Philip Kirkorov - biography, photo, personal life, children of the singer. Children of Philip Kirkorov: how old are they, who is their mother and the latest photos of the kids

Soviet and Russian pop singer, composer, producer and actor. People's Artist of Russia and Ukraine. Winner of many awards, including " Golden Gramophone Award», World Music Awards.

Philip Kirkorov. Biography

Philip Bedrosovich Kirkorov born in the spring of 1967 in creative family. His father is a Bulgarian singer Armenian origin Bedros Kirkorov, and the mother is a concert host Victoria Kirkorova. Philip's maternal grandmother Manion Lidia Mikhailovna, had gypsy roots, was a circus actress, dancer and xylophonist. Great grandfather - Manion Mikhail Alfonsovich- was also associated with musical and circus activities.

Philip Kirkorov about Lydia Manion: “She was a unique grandmother - always “in shape”, smart. I don’t remember her ever wearing a negligee. She remained an artist at home. My grandmother became my first “fan”... She always told me: “The moment will come when they will cut off your phone and film you... Everything, everything will happen.”

Philip's parents constantly toured, so from an early age their son was already accustomed to the smell of the stage and saw his father's success. He watched what was happening, sitting on a chair backstage. As a 7-year-old boy, he came on stage after Bedros performed the song “Son”. Then his father introduced him to the public: “This is my son!” Together they bowed to the audience.

At the same age, Philip and his family moved from Bulgaria to Moscow, where he went to school No. 413, from which he graduated with a gold medal. The artist has also studied piano and guitar at a music school. After unsuccessful attempt receipts in Theatre Institute, Kirkorov became a student at the Gnessin State Music College. There he studied at the acting department musical theaters and operettas. In 1988 he graduated from the university with honors.

Philip Kirkorov. Variety activities

In November 1985 he made his debut on television: Gnesinka sophomore Philip Kirkorov sang the song " Alyosha" in Bulgarian in the program " Wider circle!", then received an invitation to work atLeningrad Music Hallunder the direction ofIlya Rakhlin.And in 1987 he went to Germany to perform in famous show theater "Friedrichstadt Palace».

After leaving the music hall, Philip began collaborating with songwriter Ilya Reznik, at whose vernissage in 1988 Kirkorov had his first meeting with his pop idol, Alla Pugacheva. The artist invited a recent graduate of the Gnessin College to perform at the first “Christmas Meetings”. At the same time, the young performer met the songwriter Leonid Derbenev, who wrote subsequently for Philip such hits as “You, you, you”, “Heaven and Earth”, “Atlantis”, “Day and Night”, etc.

In 1989, Kirkorov began touring with " Alla Pugacheva Theater", and then moves on to solo activities, instantly turning into a Russian pop superstar. The singer packs stadiums. In addition, he goes on his first tour abroad: USA, Canada, Germany, Israel.

In 1989, Kirkorov became finalist of the Songs of the Year festival.

1992 - laureate international competition « Golden Orpheus". In 1993 he received the " Ovation" in the category “Best Singer of the Year”. His compositions are recognized as hits of the year “ You tell me, tell me, cherry" And " Marina».

In 1994, Philip created the program “I am not Raphael,” in which hits from the repertoire were performed Engelbert Humperdinck(Engelbert Humperdinck) Tom Jones(Tom Jones), Frank Sinatra, Paul Anki(Paul Anka), Elvis Presley ( Elvis Presley). In 1995, three of his video clips were released for the songs “Bird,” “Look What a Summer” and “Darling, Darling, Darling.” Kirkorov simultaneously releases his sixth album, “Tell the Sun: “Yes!” and presents the program “The Best, Favorite and Only for You” at the State Variety Theater. The disc sold 2 million copies, and the show turned into the most beloved and long-awaited popular performance.

Philip Kirkorov received two awards " Ovation" in the categories "For the best program" and "The best singer" in 1995. A year later he was awarded a golden statuette from the World music award World music award in Monte Carlo.

In 1995 Philip Kirkorov represented Russia at Eurovision in Ireland, but took only 17th place, performing the song “Lullaby to the Volcano.” This failure was later explained by various political reasons, poor organization of the trip, lack of time to prepare for the competition, etc.

In 2007, Philip wrote a song for the Belarusian performer Dmitry Koldun, with which he made his debut at the European vocal competition, and in 2008 Kirkorov became the author of the composition Shady Lady for Ani Lorak, a representative of Ukraine, who took second place at Eurovision with this composition. After this, the then head of Square Victor Yushchenko appropriated Philip Kirkorov title of People's Artist of Ukraine.

In 1996, Kirkorov traveled around the country as a participant in the presidential election tour “Vote - or you lose!”, In 1997 - 1998 he performed on a grandiose super tour “ The best, favorite and only for you!"in Russia and foreign countries, including collecting sold-out crowds in the prestigious New York hall "Madison Square Garden", the German "Friedrichstadt Palace", the Thai Royal Cliff Beach Resort, etc. Reaching unheard of heights in his creativity, Kirkorov continues to work 24 hours a day day.

Unprecedented in Russian show business became Philip’s program “The Best, Favorite and Only for You...”, concerts within which he did not cancel, despite the economic and financial crisis that had then set in in the Russian Federation. Then there was new project“Oh, Mom, I’ll give you some chic!”, which took place from January 15 to 30, 1999 at the Moscow State Central Concert Hall “Russia”. On January 30, 1999, Philip Kirkorov was awarded a Guinness Book of Records prize and a certificate for the largest number of concerts in a row in one hall.

In the spring of the same year, the World Music Award ceremony for 1998 was held in Monte Carlo - at it Kirkorov was again recognized as the best Russian performer - the sales leader. Next - a big tour of Germany, a visit to Turkey, where Philip was invited by the local superstar of pom music Sezen Aksu. And later Kirkorov represented Russia in the program Michael Jackson Michael Jackson and Friends. What more can I give. In addition, he begins working on his first Spanish-language album, Magico Amor.

In January 2000 at the New York Lincoln Center at the FAMA Latin American Music Awards Philip Kirkorov, called the "King of Song", was awarded for huge contribution to popularize Spanish culture in Russia and other countries of Eastern Europe. In 2000, the singer released the single “Fire and Water”, the album “CheloFilia”, and also debuted on theater stage in a box office performance, the first Russian musical " Metro" In it, the pop star played a dramatic role.

In 2001, Kirkorov was awarded the title of Honored Artist Russian Federation.

In 2002 Philip Kirkorov together with your company Philip Kirkorov Production acquired worldwide production rights famous musical « Chicago" The singer played the main male role in it and also introduced his protégé Anastasia Stotskaya to the public. The scandalous musical has become main premiere of the year. In August 2003, Kirkorov the producer leads Stotskaya to victory at the international competition for young performers “New Wave”, and in 2004 both artists give a large joint world tour. At the end of summer, after a scandalous incident with a journalist, the artist takes a creative time-out.

In May 2004, at a press conference in Rostov-on-Don, Gazeta Dona journalist Irina Aroyan asked the singer about the “large number of remakes” in his repertoire. In response, Kirkorov prejudicially insulted the press representative. She filed a lawsuit, which found Philip guilty and imposed a fine of 60 thousand rubles. Meanwhile, many media outlets boycotted the singer for some time.

In 2005, Philip cooks Anastasia Stotskaya to the Russian qualifying round for Eurovision, but she falls short of the coveted first place by a few points. After this, Kirkorov also works in the team of Angelica Agurbash in preparation for “ Eurovision" In 2006, the singer resumed touring.

In the summer of 2006, Kirkorov performed at the residence Vladimir Putin as part of the summit, and a few days later the president attended the singer’s solo concert. At the same time, Philip took part in the filming of a video in support of the candidacy of the city of Sochi as the capital of the 2014 Olympics, and in the fall he performed at the celebration of the 30th anniversary Ramzan Kadyrov. Then Kirkorov was awarded the title of People's Artist of Chechnya.

In 2007, Philip produced the “Star Factory” graduate, Belarusian Dmitry Koldun, eventually bringing him to the finals of the European competition “ Eurovision", in which the young artist was in the top six best performers. Philip Bedrosovich himself became the winner of the Muz-TV 2007 award in the nomination “For his contribution to the development of pop music.”

In 2008, Ukrainian vocalist Ani Lorak found herself under the wing of Kirkorov the producer. Having won the national selection for Eurovision with the song Philip wrote for her, she takes second place, losing the championship Dima Bilan. Philip, meanwhile, receives the title of People's Artist of the Russian Federation.

Then the Russian organizers " Eurovision“They offer Kirkorov to head the national jury of the competition, which was held in Moscow in 2009. At first the King of Pop agrees, but later withdraws his authority, commenting:

Of course, my colleagues and I understand perfectly well that for a professional, when he assigns points to contestants, no personal sympathies play a role. However, I cannot allow even the slightest possibility of doubt about the objectivity of the professional Russian jury. Therefore, I decided to leave its composition.

The organizers invited Kirkorov to become a commentator for the final of the competition live on Channel One. The artist tries himself in this role as well. As a result, the Eurovision 2009 final with Kirkorov as commentator attracted a record number of viewers on television.

In subsequent years, the artist continues to successfully perform his own concerts, act in films, participate in various TV shows and, of course, does not forget about his production activities. So, in 2016, Kirkorov performed a song in the Eurovision contest Sergey Lazarev, who received third place according to the voting results.

In 2017, the artist planned to celebrate his half-century anniversary dozens of concerts at the State Kremlin Palace with the program “ I", which together with Franco Dragone he staged it in 2016, at the same time touring Russia and foreign countries with this show.

Philip Kirkorov: No one has ever done anything like this, but I can’t lower the bar. So that you understand: the only artist in our country who could afford to collect the Olympic Stadium for her performances for 30 days in a row was Alla Pugacheva with legendary program“I came and I say” back in 1984. Her example is a guiding star for me. He brought me as her student and follower of ideas and musical styles, to today. Therefore, I cannot afford to take any other steps. Only unprecedented. To surprise and delight... I am eternally grateful to God and fate for the fact that for all the 30 years that I have been on stage, there have been no empty seats in the hall...

In November of the same year, Philip Kirkorov received the Golden Gramophone award for “The Color of Mood is Blue,” which managed to become a hit of the summer. However, the artist decided to give the statuette to the film crew who worked on the production of the video, since he believes that the song owes its success to the video sequence.

Then a video was released for the song “Ibiza”, recorded together with. Celebrities such as, and appeared in the video. The clip caused a lot of criticism from viewers, while collecting 20 million views. Video for the duet Philip Kirkorova and “The Color of Mood is Black” became the final one in the trilogy of clips. Also took part in the filming.

“After the three super hits that I performed this year, I realized that age does not matter for a performer. I have a young spirit because I am surrounded by young people. And age is purely information for a passport,” Philip said in one of his interviews in 2018.

In June 2018, Philip Kirkorov received the title People's Artist Moldova for special services in development and popularization musical art, for his significant contribution to strengthening cultural ties between countries.

Philip Kirkorov. Film and television projects

In addition to musical and production activities, Philip Kirkorov actively participates in various television programs and acts in films. He has work as a presenter in the projects “ Morning with Kirkorov"", "Minute of Fame", "New Wave", "Two Stars", " Factor a", etc. As a member of the jury, the artist appeared in such shows and competitions as " Secret of success", "Minute of Fame", "Dancing with the Stars", " KVN», « New wave" And " Children's new wave », « Star Factory. Return"", "Universal artist", "One to one", "Exactly".

Kirkorov's filmography includes dozens of works. It all started with a crime drama " Hellspawn"(1991). Then there was filming in " Carnival Night - 2 "(1996), "Old songs about the main thing 1" (1996), "Old songs about the main thing 2" (1997), "Old songs about the main thing 3" (1998), " Beauty saloon"(2000), "Evenings on a farm near Dikanka" (2001), " Crazy Day, or The Marriage of Figaro"(2003), "My Fair Nanny" (2006), " Kingdom of Crooked Mirrors"(2007), " gold fish "(2008), etc.

In 2009, the audience-favorite comedy “Love in the City” was released, where Kirkorov appears in the role of St. Valentine. These shootings, which took place in America, according to the pop star, left an indelible impression on him.

Philip Kirkorov: I was simply amazed by the director’s talent. Marius Weisberg was so helpful to all the actors on set that it was very easy to work with. The character I play in the film was completely different. But together with the director, we created a very unexpected character, who over his centuries-old life has accumulated so much fatigue that it is reflected even in his appearance. He is unshaven, in strange clothes, with sad eyes. But he has charisma, a desire to love and make others happy.

Philip also appeared in the continuation of this comedy - “Love in the City 2” (2010) and “Love in the City 3” (2014), and also starred in the film “Morozko” (2010), the fourth season of “Matchmakers” (2010) , " Aladdin's New Adventures"(2011), "Little Red Riding Hood" (2012), "Three Heroes" (2013), "Holiday of Disobedience" (2015), as well as in the rated series "Voronin" (2017), etc.

Philip Kirkorov. Personal life

At the age of 10, Philip saw a performance for the first time Alla Pugacheva, which he really liked. He learned all the artist’s songs and performed them in front of relatives and guests, amazing everyone with the exact reproduction of her intonations. Alla became Phillip's real pop idol.

When at the end of 1993 Pugacheva divorced her husband Evgeny Boldin, Kirkorov began sending her a bouquet of roses every day. And on January 13, 1994, he announced his engagement to Alla Pugacheva. That day, the singer came to his beloved in a gilded carriage drawn by three horses, and took her to a small restaurant in Zamoskvorechye, where the couple celebrated the occasion in a small circle of guests, among whom were Igor Nikolaev and Natasha Koroleva, Igor Krutoy, Valentin Yudashkin, Alexander Buynov .

Many did not believe in the sincerity of feelings between Alla and Philip, and on March 15 they officially became husband and wife. Their marriage was registered by the then mayor of St. PetersburgAnatoly Sobchak, father of the TV presenter, public figure and actresses Ksenia Sobchak . Exactly a month later, the couple underwent a wedding ceremony in Jerusalem.

In March 2005, Alla and Philip divorced. This news sounded like a bolt from the blue, a few months later - on the air of the program “Without complexes", which was hosted by the singer Lolita Milyavskaya . Both stars did not comment on the reason for their separation. Later, in one of his interviews, Kirkorov admitted that he considers everything he experienced with Pugacheva to be wonderful, sincere and beautiful, and also wants to leave the period of their life together only in the memory of himself and Alla, but not “torment him with stories.”

Philip Kirkorov (April, 2017): I have no desire to analyze why our marriage with Alla broke up. It would be ignoble. At least something should remain with her and with me, outside of the discussion around. Because to a normal person It is impossible to understand what happened between us.

In the year of his 50th birthday, the singer, still open to communicating with the press, noted that Alla Borisovna taught him one thing good rule: Don't live in memories. Philip always follows this advice.

Bedros Kirkorov, father of the artist (April, 2017): I never asked Philip what happened with Alla, although their breakup is my great pain. But questioning is useless when adults have made a decision. It is impossible to return the past. I am glad that their relationship has remained the same. They celebrate family holidays together and congratulate each other. Their children are friends. This is wonderful.

November 26, 2011 Philippa Kirkorov a daughter was born, whom he named Alla Victoria - in honor of his mother and ex-wife Alla Pugacheva. The girl was born by a certain woman, Anastasia, in America. As it became known later, Kirkorov resorted to a surrogate method. The artist announced the appearance of the baby on the evening of the same day in the program “What? Where? When? "

And on June 29, 2012, during a concert in Sofia, the musician informed fans about the birth of his second child - son Martin-Christina. The boy received his name in honor of his grandfather Philip Kirkorova.

A TV presenter and an entrepreneur became the children's godparents Natalia Efremova.

In April 2017, on the threshold of its 50th anniversary Philip Kirkorov became a guest of the “Secret to a Million” program on NTV, where he opened the show’s host Lera Kudryavtseva shares some nuances of her life, including her personal life.

Philip Kirkorov: What could it be? personal life? It ended in failure. I put a “fat dot” on it. But my personal life was such that it couldn’t be cooler! She was fireworks, incredible. Any other memory will seem insignificant compared to the memory of her. Some hobbies appear, but everything ends quickly. Somehow it all doesn't add up.

Regarding his affair with a ballet dancer Alexandra Sivkova, about which the press began to write in 2017, Kirkorov said that the dancer simply starred in his video, where they have a candid scene together. This, Philip suggested, was probably where the rumors came from. Alexandra, as it turned out, works with the artist, traveling with him in his personal railway carriage. They visit theaters, museums, cinemas, etc.

Philip Kirkorov: Sasha is a very beautiful girl, oriental and fighting. Tomboy. I like strong women. I am a typical henpecked person. My mother was the main one in the family, then Alla, now my aunt... I have nothing to hide. Sasha is a very smart girl. She read a lot. It's interesting with her. We go to the gym together. She is my aerobics and dynamics coach. I even hula hoop.

Philip and Alexandra deny that there is an affair between them, claiming that it is just gossip. The ballerina, however, noted: “Philip is one of those men you want to follow, listen to, learn. I love him madly."

Philip Kirkorov. Interesting Facts

In September 2002, Philip’s sister Ksenia (on his father’s side) was born. She lived only two weeks. The girl died, according to her parents, due to the negligence of doctors.

When he was little, Philip fell seriously ill. Then the boy’s parents, who lived in Bulgaria at that time, came to the famous prophetess Vange who said: “I see your son on high mountain. He’s standing and waving a metal stick.” Years later, everything became clear: the mountain - musical Olympus, “metal stick” - microphone.

In December 2010, between Kirkorov and the assistant chief director “ Golden Gramophone» Marina Yablokova a conflict occurred: the artist slapped the woman in the face, pulled her by the hair and allegedly beat her. Yablokova initiated a criminal case for insult and causing minor bodily harm. Many representatives of show business spoke out against the artist. The singer ended up in the psychiatric ward of a medical center in Israel, from where in the program “Let Them Talk” (12/10/2010) he publicly apologized to Marina, explaining his action “ serious illness" On December 15, a case was opened: Kirkorov is the defendant, Yablokova is the victim and private prosecutor. The next day, both parties entered into a settlement agreement, which the court approved on December 22.

In the summer of 2012, the artist found himself at the center of another scandal: he received three Muz-TV awards at once, which displeased many domestic celebrities, including Timati. The rapper reported on his blog that the votes were distributed biasedly, to which Philip reacted sharply: “Do you have any questions? The most honest? I didn't ask any questions last year. Exists professional ethics! OK! Do you remember? The squabble between the artists reached the point where Kirkorov was going to sue Timati, and he, in turn, shot a video clip for the song “Come on, goodbye!” Afterwards the fuss subsided, but the conflict remained unresolved.

In 2016, the French Didier Marouani, group leader Space, stated that the song was performed Philip Kirkorova « Cruel love"is nothing more than a musical paraphrase of his composition Symphonic space dream, and at the end of autumn he arrived in Moscow to resolve the conflict, but the situation only worsened. Marouani then accused the Russian king of pop of “stole” dozens of songs from other artists and said that he would sue him. Kirkorov gave an interview in March 2017, in which he explained that the song was written eight years before Marouani composed his work, and the artist proved all this in court, and a counterclaim was filed against the Frenchman.

Philip Kirkorov. Discography

  1. Studio albums
    1990 - “Philip”, “Sinbad the Sailor”
    1991 - “You, you, you”, “Heaven and Earth”
    1992 - “So and so”
    1994 - “I am not Raphael”
    1995 - “Diva”, “Tell the Sun: “Yes!””
    2010 Morozko (cameo)
    2010 Love in the City - 2 (St. Valentine)
    2009 Love in the City (St. Valentine)
    2009 Like Cossacks... (Miloslavsky)
    2009 Golden Key (poodle Artemon)
    2008 On the back of a black cat (cameo)
    2008 Beauty requires...
    2008 Goldfish (Star Groom)
    2007 First Home (“Edward Scissorhands”)
    2007 Kingdom of Crooked Mirrors (Kite Pilif)
    2006 The Adventures of Verka Serduchka (Philip Kirkorov)
    2006 My Fair Nanny (cameo)
    2006 Star Holidays (Baron Star)
    2003 Crazy Day, or The Marriage of Figaro (Count Almaviva, main role)
    2001-2002 Like in a movie | Como en el cine (Mexico)
    2001 Old songs about the main thing. Postscript ("Ricky Martin")
    2001 Wings / New Adventures of Aladdin, The
    2014-2016 TV series Light and Shadow of the Lighthouse
    2013 Country of good kids
    1992-1994 Goryachev and others

Bedros Kirkorov is a Bulgarian singer, father of Philip Kirkorov. The strong voice of Bedros Kirkorov, because of which he was called a trumpet in childhood, is familiar to numerous fans not only in the singer’s homeland, but throughout the world.

Bedros Kirkorov became the first of foreign performers, who was awarded the title of Honored Artist of the Russian Federation. His successes are highly appreciated in his homeland, Bulgaria, where he was also awarded the title of People's Artist.


Bedros Kirkorov (real name Bedros Pilibos Krikorian) was born in Bulgaria, in Varna on June 2, 1932 in an Armenian family. The boy's father's name was Philip Kirkorov (real name Krikorian 1901-1968), he was a shoemaker. Mom - Sofia Kirkorova (Krikorian 1901-1984), housewife.

The couple sang very well, so they attended the city choir, where they often took their little son with them. Bedros's childhood dream is to dance, but to get into dance group he failed, there were no free places, and he was sent to the choir. There, his vocal abilities were appreciated in their own way, giving the boy the nickname “trumpet.”

In 1937, Bedros had a brother, Harry, who later became a successful businessman. He has no children. In 1945, a girl was born into the family, who was named Marie. She became a famous opera singer. She works and lives in America, she also has no children.


After school, he entered a vocational school, which he graduated at the age of 17, receiving a specialty as a shoemaker-fashion designer. Studied at a music school. Once in Bulgaria, A. Babajanyan heard Bedros’s performance and really liked the talented young man. The composer advised him to go to Moscow to study music. Heeding the advice of the eminent composer, young Kirkorov came to the capital in 1962 and immediately became a second-year student at GITIS, enrolling in the class of Professor B.A. Pokrovsky.

Creative path

Bedros Kirkorov has been singing since childhood. At once it was a city choir, then in student years he gives concerts. While studying at GITIS, he sang accompanied by orchestras led by such masters as Silantiev, Fedoseev, Rosner, Utesov.

Having received his first musical education at the school, he works at the Varna Opera.

WITH light hand Utesov, the singer’s repertoire includes a whole series of works in which Bulgarian-Soviet friendship is glorified. The singer's new program begins with an introductory text, the author of which was Utesov. It was the creative collaboration with L. Utesov that became the beginning of the creative path of the young Kirkorov.

He organized forty concerts with the charitable goal of raising money to erect a monument on Poklonnaya Hill. Because of this, the singer is fired, he leaves the Moscow Philharmonic and gets a job at the Philharmonic in Novgorod.

His repertoire includes many songs on folk and patriotic themes. His performances are always preceded by an introductory speech, in which the singer talks about the most valuable thing for a person - family, homeland.

Creative heritage

In his creative biography more than fifty songs heard on the radio. The singer constantly collaborated with the Melodiya recording studio, where one disc with twelve songs and a dozen small records were recorded. He brilliantly performed Alfred's aria from the opera La Traviada by Giuseppe Verdi.

He often performs in duets with other famous performers. The tandem of Bedros Kirkorov with his son Philip and sister Marie is well known. T. Gverdtsiteli, I. Kobzon, Bulgarian performers and B. Kirov sang a duet with him.

Bedros Kirkorov has repeatedly become a laureate of the most prestigious international song competitions. His contribution to the development of friendship between Bulgaria and the USSR was assessed by awarding him the title of Honored Artist and then People's Artist of the Russian Federation. In 2008, he received the award “For personal contribution to the development of culture and art of Russia” and the Order “For Honor and Dignity”.

Personal life

Bedros met his future wife Victoria Likhacheva in August 1964, in Sochi, where he performed at a concert. The girl was sitting with her mother on the eighth row, and the young performer immediately drew attention to her. Later it turned out that they even live in the same hotel. Victoria was delighted with the performance of the young attractive singer and wanted to get his autograph. Along with the autograph, she received a marriage proposal, to which she accepted. The wedding took place the same year. They lived long and happy thirty years, until Victoria died in 1994 from a serious illness. Bedros had terrible depression, he did not perform for 3 years, and canceled all his tours.

Photo: Bedros Kirkorov personal life

In April 1967, his son was born, who was named Philip in honor of his grandfather. The son followed his father's path and became pop singer. He is also known as an actor, composer, and producer. Bedros Kirkorov has a tradition - his son Philip receives a figurine of a horse for each of his birthdays, as a symbol of the fact that his son works like this noble animal.

Bedros Kirkorov has two grandchildren. The granddaughter's name is Alla-Victoria, she was born on November 26, 2011. The grandson was named Martin, he was born on June 29, 2012.

In 1997, Kirkorov Sr. married for the second time. This time his chosen one was Doctor of Economics, teacher. Their first acquaintance took place in 1992, Lyudmila at that time held the position of chairman of the Trudovik collective farm in the Novgorod region, and the singer came there during a tour. The couple got married in 1997 and settled near Veliky Novgorod.

On September 1, 2002, they had a daughter, who was given the name Ksenia. But at the age of 14 days, the girl died, becoming a victim of a doctor’s mistake.

Despite his rather venerable age, Bedros Kirkorov continues to be active social life, often accompanies his beloved son on tour.

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The name of Philip Kirkorov in our country, and far beyond its borders, is known to everyone without exception - the older generation, the middle generation, and even young children. And such success is well deserved. Today he is not only a famous singer, but also a talented composer, a successful producer, and simply a charismatic personality.

Was born outstanding singer in Bulgaria in 1967 in the spring, April 30, in the resort city of Varna. The surname Kirkorov is not quite a real surname. His paternal grandparents were Armenians and bore the surname Krikorian. When their son, Philip's father, went to school, he had to change his Armenian surname to its Bulgarian sound, since otherwise he would not have been accepted into school. My maternal grandmother had gypsies in her family, and my grandfather had Irish, French and Russian ancestry.

Philip's father, a famous Bulgarian singer, toured a lot, and his mother accompanied him, often working as a presenter at concerts. little son they took with them, and he carefully watched their performances from behind the scenes. At the age of 7, the boy appeared on stage with his father. Soon the family moved from Bulgaria to Moscow and settled on Taganka. I met Alla Pugacheva as a child, as she lived nearby, and even visited her, becoming friends with Christina, her daughter. Philip and Pugachev’s father then worked in the same concert organization.

Philip graduated from school with a gold medal. He wanted to enter GITIS, but did not pass the exams; he was told that his vocal abilities still needed to “grow.” And then he went to Gnesinka... and passed.

Career of Phillip Kirkorov

The first time he was shown on central channels was when he was 18 years old, and he performed the song “Alyosha" Then he was invited to “Blue Light” with the song “Sinbad", the director of Ogonyok had to defend his participation in the program, since they did not want to take Philip there for his too outstanding external characteristics.

Then there was participation in I. Reznik’s concerts “ Vernissage", which the singer himself considers his serious debut. It was there that the next meeting with Alla Pugacheva took place, only this time as a colleague. Due to final exams at the university, Philip had to abandon joint tours with her. Making such a choice was a serious step.

After graduating from Gnesinka with honors there was a competition Yalta-88, where he did not perform very well, since he was literally haunted by failures on stage there, and became just a diploma winner.

And from December of the same year, at the invitation of Pugacheva, he began to work in her “ Song Theater" Allah introduces him to Leonid Derbenev, who wrote a number of great songs for Kirkorov that became hits on long years. Philip annually takes part in competitions " Song of the year", each time becoming its laureate. It appears on TV screens more and more often and is increasingly gaining all-Union popularity. Little by little, another glory is assigned to him - Pugacheva’s favorite.
However, at the end of 1989, Philip left Alla’s theater, explaining that he should find out for himself whether he had already become an independent artist or “they only go to see him” because of Pugacheva.
He works on his own, as planned, and soon becomes convinced that he also has his fans, journalists give him the assessment of one of the brightest stars. He is recording two new albums, giving solo concerts at the best concert venues countries, preparing new program with the brightest decorations that I created for him Boris Krasnov. His performances are accompanied by new stage effects. He tours a lot in other countries and in Russia, giving concerts almost every day. Philip can be called a real workaholic; he is able to work 24 hours a day, demanding the same from his team and administrators.

Phillip Kirkorov in the comedy "Love in the City"

Philip also tried himself as a film actor in the films " Sex and the City", and his debut turned out to be successful.

Personal life of Phillip Kirkorov

There were only legends about the singer’s personal life, but no one really knew about his real feelings until unexpected news appeared in the world of show business - Philip was marrying Alla Pugacheva.

Philip Krikorov is marrying Alla Pugacheva.

Few people believed in the feelings of this couple then. Most considered this nothing more than a PR stunt and some kind of farce. Their marriage took place in the spring of 1994 and lasted 9 years.

After breaking up with Alla, he did not marry again, although novels were attributed to him with Anastasia Stotskaya, With Ani Lorak, with whom he worked as a producer. But no one really knew about the singer’s true feelings.

And not so long ago, Philip decided to become a single father, and he did it completely consciously. In 2011, his daughter Alla Victoria was born, and a year later his son Martin. We will probably soon find out what other surprises this controversial man will present. You can be sure of one thing - it will not leave anyone indifferent.

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Kirkorov Philip Bedrosovich (b. 1967) is the most brilliant and unique representative of Russian show business, pop singer, producer, actor, composer. Since 2008 - People's Artist of the Russian Federation.

Childhood and school years

It is not surprising that the boy turned into such a bright and creative personality, because from early childhood he was surrounded by people of art.

His dad, Bedros Kirkorov (real name Krikorian), born in 1932, an Armenian by nationality, was popular Bulgarian singer. My paternal grandparents were both Armenians, my grandfather was a perfect shoemaker. Mom, Victoria Markovna (maiden name Likhachev), born in 1937, was from a circus family. My maternal grandmother had gypsy roots and worked in the circus as a dancer and xylophonist. My maternal grandfather performed in the circus as a clown and acrobat. Philip's mother worked as a presenter concert programs, died of cancer at the age of 57. All of little Philip’s childhood years were spent traveling with his parents on tours.

Already at the age of 5, Philip first appeared on stage and felt the atmosphere of a full hall of spectators, applause, and admiration. It was in Petrozavodsk. Father Bedros Kirkorov gave a concert there and performed the autobiographical song “Son”. This song was dedicated to the tank crews of the Soviet Army, whom he met in Varna in 1944 as liberators. When Bedros finished singing, he came on stage a little boy and gave my dad some carnations. The singer introduced his son to the audience, and there was applause, the first in the life of Philip Kirkorov.

When the boy was 7 years old, the family moved permanently to Moscow. Here Philip went to school No. 413. He studied very well, but at the same time he hated algebra, physics, chemistry, and geometry. Kirkorov taught these subjects because he understood that in any case he would have to get a certificate. But at the same time, he considered them absolutely useless for himself, since he dreamed of becoming an artist.

In addition to the school curriculum, Philip studied piano and guitar at a music school.

Training in high school Kirkorov graduated with excellent marks and received a gold medal.

Student life and early career

After school, Kirkorov applied for admission to GITIS and chose the department of musical comedy. However, his vocal abilities were not appreciated by the selection committee. Then he entered the State School of Music named after the Gnessins. After 4 years, Philip received a red diploma from this higher educational institution.

While still a student, in the fall of 1985, Kirkorov participated in the popular television program"Wider the circle." He performed the composition “Alyosha” in Bulgarian. When he sang in the program, the director of “Blue Light” S.I. Anapolskaya drew attention to the young man. The woman invited him to take part in the filming. This was the beginning of Philip's musical career.

Creative path

In 1987, Kirkorov was invited to the Leningrad Musical Hall by director Ilya Rakhlin. Having started working in this team, Philip almost immediately went on an overseas tour to Berlin.

But he soon left the musical hall. At the same time, the aspiring singer met the songwriter Ilya Reznik, who played a significant role in the fate of Kirkorov. In April 1988, Reznik introduced Philip to Alla Pugacheva at the vernissage, and six months later she invited the young man to her first “Christmas meetings.” By that time, Philip had already achieved something in the field of music and show business:

  • he had a diploma of higher musical education in his hands;
  • he traveled to Mongolia, where he gave free concerts Soviet military personnel;
  • his performance at the competition of young performers in Yalta was a success;
  • The first video clip in his life was filmed for musical composition"Carmen"

At the “Christmas Meetings,” Kirkorov met the songwriter Leonid Derbenev. This meeting turned out to be fateful. Very little time will pass, and the whole country will know by heart the songs performed by Kirkorov based on Derbenev’s poems - “You, you, you”, “Atlantis”, “Heaven and Earth”, “Day and Night”.

In 1989, Philip went to Australia and Germany on tour with the Diva herself. This year was also marked for the singer by the fact that his first solo concert was held in Perm, and Philip also made it to the finals of the prestigious Song of the Year festival.

On the eve of 1990, Kirkorov began independent concert activities, already without the Alla Pugacheva Theater. Fortune was with him everywhere: no matter what the song, then new reward and success with listeners.

In 1990, the “Shlyager-90” competition was held in Leningrad, with the composition “Heaven and Earth” Philip won the Grand Prix.

In 1992, Kirkorov presented two show programs: “Heaven and Earth” and “Atlantis”, the second was recognized best show of the year. The video for Kirkorov’s song “Atlantis” was also recognized as the best in 1992. For the first time, Philip went on tour with solo concerts in Israel, the USA, Germany and Canada.

In 1993, Philip received the Ovation Prize as best singer of the year and the prize of the international competition “Golden Orpheus”. His tour in Australia was a success.

In 1994, grandiose joint concerts between Kirkorov and Pugacheva took place in Atlantic City; they took place at the Taj Mahal casino (the largest in America).

So quickly the bright star Philip Kirkorov rose on the horizon of the Russian stage; he has remained at the top of popularity for more than 20 years.

Each of his songs is an indispensable hit and tops the most prestigious ratings. All his programs are great shows. Every year, Philip gets to the final of the “Song of the Year”; he is the record holder on the stage for the number of Golden Gramophone statuettes.

Kirkorov has firmly taken the position of the king of pop on the Russian stage and still holds it to this day.


In 1995, Kirkorov was Russia's representative at the Eurovision music competition, but only took 17th place.

Then he began producing young singers from the CIS countries, participants in this song competition.

In 2005, singer Anzhelika Agurbash represented the Republic of Belarus, but this production experience of Philip was not entirely successful; the girl was only 13th in the semi-finals.

In 2007, Philip again composed a song and prepared the representative of Belarus, singer Dmitry Koldun, for the competition. In this case, the result was much better, Dima made it to the finals and took 6th position there.

The most successful performance was the performance at Eurovision by Kirkorov’s ward - Ukrainian singer Ani Lorak. In 2008, Ani came second in the competition, and President of Ukraine Viktor Yushchenko awarded Philip the Title of People's Artist of Ukraine for such merits.

In 2016, Philip wrote a song and became the producer of the Russian singer Sergei Lazarev. It was just a little short of victory. At Eurovision 2016, Sergei took 2nd place.


In addition to his musical and production career, Kirkorov can often be seen in films.

His first filming took place in the multi-part television series “Beauty Salon” in 2000. This was followed by work in the TV series “Women’s Happiness”, “My Fair Nanny” and filming in the film magazine “Yeralash”.

Not a single New Year's musical is complete without the participation of Philip Kirkorov:

  • "Evenings on a Farm Near Dikanka";
  • "Kingdom of Crooked Mirrors";
  • "Golden Key";
  • "New Year's Matchmakers";
  • "Little Red Riding Hood".

For his role as the devil in the musical “Evenings on a Farm near Dikanka,” Philip received an award for best male role at the Kinotavr 2002 festival.

In the romantic trilogy “Love in the City” (three films – 2008, 2009, 2011), Philip coped well with the role of Saint Valentine.

Personal life

Philip began his first serious romantic relationship in 1988 with the graceful and beautiful dancer Maria Shatlanova. She was 17 years old, the girl starred in Kirkorov’s videos and took part in his concerts. They were seen everywhere together and there was even talk of an imminent wedding, but this did not happen.

In 1994, Kirkorov took a serious swing and proposed his hand and heart to the very Diva of the Russian stage - Alla Pugacheva. He sought her favor for a long time and finally received consent. In March 1994, in St. Petersburg, the mayor of the city, Anatoly Sobchak, registered the marriage of Alla and Philip. Two months later, the couple got married in Jerusalem. For many, this was shocking news, because the groom was 18 years younger than the bride.

The marriage lasted 11 years. In 2005, the couple separated. Alla married showman Maxim Galkin. Philip is still alone and does not hide the fact that in his life there was, is and will be only one woman who could be his wife - Alla Pugacheva. The former spouses maintain very warm, sincere and friendly relations.

In November 2011 in America surrogate mother Philip gave birth to a daughter, whom he named Alla Victoria, in honor of the two most beloved women in his life - the Prima Donna and his mother. Three months after birth, the baby moved to her dad’s house near Moscow. In April 2012, the girl was baptized; Philip chose TV presenter and showman Andrei Malakhov as godfather.

In the early summer of 2012, Kirkorov again had a son, Martin-Christo, from a surrogate mother.

According to the singer, the birth of children completely changed his outlook on life. His daughter and son are the most important thing in his life; for them he works, he sings, for them he lives.

Philip Bedrosovich Kirkorov is the brightest, extravagant, talented and beloved man on Russian stage. He leaves no one indifferent, causing either blind adoration or envy.

Kirkorov is a star with capital letters, which never fails to delight us with new hits and details of her personal life. Recently, this cheerful and talented Bulgarian presented us with an exclusive show program dedicated to his birthday.

There is not a single person in our country and in the world who does not know this charismatic singer and actor.

Height, weight, age. How old is Philip Kirkorov

There is not a single person in the world who would not like to know what rising star height, weight, age. How old is Philip Kirkorov? This is also a question that worries his fans.

In order to find out how old the great singer is, you need to remember the year of Philip’s birth. He was born in 1967, so Kirkorov celebrated his fiftieth birthday this year.

According to his zodiac sign, this wonderful man is friendly and open, charismatic and bright Taurus, who carries all the rebellious qualities in his soul. By eastern calendar he was born under the sign of the fiery Goat, which gives qualities such as peacefulness, determination, excessive emotionality, and passion.

Philip Bedrosovich's height is simply gigantic, he is one meter and ninety-eight centimeters. The singer weighs only ninety-five kilograms.

Kirkorov's nationality is Armenian and Irish, Gypsy and Bulgarian.

Biography of Philip Kirkorov

The biography of Philip Kirkorov began quite unusually. The boy was born on the last day of April 1967 in the resort city of Varna.

The boy was very talented, so at the age of seven he went on stage with his father. Philip graduated music school in piano and guitar class.

From Bulgaria, the parents moved to the capital, which opened up incredible opportunities for the child. As a child, Philip met Alla Borisovna Pugacheva and his daughter Kristinka.

At school, the future singer was a quiet person, a teacher's assistant and an excellent student. He graduated educational institution with a gold medal, which allowed him to enter Gnesinka. Philip tried to enter GITIS, but failed due to insufficient vocal level.

Kirkorov quickly earned the attention of the public, however, they were in no hurry to invite him to Moscow television, afraid of his extraordinary appearance. He first appeared on the silver screen at the age of eighteen, when he sang the song “Alyosha” with his father. Then there was the composition “Sinbad”, with which I got to the New Year’s Blue Light.

The singer’s debut took place with the show of Ilya Reznik, who offered to perform in his program. Final exams coincided with the tour, so the guy was forced to abandon them.

Kirkorov went to vocal competition Yalta-88, but performed very poorly there. But the talented guy was noticed by the Prima Donna and invited to her theater, and then introduced him to Leonid Derbenev. With the magnificent songs of this author, the young man became the winner of the “Song of the Year” award several times.

People often noticed that Alla Borisovna treats her protégé with great love and tenderness. However, Philip surprised fans by leaving the Song Theater and deciding to become an independent artist.

Since 1989, Kirkorov has been touring independently and recording debut albums. His videos and songs become real hits, being awarded prestigious awards. Philip begins to be invited to television as a dear guest.

Since 1999, he went on tour in Germany and received an invitation from Michael Jackson to perform in his show program.

Currently, Philip Bedrosovich is his own producer; he often appears on screens in new television films. His filmography includes such works as “Love in the Big City”, “Women’s Happiness”, “New Year’s Matchmakers”, “Understudy”, “Crew”, “Voronins”, as well as participation in New Year’s musicals.

Kirkorov wrote a huge number of soundtracks for the films in which he appeared. He was involved in dubbing, voicing characters from popular cartoons. The voice of Philip is spoken by the bear Koda from “Brother Bear”, Troubadour from “New Bremen Town Musicians", Aladdin from the animated film of the same name.

The star often appears on screens, starring in commercials. Has numerous titles and awards.

He performs in theater and musicals around the world. Philip Bedrosovich is a presenter and jury member of numerous programs. Kirkorov is famous for preparing celebrities to participate in Eurovision from the Russian Federation.

Philip is an eccentric and scandalous person, so in his assets you can find a huge number of scandals, fights and problem situations With Russian celebrities.

It is worth noting that songs are dedicated to Kirkorov, films are being made about him documentaries and books are written.

Personal life of Philip Kirkorov

The personal life of Philip Kirkorov is full of surprises and dark spots. Fans constantly pestered him, offering the young singer eternal love, hand and heart. It is worth noting that the young guy’s heart always belonged to one woman - his Diva, his Alla.

Kirkorov was credited with fleeting romances with young artists, including Nastya Stotskaya. Recently, in an interview, the singer spoke frankly about her relationship with the temperamental Bulgarian. She fell in love with her producer at first sight, was able to enter his heart, but could not become the new Diva. The fact is that she waited too long for the moment when Philip would say yes to her.

Kirkorov gradually reduced his three-year relationship with Stotskaya to fleeting dates. He was the producer of the young starlet and constantly arranged unexpected tours for her, which angered Nastya. A terrible scandal broke out with dirty suspicions and mutual accusations. He interrupted all relationships between the stars for a long time, until Anastasia took the first step towards reconciliation. By the way, Stotskaya’s little son Sashenka is incredibly similar to Philip and his son Martin, which causes controversy over the paternity of the pop king.

The personal life of Philip Kirkorov, the mother of his children, also causes heated debate. It is not known for certain who this woman is, however, she is often called entrepreneur Natalya Efremova.

She already has a son who is twenty. Natalya is considered the godmother of the children. Kirkorov neither confirms nor denies speculation about Efremova’s motherhood. However, all close Kirkorov families claim that Natalya often comes to Philip and the children, who call her mother Natasha.

Family of Philip Kirkorov

The family of Philip Kirkorov is very stellar and unusual. She was associated with creativity and pop music. The boy’s real surname is Krikorian, but it was changed before his father entered a Bulgarian school.

The father of the future star is Bedros Krikorian– very famous and popular in Soviet times singer who performed in Bulgaria.

Mother: Victoria Likhachova-Kirkorova- was a circus performer, but worked as a presenter of concert programs together with Bedros. She died suddenly from cancer in 1994.

Philip Krikorian was the name of the singer’s grandfather on his father’s side. He was not famous, he worked as a shoemaker.

The mother's parents were hereditary circus performers; they had Irish and Gypsy roots. Marie's paternal aunt is a famous American opera singer.

The family of Philip Kirkorov, how he dresses and where he lives, often interests his fans. It is worth noting that Kirkorov is the owner of a huge amount of real estate. He has two apartments in Moscow, in one of which he stores his concert costumes, and an apartment in Miami.

He also has luxurious mansions on Rublevskoye Highway and in Bulgaria. Before the anniversary, the singer moved into a huge cottage on the territory of Myakinskaya Bay, which was built according to a special project. The house has two floors and an attic, which was given to the children. The grounds include a maid's house, a tennis court, a beach and a chapel.

Philip Bedrosovich dresses in accordance with the celebration or event to which he was invited. If the organizer of the holiday is a young man, then the singer can wear a denim suit and a bright T-shirt.

The singer's clothes are from well-known brands; he buys them straight from the catwalks. Some things have never been worn, they are equipped with tags, so Kirkorov six years ago opened a boutique in which he sold his branded clothes.

Philippe dresses in shiny and fashionable clothes from famous brands Dolce & Gabbana, Saint Laurent. Recently, a clothing line was released in his honor.

Children of Philip Kirkorov

The children of Philip Kirkorov were not born at the same time, as fans think. Became their mother unknown woman through surrogate insemination. The children look an awful lot like their star daddy with their black eyes and charming curls.

Became my daughter's godfather famous showman Andrei Malakhov. The father is crazy about his kids, he fulfills their every whim and behaves like their companion. The children are raised by Aunt Marie, who pampers the children with Bulgarian cuisine and baked goods. She is helped by nannies, a housekeeper and star grandfather Bedros.

Children of Philip Kirkorov, photos of daughter and son 2016-2017, often appear at various social events. They appear in an interview with their father.

The guys sing, dance, draw and have excellent upbringing. The kids attend a private kindergarten and are friends with the children of Galkin and Orbakaite. They attend sports clubs and creative clubs.

Son of Philip Kirkorov - Martin-Christo Kirkorov

The son of Philip Kirkorov, Martin-Christo Kirkorov, was born in June 2012 from a surrogate mother. The boy is very similar to Philip, he is a curly-haired and brown-eyed baby. Unusual name appeared because of Kirkorov’s favorite singer, Ricky Martin, and the popular native Bulgarian name.

The boy goes to kindergarten, he plays sports and recites poetry beautifully. Recently, Martin tried to record a song with his father at Max Fadeev’s restaurant. The boy tries himself in modeling business in Rudkovskaya’s Top Mini Star Models project.

And during anniversary concert the son of Philip Kirkorov made his debut on stage and touched his father. He sang a touching congratulatory song about dad along with his sister and grandfather.

Daughter of Philip Kirkorov - Alla-Victoria Kirkorova

The daughter of Philip Kirkorov, Alla-Victoria Kirkorova, is the singer’s eldest daughter, whose birth he announced in 2011 live on “Let Them Talk.” The girl was born in the USA from a surrogate mother. The baby was named after Alla Borisovna and Kirkorov’s mother.

Alla-Victoria is engaged in drawing, music, dancing, and gymnastics. She tries herself as a fashion model, appearing on the cover of L'Officiel Children. Looking at the photo of Philip Kirkorov’s daughter now, fans point out the girl’s incredible resemblance to her father, as well as her photogenicity.

The girl amazes with her fighting character, courage and relaxedness. She loves to attend social events and amazes everyone with her plasticity. Alla Victoria looks like her late grandmother.

The ex-wife of Philip Kirkorov - Alla Pugacheva

Ex-wife Philip Kirkorova - Alla Pugacheva is eighteen years older than her husband. It was predicted to the mother of little Philip by the famous seer Baba Vanga.

I met Alla Borisovna Kirkorov at the age of thirteen, when she brought her daughter Kristina to the Kremlin Christmas tree. All his relatives, neighbors, friends and even teachers knew that the boy was in love with the Prima Donna and considered her his future wife. But Pugacheva didn’t like the persistent boy at all. She noted the difference in views, attitude and attitude towards music.

Philip only person, who could argue with Alla Borisovna while working at her Variety Theater. Then he learned about the woman’s affair with Chelobanov and left the singer’s patronage.

At Christmas meetings in 1994, Kirkorov proposed to Pugacheva, she accepted him and set a wedding date. The couple's wedding was supposed to take place in Zagorsk, however, it was moved to Jerusalem. The young people were painted by the mayor of St. Petersburg, Anatoly Sobchak himself. Only close and dear people were present at the wedding and wedding ceremony.

The marriage lasted eleven years, although fans were sure for a long time that it was fictitious and PR. The reasons for the divorce are still unknown, however, the main one is Kirkorov’s debts for his musical.

Another reason is Philip’s quarrelsome and slightly aggressive character and his star fever. The singer constantly got into failed projects, he had depression and nervous breakdowns. When Philip shouted at the Diva, Maxim Galkin consoled her.

Sometimes the reason is sought in the so-called gay Kirkorov. One way or another, the couple separated in 2005, remaining on friendly terms.

Philip Kirkorov's common-law wife - Natalya Efremova

Philip Kirkorov's common-law wife, Natalya Efremova, is the subject of rumors and gossip. No one knows on what basis this pretty woman lives in Kirkorov’s house, and why the children call her Mama Natasha. And also why little Alla Victoria looks so much like this woman.

Natalya is the godmother and biological mother of Kirkorov’s children. She has an eldest son, Yegor, runs a business and helps raise Philip’s children. Her parents are hereditary military men, but Natasha worked in a boutique and made sure that the things of the King of Pop were exclusive and fashionable.

The wife of Philip Kirkorov came out to people. Photos with this tag appeared on the Internet recently. She hates public events, so she often wraps herself in a scarf or headscarf and puts on huge sunglasses.

Photo of Philip Kirkorov before and after plastic surgery

Photos of Philip Kirkorov before and after plastic surgery often appear on the Internet, however, few people believe them. The point is that charisma and bright features The faces of the frantic Bulgarian do not need correction.

Kirkorov himself honestly says that he had blepharoplasty and a facelift. He claims to have skin that is difficult to undergo plastic surgery. The fact is that the singer has too much fat under his skin. The lift was done using gold threads, which ensured excellent results.

No wrinkles, healthy image life, a fashionable hairstyle and a toned figure help the star look great. Fans invariably rejoice at the results of plastic surgery and forgive Philip his little weaknesses.

Instagram and Wikipedia Philip Kirkorov

Instagram and Wikipedia of Philip Kirkorov are available in the official version. They contain only reliable information, and the famous singer constantly updates his walls with in social networks family photos and creative projects.

On the Wikipedia page dedicated to the life of the famous king of pop, you can read facts about his family, childhood, novels and marriage to Alla Borisovna Pugacheva. Every new event that occurs in Kirkorov’s life will immediately be reflected in Wikipedia.

More than a million loyal fans are subscribed to Philip’s official Instagram, who gain access to a whole sea of ​​information. Photos and videos constantly appear on Kirkorov’s profile, to which enthusiastic comments are always added.

Lately, cute and funny photos of the star dad with his children have been posted on Instagram.

The singer is not afraid to laugh at himself in front of everyone, as evidenced by the video of how he was embarrassed in Tuapse. Kirkorov forgot that there were moving scenery behind him and, feeling a push in his back, screamed piercingly. The singer added a funny comment to the video posted on Instagram.

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