Where is the Kalashnikov monument located? City of idols: Luzhkov, Gelman and Girkin about the monument to Kalashnikov

In August, in Oruzheyny Square - a recently expanded green space separating Sadovaya-Karetnaya from Oruzheyny Lane - in the middle of the deposits paving slabs a two-meter pedestal appeared. Locals We found out that the pedestal is intended for a monument to Mikhail Kalashnikov, the designer of the assault rifle of the same name. However, these plans became known much earlier, in May 2016, when the Moscow City Duma adopted further amendments to the “List of proposals for the construction of works of monumental and decorative art of urban significance.” Minister of Culture Medinsky presented the winning project in a closed competition to Putin during the latter’s visit to the Kalashnikov concern in Izhevsk in September of the same year. The opening of the monument was then planned for January 2017.

The initiator of the construction of the monument to Kalashnikov was the Russian Military Historical Society, also known as an “all-Russian public-state organization”, created in 2012 by the President and considering itself the successor to the Imperial Military Historical Society, which appeared in 1907 with the approval of Nicholas II. The chairman of the society since 2013 is Minister Medinsky. RVIO is funded by the state and private donors.

In the resolution of the Moscow City Duma, the budget for the construction of the monument is estimated at 35 million rubles. - financing from RVIO. The competition was won by the project of the sculptor Salavat Shcherbakov, the author of a couple of dozen monuments in Moscow and other cities, including Pyotr Stolypin, Alexander I, Sergei Korolev, Heydar Aliyev and, over which there was so much controversy in 2015–2016. The amount of funds donated by them is also posted on the RVIO website, which amounts to about 25 thousand rubles. In the absence of other information, it remains to be assumed that the missing funds were or will be provided from federal budget subsidies, which is directly provided for by the presidential decree on RVIO.

The height of the monument including the pedestal will be 7.5 meters. Here is how the author of his project: “Since Mikhail Kalashnikov was a very modest person, the pedestal will be small - two meters. The basis of the composition is a five-meter figure of Kalashnikov, who is holding a machine gun. Behind her is a silhouette globe, as his invention is used all over the world. Nearby, Saint George on horseback strikes a dragon with a spear - some forces of evil. The saint’s spear will be a symbol of the Kalashnikov assault rifle, conceived as a weapon of good.”

I am 45 years old, I was born and have lived all my life in Moscow. And it seems to me that the appearance of this monument in this place, at this time and in this form, to put it mildly, is inappropriate. Perhaps I am biased because I live a hundred meters from him and I get to see him every day. Not being an art critic, I will refrain from discussing the artistic merits of the project (although I really want to). Not being an arms historian, I will refrain from discussing whether Mikhail Kalashnikov deserves a monument - he certainly does, if only because the word Kalashnikov is known throughout the world no less, but rather more than the words sputnik and pogrom. There are even incendiary songs about him. But I really would not like to see this monument here, now and in this form.

Kalashnikov, immortalized by Bregovich

I am against him here - because Kalashnikov was in no way connected either with these places or with Moscow in general. It is, of course, the capital of Russia, but there are places historically associated with the glory of Russian weapons, where this (or better yet another) monument would be much more appropriate - from Red Square to Poklonnaya Gora. Erecting a monument to the weapons designer in Oruzheyny Lane, which has been called that way since the 17th century, is the same as erecting a monument to Anastas Mikoyan on Myasnitskaya.

I am against it now and in this form - because the Shcherbakov monument can be clearly read as a symbol of imperial complexes and aggression, Soviet and post-Soviet, especially together with the “silhouette of the globe” and St. George, defeating “certain forces of evil.” This looks especially nice against the backdrop of the “My Street” program, which seems to be aimed at humanizing Moscow - and that’s all. It’s a pity that at the presentation of the project they didn’t depict peaceful mothers with their children rushing to Moscow foreign tourists in the shadow of a huge Kalashnikov assault rifle.

In general, it is as if the Trump administration erected a new monument to General Lee somewhere in Memphis with a bas-relief of slaves in shackles on a pedestal.

I would be happy to express all these considerations not here, but during a public discussion with residents of the area. But such discussions are not provided for by the legislation of the city of Moscow.

A monument to the inventor of the Kalashnikov assault rifle (AK-47) was erected in the very center of Moscow. Located at the intersection of Sadovo-Karetnaya and Dolgorukovskaya streets.

The author of the monument was Salavat Shcherbakov, which previously became the author of the Great, installed near the Moscow Kremlin. The height of the monument was about 8 meters. The figure of Mikhail Kalashnikov in full height is on a high pedestal. In his hands is his main invention - the Kalashnikov assault rifle.

The installation and opening of the monument was postponed several times. Initially, it was planned to erect a monument in honor of Mikhail Kalashnikov in January, then the opening was postponed to May. As a result, the opening took place on September 19. The choice of opening date is not accidental. It is on September 19 that Russia celebrates Gunsmith's Day.

Mikhail Timofeevich Kalashnikov- Soviet and Russian designer of small arms, creator of the world's popular weapon - the Kalashnikov assault rifle. Born on November 10, 1919 in the village of Kurya, Altai province. He died on December 23, 2013 in Izhevsk. Doctor of Technical Sciences (1917), Lieutenant General (1999), Hero Russian Federation(2009), Hero Socialist Labor(1958, 1976), Lenin Prize Laureate (1964), Laureate Stalin Prize first degree (1949), Member of the Writers' Union of Russia, Deputy of the Council of the Union Supreme Council USSR 3-4 (1950-1958) and 7-11 (1966-1989) convocations. Recipient of many certificates, commendations, prizes, awards, medals and orders.

Monument to Mikhail Kalashnikov in Moscow photo

Great unrest and widespread discussion in the media and in social networks caused the appearance of a monument to Kalashnikov in Moscow. The reviews were extremely unfavorable. And all because the architect made a gross mistake, unforgivable inattention and showed his absolute absence in this topic.


The fact is that the errors were discovered already on the second day after the appearance of the Kalashnikov monument in Moscow. The reviews were not just emotional, since one of the biggest reasons for pride in one’s native country was literally insulted. The sculptor placed a drawing on the pedestal. Supposedly the famous Kalashnikov assault rifle. In fact, apparently, without bothering too much, the “master” downloaded the first diagram he came across from the Internet. It turned out to be a German rifle by Hugo Schmeisser. At such moments, almost the entire country rears up: there was no limit to the indignation. People hope that the sculptor did not do this on purpose.

But how it is defended by citizens of liberal views! How they defend the right to such freedom! Moreover, before the discovery of a terrible mistake from these same people, the monument to Kalashnikov in Moscow received the most unfavorable reviews: they say, another monster that has adorned the capital. Well, the expected ratings are clear. Kalashnikov is not their hero at all. After discovering the error, the sculptor did not defend the right to it, but said that it was not the place of amateurs to judge professionals. On the Internet, definitions prohibited for use by parliamentarians are still overflowing, addressed to the author of the Kalashnikov monument in Moscow... Eh, Salavat Shcherbakov, how serene you are!

About responsibility

“Well, it happens...” the sculptor shrugged when he was informed about the wave of indignation over the Kalashnikov monument in Moscow. “I can fix it.” The author, as young people say, is “purple” what kind of diagram is there on the monument, but a real master must not only think about it, he must suffer through every stroke, after all, this is creative work, probably not stamping plaster piggy bank cats, where, how Many people think that there is much greater authorial responsibility and even some flight of creative thought (you have to sell it, you have to like it).

Did the sculptor really work without any soul at all when creating the Kalashnikov monument in Moscow? Opportunistic, trying to break the bonus on people's love for wonderful person? How could you take on a job without understanding its essence to such an extent? Even if Vysotsky had drawn notes from songs other than his own on the pedestal, it would not have caused such mass indignation. And here is a monument to Kalashnikov in Moscow! To a legendary man! In the capital! Not to a bohemian dissident, but to a man whose efforts won the Great Patriotic War! All this is only a small part of the content of reviews about the Kalashnikov monument in Moscow.

About customers

The customer of the Kalashnikov monument in Moscow is the Military Historical Society, where there were no specialists who are capable of detecting such errors. Now experts have been found and recognized. The plate with someone else's circuit was removed and sent for rework. But even in this form, the six-meter Kalashnikov monument in Moscow looks majestic. There is no information yet about when the stove will be installed back. However, reviews on the Internet ask you to hurry up, since the indignation among the people still does not fade away. The monument to Kalashnikov in Moscow caused a huge resonance. It must be said that the place for the monument, according to the majority of those discussing it, was chosen well.

This is the Garden Ring, Oruzheyny Lane. The Kalashnikov monument in Moscow fits well into the urban landscape. The owner of this site - the city mayor's office - also noted this point. According to information on the Internet, the monument to Mikhail Kalashnikov in Moscow cost thirty-five million rubles. In 2016, the Military Historical Society launched a special campaign to raise money for this monument; some was collected, the rest was paid for by sponsors. However, the specific sources that financed the opening of the Kalashnikov monument in Moscow are unknown.

What do liberals write?

Long before the opening, it was noted that when the monument to Kalashnikov is erected in Moscow, there will be more sculptural monsters in the capital. The connections with this moment were meant to be played out to the maximum (no, beyond the maximum!) in a witty manner. Few of the liberal public also liked the address of the monument to Mikhail Kalashnikov in Moscow. Although the lane is called Oruzheiny, there is no place for weapons here, as the most prominent representatives of this community said. Everyone go to the Ministry of Defense, creators of machine guns, machine guns, missiles, and airplanes!

To his misfortune, the sculptor compared the machine gun in Kalashnikov’s hands with a violin, saying that Mikhail Timofeevich holds it just as carefully. The liberal public immediately and joyfully picked up this comparison. The least offensive thing was the praise that the sculptor was a cultured man, he had even seen the violin at least twice. It was also noted venomously that in the rear of the Kalashnikov monument in Oruzheiny Lane in Moscow (“a man with a violin,” as it was written) a certain horseman was hiding, killing a filthy snake. Probably, according to their assumptions, this is again St. George the Victorious, who, in terms of the number of monuments, will soon defeat Vladimir Ilyich.

Where is the monument located?

The photo of the Kalashnikov monument in Moscow shows him Grand opening September 19, 2017. The square at the intersection of Sadovaya-Karetnaya and Dolgorukovskaya received many people on this day who were looking forward to this bright day. But, as it was discovered on the second day after the holiday, not all the weapons depicted on the monument belong to Kalashnikov. A drawing of the StG 44, a German automatic rifle from 1944, was discovered by the attentive historian Yuri Pasholok. A photo of the Kalashnikov monument in Moscow may well confirm this opinion.

As a result, the sculptor was forced to seek help from colleagues, fellow professionals, so that they discussed his creation and expressed their point of view. Of course, the noise that has arisen around the monument cannot but bother the creator of the monument, Mikhail Kalashnikov, in Moscow. The photo demonstrates that on this wave, people completely far removed from this situation began to promote themselves, whose arguments boiled down to the following formula: “If a work is criticized, then these are amateurs, and if they are praised, these are the people.”

And the most unpleasant thing

A lot of reasoning in the reviews is completely unacceptable from the point of view Soviet people especially, and Russians in general. In them, absolutely “not from here” people say that it is generally impossible to glorify the creators of weapons, and Mikhail Kalashnikov is not worthy of any monument. There were a lot of people who wanted to prove, foaming at the mouth, the suspicious similarities between the Kalashnikov assault rifle and other examples of this genre (“here, even the sculptor was mistaken!”), and even today these discussions have not stopped yet.

These non-Russian people explained with contempt that Kalashnikov could not have invented the machine gun himself, he had a five-grade education, and therefore he did not know how to draw. They said that Hugo Schmeisser himself was moved after the war to Izhevsk, where Kalashnikov settled, so he created this perfect soviet machine gun. Moreover, they call our indisputable pride and glory - Kalashnikov - a village cunning, a self-promoter, a symbol of the regime of that country, which is all woven from lies and myths. Apparently, the Victory on May 9 is a day of sorrow for them.

In fact

Mikhail Timofeevich Kalashnikov was born in Kurye in Altai, and everyone who knew him will say that the lieutenant general and twice hero of the USSR was truly modest, did not wear any masks, never lived in grand style and constantly worked. Almost every man held an AKM in his hands. And many women too. And Kalashnikov himself said that it would be better if he invented a good haymower. But at that moment a weapon was needed. He did what he had to do, out of talent. Sholokhov, these same people - you can list them by name! - accused of such plagiarism. Just as emotional. But they have about the same number of real arguments. That is, there are none.

For some reason, Americans recognize the creation of the AKM by Kalashnikov; moreover, he is one of the hundred geniuses of the twentieth century. One of ours on this list is also the one who recently proved the unsolvable Poincaré conjecture. This means that we all have the right to be proud that our gunsmiths are unsurpassed, and therefore a monument to the best of them - Mikhail Kalashnikov - was erected in Moscow. The photo conveys it well festive atmosphere opening it. And who doesn’t want or can’t rejoice in achievements and victories? home country, “let him sit like that,” - weren’t Vasily Makarovich Shukshin, a fellow countryman of the great gunsmith, talking about these people?

Minister of Culture

The Kalashnikov assault rifle has been called a cultural brand of Russia. In some ways he is right: the AKM is the most common small arms on earth. Because it's the best! The slab at the monument with the diagram of the German “Schmeisser” was also dismantled, not without incident. The police came to the call of concerned citizens and detained the workers who were engaged in dismantling for vandalism. I had to explain myself to the department.

At the opening of the monument, Vladimir Medinsky said absolutely fair words about Mikhail Timofeevich Kalashnikov, calling him “Kulibin of the twentieth century” with the embodiment of the most best features, which are only inherent in the Russian person. And indeed. In addition to extraordinary talent, Kalashnikov possessed such qualities as honesty, simplicity, and non-covetousness. And what organizational talent he had!

Gunsmith's Day

The roadway of this section of the Garden Ring began to be reconstructed at the beginning of summer, and in parallel, work was underway to install the monument. The initiator of the construction of the monument, as already mentioned, was the Military Historical Society of Russia. Tuesday, September 19, is Gunsmith's Day, and it was decided to coincide with this day for the ceremony.

The monument was opened by Mikhail Timofeevich’s daughter Elena. Afterwards, the guests of honor laid flowers at the monument. The total height of the monument is impressive - seven and a half meters! In addition to the main figure of the brilliant gunsmith Kalashnikov artistic composition includes an image of the globe and St. George the Victorious, which should symbolize the victory over the forces of evil and the coming peace.

What a “village cunning” he was!

In the fall of 1938, Mikhail Kalashnikov was drafted into the Red Army and served in Ukraine. He completed courses for junior commanders and became a tank driver. He was inventing all the time, improving everything he had the chance to use. For example, an inertial counter for a tank gun, then a device for a TT pistol, from which you had to shoot through the cracks of the tank (it turned out to be much more effective!), then a service life counter.

By the way, this counter, the invention of young Kalashnikov, was the first to go into mass production, they just didn’t have time to organize it - the war. He came up with it so well that he was even summoned to report to Georgy Zhukov, who sent Mikhail to Kyiv, and then to Moscow with ready-made samples, after which to Leningrad - to the Voroshilov plant to finalize and launch into series.

A dropout with a fifth-grade education?

In 1971, Mikhail Kalashnikov received a doctorate in technical sciences for his inventions. In addition, he was an academician of sixteen foreign academies. He has thirty-five copyright certificates only for introduced inventions. And it is not at all strange that guests coming to the capital from everywhere are first of all interested in where the monument to Mikhail Kalashnikov is located in Moscow.

In 1990, Mikhail Timofeevich visited the USA, and during this visit he was greeted everywhere as movie stars are greeted, although no one in the world had ever seen him in person, except for a very small number of people in the photo, and those were in the USSR. There he met with weapons historians, including his main competitor - I mutual language was found instantly.

How did the Russian cultural brand appear?

Mikhail Kalashnikov met the war from the very beginning - as a tank commander. Near Bryansk, already in October, he was seriously wounded. In the hospital, in order to distract himself from the pain, he began to invent his own weapon, namely a machine gun. He drew and sketched, compared and analyzed. He summarized his own impressions and the opinions of his comrades in the neighboring hospital beds. Particularly helpful, unfortunately, was an unnamed paratrooper lieutenant, who before the war developed small arms at one of the research institutes. And books were brought to him from the library. Who then could have thought about opening a monument to Kalashnikov in Moscow?

The doctor was not sent back to the front - he was given leave for six months. Kalashnikov visited Matai, where he previously worked in a depot (this is Kazakhstan). Experts helped there, and after a couple of months a new experimental model of a submachine gun was created. Next - Alma-Ata, where Mikhail worked in the workshops of the MAI evacuated there. Then Blagonravov himself, an outstanding scientist and specialist in small arms, looked at and evaluated the sample.

A start to life

In general, Anatoly Arkadyevich Blagonravov’s review was not positive, but he was delighted by the originality of this development, and Kalashnikov received a referral for further study. The GAU (Main Artillery Directorate) rated the submachine gun much higher. However, for technological reasons they were not accepted into service. But the prototype to create self-loading carbine he served already in 1944.

In 1945, the Kalashnikov assault rifle was already being finalized. In 1947, he won the competition and was put into service. Currently, the AKM is the most popular weapon in the world, despite the fact that seventy long years have passed since its creation.

Illustration copyright Valery Sharifulin/TASS

A monument to gunsmith Mikhail Kalashnikov, who holds in his hands an assault rifle of his invention, which has become famous throughout the world, was erected in Moscow at the intersection of Sadovaya-Karetnaya and Dolgorukovskaya streets.

The sculptor was chosen by the head of the Rostec state corporation Sergei Chemezov, and the initiative to install the monument belonged to him and the Russian Military Historical Society (RVIO), of which Chemezov is an honorary member.

“It happens that a customer wants to work with a certain architect. We had a closed competition. Chemezov wanted Salavat. There were no other participants,” said Vladislav Kononov, executive director of the RVIO.

Like the monument to Vladimir, the size of which had to be reduced after the scandal, the figure of Kalashnikov with a machine gun in his hands in the center of Moscow has caused conflicting assessments.

It would probably be worth installing it in its homeland. There is a museum there Yuri Luzhkov, former mayor of Moscow

At the opening of the monument were Chemezov, Russian Minister of Culture Vladimir Medinsky, sculptor Zurab Tsereteli, and the daughter of a gunsmith Elena Kalashnikova.

“Mikhail Kalashnikov is, to some extent, Kulibin of the 20th century, the embodiment of the best traits of a Russian person,” Medinsky said. The Kalashnikov assault rifle is "real, one might say, cultural brand Russia," the minister believes.

The BBC Russian Service found out what feelings the former mayor of Moscow, a former officer who fought in Donbass, a gallery owner, a sculptor and the dean of the Faculty of Art History feel in connection with the installation of a monument to Kalashnikov.

Yuri Luzhkov, former mayor of Moscow

I treat Kalashnikov and his memory kindly. I think it is necessary to perpetuate the memory of this man.

As for the monument to Kalashnikov... It would probably be worth installing it in his homeland. There is a museum there and it would be possible to place not only the figure itself, but also make some kind of composition.

A man walks around the city and sees only bronze idols. There are simply no sculptures that are not shaped by a cemetery look. Marat Gelman, gallerist

Muscovites and Russians respect Kalashnikov, and his memory is valuable to everyone. But the monument had to be erected in his homeland or where he created his weapons.

Now the lion's share of the budget is spent on weapons. And this is a continuation of the line that is being worked out in such a militant spirit.

Such a figure with a machine gun was appropriate for Poklonnaya Hill, for example, and not in this peaceful place that was chosen.

Illustration copyright Valery Sharifulin/TASS Image caption The height of the monument to Salavat Shcherbakov was 7.5 meters

Marat Gelman, gallerist

The tradition of turning Moscow into a cemetery continues. Not a single sculpture appeared that was not a bronze chock of a person with a signature.

Although this is better than what Zurab Tsereteli did, because he is not so huge Marat Gelman, gallerist

A man walks around the city and sees only bronze idols. There are simply no sculptures that create a non-cemetery appearance. Although there are such sculptures all over the world.

The monument itself, of course, is dull and boring. Although this is better than what Zurab Tsereteli did, because he is not so huge. In the long term, this does not spoil the city.

Disease current government- this is historicism. The authorities look at the past and are actively trying to change it, including with the help of such monuments. This is being done to make it difficult for the next generation to erase these views - dismantling such a monument is almost as expensive as installing it.

The fact that the authorities are playing into this historicism is nothing, but it’s a pity for the city.

Illustration copyright Valery Sharifulin/TASS Image caption The monument was opened by the gunsmith's daughter Elena Kalashnikova

Igor Girkin (Strelkov), former Russian officer, participant in military operations in Ukraine

Kalashnikov is elevated to the level of a nesting doll, but he was a good weapons designer.

I don’t have a special position - well, he stands and let him stand.

But, in my opinion, the authorities should have taken care of business and not erected monuments to the heroes of the past. We need to focus on pressing matters, on what we have now, and not on glorifying the past.

It seems tactless to me to place a man with a machine gun on a road where thousands of cars pass by Georgy Frangulyan, sculptor

Yes they were real heroes, great figures, but somehow their own people are not visible.

Gumilyov had such a concept - “memorial stage”. This is when the state focuses its attention on the great past and ignores the challenges of the present.

Image caption The initiative for the installation belonged to Sergei Chemezov from Rostec

Georgy Frangulyan, sculptor

I wouldn’t like to talk about my colleagues... But I think that the place for the monument was chosen poorly.

It seems tactless to me to place a person with a gun on a road where thousands of cars pass. This looks like a threat.

The very image of a person, worthy and respected, receives a negative connotation. In another place and another size - it would be good.

Ilya Doronchenkov, Dean of the Faculty of Art History, European University in St. Petersburg

Obviously, the figure of Kalashnikov should be noted. Another question is how appropriate is a monument to a man who produces weapons.

The monument was erected by the man who marked Moscow as Vladimir. For me, the question of how much it costs one author to be so present in the city is also there.

For me personally, there is no clear solution on how to immortalize gunsmiths.

It is clear that Kalashnikov is a symbol of Soviet and Russian industry and military power. But if I made a decision about installation, I don’t know how and how I would make it, where I would put it - in Moscow, in Izhevsk.

Proportionally, the monument is not too conspicuous in the place where it is installed. I myself expected a sharper contrast with the Garden Ring. I have not yet seen the monument itself; it would not be entirely correct to make any assessments.

For now, we can only say that we have received another post-Soviet monument, which ideologically and aesthetically belongs to the inertia that continues the traditions of figurative sculpture of the late Soviet era.

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