Falsification of history: examples. Countering the falsification of history

Alexey Kungurov shows from transmission to transmission how distortion real story has a detrimental effect

on the formation of a correct, critical perception of the surrounding world and ongoing processes.

Convincingly proving that we can hardly imagine what happened 200 years ago.

And more ancient history is already moving into the realm of guesswork...

Official history is a screen for hiding the truth. But this screen is of poor quality and is torn more and more every year, patches no longer help.

The blinders of matrix perception are pulled over our eyes and do not allow us to see the reality behind the virtual images that have been instilled in us since childhood. We have forgotten how to distinguish the virtual picture shown to us from real life.

This is used by the people who control our world to keep us in slavery, giving us the illusion of freedom.

We think that we are being deceived in small things, but in general we are in control of the situation.

However, in reality we are being deceived in a big way and in the main thing.

We have lost the ability to perceive correctly REALITY.

The films talk about the way our consciousness and our perception are deformed.

To put it briefly, we have a built-in filter in our consciousness that does not allow us to correctly analyze and understand anything at all.

Scientists, historians and all other researchers are not enemies who brazenly lie and try to lead us all into a dead end, but crippled souls (more precisely, mind and reason) people (like everyone else) with a deformed consciousness.

Therefore, any analysis of information produces a result that is far from reality. Each of us has a peculiar Matrix.

Myths and reality. How are myths written?

Part 1 - What museum armor can tell you about.

Part 2 - Greek temples. How old are they?

Part 3 - What schizophrenia is, and what only seems like it at first acquaintance. On the issue of the technological achievements of our ancestors in the 18-19th century.

Part 4 - Alexandria Column. How and when was it made?

Part 5 - St. Isaac's Cathedral.

Part 6 - The Hermitage. We wouldn’t be able to build it even now.

Part 7 - Stone-cutting art. Stone decoration of St. Petersburg.

Part 8 - Contradictions. Abrupt climate change. Causes. Are steam locomotives a step backward? Examples of 18th century technology.

Part 9 - Capture and distortion of religions.

Part 10 - Impact.

Part 11 - Deception.

While historians continue to scrutinize the Pugachev uprising and the Great Industrial Revolution of the 18th and 19th centuries, Napoleonic wars– and other “true” events, representatives of alternative history are slowly but surely destroying the foundations of official historical science.

Peter I? Catherine the Great? Vladimir Red Sun? – Forget about these mythical characters imposed from school.

It's time to talk seriously about the colossal fraud historical facts, nuclear war 19th century, the miraculous technologies of our (or not quite our) ancestors and the unbridled appetite of creatures from other galaxies, sucking minerals from the bowels of the Earth and cutting off the fertile layer from our planet along with trees, bushes, grass, streams and lakes.

Until recently literary works the great classics remained one of the few obstacles before which representatives of alternative history succumbed.

In fact, if representatives of alternative history are right in their statements, then why didn’t Pushkin, Lermontov, Gogol, Tolstoy, Dostoevsky and other classics say anything about a military conflict on a planetary scale that happened in the 19th century? – Alexey Kungurov, a supporter of alternative history, speaks quite confidently about this event in his videos.

“Demons” by Dostoevsky – a novel about alien invaders of the Earth?

“Demons” is a novel written by Dostoevsky in 1871-1872. Perhaps it was in this work that Fyodor Mikhailovich Dostoevsky encrypted a grandiose message for readers, amazing in its content.

In the very first chapter of “Demons,” which tells about Stepan Trofimovich Verkhovensky, Dostoevsky, with the sarcasm and tendency to inflate mystery characteristic of his narrative style, retells the plot of the poem that Stepan Trofimovich wrote in his young years.

It’s difficult for me to tell the plot, because, in truth, I don’t understand anything about it.“- the character of the novel “Demons”, on whose behalf the narration is told, speaks of Stepan Verkhovensky’s poem. What is the writer talking about here?

Let's imagine that during Dostoevsky's life on Earth really some grandiose event occurred that he could not tell his readers directly about. And, talking about Verkhovensky’s poem, the writer is actually talking about a large-scale conflict between the civilizations of the Earth - or between the humanity of the Earth and entities from distant stars, which happened in the 19th century. And about which official historical science does not know.

One civilized young man wanders between the cliffs, picking and sucking some herbs, and when asked by the fairy: why is he sucking these herbs? - answers that he, feeling an excess of life in himself, seeks oblivion and finds it in the juice of these herbs; but that his main desire is to lose his mind as quickly as possible...”

Who is this young man? “Perhaps this is an image of the civilization of that time, which was so spiritually degraded that in its madness it wanted to “lose your mind as quickly as possible.”

It is also likely that with the words “to lose your mind as quickly as possible,” Dostoevsky expressed the goal of some powerful world forces who wanted to reshape the consciousness of humanity in their own way, to erase people’s memory of the past in order to lay the foundations of a new – “official”, as it is now called, history.

By the way, special attention deserve the abnormal actions of one of the main characters of the novel, Nikolai Stavrogin. One of these actions was that Stavrogin grabbed a socially respected man by the nose and dragged him in this position for several steps. The writer seems to be telling us: “Look, humanity! So they drag you around by the nose throughout your entire story, and you don’t notice it.”

Then suddenly a young man of indescribable beauty rides in on a black horse, and a terrible multitude of all nations follows him. The youth represents death, and all nations thirst for it.”

Here Dostoevsky is not even encrypted. Almost directly he writes about a certain enemy of humanity, so powerful that the peoples of the Earth see in him the death that they themselves crave. But what kind of enemy is this? Maybe these are some highly developed creatures from an unknown Universe who decided to subjugate people? Or maybe it's deadly dangerous virus spiritual decline, which originated within the earthlings themselves and forced them to go to war against each other? It is also likely that we are talking about weapons of mass destruction like nuclear bomb.

Indications of distortion of human history in other works of Dostoevsky

In Crime and Punishment, Raskolnikov’s dream (already in hard labor, after his conviction) is noteworthy:

“In his illness, he dreamed that the whole world was condemned to be a victim of some terrible, unheard of and unprecedented pestilence coming from the depths of Asia to Europe. All were to perish, except for a few, very few, chosen ones. Some new trichinae appeared, microscopic creatures that inhabited people’s bodies. But these creatures were spirits, gifted with intelligence and will. People who accepted them into themselves immediately became possessed and crazy. But never, never have people considered themselves as smart and unshakable in the truth as the infected believed. They have never considered their verdicts, their scientific conclusions, their moral convictions and beliefs more unshakable. Entire villages, entire cities and peoples became infected and went crazy.”.

This passage can be safely taken in its entirety and understood as the writer’s testimony (albeit artistic) about the incomprehensible events that happened on Earth in the 19th century.

Other indications of the reformatting of human history in Dostoevsky’s works concern St. Petersburg.

Fans of alternative historical concepts cite the complexity of the architecture of St. Petersburg as the main argument indicating a distortion of history. Allegedly, this city is too amazing and fantastic to be built by backward feudal Russia without the use of sophisticated technologies.

Dostoevsky also loved St. Petersburg in his own way. In “Notes from Underground” their hero lives in St. Petersburg,” himself abstract and deliberate city across the globe“. – A rather meaningful phrase that gives adherents of alternative history the opportunity to interpret it in their own way.

It is obvious that many such passages from the works of the great writer can be unearthed.

Where is the truth?

Historical science will never accurately and clearly describe this or that event of the past. And what does it mean to “describe accurately and clearly”? After all, we write history ourselves. And people suffer from bias. That's why we are people.

In addition, the power elite in any country is interested in writing the “correct” (convenient for them) history. Just look at how the same event is interpreted in different countries. As a rule, people who control the main levers of society do not hesitate to give recommendations on how to cover events.

Anyone who doesn't like the official story makes up one my version of events. Believing this alternative version or denying it is the independent choice of each person.

As for Dostoevsky, he is too inaccessible in his genius creativity so that someone could shake his greatness. And such a frivolous and partly humorous article like this is even more incapable of doing this.

On the issue of falsification of history and crippled consciousness

My research into truth official version The stories began with small observations and information obtained in personal communication. The essence of the information was the statement that until recently there was a nuclear war all over the world and after that we were occupied and history was rewritten(including our consciousness was broken by this action).

This information itself turned out to be so shocking, unusual and completely contradictory everyone our beliefs and views, which I did not immediately consider seriously. Many of us have read many books in our lives, including on history, about Borodin, about brave knights, about Robin Hood, about Denis Davydov, etc. Many have watched quite a lot of popular science films on similar topics (and feature films, glorifying the exploits of heroes). Some visited museums where mammoth bones and tools were exhibited primitive man And, the most important – evidence that era– copper cannons, uniforms of Russian soldiers and generals, weapons of those times.

Doubts about authenticity The official version of the story did not appear to me immediately, but after the discovery of a number of objects, the so-called. artifacts whose existence historians have not even tried to explain clearly. Such artifacts can easily be attributed to the marble sarcophagus exhibited in Historical Museum, located on Red Square in Moscow. This sarcophagus looks like a sarcophagus Altai princess, described in the article “Tisulskaya find”.

The most interesting thing is that although it was allegedly found in another place, it seems to be only two and a half thousand years old, but it was made with a quality that is difficult for us to achieve even now. Then, examining other extraordinary objects, for example, the Atlanteans of the Hermitage and their level of manufacture, I was able to assume that the sarcophagus and the Atlases were made of geopolymer concrete. It turns out that both 2500 years ago and 200 years ago our ancestors knew the secret of geopolymer concrete, and we, with our level of development, were only able to rediscover this material at the end of the 20th century. And if just 200 years ago it was the most common material, then What happened something that has so dramatically shortened our memory and impoverished our knowledge?

All studies whose results were published in official sources did not provide answers to questions asked that arose when analyzing this amazing information. Therefore, based on the “technological reconstruction method” successfully applied Alexey Artemyev and described by him in the article, a method was proposed for studying the authenticity of history, based on the reconstruction of the technological level of development of society necessary for the manufacture of artifacts and (or) the construction of mega-structures. After all, knowing a tool, we can assume what can be made with it, and, seeing a manufactured object, determine the tool. For example: if in the tomb of Tutankhamun we find a modern T-80 tank, then we can assume that at the time of its manufacture there were lathes, rolling mills, and a developed electronics industry comparable to our modern one.

Objects of my research became megaliths and incredible (in terms of significance and beauty) buildings. As a result of these studies, described in the article, it was discovered that many buildings and structures built 200-300 years ago, for example, such as the Hermitage, St. Isaac's and Kazan Cathedrals, Alexandria Column, were made using technologies whose level far exceeded the level of society the time described official history. Moreover, it turned out that 200 or more years ago, many buildings built in different parts of the world were built using the same technologies and in the same cultural tradition. For example, buildings such as: the British Museum, the White House in Washington, the Capitol, the lesser known church on top of the pyramid in Mexico and the mosque near Baalbek).

Construction with the massive use of huge columns made of monolithic rocks stopped everywhere and at once approximately at the turn of the century 1812-1815. About megaliths, such as the Egyptian Pyramids, Baalbek and the like, modern science In general, he cannot or does not want to report anything reliable. All this is very reminiscent of bedtime stories (technology of “Egyptian slaves”). But the technique of making megaliths required a level of technological development at least comparable to ours. All theories about the origin of these objects are based on the assumption that they were built by “someone else”: Gods, Aliens, Atlanteans, etc., since people at that moment were supposedly wild (underdeveloped) and could not (certainly could not ) build such objects.

Certainly, all these facts separately– loss of technology, climate change, destroyed forests and a large number of craters (presumably from nuclear explosions) – cannot explain what exactly happened at the turn of 1812-1815. But taken together they fit into our idea of nuclear war, O small nuclear winter and its consequences.

For most people, these facts in themselves do not mean anything, much less serve as evidence. But for smart people they are a very important and interesting basis for thought. After all, if the truth is established and proven fact of high-tech warfare at that time, then our entire subsequent history can be presented in a completely different way!

For example, many, if not all, wars and revolutions may turn out to be stages of our ancestors’ constant struggle for independence: what is presented to us as peasant uprisings in the 19th century, and the revolutions of 1905 and 1917, and the Great Patriotic War 1941-1945

For example, it is well known and allegedly documented that in Leningrad before the war the power consumed was 1400 MW, and during the war years (including electricity from the Volkhov hydroelectric station) - only 58 MW. And we are also officially told and even written that with such a catastrophic shortage of energy, the entire industry worked, and even trams ran! Moreover, we are told that from surrounded Leningrad A huge amount of freshly manufactured weapons and ammunition was regularly sent to the front!

All the religions of the world form one whole, like the branches of one tree of life, the roots of which have penetrated into the soil of Divine Wisdom, and the leaves shade the peoples with their healing canopy. They all possess one treasure - the knowledge of God, who is Eternal Life. Their methods are different, but they have the same goal: to help a person, through purification, achieve perfection and become a God-being. They have common basic truths, but differ in many details. All the world's religions affirm that He is Self-Existing, Infinite and Eternal, the One Life on which all lives depend, the One Existence from which all existences derive their being. Everything that exists resides in Him. He has no form, no color, no outline, but all forms draw their beauty from Him, all colors are parts of Him. White Light, all outlines are expressions of His thoughts.
Religions were created to enable people to understand their individuality, the individuality of the separate Divine Principle present in each of us. And such knowledge is very valuable. But information distorted by the majority religious figures, gives only a limited perspective of who you really are and limits your power over your individual consciousness and life as a whole.
And yet people, each so zealously defending their own religion, and they are absolutely delusionally confident that only it is true, that they are ready to almost lay down their lives for it, doing this mainly out of the feeling that it is their own religion. They don't seem to understand that all religions point the way to the same God, no matter what you call him. In other words, every pointer leads to the same goal.47
The ancient doctrine of karma and reincarnation, or reincarnation of the soul, has taken deep roots in the soil of all religions. And this applies to the hidden teachings of the Christian church as well as to other religions. It is included in the Christian mysteries along with other occult dogmas, and the primitive Christian church included these teachings in its innermost circle.
Although most modern Christians strenuously object to the idea that reincarnation of the soul ever formed part of Christian teachings and rather consider it a pagan teaching. But the fact still remains that the careful and unprejudiced researcher will find in the records of the early fathers of the Christian church, indisputable evidence that the doctrine of reincarnation of the soul was recognized and spread by thoughtful and advanced people of that time. It certainly formed part of the Christian mysteries.
The first such clear-thinking Christians were the Gnostics.
The Christian Gnostics of the first centuries left us a legacy of teaching that sheds light on the Christian religion from both a mystical and practical side. Gnosticism is spiritual teaching, which existed in early Christianity of the 2nd century AD. All Gnostics had one thing in common: they did not accept the newly minted views, the origins of which were the Roman church, doctrines and hierarchical structure, the strict criteria of the church that determined what should be called scripture and what should not. In addition, many of them were themselves custodians of the secret teaching received from the disciples of Jesus, which He transmitted to the inner circle of initiates during the Palestinian mission and after the Resurrection and Ascension, as a new revelation.
Gnosticism comes from the Greek gnosis, which means knowledge or understanding. The Gnostics saw knowledge as the key to salvation, and ignorance (ignorance) as the greatest enemy. Gnosis assumed a person’s knowledge of his own Higher Self against the backdrop of an understanding of God, the Universe, Good and Evil. Most of them could receive personal experience inner fellowship with Jesus. The Savior conveyed to them new insights and teachings, deeply personal, spoken in the secret chamber of the heart, through the Christ-Presence that he revealed.
The Gnostic texts that contained these revelations are not included in the Christian canon, as are karma and reincarnation, which have come down to our time. Most of them have not survived. Why? Because the early church fathers, who saw popular teaching as a threat to orthodoxy, condemned the Gnostics, banned their works and hastily destroyed them. They condemned freedom of religion, freedom to search. They denied the freedom of a deep personal relationship of the soul with Jesus Christ, with the Archangels and with the saints in Heaven. Thus orthodoxy became the denial of individual spiritual freedom; This was the case in the first centuries after Jesus, and it continues to be so today. Even today they condemn Gnosticism, which is being revived in the form of a new "New Age" movement seeking to discover the God within oneself, which Jesus never stopped talking about.
In the eyes of the Gnostics, Jesus was a messenger and guide, sent from the higher realms to become an example to follow, not an object to be worshiped, an idol, to teach the sacraments that would lead all people, and not just a select few, to God. They firmly believed that each individual himself and only himself is responsible for his own salvation. Also, the goal of the Gnostics was nothing other than personal Christhood, the realization in oneself of everything that was in Jesus Christ. It turns out that gnosis was a double-edged sword, it had knowledge not only about the Real "I" - the "I" of Christ - in the process of becoming a person, but also knowledge about the lower "I" (the guardian of the threshold), the karmic "I", the anti-I.
Clement of Alexandria, considered a mystic of the highest order, one of the earliest major Gnostics of the second century, tells us: “This teaching has not been lost, although the church has rejected it, and is intended for all who are able to perceive it.” It is this wisdom that answers everything life problems, gives us reasonable rules for life and serves us with the true Gospel from above. In his works, Clement constantly pointed to the Christian mysteries given by Jesus to a narrow circle of disciples.
Clement of Alexandria, occupying a very high position in the primitive Christian church, recognized and preached the hidden teaching of mystical Christianity, that the primitive Christian church was an organization having a mystical internal center for the few and an ordinary external center for the many.
Another prominent 2nd century Gnostic, Origen of Alexandria (185-284 AD), explored the entire evolution of our system in amazing detail. He had a huge influence on the early church, being the greatest Christian thinker of his time. Origen conveyed to the first Christians the doctrine of reincarnation in the form in which Jesus brought it. for him, reincarnation was part of an integral system of salvation - salvation based on the effort of the individual, the relationship of the soul with the inner God, ultimately leading to unity with him. The ancient Jews also recognized the reincarnation of the soul, and Origen was familiar with the Jewish tradition of reincarnation. Plato and Pythagoras also supported this point of view.
Origen's seminal work On Elements explains what souls receive in this world specific place, country and family, depending on their actions that they committed in a past life. According to the philosopher, God disposes of everything through the most just reward. God creates without partiality, but gives the soul bodies depending on sins. Origen asks the question: “If the soul did not exist before, why do we see that some are blind, deaf or lame from birth, while many others are born healthy, beautiful and happy?” And he himself answers: “It is clear that there were sins committed by them before the souls entered these bodies, and depending on these sins, each soul receives reward in accordance with its merits. In other words, the destinies of people depend on their actions in the past. Origen, who studied how Greek philosophy, and the Holy Scriptures of Jews and Christians, lived in the image of the solitary Greek sages. The Church, intending to create its structure and strengthen its power, could not allow such mentors to act contrary to its doctrine. In the 5th and 6th centuries, his works fell out of favor with the church and almost all were destroyed. But the work “On Principles” has survived to this day, and many Christians who want to know the truth study it.
The outstanding theologian of the 13th century, Thomas Aquinas, also understood and shared this teaching.
I would like to mention another important Gnostic text that studies in detail the root of evil, its origin and how to remove it. He speaks of an "impostor" or "deceptive spirit" (alternative translations: hostile spirit, lower self, threshold guard) who seeks to deceive people so that they do not recognize their perfection.
In Gnostic text III century "PISTIS SOPHIA" included a series of dialogues in which Jesus reveals to his disciples the highest mysteries on this topic. In one section, he explains that the soul, which is preparing for the next incarnation, receives two elements: on the one hand, the power of God, and on the other hand, the deceptive spirit, the guardian of the threshold, which lived in man all previous lives after the “fall.” The guardian of the threshold was created by the archons of omnipotent destiny, fallen angels who manipulate people and nations through their karma.
At birth, a child, the “guardian of the threshold” becomes similar to the soul in all its appearance and similar to it, overshadowing and covering its true Divine “I”.
During the first five centuries of development Christian religion the church fathers opened up a huge gap between the soul and God. As Catholic theologian Claude Trimontant explains, the Church came to the conclusion that human soul is not by its nature part of the divine substance. Christian church believes that it is possible to receive God's mercy only through her mediation. From their point of view, the soul cannot return to God, since it was never a part of Him. That we are not part of the divine substance, but simply a creation of God, writes Trimontanus. But it is true that the human soul is the living potential of God. She is endowed with free will and can take the path of mortality or immortality - the lower path or the highest. But no matter what choice it makes, the soul is undoubtedly divine in origin. Despite the fact that the soul has fallen away from God as a result of the incorrect use of its free will, its task is to achieve immortality and free itself from the circle of rebirth, reconnecting with the Divine spark, the very essence of God within man. If God did not allow us to use our free will, we would simply be biological robots and would not be able to choose to strive for unity with God and enjoy achieving it. After the church fathers concluded that the soul is separated from God, the idea of ​​the supporters of reincarnation about the possibility of unity of the soul with God became unacceptable to them. This definition put an obstacle in the way of Christian mystics, since mysticism is the desire for direct communication or unity with God. Prominent Christian mystics such as Master Eckhart and Saint Teresa of Avila risked being accused of heresy when they spoke of union with God.
And so the cunning and calculating ministers of the cult of the first centuries of Christianity considered it expedient to change the teachings of Christ and the Holy Scriptures in order to maintain control over people and a comfortable life (the end justifies the means).
They removed from the Gospel practically the most important link, the most important truth, the truth about the law of karma and reincarnation, due to the belief that the ignorant masses are not able to assimilate this teaching: “The mob does not understand the Law. We will keep it secret. We will give it to them.” the bread is only what they need to support their existence, and the wine, the perfect Truth, we will keep secret for ourselves.” This is still the case today. They did not convey the truth to people because it made it much more difficult to control them. In addition, if people knew the Law, they would notice that the clergy themselves do not follow it, and moreover, in many cases they do not know it. Many priests themselves became victims of the blind - the leaders of the blind. For over the centuries ignorance has given rise to ignorance, and stupidity - greater stupidity. Corruption has engulfed the church. It has penetrated everywhere. As a result, many priests of our time are taught from childhood the lies of the serpent, and they believe that it came from the mouth of Christ himself. They are taught that we only live once and then we die, and then we are judged according to the life we ​​have lived. If we are virtuous, we go to Heaven; if we have other inclinations, then to a different place.
False shepherds take the Holy Scripture, which says that “it is appointed for men to die once, but after this the judgment.” And on the basis of this they build a false doctrine about one and only incarnation, although the Bible nowhere says that a person is given to live only once! What these words actually mean in Scripture is that the ego must die.
Here it is - the ego - in reality dies only once, after which the soul can achieve resurrection by passing through the fair judgment of God. But until a person’s free will says: “Ego, die,” it continues to live incarnation after incarnation, century after century, life after life. It is not difficult to see that for most people the death of the ego does not occur with the death of the body. Therefore, the soul must be born again in Christ in order to once and for all defeat the guardian of the threshold - its ego - and achieve immortality.
Because God loves our souls as His own, He gives us many, many, many opportunities to return to His heart through loving obedience to His Son.
Having rejected Origen's idea of ​​reincarnation, the church simultaneously accepted the idea of original sin, heavily promoted by St. Augustine (354-430 AD): “Misfortunes happen to people because all people are bad by nature due to the violation of the Law by Adam and Eve, and this natural depravity can only be overcome by gaining the mercy of God through the mediation of the church.” This is how Augustine stated that “one cannot become good without being a sinner, it is not in a person’s power to be good, and that a person is no more capable of good deeds than a monkey can speak.” He saw sexual desire as evidence of original sin and its punishment. "Sex is evil, even in marriage." This is what he did.
John Chrysostom (347-407 AD), Patriarch of Constantinople, argued that people should not be judged for Adam's sin, that when misfortune comes to a person, it is not a punishment for the sins of Adam, but for his own sins committed in past lives.
The British theologian Pelagius (354-418 AD) considered original sin absurd and said that people have a higher purpose. "The most important purpose is that we should be called sons of God."
But the debate about original sin was decided in 529 AD, in favor of the church rather than the truth. When the Council of Orange adopted Augustine's dogma, the council decreed: "Adam's sin corrupted the flesh and soul of the entire human race; sin and death are the consequence of Adam's disobedience." This scheme looks unnatural and absurd, because it is built on the idea of ​​​​transmitting sin from one pair of Adam and Eve to billions of innocent descendants.
Yes, each of us once existed in more high states existence, enjoying Divine unity, and each of us at some point made a choice, leaving this state, and falling into bodies. Origen says that souls fell various reasons, but the difference is not only in the reasons, but also in the level to which the souls fell. After the fall own desires They were thrown from side to side, and their preferences and needs attracted them to different types of bodies. Therefore, their fates are very different. Origen did not associate guilt with the fall. The states in which souls find themselves in life are the result of their free choice. And in principle, the only way to free yourself from this state is to return to the state of divine unity. Many people feel within themselves that their souls existed before the formation of their bodies. They remember other lives and union with God. But we can all return to the Divine Abode if we wish.
Since the 1st century, Christians have discussed the meaning of the Resurrection in conjunction with eternal life and the coming Kingdom of God promised in Scripture. There are many completely different views among people regarding the Resurrection.
The General Resurrection depicted in Revelation is a symbolic rather than a literal description of future events. Gnostics of the first centuries looked at the resurrection as a spiritual awakening that occurs during life on earth.
The Church chose to accept a literal interpretation of the resurrection. According to her decision, Sunday means that one day in the future all people will rise from the dead and rise from their graves. Only after this will they be able to live in the Kingdom of God and know eternal life. After death, souls will wait for this hour in heaven, hell or purgatory. But the fate of souls after the Resurrection is already predetermined by their behavior on earth. The souls of the righteous will be reunited with their bodies in order to live forever in the Kingdom of Heaven, while the souls of sinners, having also been reunited with their bodies, will be doomed to eternal torment in hell.
But bodily resurrection in itself excludes the possibility of reincarnation, not to mention the fact that the human body decomposes in the earth after 15-20 years and disappears. Remember then the explanation of the Apostle Paul: “The resurrected body is a spiritual body, and flesh and blood cannot inherit the Kingdom of God,” but most church fathers insist that it is the flesh that will be resurrected. Origen attributed the bodily resurrection to poverty of mind and shortcomings in the interpretation of Scripture and considered the doctrine of the bodily resurrection to be for simpletons and the rude crowd.
For the Gnostics, the Resurrection was a spiritual event, simply an awakening of the soul. They believed that people who experienced the Resurrection could experience eternal life and unity with God while here on earth and then, after death, would avoid rebirth. People who have not experienced the Resurrection and unity with God on earth will be incarnated again, and this is how it happens.
The truth of the Resurrection represents a spiritual awakening that begins the process of union with God. It is an ignition and a call to action when the flame in the heart grows so much that you no longer feel comfortable identifying with things that are passing. This happens when your soul decides that its goal is unity with God and puts this goal above any other. Having experienced the resurrection, you have both a vision of what is achievable for you and the conviction that you will achieve it. Resurrection is not the final goal of your evolution, but an important step on the path to immortality. The Gnostics believed that the Resurrection was followed by an Ascension into Heaven with Christ. This is not a physical journey to the clouds, but rather identification with the Christ or Logos (Divine Mind) - the part of God that mediates between the Absolute and the world of forms.
For metaphysicians, the most unpleasant part of the story of Jesus is what people did with his teachings. The words of Jesus, apparently, were deliberately translated and interpreted in such a way as to humiliate and undermine the spirit and will of man, namely: “it is not given to you,” “you yourself cannot do anything to rise from worthlessness,” “you were born so that after death they would go to hell,” “you are born in sin,” “man is a sinner,” although Jesus said that man was born in love, innocence and mercy, that man is a great, powerful, spiritual being. Christians are taught that God expects them to feel guilt and appreciates sorrow, for which He will forgive everything.
Metaphysicians do not believe that Jesus meant any of this. They do not believe that he was worshiped as a deity, but believe that he wanted to be imitated.
When you are told from incarnation to incarnation that you are nothing, that you are a “sheep,” then you begin to believe in it and look for a shepherd, not realizing that you yourself are worthy of being a shepherd. And yet they find you shepherds, although most of them do not even agree with each other. They control you, they tell you what to do, they suppress your enlightenment.
But every person is, first of all, a spiritual being, possessing all the power of God. This power is waiting within when a person's spiritual understanding allows it to be used. Each person is responsible for his own life. Surrendering your life to God does not mean losing control of yourself, it means taking control into your own hands, using the teachings of Jesus and other teachers as your guide. This means receiving the power that has always been rightfully yours. Jesus did not come to make us “sheep.” He came to give us instructions on how to awaken the “shepherd” in each of us.
Jesus is undoubtedly the greatest Lord that people have ever seen on earth. But He expects each of us to fulfill the same role that He played: all people are expected to become living Christs. However, we can never become one simply by honoring or worshiping Jesus, because worship does not work miracles. But imitation of Him works miracles. Catch this difference.
Jesus will not fulfill this role for you. He proved that you can do it yourself - achieve your own victory over the astral plane and the false hierarchy founded by the forces of evil in order to counteract the word and deed of the true hierarchy of Jesus and the Hosts of the Lord. He will teach you if you want, of course, but he will not do it for you. Because, according to cosmic law, he is not allowed to do this. And even if it were allowed, He loves you too much to deprive you of the joy of winning your own victory over the forces of evil.
Do you know why Jesus cannot take upon himself the sins of all humanity, that is, our negative karma? The law doesn't allow this. Because the karma accumulated by a person over many incarnations must be transmuted by him. We are the total expression of all our words, thoughts, deeds, feelings and desires of all our previous incarnations.
The great and massive awakening of people that is happening now is exactly what Jesus came to prepare us for 2000 years ago. Many Avatars and Ascended Masters belonging to the most different eras and cultures, have reached the same level of consciousness as He.
To understand Christ's purpose, we must also realize that orthodox religions and the censored Bible have partially distorted the true meaning of what he wanted to convey to us. The truth is believed to be most objectively reflected in the King James Bible ( English translation 1611). "Be as perfect as I am and you will do even more than I did." This is a clear call to choose the path spiritual development, enlightenment, Ascension and liberation from limitations on all levels. This revelation is a call to free ourselves from the idea of ​​the “chosen few” and to realize that we are all chosen and that the choice of “yes” or “no” is entirely up to us.
Jesus taught the populace that in the eyes of God they are equal to all those who claim superiority, no matter who they are - statesmen, priests or tax collectors. He taught them to respect themselves and to be ready to question recognized authorities in the search for truth.
The government and churches at that time were extremely frightened by everything that was happening. They realized that a group of independent people who knew how to control themselves would soon no longer need those who proclaimed themselves to be power and authorities. When people open to their full sensory perception and spiritual heritage, they will easily discern cunning and deceit, evil thoughts and intentions. The so-called authorities will no longer be able to hide in their offices, maintaining control over the people through intimidation; they will be overthrown or simply never appointed to high positions again.
The threat of such changes, the possibility of which became obvious, led to the crucifixion. Christ was crucified in the hope that people would take this frightening example to heart and understand what would happen to them if they continued along the path of such radical changes.
The authorities remembered well the activities of Jesus and in the future began to study and be very wary of the teaching that he brought to people. “No matter what happens…” they thought.

Two Ecumenical Councils that played a fatal role in the history of Christianity, Nicaea (325 AD) and Trent (aka the Nineteenth Ecumenical Council (three sessions 1545-1563). At the beginning of the 4th century AD, the Roman Emperor Constantine, in an attempt to simplify the overly complex organized religious and historical traditions of his time, Sabinus convened a council of scientists and historians, the bishop of Heracleia claims that with the exception of Constantine, the emperor and Eusebius Pamphilus, all the bishops were a bunch of simple, illiterate, uncomprehending fools. , about which Gospel is true and which is not.

“Having randomly mixed all the books that were presented to the cathedral, under the altar in the church, the bishops turned to the Lord with a prayer that the inspired true Scriptures could get out onto the altar, while the doubtful ones ended up under the altar, and so it happened. But no one told, who had the keys to the cathedral that night."

By order of the emperor, the Council, which later became known as the Council of Nicea, recommended the removal of at least twenty-five documents from the collections of sacred texts. In addition, about twenty books were withdrawn from use, access to which remained only for a select few. The remaining books were collected together and edited in such a way as to make them more understandable to the average reader. Each of these decisions has contributed to the mystery surrounding the true goals and capabilities of our civilization.

At the end of its work, the cathedral in 325 AD. issued a single religious document. This document is well known to us to this day as perhaps one of the most controversial sacred texts in history. Its current name is the Bible.

To this day, the actions of the Council of Nicaea leave their mark on politics, social structure, religious views and spiritual practices of our time.

The most disastrous result of the Council of Triden was the statement that the exclusive right to interpret the Bible belongs only to the church.

But still, despite all these distortions, read the Bible, study the Bible. This is one of the foundations and foundation of all spiritual science.

Thus, the mysteries of Christ revealed by Jesus pure soul Origen has been banned since the 5th century by those who do not know the love of Christ, who in his own church anathematize his own doctrine and do not recognize his glorious 18-year mission in the east, during the so-called “lost years” that preceded his Palestinian mission.

For more than fifteen centuries, thanks to the brutal persecution carried out with blind fury by the great vandals of early Christian history - Constantine and Justinian - the Ancient Wisdom slowly degenerated, until, finally, it gradually drowned in the deepest quagmire of monastic superstition and ignorance. Pythagorean "knowledge of things as they are"; deep erudition of the Gnostics; the time-honored all-encompassing teachings of the great philosophers - everything was rejected as the teachings of the Antichrist and pagans and were consigned to flames. Together with last seven By the sages of the East, the remaining group of Neoplatonists: Hermias, Priscian, Diogenes, Eulalius, Damascius, Simplicius and Isidore, who fled to Persia from the fanatical persecution of Justinian, the reign of wisdom ended. The Books of Thoth (or Hermes Trismegistus), which contained spiritual and physical history the creations and evolutions of our world were doomed for centuries to moldy in oblivion and contempt. There were no interpreters for them in Christian Europe; there were no more Philaletians, “lovers of truth”; they were replaced by the light of the haters, the monks of papal Rome, with tonsures and hoods, who fear the truth, in whatever form and from where it comes, if only it contradicts even the slightest of their dogmas.

Despite the superhuman efforts of the early Christian Church Fathers to erase Secret Doctrine from the memory of mankind, they have failed. Truth cannot be killed; hence the failure to completely erase from the face of the Earth every trace of Ancient Wisdom, as well as the destruction of the seers, the imprisonment and gagging of every witness who swears allegiance to it.

Although in the eyes of many people the Bible is the complete and final revelation of salvation, in fact it omits some invaluable facts from the life of Jesus Christ and part of the teachings of him, as well as the patriarchs and prophets: the most important truths, necessary for the development of the soul, facts that were known at the time when church councils classified the sacred texts further transmitted to us.
As a result, some people seek salvation, hope for it, strive for it not through the awareness of God within themselves, but only through blind faith in Jesus, who supposedly atones for the guilt of others and supposedly took upon himself the sins of the whole world.
If all people on earth do not realize to the depths of their souls that they are sons and daughters of God through Jesus Christ, then His mission, as well as our own, will be in vain.
The seed potential of Christ is in all of us, in every child of God - this is the most important key to self-knowledge once taken from us.
P.S. More detailed information on this issue you can find in the book “The Lost Teachings of Jesus” by Mark L. Prophet and Elizabeth K. Prophet, M. 2008.

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