Gert Skriver, energy-efficient low-power heating networks. Energy saving in heating networks

Doctor of Technical Sciences I.I. Strikha, professor, chief researcher,
RUE "BelTEI", Minsk, Republic of Belarus
(based on materials from the magazine “Energy and Management”)

When developing energy saving programs in boiler houses, the list presented below and data on the expected savings of fuel and energy resources (FER) of the main energy saving measures can be used.

Energy efficiency of boiler houses

The enterprises of the State Production Association "Belenergo" (Republic of Belarus) include 35 district boiler houses (RB) with medium-power steam boilers (98 pcs.) with a total capacity of 1992.4 t/h and hot water boilers (118 pcs.) with a total thermal capacity of 7117 Gcal/h . The structure of hot water boilers is dominated by boilers with a nominal unit capacity of 50 and 100 Gcal/h.

The design included the use of RK boilers as base, peak or backup heat sources. However, the current operating conditions of boilers in heat supply systems differ from the design ones. In particular, a number of Republic of Kazakhstan have low values ​​of installed thermal power utilization factors, which should be taken into account when implementing energy-saving and environmental activities, moreover, expensive measures must be implemented primarily at basic boiler houses.

The energy efficiency of boiler houses is usually assessed by the efficiency values ​​of the boilers, taking into account the losses of fuel and heat during its production and release, as well as the cost of electricity for driving mechanisms and other needs, determined from data from monitoring and accounting devices for fuel and energy resources consumption. When solving the problems of increasing the efficiency of using fuel and energy resources in a boiler room, serious attention should be paid to organizing work on the implementation of energy saving programs, improving the qualifications of operating personnel and introducing systems for stimulating fuel and energy resources savings.

For individual RCs of regional associations, significant differences in fuel efficiency levels are allowed. In particular, when operating almost exclusively on natural gas, the specific fuel consumption (SFC) for heat supply varied in a wide range - 154.91-199.7 kg.t./Gcal. A similar situation has developed in RUE Gomelenergo (155.98-185.77 kg equivalent fuel/Gcal) and Grodnoenergo (156.45-174.24 kg fuel equivalent/Gcal).

The different operating efficiency of boiler houses can largely be explained by their insufficient loading. The average utilization factor of the installed capacity of the Republic of Kazakhstan as a whole for the Belenergo State Production Association is 9.1%. Lowest value This indicator is in RUE Grodnoenergo (3.4%), the highest is in RUE Brestenergo (10.7%).

Analysis of the reporting data of the State Production Association "Belenergo" on URT for the supply of thermal energy and data on the efficiency of operation of boilers in the Republic of Kazakhstan gives grounds to believe that in terms of these indicators they are not inferior to foreign analogues, and, in some Republics, the efficiency of "gross" boilers has reached the level of limit values ​​that limits the possibility of further fuel savings. At the same time, the costs of fuel and energy resources for the own needs of boiler houses are quite high and even for equipment of the same type differ significantly from each other.

When assessing the energy saving potential in the Republic of Kazakhstan, the minimum possible inevitable heat losses in boilers with flue gases, with chemical underburning and into the environment were taken. For non-condensing modern boilers, the minimum possible values ​​of the listed indicators when generating heat, respectively, are 5.5-6.5; 0.05; 1-1.5%.

The total minimum possible losses for RK boilers are in the range of 6.6-8.1%. With such loss values, the “gross” efficiency of boilers should be 91.9-93.4%, which corresponds to the URT for thermal energy production of 155.36-152.87 kg.t./Gcal. Taking into account the heat consumption for the boiler house’s own needs of 2-2.5% (when operating on natural gas), the total minimum possible heat losses in the Republic of Kazakhstan will be 8.6-10.6%, which corresponds to the URT values ​​for heat supply 156.21 -159 .71 kg.t./Gcal (for comparisons with the achieved indicators in the Republic of Kazakhstan GPO Belenergo, one can take the average value of 157.96 kg.t./Gcal).

For the same boiler houses with backup fuel - fuel oil, the total minimum possible losses should be higher by at least 1%.

A comparison of the calculated and achieved (reported) values ​​of specific costs in the Belenergo State Production Association in 2006 showed that the potential for energy saving in boiler houses with existing types of boilers does not exceed 2.2% of total fuel consumption, or approximately 23 thousand tons of fuel equivalent. in year. At the same time, according to the reporting data of some RKs (Brestenergo, Vitebskenergo, Minskenergo), the possibilities and reserves of traditionally implemented measures to further reduce the URT are practically exhausted. However, in reality (according to the results of energy surveys), the actual values ​​of the heat output for heat supply from boiler houses differ from the reported ones. This is mainly due to the imperfect organization of heat supply accounting and the impossibility of promptly making decisions to ensure the required operating conditions of boilers.

For the Republic of Kazakhstan, energy characteristics of equipment are compiled, intended for the operation and regulation of fuel and energy resources costs, and operational and adjustment tests are carried out to determine the technical and economic indicators of boilers. However, the approved standards for specific fuel and energy resources consumption for heat supply from boiler houses are not always consistent with test results.

It should be noted that heat supply from the boiler house is taken into account at the boundary between the boiler house and heating networks. Heat losses in the pipelines of heating networks, as a rule, are determined by calculation without taking into account the actual state of the pipelines, which causes insufficient reliability in determining the amount of heat released by the heating system.

The maximum heat loss during transport in heating networks with a traditional pipeline design (duct with thermal insulation made of mineral wool) does not exceed 12%. In the heating networks of the State Production Association Belenergo, this figure is at the level of 9-10%. When using ductless laying of pre-insulated pipes with polyurethane foam insulation in heating networks, heat losses can be reduced by 2 times and not exceed 5-8%.

Based on this, we can assume that the energy saving potential during heat transport from the Republic of Kazakhstan is at the level of 3.5% of total heat consumption, or 37.6 thousand tce/year, and the total energy saving potential during heat supply from the Republic of Kazakhstan, taking into account reduction of losses in heating networks will be 5.7%.

Achieving higher technical and economic indicators is possible through the implementation of energy-saving measures aimed both at improving the operating conditions of boilers and at reconstructing boiler houses based on advanced technologies.

Main events

The following activities are relevant for the Republic of Kazakhstan:

¦ the use of burner devices that provide a low yield of nitrogen oxides and other toxic components;

¦ introduction of effective and reliable automatic control and protection of boiler units, auxiliary and general boiler equipment;

¦ implementation of automated systems for monitoring and managing technological processes of heat production and supply, accounting for fuel and electricity consumption, supply of thermal energy to consumers based on modern microprocessor technology;

¦ adjusting the control of fuel combustion processes according to the optimal amount of heat loss with chemical underburning and exhaust gases based on the introduction of a controlled electric drive of draft machines;

¦ application of modern technologies for chemical preparation of make-up, network and boiler water;

¦ introduction of highly efficient technology for the preparation and combustion of water-fuel oil emulsions in boiler furnaces, which makes it possible to burn high-viscosity and substandard water-filled fuel oils;

¦ introduction of electric pumping units with a wide range of performance characteristics and the use of an adjustable electric drive;

¦ equipping boiler houses with efficient heat reclaimers from exhaust flue gases, discharged streams of water, steam and condensate.

At the present stage of energy development, a promising direction in the technical re-equipment of basic power plants is their conversion into mini-CHPs for the combined production of thermal and electrical energy due to the addition of gas turbine or steam turbine units. This direction has been successfully implemented at a number of RK GPO Belenergo, where a real reduction in the total fuel consumption for the production and supply of thermal and electrical energy has already been achieved.

Below we consider the possibilities of increasing the operational efficiency of the Republic of Kazakhstan and realizing the energy saving potential through the introduction of technical solutions in certain areas and areas.

Fuel oil farming. When the Republic of Kazakhstan operates on natural gas, the reserve fuel (fuel oil) must be maintained in a state of readiness for its use, which consumes a significant amount of heat. A feature of the operation of fuel oil boiler plants is the uncertainty in the time of consumption of fuel oil, which can only be used when the supply of natural gas is limited. Such situations happen extremely rarely, and in last years in the Republic of Kazakhstan GPO Belenergo were completely absent. However, the fuel oil facility must still be maintained in working order. This is achieved through the operation of a pump-circulation system for supplying fuel oil and heating it with steam to the required temperature from steam boilers installed for this purpose.

In the context of the emerging stable trend in the supply of high-viscosity fuel oils with a high content of asphalt-resinous substances and paraffins, their pumping and gravity movement through pipelines is becoming more difficult.

When high-viscosity fuel oil is heated to 70-80 °C, separation of individual fractional groups occurs, the formation of various agglomerates and their precipitation.

As the heating temperature of fuel oil increases, the processes of formation and deposition of coarse particles accelerate with intensification of the processes of corrosion damage to the pipe system, heaters and tanks. Under conditions of long-term storage of fuel oil (without its renewal and with periodic heating), its properties deteriorate due to the polymerization of hydrocarbon components and the oxidation of non-carbon components. Despite the circulation, when heating fuel oil, a highly viscous layer is formed in the lower part of fuel oil tanks. This may create certain difficulties in starting the operation of the fuel oil economy and using fuel oil as a reserve fuel for the boiler room under force majeure circumstances, for example, in the event of an emergency shutdown of natural gas or a decrease in its pressure. To maintain the fuel oil system in working order, it is advisable to periodically carry out production testing (training), especially during the cold periods of the year.

Modern technologies preparation of low-grade substandard high-viscosity fuel oils is aimed at maintaining their stable condition and composition (uniform water content, homogeneity, etc.) and reducing heat losses. In this case, cold storage of fuel oil is provided in reserve tanks and at its pour point with the release of a small local heated volume.

To improve the environmental performance of boiler houses, as well as to use oil-contaminated Wastewater and watered fuel oils in the Republic of Kazakhstan, it is advisable to organize the preparation and combustion of water-fuel oil emulsions.

Chemical water treatment.

In boiler houses, the water chemistry regime of hot water boilers and heating networks is not always observed. The hardness of the network water and in the boiler circuit exceeds the permissible values. This occurs not only due to unsatisfactory operation of the water treatment plant, but also due to water entering the heating network from consumer installations. Such modes lead to premature failure of pipelines and heating surfaces of boilers. Bringing the hardness of network water to standard values Compensating for leaks with make-up water requires a long time under operating conditions.

At many facilities of the Belenergo State Production Association, the operation of steam and hot water boilers is tested for corrosion and scale formation in the water path when treating water with a reagent containing phosphonates and acrylates. When using such reagents, it was possible to significantly reduce the amount and change the chemical composition of salt deposits on the heating surfaces of boilers and facilitate their removal using blowdowns. It has been shown that when using phosphonates it will be possible to eliminate the need for water treatment of make-up water. This will reduce operating costs for heat supply to facilities without reducing the reliability of heating networks.

In conditions of low loading of steam and hot water boilers, it is relevant to use effective ways conservation of thermal mechanical equipment. One of the effective measures for preserving the surfaces of the water tract is the amine (chelamin) water regime. It should be noted that for the conservation of boilers in the Republic of Kazakhstan in the system of enterprises of the State Production Association "Belenergo" there is no unified technical policy.

In accordance with the rules for the technical operation of heating networks of heating and hot water supply systems, quality control of network and make-up water must be organized and constantly carried out. Their main controlled indicators are hardness, alkalinity, oxygen and iron content. As a result of non-compliance with the water-chemical regime of heating networks, corrosion of pipelines occurs; deposits form on the heating surfaces of network heaters, which lead to deterioration of heat transfer processes and additional consumption of thermal energy. In addition, contamination of network water with sediments and corrosion products causes an increase in the hydraulic resistance of pipelines and heat exchangers, which leads to an increase in electricity consumption for thermal energy transport (can exceed design values ​​several times). To protect and passivate the heating surfaces of heat exchangers and pipelines of heating networks, surfactants can be used to remove deposits and corrosion products without damaging the protective films. To control the degree of contamination of heating surfaces of network heaters and pipelines, their reduced hydraulic resistance should be periodically determined at calculated and actual values ​​of network water flow rates and corresponding pressures.

Heating network.

Significant savings in fuel and energy resources can be obtained by reducing losses in heating networks through thermal insulation and coolant leaks. With long-term operation of pipelines, their internal and external corrosion causes destruction of the pipeline walls and increases coolant leaks. In addition, the thermal conductivity of the insulating material increases due to moisture and destruction, which leads to an increase in heat losses. To reduce these losses, it is necessary to organize timely diagnostics of the condition of pipelines using modern instrumental methods without opening heating mains, regularly carry out thermal tests in order to determine actual heat losses and the real condition of pipelines, identify and promptly eliminate violations, as well as plan repairs of heating networks and equipment of heat supply systems.

Electric drives.

A reduction of at least 15-20% in electricity consumption by network pumps while maintaining the calculated values ​​of pressure drop and water flow in the network can be achieved even with the existing state of heating network equipment.

Savings in electricity spent on driving pumps and draft installations of the Republic of Kazakhstan can be obtained from the following measures that do not require significant capital costs:

¦ matching the pressure characteristics of pumps (smoke exhausters, fans)

and resistance of the water (gas-air) path (energy savings - up to 20%);

¦ regulating the performance of network pumps on the suction pipe instead of regulating on the pressure pipe (energy savings - 10-15%);

¦ systematically checking the tightness (tightness) of air duct connections to fans (smoke exhausters).

In recent years, industrial enterprises and power facilities on equipment with variable operating modes, a variable electric drive (RED) is widely used, which allows reducing power consumption by 15-40%, depending on operating conditions. The introduction of electronic electronics is considered as an effective energy-saving measure for the Republic of Kazakhstan - for drives of pumps, fans and smoke exhausters of boilers, ventilation units. However, the decision to use REP should be made based on the results of a feasibility study.

Contact heat exchangers.

Contact heat exchangers with an active nozzle (CTAN) can be used to heat make-up, chemically purified, return network water, as well as for air after the blower fan. In some Republic of Kazakhstan, CTANs were previously installed to utilize the latent heat of vaporization of water vapor from flue gases, but they were practically not used and there is currently no reliable information about the efficiency of their operation.

In recent years, there has been interest in converting boilers operating on natural gas to a mode with condensation of water vapor contained in the flue gases. Boilers of this type have an efficiency that is 8-10% higher than traditional ones and are widely used in heat supply systems in a number of foreign countries. Here it is necessary to note the work of RUE "BelTEI" in this direction - the development and testing of a contact water heater with a URT of 143-148 kg.t./Gcal.


It should be noted that the efficiency of fuel use in the Republic of Kazakhstan can be increased by introducing technical diagnostic tools for the condition of individual components of boiler units and heating networks, by optimizing combustion modes, operating modes of main and auxiliary equipment, as well as by improving metrological support for measuring instruments of technological parameters.

The main reserve for increasing the efficiency of steam and hot water boilers is in reducing heat losses with flue gases. The areas of work to reduce these losses are well known and consist mainly in maintaining optimal values coefficient of excess air in the gas path of boilers by reducing air suction, timely cleaning of internal and external heating surfaces from contaminants. Economical operation of boiler systems depends on compliance optimal modes operation and ensuring the calculated values ​​of technological parameters.

The list and data on the expected savings in fuel and energy resources of the main energy-saving measures during the operation of boilers are given in the table. This information can be used in developing energy saving programs in boiler houses.

To solve the problems of energy saving in boiler houses, it is necessary to improve the information support system for industry enterprises in matters of increasing the efficiency of the work of the Republic of Kazakhstan. In projects for reconstruction and modernization of the Republic of Kazakhstan, it is necessary to provide for the use of inventions and patents with material and moral incentives for their authors and enterprises using these inventions.

To carry out priority tasks for rational use FER needs to create conditions for the formation and functioning of a mechanism for economic motivation for energy saving during the operation of energy facilities, incl. and RK.

Gert Skriver, editor, Kamstrup A/S, Denmark (Abridged)

In new built-up areas near the city of Aarhus (Denmark), with the support of the Danish Energy Agency, a pilot project is being implemented to connect modern energy-efficient buildings to heating networks (Fig. 1). The goal of the project is to develop new technologies, materials and operating parameters that will reduce heat loss and the overall costs of maintaining heating networks.

The demonstration site is located in the city of Lystrup, a suburb of Aarhus, and consists of 40 one-story houses. The houses, each with an area of ​​100 m2, were built in 2010 in accordance with the first energy efficiency class, which means an energy consumption of 47.3 kWh/m2 per year.

So-called “green buildings” require much less energy for heating than conventional ones. Traditional heat distribution systems in this case become economically ineffective, because Transportation losses compared to the amount of energy consumed become too large. In fact, such buildings in Denmark are not subject to mandatory connection to the district heating supply (Danish municipal authorities may oblige building owners to connect them to common system energy distribution (district heating or gas distribution network), but since 2006 this requirement does not apply to energy efficient buildings - approx. author.). At the same time, studies show that the principle of centralized heat supply remains relevant for energy-saving (energy efficient) buildings even in areas with low density buildings, while the main condition must be met - to reduce the overall heat loss in heating networks, which in such areas reaches 40%.

The energy-saving heating network project in Lystrup follows a previous similar project, which proved that it is possible to carry out space heating with a heating medium with a temperature below 50 ° C while maintaining a temperature in the distribution network of about 55 ° C. Measurement analysis showed that domestic hot water is possible with a temperature of 47 ° C at a supply temperature of 50 O C, i.e. The DHW temperature is only 3 °C lower than the primary circuit temperature.

In order to reduce heat loss and coolant temperature, the project uses small-diameter pipes with polyurethane foam insulation. The pipeline consists of two pipes (supply and return) in a single outer shell (Fig. 2), which reduces heat loss compared to conventional single pipes. The shell is reinforced with a diffusion barrier that prevents gas from escaping from the cells of the insulating foam to the outside.

The project also includes an experiment with two different types of heat exchangers and individual heat points (IHP) installed in each building. Both are prototypes developed specifically for the low-power heating network project. The first type is a house IHP with a reservoir in the primary circuit, the second type is an IHP with a so-called fast water heater.

Since low-temperature heating networks operate at very small temperature differences, careful monitoring with constant readings is required. For these purposes, more than 67 energy meters have been installed at the demonstration site. Installed heat meters display the amount of thermal energy consumed with an accuracy 10 times greater than usual. Additional heat meters are installed in the hot water supply circuits of each ITP to determine the energy consumed only for hot water supply needs.

The operating experience of several projects (since 2007) shows that low-temperature heating networks for heating energy-efficient buildings are quite functional. Low energy consumption by network pumps and low losses in the heating network have been achieved - in currently on the demonstration site they are 17%, but this is not the limit.

A significant role in solving the problem of saving thermal energy belongs to highly efficient thermal insulation.

The heating network is one of the weak points of the heat supply system. The technical condition of pipelines affects not only the costs of operating organizations, but also the health and safety of residents. As many years of operating experience show, the durability of domestic heating networks with existing installation methods is 1.5-2 times lower than abroad and does not exceed 3 and rarely 10 years, the total heat losses in the absence of high-quality thermal insulation of heat supply systems reach 20-40% released heat. This is 3-5 times higher than the same figure in developed European countries.

1.4. Centralized heating supply.

Recently, there have been criticisms about centralized heat supply based on district heating - the joint production of thermal and electrical energy. The main disadvantages include large losses in pipelines during heat transport, a decrease in the quality of heat supply due to non-compliance with the temperature schedule and the required pressures at consumers. It is proposed to switch to decentralized, autonomous heat supply from automated boiler houses, including those located on the roofs of buildings, justifying this by lower cost and the absence of the need to lay heat pipelines. But at the same time, as a rule, it is not taken into account that connecting the heat load to the boiler room makes it impossible to generate cheap electricity from heat consumption. Therefore, this part of ungenerated electricity must be replaced by its production through the condensation cycle, the efficiency of which is lower than that of the cogeneration cycle. Consequently, the cost of electricity consumed by a building whose heat supply is provided by a boiler house should be higher than that of a building connected to a district heating system, and this will cause an increase in operating costs.

In this course work We are calculating the thermal design of the village of Prilepovo. This includes the calculation of residential buildings and industrial premises, as well as the design calculation of the greenhouse. From this work we will learn how much energy the village consumes, and what power the boiler room needs to use to ensure normal indoor temperatures. Since the temperatures for residential and industrial premises will be different, we calculate how much energy each room will consume, and based on the total power of energy consumed, we select the power of the boiler room.

Since there are heat losses when transferring heat over a distance, we locate the boiler room as close as possible to industrial buildings that will consume more energy.

There are two methods for calculating heat losses for premises.

    Exact calculation

    Calculation based on aggregated indicators

In this work, we use both the exact method and aggregated indicators.

---IV. Improving the efficiency of energy supply systems
------4.4. Heating network

4.4.3. Methods for reducing losses in heating networks

VIII. Use of renewable energy resources

The main methods are:

  • periodic diagnostics and monitoring of the condition of heating networks;
  • drainage of canals;
  • replacement of dilapidated and most frequently damaged sections of heating networks (primarily those subject to flooding) based on the results of engineering diagnostics, using modern thermal insulation structures;
  • cleaning drains;
  • restoration (application) of anti-corrosion, heat and waterproofing coatings in accessible places;
  • increasing the pH of network water;
  • ensuring high-quality water treatment of make-up water;
  • organization of electrochemical protection of pipelines;
  • restoration of waterproofing of floor slab joints;
  • ventilation of channels and chambers;
  • installation of bellows expansion joints;
  • use of improved pipe steels and non-metallic pipelines;
  • organization of real-time determination of actual thermal energy losses in main heating networks based on data from thermal energy metering devices at the thermal station and at consumers for the purpose of prompt decision-making to eliminate the causes of increased losses;
  • strengthening supervision during emergency recovery work by administrative and technical inspections;
  • transfer of consumers from heat supply from central to individual heating points.

Incentives and criteria for personnel must be created. Today's task of the emergency service: come, dig, patch, fill up, leave. The introduction of only one criterion for assessing activity - the absence of repeated ruptures - immediately radically changes the situation (ruptures occur in places of the most dangerous combination of corrosion factors and increased requirements in terms of corrosion protection must be imposed on the replaced local sections of the heating network). Diagnostic equipment will immediately appear, and there will be an understanding that if this heating main is flooded, it needs to be drained, and if the pipe is rotten, then the emergency service will be the first to prove that a section of the network needs to be changed.

It is possible to create a system in which a heating network in which a rupture has occurred will be considered “sick” and will be sent for treatment to a repair service, like a hospital. After “treatment”, it will be returned to operational service with a restored resource.

Economic incentives for operating personnel are also very important. 10-20% savings from reducing losses due to leaks (subject to compliance with the network water hardness standards) paid to staff works best of all external investment. At the same time, due to the reduction in the number of flooded areas, losses through insulation are reduced and the service life of networks is increased.

The first thing they did in heat supply enterprises former countries CMEA and the Baltic states after the transition to market relations, - the channels of the heating networks were drained. Of all the possible technical measures to reduce costs, this turned out to be the most cost-effective.

It is necessary to radically improve the quality of replacement of heating networks through:

  • preliminary examination of the site being re-laid in order to determine the reasons for failure to maintain the standard service life and prepare a high-quality technical specification for the design;
  • mandatory development of capital repair projects with justification of the projected service life;
  • independent instrument testing of the quality of laying heating networks;
  • introducing personal responsibility of officials for the quality of gaskets.

The technical problem of ensuring the standard service life of heating networks was solved back in the 50s of the 20th century. due to the use of thick-walled pipes and High Quality construction work, primarily anti-corrosion protection. Now recruiting technical means much wider.

Previously, technical policy was determined by the priority of reducing capital investments. It was necessary to ensure a maximum increase in production at lower costs, so that this increase would compensate for the costs of repairs in the future. In today's situation, this approach is not acceptable. Under normal economic conditions, the owner cannot afford to lay networks with a service life of 10-12 years; this is ruinous for him. This is especially unacceptable when the city population becomes the main payer. In every municipal formation There must be strict control over the quality of the installation of heating networks.

Priorities in spending funds must be changed, most of which is spent today on replacing sections of heating networks in which there were pipe ruptures during operation or summer pressure testing, to preventing the formation of ruptures by monitoring the rate of pipe corrosion and taking measures to reduce it.

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Energy saving technologies and methods

Development human society, its successes on the path of civilization and progress are directly related to increased labor productivity and improvements in the material living conditions of people. Prerequisite scientific, technical and social progress consists of increasing the amount of energy consumed and developing new, more efficient types of energy. Energy problems arose at all stages of human society, and each time the efforts of scientists, engineers, and inventors helped solve these problems. But starting from the twentieth century. There is a sharp increase in energy consumption. This is due to the development of civilization, the expansion and deepening of human knowledge about the world around us. An important role here is played by the influence of such factors as the economic growth and population growth. However, reserves traditional types energy resources are limited, and the degree of limitation increases over time. Of great concern is the air pollution caused by the exploitation of power plants, changes in its annual composition, pollution of the world's oceans, destruction of forests, flooding of land during the construction of hydroelectric power stations, pollution of water bodies.

Organization of rational energy saving with minimal environmental impact with prudent economical use of primary energy resources and reasonable sufficient satisfaction of technological and household needs in all types and forms of energy is becoming a common concern of humanity.

Thus, the most important problem of energy supply and rational energy consumption is revealed, the solution of which is a continuous dynamic process that requires coordinated simultaneous actions of all states, organizations and individuals and includes both technical and socio-economic aspects.

The solution to this problem is the main essence and goal of energy management - a new branch of human knowledge and experience. This industry accumulates centuries-old experience and progress of mankind in the use of energy and the achievements of modern management as an established system of theoretical knowledge, practical methods and management tools.

Originating in industrial developed countries Western Europe, in Japan, USA in the 60-70s. as a result of overcoming the energy crisis, which is actively developing today in former socialist countries for new socio-economic conditions, a new independent system - a synthesis of humanitarian and technical knowledge and experience - energy management is being formed at the intersection of management and technology. Moreover, since energy consumption is the technical basis of any technological process, one should take into account the technical knowledge and experience accumulated in all sectors of the economy

Thus, energy management is methodological science with practical tools for implementing the energy management process, i.e. planning, organization, motivation, control of the optimal use of all types and forms of energy with the expedient satisfaction of human needs and minimal negative impact on the environment.

The definition of energy management reveals all the elements of the management process: -planning; -organization; -motivation; - control; -present in the definition of general management, which is a subgoal of the general management mission, -satisfying the organization's energy needs with a minimum negative influence on the environment.

The methods and results of energy management as an applied science are necessary for the successful functioning of any organization, from international entities, states and ending with the family, any sector of the economy. Energy management is carried out at all vertical and horizontal levels of management of organizations.

An energy management specialist is a person who performs management functions to achieve the goals of energy management as subgoals of the management mission in a given organization. To organize an efficient and environmentally friendly environment energy consumption, systematic and thorough knowledge is needed for the triune actions in the fields of technology, organization and behavior.

In the countries of the European Union, the USA, and Japan, personnel structure energy management, decided functional responsibilities and rights with enough high level energy management and its specifics in each country and organization.

An analysis of the experience of these countries shows that without government policies and energy saving programs, without creating an energy management system, it is impossible to overcome the economic crisis and achieve stable social and economic development.

Energy management is actively developing in our republic. Education State Committee on energy saving and energy supervision in 1993, adoption State program“Energy Saving” in 1995 and the Law on Energy Saving in 1998 are the key, most important elements of the energy management system. Active organizational and practical work implementation of adopted concepts and programs, the introduction of energy efficient technologies have brought the Republic of Belarus to the forefront in the field of energy saving among other CIS countries.

The main goal of energy management is to achieve energy efficiency and energy saving. In this sense, energy saving is part of energy management. At the same time, energy management is an energy saving tool that provides theory, techniques, practical methods and means to ensure energy efficiency.

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