Pharaoh personal life. PHARAOH (Pharaoh) - Rapper biography, personal life, photo, album

Today we will tell you who Gleb Mironov is - Pharaoh. How old is this young man, it’s easy to calculate if you know that he was born in 1996, on January 30th. Originally from Moscow. Our hero is a cloud rap artist. Is former member by the Grindhouse team. Currently, he is the leader of an association called Dead Dynasty. Also participates in YungRussia.


Pharaoh - rapper Gleb Mironov ( real name Golubin) played professional football from the age of 6 to 13. He played in the Dynamo, CSKA and Lokomotiv clubs." From 2002 to 2013 he studied at gymnasium No. 1409. After graduating, he became a student at Moscow State University. Chose the Faculty of Journalism. Pharaoh (Gleb Mironov) formed his musical tastes under the influence of Snoop Dogg, Rammstein, and T.I. The young man made his first recordings in the studio of his friends. Note that as a rapper Pharaoh (Gleb Mironov) first took part in the Grindhouse team. Our hero's first recording is the composition Cadillac. The song was recorded in 2013.

The musician’s first fame came when in 2014 he released a video called “Nothing Has Changed.” Following this work, the mixtape “Wadget” appeared. Pharaoh is a member of the creative association Dead Dynasty. The project participates in the YungRussia movement. The latter was created by Boulevard Depo, a musician from Ufa. In the summer of 2015, a mixtape called Dolor was released.

Many critics called the musician a mixture of Kurt Cobain and Justin Bieber. They noted that there was nothing worthwhile in his work. At the same time, they emphasized that such works are in maximum demand and are relevant exclusively among young people. Soon appeared collaboration i61 and Pharaoh. It was called Rage Mode. Musician i61 participates in the Ufa association DOPECLUB. Rage Mode was included in the list of the twenty best albums of 2015 according to the Rap portal.

Our hero caught new wave success in 2015. At that time, an active discussion began on the Internet about the videos for the singles Champagne Squirt and Black Siemens. In 2016, a single of the same name appeared from the Phosphor mixtape. Thus this work was announced. In May of the same year, a second composition entitled “Let's Stay Home” appeared.

Soon the musician announced that the new album would have 18 songs, and its presentation would take place in June. However, the mixtape did not appear in the said month. In July, the rapper himself, as well as several members of the Dead Dynasty association, made a statement that due to technical problems the release had to be postponed for a certain time.


Pharaoh (Gleb Mironov) recorded the compositions “Wadget” and Phlora in 2014. In 2015, Dolor was published. Phosphor was created in 2016. Among the joint releases, the works of Paywall, Rage Mode and Plaksheri should be noted.


Pharaoh (Gleb Mironov) in 2014 pleased fans with the clips “Nothing Has Changed” and “In the Zone”. In 2016, videos by Black Siemens, Champagne Squirt, “Idol”, LIQUID DEATH, RUSTRELL, 1-800-SIEMENSIXONE were released. In 2016, the videos “Phosphorus” and “Let’s Stay Home” were created.

Here are some interesting facts about Pharaoh. He has used various aliases in the past, including The Silent, Castro and ColdSiemens.

The musician's father's name is Gennady. He is one of the leaders of a company specializing in sports marketing. Our hero's mother's name is Elena. In addition, the musician has a younger brother named Herman. He was born in 2003. Ros Gleb in Izmailovo, this is the eastern administrative district of Moscow.

Yesterday (18) and her new boyfriend, rapper Pharaoh(20), " The illusion of love" in the movie theaters " Moscow"and all secular photographers. In general, the relationship has been officially confirmed, and we have collected everything you need to know about Pharaoh (in case you haven’t heard anything about him).

Brief information

Pharaoh - creative pseudonym Gleba Golubina. The young man is a fourth-year full-time student at the Faculty of Journalism at Moscow State University.


From 6 to 13 years old, Gleb played football professionally and played for clubs " Locomotive», « CSKA" And " Dynamo" Having entered the university, Golubin often played ball with his classmates, and when he suddenly became a famous rapper, he almost stopped appearing at the university. But during the session, when Gleb does come to take exams, first-year girls willingly take pictures with him.

Carier start

The first portion of fame came to Pharaoh in February 2014, when the video for the song “Nothing Has Changed” was released. In 2015, two more videos appeared on the Internet: Black Siemens And Champagne Squirt. The latter, however, was removed from YouTube, but he managed to get as many as 10 million views! Pharaoh gained wide fame thanks to the Internet and social networks, where his clips instantly spread. Gleb does not have a producer - he is his own director and part-time leader creative association Dead Dynasty, which was created by a rapper from Ufa Boulevard Depot.

Critics about Pharaoh

According to music critics, Pharaoh is a kind of mixture (22) and Kurt Cobain. Like, from Bieber - youth and popularity, and from Cobain - audacity and nihilism. In short, Gleb - new hero of our time among Russian youth.

Business card

The weird “skrrt skrrt” sounds he makes all the time in the song. Black Siemens. Gleb himself says that he made the same sounds Bruce Lee when I was doing the tricks.


Most Popular Songs Pharaoh- This Black Siemens, « Five minutes ago" And Champagne Squirt.


In the summer of 2016, Gleb surprised the guests with street art in Gorky Park and appeared on stage during a break between performances by other musicians. Needless to say, the audience was delighted? And in general, at all his performances there is nowhere for the apple to fall - everyone dances, jumps and sings along.

Personal life

Pharaoh and his ex-girlfriend Katya

Gleb’s personal life was stormy (before he met Alesya, of course), but ex-girlfriends little is known about the singer. One of them was Katya Kishchuk– now she is the lead singer of the group Serebro.

Biography of Pharaoh What is the name of the rapper Pharaoh? Biography, how old, who is he married to, photo?

Biography of Pharaoh What is the name of the rapper Pharaoh? Biography, how old, who is he married to, photo?

HERE'S HIS FRIEND'S INSTAGRAM Pharaoh is none other than Gleb Golubin. Gleb was born on January 30, 1996. This year he turned twenty years old. Gleb's father is Gennady Golubin, one of the leaders of a company involved in sports marketing, his mother is Elena Golubina, his younger brother is German (2003).

Pharaoh is known as a rap artist (cloud rap (or thrillwave)), a member of the group “Dead Dynasty”.

Gleb grew up in Moscow, in Izmailovo. Since childhood, he was fond of football, went to training several times a week and dreamed of a professional career. In his free time from football, like all teenagers, he did his homework, listened to music and played game consoles.

Since childhood, Gleb has been a fan of American hip-hop, the main one of which is Kid Cudi. Gleb's collection includes Eminem, Snoop Dogg, Curtis Jackson.

At the age of 13, Gleb, at the insistence of his father, left football. The father himself was closely associated with football club“Dynamo”, he saw that Gleb had no talent in this sport, Gleb saw the field perfectly, but neither speed nor sharpness appeared in him. Gleb became a referee for children's teams, because he wanted to stay in football by any means.

15-year-old Gleb is intensively studying, and at the same time he is interested in music. At the age of 16, he tries to record his first track. Then Gleb leaves for America, where he lives alone for six months. American cloud rap amazed him.

In 2013, Gleb entered the Faculty of Journalism at Moscow State University. At the same time, his life in the atmosphere of music was gaining momentum. The first group he performed in was Grindhouse. In the same year, Gleb recorded the track “Cadillak”, the mixtail “Wadget”, for which this track was recorded and released in 2014.

Future fans of Farah (and Gleb’s fans call it that) paid special attention to the composition “Nothing Has Changed”). In the summer of 2014, Pharaoh released his next mixtape, Phlora.

Most famous clip Pharaoh "BLACK SIEMENS", released in 2015 in support of live performances. In the video, Gleb starred in winter locations against the backdrop of an old Lincoln (that’s what Cosmos drove in “Brigade”; the car was simply repainted). Gleb himself does not like this song, he really did not like the fact that many fans associate his work with it, so since 2016 Gleb has limited access to his official videos.

In the summer of 2015, a third mixtape called “DOLOR” was released.

Many means mass media claim that Pharaoh this moment is an interesting representative of modern Russian music, his rap is rap new school, rap with the spirit of modern nihilism and rudeness.

Gleb is still too young to be married. I have a girlfriend.

Composition of the group “Dead Dynasty”:

Pharaoh — Moscow

Fortnox Pockets – Pechora

Toyota RAW4 – Odessa

Acid Drop King (milf hunter) – Moscow

Jeembo — Moscow

Southgarden - Kharkov.

Updated 22 Oct 2016. Created June 17, 2016

Requiem for Ego (Interlude)
Many affairs
Ask my friends
Melissa / My Bitch
Without Me (feat. Mnogoznaal)
Pornstar (Remix) (feat. Noa)
One whole
Louis Vuitton Kiss (feat. Boulevard Depo)
Lone Star

Lyrics of songs, album "CONFECTIONERY".
September, 2016.

9 lives (x LSP)
Goldfish (x LSP)
Cupcake (x LSP)
Neon (x LSP)
PiT (x LSP)
Pornstar (x LSP)

MC Pelmen - Eat, for example (parody of the track: Wildly, For example)
OHLAMOH - Village, for example (parody of the track: Wildly, For example)

Lyrics of songs, album "DOLOR".
July, 2015.

Run away from me
In the bathroom
bare tree
Cold Siemens
Club 18. Beginning
Club 18. To the ground
on your body
Unbearable pain (x Saga)
Inferno (x Mnogoznaal)
Say hello
Rustrell (feat. Acid Drop King)

Other song lyrics:

Black Siemens
Boysband (feat. Ca$$xttx)
Waltz (feat. Scriptonite)
In the zone
In the Heart of Darkness (feat. Boulevard Depo)
Cabernet Sauvignon (ft. Boulevard Depo & iSIXONE)
Champagne Squirt (feat. Boulevard Depo)
Tasty, for example (cover)
Remembering the Light
Hero (feat. Mnogoznaal & Noggano)
Let's stay at home
Demons (x Jeembo)
Dezza (feat. Jeembo)
Digital Kapotnya (feat. ACID DROP KING)
Wildly for example
Before Harvest (feat. Boulevard Depo)
Why are you listening to this, turn it off
Cranberry (feat. LSP, MUD remix)
Of course the original, I ordered from the States
Leaf fall
Max Payne (ft. Boulevard Depo & preachernicky)
Mom, I don't want to live
MM (Bonus Track)
My Angel killed himself, I didn’t have time to say goodbye to him
My darkness
Dangling on the brush
I hope you are not allergic to strawberries
To the bottom
On the moon
Not on the way
Nothing changed
Plaksheri (feat. Boulevard Depo)
Letting youth live
Listen up bitch (ft. Boulevard Depo & iSIXONE)
Pronto (x Techno)
Wake Up and Bake (ft. Boulevard Depo & BOOTYCHAAAIN)
Dogs always go to heaven
5 minutes ago (feat. Boulevard Depo)
Let Gleb not be silent 1
Let Gleb not be silent 2
Rarrih (& Travis Scott)
Sur (feat. Boulevard Depo)
Your bitch (feat. Scriptonite)
Tekken Thug (feat. Boulevard Depo)
You're on the moon, take me the fuck out of here
Homeless God (feat. Jeembo)
Phlow.iso (feat. i61)
I remember how we burned letters by the canal
Blood Oceans (How Many?) x GHOSTEMANE
Chainsaw (x Jeembo)
PSCHD (Demo)
Unplugged (Interlude) ft. White Punk & Noa
Unplugged 2: Love Kills (x White Punk)

Pharaoh - biography

PHARAOH (real name - Gleb Gennadievich Golubin (Mironov). Born on January 30, 1996, in Moscow. Hip-hop and cloud rap artist (Former member of the group Grindhouse), who does not pay attention to any foundations and traditions of the genre, creates his own unique style and works tirelessly. ideological inspirer and leader of the "DEAD DYNASTY" coalition.

PHARAOH's work represents new school rap, imbued with the spirit of modern nihilism with rudeness.

In the shortest possible time (a little more than a year), Pharaoh wrote two solo mixtapes (“Wadget” and “PHLORA”), released a joint mini-album “PAYWALL” with Boulevard Depo, and even managed to give several concerts in Moscow and St. Petersburg. And the video for the song “Black Siemens” became the most popular in the artist’s career and received 2,000,000+ views on YouTube.

Released in July 2015 new album called "Dolor".

In February 2016, the leader of "Dead Dynasty", author of the hit "Black Siemens", Moscow cloud rapper PHARAOH presents his new joint album with BOULEVARD DEPO entitled "Plaksheri". The tracklist included joint tracks with like-minded people - iSIXONE, preachernicky, BOOTYCHAAAIN.

April 2016 becomes a breakthrough month for Pharaoh after the release of the video clip for the song “Phosphorus”.

In May 2016, a video clip was released for perhaps the shortest text track, “Let's stay at home.” At the same time, there is interesting event, Life edition interviews teachers at the Faculty of Journalism at Moscow State University (where Pharaoh studies) and asks them to analyze the lyrics of the rapper’s songs. Three teachers expressed their opinions - a doctor of philological sciences and two candidates. For example, Larisa Kasperova, a member of the Union of Journalists, candidate of philological sciences, associate professor of the department of stylistics of the Russian language, reflects on the texts of Pharaoh:

It is clear that these texts are a creative manifesto of one of the modern subcultural trends - “Dynasty shines”! If you are interested in any text, decide whether you perceive or do not perceive this direction. And if you still want to understand the meaning, then follow a few research steps. Firstly, it is necessary to clarify the meanings of all words, including slang and borrowed ones. It is often better to ask the author or representatives of this movement about the meanings of some polysemantic words (for example, Pharaoh - skr / skör).

As a rule, in such creativity there is always the idea of ​​a subculture and it is persistently transmitted in all texts. This manifests itself both at the level of vocabulary (narrowly widespread slang (skunk), names of clothes (in dead Nikes), attributes (green arrows) - symbols of a subculture, etc.) and active violation of grammar, and at the level of repeated motifs: a claim to originality , selectivity, closedness from strangers. All this is usually characteristic of the teenage and youth underground. interesting topic protest against the digital society: this is the herd on Instagram. But when you see that the PR of a given artist is active on the Internet, you understand that these are just words. And of course, I can’t ignore the line I’m like the new Yesenin, *** girls / And I read poems to them. Well, it’s unlikely that Yesenin would be remembered for a whole century if his stay on this earth was reduced to two simple actions. The fact of the matter is that Poets are constantly either in the process of waiting (languishing) for a new creative act, or in the process of creativity, all everyday life passes in the background in their lives. Read the full interview.


It's been a year since PHARAOH's last solo release. It was “DOLOR”, which, together with the hit “Black Siemens”, which even bothered the performer himself, radically changed his career and popularity. There was a noticeable leap forward, bringing a huge number of new fans and haters. The problem is that these fans will love everything that comes out of Farah, and the “haters” will continue to express their dislike no matter what. Will the author be able to release such a strong project that no one will have any questions, the number of doubts about his abilities will decrease, and the listeners will impartially evaluate the material? This could have happened with the long-awaited “PHOSPHOR”, but the artist decided to stay in his comfort zone.

PHOSPHOR is nothing new. What we see is rather a kind of mixture of “Wadget” and “PHLORA”: the gloomiest atmosphere, speech about hatred of the world, a stern voice, sometimes turning into the completely opposite with singing - everything is maintained in the same style. We have already heard this many times, but it is unlikely that any overly unexpected turns of events were necessary. The author remained true to himself, returning to where he started, slightly modifying his work. Now the material sounds better and more thoughtful. Among the guests there were also only members of “DEAD DYNASTY”, the only exception being Scriptonite. It fits perfectly with this sound, since “House With Normal Things” is also a depressive record with similar features.

Cold$iemens is on track. Perhaps this is the surest option: on the one hand, the artist does not limit himself to one thing, on the other hand, he returns to what old fans so desired. Whatever one may say, “PHOSPHOR” is high-quality work. The main thing is to introduce variety, otherwise it gets boring too quickly.

The “lone star” theme runs through the entire release. Despite the opinion of many people that fame has spoiled him, Gleb explains his position with one simple line from Ask My Friends: “What do you know about work, about tours, about fucking people that get into everything?” At this stage of popularity, when you are not really given a pass, you have to not only “get on your nerves,” but also resort to any means of distraction, which often results in disappointment in others and loneliness. That is why friendship and love are much more important than anything secondary.

“The path that is behind us was not cool, it was creepy,” says the author in the penultimate composition, which is a kind of cleansing of everything that has accumulated over the years of a rapidly developing career. The negative reaction of the public who heard something atypical for themselves, the attempts of colleagues in the shop to steal the style, the transition from the status of “one hit wonder” to an artist who consistently releases both hits and explicit compositions, where he puts all his soul and emotions - the path of PHARAOH It was a bumpy ride, but it continues, shrouded in a lunar atmosphere and detachment from outsiders.

(1 ratings, average: 5,00 out of 5)

Biography of the young Pharaoh

Pharaoh was born on January 30, 1996. His hometown- Moscow. Real name: Gleb Golubin. He lived in the Izmailovsky district and studied at the 1409 gymnasium. Since childhood, Gleb loved to kick the ball in the yard. The guy was predicted to have a sports career. His father was the director of the Moscow football Dynamo. After leaving office, he continued to work in sports marketing. Young Gleb managed to play for Dynamo, CSKA, and Lokomotiv.

He devoted almost the entire period of his youth to training and games. However, Golubin did not have any serious development as a football player. No matter how hard the young man tried, his level remained average, and even his father’s connections did not help push him forward up the ladder of his sports career. Gennady was not too pleased with his son’s success (which, incidentally, never happened), and Pharaoh himself already realized that he did not want to play football professionally. After that, he tried himself as a football referee, but then finally decided to give up football.

Another thing is that he liked rap and rock music. Among metal bands, he gave preference to the Germans Rammstein, who were then gaining popularity. Pharaoh even decided to learn German and attended courses for some time. Golubin’s idols were also Nirvana and Marilyn Manson. Among the rappers he liked Snoop Dogg and Kid Cudi. Another team was Reign Clan, which influenced the choice of style.

The development of Pharaoh as a musician

A turning point in the mind of Gleb Golubin was visiting the concert of the Chemodan Clan group. This happened at the age of 15, then the young cloud rapper realized that he also wanted to pump up the hall and please the audience. Then he records his first track in the style of Russian rap.

The song was called "Desert". After this, Pharaoh leaves the country for some time and goes to the USA. There he decided to change his direction towards Western rap music. After returning home, he took up creativity. In addition, he entered Moscow State University. Gleb Golubin studied at the Faculty of Journalism.

Pharaoh's first band was Grindhouse. With her, he released several tracks, including “Cadillac”, “Nothing Has Changed”, “Phlora”. However, the aspiring musician was unable to achieve much popularity with this group. The very first release in 2014 was the album “Wadget”. In 2015, a mixtape with i61, “Rage Mode,” was released, which found positive responses from critics. Then Pharaoh recorded music similar in style to thrillwave and trap.

A wave of popularity

It was a completely different matter when Pharaoh released the videos “Champagne Squirt” and “Black Siemens”, which went wildly viral on the Internet, and individual phrases and even sounds (the famous “skrr-skr”) were pulled apart into quotes. After these clips, Pharaoh gained long-awaited popularity. Pharaoh is releasing a mixtape “Dolor” with his new band Dead Dynasty.

In 2016, Pharaoh released the album “PHOSPHOR”. There was also a joint EP with Oleg LSP. The rapper has developed a certain direction in which he continues to work. This is a mixture of cloud rap, thrill, hip-hop. However, Gleb Golubin does not stop there and continues to experiment. For example, after his release “Pink Phloyd” (the beats of which were written by Shadow Playaz, Dexter Dukarus and Dead Dynasty), he recorded a guitar track for a new acoustic album. Pharaoh also decides to remember his preferences from his youth and record a completely rocker album.

PHARAOH & Boulevard Depo - 5 Minutes Ago

PHARAOH & Boulevard Depo - 5 Minutes Ago - the most revealing clip, which contains everything that Pharaoh fans love for. There are drugs, cool cars, chicks, cops, and show-offs, show-offs, show-offs. Pharaoh and Budvar Depot made a deliberate video in the style of Russian cloud rappers. In pharaoh 5 minutes ago several states are mixed - here there is both deliberate coolness and teenage maximalism. A craving for self-destruction through drugs and alcohol, but a subconscious fear for one’s future.

A patrol is chasing the heroes of the track, but after 5 minutes they can no longer be found in the courtyards. The plot thread of all online music is that pharaoh 5 minutes ago did something that is inaccessible to a “mere mortal.” For example, I bought myself a new expensive ring. However, the most offensive thing for the opponent is that the performer fucked his bitch, of course, pharaoh 5 minutes ago.

True, it is not entirely clear why he did this, if he saw her - and this is an abomination. However, this was again a deliberate action just to show his toughness in front of his opponent. The motive of the text is that this company is going somewhere and going somewhere, doing different things along the way - rolling joints, groping chicks and stuff like that.
Those who like to listen to themes that literally parody the lifestyle of American cloud rappers were pleased with the pharaoh clip 5 minutes ago. Relaxed delivery, swinging beats. The backing track does not contain anything superfluous - only a beat, bass, hi-hat, a couple of electronic voice effects. Such minimalism helps to focus on the text and catch the “stoned” flow.

The main phrase of pharaoh 5 minutes ago was his mother’s instruction about bitches who lie all the time. A tough, but true phrase. Pharaoh quite often throws out such biting but informative phrases - he speaks directly, everything as it really is.

The video clip of pharaoh 5 minutes ago is interesting to watch. The characters move along the road in a Mercedes, something is constantly happening, camera angles often change. This gives the clip dynamism and a sense of movement. Pharaoh does all these pretentious rap moves. Then the company ends up somewhere on the seashore, then they move to some apartment. Accordingly, the bitches are with them. Events take place during the day, then the situation gives way to darkness. The heroes of pharaoh 5 minutes ago hang out around the clock.

Pharaoh – Wildly for example

Pharaoh – Diko for example – is a vivid example of thoughtful cloud rap. Initially, this music was conceived as flying on the clouds. Something soft, thoughtful, airy. And the clip really takes you into the distance; everything is done to maximize the involvement of those who like to listen to music online. It is also impossible not to note the unusual video series Pharaoh - Wildly, for example.

The clip Pharaoh – Wildly, for example, begins with filming a forest from a quadcopter. In general, the sight of a park area with a route laid between the trees evokes different associations. Matte light filters and color correction seem to create the atmosphere of some kind of youth horror film, where the main characters begin their journey in the forest, far from people. In addition, the backing track with a characteristic melodic move (reminiscent of something like an electric viola) sets a cold autumn mood.

The retro car contrasts with the broken part of the road on the side of the road. The viewer can watch how the car ride scene changes with the main characters being in a certain house, which is made in an old style. In Pharaoh - Wildly, for example, representatives are depicted secular society in a mixture of modern clothing and festive hairstyles at balls of the 18th and 19th centuries. They go hunting with dogs and weapons. And it looks quite creepy.

Moreover, in text Pharaoh– For example, there is a wild mention of a “rare species”, poaching”, a revolver in the throat (an obvious allusion), “puddles of blood everywhere” and a dispute about the fact that someone will not leave this square. It looks like an expensive entertainment for the rich - hunting for a person. Although the meaning of the word Pharaoh - Wildly, for example, also consists of wealth, self-importance and chicks. However, all this is veiled in a poetic form so unusual for a traditional cloud that listening to this minus is interesting and you can even try to look for hidden meanings.

There is something like a medieval-style party going on in the building. The heroes hang out, eat decorously at the table and drink bottles of wine. Pharaoh - For example, he smokes wildly with his company, hangs out with his company in the forest and in the house. He also reminds that even in this club everyone will die. Whether the reference is to an elite hunting club or an ordinary entertainment establishment, the phrase has a double meaning.

Album Pharaoh – Pink Phloyd

Pharaoh – Pink Phloyd – summer release from the popular cloud rapper. The disc consists of fifteen tracks (14 original plus one remix). The record is made in the usual manner for Pharaoh - songs about his wealth and glory are replaced by the peculiar lyrics inherent in performers of this kind. In general, the album Pharaoh – Pink Phloyd is somewhat calmer than previous releases. There are no sharp jumping transitions from a lyrical song to a driving screaming one.

Of course, one cannot help but pay attention to the reference in the title to the great group. The iconic psychedelic band is spelled Pink Floyd, so the reference is only indirect. The cover shows starry sky– a hint of the space rock genre, as well as some psychedelic moments in the sound (for example, on the track “Louis Vuitton Kiss”, recorded together with Boulevard Depo).

More about songs

The first track bears the same name “Pink Phloyd”. To be honest, it’s not an opener at all - it’s not memorable, the lyrics are traditionally chewed up. The theme is standard - I'm in Gucci, I'm fucking bitches. The only saving grace is the squeak of Pharaoh himself in the chorus, which somehow makes it stand out this work among a cloud of similar ones.

It gets more interesting from the second track. "Problems" portrays Pharaoh as a very tough gangster. He threatens not only to shoot his rival and pull his skin, but even to burn down his district. The meaning of the song is quite contradictory - money brings “Problems”.

A rather controversial statement, given the fact that Pharaoh constantly talks about his wealth and success. But the fact that bitches bring “Problems” is a positive statement. Interestingly, the song was recorded with underground rappers The Chemodan, who are known for their existential lyrics and general depressiveness in the lyrics.

The single “Wildly, for example” has become extremely popular for a long time. Although the topic is standard and hackneyed, it was presented with an unusual text. Many people tried to decode the meaning of the track “Wildly, for example,” but exact value All lines are known only to the author himself.

The next song “School” will please target audience Pharaoh – actually schoolchildren. Every high school student who is interested in the work of a rapper will feel incredibly cool and close to an idol, walking with a briefcase and proudly carrying a column with a recording of their favorite singer.

“Your Place” takes the listener back to the typical theme of a Pink Phloyd album. It was recorded with Acid Drop King and begins with his reading, which suspiciously parodies the reading of the maestro himself. Main meaning You can listen to the entire song online in one line - “Even if you fill your ass with money, you can’t buy charisma.” No matter how much an ordinary person tries to be like his idol, he will not be able to do this.

“Requiem for the Ego” is an announced lyrical track in which Pharaoh even tries to go into spatial semi-romantic reasoning. Lyrics about the “third eye”, Cerberus and other references to mythology create a mysterious aura for the track.

However, the next “Lallipup” returns the listener to the usual lyrics about humiliating an opponent and fucking his bitch.

The aforementioned “Louis Vuitton Kiss” is something about love (although the lyrics are practically incomprehensible). This theme continues with “One Whole,” which can also be listened to online. The words about “I’ll pick you up near your house at night” and “all your friends are discussing my album” make this type of music online very romantic (for schoolgirls, that’s for sure). "Melissa. My bitch" from the same series.

“A Lot to Do” and “Ask My Friends” are alike – if “A Lot to Do” is about the singer’s coolness, then “Ask My Friends” is about being tired of fame.

“Without Me” is the most melancholic and slow track from the entire Pink Phloyd album. “Lone Star” also adds a touch of romance to the end of the album, as does “Porn Star.”

Listen to Pink Phloyd album

Pharaoh Pharaoh

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