Where will Malakhov work now? Andrey Malakhov: latest news about the host of “Let Them Talk”, where he is leaving “Channel One”

Famous showman Andrei Malakhov long years was the permanent presenter of the “Let Them Talk” program, which is so loved by viewers of Channel One. The news that he was leaving not only the show, but also the channel shocked his fans. However, this information has not yet received official confirmation.

There is a lot of talk now about why Malakhov plans to leave Channel One. There are many different assumptions on this topic, but these are just rumors. So, they say that Andrei and his program were supplanted by a new one even more scandalous project called "Let them talk." It is led by Dmitry Shepelev, who, together with experts, tests the characters for sincerity using a polygraph.

However, if you believe the words of an anonymous source, Shepelev has nothing to do with it. Employees of the popular channel hinted that Malakhov’s departure was provoked internal conflict because of the new producer. So, producer Natalya Nikonova returned to “Let Them Talk” and decided to add many political topics to the program. It's about about episodes dedicated to the head of the Russian Federation Vladimir Putin and the deceased ex-State Duma deputy Denis Voronenkov.

Nikonova intends to shake up the socio-political bloc on the eve of the presidential elections. There are rumors that the showman was against the politicization of the show, but still filmed several such episodes. Apparently, it was the disagreements within the Channel One team that caused Andrey’s departure.

Where will Malakhov work now?

If you believe the information from the same sources, the presenter will henceforth work on the Rossiya 1 TV channel. There were also rumors online that Malakhov was offered to become the host of the scandalous reality show “Dom-2” on the TNT channel. Even if this is true, few people believe that a man would agree to such a job.

Who would have thought that TV presenter Boris Korchevnikov with such light soul will accept a “successor” at the post of the “Live” show. But we didn’t find a single drop of negativity in the TV presenter’s new statement. Read more about how Boris Korchevnikov congratulated Andrey Malakhov with the role of the host of the show "Live".

Let us remind you that today it officially became known where Andrei Malakhov will work after. Thus, the new television season begins with a real revolution in the talk show “Live” on the “Russia 1” channel. Now Boris Korchevnikov’s place has been taken (the TV journalist’s predecessor runs Orthodox channel"Saved").

And although many wrote that Korchevnikov was leaving the project due to health, he denied these rumors in a new interview. Boris Korchevnikov spoke about the reasons for leaving and congratulated him on his appointment.

The changes in the talk show “Live” are not related to my health. Yes, it’s difficult to call it ideal, but show me absolutely healthy people. Those problems that happen from time to time can be solved. In a sense, they even help me: for life to be truly fulfilling and rich internally, you need to overcome something from time to time. But everything is far from being as fatal as they wrote about it in Lately.

Boris Korchevnikov passed the baton " Live broadcast"Andrei Malakhov, who was recently shown. He wished him good luck, admitting that they have a lot in common.

I can’t even dare call Andrey a successor, especially since with him it will be a completely different project, as I already told you. As you can imagine, we have an infinite number of common topics. In a sense, even common life! We both live only by our profession and for last years missed a lot of common or similar stories and the destinies of people. It is truly a joy for me that he is the person who has become a real symbol for many in our country Russian television, - will now continue to live these destinies - with our team on the main channel of the country.

So everyone can’t wait to see the result of the work.

The figure of TV presenter Andrei Malakhov, who seemed to become the eternal face of evening television on Channel One, in the summer of 2017 became one of the central figures in show business and media news. Malakhov’s unexpected and rather sensational transition to a competing TV channel became perhaps the main television event of the whole year. Let's find out why Andrei Malakhov left Channel One, what are last news about him future fate.

The news is that Malakhov, who recently led the main television channel country talk show called “Let Them Talk”, leaves the team in which he worked for exactly 25 years, since 1992, became so sensational that they did not immediately believe in her.

Indeed, over a quarter of a century, the figure of Malakhov, who grew from a correspondent and host of a secular column morning broadcast becoming the host of almost the highest-rated evening talk show, became inextricably associated with the channel, and imagining Malakhov working somewhere else was unusual and surprising.

The rumors were soon confirmed, and speculation began about the reasons for leaving. Some said that Andrei Malakhov was constantly under pressure, demanding that in his program more politics and state propaganda.

Others said that the whole point is that Malakhov’s wife is expecting a child in the fall, and the TV presenter volunteered to sit with the baby in maternity leave in the first years of his life, to which he received a sharp and insulting refusal at his place of work.

What motives actually motivated Malakhov and what has been happening lately behind the scenes of Channel One now, of course, will not be reliably told to us. If you trust the comments of Andrei Malakhov himself, he presented approximately the following version of why he left Channel One.

According to Malakhov, the attitude towards him on the first button of Russian television has not changed much over the years of his work.

Just as he came there as a young intern who made coffee for his senior colleagues and ran to the store to buy alcohol for them, he was perceived by his colleagues as a minor character. Although over the decades of work Andrei Malakhov grew very noticeably professionally, he was treated condescendingly in many ways, not allowing him to become more than just a show host.

At the same time, people like Ivan Urgant, who came to the channel much later, not only host their own programs, but also produce them, determine the topics and guests of the programs, etc.

In a word, Malakhov compared his career on Channel One to a marriage that began for love and ended with habit and calculation. At some point, the presenter’s patience ran out and he decided to leave his job.

Where is Andrey Malakhov now: latest news

The main competitor of the first channel, the VGTRK holding, could not help but take advantage of the situation, which invited Malakhov to work on the Rossiya channel. Malakhov already works on this channel, where he hosts the “Live Broadcast” program.

The former host of this talk show, Boris Korchevnikov, left to lead Orthodox TV channel. Malakhov himself in “Let Them Talk” was replaced by the host of the “Time” program, Dmitry Borisov.

As they say, on the Rossiya channel Malakhov received much more freedom in his creativity. By the way, the presenter denied rumors that the reason for leaving his previous job was pressure over the need to add politics to the show.

Quite the contrary, Malakhov is glad that he can devote much more time to such topics at VGTRK, since he can maintain the level of interest in his shows and high ratings It’s quite hard on social and everyday scandals alone.

TV presenter Andrei Malakhov wrote open letter Konstantin Ernst and all the employees of Channel One, where he said goodbye to colleagues with whom he worked for 25 long years.

“In our digital era, the epistolary genre is used extremely rarely, but I came to Channel One in the last century, when people still wrote letters to each other, not text messages. So forgive me for such a long message. I hope you know real reasons my unexpected transfer to Rossiya 1, where I will host new program"Andrei Malakhov. Live broadcast,” to work on the Saturday show and other projects,” the site quotes the text of the letter.

The “Let Them Talk” host thanked his colleagues for good relations and support, he remembered by name those who treated him better than others, noting the professionalism of the channel team, and wished success to his successor, Dmitry Borisov.

“Dima, all my hope is in you! The other day I saw fragments of “Let Them Talk” with your participation. I’m sure you will succeed!” Malakhov wrote.

“I did not comment on your recent video against the backdrop of the castle, because if money had come first in this story, my transfer, as you guessed, would have happened nine years ago,” Malakhov noted in particular.

And in an interview with his wife Natalya’s website, he openly spoke about why he left Channel One. Andrei Malakhov admitted: after he turned 45, he realized that “it’s time to get out of the tight confines.”

“I have always been subservient. A human soldier following orders. “But I wanted independence,” said the “king of ratings.”

An additional “blow,” the presenter admitted, was the move of the “Let Them Talk” program from Ostankino, where Malakhov and his team spent a quarter of a century, to another studio.

Therefore, he agreed when he received a call from Russia 1 and was offered to become the producer of his own program in order to “decide for himself what to do and what topics to cover.”

In addition, the presenter announced the name of his new program: "Andrey Malakhov. Live broadcast."


Boris Korchevnikov: In a sense, Andrei Malakhov and I have a common life

“The main intrigue of the summer” is no longer there: the talk show “Live” on the “Russia 1” channel has indeed undergone a replacement. Presenter Boris Korchevnikov, having received a promotion from the leadership line, handed over his post to Andrei Malakhov, who quit Channel One for this purpose. Filming will begin this week

Andrey Malakhov will become the presenter " New wave 2017"

The passions around Andrei Malakhov do not subside. They only dissuaded him on the topic of “Let them talk” and Andrey’s scandalous transition to the Rossiya channel, they were only glad that Malakhov and his wife Natalya would become parents. Suddenly - new story. As the organizers of the competition told us, Andrey will become the host of one of the concerts, which will be held as part of the “New Wave” ().


“Let them talk” with a new presenter: They saw off Malakhov - they broke two button accordions


In the first episode of the “Let Them Talk” program, with the new presenter, they made a decisive break with the dark past ().

0 August 3, 2017, 2:05 pm

July 30 Russian media, that Andrei Malakhov is leaving Channel One and will no longer host one of the most popular talk shows, “Let Them Talk.” Many Internet users who learned about this at first couldn’t even believe that it was true. Whether this information is true and to what extent it has not yet been possible to find out: every day various assumptions appear on the Internet about the reasons for the quarrel between the showman and the channel producers, as well as names possible candidates in place of Malakhov and even the version that the scandal is just PR. Let's figure it out.

It's all to blame - new producer and political topics

According to the BBC, Andrei Malakhov decided to leave after producer Natalia Nikonova returned to Let Them Talk. She has extensive experience in television and has collaborated with many major television companies, including Channel One. Twice became the owner of TEFI.

Nikonova led special projects on Channel One, was the producer of “Let Them Talk,” “Malakhov+,” “Lolita. Without Complexes” and “Judge for Yourself.”

We once had a crazy live broadcast, where I sat at the director’s console. At some point, Andrei and I reached such agitation that he could not stand my screams in his ear and shouted directly at the camera: “Stop it, Natasha!” — and put his hand forward, as if pushing me away with my instructions. It’s good that there was shouting in the studio and no one noticed our squabble. In general, I admire Andrey’s professionalism. Even without a director, he feels in the back of his head who he needs to contact,

- this is how Natalya spoke about Malakhov in one of her interviews 10 years ago.

Now that Nikonova has returned, she is allegedly going to change the vector of the program and focus on socio-political issues. It is believed that this categorically did not suit Malakhov and he decided to voluntarily leave the channel where he had worked for more than 15 years.

The insider assures that Nikonova is going to work precisely in the political direction, since very soon, in 2018, the presidential elections. “Let Them Talk” is one of the most rated programs; it has a large audience reach, and this guarantees greater involvement of viewers in topics of this kind.

Who will get the role of the host of “Let Them Talk”?

With the departure of Andrei Malakhov, a completely reasonable question arose: “Who will replace the TV presenter?” There are several candidates for the vacant position. The first on the list of applicants was Dmitry Borisov, the presenter of “Evening News” on Channel One, where he has been working for a little over 10 years. Dmitry is a multiple winner of major awards.

The network is also discussing information that Malakhov will be replaced by Boris Korchevnikov, who for a long time collaborated with NTV, then moved to Rossiya, where he began hosting a similar program, Live. They believe that he will cope with his duties perfectly, since he understands the specifics of working on a talk show.

Among the contenders was Dmitry Shepelev, who came to Channel One in 2008. Then he was the host of the program “Can You? Sing.” After this, he became the host of several more programs - “Minute of Glory”, “Run Before Midnight”, “Two Voices” and “Property of the Republic”.

There are rumors that Krasnoyarsk TV presenter Alexander Smol is aiming to replace Malakhov. He works on the “New Morning” program on TVK. The journalist's popularity was brought to him by the broadcast, during which he congratulated officials for raising their own salaries. YouTube users appreciated the hostgeo's irony.


There is nothing surprising in the fact that a rather predictable version for television is being put forward about Malakhov’s departure. Network users believe that Channel One wants to increase its own ratings in the already “dead” season, when there are no major events as such, and interest in the program and specifically in Andrey needs to be permanently maintained.

There is an opinion that the creators of the program are not going to let Malakhov go, and as soon as the passions around this story calm down, they will hush everything up under the guise of ordinary misunderstanding and misinformation. Although many experts agree that Channel One would not have taken such a step, because it has never observed anything like this.

Malakhov's new place of work

While some are arguing about the reasons for Malakhov’s departure and discussing almost conspiracy theories, others are worried about where the most rated TV presenter of Russian television will go now? According to one version, Andrei is going to go to the First’s competitor, VGTRK. He will host the “Live Broadcast” program, hosted by Boris Korchevnikov.

Moreover, together with Malakhov, another whole group of specialists plans to leave “Let Them Talk.” But the insider assures that no statements about leaving have been received from anyone. And while Malakhov is on vacation, it is quite difficult to understand how things really are.

But Andrey receives many offers. For example, the Spartak hockey club invited a TV presenter to host home matches by issuing an official letter.

Spartak is seriously concerned about the incoming information about the possible departure of popular TV presenter Andrei Malakhov from Channel One,

- the club wrote in its official account on Twitter.

Photo Press service archives

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