Fortune telling on New Year's Eve: for wishes, for the future, for the betrothed, for love. Fortune telling wishes on: notes, Tarot cards

How can you tell fortunes on New Year's Eve? Options for recognizing your future with the help of magic on New Year's Eve.

If you want to lift the veil of your future and find out what awaits you soon, then quickly read our article and get ready to hear a lot of new and interesting things.

New Year's fortune telling in Rus'

People have long loved to tell fortunes on New Year's Eve in a variety of ways. Mostly women dared to perform this magical action. For example, you could tell fortunes about what awaits you soon, about whether your wish will come true, about your betrothed, about how the matter will end, and so on.

To perform the fortune-telling process, candles, holy water, mirrors and some other items were usually prepared. For example, if you wanted to tell fortunes about your betrothed, then most often fortune telling with a mirror was used for this purpose. If the girl wanted to find out whether she would get married this year, then a ribbon and a gold ring were used for fortune telling.

In fortune-telling related to predicting the future for the coming year, they usually used bread, which symbolized a well-fed life, a ring, which symbolized wealth and a successful marriage, salt, which foreshadowed tears and coal, which could bring illness and even the death of one of the relatives.

Cool New Year's fortune telling in verses

Fortune telling for the betrothed. If you decide to see your betrothed in a dream on New Year’s Eve, then before you go to rest, say the following text of the conspiracy:

“When I go to bed, I want to see my betrothed,

My mother, turn over, and whoever loves you, dream of him.”

In a dream you should see a young man, try to remember his appearance as accurately as possible, because this is exactly what your future husband will be.

Fortune telling whether a wish will come true. For this fortune telling you will need a needle, a red thread, and a dish with Epiphany water. So, hang a needle on a red thread and hold it above the water, and say to yourself and visually imagine your most cherished dream.

Then say these words:

“Thread, needle, tell me, tell me,

Whether it comes true or not, you tell me everything!

Let the water tell me

Will my wish ever come true?

Hold this needle on a string over a dish of water and recite the text presented above. Repeat it three times, mentally draw your dream again and watch how the needle moves in limbo.

Watch very carefully, do not miss a single moment in this matter. If the needle draws a circle, this will mean that your cherished desire is destined to come true in the near future. If the needle swings from side to side, then you shouldn’t even think about turning your dream into reality, because your wish will not come true.

New Year's fortune telling for schoolchildren

In the name of your future soulmate. There are also fortune tellings for schoolchildren, which are performed on New Year's Eve. For example, you can use them to find out the name of your future boyfriend or girlfriend.

So, on New Year's Eve you need to get together with the whole crowd with your girlfriends and write men's names on small pieces of paper. Write everything you know. Place pieces of paper with names in a bag and, with your eyes closed, take turns taking out the names of future gentlemen.

The main rule of this fortune telling is that it must be performed after the chiming clock and during this magical action you must ensure maximum silence around you. While you are pulling out pieces of paper with names, mentally ask this question: “What will they call my betrothed, what will they call my mummer?”

For the coming year. With the help of this fortune telling, schoolchildren can find out what their coming year will be like in terms of their studies. Should we expect any achievements, or maybe studying will be difficult? All this can be found out with the help of simple fortune telling.

In order to tell your fortune for the coming year and find out what your studies will be like, you will need to take the following items:

  • five-ruble coin;
  • coin with a face value of 2 rubles;
  • clay or pebble;
  • glass of water;
  • a dish with holy water;
  • any item that will not sink in water.

So, after the chimes strike 12 times on New Year’s Eve, you can immediately begin fortune-telling. Pour holy water into the dish and put any small object, but it should not sink in the water.

On different sides of the dish with water, place a 5 ruble coin, a 2 ruble coin, clay or a pebble and a glass of water. Then ask this question to yourself: “Voditsa, Voditsa, tell me what I can expect from the coming year and what my studies will be like in the near future?

Then use your finger to stir the water in the dish and thereby make the object placed there rotate in a circle. Now watch where your item stops. If an unknown force stops him near a five-ruble coin, this will mean that you will soon have positive results in your studies and science will be easy for you.

A good sign would be for the object to stop near a glass of water. This will mean that your head will be clear and your thoughts will be bright, this will give you amazing results in your studies, and you will be able to achieve a lot in any subject.

If the subject stops near a two-ruble coin, then you should expect two marks in your studies. Science will be very difficult for you. The same can be said if your object stops closer to a pebble or piece of clay. In addition, in the case of a pebble, failure in studies will be associated with the fact that you will have to miss a lot of classes due to illness.

Fortune telling for your betrothed/betrothed on New Year's Eve

If you really want to lift the veil of the future and find out who your betrothed will be, then on New Year’s Eve, tell your fortune using a mirror.

So, when the clock strikes 12 times, go to a secluded room, taking a mirror with you. In addition to this, you will need a candle. Its color should ideally be red, since fortune telling is associated with love and feelings.

You need to perform this fortune-telling in as much relative silence as you can create, because it will still be New Year's Eve. In addition, you must be completely alone in the room. In some cases, girls even go to the bathhouse for fortune telling, because there is unlikely to be anyone who will disturb them.

So, place a mirror in front of you, and place a red lit candle in front of the mirror. Look closely at the candle light and say this: “My betrothed, mummer, show yourself to me, don’t hide and don’t be afraid of anything. Don’t frighten me, just appear before me and show your face.”

Then gaze into the mirror through the candle flame for a few minutes. Soon you will see the reflection of your future beloved man. As soon as you see it, say this: “Keep away from me, keep away from me, keep away from me!”. Then blow out the candle fire and leave the place where you were telling fortunes. Don’t turn around so that the phantom of your future gentleman doesn’t scare you.

New Year's fortune telling for love

Find out where the groom is coming from. Since ancient times, girls have been very fond of telling fortunes about love on New Year's Eve. Very often they wanted to know from which side the betrothed-mummer would come to them. To do this, you had to go outside after the chiming clock, take off your felt boots or boots and throw them through the gate, standing with your back to it.

Then you had to look in which direction the nose of the boot was turned. It is believed that matchmakers will soon come to you from that side. If he is looking towards the house, then the girl should not rush to get married just yet, and in the near future she will be a girl.

Will the girl get married in the near future? With the help of this fortune telling, you can find out which of your girlfriends will get married in the future. So, on New Year's Eve you need to get together with a large group of girlfriends and prepare a church candle for each of you in advance.

After the chiming clock, the girlfriends need to sit down at a round table, on which there will be nothing to show off except candles. Each girl lights a candle in front of her and says: “Candle, candle, candle, I want to know the whole truth. Tell me, tell me, will I get married soon?

Then they look to see which candle burns out first. This meant that this particular girl would get married soon. The rest will have to wait. It is considered a bad sign if the candle does not want to burn, because in this case the beauty risks remaining a girl forever.

New Year's fortune telling for the future

On paper. If on New Year's Eve you really want to find out about your future for the coming year, then this can be done very easily and simply with the help of an ordinary sheet of paper, matches and a saucer.

So, after the onset of the new year, that is, after the clock strikes exactly midnight, you can begin to tell fortunes about your future. Crumple a piece of paper in your hands, and at the same time mentally ask the question: “What awaits me soon?”

Then place this piece of paper on a saucer and set it on fire. Let it burn a little, but don’t let it turn into ashes. Then bring the cinder of paper to the wall and look at the shadow. Now try to see the figures in the shadow.

If, for example, you see a couple in love in the shadow, then in the coming year you will meet your true soulmate. If mountains are visible, then ups and downs in your studies and career are possible. If some monsters appear to you, then this means illness.

With Chiken. Often on New Year's Eve they used chicken to tell fortunes about the future. They brought her into the house after midnight and laid out a piece of bread, grains, water and earth in front of her. All these items were laid out at a distance from each other. They released the chicken and saw what it would suit.

If the chicken matches the bread, then your life in the coming year will be full and healthy. If the chicken likes the grains, then expect a reward for your efforts in your professional activities. It’s not in vain that you tried hard in the past year, and the time will finally come to receive the long-awaited reward for your own efforts.

It is a bad sign if the chicken goes to water, because in this case, in the coming year you will face financial problems, and they will be very serious. You will have to live in debt all year. If the chicken goes completely to the ground, then this is a sign that this year you will face a serious illness or even the death of someone close to you.

New Year's fortune telling by wish

To the chimes. On New Year's Eve they also made fortunes about the fulfillment of wishes. The most common fortune telling is fortune telling during the chimes. When the champagne is poured into the glasses, you need to quickly make a wish and have time to drink the entire glass before the chimes stop striking. If you have time to drink, then your wish will come true, but if not, then you shouldn’t wait for your dream to turn into reality.

With water and a ring. You can also make a wish come true by pouring holy water into a dish and placing your ring above it, suspended on a red thread. First you need to mentally make a wish, and then ask: “Ring, ring, answer my question. Will my wish come true?

Then watch the ring begin to move. If it goes clockwise, then you can expect your wish to come true soon. If the ring runs against the clock chick, then do not count on turning your dream into reality. If it sways from side to side at all, then this is a sign that no one yet knows whether your dream will come true.

Fortune telling wishes on notes on New Year's Eve

Notes with wishes are a very interesting fortune telling. Guests at the festive table, even before the chimes, write what they wish for someone in the coming year. You can write anything, but it is better that the predictions are, of course, good. For example, you can wish for wealth, children, a good husband, health, and so on.

All these notes need to be put in a bag. After you have celebrated the New Year with honor, send a bag of wishes to the guests. Let them, with their eyes closed, take out these pieces of paper with wishes and at the same time ask the following question: “What can I expect from the coming year?” What is written on the piece of paper is what you should expect from the coming year.

New Year's fortune telling on Tarot cards

You can also use Tarot cards to tell fortunes on New Year's Eve. It is important to ensure silence around you during this fortune telling. This fortune telling is best done in complete solitude.

Before you start reading Tarot cards, mentally ask yourself the following question: “What will the coming year be like for me?”. Close your eyes and concentrate only on this question. Do not think about anything else at this moment and do not allow others to distract you from fortune telling. If the image on most of them is negative, then do not expect anything good from the coming year. If all the pictures on the cards are harmless and positive, then your year will be successful and nothing bad will happen.

Cool New Year's fortune telling at the table

Find out your fate! At the New Year's table you can not only drink and eat, but also have fun telling fortunes. For this you will need a kilogram of any candy. You need to remove the candies from the candy wrappers and instead of sweet treats, wrap a cool wish in a beautiful wrapper.

For example, you can wish for a lucky fall during the New Year holidays in order to stay on sick leave longer. Or you may want to go to a desert island to meet adventures on your butt. You can wish or predict to wake up in the morning with a handsome stranger and something like that. Here you should use your imagination and write the funniest wishes.

Then let the guests take a piece of candy or a handful of these fortune-telling treats, unwrap the candy wrappers and read aloud what awaits them. The funnier the predictions are, the more fun you will have this New Year.

New Year's fortune telling on wax

Wax is also often used to tell fortunes on New Year's Eve. From the figures cast from wax you can find out what awaits you in the coming year. For this fortune-telling, you only need to prepare a dish with water, a candle and matches.

After the New Year has been celebrated and the fireworks have been launched, it will be possible to move on to fortune telling with wax. Pour water into the dish. It would be better if it were Epiphany. Then light a candle and say: “Candle, candle, candle, tell me about my future for the next year. Don’t hide anything, but report the whole truth!”

Then lower the candle over the water so that the wax drips from it and figures are formed. Take a close look at these figures to understand what to expect from the coming year. If the figures look like hearts, then great love awaits you, and if, for example, you see the silhouette of a dog, then this is a sign of strong friendship.

You should be wary of figures that look like crosses, graves, coffins and other similar creepy things. If something similar forms in a dish of water, this may foreshadow the death of someone close to you or very complex health problems.

New Year's Eve is a mysterious and magical time, which is why the tradition arose of using it to lift the veil of the future.

There are various fortune telling in the New Year - for desire, future, love, marriage. To find out how fate will turn out in the next twelve months, they use a wide variety of objects: mirrors, candles, decorations, books, cards and even Christmas tree decorations.

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    Fortune telling by wish

    It’s the easiest way to find out whether your cherished wish will come true next year. This does not even require special attributes - just champagne, glasses of water and ordinary sheets of paper.

    To the chimes

    To carry out such fortune-telling, no special training or specific skill is required. The point is to determine whether your cherished wish will come true in the coming New Year or not. To do this, you need to have time to write your innermost desire on a piece of paper during the chime, burn it and pour the ashes into a glass of champagne. Exactly at midnight you need to drink a glass of this sparkling wine along with ashes. It is worth noting that the wish will come true only if this entire procedure is performed precisely during the chiming clock.

    If you are late or start a little earlier, then the fortune telling is considered incorrect, and the prediction has no force.

    There is another version of fortune telling during the chiming clock. For this, you need to prepare a piece of paper with a written wish in advance, and set it on fire during the chiming clock. If the paper burns completely during the last minute before the New Year, then the wish written on it is destined to come true over the next twelve months. If this happens later or the fire goes out completely, then the wish will not come true next year.

    For such fortune telling, you need to stock up on two glasses or wine glasses, as well as plain water. You need to fill one of the glasses to the brim with water, and leave the second empty. Next, you should concentrate, close your eyes and say to yourself your deepest desire. After this, immediately open your eyes and sharply pour water from a full glass into an empty one.

    If you manage to do this carefully without spilling the liquid, your wish will come true in the New Year. It is believed that if you spill no more than three drops, then fortune telling prophesies the successful fulfillment of what you want. But if there are significantly more drops of liquid on the table or even whole puddles of water, then the wish will not come true in the New Year.

    For bedtime

    It is necessary to prepare for this fortune telling in advance. The point is to determine which of your most cherished desires will come true in the coming year. You need to write one wish on twelve small pieces of paper, fold them in any way and put them under your pillow before going to bed. The morning after New Year's Eve, without looking, you need to take out from under the pillow the first piece of paper that comes to hand. The wish that is written on the piece of paper will definitely come true in the next twelve months.

    Fortune telling for the future

    Wax candles, a mirror, a chain or a book will help predict the events awaiting you in the New Year.

    Using wax

    Fortune telling with wax is very popular among women. You will need a plate of water and a candle for it. On New Year's Eve, you need to light a candle, thereby melting a little wax. Then drip the wax into a plate of water and carefully examine the resulting pattern. What is depicted on the plate will happen next year.

    Patterns made with wax usually come out to be very diverse. Each of them is unique. To understand such a prediction, you must have a rich imagination and imagination.

    With a mirror

    Fortune telling using a mirror is carried out by those who are interested in fate in the coming year. It must be carried out with the onset of the New Year, exactly at midnight. For an accurate prediction, it needs to be frosty outside. Immediately before the fortune telling itself, you should pour water on a small mirror in advance and go outside. As soon as the mirror surface is covered with an icy pattern, you can go home and calmly examine the resulting pattern.

    What exactly the mirror predicted on New Year's Eve can be found out by the figures that the fortuneteller sees on the crust of ice:

    • circles - with the New Year comes new problems with money;
    • straight lines - next year promises to be easy, carefree and carefree;
    • squares - prophesy all sorts of difficulties;
    • triangles - mean luck and success in all matters;
    • smooth lines and stripes - symbolize love and care from loved ones;
    • zigzags - they say that the next year will be full of emotions and communication;
    • a pattern in the form of pine or spruce branches - portends hard and persistent work, which will subsequently lead to the desired goal;
    • a person’s face or figure - predicts the appearance in the fortuneteller’s life of a certain person who will influence his future fate;
    • dots - predict the completion of all started work and an improvement in financial condition;
    • divorces that have no outline indicate that the fate of the fortuneteller has not yet been determined and how happy the year will be depends only on him.

    Based on the book

    Fortune telling using a book is quite simple. In order to get an answer to your question, you only need a book. Immediately before fortune telling, a person asks a question that interests him, opens the book on a random page and, without looking, puts his finger on it. The sentence pointed to by the fortuneteller will be the answer to his question. There is another version of fortune telling, in which the page number and lines are indicated in advance - even before opening the book.

    In order for the prediction to be clear, it is necessary to choose the most suitable book. For example, a collection of smart sayings about life will answer the question much more clearly than a detective story or a science fiction novel.

    Using a chain

    You can find out about events in the New Year by guessing by the decoration. To do this, you need to take the chain and retire to a room where there is a table or any other flat surface. You need to hold the jewelry between your palms for a few minutes and rub it lightly. As soon as you feel the warmth from the chain, you need to transfer it to your right hand, clasp it in your fist and, shaking it, throw it on the table surface.

    By the way the decoration is laid down, you can determine your destiny in the coming year:

    • a straight line - symbolizes good luck in the life of a fortuneteller;
    • snake - suggests that the fortuneteller can be deceived and betrayed;
    • triangle - fortunately in your personal life;
    • oval - the fortuneteller will be in the center of everyone's attention;
    • circle - to difficult life situations, the way out of which requires great effort;
    • knot - to financial difficulties and health problems;
    • cloud - a dream or life goal will appear;
    • zigzag - to passion and new emotions;
    • heart - symbolizes the approach of a love relationship;
    • bow - for wedding troubles;
    • loop - next year we should expect both positive and not so positive events;
    • flower - to joy and enjoyment of life.

    Fortune telling for love

    This type of New Year's fortune-telling is possible only if there is a Christmas tree in the house, hung with colorful toys.

    1. In order to find out what changes await a person in the next year, you need to close his eyes with a tight bandage and rotate it three times around its axis clockwise. A blindfolded fortuneteller must choose the first toy that comes into his hands on the Christmas tree. By its color you can determine what changes in your personal life you should expect in the New Year:
    2. 1. White - does not foretell anything negative in your personal life and nothing new at all. This color suggests that in the New Year everything will remain the same on the personal front.
    3. 2. Blue - symbolizes a jealous relationship. You should expect quarrels and disagreements with your loved one.
    4. 3. Red - means you will soon meet your soulmate. It is a harbinger that personal life will soon improve.
    5. 4. Black - to unhappy love. This color does not predict anything good, but it is worth noting that rarely does anyone hang toys of black and dark colors on the Christmas tree.
    6. 5. Green - foretells a passionate and stormy relationship for the fortuneteller.
    7. 6. Yellow is the color of separation. This color promises separation from a loved one.
    8. 7. Pink - promises to meet your betrothed or betrothed. This color predicts a tender and sensitive relationship.
    9. 8. Purple - means the onset of a certain coldness in existing relationships.
    10. 9. Silver - promises the appearance in life of a rich groom or bride with a good dowry.

    10. Golden - for wedding troubles next year.

    Fortune telling for marriage Unmarried girls and women who want to lift the veil of the future and consider their betrothed in advance can guess in this way. To implement it, you need a regular deck of cards. From it you will only need four kings, who will represent future suitors. Before going to bed from the 31st to the 1st, you should put these cards under your pillow and say: “Which of you is my betrothed will appear to me in a dream.”

    • The suit of the dreamed king will tell you what your future husband will be like:
    • hearts - young and rich;
    • spades - wealthy and jealous;
    • clubs - businessman or military man;

    tambourines - the one for whom the girl has feelings.

    Don’t despair if, in the holiday bustle, you weren’t able to tell your fortune directly on New Year’s Eve, because you can indulge in this mysterious process on other New Year’s holidays as well. Fortune-telling on holy days - from Christmas to Epiphany - is considered the most truthful and mystical.

New Year is a wonderful and magical holiday. This is probably the most magical holiday, when there is great hope for the fulfillment of a cherished desire. And, of course, I want to know, to guess what will happen, what awaits, whether it will come true or not... They guess from December 25 to January 19.

The most New Year's fortune telling

On New Year's Eve we expect something unusual and magical. We believe that this year all our wishes and dreams will come true, all our hopes will come true. Try to realize everything you dream about and expect from the new year with the help of this fortune telling. Perhaps the New Year's fairy tale will turn into reality? Write down all your innermost desires on a small piece of paper and, when sitting down at the New Year's table, place this piece of paper next to you. When your glasses are filled with champagne and the chimes begin to strike 12 times, burn this piece of paper, carefully pour the remaining ashes into your glass and drink quickly. You must do all this before the last strike of the clock, and if you are even a minute late, your wishes will not come true this year.

On the night of December 31, remember your dream. He predicts the future for the whole year

On the night of December 31 or January 1, pour water into a low vase and throw in a pinch of ash, salt and sugar. Mix and put in 3-4 hairs of your own (not scattered, but in strands) and three or four of those you love or your husband. The next morning, look at the position of the strands: if they are together - you will be together, if they are separated - one of you or both will walk.

Wishes are written on small cards:

- Children will delight you in the New Year!
- The replenishment of the family is guaranteed!
- Your projects will be a success!
- Prepare your wallets for big money!
- Everyone will like you!
- Mutual love will delight you!
- In the New Year, two of your cherished wishes will come true at once!
- Be careful in January and don’t miss out on your happiness!
- May will bring new opportunities!
- A meeting with fate awaits in July!
Now every person who comes to visit you or members of your family stand with their backs to the cards that should be hanging and, concentrating on themselves, closing their eyes, answer “this!” or "not this!" to the question of the presenter, who randomly points to divinations.
Everyone can only tell fortunes twice.

Fortune telling on Eggs

A method of prediction associated with recognizing silhouettes is fortune telling with eggs. It is, of course, advisable to use eggs from domestic chickens - store-bought eggs are unlikely to be suitable for this purpose. If you decide to try this method, you need to follow a few basic rules.

Fortune telling is performed as follows: warm water is poured into a glass and egg whites are dissolved in the water. If the protein suddenly sinks to the bottom of the glass, this portends all sorts of troubles: death, fire. For unmarried girls, this omen threatens them with an eternal lonely life.

But usually the protein remains in the center of the glass and, curled up, takes the form of various figures, which are interpreted as follows:

A figure resembling a church foretells a quick wedding for a girl, and death for an elderly woman;
- if the resulting figure reminds you of a ship with sails, this means the imminent arrival of a husband for a married woman, for a girl it foretells marriage and departure to another country, for a young man - a long journey.
In Russian villages, they still use an ancient ritual that makes it possible to find out the sex of a child even before birth. A pregnant woman should take the egg out from under the hen, break it and see what gender the embryo is. It was believed that the sex of the unborn chick coincides with the sex of the unborn child.

How many children will there be?

To guess how many children there will be, girls take a mirror and point a month at it. The number of lunar reflections in the mirror is the number of children the fortuneteller will supposedly have when she gets married.

On New Year's Eve

On New Year's Eve, write your most cherished wishes on small pieces of paper, fold them and put them under your pillow. On January 1, when you wake up, the first thing you do is pull out any of them at random. Whatever wish is on this piece of paper will come true in the coming year.

"Betrothed, mummer, come to me"

Girls of marriageable age used a comb to tell fortunes: they put it under the pillow and said: “Betrothed, mummer, come to me and comb my braid!” - and in a dream the future lover appeared to the girl. I wish I had time to remember it!

How to find out the name of your betrothed?

The girls sat around a basin of water, and nutshells were thrown into the water. Pieces of paper with men's names were attached to the edges of the pelvis. And they blew hard. To which name he nails the shell, he will be friends with him.

Who will get married first?

Gathered in a circle, the girls each lit a candle. Whose candle goes out first will get married first, and whose candle burns out to the end will be a bride for a long time.

You will be beautiful all year!

Light objects are placed in nut shells: candy, ribbon, eraser, ring, etc. The girls are blowing again. Whatever shell floats to you is what awaits you. A ring means acquaintance, a candy means gifts, a ribbon means you’ll be beautiful all year, an eraser means you’ll be lucky in your studies.

What name will her betrothed have?

The girls can all run out of the house on New Year’s Eve together, so that it’s not scary. The one of you who meets a passerby must find out his name. Her betrothed will have the same name.

What year will it be?

Water was poured into a saucer or shallow bowl. The bowl was left on the red porch throughout New Year's Eve. In the morning they looked at it: the ice rose up - the year will be good, the ice froze - the year will be calm, the ice froze in waves - there will be both grief and happiness; and if the water freezes like a hole, the year will be bad.

Fortune telling on rice grains

Hold your left hand palm down over a jar of rice and, concentrating, ask a question out loud. Then take a handful of rice from it and pour it onto a spread napkin. An even number of grains is a positive answer. Odd is negative.

Fortune telling by book

Place your left hand on the cover of a closed book and ask a question. Then they open it at random and read the line beginning under the thumb of the left hand.

Dream fortune telling

Before going to bed, you need to eat something salty, but not drink. When going to bed, they make a wish, saying: “Betrothed, mummer, come to me and give me something to drink!” Whoever gets you drunk is the one you will marry.

Fortune telling with bulbs

The names of possible candidates for marriage are written on the bulbs. They put them in water. Whichever bulb sprouts first - on behalf of that one, expect a marriage proposal.

Card reading

Before going to bed, they put four kings under the pillow and say: “Who is my betrothed, who is my mummer, he will appear in my dreams.” If you dream about the king of spades, the groom will be an old man and jealous, the king of hearts means young and rich, the king of the cross - expect matchmakers from a military man or businessman, and the king of diamonds - from the desired one.
Fortune telling for snow.

You need to lie down on your back in the snow, get up and leave without looking back. In the morning, inspect the place where you lay down in the snow. If the footprint in the snow is all covered with lines, the husband will be rude. If the body mark is smooth, the husband will be a gentle and kind person. If the hole is deep, then you will have to get married more than once; if the imprint is covered up, you will not get married soon. And if there is a mound in this place, then danger awaits you in the coming year.

Fortune telling with apples

This is how they tell fortunes in the Czech Republic. After Christmas dinner, the apples are cut crosswise, and if the correct seeded star is inside, the coming year will be a happy one.

Fortune telling on the phone

Think about a question and mentally focus on it. Looking at the phone, ask it out loud. If the first call is from a man, the answer is positive. From a woman - negative.

Fortune telling on the key

They tell fortunes in the company. The key is placed in a thick book so that its ring (or shackle) remains outside. The book is tightly closed, bandaged and hung from a hook by the ring. Those gathered around wait until Kinga hangs motionless, and then everyone calls out their name. For the one on whose name the book begins to spin, marriage (or meeting a new love) cannot be avoided.

Fortune telling on a gold ring

At least six people must take part in this fortune telling. Take a gold ring and a large piece of black velvet. Take turns rolling the ring, saying: “I’ll roll the ring around the city, and then I’ll go get that ring and get to my dear one.” Place a mark where the ring stops. Whose ring stops first, that girl will get married first, and if the ring rolls further than the others, she will get married later than everyone else.

The content of the article:

New Year is the most long-awaited holiday for both young children and adults. Many girls do fortune-telling at this time, and this is not at all surprising, because a simple ritual performed on a festive evening will help lift the veil of a mysterious future. You can start guessing from December 25 until the old New Year.

Fortune telling on New Year's Eve

Before you start guessing, you need to remember that the likelihood of predicting the truth increases if you take it seriously. Any fortune-telling rituals love complete immersion and silence. That is why if the New Year is celebrated in a noisy company, it is worth postponing fortune telling for Christmas or the old New Year. Since ancient times, it has been believed that the likelihood of receiving a correct prediction increases if there is a cat in the house at that moment. The main thing is to believe in the ritual being performed and then everything will work out.

But, the most important thing is not to overdo it or go too far. If you are not satisfied with the result obtained in some way, you should not just believe in fortune telling. In this case, it is best to treat the ritual as a fun pastime. In addition, if you have ever attended a reception with a real fortune teller, you could hear that there are times when cards or otherworldly forces simply do not want to “speak,” and it does not matter at all how complex or simple the ritual was.

If by chance you have discovered the ability to look into the future, and soon all the predictions begin to come true, it is best to stop. They say that excessive passion for such things can lead to not the most pleasant consequences - the future can be guessed. There is an opinion that the future could have been the way it was seen, but as a result of constant interference in it, dramatic changes occurred. Therefore, you should not get too carried away with going to fortune-tellers or astrologers.

It is worth remembering that not all fortune telling can be used by inexperienced beginners, since many of them are truly dangerous. During the New Year holidays, you can use fortune telling on cards or with a variety of objects. The fact is that this particular time is considered open to otherworldly forces that can tell about the future.

Today, a large number of different fortune tellings are known, and it is also worth paying attention to dreams you had on a festive night. There is a belief that it is a dream that determines the future for the coming year.

Wax fortune telling

This is one of the simplest and most accessible options for New Year's fortune-telling. First you need to melt a small amount of wax, then quickly pour it into a cup previously filled with cold water.

Now you need to carefully look at the resulting figure - it is this that determines the future for the entire coming year. Standard figures can also be formed - for example, a heart speaks of love, a ring predicts an imminent wedding, a dog is the personification of finding a new friend.

Perhaps someone will see a figurine that will have some meaning for him. In this case, the interpretation will be individual.

Fortune telling by candle

The light is turned off and the candle is lit, then a saucer is taken, which must be turned upside down. Paper is placed on top of the saucer and then lit with a candle.

It is important to let the paper burn completely. Then it is taken with your fingers, but very carefully, since you cannot disturb the outlines of the ashes, and it is brought to the wall so that the light from the candle falls on it and a shadow is cast.

It is in this shadow that what will happen in the new year will be predicted.

Fortune telling for the fulfillment of wishes on New Year's night

It is believed that the most cherished desires and dreams come true. The most important thing is to make the right wish and wish it with all your heart. To find out when your dream will come true, you can use one of the fortune telling below, which should be carried out on New Year's Eve.
  • Fortune telling No. 1. You will need to take paper, pen, saucer, lighter, champagne glass and champagne. When the chimes strike, you need to open the champagne and fill the glasses of all guests. On paper (you need to use a small piece of paper), write your most cherished desire. It is advisable to think through everything in advance and formulate your thoughts as clearly and concisely as possible. Then the paper is burned, and the resulting ashes are poured into a glass pre-filled with champagne. You should try to complete all these actions during the time the chimes are striking.
  • Fortune telling No. 2. Take a handful of rice and pour it onto the table, but you can use any other grain. Now you need to make a wish. The palm is moistened with water, after which it is placed on top of the rice and pressed as tightly as possible to the table. Then you need to carefully raise your hand, turn it over and count how many grains are stuck to it. If you get an even number of grains, it means that your wish will come true in the very near future.
  • Fortune telling No. 3. For this version of fortune telling, you will need to take 2 glasses. One glass is filled with clean water to the very brim. Now a wish is made, and water is poured from one glass into the second. These actions are performed only once, and no preliminary training is allowed. If too much water spills, it means that the wish will not come true, but if only a couple of drops spill, the dream will soon come true.
  • Fortune telling No. 4. You will need to take a large bowl of water and fill it with plain water. Then pieces of paper are thrown into it, on which wishes and dreams are written in advance. A candle is lit and placed in the middle of the bowl. Next you need to wait until the candle sets fire to one of the floating pieces of paper. The wish that will be written on it will come true in the coming year.

Love fortune telling for the New Year

Probably not a single girl will refuse to look into her own future and find out who will become her betrothed. And this is very easy and simple to do if you use New Year’s fortune telling.
  1. Fortune telling by name. Take several sheets of paper on which different men's names are written. Then these leaves are placed under the pillow, and in the morning one of them is pulled out, but you must not peek. This fortune telling will help you find out the name of your betrothed.
  2. Fortune telling with a thread. This version of fortune telling can be used by any unmarried girl. Fortune telling is best done in company. Each girl takes one thread in her hand - it is important that they are the same length. Then the threads are set on fire at the same time, and the one who burns to the end the fastest will get married first.
  3. Fortune telling with matches. Take a box of matches and stick a match on its sides, after which they are set on fire. As soon as the matches burn out completely, you need to carefully look at how they are leaning - towards each other or in different directions. If the matches turn towards each other, it means that you are destined to be together with your chosen one, and when they turn in different directions, separation soon awaits, which most likely will happen in the coming year.
  4. New Year's fortune telling. An unmarried girl can find out the name of her future spouse in another way. On New Year's Eve you need to go outside. Having met the first man, you need to ask what his name is - this will be the name of the betrothed.

Fortune telling in the old New Year for the betrothed

You can tell fortunes not only on a festive night, but also on the Old New Year. There are beliefs that fortune telling carried out on the night of January 13-14 gives the most truthful answers.

Most fortune telling for your betrothed comes down to the fact that you need to place certain objects under the pillow or perform some special actions in order for the one and only to appear in your dream. One of the most interesting fortune telling is the following:

  1. You will need to take several broom rods from which the bridge is laid out.
  2. This bridge is placed under the pillow on the night of January 13-14.
  3. Before going to bed, the following words are said: “My betrothed, mummer, take me across the bridge.”
  4. In a dream, the future husband should come and lead you across the symbolic bridge.
You can also place scissors with bread under the pillow instead of broom rods, but you need to be very careful not to accidentally cut yourself in your sleep.

Fortune telling for the future in the New Year

  1. For fortune telling, you will need to take 3 glasses, which should be opaque.
  2. The glasses are filled with water, but only halfway.
  3. Then sugar is poured into one glass, salt into the second, and bread crumbles into the third.
  4. The fortuneteller closes his eyes and takes one of the glasses at random.
  5. If a glass with sugar is chosen - happiness awaits, salt - tears, bread crumbs indicate financial well-being.
  6. You can also put another glass in which the ring is placed. It will mean a wedding or engagement.
For those who have a well-developed imagination, the following version of New Year's fortune telling is suitable:
  1. Take a not very large mirror and douse it with water.
  2. At the moment when the chimes strike, you need to take the mirror out onto the balcony or outside and leave it for a while.
  3. As soon as patterns appear on the surface of the mirror, you need to bring it into the house and carefully examine what the frost has “drawn.”
  4. If circles are visible, wealth awaits you in the coming year, a triangle means luck and success will accompany you in all endeavors, a fir branch means hard work, and squares speak of difficulties in life.
Having considered various options for New Year's fortune-telling for love, fulfillment of desires and the future, you can choose the most interesting option for yourself. Holiday fortune telling is a great way to have fun with company.

More about New Year's fortune telling:

On the eve of the New Year and Christmas there are many traditions, especially fortune telling. There are a lot of fortune telling for the New Year 2019, and we have collected as many as 19 ideas. All you have to do is choose the most desired one, or better yet, choose several at once and do it on the eve of the New Year holidays.

New Year's fortune telling for wish fulfillment

Cherished wish on a piece of paper

This spelling can be called the most common and popular, since it is quite easy to perform and, according to reviews, is truthful. So, you need to carefully think about what you most desire and write it down on a piece of paper. As soon as the chimes begin to strike, light the treasured leaf over the candle flame and, as soon as it burns out, throw the ashes into a glass of champagne. And then - “Drink to the bottom”! Don’t tell anyone what exactly you wished for, and in the coming year, your plans will certainly come true!

On the water

This fortune telling is as follows: choose a glass with stripes or some kind of ornament to make it easier to remember how much water is in the glass. Before going to bed, pour water into a glass and remember at what level. After that, looking into the reflection, make your wish and go to bed. In the morning, look how much water is left. If there is more of it overnight, wait for your dream to come true. If some of the water has evaporated, then your will is not destined to come true.

Magic box

On the holiday tree, along with the toys, hang a red box with a wish written on paper. On New Year 2019 - at night, remove the box from the tree, take it in your right hand and say: “Magic box, it is no coincidence that you are hiding my innermost secret, may my wish come true as soon as possible. After the chimes strike, the box can be hung back, and the piece of paper with the secret idea can be thrown out the window.

New Year's fortune telling for money

Next on the plan is fortune telling for the New Year 2019 with money, we also found the 3 best options, choose any one.

Three plates and a coin

For this enchantment you will need one coin worth five rubles and three plates. On New Year's Eve, ask one of your relatives to hide a coin under one of the plates. Next, you just need to choose one of the plates, under which, presumably, there is a hidden nickel. If you manage to guess correctly the first time, your financial situation will improve significantly in the coming year. If you need a second try, you should also expect an increase in profits.

On ice

To carry out this ritual of fortune telling with money, you need to do the following on New Year's Eve: pour water into a small saucer, first putting a coin there. Place the saucer on the porch. In the morning, look how frozen the water is. If the ice has risen - New Year 2019 will bring wealth to your home, the ice has frozen - the year will be successful and calm, the ice has frozen in waves - your financial situation will be precarious, and if the water has frozen over - be prepared for financial difficulties.

To the cards

On New Year's Eve, place the following cards under your pillow: ace, king, queen, jack and ten of clubs. Mix all the cards thoroughly. When you wake up in the morning, take out one of the cards. If you come across an ace, expect rapid financial growth. The king and queen also promise positive changes in material terms. But the jack and ten indicate that your position will either not change at all, or will become even worse.

New Year's tree fortune telling for love

And, of course, where to get away from fortune telling for the New Year 2019 for love, that is, a betrothed, future boyfriend or husband, we couldn’t ignore and selected 4 interesting options for fortune telling on New Year’s Eve.

Option #1

To carry out this fortune telling, you need the help of an assistant. His task is to blindfold you and spin you clockwise. Having stopped, you need to go to the tree and remove the first toy you come across. Please note that selecting and trying toys by touch is prohibited. So, if the toy is white, then you should not expect changes in your personal life. If it is black, unrequited love will overtake you. A red toy promises a long and happy relationship, a green one promises intense feelings, and soon. A purple toy means that your feelings will cool down a little. Gold and silver foreshadow a meeting with a rich groom.

Option No. 2

After midnight, go for a walk. You won’t have to wander around for long, because you only need to meet one person to conduct it. So, if the first person you meet is the same sex, it’s too early to dream of a serious relationship. If you come across a person of the opposite sex, feel free to ask his name! After all, this not only means that changes in your personal life await you in the New Year 2019, but also the name of your betrothed will certainly coincide with the name of the stranger you met on New Year’s Eve!

Option No. 3

Select several bulbs, on each of which write the names of guys whom you could consider as candidates for your future spouse. Next, you just need to observe. On the bulb that germinates earlier than the rest, the name of your betrothed is written! This version of fortune telling is quite simple and harmless.

Option No. 4

Before the New Year, you need to go to your chosen one’s house and break off a small chip from his fence or front door. After this, you should head home and go to bed. If you didn’t meet anyone along the way, and at night you dreamed of exactly the guy you like, rest assured that he will certainly ask for your hand in the near future or a year. Such fortune telling, according to people's stories, is true.

9 options for fortune telling for the New Year 2019

Everything that you have already read above is not a complete list of fortune telling options carried out on New Year’s Eve, there are a huge number of them. And so that you are 100% satisfied with our article, we have selected 9 more interesting divinations, and also found suitable video instructions on how to correctly predict the future.

Guessing by the chiming clock

A very simple ritual that most of you remember from childhood. Exactly one minute before the New Year 2019, you should write your dream succinctly on a piece of paper (for example, “I want to go to Bali” or “I want a car”), quickly set the piece of paper on fire and observe. If the leaf burns before the end of the chimes, your wish is destined to come true, but if not, wait until next year.

By the glowing windows

This fortune telling is suitable for those who live near multi-storey buildings. A minute before the chimes strike, you need to think about your desire, and then count how many windows with the lights on are in front of you. It is not necessary to count all the windows - after all, there can simply be an uncountable number of them. For example, think ahead of time that you will count only the windows on the sixth floor or only in the house opposite. If there are a countable number of windows, then the wish will come true, but if not, then make a wish for something else.

By sleep

This will be as realistic as possible if used for the Old New Year. This method of determining the future is suitable for young unmarried girls - after all, we will be casting a spell on the groom. You need to eat something salty at night and not drink water after that. Before going to bed, say to yourself: “Betrothed, mummer, come to me and give me something to drink!” This night, in a dream, a young man is guaranteed to come to you, with whom your destiny will be connected in the near future. If a young man takes you across the bridge, then with a ninety-nine percent chance you will get engaged in the New Year 2019! An excellent option for fortune telling for love and your betrothed.

According to drawings

Take a small handful of rice. Hold it in your fist, saying: “I’ll tell my fortune, I’ll tell my fortune, I’ll find out the whole truth.” That's it, the rice is ready for the “procedure”. This is best done from New Year to Christmas. So, mentally formulate the question while holding the rice in your hand. Then throw the rice on the table. If some grains do not want to come off your hand, then do not put them aside! Count all the grains of rice that are on the table. If the number is even, then the answer is yes, but if the number is not, then most likely no. Fortune telling using rice for love, desire, money.


This is an Italian fortune-telling for fate, betrothed and financial situation, which can be used to determine the future from the New Year 2019 to Christmas. This short and simple method is suitable for unmarried girls. So, choose some bulbs, write your potential groom's name on each one, and plant them in the ground. Whichever bulb sprouts first, the young person will show his feelings.

In the snow

Fortune telling about the betrothed and fate is suitable if there is snow before the holiday. Go outside an hour before the New Year's celebration, lie down in a snowdrift, and when you get up, leave without looking back. In the morning, go outside and look around the place where you lay down yesterday. If the trace remains deep and clear, it means that the New Year 2019 will be good, good luck and success await you. If there is snow and your trail is covered, then there will be a new addition to the family or a new friend. If animals ran along your trail and left traces, then beware - ill-wishers may interfere in your life.

For apples

A very simple fortune telling for love, fate and the betrothed from the Czech Republic. An hour before the New Year 2019, take an apple and cut it clearly in half. Look at the cut - if there are seeds inside in the shape of a regular star, the year will be successful and joyful for you.

By the mirror

You need to do fortune telling after the chiming clock, and we’ll immediately warn you that fortune telling is serious and is not recommended for the faint of heart. You will need a large mirror, a transparent decanter filled with water and two candles. Place the decanter in front of the mirror, place two candles on the sides. Sit in front of the mirror and look through the decanter into it. Try not to think about anything, let your head be completely free of thoughts. Soon you may dream of something, which will reflect your future.

On Tarot cards

To find out your future, you need to trust the Tarot cards. This version of fortune telling is very popular among most people, since it clearly and truthfully answers all your questions, however, despite this, many consider this ritual to be a huge sin, so they try to avoid its magical manifestations. For those who have decided to take such a step, we recommend that on New Year's Eve 2019 you make a Tarot deck layout to find out about upcoming changes in love, money, work and other issues directly related to your destiny. If you are new to this area, then watch our video, in which a specialist will tell you about all the intricacies of this fortune-telling.

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