Photos of Pulitzer Prize winners. Pulitzer Prize: history and laureates

Pulitzer Prize winners are announced annually on April 10, and are awarded in May, on the first Monday of the month. This prize is one of the most significant in literature, along with Booker and Nobel Prize. It is prestigious to be its laureate; authors are practically equated with modern classics. The award has been presented from 1917 to the present day. In anticipation of the day when we recognize the new laureate, here is a list of the most significant and famous works awarded the Pulitzer Prize.

1. The Brief Fantastic Life of Oscar Wow by Junot Diaz

Another confirmation that winners of major awards do not have to be boring and insipid. On the contrary, this story is simply permeated with kindness, light and joy. At first glance, the plot seems ordinary, and a person’s life seems small and ordinary. But this is a new and interesting perspective on the hero’s ability to endure everything and become better in the name of love.

The plot centers on Oscar, who has excess weight, clearly not a handsome guy who lives in comics and fantasy. But he is kind, bright, he is a romantic of his time. Living in a Spanish ghetto in America, he dreams of becoming the next Tolkien, but what he wants even more is to find love. Everything would be fine, but he has an ancient family curse. What awaits these people are prisons, sorrows, debts and sorrows, but most importantly - no happy love. For example, Oscar's mother is breathtakingly beautiful, and also unhappy. And then the man decides to break the curse.

2. "Guns, Germs and Steel" by Jared Diamond

Not your typical Pulitzer Prize winner. Jared Diamond is an evolutionary biologist, physiologist, and popularizer of science, traveling the world with his anthropological and biological tasks. His book is non-fiction, not fiction.

The work touches on various issues, for example, why and due to what factors European civilization have you achieved success in your development? What caused the development of industry, weapons, what were the prerequisites for the beginning of technological progress? What is the overall impact environment and the world around us on our development and on the formation of humanity? This work, despite its fundamental nature, is very easy to read.

3. The Goldfinch, Donna Tartt

The young writer Donna Tartt created this novel for more than 10 years. And I must say, we can now fully appreciate her work. This is a huge and bright canvas in the background modern literature, which proves that women are no less talented and educated than men. We have already included Tartt’s novels in, and it wouldn’t hurt to include “The Goldfinch” there too.

Theo, at 13, miraculously survived an explosion that caught him and his mother in a museum. Waking up, the teenager receives a ring and a painting from a dying old man, asking him to save these things. The boy takes them out into the street and appropriates them for himself. From this moment on, his life becomes difficult and full of trials. He travels from new family to the family, experiences fate from all sides. And the painting, kept for so many years, can become both his salvation and a curse that will finally destroy Theo, consumed by traumas and demons.

4. “The Middle Sex”, Jeffrey Eugenides

A shocking and difficult book that many may not like, but more people admired the courage and importance of the idea. It is even strange to think that initially Geoffrey Eugenides seriously thought about becoming a monk or priest. Nevertheless, the craving for literature took its toll, for which the writer eventually became a Pulitzer Prize laureate. The author himself became a classic during his lifetime; each of his novels resonates in society.

“The Middle Sex” is a story about a hermaphrodite. It is told in the first person, which further allows you to feel everything that happened in the book and consider it a reality captured on the pages. But it would be a shame to think that we are only talking about a person who differs from generally accepted rules. This is a story that captures the social, cultural and historical events twentieth century. All of them determine the fate of several generations Greek family, where the main character is from.

5. "Foreign Connections" by Alison Lurie

We are all about the serious and serious, but among the Pulitzer Prize winners there are good, light and bright books. Alison Lurie’s book, which I would confidently classify as one, is precisely one of these. The story here is about nothing else but love.

To the professor English literature Vinnie is 54 years old. She cannot be called a beauty; she was disappointed in men and especially in marriage, completely devoting herself to science. Sometimes she is entertained by meaningless connections. Everything changes when Vinnie travels to England for work. Her life is changed by the uncouth and rude American Chuck. At the same time, we learn the story of Fred, who can’t stand England and is annoyed by everything here. Until he meets a soap opera star and falls in love with her. All these stories are romantic, adventurous and imbued with wonderful English humor.

6. "Olivia Kitteridge" by Elizabeth Strout

The writer became a classic during her lifetime and successfully ranks among the most significant authors of our time. Each of her books is a bestseller all over the world, she wrote for leading publications, and she was called both the American Chekhov and Yates in a skirt. In addition to the Pulitzer Prize, she has the Spanish Llibreter Prize and the Italian Bancarella Prize.

Her novel Olivia Kitteridge is true literary excellence at its finest. I would like to note the author’s excellent language, memorable and original characters. The plot seems deceptively simple, and it is. The book consists of short stories from small town life. The image of Olivia runs through all the plots - a retired teacher who smokes and has her own opinion on everything, her tyrannical love for her family and friends stands in the corner of this narrative. By the way, an equally brilliant mini-series was made based on the novel.

7. “The Road”, Cormac McCarthy

The name Cormac McCarthy needs no introduction. His other novel, No Country for Old Men, formed the basis. But the book “The Road” became famous precisely in the literary field, because the author received the Pulitzer Prize for it. For more than 30 years it has remained a bestseller, selling millions of copies.

To some extent, readers will experience an emotional shock from reading, although the plot here is not particularly complex. The writing style and believability are amazing. A father and his young son wander through the desert after a mysterious disaster. Their journey touches on many issues important to humanity. For example, is it worth living where there is no longer life? Where does the line of humanity end? Is it necessary to maintain life and fight for the sake of children? The path will change the heroes, one can only guess in which direction.

8. The Hours, Michael Cunningham

Most famous work writer, which brought him incredible fame and the Pulitzer Prize. In 1999, the novel became the best of the year and also received the PEN/Faulkner Award. There is also a successful film adaptation, considered today a classic of cinema.

This is a complex and contradictory novel, where all events are interconnected by the theme of time and its course. How does it affect writing dreams and talent? How does it help or hinder the birth of a book? Can events that are separated in time and occur at different moments affect the plot? Several lines, each with its own story. Virginia Woolf, post-war Los Angeles, 90s and modern New York. The plot is intricately woven into a knot that the reader has to unravel.

9. "Ship's News" by Annie Proulx

This novel also brought worldwide fame to the author. He is full of adventurism, tragicomedy and irony. It is easy to read and leaves behind a bright feeling. It can also serve as excellent motivation, which is probably why he received the award in 1994.

The plot centers on an unlucky journalist who, due to... family tragedy forced to return to his small native island from noisy New York. Thus begins a story spanning several generations of his family, full of romance, adventure and tragicomedy. Like any small community, it has its own secrets, skeletons in the closets, grievances and hopes. The novel was also made into an excellent film.

10. “Beloved,” Toni Morrison

It is noteworthy that this novel is Toni Morrison's debut. Nevertheless, it brought the writer worldwide fame. First, a nomination for the Pulitzer, and then for Nobel Prize. It seems that everything connected with the novel is doomed to success. In any case, the film adaptation was also nominated for an Oscar and entered the history of world cinema, without losing its relevance to this day. The leading role was played by Oprah Winfrey, who unexpectedly excelled in the dramatic role.

The novel is based on real, and no less shocking events. The entire novel is imbued with questions of freedom and its price. In the 80s, in the nineteenth century, a black slave, saving her daughter from slavery, decides to kill the child in order to prevent her from living an unhappy life. This is the story of a desperate woman and her fate, which is essentially worse than death.

11. "Breathing Lessons" by Anne Tyler

If A Spool of Blue Thread, another novel by a world-famous writer, was awarded the Booker, then Breathing Lessons received the Pulitzer Prize. Fortunately, a translation was published in the CIS countries last year, and now we can enjoy this high, modern and masterful literature.

Maggie and Ira are a couple. She is impetuous, sharp, energetic. He is calm, reserved, charming. It's opposites attracting in marriage for almost 30 years. It seems that their family everyday life is boring and generally ordinary. One day they go to the funeral of their old friend. Suddenly they find out on the radio that ex-daughter-in-law walking down the aisle again. A boring journey turns into a real rescue operation, because the happiness of their son and his love are at stake. As a result, we get a bitter but charming story of one day in the life married couple. This A New Look on modern relationships, their essence, there is a place for both comedy and drama.

We hope that among this motley list you will find a book to your liking and mood. We intentionally did not include in the selection long-known and already somewhat boring masterpieces of the Pulitzer Prize, such as “ Gone by the winds”, which are already well-known and can be easily found in the school curriculum.

TASS DOSSIER. On April 18, the winners of the 100th Pulitzer Prize were announced at Columbia University, New York, USA. One of them was Russian photographer Sergei Ponomarev.

The Pulitzer Prize is a prestigious American award in the fields of journalism, literature and music. Awarded annually since 1917, currently in 21 categories. 20 winners receive $10 thousand each, the laureate in the category “For service to society” (this can only be an organization, and not an individual author) is awarded a gold medal.

The winners for the previous calendar year are usually announced in April, and the awards ceremony takes place in May at a traditional gala dinner at the Columbia University Library.


The prize was established by the American journalist and publisher of Hungarian origin Joseph Pulitzer (1847-1911). In 1904, he made a will in which he donated $2 million to Columbia University. Most of this money was intended to create a specialized educational institution for journalists, a quarter of the amount - for the presentation of prizes and scholarships in the field of literature, journalism and educational activities. After Pulitzer's death in 1912, the School of Journalism at Columbia University was created. The first Pulitzer Prize was awarded in four categories (reporting, editorial, US history, and biography) on June 4, 1917.

The list of categories in which the Pulitzer Prize is awarded has changed several times. IN currently 14 awards are given in the field of journalism (in various genres news, for outstanding investigation, essay, commentary, etc.; for cartoons, for news and art photography, "For service to the public") and 7 awards - in the field of literature and music (for fiction and non-fiction, biography, book on US history, collection of poetry, dramatic and musical works).

Award procedure

The Pulitzer Prize in Literature and Music is open only to citizens of the United States (except for the US History Book category). Journalism nominees and winners can come from any country, but their work must be published in a U.S. media outlet (print or online publication published at least once a week).

To qualify for a Pulitzer Prize, an author must submit his or her work to a panel of judges. The cost of nomination for the award is $50. Since 2011, acceptance of works is carried out only in electronic form. Every year, more than 3 thousand works are nominated for the award.

Three finalists from all applications in each category are selected in the first stage by 20 judging panels consisting of a total of 102 members. There is a single commission for nominations in the field of photography.

The finalists are chosen by a majority vote of the Pulitzer Prize Board at a closed meeting in early April. This body usually consists of about 20 members: heads of well-known media, publishers, journalists, writers, scientists, etc. The Council may decide not to award awards in any of the categories, and it may also award special prizes outside existing categories.


Winners of the Pulitzer Prize for Literature in different time many famous American writers and poets became: Margaret Mitchell, Thornton Wilder, John Steinbeck, Upton Sinclair, W. H. Auden, Robert Penn Warren, Ernest Hemingway, William Faulkner, Harper Lee, Norman Mailer, John Updike and others. The poet Robert Frost, playwrights Eugene O'Neill and Robert Sherwood received the award four times each. The first and to date the only US president to be awarded the Pulitzer Prize was John F. Kennedy (award for 1957 for his autobiography "Profiles of Courage").

Russian laureates

In addition to the 2016 laureate Sergei Ponomarev, Russians have received the Pulitzer Prize twice. In 1992, awards in the category “Best Reportage Photography” were awarded to Alexander Zemlyanichenko and Boris Yurchenko (as part of the Associated Press team for reporting on political events in the USSR in August 1991). In 1997, Alexander Zemlyanichenko received second prize in the “Best Photograph” category for his photograph of Russian President Boris Yeltsin dancing at a pre-election concert.

Biography of Sergei Ponomarev

Graduated from Moscow State University them. M.V. Lomonosov (M.V. Lomonosov Moscow State University) and the Academy of Labor and social relations(Moscow).

From 2003 to 2012, he worked as a photojournalist for the Moscow bureau of the American news agency Associated Press. Since 2013, he has been collaborating with The New York Times (USA).

In 2009, he became one of the founders of the thematic club for photojournalism lovers, Motion Photojournalism Club. Its first meeting took place at the Faculty of Journalism of Moscow State University. M.V. Lomonosov and was dedicated to the work of photojournalists in hot spots.

Sergei Ponomarev's works have been awarded a number of prestigious awards in the field of photojournalism. In 2005, he took first place in the “operational photo report” category at the Atlanta Photojournalism Seminar competition for a series of photographs about the terrorist seizure of a school in the city. Beslan ( North Ossetia) in September 2004

In 2008, for a series of photographs about illegal mines in Kyrgyzstan, he received first place in the “news photo report” category at International competition Photography Awards (USA).

In 2011, he took two first and one second places at the All-Russian photo competition "Sports Russia".

In 2012 he received the Grand Prix "Photography of the Year" of the Russian Open national award "Best Photographer". Ponomarev's award was brought to him by a photograph from the series "The Fall of Tripoli", in which Libyan rebels played tic-tac-toe with tracer and conventional bullets. In the same year, for the series "The Fall of Tripoli" he received a bronze medal at the Prix de la Photographie competition (France) in the category “professional military photography.” At the same time, at the China International Press Photo Contest held in China, he was awarded a silver medal in the “science and technology” category.

In 2015 he became a laureate international competition photojournalist at World Press Photo, winning third place in the general news category for his series of photographs from the Gaza Strip, Palestine, for The New York Times.

In 2016, he won first place in the World Press Photo category for general news for his photo report on the refugee crisis in Europe for The New York Times.

On April 18, 2016, Ponomarev won the Pulitzer Prize in the category “operational photographic information.” He, along with Mauricio Lima, Tyler Hicks and Daniel Etter, produced a story for The New York Times addressing the issue of , who attempted to cross the Mediterranean Sea to reach Europe during 2015.


On April 20, the Pulitzer Prize, awarded for achievements in the fields of literature, journalism, music and theater, was presented in New York. There were no Russians among the laureates this year. Photographs dedicated to the conflict in Ukraine did not receive a prize, although they were presented in two categories.

The Pulitzer Prize was founded on August 17, 1903 by an American newspaper magnate and publisher. Its size is 10 thousand dollars. IN different years The prize was awarded to such writers as Ernest Hemingway, Saul Below, Margaret Mitchell, John Steinbeck, William Faulkner and others. tells what the Pulitzer Prize is and why it is awarded?

What is the Pulitzer Prize?

Joseph Pulitzer. Photo: / Libraries of Congress

The Pulitzer Prize is one of the most prestigious awards in American journalism and literature, music and theater. The prize was established on August 17, 1903, when the will was drawn up Joseph Pulitzer(1847-1911), American publisher, journalist, founder of the genre " yellow press", about creating an award named after him. The Pulitzer Prize began to be awarded in May 1917 for outstanding achievements in the field of literature and journalism. Its amount is $10,000.

The Pulitzer Prize was funded by an investment fund created after the publisher's death. In 1970, another foundation was created, which managed to attract additional donations to pay for the awards of this prestigious prize.

When presenting the Pulitzer Prize, the nomination “For Service to the Public” is given special recognition. In addition to the monetary reward, the nominee is also awarded a gold medal. The award is given “for an exceptional example of meritorious service to the community.”

The number of awards has increased over the years. In 1922, a prize for the best caricature appeared. In 1942, an award for the most best photo. Since 1943, the list of nominees has been replenished with music composers. In 1999, the “Investigative Journalism” nomination was created. In 2006, they began to hold a competition among online content. Since 2009, the Pulitzer Prize has been awarded to journalists both for materials published in print and for publications on the Internet.

Currently, the prize is awarded in 25 categories, 14 of which are related to journalism. The literary prize is awarded in 6 categories: “For art book, written American writer, preferably about America"; "For a book on the history of the United States"; "For a biography or autobiography of an American author"; "For a poem"; "For non-fiction"; "For the best drama." In 1920, 1941, 1946, 1954, 1964, 1971 and 1974 it was not awarded to anyone, since the jury did not identify a single worthy literary work.

Who decides on awarding the prize?

The prizes are awarded by Columbia University in New York on the nomination of the Pulitzer Committee. It consists of 19 experts - five publishers, six editors, six scientists, including the president of the university and the dean of the journalism department, one columnist and the administrator of the award.

Who was the first Pulitzer Prize winner?

The first laureate of the prize in 1917 was the American journalist Herbert Bayard. He was awarded a prestigious prize for his New York World series "Inside the German Empire."

Who received the award in 2014?

In April 2014, in New York, journalists from the Guardian and the Washington Post received prestigious awards in the category “For Service to the Public” for their revealing materials about the illegal collection of data by American intelligence agencies.

Two Reuters correspondents also won the Pulitzer Prize for International Journalism for their reporting on the persecution of the Rohingya Muslim minority in Myanmar.

The Boston Globe team received the Breaking News award for their reporting from the scene in Boston during the terrorist attack.

Received the Literary Award in the Fiction category Donna Tartt for the short story “The Goldfinch”.

In the drama category - Annie Baker for the play “Kinoshka” (“The Flick”).

American composer receives Pulitzer for music John Luther Adams for the orchestral work “Become Ocean”.

Who else was among the Pulitzer Prize winners?

Over the years, the winners of the literary Pulitzer Prize have been: Ernest Hemingway("The Old Man and the Sea"), Harper Lee("To Kill a Mockingbird"), William Faulkne r (“Parable”), Tennessee Williams("A Streetcar Named Desire") Arthur Miller("Death of a Salesman") Margaret Mitchell("Gone With the Wind"), John Updike(for the novels “The Rabbit Got Rich” and “The Rabbit Calmed Down”).

Received the Pulitzer Prize for Music Wynton Marsalis (1997), George Gershwin(1998), Duke Ellington(1999),Kevin Pats (2012).

The award for the best photograph in different years was received by Don Bartletti for a series of photographs of people trying to leave Central America for the United States, Harry Trask for a series of photographs of the sinking Italian liner Andrea Doria, taken 9 minutes before it went under water, Alexander Zemlyanichenko for a photograph of Boris Yeltsin dancing at a pre-election concert, William Gallagher for a photo of US presidential candidate Adlai Stevenson's holey shoe, Stan Grossfeld for a series of photographs of the famine in Ethiopia, etc.

Over the years the award has been presented, the largest number of awards in the journalistic category have been collected by the New York Times, The Wall Street Journal and The Washington Post. The Los Angeles Times and The Philadelphia Inquirer also received awards in 2011 and 2012.

Among the foreign laureates of the award is a Russian Alexander Zemlyanichenko(in 1992 - for reporting on the Moscow coup of 1991 and in 1997 - for photographs of Yeltsin dancing at a rock concert), as well as an Afghan photojournalist for Agence France-Presse Massoud Hossaini, who took a photo of a girl gripped by horror after a terrorist attack in Kabul.

Today, the Pulitzer Prize is one of the most famous and, as a result, prestigious world awards in journalism, photojournalism, music, literature and theater arts. It was approved on August 17, 1903 by Joseph Pulitzer, a famous American publisher and journalist whose name is still associated with the emergence of the “yellow press” genre.

Joseph Pulitzer was born in April 1847 in Hungary. Having emigrated to the United States at the age of seventeen, in 1878 he bought up two well-known American newspapers, the St. Louis Dispatch and the St. Louis Post, and formed a new periodical, the St. Louis Post-Dispatch. Convinced of the power of the press over human minds, Pulitzer uses his publication to publish the most controversial and controversial articles containing criticism of the actions of the authorities. Soon his publication becomes one of the most profitable and influential in the western United States. In 1883, he bought the New York World and turned it into a popular newspaper, full of political news, supplemented by comics and illustrations. Using the profits from publishing newspapers, Joseph Pulitzer created the Faculty of Journalism and established the famous prize.

Traditionally, the Pulitzer Prize is awarded on the first Monday in May by members of Columbia University in the United States for outstanding achievements in the field of literature and journalism. The prize amount for most nominations is ten thousand dollars. The category “For service to society” is separately noted, the winner of which receives not only monetary reward, but also a gold medal “For worthy service to society.”

In total, there are currently about 25 different nominations, of which 14 are directly related to journalism. Every year, special attention is given to literary prizes in six categories: “For a book of fiction written about America”, “For a biography or autobiography of an American author”, “For a book on US history”, “For best drama”, “For a poem” and “For non-fiction”. According to historical reports, the Pulitzer was not awarded ten times because the competition jury was unable to identify a single literary work worthy of the award.

History of appearance

As mentioned earlier, the Pulitzer Prize originated in 1903, when Joseph Pulitzer's will was drafted. It was first awarded in 1917. According to an agreement between Columbia University (under the auspices of whose journalism department the prize is awarded annually) and Pulitzer, the monetary portion of the prize is the annual income generated by the Pulitzer Foundation, formed from a two-million dollar donation to the university. Thus, the annual cash fund of the award is about 550 thousand dollars. In addition to donations from the businessman himself, another fund was created in 1970, which attracts additional funds to pay this prestigious award.

The number of nominations and awards is also increasing over time. Thus, in 1922, a prize for the best cartoon appeared for the first time, and in 1942, an award for the best photograph was awarded for the first time. A little later, nominations for the best appeared. musical compositions and theatrical performances. In addition, since May 2006, not only paper but also electronic works have been considered among applicants for the Pulitzer Prize.

Competition jury

The Pulitzer Prize is awarded by the Board of Trustees based on the work of the Advisory Council. It is this body that has the decisive vote in determining the winners. Members of the Advisory Council develop criteria for awarding the prize.

Initially, the council consisted of only thirteen members, but by mid-1990 there were already seventeen members. Today, the Pulitzer Committee consists of 19 experts, including the prize administrator, five prominent publishers, one columnist, six editors and six scholars.

The activities of the prize competition committee are constantly criticized by the public. Every year, the jury receives many accusations of bias and subjectivity when awarding honorary awards. However, according to the will of the creator of the Pulitzer Prize, it is impossible to change the order of this procedure.

Award process

According to the award's charter, to receive a nomination in the field of journalism, it is necessary to submit material in paper form no later than February 1 of the current year. For literary works, the deadline is considered to be the first of July of the previous year for books published from January to June; and the first of November for books released between July and December.

Interestingly, nominations in journalism can be submitted on behalf of any person throughout the entire award period. The main thing is that the proposal is accompanied by copies of documents confirming the candidate’s right to receive the award. As for literature, the Council must be provided with four copies of the nominated book for review. Many Russian literary prizes use a similar procedure for evaluation. But musical and dramatic works can be nominated for an award no later than March 1 of the current year, and only on the condition that all jury members are familiar with their public performance.

Decisions on awarding the prize are made by those specially appointed by the university for each separate category members of the jury. Each jury must make a list of three candidates and submit it to the Pulitzer Prize Council. The Council, in turn, studies all materials submitted to it, including written sources, recommendations and works of the nominees, and after that sends his own references for approval to the Board of Trustees of Columbia University. The Trustees receive the Board's selection and immediately announce the winners without waiting for a formal awards ceremony. Please note that neither the trustees nor the jury members can influence the choice of the Board. Its members decide to award any nominee, regardless of the recommendations of the jury. However, none of the trustees, members of the jury or the Council have the right to participate in the discussion or vote if the award they presented affects their personal interests. Membership on the Council is limited to three terms of 3 years each, and vacancies are filled by closed voting, in which all current members of the Council are required to participate.

Most Famous Pulitzer Prize Winners

Since the inception of this prize, many writers and journalists have become its laureates, among whom were both widely known and not recognized by the public authors. The very first laureate of the prize was the American journalist Herbert Bayard, who was awarded such a prestigious prize for a series of articles under the general title “Inside the German Empire.”

Over the years, the literary prize has been awarded to such works as Margaret Mitchell's Gone with the Wind, Ernest Hemingway's The Old Man and the Sea, and Harper Lee's To Kill a Mockingbird. At the same time, most books that received the Pulitzer Prize were never among the bestsellers, just like those that received the award theater plays were never placed on wide stages.

As for foreign Pulitzer Prize winners, the first such nominee was Russian journalist Artem Borovik with his report “Room 19” about the activities of the Brain Institute. Also in April 2011, the prize was awarded to Anna Politkovskaya for her detailed chronicle of the war in Chechen Republic. Another Russian journalist, Alexander Zemlyanichenko, won the prize twice for his reporting on the Moscow coup in 1991 and photographs of Boris Yeltsin.

Pulitzer Prize for Literature. Main features of the award

As noted earlier, winners of the Pulitzer Prize for Literature, unlike winners in other categories, are not always widely known and generally recognized writers. And although they are often accused of incompetence and fraud. This is largely due to the fact that its members strictly adhere to the rules drawn up by Joseph Pulitzer himself, according to which this award, like some literary prizes in Russia, is awarded only to those writers who dedicated their books to the life and history of the United States.

Often, the works that receive the award have low literary value, but accurately and reliably describe life in the outback or tell, for example, about the personal problems of American teenagers. That is why these literary awards are divided not according to genre, but according to time. Each year, the jury selects several works that best describe the present and past of the United States.

Recognition of journalists' achievements

The Pulitzer Prize for Journalism is the most important and prestigious award for American periodicals. It includes many nominations, which evaluate both the speed and reliability of reporting events, and the personal contribution of journalists to their work. It is interesting that in this case, the prize winners are not only individual people, but also entire publications.

This is perhaps the most predictable Pulitzer Prize. The winners in this case are always known in advance, and predicting the voting results is not particularly difficult. At the same time, this nomination is also considered the calmest in terms of high-profile scandals and accusations. Most critics agree that all laureates of this award received their awards well deservedly and legally.

Music and performing arts

In the field of music, the Pulitzer Prize is awarded in the amount of three thousand dollars. It is awarded for outstanding work American composer, created in any large form. These are any orchestral, choral and chamber works, operas and other compositions.

Except music award There are also special scholarships in the amount of five thousand dollars, which are awarded to outstanding graduates of the Faculty of Journalism who have expressed a desire to specialize in the field of music, theater, film television or literary criticism.

Pulitzer theater awards have prize fund in the amount of three thousand dollars. They are awarded to both seasoned well-known directors and very young directors working on plays in diverse genres. As is the case with literature, many works that have received recognition high jury, were never shown to the general public and were never produced on Broadway.

Filming Award

The Pulitzer Prize is deservedly considered one of the most coveted for a photographer. For many, it means much more than a simple monetary reward. It is recognition of their merits and the value of their daily work. At the same time, controversy surrounding this nomination still does not subside. Public opinion is extremely controversial, and many people are unsure whether the Pulitzer Prize is even necessary. The photographs it is awarded to often transcend the boundaries of conventional art. Most of the works are devoted to either little-known or already tired problems. Professionals expose personal dramas and broken destinies of people. That's why most photographs leave a heavy aftertaste after viewing.

Often it is not only the work that is criticized, but also the photographers themselves. They are accused of filming horrific events instead of helping people in need. For example, Kevin Cartar, who received an award for his series of photographs “Famine in Sudan,” which depicts a girl weakened from hunger and a huge condor waiting for her death, committed suicide just two months after the award.

Prize winners in 2014

On April 14, 2014, the results were summed up and the names of the winners of the next Pulitzer Prize were announced. Thus, her novel “The Goldfinch,” which tells the story of a fourteen-year-old boy wandering around Manhattan after the death of his mother, also won the prize for literature. This work also became first in the list of the hundred best books of the year according to the Amazon online store at the end of 2013.

Annie Baker received the Theater Award for her play Flick, presented in the category Dramatic work" In the Music category, the prize was awarded to John Luther Adams for his composition “Become the Ocean.”

As for journalism, the award in the Service to Public category went to The Guardian and The Washington Post, which conducted investigations into the activities of the US National Security Agency based on documents provided by Edward Snowden. Journalists from another region won in the “Sensational Material” category American edition(Boston Globe), which covered the bombings and search efforts during the Best International Reporting, were recognized for the work of Reuters journalists talking about the persecution of Muslim communities in Myanmar and the slave trade.

The content of the article

PULITZER PRIZES, awarded in the USA for outstanding achievements in the field of journalism, literary creativity (fiction and drama) and music. Awarded annually on the first Monday in May by the trustees of Columbia University on the recommendations of the Pulitzer Prize Council. The awards are awarded under the auspices of the Columbia University School of Journalism. According to the terms of the agreement between the university and J. Pulitzer, concluded in 1903, and subsequently included in the text of Pulitzer’s will dated April 16, 1904 and described in detail in the charter of the prizes, the monetary part of the prizes is the annual income from the Pulitzer Fund of 550 thousand dollars. This fund, in turn, formed from J. Pulitzer’s 2 million donation to the university.

Since the prizes were first presented in 1917, the university's trustees and members of the Pulitzer Prize board have strictly followed the principles of their founder. Although the trustees of the university have the authority to award awards, the board has the final say in deciding whether to award, not award, or new criteria for awarding awards. At first the council consisted of 13 members. By the mid-1990s, there were already 17 of them. Created in 1912, the council was named the Advisory Council of the Faculty of Journalism. The council was renamed the Pulitzer Prize Advisory Council in 1950 and the Pulitzer Prize Council in 1979.

According to the awards' charter, nominations in the field of journalism are submitted in writing no later than February 1 of the calendar year. Literature nominations must be submitted no later than July 1 for books published between January 1 and June 30, and no later than November 1 for books published between July 1 and December 31 (books prepared for publication between November and December must be presented for consideration in the form of layout). Journalism nominations can be made on behalf of anyone at any time during the current awards period. All nomination proposals must be accompanied by copies of editorials, reports, cartoons or photographs. 4 copies of each book nominated for a literature prize are sent to the secretary of the council no later than the specified date.

Plays produced within the 12 months between March 2 and March 1 are eligible for nomination for the Playwriting Prize. Applications for nominations in the field of music are sent no later than March 1 for works published between March 15 of the previous year and March 1 of the current year. Dramatic and musical works may be nominated provided that council members are familiar with their public performance.

Journalism Awards.

In the mid-1990s, 14 journalism awards were awarded annually: a gold medal for public service and 13 prizes of $3,000 each for work published during the award period in an American daily, Sunday or weekly newspaper. These awards recognize 1) outstanding public service by an American newspaper; 2) the best report on a specific event; 3) the best investigative report of local significance (one article or a series of articles), created by an individual journalist or creative team; 4) the best critical material; 5) best comment; 6) the best report on a national topic; 7) the best reporting on international issues, including materials from UN correspondents; 8) the best editorial material, where quality criteria are clarity of style, moral pathos, persuasiveness of argument and the ability to influence public opinion in the right direction, according to the author; 9) the best caricature, where the main quality criteria are clear expression of the idea in the drawing, good drawing technique and vivid expressiveness, as well as the author’s appeal to a socially significant problem; 10) the best photo report of local significance; 11) best art photography; 12) best essay provided High Quality style and originality; 13) the best analytical material covering complex and important issues; and 14) best material scandalous and sensational in nature.

Literature, music and other categories.

In the field of literature, six Pulitzer Prizes are awarded at $3,000 each. They are awarded for 1) best work fiction by an American writer, published in book form, and preferably dealing with issues American life; 2) an American play, preferably original in plot and dedicated to American life; 3) the best work on US history; 4) best biography or an autobiography written by an American author; 5) the best poetic work, created by an American author; 6) best book journalism created by an American author and not falling under other categories. In the field of music, the Pulitzer Prize (originally a music scholarship) is awarded in the amount of $3,000. Awarded annually for “outstanding musical composition by an American composer in any major form, including chamber, choral and orchestral works, opera, song, dance or other a piece of musical theater that premiered in the United States this year.” There are also three scholarships for foreign travel of $5,000 each, awarded to graduates of the Faculty of Journalism on the recommendation of the faculty council; One $5,000 scholarship is awarded to an outstanding graduating senior who has expressed a desire to major in theater, music, literary, film, or television criticism. From time to time, special awards are given to journalists and writers, newspapers or publishing houses in recognition of their outstanding achievements and those who are worthy of a Pulitzer Prize but have not received it in any of the existing categories.

Selection of laureates.

Decisions on awards are made by special juries appointed by the university for each category. Each jury compiles a list of three candidates in alphabetical order and submits it to the Pulitzer Prize Board. The Council is studying everything necessary materials and the works of the nominees, after which it forwards its recommendations to the trustees, who approve the selection made by the board and immediately announce the names of the winners without holding a formal ceremony. The Council has the right to award the prize to any applicant, regardless of the recommendations of the nominating jury. Jury members, board members or trustees are not entitled to participate in discussions or votes if the award given may benefit them personally or the organizations they represent. Membership on the board is limited to three three-year terms for each individual. Vacancies are filled through a vote involving current board members.

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