Where did Trofimov serve? Sergei Trofimov: personal life (wife, children)

Since childhood, the singer, poet, composer Sergei Trofimov was simply called Trofim. So there were no problems finding a sonorous stage name. The singer does not accept a rigid musical format; he is a supporter of his natural creative style. Like Okudzhava: everyone writes as he hears, without trying to please. His songs can be so different that he can be recognized as a rock bard, as well as a pop musician and a follower of chanson. Today Trofimov is the author of about ten solo albums with “talking” titles in different genres: chanson, romance, rock bard. The troubled times of perestroika were marked by the “Aristocracy of the Garbage Garbage”. There was so much material that it was enough for four issues. Then different times came, the soul tuned in to the tuning fork of “hot spots”, and after the first trip to Chechnya, songs were written for the album “War and Peace”. Then everything is no less definite: “I am born again,” “I miss you.” The last album was also called very vitally and honestly – “Wind in the Head”. Songs for it were written at the junction of temporary perceptions. Nowadays, for many, that wind has mystically turned into a hurricane, which is little by little demolishing the fake layers of the current “cultural layer.” Today Sergei Trofimov has a “clip” of songs on the way for a new album. It turned out to be both very personal and for everyone, because it is designed to tune hearts to the tone of love, to make us think about everyone’s personal involvement in the future of Russia. Many of our readers asked to meet the singer on the pages of Zvezdochka. Today Sergey TROFIMOV is our guest.
- For army listeners, the work of singer Trofim is primarily associated with the song “Aty-Bati,” beloved by many. It’s all Sergei Trofimov, everything is tough and concrete. And in fairness. “Russia does not favor us with fame or rubles, but we are its last soldiers. And that means we have to hold out until we die, aty-baht, aty-baty.” In my opinion, these lines, as they say, hit the nail on the head; your words opened up all the wormholes of the current situation in the troops.

- I never write anything and never wrote anything to order or on purpose. I can’t say that I’m such an expert on army life, but the impressions I received during my trips to Chechnya are enough for many more songs. I went there to visit the guys from the Kaliningrad SOBR “Typhoon”, I had to visit the troops, including concerts. I not only respect people in uniform, but I am proud that I have many friends among the military fraternity. There are enough problems in the army, so there is no discovery, for example, in my lines “no home, no shelter, what kind of family is there?” And thank you that the bricks of such a concept as “Russia” are cemented on sometimes bare patriotism by our true defenders of the Fatherland.

Reforms are still underway in the army. Slowly, but the service is also being transferred to a contract basis. This means that more professionals will join the ranks. By the way, what troops did you serve in the army, Sergey?

If there was an opportunity, I asked to join the Marines. But I was unlucky. At the age of 13, he landed unsuccessfully from a tree, broke both arms, and the bones were literally collected piece by piece. So he was not subject to conscription. And regarding the transfer of the army to a contract basis, I will say this. In order for professionals to join the troops, people need to be paid decently. I think from twenty thousand and above depending on position and rank. They need to be calm about their families in case trouble happens. So that a disability, God forbid, received during service, does not become a heavy burden on their loved ones and does not throw the guys overboard of life.

Let's get back to your work, Sergey. I know that at the age of 5 you were already a soloist in your kindergarten, playing the accordion...

One day, strangers came to our group and asked everyone to sing something. I sang to them something from the Beatles’ repertoire and about an unnamed height. As a result of the audition, I was accepted into the school at the Institute. Gnesins, from 1973 to 1983 I was a soloist of the Moscow State Boys Choir at Gnesinka. But in principle, I can be called a singer of the Moscow court at Samotek. I remember how, at the age of three, I sang with the courtyard “authority” Uncle Vitya, who accompanied us on an old seven-string. So my participation in the projects of radio “Chanson” with its folk, courtyard roots comes from childhood.

You never received a completed musical education. Although they studied at the department of folk choir at the Institute of Culture, at the department of theory and composition of the Moscow Conservatory. Is it laziness or the desire for complete creative freedom?

Maybe so. During the conservatory time, we had our own group “Kant”, we played acoustic art-rock. Then there were performances in restaurants, and work on tour with Mirage and Tender May - one department was mine. It was the late 80s, I was performing as a rock bard.

And then they “left the world.” They served as choristers, regents, and church clerks; they wrote music for the Easter Vigil in Moscow based on Russian classical chant. Is this also evidence of a kind of creative search?

Remember the early 90s. A revolution in the country and minds... There was a priest in my family, he served in the Tula province. And it was to church that I went to look for answers to the eternal questions of existence: what, where, why? I was looking for my God. Not the origins of eternity, but I wanted to understand where my place is on life’s tablets.
In two years I discovered a unique layer of Russian culture. By what principle were the epics formed, the size of the verse was determined, what were they really about, were they translated correctly? In general, I am sure that the famous “Tale of Igor’s Campaign” is still looking for its cipher reader. The Old Church Slavonic language is extremely interesting and full of mysteries. It is not for nothing that the service in the Orthodox Church is conducted in the Old Church Slavonic language, and is not adapted to modern Russian. I took a long path to Orthodoxy: in my youth I was seriously interested in linguistics and Eastern philosophy, then I read a book by the Orthodox priest Seraphim Rose from America, which seriously influenced my worldview.

This is a topic for another discussion. I will open to our readers a completely unknown page of the singer’s creative quest. A work of no less than seven hundred pages is waiting in the wings, related to Sergei’s research on the mysteries of the Russian word and its origins. But let's return to the stage: from what moment can we really talk about the birth of your popularity?

From the church I again came to the secular world. In 1993, he helped release the album of singer Svetlana Vladimirskaya. I was its first composer. And in 1994, he wrote the album “The Sorrow of a Sinful Soul” for the lead singer of the Rondo group, Alexander Ivanov. These songs are still popular. (Sergei Trofimov also wrote albums for Alla Gorbacheva, Svetlana Almazova, Carolina, individual songs for Laima Vaikule, Vakhtang Kikabidze, Lada Dance, Nikola Noskov, Alexander Marshal and many others. - Author). And then my touring activities began under the now well-known pseudonym. The name Trofim itself is very universal and diverse. It is associated with a lot of images: from a reliable, well-dressed peasant to a hooligan with a defrocked coat, a kind of buffoon.

This buffoonery in some way blocked the path to your quick success. The album “Aristocracy of Garbage-1” turned out to be sharper than even the notorious “freedom of speech” that was crazy at that time of perestroika. Although the line “Russia opens the way to success for a cool and untied schmuck” can be considered accomplished. Was the song “Destiny”, with whose hero you are often associated, born at the same time? There are these words: “My fate is a snake under the hood, it will sting at the moment when you don’t expect it...”

Next, you should definitely ask if I agree when they call me the author of thieves’ songs! Nonsense, of course. I often write songs that are based on real material. “Destiny” also has such a basis. The man told me how he ended up in prison. Everything in it is like in life. In some ways, I live through the songs of the lives of my heroes. Chanson performance is not “thieves”, not glorifying the pseudo-romanticism of life behind bars. In such songs there is no “air”, the necessary dose of self-irony, truth. I write as I live. My listeners will not forgive me for falsehood. And (laughs) my canary Helios. He is a songbird, the song begins to sound - it’s already pouring out. But if he doesn’t like something about her, he shuts up completely. So everything is strict. I'm lucky to have talented people working with me, which makes the process of recording a song much easier. This is hard work, which I approach thoroughly. In general (laughs again) I’m a solid man. And permanent. Most of the musicians with whom I perform at the concert have been with me for 10-15 years. This is Vadim Nazarov - keyboard player, Gena Gordeev - drums, Igor Kozlov - bass guitar, Yura Andropov - sound, Volodya Fedorenko - lead guitarist.

It’s great that in our computer age people write to me not only by e-mail. Recently, guys from Chechnya wrote that they began to listen not only to my “military” songs, but more and more often to “I Miss You.” This is about love. We all miss her right now. The spiritual emptiness is increasingly filled with evil. When people ask me whether it is possible to change something in the world for the better and how, I answer: it is possible. Start with self-culture and, for example, give up your seat on public transport to a woman. This is the beginning of respect for the Motherland, no matter how pathetic it sounds. I'm an optimist. After all, Russia has had difficult times more than once, but each time our country has risen in an irrational way and flourished again.

To write songs like yours, which receive a spiritual response from listeners, requires a special tension of the heart. How do you find relief from creative worries?

Sinful: I like to steam in a bathhouse with a broom. But strictly no alcohol. Otherwise, the body may be cleansed, but the heaviness in it will only increase. Freedom of spirit cannot be achieved with alcohol. And a real bathhouse, properly heated, is a fussless soaring of thought.

Your “non-pop” approach to creativity does not imply large incomes. Do your family not grumble and demand a villa in the Caribbean? In our age, everything is bought, everything is sold... Maybe it’s time to seize the moment, adapt, because talented people are required for various projects?

Exactly what is for different people. And my name can be used in some “fragrant” matters. Yes, there is not enough money to buy Sergei Trofimov! (Laughs). My projects are my songs and children. My daughter will soon be 17, my son is growing up, not yet two years old. The Trofimov surname already continues.

- Will Trofimov Jr. join the army?

If, I hope, my health allows it, given our uncivilized ecology, then I will serve the Fatherland. I believe that preserving the Russian army means preserving our great state! And I can subscribe to these words without any irony.

The singer owes his first wife millions of rubles

This year, chanson performer Sergei TROFIMOV (better known under his former brand Trofim) turned 45 years old. Everyone came to the anniversary program “Let Them Talk”: mother, second wife Nastya, children, even father, whom Sergei had not seen for almost his entire life. And there was only one person the singer categorically did not want to meet - his first wife Natalya.

The son set a condition: if Natasha is in the hall, he will leave the studio,” said the artist’s mother Galina Trofimova. - It was already a shock for Seryozha when his father entered the hall. The son turned pale and speechless.
Artist's father Vyacheslav Trofimov In recent years I have been looking for my son to ask him for forgiveness for having once left him small in his mother’s arms. As it turned out, Vyacheslav Vladimirovich has something to beg for.

Father hated

Serezha’s father and I got married early,” recalls Galina Trofimova. - Slava came from the army on leave and said: “Oh, how beautiful you are now, I’ll worry that I’m not around.” Then I invited him to sign. On December 31, on the eve of departure, our relationship was formalized. On the same day I became pregnant.
The young father was not ready for the birth of a child, and this became the cause of quarrels.
“Seryozha was born very similar to his father,” continues Galina Fedorovna. - Another would have been happy, but his son aroused hatred and envy. As the doctors later explained, this happens. At the age of two, Serezha had a clinical death due to poisoning with expired baby food. On the fifth day, the doctors promised: “He will live.” To restore, we needed caviar and fruit. My relative’s wife worked at Metropol and got food that was in short supply. The husband did not understand that this was for the child, and was offended when he was not given a treat. And he could have eaten the last banana.
A serious rift between the spouses occurred after Vyacheslav began to raise his hand against his son.

- At the age of three, the boy developed a hernia. The pain is terrible, he cries. I once walked into the kitchen, and Slava bent over Seryozha and said: “I wish they would cut you up sooner!” How tired of you I am!” My son was operated on, but there was another problem - swelling of the larynx, but in the department there was chickenpox. The doctors said that their son would be allowed to go home only on condition of absolute rest. And our dad is on a spree: she got him a job at the Plant named after. Khrunichev to the control and testing center, but did not take into account that there was alcohol there. She told her father-in-law: “We need to collect Slava’s things.” He agreed. Slava took away everything down to the duct tape.
During the divorce, Vyacheslav was present at only one meeting. After his statement: “I don’t need her bastard,” he became free.
“The judge felt sorry for me; in response to Trofimov’s response, she answered him: “Write a statement that you cannot attend the hearings!” Seryozha was four years old at the time, and from that time on we did not see him and did not receive help from him. And now he wants to bask in the glory of the artist Trofimov. I remembered my only son: you see, he knows his songs and sings them.

Fell in love with an Estonian girl

The boy's musical talent manifested itself in early childhood. Even at music school, teachers noted his ability to write music.
“My son began writing poetry at the age of ten, after he fell from a tree in a pioneer camp,” says Galina Fedorovna. - It was a tragedy. He has lavsan threads in his right and left hands. The son could not play musical instruments - his hands were inactive for some time, but he could write poetry. My son dedicated the first verses to me.
Galina Fedorovna remembers her son’s first hobby with warmth.
- At the age of ten, Seryozha fell in love with an Estonian girl, Katrin, when we were vacationing at a resort. Her mother laughed: “Look, he’s in love, he changes his pants four times a day!” Now Katrin lives in the USA, and when Seryozha traveled with his wife Nastya to New York, he stayed with her.

Married Natasha twice

Galina Fedorovna did not like the future wife whom Sergei brought home at first sight.
“My son’s first marriage was unsuccessful,” Galina Fedorovna is sure. - WITH Natasha Gerasimova he met after a performance in a cafe. Fell in love without memory! This woman seemed to have some kind of magical power: Seryozha was married to her twice for five years. I told him: “What a bastard she is!” And he: “Yes, but that’s what I need.” While she lived with Seryozha, she did not work. She never called him by name, but only Trofim. The son did not take her anywhere: going out with her was a shame. She was beautiful, but she could have done something like that... Natasha’s parents did not understand my son. Her mother worked at the cemetery and said: “Come and dig graves for me. Do you know how much they get here?”
Soon the singer had a daughter, whom Trofimov named Anna in honor of his grandmother. But when the girl was three years old, her parents divorced.
- My son loves Anya. When the baby was in the Institute of Pediatrics, Seryozha went three times a day, carrying milk, recalls Galina Fedorovna. - Until the age of 21, Sergei paid alimony - $1000, bought clothes. Then he gave them 5,000 rubles. But then he decided that it was time for her to earn money herself.

For the sake of his daughter, Trofimov made another attempt to get along with Natalya.
- In 1998, I got back together with Natasha. He loved her, but he was more concerned about the fate of his daughter, who grew up with her grandmother. He wanted Anna to live with him. But just two weeks after the second wedding, he wrote the song “Wings,” which contains the following words: “We were beggars, we were saints, the sky was radiant with our love, but, overwhelmed by the temptation of life, we became just strangers.” Having heard this song, the conservatory said: “To write something like this, you have to live your life.” And the son replied: “You don’t know how much I’ve been through.”
It turned out that the former happiness cannot be returned.
- Seryozha suffered, he rarely came to Natasha, he lived in the studio. He said: “Guys, find me someone, I won’t go to prostitutes,” the singer’s mother wipes her eyes.
In 2001, Trofimov met Yulia Meshina, who later became his wife Alexandra Abdulova.
- My son broke up with Yulia because of her father, a big businessman. He set a condition: no songs, only business. And for Sergei, music is air. As a result, Yulia married Abdulov, who never spent a single day without company. It is true that the son dedicated the song “Bullfinches” to Yulia.
In 2003, the son decided to leave Natasha. At this time he began dating Nastya Nikashina from the team Limes of Vaikule. She became pregnant: “I’m pregnant, what should I do?” Laima advised me to leave it: “Give birth, you’re already 27.”
Then Nastya admitted to Sergei that she was expecting a child. The singer did not get a divorce at that moment, but supported his beloved’s decision.
“It turned out that Nastya would have a boy, and Seryozha dreamed of an heir,” says Galina Fedorovna.

Didn't give a divorce

At that time, Trofimov made a last attempt to save the marriage for the sake of his daughter, who was 14 years old.
- They flew to Turkey for Anya’s vacation. The son said: “I’ll go for my daughter.” At night he calls and cries: “I can’t see Natasha, mom,” Galina Fedorovna worries. - The divorce lasted from November 2003 to March 2004. Natasha did not give consent. Nastya was terribly worried. You can understand her: she is expecting a child from a married man. Probably due to nerves, my grandson Vanechka was born prematurely. Seryozha was very worried, and I felt sorry for everyone.
When leaving Natasha, Sergei left her the car and all the furnishings. But the main value was the land that the singer was once given as a gift.
- Serezha has an album “War and Peace” - about the second Chechen campaign. During the presentation of the disc, the officers gave him land in the Moscow region, explains Galina Fedorovna. - When the land was registered, Natasha was called to sign the documents. Then the son began to build a house on the site.
When the question of divorce arose, Natasha demanded half the cost of the cottage - $200,000.
- Serezha had nowhere to live with Nastya and Vanechka. He agreed: “I would like to finish building the house and live in it, and I will pay you half.” Time passed and the divorce took place. They drew up a document with a notary, according to which Natasha renounces part of the house, and the son pays her and her daughter monthly maintenance until the end of 2006. He also paid for advanced training courses so that she could go to work as an accountant.
But soon Natasha demanded the entire amount at once. Otherwise, she promised to file a lawsuit for division of property.
- Seryozha was forced to sell the land for less than it was actually worth. The driver took her three million rubles, and Natalya promised to liquidate the receipt. The son did something stupid: he didn’t formalize the transfer of money.
In November 2009, Trofimov went to court with a demand to terminate the agreement he signed with Natalya and certified by a notary.
“We lost two courts to invalidate the agreement, although the year was wrong - not 2006, but 2016,” Galina Fedorovna grieves.

Bitter truth

Trofimov learned about his father in adulthood.
“He began to ask why my father abandoned us,” says Galina Fedorovna. - Apparently, I was worried that he had made the same mistake. And then the careless dad suddenly showed up - in 2005 there was a concert in the Kremlin, and Seryozha, along with flowers, was given a note from his dad: “I need to talk to you.” No apology, nothing. Seryozha called my sister, and she told him how my father once beat me. Serezha was a member of the public council at the Moscow City Internal Affairs Directorate, picked up the documents and read about it. I realized that he had nothing to talk to him about. “Mom, how could you fall in love with him?” - my son asked me.
Later, Vyacheslav made a second attempt to meet.
- I'm back at the concert again. I hear a man demanding that security let him through,” Galina Fedorovna is indignant. “I say: “What do you want, bastard?” There are 25 special forces officers here: either you leave on your own, or they will lead you out.” Then, at a concert in Obninsk, he finally broke through. The son snapped: “We have nothing to talk about! If I were sitting not here, but in the Vladimir Central, would you be looking for me?” And that’s all: daddy couldn’t find anything to answer.
After the recent “Let Them Talk” program, Vyacheslav called his ex-wife to ask for forgiveness.
“I said: “You betrayed not me, but your son.” After Serezha’s clinical death, he terribly kicked me for an unripe watermelon. Three neighbors could not calm him down. I had a heart attack at the age of 24. Well, how can I forgive?.. I never got married again after such a husband. My son replaced everyone. Psychologically, as they say, the umbilical cord between us is not untied. I'm sick, he's sick. I'm depressed and so is he. We were at the cemetery and asked: “Seryozha, where will I lie?” And he: “Mom, don’t you understand? You and I will be buried on the same day, I won’t live without you.” My son helps me, treats me, gives me money.

Not divorced from his first wife

We found Anna at an insurance company where the girl had recently gotten a job.
- We haven’t talked to dad for a year and a half. He didn't wish me a happy birthday or a happy new year. Although I love him, and he loves me. The fact that he didn’t give me money after I turned 21 is a measure of upbringing,” Anna believes.
- Were you offended by your father?
- For telling my mother about the divorce in Turkey during the holidays. We were still supposed to stay for a week, and then... I came to the room: my mother was hysterical, I was in shock. Mom never remarried. I don’t know why dad changed it to another one. He left his family and didn’t write anything global. Hits were born in our family. There is nowhere here without the woman you love. After registering their second marriage, she and her mother got married. Dad claims he is debunked, mom says no. But they couldn’t debunk it without her participation.
- Is your mother very offended by your father?
- Otherwise I wouldn’t have sued. Can't even listen to his songs.
-Have you accepted a second wife?
- At first I hated Nastya; for a long time I could not recognize my stepbrother. But my father tried to reconcile us. Vanya, however, does not know how to behave; his mother is not involved in his upbringing - she entrusted it to the nanny. This is some kind of nightmare.
- Are you worried about dad?
- And how! He is scheduled for surgery in Germany on January 3. In the summer in Italy I fell on a motorcycle. I broke my leg, tore my ligaments and meniscus.

Three months for five thousand

All these years, Trofim’s first wife, Natalya, remained silent and only Express Gazeta told her truth:
- I was the last to learn about the existence of pregnant Nastya. To say that I was left with nothing is to say nothing. We didn’t go to court to get a divorce, but the process dragged on for so long because the judge gave three months for reconciliation. Sergei himself offered to sign a notarized agreement on alimony for the maintenance of his wife and child until 2016. He came to me and I signed. All agreements were presented during the divorce proceedings.
After Sergei stopped paying alimony, I turned to the bailiffs. Then Sergei filed a lawsuit to terminate the agreement. When they raised the documents about alimony, the mother-in-law herself brought a savings book, where it is clear that he only paid 5,000 rubles three times.
- The house was divided in half?
- No. In 2004, 20 acres of land and a cottage were valued at 10 million rubles, or almost 400 thousand dollars at the then exchange rate. And Sergei paid me $100,000. I won the case: Sergei now pays $1,200 every month and gives $1,500 once a year for vacation. But given his income, this is a ridiculous amount.

Trofim calls himself a buffoon, in the original, native Russian meaning of the word. Translated from ancient Slavic, a buffoon is a “player with death,” which is exactly how Sergei Trofimov sees his mission on this earth.

Sergey Trofimov has been collaborating with a number of Russian performers and musicians for a long time, acting mainly as a composer and inspirer of projects. In 1994, he wrote an album for Alexander Ivanov, “The Sorrow of a Sinful Soul,” where the authorship, with the exception of one composition, belongs to him. He worked with Svetlana Vladimirskaya, Karolina, Svetlana Almazova, Alla Gorbacheva......

Since 1994, Sergei Trofimov began his own touring activities under the pseudonym “Trofim”. Since that moment, more than 10 albums have been released, including “The Garbage Aristocracy”, “Vanguard Bard”, “War and Peace”, “I Miss You”...

A cheerful, sparkling laugher, he infects the audience with his positive energy. Only his songs are far from simple, with deep meaning, and sometimes they contain laughter through tears.

At the “Songs Sung by the Heart” festival, which takes place under the auspices of our radio station in the cities where Radio for Adults broadcasts, Trofim is a regular and welcome guest.

In April of this year, the release of Sergei Trofimov’s new solo album “Wind in the Head” took place in Russia. You can already hear songs from it on the waves of Radio For Adults

The lyrical hero of the album is each of us, who has become a little wiser and risen above the bustle of today. This is a look at the life of a person who went beyond the philistine perception of reality and realized his own involvement in the fate of his people. A thinking person, asking questions and trying to find answers to them... And also, according to Sergei Trofimov himself, he has a beautiful wife, a wonderful son, Vanka, and a midlife crisis behind him.

Sergei Trofimov was born in Moscow on November 4, 1966. From 1973 to 1983 he was a soloist in the boys' choir at the Institute. Gnesins. He studied at the Moscow Institute of Culture and the Moscow Conservatory (department of theory and composition). In 1987 he began his concert career as a rock bard, and in 1991-1993 he served in the church (chanter choir director).

Best of the day

As a poet and composer, he worked with Svetlana Vladimirskaya, Karolina (albums "Mom, everything is okay" and "Queen", the group "Rondo" (album "The Sorrow of a Sinful Soul"), Alla Gorbacheva (album "Voice"), the group "Tender May", Vakhtang Kikabidze, Laima Vaikule, Lada Dance, Alexander Marshal, Nikolai Noskov, Elena Panurova and other pop performers.

His musical performances under the pseudonym Trofim began in 1994, when Sergei wrote the song “That’s all, the sage said and sank into the water.” A large number of songs were written in a month - “I fight like a fish”, “About advertising”, “In such darkness”, “Vasily”, “Bratva”, “Alkash”” and in 1995 Trofim’s first album “The Aristocracy of the Garbage. Part” appeared 1". Trofim managed to find the line on which the texts, murderous in irony and naked to the point of nerves, balance with the familiar Odessa-tavern rhythms. In 1996-1999, his solo albums continued to be released and at the same time he worked in a completely opposite musical genre - in pop music. At the end of 1999, he participated in the Musical Ring program with Mikhail Krug, and in 2000 he gave a solo concert at the Palace of Culture. Gorky in Moscow, traveled to Chechnya to give performances.

His favorites: car - Lotus, cuisine - Italian, food - jellied meat, drinks - non-alcoholic, sports - hand-to-hand combat, music - talented, books - talented, movies - "The Elusive Avengers", color - black, smell - "Egoist", quality - independence, if he were an animal he would be a bear.

Trofim - "Moscow Song"

Trofimov Sergey Vyacheslavovich (Trofim) was born in Moscow on November 4, 1966. Now a popular singer in Russia, composer, author of lyrics and poems, Honored Artist of the Russian Federation. Trofim spent his childhood in Moscow; from an early age he was interested in vocals and sang in the Moscow State Boys' Chapel at the Gnessin Institute. He has a professional musical education, studied at the Moscow State Institute of Culture, as well as at the Moscow State Conservatory, where he studied with professional teachers at the department of theory and composition. His first solo performances on stage began in 1987, when Trofim performed his songs in the style of a rock bard. The nineties left their mark on the life of Sergei Trofimov; according to him, he did not like the events in the country when young people took the path of banditry and theft, at which time Trofim went into church life. From 1991 to 1993 he served in the church, where he sang in the church choir and in services, his church rank was choir director and subdeacon.

But the creative nature still burst out, and for a full life more space was required, and in 1994 Trofim began his career on the pop stage. At this time, Sergei Trofimov actively collaborates with many performers and his first notable project was the work on the album recorded by Alexander Ivanov (Rondo group) “The Sorrow of a Sinful Soul.” Where Trofim's songs were performed, in addition to collaborating with performers, Sergei Trofimov recorded songs in his own performance and already in the same year he found his first producer, Stepan Razin. It was after starting to work with him that, under the pseudonym Trofim, the first songs “About Advertising”, “I Fight Like a Fish”, “Bratva”, “Into Such Darkness” were released, which were subsequently included in the debut album entitled “Aristocracy of the Garbage Garbage”.

In subsequent years, Trofim continues to actively write his songs, he is the author of songs for such performers as singer Carolina, Svetlana Almazova, Alla Gorbacheva, Vakhtang Kikabidze, Lada Dance, while Sergei Trofimov works in various genres, which once again confirms his undoubted talent as a composer and songwriter. Albums and songs released by Trofim are extremely popular and deserved interest from listeners. At the same time, Sergei Trofimov begins to release solo albums himself and tour the country with his songs.

Trofim’s discography is simply amazing with the huge number of albums released, and each of them contains real hits that are loved by many listeners and viewers. Among the released albums are “Aristocracy of the Garbage 1” 1995, “Aristocracy of the Garbage 2” 1996, “Eh, I Would Live” 1996, “News from the Prickly Distance” 1998, then Trofim’s inspiration and hard work does not fade and more and more new ones are released in the set new creations. “I am born again” 2000, “Aristocracy of the Garbage 4” 2001, “Bard-Avangard” 2002, the very popular disc “Wind in the Head” 2004, “Nostalgia” 2005, “Next Stop” 2007, “I Live in Russia” 2009, “Everything is not important” 2010, “Sorokopyatochka” 2011. And the total number of songs written by Sergei Trofimov for his performance, as well as for other popular artists, is even difficult to imagine.

Of course, all these merits could not go unnoticed, and in March 2011 Sergei Trofimov was awarded the title of People's Artist of the Russian Federation for outstanding achievements in the field of art. But, perhaps, Trofim received an even greater reward much earlier, in the form of universal love and respect for his talents from ordinary listeners and spectators of his work.

Trofim with his wife Anastasia


Clip Sergey Trofimov (Trofim) - “I miss you.” Video

Clip Trofim (Sergei Trofimov) - "Bullfinches". Video

Clip Sergey Trofimov (Trofim) - “Wind in the Head”. Video

Clip Sergey Trofimov (Trofim) - "Pigeons". Video

Clip Trofim (Sergey Trofimov) - “Don’t leave me.” Video

Clip Sergey Trofimov (Trofim) - "City in traffic jams." Video

Clip Sergey Trofimov (Trofim) - "City of Sochi". Video

Sergey Trofimov (Trofim) - Honored Artist of the Russian Federation, author and performer of songs, chansonnier, winner of many medals and orders, musician. Born in Moscow in 1966. Until 1995, he composed songs only for other performers, but at the insistence of Rosenbaum, who saw a bright performer in him, he began to pursue a solo career.

Graduated from the Moscow State Institute of Culture and the Moscow Tchaikovsky Conservatory.

Personal life

He has been married to Anastasia Trofimova for more than fifteen years, and has a son, Ivan, and a daughter, Elizaveta. From her first marriage there is another daughter, Anna. Sergei could not get along with his first wife Natalya. They fought a lot and even divorced once, and after a while they got married again, but after he met Nastya, he realized that the marriage could no longer be saved and divorced again.

House of Sergei Trofimov

Sergei bought a country house not far from Troitsk in the village of Yamontovo; or rather, it was not a house that was bought, but walls with a foundation and six acres of land, on which he built his mansion over the next four years. The family delayed the move for a long time, but on one New Year’s Eve, Anastasia decided to arrange a surprise, moved all her things and cunningly lured her husband into the house, giving him a big surprise.

The area of ​​all buildings is about 800 square meters. The wife supervised all the renovations; she selected the furniture and developed the design of the rooms. The four-story cottage consists of two children's rooms, a room for the owners and a nanny, a playroom, an office, a mini-cinema room, a guest room and a spacious attic.

On the ground floor there is a sauna with a swimming pool. The walls and floor of this room are decorated with marble, and there are frescoes on the walls.

Upon entering the house, you find yourself in a bright hallway, followed by a fireplace area, where the whole family likes to gather on cold summer and winter evenings. There are shelves with rare weapons: military blades, hunting knives and even a copy of the Maxim machine gun. Trofim collected this collection for many years, but he himself bought practically nothing, but received it as a gift from friends and fans.

A wooden staircase with openwork railings leads upstairs, and on the wall there are many children's photographs of all the owners of the house. On the second floor there is a cinema, a living room in white, in which there is an exclusive grand piano of the same snow-white color.

There is also a dining room with a large aquarium and a kitchen. By the way, the owners did not plan to build the kitchen on the second floor - this was a mistake by the designer. But as a result, we decided not to redo anything.

The third floor is occupied by the master bedroom, dressing room and Trofim's office. At the very top are the children's bedrooms, a large playroom, a balcony and a nanny's bedroom. Lisa's room is decorated in pink. Next to the little princess’s closet there are a lot of shoes - these are gifts from her father. Vanya’s interior is more austere; it’s immediately clear that a real man lives here and only the bed, made in the shape of a typewriter, reminds of childhood.

A large garage for several cars is attached to the house, and on the site there is a spacious gazebo with a barbecue, where it is very convenient to barbecue and relax on summer evenings. Nearby there is a large children's playground and a white fountain, and there are many green spaces and shrubs around. A family friend, a professional landscape designer, was invited to design a small plot, and she brought all the ideas to life.

Even when purchasing this plot of land next to the house, a foundation was poured, on which there was an option to build a summer kitchen, but in the end they decided to build a gym for children, in which, in addition to sports equipment, there is Ivan’s drum set (he is professionally interested in playing the drums and a little guitar) .

According to some sources, Trofim spent about 60 million rubles on the construction of his mansion, and according to CIAN, cottages in this village cost from 12 to 45 million and more.

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