Jewish wisdom about the signs of the zodiac - The most accurate description! Jewish wisdom about each zodiac sign has been proven for centuries.

Jewish wisdom about the signs of the zodiac. The Jews, like many ancient peoples, left their own horoscope. Everyone knows the original and sincere humor of this people and even more sparkling wisdom.

Likewise, their zodiac signs are original and “straight to the point.” My friend was born in the month of Adar, and it’s as if everything was copied from her. Very laconic like their jokes, this horoscope is full of real Jewish wisdom. Each zodiac sign we are accustomed to has a specific month. In order to find a description of yourself and your friends, just find the zodiac sign and read which Jewish month corresponds to it.

Aquarius – month of Shevat

The month of Shevat, according to the Jewish horoscope, corresponds to the sign of Aquarius, which belongs to the element of air. Aquarians are rebels by nature, because they are most often concerned about their personal life, its uniqueness and individuality. They use all their willpower to break old boundaries.

For Aquarius, the past is only fleeting, which they try to get rid of in order to find something new and unknown. A new truth, more suitable for new times. According to the Jewish horoscope, Aquarians become wonderful scientists, hackers, social workers. They succeed in things related to something revolutionary. Aquarians are unique. They stand out from the crowd and do not go unnoticed.

Showing great hope already in childhood, in adulthood they are idealists who, with their unusual performances trying to change the world. They care for the well-being of all humanity and find ways to solve world problems. The highest hurdle they need to overcome is their own self. Aquarians show an exceptional and unique influence on the history of mankind, they can take control of everything, limit and pacify their ego, be merciful and restrained, and live very modestly and simply.

Pisces - month of Adar

People of the sign of Pisces, according to the Jewish horoscope, are successful in any business, in profit and wealth, prosperity, marriage... They are especially sensitive and vulnerable, have good intuition compared to other signs. They are serious in everything, be it their opinions, their thoughts or hobbies. Many Pisces are endowed with the talents of mathematicians, scientists, and physicists (for example, Albert Einstein was born under the sign of Pisces). The symbol of the sign of Pisces according to the Jewish horoscope is two fish swimming in opposite directions, one with the current and the other against the current.

Pisces people are usually very calm. They absorb the problems of others like sponges. For this reason, they tend to be overweight; their body easily absorbs water. Physics, chemistry, philosophy and psychology are second nature to Pisces. They know how to understand, give in and forgive, support without envy, not be ardent, give and love - something that everyone should strive for.

Scorpio – month of Cheshvan

Scorpios don't like change. They want to control their lives and the lives of loved ones. Losing control is their biggest fear. For Scorpio maximalists, love is everything. And if they feel that their feelings are unrequited, love turns into hatred.

Scorpios don't forgive or forget easily. A typical Scorpio will not find a place for himself until he takes revenge on the one who betrayed him. According to the Jewish horoscope, Scorpios are smart businessmen. They love money because money gives them control and power.

They are wonderful doctors, physiologists, astrologers and financiers. They have good occult abilities and intuition. They are strong mystics and have great potential. spiritual development. Those who choose the “wrong path” can become deadly and ruthless.

Sagittarius - month of Kislev

A person born under the sign of Sagittarius is an optimist from the cradle. He likes everything, everything is put in order in in the best possible way. Such people understand that they themselves can solve any problem and will do their best to achieve this. Sagittarians are often overly optimistic, have a tendency to exaggerate, irony, gambling, carelessness. They are natural philosophers, teachers, lovers, mediators, friends.

According to the Jewish horoscope, they love to travel, love freedom and large spaces, are passionate about research on a global scale, and learning about other cultures and religions. They are happy to share this knowledge with anyone who is interested.

Tevet - month of the sign Capricorn

Capricorn is an earth sign, very well connected to the material world. His internal energy belongs to the element of water. This explains Capricorns' desire to be useful, help and care. Those born this month are in need of material wealth and are very worried about the future. They trust only their senses, making it difficult to perceive everything that goes beyond the visible and tangible. According to the Jewish horoscope, Capricorns are wonderful family men who take care of the home.

Most often they are irreligious, do not believe in God, because they are under the strong control of the material part of the world. People born in the month of Tevet are reliable, responsible, caring, thrifty, punctual, because time is money. Capricorns make excellent entrepreneurs, accountants, engineers, lawyers and representatives of other professions that require discipline.

Leo month Av

This is the fifth month of the Jewish calendar. According to the Jewish horoscope, Leo receives its energy directly from the Sun and is the only sign under its influence. Therefore, Leos believe that the whole world revolves around them. Being confident in their strengths and capabilities, they project this confidence to the whole world. They want to be respected, and if this is not the case, they begin to take revenge. As kings they can be proud and refined. They are not like everyone else. They are Lions!

According to the Jewish horoscope, Leo's weak point is the heart; they are susceptible to cardiovascular diseases. Leos don't trust easily, but when they do, they choose their advisors and partners wisely. However, they intend to rely completely on themselves, almost never asking for help, because they do not believe that they need it. But even if they ask, they don’t listen to advice. Colleagues and friends are not Leo's helpers and are not equal to him.

Leos are born leaders and love to organize everyone around them, even when no one asks them to do so. You can meet Leos in politics, in the education system and in high positions in business. They are always looking for something they can control.

Virgo - month of Elul

The peculiarity of Virgos is their constant pursuit of order and ideality. Nothing bothers a Virgo more than clutter. Their desks, homes and cars are examples of efficiency and neatness. Virgo has a place for everything. Virgos are reliable and responsible; for them, completing a task is a matter of honor. Virgos, according to the Jewish horoscope, believe that the physical world requires perfect order, which they were specially sent to Earth to maintain.

With their penchant for precision and clarity, Virgos can often be found among editors, accountants and surgeons. As a rule, you are more likely to hear criticism from them about small things. It's not that they set out to hurt others; It’s just that mistakes and shortcomings offend their sense of order, and they rush to plug the gap, the sooner the better.

Libra - month of Tishrei

Libra, according to the Jewish horoscope, fights for balance and unity in relationships and in their environment, they are usually in a confused state. They reason about matters, carefully weighing every aspect of the problem in an attempt to achieve balance. Libras always see two sides to an argument, and both seem equally fair to them.

They are afraid of making a mistake or the wrong choice. Libras are sociable, friendly, open, warm, compassionate about other people's problems and encourage others to trust them. Caring for others is what comes first for Libra.

Gemini - month of Sivan

Geminis are intellectuals who want to know everything, because for them knowledge is power, and how more information received today, the easier it will be to make choices in the future. It is difficult for them to be devoted to one thing, their mood often changes, like the wind changing strength and direction. Therefore, Gemini, according to the Jewish horoscope, can be different every day.

Cancer - month Tamuz

According to the Jewish horoscope, Cancers need care, love, and devotion more than people of other signs. In addition, they must make every effort to not think about the past, move away from the situation that worries them, and look forward, leaving behind painful memories and mental wounds. For them, this is the only way to find happiness and love. According to the Jewish horoscope, Cancers are home managers. Their slogan is “My home is my castle.” They are very attached to family and home, they love history and astronomy, everything that reminds them of the past.

Aries - month of Nissan

People born under the sign of Aries are brave, decisive, strong, have their own views, progressive and at the same time aggressive, militant, confident. When they get into a fight, they will do everything to be victorious; they will be the first to strike and kill their enemy. Historically, the month of Nisan marks the exit of the Jews from Egypt, the beginning of the transition from internal slavery to deliverance from sinfulness, from physical dependence to freedom.

Taurus - month of Iyar

According to the Jewish horoscope, the month of Iyar corresponds to the zodiac sign Taurus (in Hebrew - Shor, that is, bull, ox). The word “shor” in Hebrew means an adult, independent animal, and “tale” means a small and weak one. The bull and the ox are a step towards independence, the manifestation of individual essence.

. It is quite concise and at the same time accurate! In order to find a description of yourself and your loved ones, find the Zodiac sign and find out which Jewish month corresponds to it.

Aries - month of Nissan

People born under the sign of Aries are strong and decisive individuals. They have their own views on life, they are slightly militant and aggressive, but at the same time they are confident in themselves. They strive with all their might to win and strike first if necessary. Capable of going over their heads.

Taurus - month of Iyar

This month is characterized by special diligence and zeal. During this period of time, the annual rebirth of man takes place and his growth one step higher. Those born in the month of Iyar are ardent adherents of truth. And the truth, as we know, is the main sign of maturity.

Gemini - month of Sivan

For Geminis, strength lies in knowledge, so they can safely be counted among the clan of intellectuals. They want to know everything. The more information they receive today, the better off they will be tomorrow. It is difficult for those born in Sivan to be devoted to one cause. Their mood changes at the speed of light. For this reason, Geminis can be different every day.

Cancer - month of Tamuz

Cancers live by the slogan “My home is my castle.” It is very important for them to establish comfort and a good atmosphere in the house. Cancers need warmth, comfort and devotion most of all. They often get stuck in the past, and negative situations prevent them from moving forward. Those born in Tamuz find it difficult to forgive themselves and others.

Leo - month of Av

According to the Jewish horoscope, Leo receives its energy directly from the sun. That is why he considers himself unique. Leo thinks that the whole world revolves around him. He expects loyalty, worship and adoration from those around him. If he doesn't get it, he begins to take revenge. Leos do not know how to trust; they always rely only on themselves. Organizers top level, often occupy leadership positions.

Virgo - month of Elul

Virgos hate disorder and spend all their energy on perfection around them. Everything has its place. Virgos are responsible and reliable, you can rely on them. Deep down, Virgos believe that the world should be ideal, and their mission is to create order on Earth. With their penchant for order, Virgos choose the profession of accountant, cashier, editor, or surgeon. In a word, work that requires care and precision is suitable for them. They can criticize over little things.

Libra - month of Tishrei

Libra is for balance in everything. They carefully weigh the pros and cons of a given situation. In society, it is Libra who most advocates for equality. They often find themselves at a dead end, unable to find the strength to make a decision, since all paths seem fair and correct to them. They are scared to death of making a mistake. At the same time, Libra is open, always ready to help with other things and advice.

Scorpio - month of Cheshvan

Scorpio's worst nightmare is change, which is why he is so eager to control everything and everyone in his path. Scorpio's greatest fear is losing control. He does not know how to forgive or forgives with a creak. If a person admits that he has no feelings left for Scorpio, then the offended party can take revenge for a very long time. At the same time, Scorpios are talented businessmen. They love money, and they, in turn, love Scorpios. They have well-developed intuition.

Sagittarius - month of Kislev

Sagittarius is an optimist from birth. He enjoys life. Even when everything seems to be bad, Sagittarius knows that it is necessary. All goes to good! At the same time, Sagittarians have a tendency to exaggerate, gamble and carelessness. According to the Jewish horoscope, Sagittarians love travel, freedom and open spaces where nothing constrains them. They are happy to share their acquired knowledge with others.

Capricorn - month of Tevet

Capricorn is very well connected to the material world. This sign has a vital need to help others and take care of the weak. Capricorns worry a lot about the future and worry about material problems. Capricorns are wonderful fathers and husbands; home and family are one of their first priorities. Capricorns make excellent accountants, engineers, entrepreneurs, lawyers and representatives of other professions that require discipline.

Aquarius - month of Shevat

Aquarians have a rebellious nature since childhood. Little thought is given to the past. Rather, they are overly concerned about the future. We are confident that tomorrow will be better than yesterday. Aquarians make excellent social workers, scientists, and hackers. They will be successful in matters related to something advanced and revolutionary. Aquarius - bright personalities standing out from the crowd. They are often selfish, and it takes them years and even decades to overcome their own “I”.

Pisces - month of Adar

Those born this month are vulnerable and sensitive. Well developed intuition. Pisces are prosperous in marriage, wealth and any other matter related to material things. They take life very seriously. Successful in the field of mathematics and physics. Pisces absorb the problems of others like sponges. In this regard, they often have a tendency to be overweight. They know how to forgive, understand, give in and love sincerely.

The Jews, like many ancient peoples, left their own horoscope. Everyone knows the original and sincere humor of this people and even more sparkling wisdom.

Likewise, their zodiac signs are original and “straight to the point.” My friend was born in the month of Adar, and it’s as if everything was copied from her. Very laconic, like their jokes, this horoscope is full of real Jewish wisdom. Each zodiac sign we are used to has a specific month. In order to find a description of yourself and your friends, simply find the zodiac sign and read which particular Jewish month corresponds to it.

Aries - month of Nissan

People born under the sign of Aries are brave, decisive, strong, they have their own views, progressive and at the same time aggressive, militant, confident. When they get into a fight, they will do everything to be victorious; they will be the first to strike and kill their enemy. Historically, the month of Nisan marks the exit of the Jews from Egypt, the beginning of the transition from internal slavery to deliverance from sinfulness, from physical dependence to freedom.

Taurus - month of Iyar

According to the Jewish horoscope, the month of Iyar corresponds to the zodiac sign Taurus (in Hebrew - Shor, that is, bull, ox). The word “shor” in Hebrew means an adult, independent animal, and “tale” means a small and weak one. The bull and the ox are a step towards independence, the manifestation of individual essence.

Gemini - month of Sivan

Geminis are intellectuals who want to know everything, because for them knowledge is power, and the more information received today, the easier it will be to make choices in the future. It is difficult for them to be devoted to one thing, their mood often changes, like the wind changing strength and direction. Therefore, Gemini, according to the Jewish horoscope, can be different every day.

Cancer - month Tamuz

According to the Jewish horoscope, Cancers need care, love, and devotion more than people of other signs. In addition, they must make every effort to not think about the past, move away from the situation that worries them, and look forward, leaving behind painful memories and emotional wounds. For them, this is the only way to find happiness and love. According to the Jewish horoscope, Cancers are home managers. Their slogan is “My home is my castle.” They are very attached to family and home, they love history and astronomy, everything that reminds them of the past.

Leo - month of Av

This is the fifth month of the Jewish calendar. According to the Jewish horoscope, Leo receives its energy directly from the Sun, and is the only sign under its influence. Therefore, Leos believe that the whole world revolves around them. Being confident in their strengths and capabilities, they project this confidence to the whole world. They want to be respected, and if this is not the case, they begin to take revenge. As kings they can be proud and refined. They are not like everyone else. They are Lions!

According to the Jewish horoscope, Leo's weak point is the heart; they are susceptible to cardiovascular diseases. Leos don't trust easily, but when they do, they choose their advisors and partners wisely. However, they intend to rely completely on themselves, almost never asking for help, because they do not believe that they need it. But even if they ask, they don’t listen to advice. Colleagues and friends are not Leo’s helpers and are not equal to him. Leos, natural leaders, love to organize everyone around them, even when no one asks them to do so. You can meet Leos in politics, in the education system and in high positions in business. They are always looking for something they can control.

Virgo - month of Elul

The peculiarity of Virgos is their constant pursuit of order and ideality. Nothing bothers a Virgo more than clutter. Their desks, homes and cars are examples of efficiency and neatness. Virgo has a place for everything. Virgos are reliable and responsible; for them, completing a task is a matter of honor. Virgos, according to the Jewish horoscope, believe that the physical world requires perfect order, which they were specially sent to Earth to maintain. With their penchant for precision and clarity, Virgos can often be found among editors, accountants and surgeons. As a rule, you are more likely to hear criticism from them about small things. It's not that they set out to hurt others; It’s just that mistakes and shortcomings offend their sense of order, and they rush to plug the gap, the sooner the better.

Libra - month of Tishrei

Libra, according to the Jewish horoscope, fights for balance and unity in relationships and in their environment, they are usually in a confused state. They reason about matters, carefully weighing every aspect of the problem, in an attempt to achieve balance. Libras always see two sides to an argument, and both seem equally fair to them.

They are afraid of making a mistake or the wrong choice. Libras are sociable, friendly, open, warm, compassionate about other people's problems and encourage others to trust them. Caring for others is what comes first for Libra.

Scorpio - month of Cheshvan

Scorpios don't like change. They want to control their lives and the lives of loved ones. Losing control is their biggest fear. For Scorpio maximalists, love is everything. And if they feel that their feelings are unrequited, love turns into hatred. Scorpios don't forgive or forget easily. A typical Scorpio will not find a place for himself until he takes revenge on the one who betrayed him. According to the Jewish horoscope, Scorpios are smart businessmen. They love money because money gives them control and power. They are wonderful doctors, physiologists, astrologers and financiers. They have good occult abilities and intuition. They are strong mystics and have great potential for spiritual development. Those who choose the “wrong path” can become deadly and ruthless.

Sagittarius - month of Kislev

A person born under the sign of Sagittarius is an optimist from the cradle. He likes everything, everything is put in order in the best possible way. Such people understand that they themselves can solve any problem and will do their best to achieve this. Sagittarians are often overly optimistic and have a tendency towards exaggeration, irony, gambling, and carelessness. They are natural philosophers, teachers, lovers, mediators, friends. According to the Jewish horoscope, they love to travel, love freedom and large spaces, are passionate about research on a global scale, and learning about other cultures and religions. They are happy to share this knowledge with anyone who is interested.

Capricorn - month of Tevet

Capricorn is an earth sign, very well connected to the material world. His internal energy belongs to the element of water. This explains Capricorns' desire to be useful, help and care. Those born this month are in need of material wealth and are very worried about the future. They trust only their senses, finding it difficult to perceive anything that goes beyond the visible and tangible. According to the Jewish horoscope, Capricorns are wonderful family men who take care of the home.

Most often they are irreligious, do not believe in God, because they are under the strong control of the material part of the world. People born in the month of Tevet are reliable, responsible, caring, thrifty, punctual, because time is money. Capricorns make excellent entrepreneurs, accountants, engineers, lawyers and representatives of other professions that require discipline.

Aquarius - month of Shevat

The month of Shevat, according to the Jewish horoscope, corresponds to the sign of Aquarius, which belongs to the element of air. Aquarians are rebels by nature, because they are most often concerned about their personal life, its uniqueness and individuality. They use all their willpower to break old boundaries. For Aquarius, the past is only fleeting, which they try to get rid of in order to find something new and unknown. A new truth, more suitable for new times. According to the Jewish horoscope, Aquarians become wonderful scientists, hackers, and social workers. They succeed in things related to something revolutionary. Aquarians are unique. They stand out from the crowd and do not go unnoticed.

Showing great promise already in childhood, in adulthood they are idealists who try to change the world with their unusual ideas. They care for the well-being of all humanity and find ways to solve world problems. The highest hurdle they need to overcome is their own self. Aquarians show an exceptional and unique influence on the history of mankind, they can take control of everything, limit and pacify their ego, be merciful and restrained, and live very modestly and simply.

Pisces - month of Adar

People of the sign of Pisces, according to the Jewish horoscope, are successful in any business, in profit and wealth, prosperity, marriage... They are especially sensitive and vulnerable, have good intuition compared to other signs. They are serious in everything, be it their opinions, their thoughts or hobbies. Many Pisces are endowed with the talents of mathematicians, scientists, and physicists (for example, Albert Einstein was born under the sign of Pisces). The symbol of the sign of Pisces according to the Jewish horoscope is two fish swimming in opposite directions, one with the current and the other against the current.

Pisces people are usually very calm. They absorb the problems of others like sponges. For this reason, they tend to be overweight; their body easily absorbs water. Physics, chemistry, philosophy and psychology are second nature to Pisces. They know how to understand, give in and forgive, support without envy, not be ardent, give and love - what everyone needs to strive for.

In fact, we must remember that Aries are big Don Juans. Therefore, prepare in advance for the fact that this may happen to them. What are the symptoms that your husband is having an affair? He began to dress sloppily and lost interest in family problems, often calls someone, explaining that he wants to help a friend in trouble... If you point out his strange behavior, he will refer to depression or poor health. How to get a cheater out clean water? Get him drunk and carefully ask him what and how. Please note that a stormy showdown will instantly push your husband away from you. Be diplomatic. And try to prove to him that his novel is just a light hobby for which it is not worth sacrificing his family. If it doesn’t work out, don’t be discouraged: charm your husband by becoming very, very feminine, invite friends over, have a fun feast.


It is easy to recognize Taurus’s infidelity by the fact that from a silent and calm man he suddenly turns into an emotional talker, stops giving you trinkets, pays attention to you, and becomes indifferent to family matters and lack of order in the house. The advice is the same as in the previous case: just calm down! No “showdowns,” especially public ones, with the participation of friends and acquaintances! Talk to your husband calmly and judiciously. The main thing is to appeal to his mind, emphasizing the fact that for him everything he has acquired and acquired during his life with you can go to waste. This will sober him up greatly and make him come to his senses.


Obvious signs of an affair with a man of this sign are that he often begins to lie to you and talk a lot. In addition, he suddenly becomes punctual, which was rarely observed in him. Something appears that was not there before: irritability in conversations with children and tight-fistedness towards you. Don't panic: Gemini husbands are not capable of long-term hobbies; their romances fade as quickly as cut flowers. To help him return to his family, change your image, surprise him new information(Gemini loves everything new) and try to be gentle with him. No scenes, no stormy showdown: this is a chance to lose him forever.


The Cancer husband, having gone on a spree, begins to behave unusually: he fusses, hides his eyes, often gets angry and irritated, loses interest in the family and becomes intolerant of any comments addressed to him. Or suddenly, for no apparent reason, he falls into a romantic mood, losing his subtle sense of humor. There is only one way to heal the crack that has arisen in family relationships: surround him with affection, confess your love to him. Do this unobtrusively, subtly, so that Cancer does not suspect artificiality, because he is very sensitive to falsehood. Become super caring, surround both your children and your husband’s parents with attention, fight for him with all your might, with everyone accessible ways. God forbid you rudely express your irritation or show that you are afraid of losing him - this will be a fatal mistake.

a lion

This is a nature that requires his wife to worship and admire his intelligence and virtues. The right way to restrain him is to please his vanity and recognize his authority. As soon as he notices that you are tired of pleasing him, Leo will begin to look for fans on the side. Signs of his betrayal are usually the following: the desire to dress beautifully, looking for expensive gifts for women, smelling perfume, cooling off to his previously favorite pastime - receiving guests, the appearance of a tendency to drink and back pain. How to regain your husband's favor? Play on his romantic side: buy him an expensive gift, arrange a candlelit dinner, please him with flattery and give him complete freedom of action for a while. You'll see, everything will work out.


This is a true and reliable sign, but anything can happen. Signs that your Virgo husband has gone on a spree are as follows: craving for parties, nervousness, grumpiness towards family, poor digestion, changes in appearance better side. Make inquiries about your opponent and, having recognized her, weak sides, strengthen your strengths by highlighting her shortcomings. Double, triple your attention to your husband, his problems, live by them. Put your house in perfect order, don’t contradict your spouse, cook delicious food, be with him true friend. Your appearance, manners and speech must become impeccable.


Libra husbands are quite fickle, so be prepared for his frequent romances. The signs that he has a girlfriend are as follows: he is always in a hurry to get somewhere, he always feels tired (when working quietly and not hard), his liver and kidneys begin to hurt. In addition, your husband suddenly begins to pay increased attention to the children, wash the dishes and take an interest in your daily routine. What tactics should you choose? Don’t be eager to fight: the only thing you can do to win your husband’s favor is an affectionate, caring attitude. A candlelit dinner with wine will be just right. When your husband is in a complacent mood, without losing reason and iron logic, convince him of the worthlessness of his next hobby.


The man of this sign is a passionate nature, sensuality comes first for him. And if you suddenly lost your sexual attractiveness for him, you need to take urgent measures. It is not difficult to guess that this happened: Scorpio has a sparkle in his eyes, but it is not addressed and he begins to praise some other woman from time to time. Do not try to answer your husband by cheating, he will never forgive you for this. Choose another - a sensual path. Change your surroundings, buy something beautiful underwear Accompany your intimacy with your husband with an erotic film, exciting music, but do not flatter him, but do not be jealous either.


Sagittarius husbands are passionate natures, but their romances do not last long. Signs that Sagittarius has found a girlfriend are usually as follows: he begins to lose wallets, keys, lie at every turn, he loses interest in walks, in conversations and conversations on common topics, to sports broadcasts and visiting. How to distract him from a new passion? Invite him to go on a trip, for example, during your vacation, awaken his passion for something (I won’t advise him, it’s easier for you to guess what it might be). All this will soon make him forget about his heartfelt affection. To avoid betrayal, take it as a rule: do not limit his freedom, do not be jealous over little things, do not create scenes, do not force communication with your relatives.


Capricorn men have an important feature - they are spiritually very faithful to their wives, the family is sacred to them, therefore their sensual hobbies are temporary and have no continuation. Signs of an affair are as follows: constant thoughtfulness, absent-mindedness, neglect of work, increased nervousness and skin allergies. To establish family relationships, show patience and perseverance: draw your husband’s attention to the fact that children require his participation in upbringing, bring more sophistication, romance and love into communication with him, make your home more attractive thanks to cleanliness and order, so that when he begins to think about you and about homewrecker, the comparison would be in your favor.


Aquarius husbands are not distinguished by constancy, they are changeable like the wind, and are as unpredictable in business as in love. Despite this, they are not characterized by sexual concern; they cheat most often out of intellectual interest in their partner. How does the wrong manifest itself? Aquarius? He begins to lie and dodge, stops communicating with numerous friends, constantly disappears somewhere and even “shakes his license.” What to do? Don't try to remake Aquarius - it's useless. Moreover, give him complete freedom and do not try to somehow slander his passion: let him figure out which of you is better. It is best to try to talk to him about a sensitive topic not at home, but in a foreign place, when he is in a relaxed state.


This sign has a sensitive soul and responds emotionally to communication with a partner. Signs of a new attachment include irritability and anger towards you, frequent sarcastic remarks addressed to you, concern for your health, figure and addiction to alcoholic beverages. To return your Pisces husband to the family, it is enough to arouse in him a feeling of compassion for you, letting him feel how unhappy you are. Don't forget dates and anniversaries. Pisces perceive this kind of negligence very painfully, and, most importantly, convince your spouse that you are his main support in life.

Category: Collection of horoscopes

There are many different ones. Do you know that there is also a so-called Jewish one? Well, that is, Jewish, of course - it is based on months according to ancient calendar, which still does not refer to the Jewish people, but to Jewish teaching as a whole. But the fact itself!...

Aries corresponds to the month of Nissan

That is, the month of the Jews’ exit from Egypt, the transition from internal slavery to liberation from sinfulness, and, in general, to liberation. That’s why people of the month of Nissan are strong, defend their views, are self-confident, slightly aggressive, and at the same time progressive!

Taurus is the month of Iyar

Taurus is called Shor in Hebrew. Bull! Tale means a small, weak animal, while shor means large and independent. So Iyar in this case is precisely the sign of the formation of an entity.

And the month of Sivan is responsible for Gemini

A month of knowledge and information received. Geminis in general are intellectuals. And they don’t know how to be devoted to one thing; they easily change passions. So every day is different!

Cancer is the month of Tamuz

They need care, warmth, devotion and love! And you should think less about the past and look forward more clearly. Cancer slogan “My home is my castle”!

The month of Av is responsible for Leo

The energy of the Sun makes Leo believe that the world simply revolves around him. By default, he is confident in his abilities, and he also expects unconditional respect from the people around him! But, alas, Leos have a rather weak heart - partly because they constantly rely only on themselves, without asking for help.

For Virgo - Elul

Virgos are constantly chasing perfect order! Everything is looking for its place. We are convinced that physical world We need not just order, but perfection! And they often criticize people over trifles: not out of anger, they are simply hurt by other people’s mistakes.

And for Libra - Tishrei

Constantly fighting for unity and balance! That’s why they often get confused and don’t understand where to move next. Always, in any dispute, they see two sides, each side seems correct to Libra...

Scorpio is responsible for the month of Cheshvan

And this is a dislike of change, a passion for control over oneself and over loved ones! Love for them is simply the whole world, and in the case of unrequited love, Scorpio begins to hate. He doesn't know how to forget or forgive, he always will find a way take revenge! And, by the way, partly due to some extrasensory abilities, they become good businessmen.

The month of Kislev is responsible for Sagittarius

Yes, yes, and in famous game also Kislev, all from Jewish discourse... Sagittarians are incredible optimists! They like everything, they try to enjoy life as much as they can, although sometimes their excessive optimism can lead to carelessness and gambling... But they easily share their interests and acquired knowledge with everyone who is interested!

And for Capricorn - the month of Tevet

An earth sign, which, due to its proximity to the element of water, constantly wants to help, care and be useful. He trusts only himself. A wonderful family man and takes excellent care of the house!

For Aquarius - the month of Shevat

Aquarius is still a rebel, his uniqueness and individuality are troubling personal life! Tries to break old boundaries at any cost! He is trying to get rid of the past as best he can! And in any “near-revolutionary” matters - at the top!

Well, Pisces is the month of Adar

People who are successful in any business - especially in profit, prosperity, marriage, wealth... They are very sensitive and vulnerable, with very good intuition. At the same time, they are very serious in everything! Calm, easily absorb other people's problems. They know how to forgive, understand, love and give!

As you can see, notes JoeInfoMedia journalist Diana Lynn, there is no strong difference between the so-called Jewish horoscope and the ordinary horoscope, the Zodiac. Just everything that went into popular culture many years ago, still more years ago it was part of Jewish culture. . Therefore, looking at the Jewish horoscope, we can simply be convinced: yes, this is exactly how it all worked in the understanding of the ancient Jews, and this is exactly how it works now...

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