topics in world politics, and the guests of the studio were famous businessmen and public figures.

Olga Skabeeva presenter of the Vesti program

In the fall of 2016, the premiere of the socio-political project “60 Minutes” took place, hosted by Olga Skabeeva and Evgeny Popov. The concept of the program was not very different from the previous program, but not only social activists, but politicians and subject matter experts began to come to the studio. Repeatedly during the broadcast, when participants disagreed, scandals broke out.

Olga Skabeeva and Evgeny Popov hosts of the “60 Minutes” program

Olga always has her own point of view, which is clearly visible in all her reports. Perhaps that is why many skeptics and ill-wishers consider her a cynical, cruel supporter of the Russian President, Vladimir Putin. Skabeeva has been repeatedly called online as a follower of Dmitry Kiselev, but the wise and experienced presenter does not pay attention to these attacks.

Young family

Olga Skabeeva is married to her colleague on the “60 Minutes” project, Evgeny Popov. The man is 6 years older than her, but this does not affect them in any way. family relationships. They got married secretly in New York. In 2014, there was an addition to the family of journalists - a son, Zakhar, was born.

Olga Skabeeva and her husband Evgeny Popov

When Olga was in the maternity hospital, Evgeniy was in the center of Kyiv, where bloody clashes flared up between opponents and supporters of the government in force at that time. Popov was able to escape only to discharge his first child, but Skabeeva understands her husband, because this is the cost of the profession. During business trips famous parents, Zakhar is staying with Olga’s mother in her hometown of Volzhsky.

Read about the lives of other public figures

The biography of Olga Skabeeva and the personal life of the famous presenter is of interest to many viewers of the Russia-1 channel. This one caught fire relatively recently. new star journalism, which quickly won the hearts of viewers in our country, who appreciated not only her professionalism, but also her analytical mind, the presence of irony in judgments, and her ability to the right direction direct the conversation even in very difficult situations.

Biography of Olga Skabeeva: childhood and youth

Future star journalism was born in small town Volzhsky, located in the Volgograd region. Already at school, the girl differed from many of her peers in her responsible approach to the responsibilities assigned to her, straightforwardness and analytical mindset.

In ninth grade, she firmly decided that her life would be connected with journalism. Unlike most school graduates, the girl did not immediately enter a university: she preferred to gain experience and learn her chosen profession “from the inside” by getting a job at the local newspaper “City Week”.

Student years

After working at the publishing house for a year, the girl went to St. Petersburg, where she entered the university to study journalism. Olga Skabeeva’s journalistic career began back in student years: she began collaborating with television in the news block “Vesti St. Petersburg”.

It must be said that her very first reports forced the management of the television company to pay attention to the talented journalist. 2007 is a special year in the biography of Olga Skabeeva. She received her first professional award "Golden Pen" and a youth award from the government of St. Petersburg. In 2008, Olga graduated from the university with honors.

First TV projects

According to Olga Skabeeva, there are many moments in her biography that were unexpected even for her. All aspiring journalists strive to get a job at the editorial office of the All-Russian State Television and Radio Broadcasting Company, and the girl was offered this job immediately after graduating from university. Colleagues recalled that while working as a correspondent, Olga worked tirelessly, trying to clearly and clearly convey information to the viewer.

It is no secret that not everyone liked the talented journalist’s reporting style, the sharp intonations of her voice, and the firmness of her statements. Nevertheless, the management was pleased with the work of the young specialist.


Very soon (in 2015) an important and pleasant event occurred in the biography of Olga Skabeeva. She was offered to host the information and analytical program Vesti.doc, which airs on the Russia-1 channel.

In 2016, Olga Skabeeva initiated an interview with Hayo Seppelt, who is a native of Germany. In 2014 he released documentary about doping in Russia. Information from this tape formed the basis of a well-known report on the use of prohibited substances by Russian athletes. This was followed by the release of the second part of his film. A serious threat has emerged that the Russian team will not be allowed to participate in the 2016 Olympics.

On the eve of the main sports competitions In 2016, Olga tried to personally find out from Hayo what facts he was willing to provide in defense of his position, after which the journalist was kicked out of his own home film crew VGTRK. Seppelt later explained that he had no bias against Russia. He allegedly conducted similar investigations in relation to athletes from Jamaica, Kenya, Great Britain, Germany, China, and Spain. It's hard to believe that he didn't find any violations anywhere else.

"60 Minutes"

In 2016, the channel’s management considered it necessary to make Olga Skabeeva a co-host of the famous Russian journalist Evgeny Popov in the socio-political talk show “60 Minutes”. The participants in this program, both then and now, are political leaders, public figures, and experts. In the studio, very heated debates often flare up between opponents.

A curious incident happened to Olga Skabeeva in 2018. She made an original joke about Donald Trump, the President of the United States. The presenter commented on the dismissal of Rex Tillerson, the US Secretary of State, after he supported Theresa May, the British Prime Minister, who accused Russia of poisoning ex-intelligence officer Skripal.

Olga commented on this news with the words: “Trump is still ours!” Very soon, viewers of the CNN channel, which is famous for its hostility towards the current US President, learned about Olga’s joke. True, on television screens this phrase was presented not in a humorous form, but as urgent and hot news.

A little about personal

Many TV viewers are interested, in addition to the biography and personal life of Olga Skabeeva, in the husband of the popular presenter. He is famous Russian journalist Evgeny Popov, with whom the woman hosts a popular program on the Rossiya-1 TV channel. For Evgeniy, this marriage was the second. His first wife was Anastasia Churkina. The relationship in the first marriage did not work out, and the couple soon separated.

Olga and Evgeniy met at VGTRK. For a long time they carefully hid their relationship, but, as you know, you can’t hide an sew in a bag. The wedding took place in New York, since both journalists were on business trips at that time. Olga is in Brussels, and Evgeniy is in New York. The ceremony was postponed several times due to urgent reporting.

Son of Olga and Evgeniy

For every woman in her biography and personal life, children (Olga Skabeeva is sure of this) are the main and most important achievement. While the couple are raising their only son, Zakhar, whom Olga gave birth to in 2014, they are not going to stop there.

The TV presenter was congratulated on the birth of her child. live the entire Vesti team. Colleagues wished the mother and baby health and expressed hope that Olga will soon return to the air. During the birth of his son, Evgeniy Popov and the team of the “Special Correspondent” worked in Kyiv, where tragic events were unfolding at that time.

However, Evgeny managed to fly to the capital for discharge and brought his wife and son home from the maternity hospital. At first, the parents’ busy schedule did not allow them to spend as much time with the child as they would like. Therefore, Zakhar was temporarily taken to his grandmother, Olga’s mother, in her hometown Volzhsky. Soon the boy returned home. Now Olga and Evgeniy try to spend all evenings and weekends with their son (of course, if they are not going on a business trip). The boy is growing up as a friendly and inquisitive child.

A year after Olga returned from maternity leave I was waiting for the presenter a pleasant surprise- receiving prestigious award"TEFI-2017". It was presented to both Olga and Evgeniy. They won in the “Host of a socio-political talk show” category.

We briefly presented you with the biography of Olga Skabeeva (the photo can be seen in the article). In conclusion, I would like to say that the famous presenter is extremely demanding not only of herself, but also of those around her. Olga is sure that both in work and in the family, complete dedication and hard work are necessary, otherwise nothing will be achieved.

“60 Minutes” of the TV channel “Russia 1”, hosted by the spouses Evgeny Popov and Olga Skabeeva, has already more than a year is one of the most popular programs on domestic television. Many viewers liked both the original format of the program and the charming presenters.

They look organically on screen together and there is no doubt about their competence and high professionalism. Fans of the discussion show are, of course, interested in the biography and personal life of the charming Yevgeny Popov, information about his first wife (before Skabeeva, the TV journalist was already married)..

Life's work

Evgeny Popov was born in Vladivostok into an intelligent family. I was interested in journalism since childhood and already in school years began collaborating with local radio. So, one day Zhenya’s parents saw an advertisement in the newspaper about recruitment young talents to a local radio station.

13-year-old Evgeny Popov made a fairly successful debut as a radio host and began hosting the program “Sacvoyage.” However, in his heart the boy dreamed of television journalism.

Evgeniy Popov

After graduating from school, he did not have to think long about where to go: the choice was obvious. Higher education Popov studied at the Far Eastern State University. Here he studied journalism. At the same time, he collaborated with the Primorsky Canal as a correspondent. And in his free time from study and work, he was interested in music. His fellow students recall how enthusiastically Popov stood at the DJ console and played discs in a local night cafe.

After graduating from university, Popov went to work at Vesti. A promising newcomer was almost immediately sent on a business trip abroad to North Korea.

For some time, Popov worked as a special correspondent in his homeland, and then moved to Moscow, where he managed to get a job on the Rossiya TV channel. From this time on, Popov’s rapid career rise and, by his own admission, “global professional happiness” began.

The capital's authorities send Evgeniy on a 2-year business trip to Kyiv, where he begins to cover the political situation in Ukraine and makes reports about the Orange Revolution. He began to be considered a television fighter against the opposition. Upon returning to Moscow, Evgeniy becomes a political observer for the “News of the Week” program, and after 2 years he is sent on business again.

This time Popov flies to the USA to cover American life for Russians. Over time, he, a staff correspondent for VGTRK, manages to rise to the rank of editor-in-chief of the New York news bureau.

A good salary, a full social package, paid for by the TV channel... In America, Popov once again manages to declare himself as a talented television journalist and reporter. And also here he finds personal happiness.

First wife

In the biography and personal life of Evgeny Popov, his first wife, Anastasia Churkina, occupies a special place. She had an influential father, diplomat Vitaly Churkin. Nastya works on the Russian channel Russia today and, apparently, she met Evgeniy through work.

Evgeniy once admitted that during a business trip to the States he had many affairs with “beautiful and smart people.” Why he chose Nastya is unknown. Perhaps it was just passion, which, as usual, quickly passes. After all, the marriage of Churkin and Popova broke up after a couple of years.

Anastasia Churkina

There are rumors that Evgeny’s return to his homeland is connected with this: Vitaly Churkin did not want to meet his former son-in-law in New York and Popov had to leave America immediately when his work contract ended.

Rumor has it that the marriage to Churkina broke up because of Olga Skabeeva. According to another version, Popov was lured to his homeland, promising him a good position. Evgeniy was supposed to head the broadcast and host the author’s program.

Popov and Skabeeva

Second marriage

After the divorce in 2012, Popov did not grieve alone for long. Already in April 2013, he signed with TV presenter Olga Skabeeva. Obviously, he met her while he was still married to Anastasia Churkina (Olga did an internship in the States).

The wedding of Evgeny and Olga took place in New York, the lovers were then on business trips abroad and it was decided that Skabeeva would fly from Brussels to Popov and they would get married in America. By the way, on the day of painting they were not able to fully devote time to each other, because before wedding ceremony Evgeniy needed to film a report.

The couple co-host 60 Minutes

A year later, something happened in the personal lives of the spouses crucial moment: Olga gave birth to Evgenia’s first child, son Zakhar. About my family life and raising a child famous TV presenters once told in Boris Korchevnikov’s program “The Fate of a Man.” Olga told the audience that Zakhar is a very inquisitive child and is constantly keenly interested in the affairs of his parents and happily talks about his children’s affairs in the garden.

She and Evgeniy are trying to pay maximum attention to their son and spend time together. By the way, Olga willingly shares family photos with subscribers. Photos with her husband and son can be easily found on her Instagram.

The TV presenter recalled how in 2014, after putting her baby to bed, she walked into the hospital corridor of the maternity hospital and watched her husband’s news from the Maidan with bated breath. Popov is accustomed to reporting from hot spots. He managed to visit Syria, Donbass, Libya, and Japan, during the Fukushima accident.

    Indeed, Olga Skabeeva and Evgeny Popov, currently presenting the 60 Minutes program on the Russia TV channel, are husband and wife. Their marriage is more than 3 years old, they have little son, who will soon turn 3 years old. O. Skabeeva comes from the Volgograd region, studied in St. Petersburg, and E. Popov studied at Far East. And then we met in Moscow in the journalistic field. This is Popov’s second marriage, he was previously married to V. Churkin’s daughter, there were no children.

    Despite the fact that Skabeeva has a different surname from Popov, they are husband and wife. But, due to the fact that the names are different, few TV viewers realize this.

    In 2014, on February 14, Olga and Evgeniy had a son, who was named Zakhar. In 2017 the boy will turn 3 years old.

    Many people like Olga’s style of conveying information (despite her pleasant, pretty appearance), she speaks a little aggressively and harshly, she was even given the nickname iron doll and Mrs. metal voice.

    How old is Olga Skabeeva, where was she born.

    Olga Skobeeva and Evgeny Popov are husband and wife. True, it is not indicated when the wedding took place, but three years ago exactly.

    In 2014, their son was born. This is their only child so far.

    They are also connected by a joint broadcast. Skabeeva and Popov host the program for 60 minutes.

    Olga is a very popular television journalist and presenter on Russian channels. They live together, the couple officially got married in 2013. Popov had already been married once, but for Olga this was the first marriage. They met in Moscow and immediately showed sympathy for each other.

    They have joint child boy, he is almost three years old.

    They often perform together, even with the naked eye you can see how they harmonize with each other, their relationships, how they look at each other.

    On this moment they co-host the popular program 60 Minutes, are still preparing for new projects.

    Many people ask whether Skobeeva and Popov are married, so instead they appear on TV and their spiritual connection is difficult not to notice. If you thought so too, everything is correct - they are married.

    They got married 3 years ago, and a year after the wedding Olga gave birth to Evgeniy’s son. They named him Zakhar. Unfortunately, it was not possible to find a photo from the wedding of Skobeeva and Popov - they do not disclose the details of their personal lives.

    Beauty, wonderful mother, popular TV presenter, journalist and just good man Olga Skabeeva. In 2013, she married TV presenter Evgeniy Popov. And in 2014, she gave birth to a baby who was named Zakhar. The couple hosts a talk show for 60 minutes, so the spouses do not get separated both at work and at home and are always together.

    Yes, they are spouses. This is Olga's first marriage. And Evgeniy was already married to the daughter of Vitaly Churkin. But it didn’t work out and they divorced in 2012. Consequently, they have been married to Olga Skobeeva since 2013. at the beginning of 2014 they had a son, who will soon be 3 years old.

    I like the program 60 Minutes and I watch it often, not only because I have a great respect for politics, but rather because I like the hosts of this program. Olga always looks smart and dresses strictly, but tastefully, without any bells and whistles in her clothes, as many program presenters do. Evgeniy is very attractive with his extraordinary intelligence and consistency in running such a complex program - on his program there is always a cultural conversation without shouting and hysteria. They have been husband and wife for three years now and look very harmonious side by side. Two years ago, Olga and Evgeniy had a son, and you can see from their eyes that they have a happy marriage.

    Olga SkAbeeva is now one of the most popular journalists and TV presenters in Russia. She is constantly on TV, on the Russia-1 channel she and her husband Evgeniy Popov rock the program for 60 minutes, they look very organic... Although I’m not the only one who notices her interesting pronunciation... for example, how she pronounces the word President and so on, it turns out funny , so cute, unobtrusive. After all, Olga Skabeeva is from the city of Volzhsky Volgograd Region, however, when communicating with friends from Volgograd, I did not notice such a dialect. Indeed, Evgeny Popov is in his second marriage, the first was with the daughter of the Russian Representative to the UN, diplomat Vitaly Churkin. Popov was married to Olga Skabeeva for the second time in 2013, and on January 14, 2014, they had a son, Zakhar. By the way, here are them joint interview in the Morning of Russia program on the Russia-1 channel (RTR)

    After surfing the Internet, I was able to discover that Evgeny Popov and Olga Skobaeva have been husband and wife since 2013. They had a son, Zakhar, who is already 3 years old. Also about life together we can say that the couple feels good together.

Evgeny Popov: biography, personal life - that’s what we’ll talk about below. Nowadays, journalists and TV presenters are remembered very often. First of all, this is due to the scandalous programs that they host, sayings addressed to politicians, and even incorrectly formulated phrases that the audience did not like. Therefore, their work is not only difficult, but also dangerous.

Evgeny Popov is one of the most famous Russian TV presenters. Latest project The program that Evgeniy works on is the “60 Minutes” program. There is very little information about the personal life and biography of journalist Evgeniy Popov, since he is only Lately became famous.

Evgeny Popov: photo

The TV presenter, along with his programs and TV shows, collects ratings. A huge number of television viewers constantly watch these programs throughout the country. Of course, the personal life and biography of Evgeny Popov does not go unnoticed; he regularly shares his photos on in social networks. The person is very open and cheerful.

For him always great importance had a job as a correspondent. From an early age, he understood that this was the industry that could bring him fame and popularity.

IN currently Many of Popov's television programs and his role as host are directly related to political and public discussions. He never stays away from all events.

The biography of Evgeny Popov was for some time connected with the personal life of Anastasia Churkina. This marriage didn't last for a long time and soon fell apart.

Despite all this, the main thing in Popov’s life is to devote himself to his work in full. Working abroad allowed him to reach certain heights; he perfectly mastered English language. In general, today Evgeny Popov is a full-fledged journalist and specialist in the field of correspondence. In addition to all this, he is actively involved in writing.


The TV presenter was born in the Far East, his hometown is Vladivostok, where he spent most of his life. The intelligent family in which Evgeniy himself lived became for him some kind of start in the future. The career should have turned out very well. Popova's mother worked in one of the local higher education institutions educational institutions. Since childhood, or rather since his school years, Evgeniy has had a passion for journalism. He conducted various interviews, traveled to events, and even began working with print media. All this foreshadowed his work as a TV presenter.

Evgeny Popov - famous TV presenter

As a result, already in his school years he had the opportunity to perform and even communicate with the audience on local radio. It was like this important event for him that Evgeny remembers him very often. Oddly enough, he ends up in the journalism department, but not at Moscow State University, but at a local university. He immediately gets a job on one of the local TV channels. His profession at that time was a correspondent, and he was very glad that his talent was in demand. Throughout his entire training, Evgeniy Popov was engaged only in this work, since it allowed him to achieve good luck learning.


Then, having received his diploma, he gets a job on the TV show “Vesti”, which is known to many Russian television viewers. His first working trip abroad, he went to North Korea to report. He was never afraid of any difficulties or restrictions. Popov strove to get a good report that TV viewers could really like. He soon got tired of working as a special correspondent in Vladivostok; he wanted something bigger and more ambitious. Well, where should we go if not to Moscow? He was accepted into the Rossiya television company.

Evgeny Popov hosts the Vesti program

His first work trip lasted about three years. In 2003, the management formalized him as a seconded correspondent to Kyiv. The main job is to monitor the political situation in the country. At that time it was actively developing Orange Revolution, which was of great importance for neighboring states. He was such a valuable employee that no one ever wanted to replace him.

All reports were well-founded, with clearly prepared data. A clear analysis of situations today is carried out by Popov before each release of his program. He understands that people cannot be misled just because of ratings.

In Ukraine, he sometimes had to work in rather difficult conditions. He traveled to the hottest spots in Kyiv and filmed live reports there; trips to North Korea as a youth helped him understand how to work in such situations. In general, Evgeniy Popov had already developed as a journalist at that time. He could easily work in the most different conditions, without any difficulties. It was this factor that helped him reach such heights. Today he recalls with pleasure the time when he worked in Kyiv.

Already in 2005, he returned and received the position of news columnist, which was published once a week. In 2007, he will have a working trip to New York. This was not political news, but simple coverage of events taking place in society. Of course, Evgeny Popov did his job very well and many predicted a great future for him, despite the fact that he had already achieved a lot at that time. Working at Russian television and radio stations brought him certain advantages, since he wanted to devote his life to news and similar programs.

Evgeny Popov: photo

Of course, the biography of Evgeny Popov also contains information about his personal life and his talent as a writer. Today, almost nothing is known about his books, since he published them in small editions and distributed them only to those closest to him. But written scripts and other texts for author's programs are also a kind of art. In general, Evgeny Popov has proven his worth as a full-fledged specialist in the field of correspondence and journalism. Working abroad, he had enough time to write his own poetry or short excerpts for future books.

Journalist Evgeny Popov is going to release a book from which you can learn about his biography and personal life. This is his personal decision, which he has been thinking about for a very long time. Of course, it will not be released soon, but it will include a very large number of facts and stories. Of course, he wants to make some kind of original innovative project book that has never been used before. Many fans and admirers of his work are looking forward to this event.

The author’s program, which he worked on independently, appeared four years ago and was called “News at 23:00.” Since the channel was completely news, there was no way to come up with something unique. His work was recognized as one of the best. He also worked as a presenter in the television program “Special Correspondent”; this project was quite popular, as events of great importance for society were examined and discussed here. Recently, he has been working on the talk show “60 Minutes”, together with his host O. Skabeeva.

Popov worked as a presenter in the TV show “Special Correspondent”

In 2016, a short documentary film “Medialiteracy” appeared on TV screens, which was completely developed and prepared by Evgeny Popov. He always tried to present the audience with something new and interesting, but at the same time he never embellished events, he spoke as it was. The film itself revealed some factors information war, which is taking place all over the world today. Many publications and television corporations saw in this the modern realities of television and media mass media. The project received universal recognition, despite the fact that it was aired in the “Special Correspondent” program.

Life in the United States of America seemed like a fairy tale to him, but when he found out how much was going on, his opinion changed. Since he was engaged in public news, not a single crime or other social event passed him by. All this made it possible to understand the essence of the American nation and that they do not live better than in Russian Federation. But here the first happiness in his life happened, when he met Churkina. This was an event for him that he had dreamed about for a long time. Evgeny Popov met his first wife in America, she played a huge influence on his personal life and biography.

Personal life

Personal life Evgenia Popova in the first stages of development career growth did not work out, he had no children, and the marriage section of the biography remained empty. Life changed when he went on a work trip to New York, where he lived long time. Far from his loved ones, he struggled to communicate with native Russian speakers. The meeting with Anastasia Churkina allowed them to communicate in native language, and it was this factor that brought them closer and closer. Subsequently, communication grew into love and marriage. Anastasia Churkina herself has spoken more than once about how much she loves her snake. They had no children together.

Anastasia Churkina - the first wife of E. Popov

While working in America, Evgeny Popov met his first wife. Anastasia Churkina, the daughter of the UN permanent representative and an employee of the Russia Today TV channel, dated Evgeniy for quite a long time, then there was a wedding, but everything collapsed at one point. In 2012, they filed for divorce. This event somehow influenced the journalist himself; he became more responsible and attentive to many people. The divorce took place in America, so he was not there for a long time and returned to his homeland. This greatly disappointed Evgeny himself, who was in some bewilderment for a very long time after the divorce. He himself did not understand why he had to part with the woman of his dreams.

For a long time, Evgeny Popov was completely alone. He devoted himself almost entirely to his work, but it is clear that creative people cannot be alone for a long time. What is needed is communication that provides some opportunity for ideas and development of perspectives. Many fans are interested in the biography, personal life, height and weight of Evgeniy Popov, this information is certainly interesting, but he practically does not talk about his family. After a certain time, he still found exactly that love, or maybe he just hid the relationship from the very beginning.

The second wife Olga Skabeeva is also a television worker. They have a common son, Zakhar, and a joint television project.

Olga Skabeeva is the current wife of Evgeniy Popov

We can say that Evgeny Popov found his happiness, which he had been looking for for a very long time. Family is of great importance to him and Eugene always treated his wives with tenderness.

We can say that the work of a correspondent allowed him not only to achieve high results, but also to arrange his personal life.

They are currently raising a son together and are very happy to work and live together. Many people say that people are annoying when they are at work and at home together, the Popov family is a clear refutation of this rule.

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