Geneticists have discovered the secret of the origin of the Russian people. Russian ethnicity

How the Russian people came to be. Now (at modern system education in Russia) fewer and fewer Russian people know about the origins of their people. At most, they now know that Russians lived in Ancient Kievan Rus. But even this is not entirely correct. During the times of Kievan Rus there was no Russian people yet; in those distant times, the Russian, Ukrainian and Belarusian people were one whole people and these people were called Rusichs (Russians). At first I wanted to write the history of the origins of the Russian people, starting from modern times and further delving into the depths of centuries, and I even began to write like that. But I realized that it would still be clearer to write this article, starting from the most ancient times (I will start with 17 million years ago) and gradually (chronologically) describe this history (with ethnic maps) with stops and descriptions of ethnic processes on Earth and Eastern Europe, with stops (and maps) in the following years: So let's start with the most ancient times. 17 million years ago (see map) As you can see from the map, then only asuras (Lemurians) lived on Earth; they were giants with black skin. Now the descendants of these black giants are the aborigines of Australia, the Papuans, the Veddoids of Ceylon, the Khoisans and the pygmies of Africa. This was the first people to exist on Earth 17 million years ago. They were the only people on Earth. His name is Asuras (some researchers call them Lemurians, the Greeks called them Titans, this people has many names). Indeed, the representatives of this people had very high growth - from 38-50 meters, gradually this growth decreased - down to 6-7 meters. I won’t tell you here how this people appeared on Earth. This is a separate long story. I can only say one thing: highly developed civilizations took part in the creation of this people. 4 million years ago. As you can see from this map, division began on Earth around this time.(Asuras) into three other peoples - the Atlanteans, the later Asuras and the Muans. 1 million years ago. At these times, the dominant people on Earth were the Atlanteans. There were, of course, other peoples - the Muans and the later Asuras, but they were completely subordinate to the civilization of the Atlanteans (Toltecs). 79 thousand years BC What happened approximately 80 thousand years ago? On Earth, the Atlanteans play the main role, but they are no longer so united and strong. There are large groups of tribes - Akkadians, Turanians, Australoids (descendants of the later Asuras and Muans) and other mixed peoples; many descendants of Atlanteans who migrated from the dying continent of Atlantis appear in Europe. The world map takes on a modern appearance. Lemuria and the continent of Mu are long gone; all that remains from Atlantis is the island of Poseidonis. 22 thousand years BC We will now consider only part of the world map, namely Eastern Europe, and we will start with the northern part of Europe, since we need it most of all to consider our history. Let's see what happened in northern Europe around 22,000 BC. On the site of the modern islands - Spitsbergen, Novaya Zemlya and Franz Josef Land there was then a large continent called Arctida (sometimes called Hyperborea), where the Hyperboreans lived (these are northern Atlanteans who moved here from the dying continent of Atlantis and the island of Poseidonis). As we see, in addition to the Hyperboreans, in the center of Eastern Europe there were also tribes of the Sungir culture and tribes of the Kostenki culture. Some modern historians believe that all Indo-Europeans originated from the Sungirians, and all Caucasian peoples originated from the Kostenkovites, but this is not so. We do not explore these issues. We are only interested in the origins of the Indo-Europeans. And we found ancient homeland Indo-Europeans (and therefore Slavs). But let me remind you that the Hyperboreans are also the ancestors of all the Ural (Finno-Ugric) peoples. 12 thousand years BC). There was the legendary country of Biarmia (Perm the Great). Biarmians (Boreans) are descendants of the Hyperboreans. They are also the ancestors of all Indo-Europeans (including the Slavs) and also the Ural (Finno-Ugric) peoples. To the south of the Boreans lived the Gagarin tribes - these are the descendants of the late Atlanteans who migrated from Europe. Historians call them descendants of Cro-Magnons. 6500 BC. – Sur-Dnieper (surtsy). By this time, in place of the remaining Boreans and the remnants of the northern tribes of the Shigir culture, only the ancient Finno-Ugrians remained. The Dnieper-Donetsk culture (Dnieper), the Azov-Dnieper culture (Azov) and the Sredny Stog culture (Stogovtsy) were formed. These tribal groups were new groups of Indo-Europeans. 3100 BC By 3100 B.C. in the Middle Volga the Balakhna culture (Balakhna people) was formed. In the steppes of Eurasia (from the Irtysh to the Danube) a new culture was formed - the Yamnaya (Yamniki). These are new groups of Indo-Europeans (the Yamniki can already be called “Aryans”, this is an eastern group of Indo-Europeans. In the north of Belarus, the North Belarusian culture (Severtsy) was formed. In the upper reaches of the Oka, the Belevka culture (Belevtsy) was formed, to the south of the Oka the Ryazan culture (Ryazan people) was formed. Closest to all to the ancient Slavs - the Dnieper Donetsk culture (Dnieper) - these are the descendants of the tribes of the Upper Volga culture. At this time, the Upper Volga culture itself existed (Volga people), but by this time the Volga tribes were no longer Indo-Europeans; many Ural (Finno-Ugric) people had joined them from the north. ) tribes. On the maps I will include all the groups of tribes that influenced the formation of the Slavic (and later Russian) peoples, I will also sign 2500 BC By 2500 BC - in the center of Eastern Europe (. in the upper reaches of the Don) a new culture was formed - the culture of Corded Ware (Corded Ware). This culture was formed on the basis of the Yamnaya culture and other cultures of Eastern Europe related to the Indo-Europeans (Belev, Ryazan, Balakhna). The Corded Ware tribes were Indo-European pastoralists who began their movement westward into Western Europe. The settlement of Europe by Indo-Europeans began. All the new cultures that began to appear to the west of this hearth were also Corded Ware cultures (but with different names). From 2500 BC, the massive penetration of Indo-Europeans into Western Europe began. From this time on, the Yamnaya culture included mainly only the ancestors of all ancient Iranians and Indians. The tribes of the Yamnaya culture are often called Aryans. On the basis of the Valdai and North Belarusian cultures, the Neman culture (Nemans) was formed. These were the ancestors of the Western Indo-Europeans. 2100 BC By 2300 B.C. The following significant ethnic events occurred. By this time, the movement of the Corded Ware tribes (Indo-Europeans) began to move west to Central Europe. In the basin of the Middle and Upper Dnieper, the Middle Dnieper culture (Dnieper-2) arose. In Scandinavia and the Baltic states, a culture of boat-shaped axes (Rookers) was formed (these are also Indo-Europeans - corders). According to the “Tale of Princes Sloven and Russa”, it was at this time (on the site of modern Veliky Novgorod) that the city of Slovensk was founded, and on the site of modern Staraya Russa - the city of Russa. At this place in those days there existed the Fatyanovo culture (these were also Indo-Europeans, who also participated in the formation of the Slavs and Rus). The Volyn megalithic culture (Volynians) was formed. In the northwest of the Caucasus, the Maikop culture (Maikop people) was formed. These are the tribes - the ancestors of the Hittites, Luwians, Palais, who later moved to Asia Minor, as well as the Sindians and Meotians who remained in place. Around the same time, the center of all Aryan (Indo-Iranian) tribes appeared - the city of Arkaim (in the southern Urals). Later - by 2100 BC - the Baltic culture (Balts) was formed on the basis of the culture of boat-shaped axes in the Baltic states. In eastern Poland and western Belarus, the zloty (zloty) culture emerged. This is a continuation of the movement of the Indo-Europeans to the west (this is also the Corded Ware culture). The Usatovo culture arose on the western coast of the Black Sea. (Usatovites). 1900 BC The Tei (Tei) culture appeared in the lower Danube. A new people formed in the Balkans - the Thracians (Thracians). Later - by 1300 BC - the Kuban culture (Kubans) was formed in the Kuban valley - these are the ancestors of the future Sinds and Meots. In Western Ukraine, the Komarov culture (Komarovtsy) was formed. A culture of barrow burials (kurganniks) was formed in the Center of Europe. These are most likely the ancestors of the ancient Celts. 1100 BC By 1100 BC, the Lusatian culture (Lusatians) had formed in the center of Europe. These are the ancestors of not only the ancient Slavs, but also the Germans. In the northeast of Romania and on the territory of Moldova, the Noa (Noa) culture was formed. The Belogrudov culture (Belogrudovtsy) arose on the western bank of the Middle Dnieper. 900 BC By this time, the Yukhnov culture (Yukhnovtsy) had formed in the Desna basin. On the eastern bank of the Middle Dnieper, the Chernoles culture (Chernolessy) was formed. In western Ukraine, the Vysotsky culture (Vysotsy) was formed. In the steppes east of the middle Dnieper, the Bondarikha culture (Bondarikha people) arose. 700 BC By 800 BC, a new people had formed in the Northern Black Sea region - the Cimmerians (Cimmerians). Later - by 700 BC - the Baltic burial mound culture (Baltic-3) was formed in the southern part of the Baltic states. In the Northern Black Sea region, in the Lower Don basin, a new people formed - the Scythians (Scythians). In the lower reaches of the Volga and Ural, a new people appeared - the Sauromats (Sauromats). Tribes of the Hallstatt culture (Hallstatts) appeared on the territory of Yugoslavia. The Hallstatts are the ancestors of the future Celts. By this time, the most likely ancestors of the Slavs are the Chernolestsy and Vysoktsy, although the eastern Lusatians were also the ancestors of the Slavs. 500 BC By 550 BC, the Dnieper-Dvina culture (Dvintsy) arose in the upper reaches of the Dnieper and Volga. On the western bank of the Dnieper, the Zarubintsy culture (Zarubintsy) was formed. Greek colonies (Greeks) appeared on the shores of the Black Sea. And by 500 BC, the Gorodets culture (Gorodets) was formed between the Middle Volga and the Upper Don. On the Middle Dnieper the Milograd culture (Milogradtsy) was formed. The Pomeranian culture (Pomeranians) was formed on the territory of Poland. In the Baltic states and north-west Belarus, a culture of hatched ceramics (shtrikhoviki) was formed. Between the Volga and Oka, the Upper Oka culture (Oktsy) was formed. 300 BC By this time, the Poyanesti (Poyanesti) culture appeared on the territory of Moldova. The Gubin culture (Gubins) arose in southeastern Poland. Tribes of the La Tène culture (Celts) entered the territory of Slovakia. A new people formed on the territory of Yugoslavia - the Illyrians (Illyrians). 150 BC By this time, a new people had appeared in the steppes of the North Caucasus - the Aorsi (Aorsi). This is an Iranian-speaking people, they separated from the Sauromatians. The Przeworsk culture (Przeworstsy) appeared in southern Poland and western Ukraine. In northern Poland, the Oksyw culture (Oksywtsy) was formed. All historians believe that the Przeworst and Milograd people are Slavs. 200 AD. As we see at this time, tribes of the Shigir culture lived on a vast territory from the Middle and Southern Urals to the Baltic states. These tribes are descendants of the Boreans (Biamians, descendants of the Hyperboreans). These were the ancestors of all Indo-European peoples and the Ural (Finno-Ugric) peoples. At these times, it was probably still difficult to draw a line between the future Indo-Europeans and the Urals. A little later, the Butovo culture stood out from the general mass of the Shigirs (this is also part of the Shigirs, but they are still closer to our ancestors (ancient Slavs), especially since the habitat of the Butovo coincides with the ancestral homeland of the ancient Slavs. But let me remind you once again that they were still not Slavs. 4800 BC By 4800 BC, three new groups of peoples (Indo-Europeans) emerged from the Shigir culture - the Narva culture (Narvians), the Upper Volga culture (Volzhians) and the main group of Indo-Europeans (Indo-Europeans). the tribes living to the south are not the ancestors of the Indo-European peoples. The Volga people continued to settle south in 4100 BC. new culture large group there was a union known as the Antes. This is reflected in an even more ancient map from the year 450. 1300 This map shows that in 1300 the people were still united and had one name - Rusichi. By the 13th century, Kievan Rus had turned into a fragmented state, in which all power was no longer in Kyiv, but in a number of feudal states, headed by princes. This was the reason for the weakness of this territory. 1600 By 1600, Russians, Ukrainians and Belarusians were already separate (related) peoples. Why these related peoples separated? Because by the 13th century Kievan Rus had turned into a fragmented state, in which all power was no longer in Kyiv, but in a number of feudal states, headed by princes. For this reason, these states were subordinated to other states. Most of the (eastern) was subordinated to the Golden Horde (Mongol-Tatar state) and the Russian people began to form on this territory. The southeastern part of the former Kievan Rus was subordinated long time to the Polish state and its population became Ukrainians.

Now we can briefly trace the path of formation of the Russian people, of course, this table describes a simplified path: Hyperboreans - Boreans Boreans - Shigir culture Shigir culture - Upper Volga culture and Eastern Indo-Europeans. Upper Volga culture - Sur-Dnieper culture Sur-Dnieper culture - Dnieper-Donetsk culture Eastern Indo-Europeans - Yamnaya culture Yamnaya culture - Corded ceramics culture Corded ceramics culture - Middle Dnieper culture Dnieper-Donetsk culture - Middle Dnieper culture Middle Dnieper culture - Trshcinets culture Trshcinets culture - Lusatian culture Lusatian culture - Pomeranian culture Pomeranian culture - Przeworsk culture Oksyw culture - Przeworsk culture Przeworsk culture - Slavs Slavs - Anty Anty - Rusichi (a large group of East Slavic tribes) Rusichi - Russians, Ukrainians, Belarusians. At the end of this article I want to say. After reading this article, there is no need to say that it is the Russian people who are the descendants of the most ancient people - the Asuras. All peoples of the world are descendants of this people. Who are we, Russians? What kind of people? How did it come about? Almost no one knows anything about this. It’s not for nothing that Russians are called Ivans, who do not remember their kinship. Psychologists are convinced that most troubles modern Russia, that is, Russians, as if covered with a veil. Sometimes it seems that some universal demiurge has clouded our minds for a long time. But the time for clarity of consciousness is already coming. Recently released A new book Gennady Klimov’s “Russian Vedas”, which tells in detail about the ancient history of Rus', the archaic civilizations of Eastern Europe, where, as it turned out, the evolution of humanity took place. It turned out that from school textbooks we approximately know the history of only 5 thousand years, and then with great distortions, but the history of the civilization of Rus' goes back at least 50 thousand years, that is, 10 times more. Gennady Klimov is a professional researcher of ancient religions and epics. IN last book there is a fragment that tells about the birth of the peoples who became the ancestors of the Slavs. Today we asked Gennady Klimov to tell us about the origin of the Russian people.

- Let's discard some of the myths that haunt us from the very beginning. Russians can be considered Slavs with a certain stretch. The Slavs are one of the peoples that separated from Rus' and nothing more. For example, in the Voronezh, Rostov, and Kharkov regions, the population consists of 60 percent of the descendants of the Aryans, who later formed the Sarmatian-Scythian world. And in Novgorodskaya. Tver, Pskov are also 40 percent descendants of Scandinavians. The Lower Volga region is populated in a certain proportion by people, from which Jews emerged in two waves. Russians are a ancestral ethnic group from which other peoples emerged. In the Russian language, in the Russian mentality, two codes are combined - Sarmatia, the world of female matriarchal foundations, and Scythia, the world of male battles and Cossack hordes. Russians have a very complex archetype, which is why Russian civilization still has so many problems. But soon the consciousness of Russian-speaking people will be cleared, and transformation will come. Then the true dawn of the Russian world will come. This process has already begun.
The question is often asked: where did the Russians come from? Russians have always lived in their own place in Eastern Europe, even during glaciation and flood. The continuous history of Russia is observed from a depth of 50-70 thousand years. For example, China is barely 5 thousand years old. And the Egyptian pyramids were built only 4 thousand years ago. But of course the Slavs played a significant role in the entosogenesis of the Russian nation. In figurative form, the ancient authors of Aryan books preserved for us a message about the birth of the peoples of the Northern Black Sea region, including the Slavs. To a certain extent, the Wends can be considered the ancestors of the Russians. Aryan ancient books tell the following.
Kadru and Vinata were sisters. Their father was Daksha, the lord of creatures. He had 13 daughters, whom he married to the sage Kashyapa. Kadru gave birth to a thousand sons, but Vinata gave birth to only two. Kadru brought many eggs, but Vinata brought only two eggs. Five hundred years later, a thousand powerful snakes - nagas - hatched from the eggs of Kadru. By this time, Vinata’s other sister had not yet given birth to anyone. Impatiently, Vinata broke one egg and saw her son there, only half developed. She named him Aruna. Aryan texts contain many secrets. The name Arun means “runes of the Alatyr stone.” This is a system of signs used by the priests of Valdai as secret writing. For his ugliness, the angry Arun cursed his impatient mother Vinata, and predicted that she would be a slave for five hundred years. From the name Vinat comes the Russian word “wine” and the name of the ancient families of the Vendian Slavs. This is the word in different time used in relation to different peoples, sometimes to all Slavs in general, also sometimes associated with Vandals. Throughout the Middle Ages, the Germans generally called all the neighboring Slavic peoples Vends (except for the Czechs and Poles, who descended from another branch of immigrants from Rus'): Lusatians, Lyutichs, Bodrichis (who lived in the territory of modern Germany) and Pomeranians. In Germany, during the Weimar Republic, there was still a special Vendian Department in the internal affairs bodies, which was engaged in working with the Slavic population of Germany. Today, to a large extent, modern Germans are genetic descendants Baltic Slavs. Big number words with the root “Wend” were found in the lands of eastern Germany: Wendhaus, Wendberg, Wendgraben (grave), Windenheim (homeland), Windisland (land of the Wends), etc. On the territory of modern Latvia back in the 12th-13th centuries. AD lived a people known as the Vendas. It is not difficult to assume that they come from the lineages laid by the two sons of the matriarchal Vinata commune mentioned in the Aryan Vedas. The word “Russia” in Finnish and Estonian sounds “Venaja” and “Vene”, respectively. It is believed that the Finnish and Estonian names for Russians are also related to the name “Vends”.
The story, which is preserved in the Aryan Vedas, says that the Slavs at the beginning of time appeared in the form of a son, Vinata, who was born prematurely, but received the name Arun, which means “possessing secret knowledge.” Cursing his mother (having left the matriarchal commune that gave birth to him), he said: “In five hundred years, another son will deliver you from slavery if you do not break the second egg ahead of time.”
This was shortly before the start of the Trojan War. At this time, the gods and asuras were at peace. The united Aryan Empire mobilized all its forces to build a gigantic wall separating the north from the south. This is how the ancients tried to protect themselves from diseases that were approaching Rus' from the south. At this time, the sisters Kadru and Vinata saw the wonderful horse Uchchaikhshravas emerging from the sea waters. A dispute arose between them about what color the horse’s tail was. Vinata said it was white (as it actually was). Her sister Kadru is like black. According to the terms of the dispute, the one who loses must become a slave.
At night, Kadru sent a thousand of her sons - “black snakes” so that they would hang on the tail of the white horse, and thereby hide its natural color. So the insidious Kadru deceived her sister into slavery. And so the curse of the first Slavs, the Arun, came true. Most likely, this is one of the Scythian or Sarmatian tribes that moved to the Balkans after the Trojan War. Here the descendants of Arun began to be called Kolovyans - southern Slavs. They formed 12 Etruscan clans, which created the ancient Etruscan state and Rome.
In the Russian epic, the history of the migrations of this people is preserved in the tale of the kolobok. Actually, the bun is the Kolovians. This was approximately 1200 BC. After 2200 years, some of them will return to Rus' in Kyiv and Novgorod, after Moravia was conquered by the Hungarians. When they returned, they brought with them many tales and legends about their ancient history. This is how the fairy tale about the kolobok appeared in Rus'.

But this is only half the history of the Slavs. Vinata gave birth to a gigantic eagle from the second egg. He was destined to become a destroyer of naga snakes in revenge for his mother's slavery. When he was born, all living beings and the gods of Mount Alatyr themselves were in confusion. The circumstances of the life and struggle of the giant eagle are very reminiscent of the circumstances of the history of modern Russia, although the Aryan Vedas were written several thousand years earlier. The peoples descended from the gigantic eagle Garuda are the Baltic Slavs, Germans and modern Russians. At birth, the eagle Garuda himself broke the shell of the egg with his beak and, as soon as he was born, soared into the sky in search of prey. His birthplace, apparently, was the Don River. The matriarchal commune of Vineta was enslaved by the steppe nomads of the Nagas. Nagas formed numerous southern nationalities.
At that time, Surya, the sun god, began to threaten that he would burn the world. A drought began in the steppes. Then the eagle Garuda took his elder brother, the one who was born prematurely, on his back and placed him on the chariot of the Sun, so that with his body he would shield the world from the destructive rays. Since then, Vinata's eldest son became Surya's charioteer and the deity of the dawn.
Apparently, the Garuda tribe, whose coat of arms was an eagle, was born 500 years after the Trojan War and after the first expedition of immigrants from Rus' to the Balkans and the settlement of Sicily. That is, it was approximately 750 BC. It was at this time that another religious crisis occurred in Rus'. At this time, a new Jerusalem temple was built in Rus', which continues the religious reforms towards the transition to Monotheism begun in the middle of the 2nd millennium BC by the Aryan king Melchisidek. In addition, the reason that prompted the huge masses of people in Eurasia to move was drought.
Waves of people of “free will” appear at the mouth of the Don, and a naval base of the southern Varangians appears on the Sea of ​​Azov. These “people of the sea” receive the name Hellenes. They attack the shores of all inland seas, destroying the remnants of the Cretan-Mycenaean civilization. The Dark Ages are coming. The city of Panticapaeum (the modern city of Kerch) arose in Crimea. This is a transshipment naval base from which thousands of ships disperse across the seas. At the shipyards modern city Thousands of thousands more ships are being built from Voronezh ship pines. The maritime expansion of Rus' ends with the emergence of many independent cities along the shores of the Black and Mediterranean Seas. It was these settlers who became the breeding ground on which she grew up. ancient culture.
And Garuda, having delivered his brother to the south, returned to Rus'. Dejected, he asked his mother: “Why should I serve snakes?” And his mother Vinata told him about how she fell into slavery to her sister. Garuda then asked the snakes: “What can I do to free myself and my mother from slavery?” And the snakes said to him: “Get us amrita from the gods. Then we will deliver you from slavery.” Amrita is the drink of immortality. The concept of “amrita” in Aryan texts corresponds to Ayurveda - the science of the laws of life. It was the creation by the priests of the foundations of ancient medicine that made it possible to begin the less safe development of territory outside of Rus'. Man is not well suited to live away from glaciers - in the southern world he is haunted by exotic diseases. After the foundation of Ayurveda was created, people began to populate the southern countries. There they met people from primitive eras, who also somehow adapted to living in the south. But these were different people, unlike the northerners. The sun changed them appearance, and their habits, worldview, ethical standards were from archaic eras. Their archetype of consciousness corresponded to eras long past. This is how the mechanism of evolution works on planet Earth. Evolution in the south occurs more slowly than in the north.
Garuda flew to the north, where the gods kept amrita. On the way, he passed Mount Gandhamadana, where he saw his meditating father, the wise Kashyapa. On the advice of his father, Garuda obtained an elephant and a giant tortoise for food and descended onto a tree to eat his prey. But the branch broke under his weight. Garuda picked it up with his beak and saw on it many tiny sages - Valakhilyas, hanging upside down. Valakhilya - mythical sages, numbering sixty thousand, each the size of a finger; in Aryan books they are called the sons of Kratu, the sixth son of Brahma.

With a branch in his beak and an elephant and a turtle in his claws, Garuda flew on. When he again flew past Mount Gandhamadana, Kashyapa said: “Beware of harming the Valakhilya sages! Fear their wrath! Kashyapa told Garuda how powerful these tiny creatures are. Then Garuda carefully lowered the Valakhilyas to the ground, and he himself flew to a mountain covered with snow, and, sitting on a glacier, ate an elephant and a turtle. Then he continued his flight.

One of the Sapta Rishis, Kratu, is considered to be the father of the Valakhilyas. The Russian word “mole” comes from the name of this rishi (sage). Why? You'll understand a little later. Valakhilyas drink the rays of the sun and are guardians of the solar chariot. In fact, their place of residence is Valdai and the Riphean Mountains, the Mountains of the Sages. They study the Vedas and sastras. One of the main characteristics of the Valakhylians is considered to be their purity, virtue and chastity; they constantly perform prayers. The elders usually live in dugouts and are indifferent to wealth. Sometimes in books they are called "siddhis".
These are the holy hermits of Rus'. They settled in the upper reaches of the Volga, Beloozerye and the shores of the White Sea. The hermitages of the holy elders can be found even far away on the Kola Peninsula beyond the Arctic Circle. The Mahabharata tells how the leader of the gods, Indra, together with the Valakhilyas, were responsible for lighting the fire. Indra, who had collected a whole mountain of firewood, laughed at the Valakhilyas, each of whom could barely pull a stalk of grass. The sages were offended and began to pray that another leader of the gods, Indra, would appear, much more powerful. Indra, having learned about this, became afraid and asked for help from the sage Kashyapa. The powerful priest was able to pacify the Valakhylians, but so that their efforts would not be in vain, he decided that Indra should be born in the form of an eagle.
Not far from my house near Tver in 2009, the relics of St. Savvaty, an elder who lived here at the end of the 14th century AD, were discovered. His relics were found on August 19. This is very symbolic. On this day Orthodox Church celebrates the Transfiguration. This concept is a reflection philosophical concept“smart doing” or vision of the Tabor light. In forest hermitages, hermit monks brought themselves to a state of religious ecstasy that they began to directly, on Earth, see the Tabor light and directly communicate with God.

The tradition of building monasteries in Rus' goes back to the era of Cancer (7-6 thousand years BC) - a sign addressed to the world of the soul, and perhaps even more ancient times. In the 4th-2nd millennium, the era of Taurus begins - the Valakhilya populate the lands newly freed from under the glacier. 60 thousand hermit monks “weave” the Vedas here, which still determine consciousness modern man. It was they who created the archetype of consciousness that underlies world culture. Valakhilyas have been preserved throughout the millennia. They still exist today. In relatively recent history, the Valakhilyas, who in the Russian Church are called the Trans-Volga Elders, became most famous. These are the monks of Belozersky, Vologda and Tver small monasteries and forest hermitages. The external, ritual side of religion did not play any role for them. Their monasteries differed sharply in their poor, simple atmosphere from the rich churches. They were not afraid to tell the truth to kings. The divorce of the Russian Tsar Vasily III from his wife and his new marriage caused condemnation from the Volga residents. In 1523, one of the Trans-Volga residents, Abbot Porfiry, was even imprisoned for standing up for Prince Vasily Shemyachich, who was summoned to Moscow and imprisoned, despite the oaths of the Grand Duke and Metropolitan Daniel. At the head of the Trans-Volga elders was Nil Sorsky...
Today, in the village of Savvatyevo near Tver, Father Andrei Egorov (the archpriest was once a famous Tver rocker) is reviving and building a small monastery on the banks of the Orsha River and preserving the forest monastery of St. Savvaty of Orsha, a hermit who, according to legend, came to Russian soil together with Metropolitan Cyprian, and who brought the teachings of the hesychasts to Rus'. This was at the end of the 14th century.
Many names of rivers, descriptions of the climate and the starry sky in the Aryan books indicate that the famous seven sages, who gave people all the knowledge, in whose honor the seven stars of the constellation Ursa Major shine, lived in these very places along the banks of the rivers Medveditsa, Orsha, and Mologa. And at the end of the 14th century, Orthodox monks settled here in monasteries, guardians of the teaching about the Light of Tabor. Already at the beginning of the 15th century, in just a few decades, monasteries and small monasteries spread from Tver to the Arctic Ocean itself.
During our meeting, Father Andrei was surprised at how quickly the teachings of the hesychasts spread throughout Rus'. I think this is God's providence. This is the Tabor light of the Transfiguration - it spreads at the same speed as the Holy Fire from the Holy Sepulcher.
Many Orthodox monks settled in hermitages precisely in those places where the rishis mentioned in the Vedas lived. But between these events there are at least 2500 years. It seems that history is repeating itself. The fact that the rishis from the Aryan epic and the hesychasts from relatively recent history appeared in one place on the planet is amazing fact. It seems that events not only repeat themselves, but also happen in the same place.
The Valakhilyas and Orthodox hermit monks of northwestern Rus' and Karelia are an unbroken tradition of one phenomenon. It has been manifesting itself here for several thousand years. I know several monks who live in the forests today.
And while Garuda was approaching Valdai, the abodes of the gods and formidable signs appeared in the sky. The wind rose, thunder rumbled, ominous clouds enveloped the peaks. The gods were alarmed. But they had not yet seen who was going to attack them. Then the wise Brihaspati said to them: “A mighty bird is approaching here to steal amrita. Now the prophecy of the Valachylians is being fulfilled.”
Hearing this, the gods, led by Indra, dressed in shining armor and armed themselves with swords and spears, says the Aryan epic. Surrounding the vessel with the drink of immortality, Amrita, they prepared for battle. And then a huge bird appeared, sparkling like the sun. She fell upon the celestials and scattered them in different directions. Having recovered from this onslaught, the gods, led by Indra, rushed towards Garuda, showering him with spears, darts and war disks from all sides. The bird soared up and attacked the gods from above, and killed many with blows of its claws and beak. Unable to withstand the fight with the invincible bird, the gods retreated, and Garuda penetrated to where the amrita was kept. Thus, the Proto-Slavs became the owners of the secret knowledge of the sages from Valdai.
Garuda grabbed the vessel with amrita and set off on his way back.
The leader of the Valdai gods, Indra, rushed in pursuit and, overtaking him in the air, dealt a terrible blow with his vajra. But Garuda did not flinch. He said to Indra: “Great is my strength, and I can carry on my wings this whole earth with mountains and forests and you along with it. If you want, be my friend. Do not be afraid, I will not give the amrita to the snakes. You will get it back when I free myself and my mother from slavery.” Indra is, among other things, a religion that existed in Rus' 6-4 thousand years BC. This was the first appearance of monotheistic cults. Indra was the harbinger of the coming of Krishna. The Aryan Vedas believe that in the form of Krishna, the Almighty once again descended to earth around 3100 BC. At the same time, Krishna is, as it were, a harbinger of the coming of Jesus Christ, and Indra, accordingly, is the harbinger of St. Andrew the First-Called. The descendants of the second son of the slave Vinata brought the cult of monotheism to the south of Rus'. Along with the new religion, new knowledge about hygiene and healing methods spread, which made it possible to move further south.
Hearing these words, Indra said, “I accept your friendship, O mighty one. Demand from me whatever gift you want!” And Garuda said: “Let snakes be my food.” From that time on, snakes were doomed to be food for Garuda and his offspring, the suparna birds. Since then, Russia has absorbed many immigrants from the south and melted them into the Russian ethnic group.

Garuda and his mother Vinata were freed from slavery. But in the meantime Indra took the amrita and took it back to Valdai, to his kingdom. The snakes did not get the drink of immortality. Then they began to lick the kusha grass on which the vessel with amrita stood. And the grass kusha, which touched amrita, became a sacred herb from that time on. That is, some knowledge of ancient medicine did end up among the nomads - and this saved them in the process of evolution.
The great eagle Garuda - the sun bird - is one of the most popular images of Aryan mythology. In ancient books, the Almighty (Vishnu) is often depicted flying in the sky riding the eagle Garuda. That is, the Northern Slavs were the force that in ancient times spread throughout the world the faith in one God. Hence the expression among Russians - God is with us!

Gennady Klimov's story was recorded by Marina Gavrishenko

Who are the Russians?

Who are Russians - character and culture

Russian national character is very ambiguous, and it is not easy to evaluate it. In a surprising way, the Russian person combines positive and negative character traits, as well as completely opposite friend to a friend.

How was the Russian national character and culture formed? Here we can highlight such important factors as:

  • geographical location of Rus';
  • Russian nature;
  • the everyday life of a Russian person;
  • adoption of Christianity in the Byzantine version;
  • mobilization type of state development.

Let's consider the influence of each factor in more detail.

Geographical position

Russian state It is extensive and occupies a position between European and Asian states. This led to the combination of elements of Eastern and Western civilization in national culture Rus'. This binary Russian character is described by V.O.
Klyuchevsky in “A Brief History of Rus'”. He wrote that the formation of the character of the Russian people was significantly influenced by the geographical location of the country between the steppe and the forest. Being in the forest, near rivers, people sought to get closer and unite near a water source. This is how the spirit of cohesion was brought up in them, they learned to feel like a part of society. What did the steppe give to man? It symbolizes space, freedom, loneliness, wandering. Being on an endless plain encourages thought and contemplation. Under the influence of the steppe, people developed such qualities as modesty, spiritual gentleness, a tendency toward melancholy, “withdrawal,” asceticism, and an isolated life. Russian culture successfully combines such seemingly incompatible qualities.


The influence of nature can also explain the fact that Russian people began to refer to nationality as an adjective. This implies that a person belongs not just to a separate people, but to Rus', the Russian land. That is, connection with the land and native places is extremely important for a person of a given nationality - and has always been important.

The adoption of Christianity in the Byzantine version entailed some isolation of Rus' from Western states. She had her own development path that
also concerned culture. The church also fostered a spirit of unity in people and united the people in difficult times.

Mobilization development of the state

Mobilization development of the state is the maximum use of human resources to solve various state problems. At the same time, there is a discrepancy between the volume of tasks and internal resources. This can explain the emergence of Russian people’s dislike for the government and, at the same time, their willingness to tolerate it and, if necessary, stand up for their state.

All these factors determined the character of the Russian person. It combines the incompatible - hard work and laziness, openness and unsociability, hospitality and a tendency towards isolation and loneliness. And Russian culture is also characterized by such duality.


Anthropological characteristics include external and genetic indicators. Russians
in this aspect they are similar to Europeans. Signs that distinguish them from Europeans:

  • Light shades of skin and hair predominate, dark ones are less.
  • Eyebrows and beard grow at a slower rate.
  • The brow is less pronounced, as is the slope of the forehead.
  • The bridge of the nose is medium high, the profile of the face is moderately wide, and in the horizontal profile the middle profile predominates.

For Russian people, the epicanthus is not typical - a fold near the eye, which is noticeable among Mongoloids.

Ethnic history of the Russian people

How did the Russian people arise? It was formed from East Slavic tribes and migrant peoples who flocked from the Dnieper region. They became part of the Russian people and Finno-
Ugric tribes. In the 12th century, as a result of the merger of tribes, the Old Russian people were formed. However, it subsequently split into three separate peoples - Russians, Ukrainians and Belarusians.

The Russian people were strongly influenced by the Baptism of Rus', organized by Prince Vladimir in 988. This event became the reason for the appearance of its own calendar and church holidays Russians, original writing, individual species national art- icon painting or architecture.

The invasion of the Mongol-Tatars had a tangible impact on the Russian people. Rus' took on the burden of the yoke, which set it back - about a century - in the development of culture and industry compared to Europe.

Nowadays, there are a huge number of versions and hypotheses about the origin of the Russian people and the first centuries of our history. It is impossible to say which of them is true. It is only clear that Russian history is much more ancient than Norman historians believed. Even in pre-revolutionary times, attention was paid to the fact that the term Rus' was mentioned much more earlier than the start Rurik's reign in Novgorod. In the same way, the question remains unclear who the Rus were and what relation they had to the Slavic tribes known from the first century AD. Indeed, even in the relatively late times of the Prophetic Oleg, the difference between the Slavs and the Rus is emphasized by chroniclers. Option one: the Rus are Slavs. Then the question is, are the Rus a separate clan, tribe, or the name of people of a certain profession, such as the later Ushkuiniki?

Option two: the Rus are not Slavs. Then who? Germans? Perhaps, but not a fact.

Historians have counted in historical materials at least four direct and eight indirect indications that before Kievan Rus there was a certain state that bore the name Russian, headed by the Kagan. This Turkic title denotes the sole leader of a large state and corresponds to the European title of emperor. This emphasizes that the Russian Kaganate was an independent and quite powerful entity, capable of independently determining its policy. However, its exact location is still unknown. Some researchers believe that it was located in the north of the East European Plain, while some scientists believe that this state was located in the area of ​​the Sea of ​​Azov.

According to E.S. Galkina (book “Secrets of the Russian Kaganate”), the center of this state was located in the upper reaches of the Os-kol, Seversky Donets and Don rivers. Russian historian and philosopher Sergei Perevezentsev calls this state Alanian Russia and sees its origins in the Don. Donetsk historian and publicist Alexey Ivanov calls it the Russian Kaganate and outlines the borders of this state along the line Seversky Donets - Don - Sea of ​​Azov in the southeast and the Dnieper in the west. The modern capital of Ukraine was also part of this civilization.

For a long time, the prevailing version was that this was not a separate state, but part of the Khazar Khaganate. This assumption played a fatal role in the study of this civilization. In Soviet times, historical science practically did not study the Khazar Kaganate. Naturally, no one studied the history associated with our territory. The Russian Kaganate is not studied in independent Ukraine either. But in Russia, articles and entire books are dedicated to this state. Even in pre-revolutionary times, attention was paid to the fact that the term “Rus” was mentioned much earlier than the beginning of Rurik’s reign in Novgorod.

Having compared all the available historical data with archaeological finds, we come to the conclusion that only the Saltov-Mayatsk archaeological culture can be the Russian Kaganate.

It was one of the most urbanized states of the early Middle Ages. Now 25 cities have been excavated, some of which were inhabited by up to one hundred thousand people. For that time, this was a huge population, because Paris at that time had only twenty thousand inhabitants, and in Kyiv, even in the 11th century, no more than forty thousand people lived. The cities of the Russian Kaganate were centers of trade and crafts. Pottery, jewelry, and metallurgy were especially developed. The Russian Kaganate was a trading and military state through which important trade routes passed from northern Europe to Byzantium and Asian countries. For example, one of them began on the southern coast of the Baltic, then went along the Dnieper, Seversky Donets, Don and ended in the North Caucasus. Another important trade artery controlled by the Russians is everyone known path"From the Varangians to the Greeks." In addition, the Russian Kaganate had access to the sea and conducted active maritime trade. The main export goods were weapons, jewelry and slaves. Such activity could not but irritate the Khazar Khaganate, another military-mercantile state that sought control over trade routes. Apparently, relations between the two kaganates were very tense. Apparently, parity was maintained for a certain time, and the border ran along the Don.

According to archaeological data, this culture of the Kaganate was a mixed Alan-Slavic-Turkic culture. At first (from the 6th to the beginning of the 8th century) the Alan component dominated. Alans are an Indo-Aryan Iranian-speaking people, descendants of the Sarmatians and ancestors of modern Ossetians. It should be noted that our region has long been in the area of ​​settlement of Iranian tribes. First they were the Scythians, then the Sarmatians, Roxolans, Yasses, and Alans. It was from those times that the root “don”, meaning “river”, remained in our language in the names of water sources. So the names Don, Sevsrsky Donets came to us from time immemorial. Then the Slavs began to populate the territory of the forest-steppe strip (now the northern part of Donbass). At the same time, the Iranians moved deeper into the Slavic lands. A symbiosis of Iranians and Slavs arises, and the Kaganate can well be called a Slavic-Iranian state. In addition, the Kaganate was inhabited by Bulgars, Ases and even people from Scandinavia. By the end of the existence of the Russian Kaganate, the Slavs constituted the dominant part of its population. And most importantly, they had high social status. This can be judged by the fact that the found Slavic burials are, as a rule, rich graves.

Now, it’s probably worth considering the origin of the term Rus, Russian. The root “rus” is of Indo-European origin and means “light, white.” It has retained this meaning in the language to this day. For example, in the words “fair-haired”, “fair-haired”, “brown hare” and so on. In addition, this term denoted a noble or dominant family. It is quite natural that this word was used equally by two branches of Indo-Europeans - Iranians and Slavs. Perhaps the spread of the self-name of the “Saltovo people” as “Rus”, “Rus” is connected with the name of the current Seversky Donets, which, according to the Arabic source “Khudua-al-Alam”, was called the Rus River, that is, a bright or clean river. Perhaps, from the name of the river, the inhabitants of the Kaganate began to call themselves that. There is a version that the Kaganate got its name from the Alan people of the Rukhs, descendants of the Sarmatian tribe of Roksalans (light Alans) and Ases.

Probably, the Rus were not originally Slavs, but were assimilated by the Slavs, leaving them their name. This is not the only such case in history. Let us recall, for example, the Bulgarians, a Slavic people who received their name from a tribe of nomadic Turks.

The Russian Kaganate died in the thirties of the ninth century, when its territory was captured by the Magyars (Hungarians), who roamed here until the end of the ninth century, and then went west. After the defeat of the Kaganate, part of the remaining population moved north into the forests and assimilated among the Slavic tribe of northerners. Perhaps thanks to this, the toponymy of our region has been preserved. Some of the fugitives moved to the Dnieper region under the protection of the surviving Kyiv.

But the fate of the third group of people from the Kaganate is especially interesting. These were probably the remnants of a professional squad. They ended their campaign in the Baltic states. Some researchers believe that the eastern coast of the Baltic Sea became their new homeland, some historians claim that the Rus settled in Prussia, where they, together with local tribes, form a tribal union called Russia. In addition, there is a version about the island of Saaremaa as a new refuge for the Rus. Be that as it may, all researchers agree that the new state was in the Baltic states. At this time, the Slavs were actively developing these territories. They needed an ally in new lands. Naturally, they paid attention to the tribal formation, which was close to them in language and culture. So, perhaps the Russian Rurik, invited with his retinue to Novgorod, was not a Scandinavian, but a native of the Russian Kaganate.

If our reconstruction of the history of the Russian Kaganate is based on archeology, hypotheses and scattered historical information, then Rurik is a historical figure. His closest associate was Prophetic Oleg. In our country, this name is usually derived from the Scandinavian name Heleg, although it is more logical to derive it from the Iranian Khaleg (creator, creator, prince). Oleg, having become regent for Rurik’s young son Igor in 879, organizes a campaign south along the Dnieper. In 882, Oleg virtually captured Kyiv without a fight. It was then that the words “Kyiv is the mother of Russian cities” were heard. Agree, it sounds more than strange if, following the Norman historians, we consider Oleg a Scandinavian. But if Oleg, like the people of Kiev, comes from the Russian Kaganate, then his action is logical. Prophetic Prince proclaimed the beginning of his revival ancient state, but with the capital in Kyiv. By the way, the Kiev people perceive Oleg’s arrival without much indignation. There were no riots or unrest. But when Rurik began to reign in Novgorod, there was an uprising of Vadim the Brave.

After establishing himself in Kyiv, Oleg established his control over the tribes of the Northerners and Radimichi, who had previously paid tribute to the Khazars. That is, Oleg gathered around Kyiv exactly those Slavic tribes that were most closely in contact with the Russian Kaganate. Through the efforts of the Prophetic Oleg, at the beginning of the tenth century, a new state was formed, which united the lands of the Russian Kaganate and received the former name of Rus', and its ruler called himself Kagan. This title ceased to be used only under Yaroslav the Wise.

Prince Svyatoslav completed what Oleg had started by making a victorious campaign against Khazaria in 965. He not only destroyed this state, but also began to revive the Russian Kaganate through a new Slavic colonization of lands along the Don and Donets, the center of which was the former Khazar city of Sar-kel, renamed by Svyatoslav to Belaya Vezha (vezha - tower). He is trying to resettle the Slavs there, but the situation was different. Pecheneg nomads come from the Volga region to our steppes. After they were defeated in the thirties of the eleventh century, the Polovtsy came to their place. By the way, Vladimir Monomakh made two dozen campaigns in the steppes, where the Russian Kaganate was located, literally clearing them of nomads. So the princes of Kievan Rus did not forget about their ancestral home. But Kievan Rus had already entered a period of fragmentation, and the great princes did not have the strength to retain their southern possessions. Most of the Slavs during the time of Vladimir Monomakh moved back to Kievan Rus. Those who remained were partially massacred by the Polovtsians, who took Belaya Vezha by storm in 1 1 1 7, and partially moved to Tmutarakan. A small part of the Slavs, uniting with representatives of neighboring peoples (Alans and Turks), became the ancestors of the Brodniks - free warriors who led the same lifestyle as the Cossacks four hundred years later.

So, let's summarize. The Russian Kaganate was the first proto-state in relation to which the term “Russian” was used. The legacy of this state subsequently had a serious impact on both Rus' and the states formed on its territory. A lot of elements from the Russian Kaganate passed into the Russian state. This is both a title of rulers and gods of Iranian origin in the pantheon Slavic gods, and numerous words with Iranian roots in our language.

Russian Kaganate and Yarova Rus

Fascinating lectures by V. Chudinov about the latest expeditions and new discoveries... Demonstration and deciphering of inscriptions on objects found by archaeologists in the Russian Kaganate, on the territory of Vagria, Scandia and Slav Rus'... Chudinov Valery Alekseevich Doctor of Philosophy, Professor of the State University of Medicine, Academician of the Russian Academy of Natural Sciences, Chairman of the RAS Commission on the culture of ancient and medieval Rus', director of the Center for Ancient Slavic writing and culture, writer...

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The culture of the peoples of Russia is one of the most diverse in the world. More than 190 peoples live on its territory, each of which individually has its own unique culture, and the greater the number, the more noticeable the contribution of this people to the culture of the whole country.

The Russian population is the largest in Russia - it amounts to 111 million people. The top three most numerous nationalities are completed by Tatars and Ukrainians.

Russian culture

Russian culture has a huge historical and cultural heritage and dominates the state.

Orthodoxy is the most widespread religion among the Russian people, which has had a huge impact on the development of moral culture peoples of Russia.

The second largest religion, although incomparably inferior to Orthodoxy, is Protestantism.

Russian housing

A traditional Russian dwelling is considered to be a hut, built of logs, with a gable roof. The entrance was a porch; a stove and cellar were built in the house.

There are still many huts in Russia, for example, in the city of Vyatka, Arbazhsky district Kirov region. There is an opportunity to visit unique Museum Russian hut in the village of Kochemirovo, Kadomsky district, Ryazan region, where you can see not only a real hut, but also household items, a stove, a loom and other elements of Russian culture.

Russian national costume

In general, men's folk costume consisted of a shirt with an embroidered collar, trousers, bast shoes or boots. The shirt was worn untucked and secured with a fabric belt. A caftan was worn as outerwear.

Women's folk costume consisted of a long embroidered shirt with long sleeves, sundress or skirt with a frill, and on top of the woolen skirt - poneva. Married women wore a headdress called a warrior. The festive headdress was a kokoshnik.

IN Everyday life Russian folk costumes are no longer worn. The best examples of this clothing can be seen in ethnographic museums, as well as at various dance competitions and festivals of Russian culture.

Traditional Russian cuisine

Russian cuisine is famous for its first courses - cabbage soup, solyanka, ukha, rassolnik, okroshka. Porridge was usually prepared as a second course. “Soup cabbage soup and porridge are our food,” they have long said.

Very often cottage cheese is used in dishes, especially when preparing pies, cheesecakes and cheesecakes.

It is popular to prepare various pickles and marinades.

You can try Russian dishes in numerous restaurants of Russian cuisine, which are found almost everywhere both in Russia and abroad.

Family traditions and spiritual values ​​of the Russian people

Family has always been the main and unconditional value for a Russian person. Therefore, since ancient times it was important to remember one’s family. The connection with the ancestors was sacred. Children are often given names in honor of their grandparents, sons are named after their fathers - this is a way of showing respect to relatives.

Previously, the profession was often passed on from father to son, but now this tradition has almost died out.

An important tradition is the inheritance of things and family heirlooms. This is how things accompany a family from generation to generation and acquire their own history.

Both religious and secular holidays are celebrated.

The most widely celebrated public holiday in Russia is the New Year holiday. Many people also celebrate the Old New Year on January 14th.

The following holidays are also celebrated: Defender of the Fatherland Day, International Women's Day, Victory Day, Workers' Solidarity Day ("May" holidays on May 1-2), Constitution Day.

The largest Orthodox holidays are Easter and Christmas.

Not so massively, but the following are also noted Orthodox holidays: Baptism of the Lord, Transfiguration of the Lord (Apple Savior), Honey Savior, Trinity and others.

Russian folk culture and the Maslenitsa holiday, which lasts a whole week until Lent, are practically inseparable from each other. This holiday has its roots in paganism, but is now celebrated everywhere by Orthodox people. Maslenitsa also symbolizes farewell to winter. Business card festive table- pancakes.

Ukrainian culture

The number of Ukrainians in the Russian Federation is approximately 1 million 928 thousand people - this is the third largest number among the total population, and therefore Ukrainian culture is an important component of the culture of the peoples of Russia.

Traditional Ukrainian housing

The Ukrainian hut is an important component of the Ukrainian traditional culture. A typical Ukrainian house was wooden, small in size, with a hipped roof made of straw. The hut had to be whitewashed inside and out.

There are such huts in Russia, for example, in the Orenburg region, in the western and central regions of Ukraine, in Kazakhstan, but almost always the thatched roof is replaced with slate or covered with roofing felt.

Ukrainian folk costume

The men's suit consists of a linen shirt and trousers. The Ukrainian shirt is characterized by an embroidered slit in the front; they wear it tucked into their pants, belted with a sash.

The basis for a woman's outfit is a long shirt. The hem of the shirt and sleeves were always embroidered. On top they put on a corset, yupka or andarak.

The most famous element of traditional Ukrainian clothing is vyshyvanka - a men's or women's shirt, distinguished by complex and varied embroidery.

Ukrainian folk costumes are no longer worn, but they can be seen in museums and at festivals of Ukrainian folk culture. But embroidered shirts are still in use and are even gaining more and more popularity - Ukrainians of all ages love to wear them, both as a festive outfit and as an element of their everyday wardrobe.

The most famous Ukrainian dish is red borscht made from beets and cabbage.

The most popular product in Ukrainian cooking is lard - it is used to prepare many dishes, eaten separately, salted, fried and smoked.

Wheat flour products are widely used. National dishes include dumplings, dumplings, verguns, and lemishki.

Ukrainian cuisine is loved and popular not only among Ukrainians, but also among many other residents of Russia - find a restaurant serving Ukrainian cuisine in major cities won't be difficult.

The family values ​​of Ukrainians and Russians are largely identical. The same goes for religion - Orthodox Christianity occupies the largest part among the religions of Ukrainians living in Russia; Traditional holidays are almost no different.

Tatar culture

Representatives of the Tatar ethnic group in Russia number approximately 5 million 310 thousand people - this is 3.72% of the total population of the country.

Tatar religion

The main religion of the Tatars is Sunni Islam. At the same time, there is a small part of the Kryashen Tatars, whose religion is Orthodoxy.

Tatar mosques can be seen in many cities of Russia, for example, the Moscow Historical Mosque, the St. Petersburg Cathedral Mosque, the Perm Cathedral Mosque, the Izhevsk Cathedral Mosque and others.

Traditional Tatar housing

Tatar housing was a four-walled log house, fenced on the front side and set back from the street, with a vestibule. Inside, the room was divided into women's and men's parts, the women's part was also a kitchen. Houses were decorated with bright paintings, especially the gates.

In Kazan, Republic of Tatarstan, many such estates remain, not only as architectural monuments, but also as residential buildings.

The costume may differ depending on the subgroup of the Tatars, but the clothing of the Volga Tatars had a great influence on the uniform image of the national costume. It consists of a shirt-dress and trousers, for both women and men, and a robe was often used as outerwear. The headdress for men was a skullcap, for women - a velvet cap.

Such costumes are no longer worn in their original form, but some elements of clothing are still in use, for example, scarves and ichigs. You can see traditional clothing in ethnographic museums and thematic exhibitions.

Traditional Tatar cuisine

A distinctive feature of this cuisine is that its development was influenced not only by Tatar ethnic traditions. From different cultures Tatar cuisine includes bal-mai, dumplings, pilaf, baklava, tea and other various dishes.

Tatar cuisine boasts a variety of flour products, among them: echpochmak, kystyby, kabartma, sansa, kyimak.

Milk is often consumed, but most often in processed form - cottage cheese, katyk, sour cream, syuzme, eremchek.

A lot of restaurants throughout Russia offer a menu of Tatar cuisine, and the best choice, of course, is in the capital of Tatarstan - Kazan.

Family traditions and spiritual values ​​of the Tatars

Creating a family has always been the highest value among the Tatar people. Marriage is considered a sacred duty.

The moral and spiritual culture of the peoples of Russia is in one way or another connected with religious culture, and the peculiarities of Muslim marriage lie in the fact that it is inextricably linked with the religious culture of Muslims. For example, the Koran prohibits marrying an atheist or agnostic woman; Marriage with a representative of another religion is not very much approved.

Nowadays Tatars meet and marry mostly without family intervention, but previously the most common marriage was through matchmaking - the groom’s relatives went to the bride’s parents and proposed.

The Tatar family is a family of the patriarchal type, married woman was completely at the mercy of her husband and at his support. The number of children in a family sometimes exceeded six. The spouses lived with the husband's parents; living with the bride's parents was shameful.

Unquestioning obedience and respect for elders is another important feature of the Tatar mentality.

Tatar holidays

The Tatar culture of celebration includes Islamic, original Tatar, and all-Russian public holidays.

Large religious holidays considered to be Eid al-Fitr - the holiday of breaking the fast, in honor of the end of the month of fasting - Ramadan, and Kurban Bayram - the holiday of sacrifice.

Until now, the Tatars celebrate both kargatuy, or karga butkasy - a folk holiday of spring, and sabantuy - a holiday marking the completion of spring agricultural work.

The culture of each people of Russia is unique, and together they represent an amazing puzzle, which will be incomplete if any part is removed. Our task is to know and appreciate this cultural heritage.

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