G and Zyuganov biography. Gennady Zyuganov - biography

Gennady Andreevich Zyuganov- Chairman of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of the Russian Federation, deputy of the State Duma Federal Assembly RF, head of the Communist Party faction. Candidate for the post of President of the Russian Federation (elections will take place on March 2, 2008).

Graduated from the Faculty of Physics and Mathematics of the Oryol State Pedagogical Institute in 1969, the Academy social sciences(AON) under the CPSU Central Committee in 1980, postgraduate AON under the CPSU Central Committee in 1981. Doctor philosophical sciences.

He began his career after graduating from school as a school teacher in his native village.
From 1963 to 1966 he served in the Soviet Army and served in the Group of Soviet Forces in Germany in radiation and chemical reconnaissance units.

In 1966 he joined the CPSU.

Since 1968 - at Komsomol work: he was the first secretary of the district Komsomol committee, the Oryol city Komsomol committee.

In 1972-1974 ‑ First Secretary of the Oryol Regional Committee of the Komsomol.

In 1974-1983 ‑ Secretary, Second Secretary of the Oryol City Committee of the CPSU, Head of the Propaganda and Agitation Department of the Oryol Regional Committee of the CPSU; simultaneously taught higher mathematics and philosophy at Orlovsky pedagogical institute.
In 1970‑1978 ‑ deputy of the Oryol regional and city councils, headed the regional council commission for work with youth.
In 1983-1990 ‑ instructor of the propaganda department, head of the sector, deputy head of the ideological department of the CPSU Central Committee.
Became one of the initiators of the creation Communist Party RSFSR, at the first congress of the Communist Party of the RSFSR in June 1990, he was elected secretary and member of the Politburo of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of the RSFSR, chairman of the permanent Commission of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of the RSFSR on humanitarian and ideological problems.

In February 1991 he organized the conference “For a Great, United Russia!”, at which the Coordination Council was created patriotic movements, transformed in August 1992 into the Coordination Council of the People's Patriotic Forces of Russia, since January 1992 - Chairman of this Council.
In 1991-1993 - head of the group of scientific consultants of the International non-governmental research and educational organization "RAU-Corporation".

Since 1993 - political columnist for the newspaper " Soviet Russia".
After the August 1991 events, he became one of the organizers of the re-establishment of the Communist Party Russian Federation, in February 1993, elected Chairman of the Central Executive Committee of the Communist Party of the Russian Federation.
In January 1995, he was elected Chairman of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of the Russian Federation.

Since 1995 - member of the Central Council of the All-Russian socio-political movement "Spiritual Heritage"; since 1996 he was chairman of the Coordination Council of the All-Russian public movement "People's Patriotic Union of Russia".

He was a candidate for the post of President of the Russian Federation in the 1996 elections, in the first round he received 32.41% of the votes, in the second - 40.30% of the votes.

In January 2000, he was nominated as a candidate for the post of President of Russia, and in the elections on March 26, 2000, he received 29.21% of the votes of voters who took part in the voting.

In January 2001, he was elected chairman of the Union of Communist Parties - CPSU (SKP-CPSU) at a plenum of the executive committee and council of the SKP-CPSU.

He was elected as a deputy of the State Duma of the Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation of the first (1993-1995), second (1995-1999), third (1999-2003), fourth (2003-2007) and fifth (from December 2007) convocations. Head of the Communist Party faction.

Member of the Council under the President of the Russian Federation for the implementation of priority national projects (Decree of the President of the Russian Federation of October 21, 2005).

He defended his doctoral dissertation in April 1995 at Moscow State University. M.V. Lomonosov on the topic "Main trends in the socio-political development of Russia and its mechanisms in the 80-90s."

Author of more than 150 publications scientific works on philosophy, history and politics, books “Power”, “I Believe in Russia”, “Beyond the Horizon”, “Russia and modern world", "My Russia" and numerous other publications; published in many countries around the world in translation into different languages.

He enjoys tennis and volleyball. Has the first sports category in athletics, military triathlon, volleyball. According to Gennady Andreevich himself, he loves “walking walks”, is interested in game types sports - football, hockey. Loves to travel.

Married, has a son and daughter.

He is the Chairman of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of Russia (CPRF). He is a Doctor of Philosophy and the author of numerous books and articles. Member of the State Duma of six convocations, ran for the post of President of the Russian Federation four times.

short biography

Gennady Zyuganov was born in the village of Mymrino (Oryol region, Znamensky district) on June 26, 1944. He graduated from the Faculty of Physics and Mathematics of the Oryol Pedagogical Institute in 1969. His studies were interrupted by service in the radiation-chemical intelligence unit of the SA.

He worked as a teacher at the Oryol Pedagogical Institute, and was involved in Komsomol and party work. In 1972, his professional party activities began. Secretary of the Oryol regional committee of the Komsomol, second secretary of the Oryol city committee of the CPSU, head of the propaganda and agitation department of the Oryol regional committee of the CPSU. Gennady Andreevich does not stop and teaching activities. He taught higher mathematics at the institute (until 1978), and philosophy in 1981-1983. At the same time, in 1970-1978, he was repeatedly elected as a deputy of the Oryol regional and city councils. He studied at the Academy of Social Sciences under the CPSU Central Committee, where in 1980 he defended his Ph.D. thesis.

Since 1983, Gennady Andreevich Zyuganov has been working in the CPSU Central Committee as an instructor, head of the propaganda sector, and deputy head of the department. In 1990, he was elected as a delegate to the Congress of the Communist Party of the RSFSR, the creation of which he initiated. In the same year he became secretary of the Central Committee and joined the party's Politburo.

As an active politician, he becomes a member of numerous councils, movements and congresses, where he invariably becomes one of the leaders. In 1991, Gennady Andreevich became chairman of the Coordination Council of Patriotic Movements and became a member of the Constitutional Court of the Russian All-People's Union. In the same year he was elected a member of the Constitutional Court of the Fatherland movement. IN next year becomes a member of the presidium of the First Congress of the National Council (RNC), created an association of deputies in the Supreme Council of the RSFSR "Russian Unity", although he himself was not a deputy. Also participated in the work of the Sixth Congress people's deputies USSR", although he himself was not a deputy, of the All-People's Assembly of the USSR.

At the end of 1992, Gennady Zyuganov became one of the initiators of the restoration of the Communist Party of the RSFSR (later the Communist Party of the Russian Federation). At the second party congress in 1993, he was elected a member of the Executive Committee of the Communist Party of the Russian Federation and its Chairman (since 1995), and was re-elected to this post several times. At the end of the nineties, he actively participated in the People's Patriotic Union of Russia movement and was elected leader of the NPSR.

Zyuganov, as a representative of the communists, has been elected to the State Duma many times since 1993. In the Duma he headed the communist faction. In 1996, he first nominated himself for the post of President of the Russian Federation. In total, he participated in four presidential campaigns, where he invariably took second place. IN presidential elections In 2004, the leader of the Communist Party of the Russian Federation did not participate, but already in 2007, the congress of the Communist Party of the Russian Federation again nominated him as a candidate for the presidential elections held in 2008 (with 17.72% of the votes, he took second place after).

The latest achievement of the Communist Party of the Russian Federation, led by Gennady Zyuganov, was success in the elections in December 2011, when the communists received 92, gaining 19.19% of the votes. Participation in the presidential elections in March 2012 brought the leader of the Communist Party of the Russian Federation the expected second place with a result of 17.18% of the vote. , which received a majority of 63.6% of the votes, again becomes , for which a second round of voting was not required.

Political views and orientation

Gennady Andreevich takes a hard line of communist ideology. Back in 1991, he co-authored “A Word to the People,” open letter, which, according to the leader of the Communist Party of the Russian Federation, became the manifesto of the State Emergency Committee. He himself did not participate in the coup attempt.

Since 1993, the future main communist of our country has been published in the newspaper “Soviet Russia”, where he defends his views, and becomes a member of the editorial board of the newspaper “Den”. Until 1999, he advocated the immediate removal of President Boris Yeltsin from power. During the election campaign in 2000, he campaigned for a return to the Soviet model of a planned economy. In various print and online publications, Gennady Andreevich has repeatedly appeared as an active participant and initiator political scandals, including internal party ones.

Today's position of politics

Gennady Andreevich Zyuganov has the rank of reserve lieutenant colonel (chemical troops). He has published more than 150 scientific works devoted to issues of philosophy, politics and history, has a large number of articles in the media. He regularly plays tennis, volleyball, and has a rank in athletics, volleyball and military triathlon.

Currently he is the leader of the communist faction in the State Duma of the Russian Federation, chairman of the Communist Party of the Russian Federation.

Married to Nadezhda Vasilyevna Zyuganova ( maiden name Amelicheva). Has two children - a son (Andrey Gennadievich, born in 1968) and a daughter (Tatyana Gennadievna, born in 1974).

Gennady Andreevich Zyuganov is the permanent leader of the Communist Party of the Russian Federation, deputy of the State Duma of all convocations, head of the federation of communist parties in the post-Soviet space (UKP-CPSU), member of the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe.

In 2018, he announced the need to limit State Council the power of the head of state, who has powers “greater than those of the Soviet Secretary General, the American President and the Egyptian Pharaoh.” For the practical implementation of his proposal, he called for “fundamental changes” to be made to the Constitution of the Russian Federation.

Childhood and youth

Future political figure was born on June 26, 1944 in the Oryol region and became the son and grandson of rural teachers. His childhood years fell on the difficult post-war period. My father returned from the front legless and subsequently died from his wounds. On the farm they had a large garden of fruit trees, an apiary, chickens, and rabbits, which Gennady helped care for from an early age.

Having received his certificate in 1961, he continued family tradition and remained as a teacher at his native school, and a year later became a student of physics and mathematics at the Oryol Pedagogical Institute. From his second year, he was called up for military service in the army, served from 1963 to 1966 in the GDR in a special intelligence unit, and became a communist.

Having been demobilized, he returned to his alma mater, where, along with his studies, he was engaged in social and party work, in particular, having a good sense of humor and ingenuity, he led the KVN team of his faculty. In 1969, he graduated from the university with honors and for a year worked there in the department of higher mathematics.

Career development

In 1970, he was elected to the regional council and Orel city council. Since 1972, he switched to Komsomol work, holding the position of first secretary of the regional committee. In the period 1972-1978. - was the secretary of the city party committee. Then he decided to get a political education and entered the Academy of Social Sciences under the Central Committee of the Communist Party, then was enrolled in an external form of study in graduate school under it, defended qualifying work and received a PhD degree.

In 1983, a graduate of AON went to work at the Central Committee, where he oversaw issues of ideology and construction. After the fall of the putschists in 1991, Zyuganov was one of the initiators of the revival of the Communist Party. At the first founding congress he was elected chairman of the Central Committee. He also joined several political associations (the National Salvation Front, the People's Patriotic Union, etc.), and headed the Central Executive Committee of his political force.

Gennady Zyuganov about his school and student years

The head of the Communist Party of the Russian Federation was critical of the policies of Perestroika, warned in his “Word to the People” about the danger of the collapse of the state, and remained a supporter of the revival of the USSR. After Boris Yeltsin’s information regarding the dissolution of parliament, he spoke at the All-Russian State Television and Radio Broadcasting Company with an appeal to Muscovites not to take part in protests and clashes with the police.

In 1993, the politician was elected to parliament, then became the head of the Communist Party faction, and two years later he headed the Central Committee of the Communist Party. Subsequently, he regularly became a parliamentarian and communist leader. Since 1996, he has also been a member of the interparliamentary cooperation body - PACE.

During the same period, he ran for the highest government office for the first time. Boris Yeltsin retained power then, but, according to the free press, he resorted to falsifying the election results. In 1997-1999 the politician demanded the resignation of the current head of state. In 2000, 2008 and 2012, he was again a candidate in the elections, but each time he ended up only second on the list.

Gennady Zyuganov. My hero

The head of the Communist Party of the Russian Federation has repeatedly criticized US actions in Libya and the Middle East. He also assessed politics negatively Russian authorities for miscalculations in the economic sphere. He supported the annexation of Crimea, as well as the idea put forward by Russia to federalize Ukraine.

In 2016, he publicly criticized the decision of Dmitry Medvedev’s cabinet to make one-time meager payments to pensioners. At the presentation of his next book, “In Zyuganov’s Apiary,” he called a number of heads of ministries “drones” (by analogy with bee colonies).

In 2017, the country's main communist spoke sharply about the initiative of United Russia parliamentarians and representatives of the Liberal Democratic Party, who presented a draft law on the burial procedure of Vladimir Ilyich Lenin. He considered this proposal “the biggest provocation” directed against the state.

Personal life

The recognized communist leader is married. He met his future beloved Nadezhda Amelicheva back in school years. Then they entered the pedagogical institute together, but in different faculties: she - in history, he - in physics and mathematics. The couple has a son, Andrei, born in 1968, and a daughter, Tatyana, born in 1974, who gave them one granddaughter and seven grandchildren. The son is a graduate of MSTU. N. Bauman, software engineer, daughter was her father’s referent during the elections.

Communist leader - follower healthy image life, lover of hiking in the mountains. Vacations are spent mainly in the Caucasus and Kislovodsk. He enjoys tennis, billiards, and volleyball. Free time he often spends time at his dacha, where he grows more than a hundred types of flowers. in honor of Zyuganov's 70th anniversary. Gennady Zyuganov is against raising the retirement age

The communist leader is against the plans of the Russian government to raise the retirement age from 2019. He called such a reform “madness” and proposed holding a referendum on this pressing topic.

Name: Gennady Zuganov

Age: 72 years old

Place of Birth: Mymrino, Orlovskaya, Russia

Height: 176 cm

Weight: 73 kg

Activity: Chairman of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of the Russian Federation

Family status: married

Gennady Zyuganov - biography

The leader of the Communist Party of the Russian Federation Gennady Zyuganov has been an opponent of the current government for many years. But once upon a time he himself could have become the president of Russia. And who knows what the fate of the big country would have been...

Gennady Zyuganov - childhood, family

The family of Gennady Zyuganov can confidently be attributed to the rural intelligentsia. In 1943, Zyuganov Sr. returned from the front as an invalid and was not subject to re-conscription. I went to teach. Taught almost all school subjects with the exception of foreign and Russian languages. Ibid in primary school taught by mother - Marfa Petrovna.

In 1944, the future head of the Communist Party of the Russian Federation was born. Gossips It has been said more than once that “Genka’s mother gave birth to a fascist guest.” The reason for the rumors was simple - in their village of Mymrino, in the Oryol region, the Germans stayed until August 1943, and they also lived in the Zyuganovs’ house. They left - and, as expected, a boy was born into the family. So they speculated about who gave birth to Marfa Petrovna’s son.

Post-war childhood was not easy, but life in the village was still easier than in the city: the land helped out. My father also kept bees. In those years, any shortage could be exchanged for a jar of honey. Gennady Andreevich is still well versed in types of honey.

Her parents raised Gena without cuffs - they were teachers, after all. But one day he still got into trouble when he voluntarily went to the lake to skate on the ice. He came home covered in ice: it turned out that he had fallen through the ice and was miraculously saved. That's when my father grabbed his belt. The boy remembered that beating for the rest of his life.

Gena didn’t upset his parents anymore: he behaved exemplary, studied well and graduated from school with a silver medal. I wanted to immediately enter the pedagogical school, but my father recommended that I first serve in the army in order to mature and get stronger. However, Gennady was already a strong guy: he played volleyball well and could easily take care of himself. However, he did not like to wave his fists. As fellow villagers recalled, in those years, village-to-village fights were a common occurrence, but Zyuganov avoided them. Even on dates with his girlfriend in the neighboring village, he did not go alone, but in the company of friends - for safety net.

Gennady Zyuganov - biography of personal life

He first saw Nadya Amelicheva at school. And feelings flared up when the 17-year-old graduate stayed to teach there. Nadya was 2 years younger and looked at the young teacher with admiration. “We finished our studies...” recalls Gennady Andreevich with a smile. Together, the lovers entered the Oryol Pedagogical Institute, he - in physics, she - in history. And almost immediately Gennady was drafted into the army, into the radiation-chemical troops stationed in Germany. Forced contact with pesticides played a role in the guy’s hair cruel joke: My hair began to thin out rapidly.

Nadya waited for him for 3 years, and after demobilization the young couple got married. True, the groom arrived to pick up the bride much later than planned, and the girl managed to cry a lot, deciding that “Genka had changed his mind.”

Gennady Zyuganov - career

At the institute, Gennady’s authority was unquestionable; he was even unanimously elected captain of the faculty’s KVN team. Despite his peasant origins, Gennady immediately became a city fashionista - he dressed to the nines. If finances allowed, I bought the highest quality things. A fellow student recalled how painfully he spent a couple of hours while Gennady was choosing trousers in the store. Another weakness of Zyuganov was the hat, which he wore with an elegant coat.

Gennady's strong-willed character, discipline, smartness and respect from fellow students attracted the attention of the rector, and he offered him the post of chairman of the trade union committee. This body had a rating even higher than the Komsomol committee: the latter had no money, but the trade union committee could provide financial aid to needy students. Zyuganov's authority soared even higher. It is not surprising that when the position of secretary of the Komsomol committee became vacant, he was elected to this post.

The activist’s responsibilities included inspection student dormitories: checking the cleanliness of sheets, bedside tables and window sills, the presence of prohibited boilers, etc. In addition, surprise raids helped identify truants who slept through lectures. After which the secretary carried out a debriefing, up to the expulsion of the violators from the institute.

A year later, in 1968, there was an invitation to head the district Komsomol committee with the allocation of a room in a dormitory. Gennady, who by that time had a son, agreed. Work in the Komsomol organization smoothly flowed into party activities. Over the course of 15 years, Zyuganov went from secretary of the Komsomol district committee to head of the propaganda and agitation department of the Oryol regional committee.

He himself described his activities as follows: “I will reveal in more detail some of what I had to do. For example, the release of a poster about subsidiary farms... I organized amateur performance shows, contributed to the development of folk crafts... I am very proud that I did everything possible to open the monument to Leskov in Orel.”

Gennady Zyuganov - years of perestroika

When perestroika broke out, Gennady Andreevich was already working in Moscow, in the Central Committee of the CPSU. Watching the Soviet state slide into the abyss, he hoped to the last that everything could still be fixed. But at the beginning of 1991, he could not stand it - he made a call for the removal from office of both the leader of the CPSU and the head of the USSR. Then Zyuganov was not heard, however, as later. After all, since the 1990s, he has invariably criticized the current government. And President Boris Yeltsin was even almost deprived of his post.

First, in 1996, Zyuganov provided powerful competition in the elections. Yes, such that many began to suspect that Boris Nikolaevich became president as a result of falsification. It is no coincidence that another president, Dmitry Medvedev, said in 2012: “Hardly anyone has any doubts about who won the 1996 presidential election. It was not Boris Nikolayevich Yeltsin.” But then Zyuganov did not organize acts of disobedience, but resigned himself, for which ill-wishers often “sent” the communist leader to work in the circus.

Like, since he cannot stand up for the interests of the party and the country, let him instead of the State Duma goes better help his “twin brother” - cat trainer Yuri Kuklachev. The amazing external similarity between Zyuganov and Kuklachev has more than once given reason to assume that they are related. They said that the brothers were separated in childhood and raised in different families... A plot worthy of Indian cinema!

The leader of the Communist Party of the Russian Federation was initially wary of coming to power. However, the communists welcomed the new leader’s steps to strengthen the country and partially return to the good things that happened under the USSR. And yet Gennady Zyuganov remains true to himself: he, as before, dreams of the return of the Communist Party to power. But few people believe in this prospect anymore...

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