Heroism as a manifestation of reason. The literary image of God as a tuning fork

Arguing your opinion on a chosen issue is one of the most important tasks when writing an argumentative essay. Since arguments from the literature are rated higher, it is very important to prepare them in advance. On this page I present a number of arguments on several popular issues.

PROBLEM: Meanness, betrayal, dishonor, envy.

  1. A.S. Pushkin, novel “The Captain's Daughter”

Shvabrin is a nobleman, but he is dishonest: he takes revenge on Masha Mironova for her refusal, and during a duel with Grinev, he stabs him in the back. The complete loss of ideas about honor and dignity provokes him to betrayal: he goes over to the camp of the rebel Pugachev.

  1. Karamzin “Poor Liza”

Erast, the heroine’s lover, betrayed his feelings for the girl, choosing material well-being

  1. N.V. Gogol, story “Taras Bulba”

Andriy, son of Taras, being captured love feelings, betrays his father, brother, comrades, homeland. Bulba kills his son because he cannot live with such shame

  1. A.S. Pushkin, tragedy "Mozart and Salieri"

The envious Salieri, jealous of the success of the great composer Mozart, poisoned him, although he considered him his friend.

PROBLEM: Worship of rank, servility, servility, opportunism.

1. A.P. Chekhov, story “The Death of an Official”

The official Chervyakov is infected with the spirit of veneration: Having sneezed and splashed the general’s bald head, he was so frightened that after repeated humiliations and requests, he died of fear.

2. A.S. Griboyedov, comedy "Woe from Wit"

Molchalin, negative character comedy, I am sure that you need to please everyone without exception. This will allow you to climb career ladder. Caring for Sophia, Famusov's daughter, he pursues precisely this goal.

PROBLEM: Bribery, embezzlement

  1. N.V. Gogol, comedy "The Inspector General"

The mayor, like all officials county town, - a bribe-taker and embezzler. He is convinced that all issues can be solved with the help of money and the ability to show off.

  1. N.V. Gogol, poem "Dead Souls"

Chichikov, drawing up a bill of sale for the “dead” souls, gives a bribe to the official, after which things move faster.

PROBLEM: Rudeness, ignorance, hypocrisy

  1. A.N. Ostrovsky, drama "The Thunderstorm"

Dikoy is a typical boor who insults everyone around him. Impunity gave rise to complete unbridledness in this man.

  1. DI. Fonvizin, comedy "Minor"

Mrs. Prostakova considers her boorish behavior to be normal, which is why the people around her are “brutes” and “morons.”

  1. A.P. Chekhov, story "Chameleon"

Police warden Ochumelov grovels before those who are higher than him career ladder, and feels like a master of the situation in front of those below. This is reflected in his behavior, which changes depending on the situation.

PROBLEM: The destructive influence of money (material goods) on the human soul, hoarding

  1. A.P. Chekhov, story “Ionych”

Doctor Startsev, a promising and talented doctor in his youth, turns into Ionych’s hoarder. Main passion his life is money, which became the cause of moral decay of the individual.

  1. N.V. Gogol, poem “Dead Souls”

The stingy landowner Plyushkin personifies complete spiritual degradation. The passion for hoarding became the reason for the destruction of all family and friendly ties; Plyushkin himself simply lost his human appearance.

PROBLEM: Vandalism, unconsciousness

  1. I.A. Bunin "Cursed days"

Bunin could not even imagine that the brutality and vandalism brought by the revolution would turn people into a maddened crowd, destroying everything in its path.

  1. D.S. Likhachev, book “On the Good and the Beautiful”

The Russian academician was outraged when he learned that the monument to Bagration’s grave was blown up on the Borodino field. This is a terrible example of vandalism and oblivion.

  1. V. Rasputin, story “Farewell to Matera”

When villages were flooded, not only people’s homes went under water, but also churches and graveyards, which is a terrible example vandalism.

PROBLEM: The role of art

  1. A.T. Tvardovsky, poem “Vasily Terkin”

Front-line soldiers say that soldiers exchanged smoke and bread for clippings from front-line newspapers, where chapters of the poem were published. This means that an encouraging word was sometimes more important than food.

Natasha Rostova sings beautifully, at these moments she becomes extraordinary beautiful and people those surrounding her are reaching out to her.

  1. A.I. Kuprin, story “Garnet Bracelet”

Listening to " Moonlight Sonata"Beethoven, Vera experienced, thanks to the hopelessly in love Zheltkov, a feeling similar to catharsis. Music awakened in her empathy, compassion, and a desire to love.

PROBLEM: Love for the Motherland, nostalgia

  1. M.Yu. Lermontov, poem “Motherland”

The lyrical hero loves his homeland as it is, and is ready to go through all the trials with his people.

  1. A. Blok, poem “Russia”

For lyrical hero Blok's love for his homeland is like love for a woman. He believes in the great future of his country.

  1. I.A. Bunin, stories “Clean Monday”, “Antonov Apples”

I.A. Bunin left Russia forever in 1920. A feeling of nostalgia haunted him all his life. The heroes of his stories recall the great past of Russia, which was irretrievably lost: history, culture, traditions.

PROBLEM: Loyalty to your word (duty)

  1. A.S. Pushkin, novel “Dubrovsky”

Masha, married to an unloved man, refuses to break the oath of fidelity given in the church when Dubrovsky tries to save her.

  1. A.S. Pushkin, novel “Eugene Onegin”

Tatyana Larina, true to her marital duty and her given word, is forced to refuse Onegin. She became the personification of human moral strength.

PROBLEM: Self-sacrifice, compassion, mercy, cruelty, humanism

  1. M.A. Bulgakov, novel “The Master and Margarita”

Margarita, who loves the Master, in spite of everything, is true to her feelings, she is ready for any sacrifice. A woman flies to Woland's ball to save her beloved. There she asks to free the sinner Frida from suffering.

  1. A.I. Solzhenitsyn, story "Matrenin's Dvor"

Matryona lived all her life for people, helping them without asking for anything in return. The author calls her a “truthful woman,” a person who lives according to the laws of God and conscience

  1. L. Andreev, story “Biter”

By taming a dog and leaving it in a holiday village for the winter, people showed their selfishness and showed how cruel they could be.

The Cossack Gavrila, having lost his son, fell in love with a stranger, an enemy, as if he were his own. Hatred for the “Reds” grew into fatherly love and care.

PROBLEM: Self-education, self-education, self-analysis, self-improvement

  1. I.S. Turgenev, novel “Fathers and Sons”

The nihilist Bazarov believed that “every person must educate himself.” And this is the lot of strong people.

  1. L.N. Tolstoy, trilogy “Childhood. Adolescence. Youth"

Nikolenka is an autobiographical hero. Like the author himself, he strives for self-improvement and creative self-realization.

  1. M.Yu. Lermontov, novel “Hero of Our Time”

Pechorin talks with himself in his diary, evaluates his actions, analyzes his life, which testifies to the depth of this personality.

  1. L.N. Tolstoy, novel "War and Peace"

The writer showed us the “dialectics of the soul” of Bolkonsky and Bezukhov, told us how difficult a person’s path to truth, justice, and love is. His heroes made mistakes, suffered, suffered, but this is the idea of ​​human self-improvement.

PROBLEM: Courage, heroism, moral duty, patriotism

  1. B. Vasiliev, “And the dawns here are quiet”

The female anti-aircraft gunners, destroying a detachment of saboteurs, died, despite the numerical superiority of the enemy.

  1. B. Polevoy, “The Tale of a Real Man”

Pilot Alesey Maresyev, thanks to fortitude and courage, not only survived after amputation of his legs, but also became a full-fledged person, returned to his squadron.

  1. Vorobyov, story “Killed near Moscow”

The Kremlin cadets, showing courage and heroism, fulfilled their patriotic duty, defending the approaches to Moscow. Lieutenant Yastrebov is the only one left alive.

  1. M. Sholokhov, story “The Fate of a Man”

The hero of the story, Andrei Sokolov, went through the entire war: he fought bravely, was captured, and escaped. He fulfilled his civic duty with honor. The war took his family away from him, but, fortunately, fate gave him a meeting with Vanyushka, who became his son.

  1. V. Bykov “Crane cry”

Vasily Glechik, still just a boy, did not leave his position during the war. The thought of salvation was unacceptable to him. He did not violate the battalion commander’s order, carried it out at the cost of his own life, and remained faithful to his oath and duty to his homeland.

Dedicated to the problem of heroism, where we will present arguments from literature. And write homework will not be difficult, because many writers touched on the topic where they revealed the problem of heroism, introducing readers to the heroes of their works. Very often, this problem is associated with works about war and is not without reason, because it is in war that a person manifests true or false heroism, as evidenced by arguments from the literature for the Unified State Exam.

Revealing the problem of the manifestation of heroism in war and arguing with examples, I would like to recall the wonderful work of Leo Tolstoy, where the author raises various philosophical questions. We see how the problem being studied evolves in the minds of Andrei Bolkonsky. Now Andrei’s priorities are to be a hero, and not to seem like one. Captain Tushin, as well as other heroes who gave their lives for their Motherland, showed real heroism in the novel. At the same time, there were also false patriots represented by people of high society.

The problem is also raised by Sholokhov in his work, where the hero Sokolov Andrei selflessly defended his homeland from Nazi invaders. The war took his wife and children from him, but his will remained unbending, he endured everything and even found the strength to adopt an orphaned child. And this also revealed the heroic traits of his character.

Arguing the problem of heroism, I would like to recall the work of Tvardovsky about. In the work, the hero, despite fear, at the cost of his health, life, for the sake of love for his homeland and family, does the impossible. Real heroic act, when Vasily swims across a cold river in order to convey information that will contribute to the rapid conclusion of the war.

To be honest, many more arguments can be made from the literature, where the authors touch on the problem of true and false heroism. This is both a novel by Bykov Sotnikov and a novel White Guard Bulgakov, and The Tale of a Real Man by B. Polevoy and many other works famous writers, whose works we read with pleasure, experience together with the heroes, feel their pain and are proud of their dedication and heroic deeds.

The problem of heroism: arguments from literature

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The problem of repentance: arguments from literature (Unified State Examination) The problem of orphanhood arguments from literature The problem of upbringing and education, arguments from literature

The famous American poet and writer Eleanor Murry Sarton, known to millions of readers as May Sarton, has the oft-quoted words: “Think like a hero and you will act like a decent person.”

Much has been written about the role of heroism in people's lives. This virtue, which has a number of synonyms: courage, valor, bravery, is manifested in the moral strength of its bearer. Moral strength allows him to pursue real, real service to his homeland, people, and humanity. What is the problem with true heroism? Different arguments can be used. But the main thing about them: true heroism is not blind. Various examples of heroism are not simply overcoming certain circumstances. They all have one common feature- bring a sense of perspective to people's lives.

Many bright classics of literature, both Russian and foreign, sought and found their bright and unique arguments to illuminate the topic of the emergence of the phenomenon of valor. The problem of heroism, fortunately for us, readers, is illuminated by the masters of the pen in a bright, non-trivial way. What is valuable in their works is that the classics immerse the reader in the spiritual world of the hero, whose high deeds are admired by millions of people. The topic of this article is a review of some of the works of the classics, in which a special approach to the issue of heroism and courage can be traced.

Heroes are around us

Today, unfortunately, a distorted concept of heroism prevails in the philistine psyche. They are immersed in their own problems, in their own little selfish world. Therefore, fresh and non-trivial arguments on the problem of heroism are fundamentally important for their consciousness. Believe me, we are surrounded by heroes. We simply don’t notice them because our souls are short-sighted. Not only men perform feats. Take a closer look - a woman who, according to doctors, is unable to give birth in principle - is giving birth. Heroism can and is demonstrated by our contemporaries at the patient's bedside, at the conference table, in the workplace, and even at the kitchen stove. You just need to learn to see it.

The literary image of God is like a tuning fork. Pasternak and Bulgakov

Sacrifice distinguishes true heroism. Many brilliant literary classics are trying to influence the beliefs of their readers, raising the bar for understanding the essence of heroism as high as possible. They find creative strength to uniquely convey to readers the highest ideals, telling in their own way about the feat of God, the son of man.

Boris Leonidovich Pasternak in Doctor Zhivago, an extremely honest work about his generation, writes about valor as the highest emblem of humanity. According to the writer, the problem of true heroism is revealed not in violence, but in virtue. He expresses his arguments through the mouth of the protagonist’s uncle, N.N. Vedenyapin. He believes that the beast dormant in each of us cannot be stopped by a tamer with a whip. But this is within the power of a self-sacrificing preacher.

A classic of Russian literature, the son of a theology professor, Mikhail Bulgakov in his novel “The Master and Margarita” presents us with his original literary interpretation of the image of the Messiah - Yeshua Ha-Nozri. The preaching of Good with which Jesus came to people is a dangerous business. Words of truth and conscience that go against the foundations of society are fraught with death for those who utter them. Even the procurator of Judea, who, without hesitation, can come to the aid of Mark the Ratboy, surrounded by the Germans, is afraid to tell the truth (at the same time, he secretly agrees with the views of Ha-Nozri.) The peaceful messiah courageously follows his destiny, and the battle-hardened Roman commander is a coward. Bulgakov's arguments are convincing. The problem of heroism for him is closely connected with the organic unity of worldview, worldview, word and deed.

Henryk Sienkiewicz's arguments

The image of Jesus in an aura of courage also appears in Henryk Sienkiewicz’s novel “Kamo Gradesi”. Bright finds Polish literary classic shades to create a unique plot situation in your famous novel.

After Jesus was crucified and resurrected, he came to Rome, following his mission: to convert the Eternal City to Christianity. However, he, an unnoticed traveler, as soon as he arrived, witnesses the ceremonial entry of Emperor Nero. Peter is shocked by the Romans' worship of the emperor. He doesn't know which ones to find this phenomenon arguments. The problem of heroism, the courage of a person ideologically opposed to the dictator, is illuminated, starting with Peter’s fear that the mission will not be completed. He, having lost faith in himself, runs away from Eternal City. However, leaving the city walls behind, the apostle saw Jesus in human form coming towards him. Amazed by what he saw, Peter asked the Messiah where he was going: “Where are you coming?” Jesus replied that since Peter had abandoned his people, there was only one thing left for him to do - to go to the crucifixion a second time. True service certainly requires courage. Shocked Peter returns to Rome...

The Theme of Courage in War and Peace

Russian classical literature is rich in discussions about the essence of heroism. Lev Nikolaevich Tolstoy, in his epic novel War and Peace, raised a number of philosophical questions. The writer put his own special arguments into the image of Prince Andrei, following the path of a warrior. The problem of heroism and courage is painfully rethought and evolving in the minds of the young Prince Bolkonsky. His youthful dream- to accomplish a feat - yields to understanding and awareness of the essence of war. To be a hero, and not to appear, is how the life priorities of Prince Andrei change after the battle of Shengraben.

Staff officer Bolkonsky understands that the real hero of this battle is the battery commander Skromny, who is lost in the presence of his superiors. The object of ridicule of the adjutants. The battery of a small and frail, nondescript captain did not flinch before the invincible French, inflicted damage on them and made it possible for the main forces to retreat in an organized manner. Tushin acted on a whim; he did not receive an order to cover the rear of the army. Understanding the essence of war - these were his arguments. The problem of heroism is rethought by Prince Bolkonsky, he radically changes his career and, with the assistance of M.I. Kutuzov, becomes a regiment commander. In the battle of Borodino, he, who raised the regiment to attack, was seriously wounded. The body of a Russian officer with a banner in his hands is seen by Napoleon Bonaparte as he circles around. The French Emperor's reaction is one of respect: "What a beautiful death!" However, for Bolkonsky, the act of heroism coincides with an awareness of the integrity of the world and the importance of compassion.

Harper Lee "To Kill a Mockingbird"

Understanding the essence of the feat is also present in a number of works American classics. All young Americans study the novel “To Kill a Mockingbird” in schools. It contains an original discussion about the essence of courage. This thought comes from the lips of lawyer Atticus, a man of honor, taking on a fair, but by no means profitable, case. His arguments on the problem of heroism are as follows: courage is when you take on a task, knowing in advance that you will lose. But you still take it and go to the end. And sometimes you still manage to win.

Melanie by Margaret Mitchell

In the novel about the American South of the 19th century, she creates a unique image of the fragile and sophisticated, but at the same time courageous and brave Lady Melanie.

She is sure that there is something good in all people, and is ready to help them. Her modest, neat house becomes famous in Atlanta thanks to the sincerity of the owners. During the most dangerous periods of her life, Scarlett receives such help from Melanie that it is impossible to evaluate.

Hemingway on heroism

And of course, you can't get around classic story Hemingway's "The Old Man and the Sea", which tells the story of the nature of courage and heroism. The fight between the elderly Cuban Santiago and a huge fish is reminiscent of a parable. The arguments on the problem of heroism presented by Hemingway are symbolic. The sea is like life, and old man Santiago is like human experience. The writer utters the words that have become the leitmotif of true heroism: “Man was not created to suffer defeat. You can destroy it, but you can’t defeat it!”

The Strugatsky brothers "Picnic by the road"

The story introduces its readers to a phantasmagoric situation. Obviously, after the arrival of aliens, a anomalous zone. Stalkers find the “heart” of this zone, which has a unique property. A person who finds himself in this territory receives a harsh alternative: either he dies, or the zone fulfills his every desire. The Strugatskys masterfully show the spiritual evolution of the hero who decided on this feat. His catharsis is convincingly shown. The stalker has nothing selfish or mercantile left, he thinks in terms of humanity and, accordingly, asks the zone for “happiness for everyone,” and such that there are no people deprived of it. What, according to the Strugatskys, is the problem of heroism? Arguments from literature testify that it is empty without compassion and humanism.

Boris Polevoy "The Tale of a Real Man"

In history Russian people There was a period when heroism became truly widespread. Thousands of warriors have immortalized their names. High rank of Hero Soviet Union was assigned to eleven thousand soldiers. At the same time, 104 people were awarded it twice. And three people - three times. The first person to receive this high rank was ace pilot Alexander Ivanovich Pokryshkin. On just one day - April 12, 1943 - he shot down seven planes of the fascist invaders!

Of course, to forget and not convey such examples of heroism to new generations is like a crime. This should be done using the example of Soviet “military” literature - these are Unified State Exam arguments. The problem of heroism is illuminated for schoolchildren using examples from the works of Boris Polevoy, Mikhail Sholokhov, Boris Vasiliev.

Front-line correspondent of the Pravda newspaper Boris Polevoy was shocked by the story of the pilot of the 580th fighter regiment Alexey Maresyev. In the winter of 1942, it was shot down over the skies of the Novgorod region. The pilot, wounded in the legs, spent 18 days crawling to reach his own people. He survived and made it, but his legs were “eaten” by gangrene. Amputation followed. In the hospital where Alexey lay after the operation, there was also a political instructor. He managed to ignite Maresyev with a dream - to return to the sky as a fighter pilot. Overcoming the pain, Alexey learned not only to walk on prosthetics, but also to dance. The apotheosis of the story is the first air battle carried out by the pilot after being wounded.

The medical commission “capitulated.” During the war, the real Alexey Maresyev shot down 11 enemy planes, most of them - seven - after being wounded.

Soviet writers have convincingly revealed the problem of heroism. Arguments from the literature indicate that not only men, but also women called to serve, performed feats. Boris Vasiliev's story “The Dawns Here Are Quiet” amazes with its drama. A large sabotage group of fascists, numbering 16 people, landed in the Soviet rear.

Young girls (Rita Osyanina, Zhenya Komelkova, Sonya Gurevich, Galya Chetvertak) serving at the 171st railway siding under the command of foreman Fedot Vaskov die heroically. However, they destroy 11 fascists. The sergeant major discovers the remaining five in the hut. He kills one and captures four. Then he surrenders the prisoners to his own, losing consciousness from fatigue.

"The Fate of Man"

This story by Mikhail Aleksandrovich Sholokhov introduces us to the former Red Army soldier - driver Andrei Sokolov. The writer reveals heroism simply and convincingly. It didn’t take long to look for arguments that touched the reader’s soul. The war brought grief to almost every family. Andrei Sokolov had it in abundance: in 1942, his wife Irina and two daughters were killed (a bomb hit a residential building). The son miraculously survived and after this tragedy volunteered to go to the front. Andrei himself fought, was captured by the Nazis, and escaped. However, he was expected new tragedy: in 1945, on May 9, a sniper killed his son.

Andrei himself, having lost his entire family, found the strength to start life “with clean slate" He adopted a homeless boy, Vanya, becoming his adoptive father. This moral feat again fills his life with meaning.


These are the arguments to the problem of heroism in classical literature. The latter is truly capable of supporting a person and awakening courage in him. Although she is not able to help him financially, she erects a boundary in his soul that Evil cannot cross. This is what Remarque wrote about books in “ Arc de Triomphe" The argumentation of heroism in classical literature occupies a worthy place.

Heroism can also be presented as a social phenomenon of a kind of “instinct of self-preservation”, only not of individual life, but of the entire society. A part of society, a separate “cell” - a person (the most worthy ones perform feats), consciously, driven by altruism and spirituality, sacrifices himself, preserving something greater. Classic literature is one of the tools that helps people understand and comprehend the non-linear nature of courage.

Arguments on the topic "War" from literature for essays
The problem of courage, cowardice, compassion, mercy, mutual assistance, care for loved ones, humanity, moral choice at war. The influence of war on human life, character and worldview. Participation of children in war. A person's responsibility for his actions.

What was the courage of soldiers in the war? (A.M. Sholokhov “The Fate of Man”)

In the story by M.A. Sholokhov's "The Fate of Man" can be seen as a manifestation of true courage during the war. Main character story Andrei Sokolov goes to war, leaving his family at home. For the sake of his loved ones, he went through all the trials: he suffered from hunger, fought courageously, sat in a punishment cell and escaped from captivity. The fear of death did not force him to abandon his beliefs: in the face of danger, he retained his human dignity. The war took the lives of his loved ones, but even after that he did not break, and again showed courage, although not on the battlefield. He adopted a boy who also lost his entire family during the war. Andrei Sokolov is an example of a courageous soldier who continued to fight the hardships of fate even after the war.

The problem of moral assessment of the fact of war. (M. Zusak "The Book Thief")

In the center of the story of the novel “The Book Thief” by Markus Zusak, Liesel is a nine-year-old girl who finds herself in a foster family on the threshold of war. The girl’s own father was associated with the communists, so in order to save her daughter from the Nazis, her mother gives her to strangers to raise. Liesel begins new life away from her family, she has a conflict with her peers, she finds new friends, learns to read and write. Her life is filled with ordinary childhood worries, but war comes and with it fear, pain and disappointment. She doesn't understand why some people kill others. Liesel's adoptive father teaches her kindness and compassion, even though it only brings him trouble. Together with her parents, she hides the Jew in the basement, takes care of him, reads books to him. To help people, she and her friend Rudi scatter bread on the road along which a column of prisoners is supposed to pass. She is sure that the war is monstrous and incomprehensible: people burn books, die in battles, arrests of those who disagree with official policy are taking place everywhere. Liesel does not understand why people refuse to live and be happy. It is no coincidence that the book is narrated from the perspective of Death, eternal companion war and the enemy of life.

Is human consciousness capable of accepting the very fact of war? (L.N. Tolstoy “War and Peace”, G. Baklanov “Forever – Nineteen Years Old”)

It is difficult for a person faced with the horrors of war to understand why it is needed. Thus, one of the heroes of the novel L.N. Tolstoy "Pierre Bezukhov does not participate in battles, but tries with all his might to help his people. He does not realize the true horror of war until he witnesses the Battle of Borodino. Seeing the massacre, the count is horrified by its inhumanity. He is captured, experiences physical and mental torture, tries to comprehend the nature of war, but cannot. Pierre is unable to cope with his mental crisis on his own, and only his meeting with Platon Karataev helps him understand that happiness lies not in victory or defeat, but in simple human joys. Happiness lies within every person, in his search for answers to eternal questions, awareness of oneself as part human world. And war, from his point of view, is inhumane and unnatural.

The main character of G. Baklanov’s story “Forever Nineteen,” Alexey Tretyakov, painfully reflects on the causes and significance of the war for the people, people, and life. He finds no compelling explanation for the need for war. Its meaninglessness, devaluation human life for the sake of achieving any important goal horrifies the hero and causes bewilderment: “... The same thought haunted me: will it ever turn out that this war might not have happened? What could people do to prevent this? And millions would remain alive...”

A huge number of works of Russian literature are devoted to the problem of unity of people during the war. In the novel L.N. Tolstoy "" people of different classes and views united in the face of a common misfortune. The unity of the people is shown by the writer using the example of many dissimilar individuals. So, the Rostov family leaves all their property in Moscow and gives carts to the wounded. The merchant Feropontov calls on the soldiers to rob his shop so that the enemy does not get anything. Pierre Bezukhov disguises himself and remains in Moscow, intending to kill Napoleon. Captain Tushin and Timokhin perform their duty with heroism, despite the fact that there is no cover, and Nikolai Rostov boldly rushes into the attack, overcoming all fears. Tolstoy vividly describes Russian soldiers in the battles near Smolensk: the patriotic feelings and fighting spirit of the people in the face of danger are fascinating. In an effort to defeat the enemy, protect loved ones and survive, people feel their kinship especially strongly. Having united and felt brotherhood, the people were able to unite and defeat the enemy.

What feelings does the steadfastness of a defeated enemy evoke in the victor? (V. Kondratyev "Sashka")

The problem of compassion for the enemy is considered in V. Kondratiev’s story “Sashka”. A young Russian fighter takes a German soldier prisoner. After talking with the company commander, the prisoner does not give out any information, so Sashka is ordered to take him to headquarters. On the way, the soldier showed the prisoner a leaflet on which it was written that the prisoners were guaranteed life and return to their homeland. However, the battalion commander, who lost loved one in this war, orders the Germans to be shot. Conscience does not allow Sashka to kill an unarmed person like him young guy, who behaves the same way as he would behave in captivity. The German does not betray his own people, does not beg for mercy, maintaining human dignity. At the risk of being court-martialed, Sashka does not follow the commander’s orders. Belief in the rightness saves his and his prisoner’s life, and the commander cancels the order.

How does war change a person’s worldview and character? (V. Baklanov “Forever - nineteen years old”)

G. Baklanov in the story “Forever - Nineteen Years” speaks about the significance and value of a person, about his responsibility, the memory that binds the people: “Through a great catastrophe there is a great liberation of the spirit,” said Atrakovsky. – Never before has so much depended on each of us. That's why we will win. And it won't be forgotten. The star goes out, but the field of attraction remains. That’s how people are.” War is a disaster. However, it leads not only to tragedy, to the death of people, to the breakdown of their consciousness, but also contributes to spiritual growth, the transformation of the people, the definition of true life values everyone. In war, a reassessment of values ​​occurs, a person’s worldview and character change.

The problem of the inhumanity of war. (I. Shmelev “Sun of the Dead”)

In the epic “Sun of the Dead” I. Shmelyov shows all the horrors of war. “The smell of decay,” “the cackling, stomping and roaring” of humanoids, these are cars of “fresh human meat, young meat!” and “one hundred and twenty thousand heads!” Human!” War is the absorption of the world of the living by the world of the dead. It turns a person into a beast and forces him to do terrible things. No matter how great the external material destruction and destruction may be, they are not what terrify I. Shmelev: neither a hurricane, nor famine, nor snowfall, nor crops drying up from drought. Evil begins where a person begins who does not resist it; for him “everything is nothing!” “and there is no one, and no one.” For the writer, it is indisputable that the human mental and spiritual world is a place of struggle between good and evil, and it is also indisputable that always, in any circumstances, even during war, there will be people in whom the beast will not defeat man.

A person's responsibility for the actions he committed in war. Mental trauma of war participants. (V. Grossman "Abel")

In the story “Abel (Sixth of August)” by V.S. Grossman reflects on the war in general. Showing the tragedy of Hiroshima, the writer speaks not only about the universal misfortune and environmental disaster, but also about a person’s personal tragedy. Young bombardier Connor bears the burden of responsibility for becoming the man destined to activate the killing mechanism with the press of a button. For Connor, this is a personal war, where everyone remains just a person with their inherent weaknesses and fears in the desire to preserve own life. However, sometimes, in order to remain human, you need to die. Grossman is confident that true humanity is impossible without participation in what is happening, and therefore without responsibility for what happened. Pairing in one person heightened senses Peace and soldierly diligence, imposed by the state machine and the education system, turns out to be fatal for the young man and leads to a split in consciousness. The crew members perceive what happened differently; not all of them feel responsible for what they did, and they talk about high goals. An act of fascism, unprecedented even by fascist standards, is justified by public thought, presented as a fight against the notorious fascism. However, Joseph Conner experiences an acute consciousness of guilt, washing his hands all the time, as if trying to wash them from the blood of innocents. The hero goes crazy, realizing that he inner man cannot live with the burden that he has taken upon himself.

What is war and how does it affect people? (K. Vorobyov “Killed near Moscow”)

In the story “Killed near Moscow” K. Vorobyov writes that war is a huge machine, “made up of thousands and thousands of efforts different people, has moved, is moving not by someone else’s will, but by itself, having received its own move, and therefore unstoppable.” The old man in the house where the retreating wounded are left calls the war the “master” of everything. All life is now determined by war, changing not only everyday life, destinies, but also the consciousness of people. War is a confrontation in which the strongest wins: “In war, whoever breaks down first.” The death that war brings occupies almost all the soldiers’ thoughts: “In the first months at the front, he was ashamed of himself, he thought he was the only one like this. Everything is so in these moments, everyone overcomes them alone with themselves: there will be no other life.” The metamorphoses that happen to a person in war are explained by the purpose of death: in the battle for the Fatherland, soldiers show incredible courage and self-sacrifice, while in captivity, doomed to death, they live guided by animal instincts. War cripples not only people’s bodies, but also their souls: the writer shows how disabled people are afraid of the end of the war, since they no longer imagine their place in peaceful life.

In the text proposed for analysis by Yu.Ya. Yakovlev raises the problem of feat, heroism and selflessness. This is exactly what he is thinking about.

This problem of a social and moral nature cannot but worry modern people.

The writer reveals this problem using the example of a story about one history teacher who had the opportunity to save his life, but upon learning that the inhabitants of Kragujevac were dying, among whom were his students, he decided to be with the children in their dying hour, so that they would not it was so scary and softened the picture of horror that unfolded before them: “He was afraid of being late and ran all the way, and when he got to Kragujevac, he could barely stand on his feet. He found his class, gathered all his students. And they joined this fifth class there are still a lot of children, because when the teacher is nearby, it’s not so scary.”

And the writer also shows the teacher’s courage, fearlessness and dedication, his love for children, how he inspired them by teaching them his last lesson: “Children,” said the teacher, “I told you how real people died for their homeland.

Now it's our turn. Let's go! Your last history lesson begins." And the fifth grade followed their teacher."

The author's position is clear: Yu.Ya. Yakovlev believes that a feat can be understood not only as saving the lives of other people, but also as helping in the hour of death, for example, becoming a role model and support, especially if this means sacrificing your life.

This problem is reflected in fiction. For example, in the novel by F.M. Dostoevsky's "Crime and Punishment" Sonya Marmeladova sacrifices herself, living on a "yellow ticket" in order to feed her consumptive stepmother, her young children and her drunkard father. Sonya helps Raskolnikov overcome himself, shares his fate, following him to hard labor.

Throughout the entire novel, Sonya performs repeated feats, trying to save and saving the lives of people dear and close to her, which characterizes her as a highly moral person, strong in spirit.

Another example is the story of Maxim Gorky “The Old Woman Izergil”, in particular, the legend of Danko, which is told by the old woman Izergil. Danko, to prove his love for people, tore his chest, took out his burning heart and ran forward, holding it like a torch, thereby leading people out of dark forest. Danko is the embodiment of selfless, sublime and sacrificial love for people; he accomplished a feat by sacrificing himself for their salvation.

Thus, we can draw the following conclusion: feat means not only saving the lives of others, but also help and self-sacrifice.

Updated: 2017-02-15

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