Forms of organization of education at school and university. Organizational forms of schooling: main types

Pedagogical formthis is a stable, complete organization of the pedagogical process in the unity of all its components.
Forms of organization of training (organizational forms)this is the external expression of the coordinated activities of teachers and students, carried out in a certain order and mode.

Classification of organizational forms of training

By number of students: mass, collective, group, individual.
By place of study: school lessons, training sessions, work at the school site, in the laboratory) and out-of-school (home independent work, excursions).
By length of training time: classic lesson(40 – 45 minutes), paired lesson (90 minutes), lesson of arbitrary duration “without bells”.
On various stages development of society, the following four forms of education were used.
Individual form of training. This is training when the teacher teaches each student separately, when there is direct contact with the student; the opportunity to understand the student, come to the rescue, correct mistakes, celebrate successes; taking into account the individual pace of learning educational material, abilities.
Group form of training. It involves students working in groups of 3–6 people and is most appropriate for practical and laboratory work and for practicing skills. tasks.
Lecture-seminar form of training. This form of training provides for a higher level of training, typical for universities.
Types of training sessions. Lecture– the main form of transmission of a large volume of systematized information (lasting 80–90 minutes). It is intended to give a holistic, clear and evidence-based idea of ​​the problem being studied. Practical (seminar) lesson aimed at deepening and consolidating knowledge under the guidance of a teacher, discussing the results self-study pupils (students) of the topic.
In addition to lectures, seminars and practical classes, there are other, so-called auxiliary forms of organizing educational work: excursions, conferences, electives and elective courses, consultations, trainings, interviews, exams, tests.

Classroom - lesson form of teaching. It is the most common form of schooling and originated in the 17th century. Its contours were outlined by the German teacher I. Sturm, and developed theoretical basis and put it into practice by J.A. Komensky.
This is the most economical system, it ensures accessibility, consistency, strength of learning, and the teacher is the educational leader. educational process. It is a specific form of organization of educational work; it consists in the fact that students of the same age are distributed into classes, classes are conducted with them lesson by lesson, according to a predetermined schedule, and all students in the class work on the same material.
Disadvantages of the classroom format: difficulty in taking into account the individual characteristics of students, in organizing individual work; strict organizational structure makes it difficult to connect learning with real life.
The classroom-lesson system has the following forms: the main form is a lesson and traditional formsHomework, excursions, electives, socially useful work, extracurricular activities (clubs, competitions, olympiads, exhibitions).

Lesson (FC lesson) - the main form of organizing education at school

Lesson typology:
classic types: introductory, control, consolidation of knowledge, independent work, combined, learning new knowledge, practical work, generalizing;
non-traditional types: lesson - debate, competition, game, KVN, auction, etc.
The basis for constructing a FC lesson (training) are:
Biological patterns of the functioning of the body that determine its performance, i.e. performance zones:
1. zone of preparatory (pre-launch) state;
2. working zone;
3. zone of relative stability;
4. zone of temporary loss of performance.
P. The logic of the deployment of the educational process, i.e.
1. consistent inclusion of students in activities;
2. gradual achievement of the required level of physical performance;
3. consistent solution of educational and educational tasks planned for the lesson;
4. ensuring a good post-work condition of the body.
All this ensured that the lesson was divided into parts:
1. Introductory part. The goal is to organize students for classes and increase their attention.
2. The task of the preparatory part (warm-up) is to prepare students for performing basic exercises; the comprehensive effect on the muscles is enhanced.
3. In the main part, basic physical exercises are carried out.
4. During the final part, it is necessary to bring students into a calm state and summarize the results of the lessons.
The time of each part is variable and depends on the condition of the students, the characteristics of the lesson, the specifics of the exercises, external conditions and the assigned tasks.

Rental block

A lesson is an organizational form of teaching within the framework of a class-lesson system, characterized by the relative completion of a time-limited pedagogical process, which is conducted by a teacher according to a specific schedule with a fixed schedule with a group of students of a constant composition, of the same age and level of training.

During the lesson, pedagogical interaction is built on the personal contact of the teacher with students in the process of communication, the teacher directs and controls the activities of all students in the class, and also ensures interactions between them. Therefore, learning in a lesson can be considered a system of direct and indirect interactions between the teacher and the teacher aimed at achieving educational goals students.

Compared to other forms of teaching organization, a lesson has specific and non-specific characteristics. The specific ones include: a relatively constant group of students (class) at all stages of the learning process, led by a teacher cognitive activity students, taking into account their characteristics, compliance with class size standards, mastering the basics of what was learned directly during the lesson. Non-specific characteristics of a lesson include those that appear in other organizational forms: the purpose of learning, content and methods of work, place of study, time of study, etc.

In a lesson, to ensure favorable learning conditions, various types of work organization are used, in particular, collective, individual and group. All of them are aimed at achieving educational goals using appropriate teaching methods and means.

Basic requirements for modern lesson.

Requirements for a modern lesson in the context of the introduction of a new generation of Federal State Educational Standards.

The fundamental difference modern approach is the orientation of standards on the results of mastering the basic educational programs. Results mean not only subject knowledge, but also the ability to apply this knowledge in practical activities.

The requirements for a modern lesson are a well-organized lesson, in a well-equipped classroom, must have a good start and good ending. The teacher must plan his own activities and the activities of the students, clearly formulate the topic, purpose, and objectives of the lesson: the lesson must be problematic and developmental: the teacher himself aims to cooperate with students and knows how to direct students to cooperate with the teacher and classmates;

the teacher organizes problem and search situations, activates the activities of students;

the students themselves make the conclusion;

minimum reproduction and maximum creativity and co-creation;

time-saving and health-saving;

the focus of the lesson is children;

taking into account the level and capabilities of students, which takes into account such aspects as the profile of the class, the aspirations of students, and the mood of children;

the ability to demonstrate the methodological art of a teacher;

planning feedback;

the lesson should be good.

Principles pedagogical technology on lessons:

freedom of choice (in any teaching or control action the student is given the right to choose);

openness (not only to provide knowledge, but also to show its boundaries, to confront the student with problems whose solutions lie outside the scope of the course being studied);

activity (students mastering knowledge, abilities, skills mainly in the form of activity, the student must be able to use their knowledge);

ideality (high efficiency) (maximum use of the opportunities, knowledge, interests of the students themselves);

feedback (regularly monitor the learning process using a developed system of feedback techniques).

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This topic belongs to the section:

Learning theory. Education theory. Modern author's schools

This material includes sections:

28. Forms of education in a modern school.

Implementation of training requires knowledge and skillful use of various forms of organization educational process, their continuous improvement and modernization.

Currently, the following forms of organizing educational work are used in a modern school: lessons, excursions, classes in educational workshops, forms of labor and industrial training, extracurricular activities, homework, forms of extracurricular educational work (subject clubs, studios, scientific societies, Olympiads, competitions ). The main directions of school reform indicate the need to expand the forms of educational work. Along with the lesson, you need to practice lectures, seminars, interviews, workshops, consultations more widely

29. Class-lesson system and its alternatives.

The school implements a class-based learning system. It is based on the idea of ​​creating stable age school classes and the need for systematic study with these classes throughout the entire school course of certain educational content. The classroom-lesson education system contributes to the implementation of the main task of the socialist school - to give general education to all children of the people high level. It provides the opportunity to work according to unified educational programs and to systematically and systematically provide socially necessary education. A stable class composition as the basis of a class-lesson teaching system creates educational groups, goals and supportive relationships promote the achievement of all students to the highest possible level of achievement.

The classroom-lesson system ensures the organization of systematic subject teaching. It provides for the specialization of teachers, and due to the fact that each of them teaches one or two subjects, a high level of training can be ensured.

The classroom-lesson education system makes it possible to conduct uniform training throughout the country according to state curricula. The same applies to all schools syllabus. Every training course organized systematically and divided into specific sections. The organizational unit of the system is the lesson. Thanks to the clearly visible structure of the classroom-lesson education system, it ensures a high degree of public control.

The classroom-lesson education system is characterized by appropriate material and technical equipment of the premises in which lessons are held. This applies not only to traditional classrooms and offices; lessons can be held in enterprises, museums, cultural and sports institutions. The class-lesson education system provides it close connection with the life of society.

30. Lecture-seminar form of training.

31. Lesson – as the main form of organization of learning.

The key element of the classroom-based teaching system is the lesson. (Classroom-lesson teaching system - highest form group training.) A lesson is a form of organizing training with a group of students of the same age, a permanent composition, a lesson on a fixed schedule and with a uniform training program for all. The lesson is considered as the main form of organization of the pedagogical process, since here it is possible not only to organize educational and cognitive activities, but also the intellectual development of the child’s personality, management of the development of abilities, the formation of the students’ worldview, the need for knowledge, as well as his upbringing. The purpose of the lesson is to master new material as part of a broader content, consciously perceive information, memorize it and consolidate it, and use it in practical activities. The lesson creates favorable opportunities for combining frontal, group and individual work for children. A lesson is always multifaceted, because all components of the learning process interact in it - pedagogical goals, didactic tasks, content, methods, technical equipment, etc. A lesson must be a logical unit of a topic, section, course. Based on this, we can highlight the features of the lesson that distinguish it from other forms of teaching: didactic goals (correspond to the functions of teaching); a certain amount of educational material; constant composition of students, equal in age; teacher's guidance of student activities; the sequence of various activities of the teacher and students depending on the structure of the lesson; limited time; clear scheduled times; compulsory lesson attendance; implementation in an optimal ratio of all didactic principles; reliance on the achieved level of knowledge.

Taking into account these general requirements The didactic requirements for the lesson are specified. They meet the educational, educational and organizational requirements for the lesson: a clear definition of educational objectives; determining the content of the lesson in accordance with the program and lesson objectives; choice of teaching methods ( active methods); the presence of interdisciplinary connections; usage the latest achievements Sciences; development of all spheres of personality; acquisition of knowledge, development of skills and abilities; development of scientific worldview; clear lesson planning; Compliance with the lesson structure; multimedia approach to learning; compliance with the principles of training.

All commercial banks. Central banks, as a rule, are legally independent and not directly subordinate to the state. Main function commercial banks in the national economy are lending to industry, agriculture, housing construction, and trade. Theoretically, credit is the movement of loan capital. Loans can be: bill of exchange, commodity loans, ...

One." “And I still have it,” the girl says vindictively, takes a pile of scribbled notebook sheets from her pocket and, waving them, proudly walks away. This happens, and not infrequently: the system of crib sheets in schools and universities is still awaiting improvement. But, despite To this end, 98% of students use cheat sheets (according to sociological services). Science does not know exactly how the word “crib sheet” appeared...

Relationships with other people. It often happens that slang words used by young people “move” into the speech of adults and become an integral part of it. What influences the jargon of Russian youth?: - Development of computer technology. The Internet, its wide possibilities, and rapidly developing computer technologies have always attracted young people. In this regard, it appears...

...). 3.2.3. Laparoscopic microcholecystostomy in the treatment of patients with acute cholecystitis. 1983 (methodological letter). 2.2.4. Surgical correction of short bowel syndrome. 1995 ( Toolkit). 2.2.5. External abdominal hernia. 1999 (methodological instructions for students). 2.2.6. Acute appendicitis. 1999 (methodological instructions for students). 2.2.7. ...

In didactics, the forms of organizing the learning process are revealed through the ways of interaction between the teacher and students when solving educational problems. They are solved through various ways of managing activities, communication and relationships. Within the framework of the latter, the content of education is implemented, educational technology, styles, methods and means of teaching.

The leading forms of organizing the learning process are a lesson or a lecture (at school and university, respectively).

One and the same form of educational organization can change its structure and modification, depending on the tasks and methods of educational work. For example, a game lesson, a conference lesson, a dialogue, a workshop. And also problem lecture, binary, lecture-teleconference.

At school, along with lessons, there are other organizational forms (electives, clubs, laboratory workshops, independent homework). There are also certain forms of control: oral and written exams, control or independent work, assessment, testing, interview.

In addition to lectures, the university also uses other organizational forms of training - seminar, laboratory work, research work, independent academic work students, practical training, internship at another domestic or foreign university. Exams and tests and a rating system are used as forms of control and evaluation of learning outcomes; abstract and coursework, diploma work.

Features of the school lesson:

The lesson provides for the implementation of teaching functions in a complex (educational, developmental and nurturing);

Didactic lesson structure has a strict construction system:

A certain organizational beginning and setting the objectives of the lesson;

Update necessary knowledge and skills, including checking homework;

Explanation of new material;

Reinforcing or repeating what has been learned in class;

Monitoring and evaluation of students’ educational achievements during the lesson;

Summing up the lesson;

Homework assignment;

Each lesson is a link in the lesson system;

The lesson follows the basic principles of learning; in it the teacher applies a certain system of teaching methods and means to achieve the set goals of the lesson;

The basis for constructing a lesson is the skillful use of methods, teaching aids, as well as a combination of collective, group and individual forms working with students and taking into account their individual psychological characteristics.

The features of the lesson are determined by its purpose and place in the holistic learning system. Each lesson occupies a certain place in the system of an academic subject, when studying a specific school discipline.

The structure of the lesson embodies the patterns and logic of the learning process.

Types of lessons are determined by the characteristics of the main tasks, the variety of content and methodological instruments and the variability of methods of organizing training.

1. Combined lesson (the most common type of lesson in practice). Its structure: organizational part (1-2 minutes), checking the task before it (10-12 minutes), studying new material (15-20 minutes), consolidating and comparing new material with previously studied material, execution practical tasks(10-15 min), summing up the lesson (5 min), homework(2-3 min).

2. A lesson in learning new material is, as a rule, applicable in the practice of teaching high school students. Within this type, a lesson-lecture, a problem lesson, a lesson-conference, a film lesson, and a lesson-research are conducted. The effectiveness of a lesson of this type is determined by the quality and level of mastery of new educational material by all students.

3. A lesson in consolidating knowledge and improving skills is conducted in the form of a seminar, workshop, excursion, independent work and laboratory workshop. A significant part of the time is occupied by repetition and consolidation of knowledge, practical work on the application, expansion and deepening of knowledge, on the formation of skills and consolidation of skills.

4. The lesson of generalization and systematization is aimed at systematic repetition of large blocks of educational material on key issues of the program, which are crucial for mastering the subject as a whole. When conducting such a lesson, the teacher poses problems to the students, indicates sources of additional information, as well as typical tasks and practical exercises, assignments and creative work. During such lessons, students' knowledge, skills and abilities are tested and assessed on several topics studied over a long period - a quarter, half a year, or a year of study.

5. The lesson of monitoring and correction of knowledge, skills and abilities is intended to evaluate the results of the teaching, diagnose the level of students’ training, the degree of students’ readiness to apply their knowledge, skills and abilities in various learning situations. It also involves making changes to the teacher’s work with specific students. The types of such lessons in school practice can be oral or written questioning, dictation, presentation or independent solution of problems and examples, performing practical work, test, exam, independent or test work, test, testing. All these types of lessons are organized after studying major topics and sections of the academic subject. Based on the results of the final lesson, the next lesson is devoted to analysis typical mistakes, “gaps” in knowledge, identification of additional tasks.

In school practice, other types of lessons are also used, such as a competition lesson, consultation, mutual learning, lecture, interdisciplinary lesson, game.

Lecture. The general structural framework of any lecture is the formulation of the topic, communication of the plan and recommended literature for independent work, and then - strict adherence to the plan of the proposed work.

The main requirements for reading lectures are:

High scientific level of the information presented, which, as a rule, has ideological significance;

A large volume of clearly and densely systematized and methodically processed modern scientific information;

Evidence and reasoning of the expressed judgments;

A sufficient number of convincing facts, examples, texts and documents provided;

Clarity of presentation of thoughts and activation of the students’ thinking, posing questions for independent work on the issues discussed;

Analysis of different points of view on solving problems;

Deriving main thoughts and provisions, formulating conclusions;

Explanation of introduced terms and names; providing students with opportunities to listen, comprehend, and jot down information;

Ability to establish pedagogical contact with the audience; use of teaching materials and technical means;

Application of basic materials of text, notes, flowcharts, drawings, tables, graphs.

Types of lectures

1. Introductory lecture gives the first holistic idea of ​​the academic subject and orients the student in the system of work on this course. The lecturer introduces students to the purpose and objectives of the course, its role and place in the system of academic disciplines and in the system of specialist training. Given short review course, milestones in the development of science and practice, achievements in this area, names of famous scientists, promising areas of research are outlined. This lecture outlines the methodological and organizational features of the work within the course, and also provides an analysis of educational and methodological literature recommended by students, and clarifies the deadlines and forms of reporting.

2. Lecture-information. Focused on presenting and explaining scientific information to students that needs to be comprehended and memorized. This is the most traditional type lectures in practice high school.

3. Review lecture - is the systematization of scientific knowledge at a high level, allowing big number associative connections in the process of understanding the information presented during the disclosure of intra-subject and inter-subject connections, excluding detail and specification. As a rule, the core of the theoretical positions presented is the scientific, conceptual and conceptual basis of the entire course or its large sections.

4. Problem lecture. In this lecture, new knowledge is introduced through the problematic nature of a question, task or situation. At the same time, the process of student learning in collaboration and dialogue with the teacher approaches research activity. The content of the problem is revealed by organizing the search for its solution or summing up and analyzing traditional and modern points of view.

5. Lecture-visualization is a visual form of presenting lecture material using TSO or audio-video equipment. Reading such a lecture comes down to a detailed or brief commentary on the visual materials being viewed (natural objects - people in their actions and actions, in communication and conversation; minerals, reagents, machine parts; paintings, drawings, photographs, slides; symbolic, in the form of diagrams, graphs, graphs, models).

6. Binary lecture - this is a type of lecture given by two teachers (or as representatives of two scientific schools, either as a scientist and practitioner, teacher and student).

7. Lecture with pre-planned errors designed to stimulate students to constantly monitor the information offered (search for errors: content, methodological, methodological, spelling). At the end of the lecture, the students are diagnosed and the mistakes made are analyzed.

8. Lecture-conference is conducted as a scientific and practical lesson, with a pre-set problem and a system of reports, lasting 5-10 minutes. Each speech is a logically completed text, prepared in advance within the framework of the program proposed by the teacher. The totality of the presented texts will allow us to comprehensively cover the problem. At the end of the lecture, the teacher sums up the students’ independent work and presentations, supplementing or clarifying the information provided, and formulates the main conclusions.

9. Lecture-consultation can pass through different scenarios. The first option is carried out using the “questions and answers” ​​type. The lecturer answers students' questions on all sections or the entire course during lecture time. The second version of such a lecture, presented as a “questions-answers-discussion”, is a three-fold combination: presentation of a new educational information lecturer, asking questions and organizing a discussion in search of answers to the questions posed.

In higher education, other types of lecture-based teaching are also used.

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In didactics, the forms of organizing the learning process are revealed through the ways of interaction between the teacher and students when solving educational problems. They are solved through various ways of managing activities, communication and relationships. Within the framework of the latter, the content of education, educational technologies, styles, methods and teaching aids are implemented.

\The leading forms of organizing the learning process are a lesson or lecture (at school and university, respectively). The same form of organizing learning can change its structure and modification, depending on the tasks and methods of educational work. For example, a game lesson, a conference lesson, a dialogue, a workshop. As well as a problem lecture, a binary lecture, a teleconference lecture. At school, along with lessons, there are other organizational forms (electives, clubs, laboratory workshops, independent homework). There are also certain forms of control: oral and written exams, control or independent work, assessment, testing, interview. In addition to lectures, the university also uses other organizational forms of training - seminar, laboratory work, research work, independent educational work of students, practical training, internship in another domestic or foreign university. Exams and tests and a rating system are used as forms of control and evaluation of learning outcomes; abstract and coursework, diploma work.

Features of the school lesson:

The lesson provides for the implementation of teaching functions in a complex (educational, developmental and nurturing);

The didactic structure of the lesson has a strict construction system:

A certain organizational beginning and setting the objectives of the lesson;

Updating the necessary knowledge and skills, including checking homework;

Explanation of new material;

Reinforcing or repeating what has been learned in class;

Monitoring and evaluation of students’ educational achievements during the lesson;

Summing up the lesson;

Homework assignment;

Each lesson is a link in the lesson system;

The lesson follows the basic principles of learning; in it the teacher applies a certain system of teaching methods and means to achieve the set goals of the lesson;

The basis for constructing a lesson is the skillful use of teaching methods, teaching aids, as well as a combination of collective, group and individual forms of work with students and taking into account their individual psychological characteristics.

The features of the lesson are determined by its purpose and place in the holistic learning system. Each lesson occupies a certain place in the system of the academic subject, when studying a specific school discipline. The structure of the lesson embodies the patterns and logic of the learning process. The types of lessons are determined by the characteristics of the main tasks, the variety of content and methodological instruments and the variability of methods of organizing training.

1. Combined lesson (the most common type of lesson in practice). Its structure: organizational part (1-2 minutes), checking the assignment before it (10-12 minutes), studying new material (15-20 minutes), consolidating and comparing new material with previously studied material, performing practical tasks (10-15 minutes ), summing up the lesson (5 min), homework (2-3 min).

2. A lesson in learning new material is, as a rule, applicable in the practice of teaching high school students. Within this type, a lesson-lecture, a problem lesson, a lesson-conference, a film lesson, and a lesson-research are conducted. The effectiveness of a lesson of this type is determined by the quality and level of mastery of new educational material by all students.

3. A lesson in consolidating knowledge and improving skills is conducted in the form of a seminar, workshop, excursion, independent work and laboratory workshop. A significant part of the time is occupied by repetition and consolidation of knowledge, practical work on the application, expansion and deepening of knowledge, on the formation of skills and consolidation of skills.

4. The lesson of generalization and systematization is aimed at systematic repetition of large blocks of educational material on key issues of the program, which are crucial for mastering the subject as a whole. When conducting such a lesson, the teacher poses problems to the students, indicates sources of additional information, as well as typical tasks and practical exercises, assignments and creative work. During such lessons, students' knowledge, skills and abilities are tested and assessed on several topics studied over a long period - a quarter, half a year, or a year of study.

5. The lesson of monitoring and correction of knowledge, skills and abilities is intended to evaluate the results of the teaching, diagnose the level of students’ training, the degree of students’ readiness to apply their knowledge, skills and abilities in various learning situations. It also involves making changes to the teacher’s work with specific students. The types of such lessons in school practice can be oral or written questioning, dictation, presentation or independent solution of problems and examples, practical work, test, exam, independent or test work, test, testing. All these types of lessons are organized after studying major topics and a separate academic subject. Based on the results of the final lesson, the next lesson is devoted to the analysis of typical errors, “gaps” in knowledge, and the identification of additional tasks.

In school practice, other types of lessons are also used, such as a competition lesson, consultation, mutual learning, lecture, interdisciplinary lesson, game.

Lecture. The general structural framework of any lecture is the formulation of the topic, communication of the plan and recommended literature for independent work, and then strict adherence to the plan of the proposed work.

The main requirements for reading lectures are:

High scientific level of the information presented, which, as a rule, has ideological significance;

A large volume of clearly and densely systematized and methodically processed modern scientific information;

Evidence and reasoning of the expressed judgments;

A sufficient number of convincing facts, examples, texts and documents provided;

Clarity of presentation of thoughts and activation of the students’ thinking, posing questions for independent work on the issues discussed;

Analysis of different points of view on solving problems;

Deriving main thoughts and provisions, formulating conclusions;

Explanation of introduced terms and names; providing students with opportunities to listen, comprehend, and jot down information;

Ability to establish pedagogical contact with the audience; use of didactic materials and technical means;

Application of basic materials of text, notes, flowcharts, drawings, tables, graphs.

Types of lectures

1. The introductory lecture gives the first holistic idea of ​​the academic subject and orients the student in the system of work for this course. The lecturer introduces students to the purpose and objectives of the course, its role and place in the system of academic disciplines and in the system of specialist training. A brief overview of the course is given, milestones in the development of science and practice, achievements in this area, the names of famous scientists, and promising areas of research are outlined. This lecture outlines the methodological and organizational features of the work within the course, and also provides an analysis of educational and methodological literature recommended by students, and clarifies the deadlines and forms of reporting.

2. Lecture-information. Focused on presenting and explaining scientific information to students that needs to be comprehended and memorized. This is the most traditional type of lectures in higher education practice.

3. A review lecture is a systematization of scientific knowledge at a high level, allowing for a large number of associative connections in the process of understanding the information presented when disclosing intra-subject and inter-subject connections, excluding detail and specification. As a rule, the core of the theoretical positions presented is the scientific, conceptual and conceptual basis of the entire course or its large sections.

4. Problem lecture. In this lecture, new knowledge is introduced through the problematic nature of a question, task or situation. At the same time, the process of student learning in collaboration and dialogue with the teacher approaches research activity. The content of the problem is revealed by organizing the search for its solution or summing up and analyzing traditional and modern points of view.

5. Lecture-visualization is a visual form of presenting lecture material using TSO or audio-video equipment. Reading such a lecture comes down to a detailed or brief commentary on the visual materials being viewed (natural objects - people in their actions and actions, in communication and conversation; minerals, reagents, machine parts; paintings, drawings, photographs, slides; symbolic, in the form of diagrams, graphs, graphs, models).

6. A binary lecture is a type of lecture given in the form of two teachers (either as representatives of two scientific schools, or as a scientist and a practitioner, a teacher and a student).

7. A lecture with pre-planned errors is designed to stimulate students to constantly monitor the information offered (search for errors: content, methodological, methodological, spelling). At the end of the lecture, the students are diagnosed and the mistakes made are analyzed.

8. The lecture-conference is conducted as a scientific and practical lesson, with a pre-defined problem and a system of reports, lasting 5-10 minutes. Each speech is a logically completed text, prepared in advance within the framework of the program proposed by the teacher. The totality of the presented texts will allow us to comprehensively cover the problem. At the end of the lecture, the teacher sums up the students’ independent work and presentations, supplementing or clarifying the information provided, and formulates the main conclusions.

9. Lecture-consultation can take place according to different scenarios. The first option is carried out using the “questions and answers” ​​type. The lecturer answers students' questions on all sections or the entire course during lecture time. The second version of such a lecture, presented as a “questions-answers-discussion” type, is a three-fold combination: presentation of new educational information by the lecturer, posing questions and organizing a discussion in search of answers to the questions posed.

In higher education, other types of lecture-based teaching are also used.

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