Overweight woman with a guy. "men love fat people" - new observations

I have an amazing friend who always amazes with optimism. She is very funny, talented and beautiful. On the street, men turn to look at her, and the number of fans is always huge. But the most interesting thing is that her appearance is different from what we are used to seeing in glossy magazines.

My friend's name is Marina. And she weighs about 90 kg. Of course, she won’t tell anyone the exact weight, but it looks much larger than modern ones fashion models. But this does not spoil it at all, but gives it a special charm. I have always wondered why the opposite sex loves her so much. We came up with this theme together with her.

What attracts men to skinny bodies?

Modern young people spend too much time watching TV. And he dictates his ideals of beauty. And anything that deviates from what the screen shows is considered uninteresting. These are imposed norms that are very difficult to resist. But surprisingly, most people do not meet these generally accepted standards.

But man is a social being. And if suddenly one decided that it was his general rules do not touch, then others may point a finger at him, and this is the fear of being rejected by the environment. And although it’s rare to blame someone for choosing a plump companion, many never try to make such a decision. Opinions change only with age, when experience and understanding comes that the body is not the only thing that makes a person beautiful. And over the years it tends to change.

The woman is now perceived less as a mother. Today they are looking for a girl not for, but for a good pastime. When motherhood was valued, everyone understood that it was much easier for ladies with curves to bear and give birth to children. Previously, round shapes were a symbol of health and beauty. It was by rosy cheeks that a person’s condition was determined, and not by protruding ribs. But after giving birth, many girls continue to “round out,” which quite often makes them more feminine.

Many men want to look more masculine. But life has not endowed everyone with an athletic physique. And next to a fragile girl it is much easier to appear more impressive than next to a “fat girl”. The contrast is noticeable, the shoulders appear wider and the height is higher. But this is the strangest way of self-affirmation that you can think of.

It also scares men away. If a woman weighs more than 60 kg, she often feels uncomfortable and has a complex. And, of course, a man does not want to be close to someone who is not ready to be liberated and love her body. The modern stronger sex understands that communicating with a cheerful, bright girl is more interesting than with one who is constantly on a diet, is unhappy with her weight and denies herself many things.

Are fat girls really not needed?

My friend’s example shows that plump girls are very popular. It is only important to present yourself correctly. Firstly, you should forget about complexes. Of course, it is difficult to immediately renounce something that has been cultivated for so long public opinion, but it's worth a try. And even if it doesn’t quite work out, try not to talk about them among other people.

Men love women who love themselves. You need to learn to take care of yourself. A good manicure, styled hair, and heels attract the opposite sex. It's very easy to see whether a woman loves herself - you just have to look at her wardrobe. If it is “gray”, dull or monotonous, this indicates that the girl is not trying to please. It’s worth diversifying the contents of your closet, buying new things, and starting to pay more attention to yourself.

You can select things that not only hide excess weight, but also emphasize the advantages. For example, you can focus your wardrobe on your bust or beautiful hips. Things should highlight the best in the figure and fit perfectly. You shouldn’t get carried away with flashy tones, but brightness is welcome. Today, even many fashion houses make collections for curvy women, so there can be no problems with clothes.

Self-love can be expressed in how you take care of your skin, body, and hair. Massages and relaxing baths not only improve your appearance, but also relax you and have a great effect on your morale. Any such procedures lift the mood, and therefore make the girl more noticeable.

People pay attention to positive girls more often. Only liberated happy with life a person can laugh merrily, joke and have a great rest. Many people dream of such a companion, so that next to her they can forget about everyday life and relax. And then a cheerful disposition comes first, and the figure remains in second. Many people will prefer a cheerful fat woman to a gloomy thin one. But we should not forget that excessive cheerfulness and licentiousness are not the best option, everything should be in moderation.

You need to take care of your appearance, no matter how much you weigh. Round shapes can be perfectly combined with tightened skin. Stretch marks and cellulite can be removed. It’s also worth keeping your muscles toned. This does not mean that you need to study around the clock gym, but doing a set of exercises at least a couple of times a week would be nice. This is good for health and will help avoid unpleasant shortness of breath.

And most importantly, to remain desirable, you need to be feminine. Of course, modern representatives of the fair sex can perfectly open the door and bring food. But still, men want to be knights, do not deprive them of this opportunity. Let them solve problems, build houses, earn money. Let them see you not as a partner who can do everything themselves, but as a muse who needs to be looked after and who can be helpless in trivial situations.

It turns out that you can become desirable in any weight category. I saw this in the example of a friend, wrote down all the advice and thought about it. Although I weigh a little, the advice is excellent and suitable for any girl. And thanks to them, I revised my wardrobe, and I already made an appointment at the salon for tomorrow - I will change my hairstyle and take care of myself.

Many representatives of the fair sex curvaceous often have complexes about their figure. The question of whether men love overweight women, is very relevant now. After all, every young lady wants to be loved and desired. However, not everyone can fit within the beauty standards dictated by fashion.

Why do men love plump women?

A man will always give preference to the woman with whom he can relax, forget about everyday life and feel comfortable next to her. Many plump girls are cheerful, know how to carry on a conversation on any topic, joke, and have fun. But there are also those who, because of their complexes, become angry and dissatisfied with everything that happens around them. Naturally, men will not feel good around such women, which is why they try to avoid them. These individuals, in turn, blame everything and believe that men do not like fat women, although this is not the case at all.

When thinking about whether men love fat women, it is worth noting that first of all they pay attention to confident ladies. When a girl loves herself, she will always be well-groomed, with clean skin, styled hair and a good manicure. At the same time, she is pleasant, she has a sweet and friendly smile on her face, and her eyes shine. Such a woman will not be ignored by the opposite sex, and the number of extra pounds will not be so important.

What kind of men love fat women?

Some studies have shown that men over 35 like chubby girls. At this age, representatives of the stronger sex become more experienced and pay attention not only to appearance, but also to inner world. Also, many claim that overweight women cook very tasty food. And, as you know, the way to a man’s heart is through his stomach.

Do you want to know if men like fat girls? The results are sensational psychological research show that men prefer curvy women with curves, but only when they are emphasized. They are not embarrassed by cellulite and full hips. Surprise? Perhaps yes.

Do men like fat girls? Photo Melnikov Dmitry / Photobank Lori

Men prefer "crumpets"

It has always been believed that the pinnacle of guys’ erotic and sentimental dreams is not overweight girls, but unattainably beautiful top models. Perhaps with feminine lines, like Eva Herzigova or Bar Refaeli, but always corresponding to the ideal parameters of the figure. We know that in real life men, like women, continuing to dream of perfection, fall in love with people who are most similar to them.

The celebrities we admire - models, movie stars, singers and athletes - are just people with their own strengths and weaknesses. However, love, as we know, is blind... All these axioms are easily refuted by the latest research into the psychology of men.

Scientists have proven that men like plump girls who emphasize their figure.

It's all about the level of stress! The more a man has it, the more he likes plump women, since touching their body gives peace and comfort.

A study was conducted under the leadership of neuroscientist Martin Toove from the University of Newcastle (UK), the results of which were published in the journal PlosOne. 80 men took part in it.

The men were divided into two equal groups. In the first phase of the experiment, half of the subjects were subjected to a series of stressful experiences, including an interview that was simulated in a somewhat aggressive manner, and others not.

At the end, all men were asked to look at photographs depicting different women: slim, thin, plump and fat. Immediately after viewing, subjects had to indicate their preferences, and their results were quite revealing. The group of men under stress preferred girls who were plump or at least at a normal weight, while those who were in a calm state chose photos of thin girls whose figures were close to the standards of model appearance.

Why don't stressed men like thin women?

The explanation lies in the fact that men who are in a state of nervous tension, trying to find comfort and convenience to get rid of stress. Rounded shapes have a calming effect on them, like antidepressants. In addition, this is recorded in the brain, almost at the level of ancestral memory, when stress and danger throughout human history come from lack of food.

Thus, thanks to this strange mechanism, stress forces the modern man to find security in luxurious female forms- a symbol of wealth and prosperity. And this is confirmed famous stars with chic shapes that drive millions of men crazy. Jennifer Lopez, Monica Bellucci, Sophia Loren, Kate Winslet, Renee Zellweger - that's far from full list recognized beauties who can hardly be called thin.

All that remains to be added to the results of this sensational study is that men like well-groomed girls who radiate harmony and self-confidence. It doesn’t matter at all whether you are fat or thin.

A fat physique is a source of many women’s grief and fears. The most common (and intensely cultivated by society, alas) fear is that it is more difficult for a plump lady to attract gentlemen.

An unusual women's site decided to find out - do men like fat women?

Why has fatness come to be considered a factor of unattractiveness?

“Beautiful and Successful” can tell for a long time what historical social factors influenced the formation of the ideal female beauty during certain periods of history. But in short, the theory is this: the hungrier and poorer the people were, the more plumpness was valued - since few people could afford the luxury of gaining weight by eating heartily and moving little.

In prosperous historical periods among the wealthy segment of the population, on the contrary, “aristocratic” thinness began to be valued, thin waist etc... This meant that the lady was so wealthy that she could eat plenty, but refused to gain weight consciously and purely for aesthetic purposes - unlike commoners who did not miss the chance to have a hearty snack.

We, our generation, live in an era of exceptional material well-being, incomparable with all previous centuries and millennia. In the countries of the “civilized world” hunger has truly been forgotten. Obesity has come to be considered the lot of those who do not want to bring their body to the ideal - refuse high-calorie junk “food of the poor”, spend money on gyms and procedures, etc.

Fat woman in the eyes modern society- or a lazy person who does not put enough effort and time into losing weight, or an eccentric who for some reason does not consciously want to become beautiful (i.e., thin), or a poor woman who does not have money to improve her appearance.

There is an absolutely objective answer to the question why few modern men love fat women - because those who don’t fit into social standard, in general, they are more often afraid and shunned.

Please note: almost all popular “not like everyone else” famous personalities after all, they have a fairly standard thin figure - they just complement it with outrageous clothes, hairstyles, makeup and other temporary, removable attributes. Real people, “like everyone else,” have certain deviations from the template (including weight, which is considered excess) - and, alas, they are less likely to become popular people.

How do beauty standards influence men's choices?

Men, in their likes and dislikes, inevitably focus on the standard of beauty accepted in society.

If a boy from an early age sees thin women on magazine covers and thin princesses drawn in books and cartoons and regularly hears grown men speaking favorably about slender women and negatively about fat women, then sooner or later he will make his choice in favor of a thin girl. For example, he will tease a plump classmate, and a slender one will carry a briefcase.

If he subsequently chooses as his life partner not a stereotypically ideal skinny woman, but a woman with a full or average figure, then this will mean that either this man found in this particular woman some qualities more significant than waist size, or his aesthetic and sexual taste was formed not only under the influence of the prevailing standard in society, or...

Let's face it, often men who love fat women are those who are not confident in themselves and do not expect to earn the love of arrogant thin women. Such a man will quite sincerely love his chubby wife, but sometimes glance at XX sites for the sake of “90-60-90”... Or not even look - because the sight of ideal girl models gives rise to unnecessary grief in him about that that in real life none of these beauties would condescend to him...

In addition, no matter how unpleasant it is to realize, a woman for a man in our society is still an attribute of prestige. 90-60-90, walking side by side in heels - it’s like the 7th iPhone, like a Lamborghini, like real estate in London... Any man consciously or subconsciously wants to show off his woman - so that other men look and immediately, with a single glance, envy, what a fine fellow he is, what a rare and valuable “booty” he grabbed.

A “non-standard” woman, even a very beloved one, is a reason for internal (or even real, verbal) justifications to society and male competitors: “Yeah, my woman is plump, but you understand, you can talk to her about football, and she’s meat fries deliciously... well, of course, you haven’t watched and won’t watch a single match with her, and you haven’t tried her steaks, but all you see right away is her appearance...” And men really don’t like to make excuses – even to themselves...

What does biology say?

As you can see, social factors in our time are not on the side of “rich” young ladies... What about biological reasons - do men like plump women, and why?

And here they can get revenge.

The fact is that the biological reasons influencing the choice of a partner do not change according to fashion trends - these reasons are in our genes, and genes force men to choose not just a “borscht cook with painted eyes”, but the best potential mother for a child. And thinness is by no means a sign that a woman can easily bear and give birth to children.

Why do men love fat women: a “biologically correct female” should have a wide pelvis, large “milk” breasts and a certain supply of fat - to ensure that even the risk of unfavorable external conditions (for example, if dad runs off into the sunset without paying alimony) will not interfere a woman to survive, give birth and feed a child.

However, even biology is harsh on women whose physique differs significantly (in a larger direction) from the flirtatiously plump “plus size”. Very heavy weight is perceived as a sign of ill health and not the best genetics, alas.

How to attract men's attention if you are plump?

Overweight women have a harder time getting male attention. You can repeat body positive “mantras” as much as you like about the fact that women with any figure are good and valuable, and normal men should not be judged by their appearance, but...

Completely eliminate the factor of appearance in matters of love and intimate life impossible – and that’s a fact. However, this does not mean that appearance and weight decide everything - after all, men are not animals driven only by instincts, they have a mind, and when choosing a lady they are guided by many criteria. So it is quite possible for a plump girl to have success with men.

To do this you need:

  • Present . Someone can “catch” men interesting conversations, some - rich borscht, but all this relates to your talents and facets of your personality. Develop in what is close to you.
  • Create a comfortable atmosphere for men. An easy-going, cheerful and sweet “chubby girl” can have more fans than an unsociable, harsh, cynically rude owner of a thin waist.
  • . Smell good, have clean skin, choose clothes and hair that decorate you. Many overweight women are so confident that being overweight does not give them any one chance to the positive assessment of their appearance by others, that they generally “forget” about taking care of themselves. And then you really stop liking them - although the reason for this is not so much completeness as the general sloppy, uninteresting image...

It is also important to understand what kind of men love obese women and strive for relationships with them. But the choice of male types here is actually great - from village boys who are still drawn to “blood and milk” and homemade pies, to intellectuals for whom the appearance of a young lady may not be important if interesting intelligent communication with her is possible...

The world of fashion has entered our lives so tightly that the desire to be like emaciated models becomes a real obsession for many women. And the main arguments in the fight against the arguments that everyone should be different and everyone can meet the one and only are photographs processed in Photoshop and covers of glossy magazines, from which unearthly beauties with a kilogram of makeup look at us. At the same time, for some reason no one remembers the men, for whom many try to look like models from the world's catwalks. But before you torment yourself for overweight, counting calories and worrying, it would be worth first asking the stronger half of humanity whether they like fat women, and then all the questions will disappear by themselves.

Do men love fat people?

To the problems that have to be solved in life, in last years another one has been added, as stupid as it is painful, the desire to be like models who, with their standard 60-90-60, look so that you want to feed them. The beauty and fashion industries are ruthless, in pursuit of profit, they bombard the fair sex with so much information about why it is important and necessary to lose weight, that sometimes they overshadow any internal protest and doubts about whether it is necessary at all.

Overweight girls have been intimidated so much that they are already afraid to admit that they are comfortable with this weight. And, despite the statistics and even the fact that you can see with your own eyes that many men are married to appetizing beauties, and not to girls who are identical in their thinness, converted girls, ladies continue to worry and worry about excess weight. And it doesn’t matter whether a woman is married or just waiting to meet her future husband, at least once in her life she felt that she was not so beautiful, desirable and elegant, because she weighed not 50 kg, but 70 kg or more. One is afraid that her husband will cheat on her or leave for someone else who is thin and slender, and the other is afraid that she will remain lonely.

And it’s not so easy to reassure them, even if they share their doubts with someone. Which is not at all surprising. When you are bombarded with a stream of information in which only skinny girls are shown as successful and attention-grabbing representatives of the stronger sex, you can’t help but think that all the problems are with personal life related specifically to weight. No one would even think that most men love women who have curves. Not those who, due to their low weight, look like a teenage boy, and not those whose weight has crossed the 100 kg mark, which is simply dangerous to health and you need to think about it, not about opposite field, and those who have a visible waist, have hips and a delicious butt.

Such preferences are not invented by overweight ladies to justify their excess weight by the standards of current fashion. What they often try to prove with a passion that is worthy of being used in more important matters, girls who have lost weight, forced to tirelessly watch every bite they eat. This fact established by scientists. Mainly by men who studied this issue not for the sake of interest or to search for evidence of why many people like fat girls, including them, but to explain human behavior. And they unanimously claim that at the sight of a lady with hips that catch the eye, the ancient instinct of procreation is triggered in men. It is believed that it is the “blood and milk” woman who is able to bear and give birth to healthy offspring, and not the one whose figure resembles an immature teenager. One can argue with this, of course, but the instincts of the stronger sex tell a different story.

Fashion is powerless against them. Therefore, fashion designers with unconventional tastes have to impose their ideas about beauty on society, and some girls, who would live and be happy that they are so thin, have to convince others: how girls with a body are not interesting, not beautiful and not in demand. Apparently, excessive passion for their own influences them so badly. appearance and the desire to convince everyone that, at least because of him, they are better and more successful than others. And since it fails all the time, this kind of behavior is unfortunately not uncommon. And such an abnormal attitude from the always hungry ladies creates real problems for those who have a normal physique, but excessively low self-esteem.

Also, in addition to the features of the creators fashionable clothes, the reason for the emergence of such a standard of female “beauty” is the reluctance of fashion designers to bother too much with clothes that require darts, because if a girl is of normal weight, she will need them, but an emaciated model will not. And here the principle of the conveyor belt is applied, simplifying the process of creating things, but designers do not want to admit this, so as not to shake the faith in what kind of masters they are.

Moreover, many large companies I want to make money from products for women, so they unanimously continue to convince that a woman should look like a teenage boy. And if the model starts to look like a normal, healthy woman, no one will pay attention to the clothes themselves. Everyone will admire her appetizing forms, because men are also present at fashion collection shows. The fashion world cannot allow this to happen, because it needs to make money by advertising its products, not female beauty.

In this regard, there is no point in targeting those for whom it is completely unprofitable to advertise healthy ideas about beauty due to the fact that it does not bring money. True, the stronger sex is also often guided by for various reasons but here we're talking about no longer about love. Because they love different women and mostly those who have natural beauty, not artificial. No one is able to resist instincts, only those for whom the companion plays the role of a trophy, which he is not ashamed to show to friends endowed with the same mentality, and has not become the beloved woman from whom he wants children.

But this does not bring happiness to either one or the other. Money and the opportunity to have the most expensive things are not yet an indicator of a good life, no matter how companies try to convince people of this, trying to drive people into debt and loans, just so that they buy their goods and increase their bank accounts.

Do men love fat women?

  • Many rich men date models just because it is fashionable and they are popular in his circle, where they mostly move. And having such a woman gives them the feeling that they are on top, since they can prove to others that they belong to the successful male representatives who are capable of winning such a popular lady. Only there is no talk of love here.
  • The stronger sex loves those who understand them, hear them, are able to surround them with care and affection, and make them feel like the very best. They pay attention to those ladies who are confident in themselves, regardless of their weight. Even if a girl has a model appearance, this phrase should not be confused with beautiful, but at the same time she feels insecure, and her low self-esteem shows through in every movement, few people will be interested in it.
  • The most beautiful appearance fades when people do not know how to present themselves. Instinctively, the downtrodden and the downtrodden are shunned because you feel uncomfortable next to them. And men want to feel passion for a woman, not a feeling of pity. They are not going to increase anyone’s self-esteem; they would not lower it themselves. Therefore, it is not surprising when a lady in body, radiating confidence in her own beauty, is surrounded by fans, and lean girl I still haven’t met a normal guy. It would be good if you didn’t date a tyrant who wants to have a dumb victim next to him, and not a lady who can force herself to be respected.
  • No matter how much you weigh, no matter how you look, never consider yourself a failure, unworthy of love. If you are satisfied with everything, you do not feel physical discomfort from your weight, then there is no reason to torment yourself and criticize. If you want, lose weight, if you don’t want to, don’t.
  • The ideal of 90-60-90 has nothing to do with personal happiness and among actresses and models there are also many lonely or unhappy women. Personal happiness depends on many factors, and weight does not play such an important role as manufacturers of weight loss products try to convince you of it.

Therefore, for your own good, remember that men love fat women no less than thin ones before you sit down for the next

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