Etiquette of business relations. Business etiquette and protocol

Decent behavior during communication is a direct indicator of the level of our culture. And in modern society rules of behavior play an important role. The general impression of a person has a direct impact on his reputation and status. Knowledge and compliance with the rules and norms of etiquette, the ability to make a pleasant impression, and build effective communication are significant elements in a person’s life. This is why many business partners turn to Special attention on the behavior of surrounding people.


Etiquette includes moral and moral concepts, norms and principles of behavior and communication of people, which we must use not only in society, but also in the family, when communicating with colleagues at work. Business etiquette is of particular importance.

It is not enough to simply be an educated, cultured, well-mannered or polite person - you must follow a whole set of rules in order for you to be valued in society as a professional. Compliance with business etiquette is the key to success in a business environment.

Conscientious work, a high awareness of social duty and mutual assistance - all these qualities in business ethics must be cultivated and improved. And correct and competent speech, image, ability to behave in society and understanding of the intricacies of non-verbal communication will help to win people over.

Key features of business etiquette.

  • In business etiquette, the concept freedom it is implied that ethics should not interfere with the free will of all partners. In a business environment, you should value not only your freedom, but also the importance of trade secrets and the freedom of action of your partners, that is, not interfere in the affairs of other companies and not interfere with the choice of methods for executing agreements. Freedom also presupposes a tolerant attitude towards the religious and national characteristics of interlocutors.
  • You need to pay special attention to your speech, this will help politeness. When communicating with colleagues, partners and clients, the tone and timbre of your voice should always be welcoming and friendly. A respectful attitude not only helps to maintain good relationships, but also helps to increase company profits.
  • Tolerance and Tolerance consist in understanding and accepting the shortcomings or weaknesses of partners, clients or colleagues. This attitude helps to establish mutual trust and understanding.

It is important to remember that communication should be completely focused on good. Rudeness and unkindness are not applicable when communicating in a business environment. Even a dishonest partner must be treated favorably, control oneself, and remain calm and ethical in all situations.

  • Tactfulness and delicacy are expressed in the ability to listen and hear the opponent. When communicating with your interlocutor, you should always take into account age, gender, religious beliefs; moreover, when communicating, you should avoid inappropriate topics. This fact must be taken into account when negotiating with foreign interlocutors. The customs and traditions of other countries may seem strange and incomprehensible, and their behavior and actions may seem unceremonious or familiar. It is customary to give compliments, but it is important not to cross the fine line of delicacy and not turn into hypocrisy. It is only important to be able to hear and make the right counteroffer.
  • Punctuality and responsibility- one of the key principles of culture. People who do not know how to manage their time and are late for meetings leave an indelibly negative impression. Day modern people scheduled literally for minutes: time is valuable not only for you, but also for business partners, colleagues and subordinates. Being late by more than 5 minutes is regarded as a gross violation of business etiquette. And even the most sincere apologies cannot make amends.
  • Justice consists of an unbiased assessment of the individual qualities of people and their work. We need to respect their individuality, their ability to accept criticism and listen to recommendations.
  • Performance and responsibility means the ability to take responsibility and complete work on time.

Further cooperation with people depends on compliance with the basic principles of etiquette. By violating certain rules in society, you risk your image, and in the business environment, the reputation of the company, and such mistakes can cost a lot of money or your career ladder.

Each environment and industry has its own rules of etiquette. For example, for people working in an international field, it is necessary to adhere to the rules of good manners adopted in other countries.


Basic functions of business etiquette.

  • Socio-cultural: acceptance of the individual and the group increases the effectiveness of business interactions and optimizes work activity: the formation of rules and norms of behavior is necessary not only in the business environment, but also in all aspects of human life.
  • Regulatory allows you to navigate in a complex or non-standard situation, which ensures stability and order. Standardization of behavior facilitates the process of establishing communication in any typical business situation. This allows you to avoid mistakes, troubles and stress. Helps to achieve mutual understanding and save time during negotiations. Formation of a positive image of the company and the manager in the eyes of employees, clients and partners.

  • Integrative function ensures group cohesion. Socialization allows even a beginner to cope with assigned tasks with the help of a working template. Promotes the development and formation of personality, allows you to solve a disciplinary problem and master the rules of business etiquette in a short time.
  • Communicative function correlates with maintaining good relationships and the absence of conflicts.

Business is the coordinated activity of many people. And the company’s performance depends on the ability to establish connections and maintain good relationships not only with employees, but also with partners and clients.


The rules of business etiquette must be observed in all life situations, regardless of the circumstances. Business Etiquette applicable:

  • At work;
  • in telephone conversations and business correspondence;
  • at official receptions or business dinners;
  • while traveling.

Basic moral and ethical standards must be observed in any situation. There is a so-called “first second” rule, when you can create the first impression of a person. It includes greeting, handshake, introduction and first address.

Body language reveals much more about character than words and appearance. Nonverbal signs reflect the essence and inner world In a person, for example, crossed arms or legs signal mistrust, tightness or uncertainty.

One cannot fail to note egocentrism, which is often attributed with negative connotations; on the contrary, such behavior says that this is a professional in his field, he can negotiate and not forget about his point of view. Such a person is interested in a positive outcome of the dispute, but will undoubtedly defend his point of view.

Basic rules and regulations

Ignorance of the basic tenets of etiquette creates many problems and sometimes leads to the destruction of a career. Today, business in Russia has its own specific ethical features - this is how a new culture of business communication is being formed.

There are many rules and requirements that must be followed. Some components have already lost their relevance. For example, it used to be that a woman should get out of an elevator first, but Now etiquette standards say that the first person to exit the elevator is the one who is closest to the doors.

There are eight main areas of business etiquette.

  • Positive attitude and a friendly attitude towards employees and partners allow you to positively win over people.
  • Subordination: Different people have their own ways and manners of communication; you must always remember with whom you are conducting a dialogue. For example, you can have friendly relations with the project manager and communicate with each other on a first name basis, but at a meeting with partners it is only permissible to address them as “you” and by name and patronymic.
  • When greeting You should not limit yourself to the phrases “Hello” or “Good afternoon”; you should also use non-verbal gestures: a bow, a handshake, a nod or a wave of the hand. Also don't forget about in simple words politeness “Thank you”, “Sorry”, “All the best”, etc.
  • Handshake– an obligatory element of greeting, farewell and conclusion of an agreement, which gives the mood for further communication. The first person to extend his hand is the one who is younger in status or age. But if there is a dialogue with a woman, then the man extends his hand first. But a woman is always the first to greet her boss or manager.

  • In a business society there is no division of people by gender, Only service ranks are taken into account. In any circle, the person of junior rank or age is the first to introduce himself and say hello. There is the following order: first, the youngest is introduced to the elder, the man is introduced to the woman, the lowest in status is introduced to the leader, latecomers are introduced to those who are waiting. During greetings and introductions, it is necessary to stand, but the woman can sit. But if you are the leader and the host at the same time, then you should say the first word.
  • To any person with whom you have a business relationship, you must treat with respect, you also need to calmly and adequately accept criticism and advice from outside.
  • Don't say too much– secrets of an institution, company, partners or colleagues must be kept as carefully as personal ones.
  • Accepting or giving flowers, gifts and souvenirs is permitted within the framework of business ethics. The occasion may be personal events or corporate achievements. It is better for a leader to make one gift from the team. A personal gift is best given behind closed doors and on a special occasion. A presentation to a colleague or co-worker can be made for any reason - but in this case, as a rule, the principle “you - to me” applies; I - to you." Congratulations from a manager to a subordinate are usually done individually or publicly, but then all employees are given the same gifts.

Business correspondence

An educated and cultured person can always competently express his thoughts not only orally, but also in writing. The main requirements when conducting business correspondence are brevity, conciseness and correctness. There are design basics business letters and documentation.

  • The letter must be correctly composed without spelling, punctuation and stylistic errors. Communication style is businesslike, using bureaucratic language.
  • It is necessary to decide on the type and urgency of delivery of the letter.
  • Any official appeal must comply with accepted and current templates. It is advisable to draw up the letter on the official letterhead of the company or department. Each request or response must be personalized and personal.
  • You must indicate the recipient's initials, position, division or department to which the letter is sent. The sender's details with detailed contact information, indicating the name of the company and the position of the employee are required.

  • You should not use a large amount of professional terminology, and you should also avoid ambiguous expressions and jargon.
  • The main part of the letter consists of an introduction and a description of the purpose and subject of the conversation. The text must be convincing with sufficient argumentation and not exceed 1.5 pages. The sender's signature is placed at the end of the letter.
  • If the letter has an international focus, then it must be written in the recipient’s language.
  • When sent by email, you should pay attention to the “subject line” field. The line indicates: document type, topic and summary.

Business conversation

Etiquette guides communication in the right direction, provides professional activity managers and subordinates with relevant standards, rules, norms. As Dale Carnegie stated, only 15% of success depends on professional achievements and knowledge, and 85% depends on the ability to communicate with people.

Business protocol is governed by rules and regulations. There is technology that allows you to quickly and easily establish contact, here are the main recommendations.

  • Avoid conflict situations - do not use categorical statements, criticism and take into account the interests of all parties in resolving the case.
  • Take care of your wardrobe - a careless appearance, a shabby suit and an unkempt hairstyle are regarded as neglect and are assessed negatively by others.
  • You should definitely have a few business cards in your jacket pocket. Their absence is considered a sign of bad taste and will be perceived in a negative way.
  • If you are just applying for a job, then try to behave calmly and confidently during the interview. Watch your posture and walk into the office with your head up. Do not rush to sit on the first chair, wait until you are asked to do so. Communicate politely and confidently, keep your legs parallel to each other and do not cross your arms.

There is a constant process of communication between people in social and business environments. Knowledge of the rules and norms of business etiquette helps to establish the necessary connections and increase the level of loyalty of a client or colleague towards oneself. One of the significant elements of the culture of business communication is the decent behavior of people, their moral values, manifestations of conscience and morality. The success of an enterprise largely depends on the microclimate in the team. If employees perform their duties competently and clearly, and most importantly harmoniously, then the company develops and grows.

Etiquette is norms (laws) about manners, features of appropriate behavior of people in society.

Business etiquette is a system of principles and rules for professional, official communication / behavior of people in the business sphere.

Compliance with the rules of etiquette is necessary for all self-respecting people, but it is especially useful for those who strive to build a career (business). In business interactions, factors such as reputation, information and connections are of great importance. How more information, the more competently you can build communication.

The fundamental rules of business etiquette include:

  1. Timely completion of duties, punctuality. In a business environment, being late is not tolerated. It is also unethical to make your opponent wait during negotiations.
  2. Non-disclosure of confidential information, compliance with corporate secrets.
  3. Respect and listening skills. A friendly and respectful attitude, the ability to listen to the interlocutor without interrupting, help to establish contact and resolve many business issues.
  4. Dignity and attention. and one’s knowledge/strength should not turn into excessive self-confidence. It is necessary to calmly accept criticism or advice from others. You should be considerate towards clients, co-workers, management or subordinates. Provide assistance and support as needed.
  5. Correct appearance.
  6. Ability to speak and write correctly.

An important indicator of business culture is order in the work area. It indicates the neatness and diligence of the employee, the ability to organize his workplace and work day.

In the culture of business communication, attention should be paid to nonverbal (wordless) manifestations of etiquette. Don't turn away from your interlocutor. When explaining, there is no need to gesticulate or grimace much.

According to the rules of business etiquette, the person occupying a dominant position enters the workroom first, followed by all the others, according to the ladder of the business hierarchy. Business order corresponds to the following division:

  1. Status.
  2. Age.
  3. Gender differences.

The man must accompany the woman to her left. This rule is due to the fact that in the old days, a gentleman, being to the left of a lady, occupied a more dangerous place when driving along the road. Carts with horses moved at the same time as passers-by, since in those days there were no sidewalks.

In business relations between and a subordinate, subordination must be observed. It is customary to point out an employee’s mistakes in person, not in the presence of the team.

Business correspondence

Correspondence of a business nature is a system of requirements (standards) that must be adhered to in order to correctly and competently draw up a document. First of all, you need to decide on the type and urgency of delivery of the letter. And also with the degree of accessibility of the document for the recipient, whether it will be one letter or several, with clarifications / lists / suggestions. The letter must be written correctly in terms of spelling and style.

The format of the document must comply with existing templates, depending on the type of letter (for example, cover letter). When drawing up a document, you must be guided by the standards for document preparation requirements [GOST R 6.30-2003].

A business letter must include the name of the company that acts as the sender; date of dispatch and recipient's address. It is also necessary to indicate the initials, position of the recipient or the department to which the letter was sent. The main part of the letter consists of an introduction/address, a topic and a brief description of the purpose of the document, followed by the text and conclusion. At the end of the document, the sender's signature is placed, and attachments or copies, if any, are indicated.

— document type;

This is necessary to avoid a situation where an incoming message ends up in the spam folder, and the recipient can delete the letter without reading it.

The letter should be simple and understandable, without an excessive amount of professional terms. In business correspondence, the use of slang expressions and phrases with double meaning is not allowed.

If the letter has an international focus, it must be written in the recipient’s language or in English. The response to the letter must be provided:

- by mail - no later than ten days;

- when negotiating via the Internet - from 24 to 48 hours.

Business correspondence must be carefully prepared and rechecked several times before sending. An incorrectly written letter with spelling errors can harm the company’s reputation, since a business document is the business card of the company.

Business rhetoric

Rhetoric in the business world is the art of eloquence, the ability to effectively and convincingly convey ideas to listeners. Diction, correctly delivered speech, and intonation are important here. A significant aspect is the ability to present not only information, but also oneself. In business rhetoric, the principles of speech influence are used:

- availability;

- associativity;

— expressiveness;

— intensity.

Rules of business communication

A significant condition for business communications is the culture of speech, which is manifested in literacy, correctly selected intonation, vocabulary and manner of speaking.

A necessary condition for communication in business circles is respect, goodwill and the ability to hear the interlocutor. To show serious attitude to the speaker’s words, you can use the technique of “active listening”, selectively repeating the spoken statements or slightly paraphrasing them.

The stages of business communication have the following division:

  • Preparation for discussion of issues (business meeting). It is necessary to draw up a negotiation plan, a concept for conducting a conversation, arguments and counterarguments, study the opponent’s point of view on various issues, and prepare proposals for solving the problem.
  • Introductory part (greeting, address), establishing communication between partners of a business conversation. It is important to start communication correctly and respectfully, creating an easy trustful environment, it is also necessary to interest the interlocutor, to arouse interest in the problem and the discussion as a whole.
  • Statement of the essence of the issue, argumentation, presentation of arguments and counter-argumentation. Discussion of the problem, search for ways to resolve controversial issues.
  • Establishing the optimal solution and formalizing the agreement.
  • The final part (address, words of farewell/parting words).

Rules for business communication by phone

For communication by telephone in business, the principles stipulated by general rules business communication and rhetoric. Speech must be literate, the intonation must be friendly, the information must be presented to the point, without introductory words or long pauses.

The incoming call signal must be answered no later than after the third ring of the telephone. The next step is a greeting (the phrases “hello” and “listening” are not allowed). You need to say hello, then say the name of the organization and introduce yourself. Next, clarify the reason for the call, clarify the opponent’s questions and politely say goodbye. If you need to make an outgoing call, the rules for conducting a telephone conversation are the same as in the first case. The only exception is the need to ask the called party whether he is comfortable talking and whether he can devote his time to you. You should be interested immediately after the welcoming speech.

If a caller asks for an employee who is not at this moment at the workplace, the person who answers the call should offer their help; in case of refusal, you should ask what needs to be conveyed to the absent employee.

Business style clothing

Compliance with generally accepted norms and rules in organizing your appearance is a mandatory aspect of the rules of business etiquette. In some large companies There is a corporate dress code. You need to select clothes classic style, too frank, bright things, with elements of torn fabric are not acceptable. The appearance must be neat and tidy. Attention should be paid not only to the correct selection of clothing, but also appearance in general (the condition of nails, hairstyles, shoes, makeup for women).

Introduction 3
1. The concept of etiquette, its origin, significative essence, conditional nature 4
2. Signs of respect in everyday business contacts 8
3. Table etiquette and its place in the structure of business culture 14
4. Etiquette and service regulations 17
Conclusion 20
References 21


Business relationships are a necessary part human life, the most important type of relationship with other people. Eternal and one of the main regulators of these relations are ethical norms, which express our ideas about good and evil, justice and injustice, the correctness or incorrectness of people’s actions. And when communicating in business cooperation with his subordinates, boss or colleagues, everyone in one way or another, consciously or spontaneously, relies on these ideas. But depending on how a person understands moral norms, what content he puts into them, and to what extent he generally takes them into account in communication, he can make business communication easier for himself, make it more effective, help in solving assigned tasks and achieving goals, and make this communication difficult or even impossible.
Practice clearly shows that without the ability to establish business connections, cooperate with partners, manage people, situations and oneself, it is extremely difficult to achieve commercial success. Meanwhile, most of our entrepreneurs have an extremely low level of communication culture, which significantly reduces their business activity and does not allow them to realize their initiative to the fullest.

1. The concept of etiquette, its origin, significative essence, conditional nature

Etiquette (from the French etiquette) means an established order of behavior somewhere. This is the most general definition of etiquette. Culture of behavior - actions and forms of communication of people based on morality, aesthetic taste and compliance with certain norms and rules. A true culture of behavior is the organic unity of a person’s internal and external culture, the ability to find the right line of behavior even in a non-standard, and sometimes in an extreme situation (9, p. 221).
Business etiquette is the most important aspect of the morality of professional behavior of a business person, entrepreneur. Knowing it is necessary professional quality, which must be acquired and constantly improved. Almost 70% beneficial for domestic business people failed deals did not take place due to the fact that Russian businessmen do not know the rules of business communication and do not have a culture of behavior. This figure is confirmed by international experience. So, back in 1936, Dale Carnegie wrote: “The success of a person in his financial affairs depends by 15 percent on his professional knowledge and 85 percent - from his ability to communicate with people." Quite a lot of careers collapse and money is lost due to improper behavior or bad manners. Knowing this, the Japanese spend hundreds of millions of dollars a year on training in good manners and advice on etiquette and cultural behavior. They know well that the success of any company largely depends on the ability of its employees, on their ability to work together to achieve a common goal. Knowledge of etiquette and culture of behavior are the key conditions for it. successful work in any organization - this is the opinion of leading specialists of companies.
In order not to get into an absurd situation, you need to know the rules of good manners. In the old days, Peter the Great taught them strongly. In 1709, he issued a decree according to which anyone who behaved “in violation of etiquette” was subject to punishment. Perhaps it is necessary to introduce punishment for those domestic businessmen who expose not only themselves to ridicule, but also cast a shadow on Russian entrepreneurship(9, p. 222).
So, knowledge of business etiquette and the ability to behave culturally are the basis of entrepreneurial success.
Etiquette is a historical phenomenon. The rules of people's behavior changed with changes in the living conditions of society and the specific social environment. Etiquette arose during the birth of absolute monarchies. Adhering to certain rules of behavior and ceremonial was necessary to exalt royalty: emperors, kings, tsars, dukes, princes, dukes, etc., to consolidate the hierarchy within the class society. Not only a person’s career, but also a person’s life often depended on knowledge of etiquette and compliance with its rules. This was the case in Ancient Egypt, China, Rome, and the Golden Horde. Violation of etiquette led to enmity between tribes, peoples and even wars.
Etiquette has always performed and continues to perform certain functions. For example, division by rank, estate, nobility of the family, titles, property status. The rules of etiquette were and are observed especially strictly in the countries of the Far and Middle East.
In Russia in early XVIII V. Western etiquette began to be increasingly introduced. Clothes, manners and external forms of behavior were transferred to Russian soil. The observance of these rules by the boyars and the noble class (especially in capital cities) was constantly and persistently, sometimes cruelly monitored by Tsar Peter I himself. Violations of these rules were severely punished. Subsequently, during the reign of Elizabeth and Catherine II, rules of etiquette were selected that met the requirements and characteristics of national culture Russia, which, as a Eurasian country, in many ways united the opposites of Europe and Asia. And there were many of these opposites not only in the 18th century, but also now. English writer Rudyard Kipling said that the West is the West, the East is the East, and they will never meet. So, in Europe the mourning color is black, and in China it is white. Even within the borders Russian Empire behavior rules various peoples differed significantly (2, p. 223).
Of course, social progress also contributed to the interpenetration of rules of behavior and the enrichment of cultures. The world was getting smaller. The process of mutual enrichment of rules of conduct made it possible to develop mutually acceptable etiquette, recognized in its main features, and enshrined in customs and traditions. Etiquette began to prescribe standards of behavior at work, on the street, at a party, at business and diplomatic receptions, in the theater, on public transport, etc.
The rules of etiquette, clothed in specific forms of behavior, indicate the unity of its two sides: moral, ethical and aesthetic. The first side is an expression of a moral norm: precautionary care, respect, protection, etc. The second side - aesthetic - testifies to the beauty and grace of forms of behavior. Here are some tips and tricks.
For example, to greet, use not only the verbal (speech) means “Hello!”, “Good afternoon,” but also non-verbal gestures: bow, nod, wave of the hand, etc.
You can say “Hello” indifferently, nod your head and walk past. But it’s better to do it differently - say, for example, “Hello, Ivan Alexandrovich!”, smile warmly at him and stop for a few seconds. Such a greeting emphasizes your good feelings towards this person, he will understand that you appreciate him, and the sound own name- a pleasant melody for any person.
An address without a name is a formal address: be it a subordinate or a boss, a neighbor on the landing or a fellow traveler on public transport. Addressing oneself by name, or even better - by name and patronymic, is an appeal to an individual. By pronouncing the name and patronymic, we emphasize respect for human dignity and demonstrate our emotional disposition. Such a greeting speaks about a person’s culture. Of course, people are not born with such qualities. These qualities are cultivated and then become a habit. The sooner such education begins, the better: the sooner it becomes a habit. It is especially difficult for first-generation businessmen to form good intellectual habits, since they mostly have to go through trial and error. It’s not for nothing that the British say that in order to become a gentleman, you need to have three university degrees in your family: a grandfather, a father and a son.
But in addition to the rules of cultural behavior, there is also professional etiquette. There have always been and will remain relationships in life that provide the highest efficiency in performing professional functions. Participants in any interaction always try to maintain the most optimal forms of this interaction and rules of behavior. For example, in an organization, a newcomer will be required to strictly adhere to proven and proven rules of business communication, since they facilitate the performance of professional functions and contribute to the achievement of their goals. In this or that team, group of workers, employees, business people, certain traditions develop, which over time acquire the force of moral principles and constitute the etiquette of this group, community.

Business etiquette is the result of a long selection of rules and forms of the most appropriate behavior that contributed to success in business relationships. It was not always easy to master these rules, so entrepreneurs “from the plow” often spoke about them not very flatteringly: “Why do I need all this?”
You can follow this principle. However, if you want to establish strong business relationships with foreign partners, then knowledge of the business etiquette of foreign countries is a must.
It can be recalled how trade relations were established with medieval Japan, which before famous era Meiji (until 1868) was almost completely closed from the rest of the world. Businessman, merchant who arrived in the country rising sun to establish business connections, introduced himself to the emperor. The introduction procedure was so humiliating that not every foreign guest was able to do it. The foreigner had to crawl from the door through the reception hall on his knees to the place assigned to him, and after the reception in the same way, backing away like a cancer, leave his place and hide behind the door (2, p. 224).
But, as in those ancient times, so now, the rules of business etiquette and culture of behavior help bring together the economic and financial interests of traders and businessmen. For many, profit was and remains above all differences in national character, religion, social status, and psychological characteristics. These differences were subject to the etiquette of the country the businessman was interested in. Submission to the rules of the game of the determining party created the basis for the success of the transaction.

2. Signs of respect in everyday business contacts

Business etiquette includes a number of rules that form the basis of the code of conduct adopted for well-mannered people. Let's look at these rules in more detail.
Greeting rules. Politeness necessarily presupposes, first of all, greeting. Since ancient times, people have shown respect to each other through greetings.
Although generally accepted etiquette stipulates that a man greets a woman first, a younger person greets an older person, and a lower-ranking partner greets a superior, a civilized businessman should not wait for a partner who is younger in age or position to greet him. You need to greet your interlocutor first.
A man should consider it a sign of special respect for him if a woman greets him first. When greeting a woman on the street, a man takes off his hat and glove. When he greets someone from a distance, he makes a slight bow and touches his hat with his hand or lifts it slightly. If he is sitting, he gets up and then greets. Headgear - a winter hat, ski cap, cap or beret - does not need to be touched. A man limits himself to a slight bow if he greets from a distance, and takes off his glove if he shakes hands. In all cases, this is not necessary for women. If a woman does take off her glove, it is a sign of special respect. This should be the norm for older women and men. In any case, at the moment of greeting there should be no cigarette in your mouth and you should not have your hand in your pocket. Women bow their heads slightly and respond to greetings with a smile; they may not remove their hands from the pockets of their coats or jackets (4, p. 457).
Greetings by shaking hands are always recommended for men, and for women by mutual consent. It is symbolic that even in ancient times, a handshake meant an act of friendship and peace. When a man is introduced to a woman, the woman offers her hand first. The same priority belongs to both older people and those senior in the hierarchy: the older woman extends her hand first to the younger one, the woman to the man, the leader to the subordinate.
A woman’s hand is never kissed on the street as a sign of greeting; this is done only indoors. It is customary for us to kiss the hand of only a married woman. When kissing a woman's hand, you should not raise it too high; try to bend down yourself.
Men, when greeting each other, may not take off their gloves. But if one is removed, the other must also be removed. On the street, the first man passing by bows to the one standing.
When shaking hands, do not shake the person being greeted's hand too tightly. Men especially need to remember this rule when they shake hands with a woman.
Handshakes are not always required when meeting acquaintances on the street or employees on the premises of an institution or enterprise. When a visitor comes to the manager, it is quite polite and correct to limit himself to a greeting; " Good morning", "Hello", etc., while making a slight bow with your head and a slight smile.
The handshake initiator should almost always be a woman. But in some cases, a woman, as well as a man, is not the first to extend his hand to a person much older than himself in age and higher in official position. There is a general rule: the elder initiates the handshake, the woman shakes hands with the man, and the married woman shakes hands with the unmarried woman; a young man should not rush to shake hands with an older man or a married woman first.
When shaking hands, men usually say a short greeting: “My respects...”, “Glad to meet you (see you),” “Good afternoon...” When greeting a man, according to the rules of politeness, one should ask: “How is your wife’s health?” “How are your children?” “How is your mother?” and so on. (3, p. 46)
If, upon entering a room with several people, you want to shake hands with one person, the etiquette is to be sure to extend your hand to everyone else.
The style of addressing business partners or subordinates is determined by the general style of relationships, as in any team. The address “you” first of all indicates the high culture of the one who addresses his partner or colleague. It emphasizes respect for them. A well-mannered and correct entrepreneur always uses this polite form of address, regardless of who he is talking to: be it his immediate superior or a subordinate, a person much older or younger than him. Addressing with "you" in a business setting is undesirable. It is permissible only when it can be mutual or due to informal relationships.
It is preferable to address business partners who know each other well, as well as your colleagues, by their first and patronymic names or last names with the addition of the words “Mr.” (formerly “comrade”).
You should not abuse the address only by name, and even in the American style in an abbreviated version. In our country, from time immemorial, it has been customary to respectfully call people by their first and patronymic names, this is our tradition. You can address your closest colleagues by name if they are young and do not object to such treatment.
You can address a stranger with the words: “citizen”, “mister”, “sir” or “madam”, “girl”, “young man”. In today's Russia there is no established form of such treatment. And we must admit that some of the words mentioned are not entirely successful in specific cases. That’s why we often turn to a stranger simply with the phrase: “Excuse me...”, or “Please...”, or “Be so kind...”. (3, p. 49)
An important element of politeness in business life is presentation, with the help of which you can establish necessary and useful connections. Etiquette provides certain rules indicating when and how to present and be presented, and these should not be neglected.
First of all, it is customary to introduce a younger person to an older person, a single person to a married person, a lower person to a higher person, a man to a woman, a younger woman to an older person, etc.
The moment of introduction is important. In this case, liberties should be avoided; it is better to use simple phrases like: “This is Ivan, my colleague,” “I present to you Anna,” etc. When a man introduces his wife, he says: “My wife” or “My spouse” (it is not recommended to say: “My mistress”).
When a wife introduces her husband, she usually says, “My husband.”
When a man is introduced to a woman, he stands up and bows slightly; the woman does not stand up in such cases. Introducing the closest relative, they say: “My father”, “My brother Peter”, omitting the surname. Those who have just arrived at a meeting or reception are not introduced to persons who are already leaving it.
If there is a need to be introduced, and there is no one around who could help you with this, then you should simply offer your hand and clearly identify yourself.
Business Cards. Just a few years ago, business cards were a rarity among us. They simply had no place in a rigid, regulated administrative-command management system. Nowadays, business cards are becoming increasingly widespread, since they are a mandatory attribute when establishing business relations with representatives of companies, especially at first meetings. Business cards are actively used in the West. In some countries, such as Japan, China, Korea and Hong Kong, they replace any document in most cases.
The main purpose of business cards is to introduce business and officials to each other when they first meet. They can also be used to inform people you are interested in contacting about your existence. This is a kind of correspondence representation, a soft, unobtrusive form of showing your interest in the addressee. Business cards are also used to maintain contacts (congratulations on a holiday or other event, expressing appreciation, gratitude, accompanying a gift, souvenir, flowers, expressing condolences).
Business cards are printed on thick white paper or thin cardboard in the shape of a small rectangle in Russian, and on the back in English, French or the language of the host country. It is necessary to indicate as fully as possible not only your position (not “deputy director”, but “deputy director for financial issues”), but also your real sphere of interests and powers; The company's postal address, telephone, fax and telex numbers, as well as the secretary's telephone number must be indicated. A small and completely innocent trick is that if there are two or three telephone numbers on the card, foreigners get the impression that they are dealing with a reputable company with a large staff (10, p. 139).
From the business cards received earlier, you can find out some information about your partners. For example, if a company has its own building rather than renting premises, this is a sign of financial strength. On the other hand, if a company, renting an office, occupies the entire floor in a luxurious business skyscraper in the city center, this is one thing, but if it huddles somewhere in the outskirts, albeit in its own house, this is completely different. The presence of internal communication numbers on the card indicates that the company has its own switchboard, and this indicates the large number of its staff and, therefore, its reputability.
There are many types of business cards. We will name only the most common ones.
Standard card. Last name, first name and patronymic are printed in capital letters, position - in lowercase letters. Usually the company's address and telephone number (including home phone number) are indicated. Telex and fax are sometimes indicated. This type of card is used when an acquaintance has taken place.
Card for special and representative purposes. The address and telephone number of the company are indicated. If you are handed such a card, it means its owner is not inclined to continue the contact. He's just introducing himself. Don't ask him to write down his coordinates: if he wanted to give them, he would give you a different business card. In some cases, a card for special and representative purposes can be obtained from a well-known partner when he sends you a souvenir with this card, bearing in mind that his coordinates are well known to you.
Company card. Used for congratulations on behalf of the company. For example, on Independence Day (a national holiday in the USA), on behalf of your company, you send a basket of flowers to your partner's company and enclose such a card.
You can also find cards with a photo. There are cards folded like books, indicating how to get to the company where cars are parked, etc.
Business cards are either personally handed to the addressee, or left at his home in his absence, or sent by courier or driver. On a card delivered in person, the top right corner is folded over and then straightened out. Such a card is left in cases where for some reason you could not be accepted, either in the secretary’s office or at the partner’s residence (residence always means place of residence).
The fold indicates that you personally left a business card, and this is a sign of the greatest respect and respect. The card can also be transferred with an intermediary - a driver or courier. But in this case it does not bend. It is considered a gross violation of etiquette if a courier or driver is assigned to carry a folded card.

3. Table etiquette and its place in the structure of business culture

Quite often, business conversations take place in an informal setting (cafe, restaurant). This requires the ability to combine solutions business issues with a meal. After all, people subtly noticed that nothing separates us like television, and nothing brings us together like a samovar. Usually there is a business breakfast, lunch, and dinner. Some people unite them general principles, applicable in all three cases, in particular, generally accepted table manners. However, each of these forms of business communication has its own characteristics.
A business breakfast is the most convenient time for meetings for those who work hard during the day. Duration - about 45 minutes. Not recommended for a business meeting between men and women. Alcoholic drinks are excluded at breakfast.
A business lunch allows you to establish good relationships with partners and get to know your clients better. At noon a person is more active and relaxed than at 7 - 8 o'clock in the morning. The duration of a business lunch is not strictly regulated and is usually one to two hours, of which up to half an hour is taken up by small talk, which usually precedes the business conversation.
A business dinner is more formal in nature than breakfast or lunch, and is closer to a reception in terms of the degree of regulation. This determines the type of invitations (written, not telephone), the features of clothing (dark-colored suit). The duration of a business dinner is two hours or more.
When deciding to organize (accept an invitation to) a business breakfast, lunch or dinner, you need to think about your goals and understand whether a more relaxed atmosphere of the feast will contribute to their solution. It may be easier to resolve these issues in the office or over the phone. Each meeting related to a feast can take from one to three hours, and you need to treat your own and other people’s time with the utmost respect.
It all starts with landing. You need to sit confidently on a chair so that your palm (four fingers) fits between your body and the edge of the table.
You need to sit straight, somewhat relaxed, press your elbows to your body, and do not move them to the sides even for reasons of convenience. It will be possible to move away a little during the pause between dishes or after the serving of dishes has already finished and the guests are simply communicating with each other.
You should not put your elbows on the table, even if you smoke and it is convenient for you to lean on the table with the elbow of your hand with a cigarette.
You need to take a napkin and, unfold it, place it on your knees in order to protect your dress or suit from drops and crumbs.
If someone asks to pass the device, then the knives, forks, spoons are passed with the handle forward, taking the device by the neutral middle. For oysters, lobsters, meat, and fish, knives should be used. Poultry and game are eaten with a knife and fork. Some dishes are eaten with hands (asparagus, “tabaka” chickens, etc.). It is customary to eat hot fish using a special device so as not to cut the bones. They eat fish with one fork, holding it in their right hand and helping themselves with a piece of bread in their left. Using a fork, place the bones on the edge of the plate.
Salads are eaten on a small plate, without transferring to a larger plate.
The salad, served in a vase, is placed on your plate with a spoon or fork attached to the salad.
Sandwiches are sometimes eaten with a knife and fork. It is considered rude to eat fruit by biting directly from it. You need to peel the fruit with a knife, cut it into pieces, cut out the core with grains and only then eat it.
No one should ask to be served a dish first, showing in any way their impatience. If you feel thirsty at the table, you should extend your glass to the person pouring it, holding it between the thumb, index and middle fingers of your right hand. You should not leave any wine or water in your glass that could spill.
First courses can be served either in a deep plate or in a special broth cup.
To cool the soup, you don't need to blow on it. You just need to wait until it cools down.
It is acceptable to tilt the plate with your left hand away from you in order to eat all the soup.
First courses served in a broth cup are usually eaten with a dessert spoon, holding the handle of the cup with your left hand. Both broth and puree soup must first be eaten with a spoon, then you can drink it as if from a simple cup.
When using cutlery while eating, the knife is held in the right hand, the fork in the left hand.
Do not cut several pieces at once - the meat will cool down and become tasteless.
The knife used to cut meat is not used to take salt from a salt shaker or food from a common dish. Do not crumble bread into a sauce or other dish.
If you have to temporarily interrupt the meal to drink water, take bread, put the knife and fork on the plate the way they were held: the knife with the handle to the right, and the fork to the left.
After finishing the meal, the knife and fork are placed on the plate.
After eating, you can touch your lips and wipe your fingertips with a napkin.
When getting up from the table, it is not at all necessary to fold your napkin and, of course, it is very indecent to leave immediately after dinner; you always need to wait at least half an hour.

4. Etiquette and service regulations

In business communication, serious attention is paid to the rules for organizing business contacts. There are quite a few reasons for this; we will only point out the most significant ones. Thus, excessive availability of a manager does not contribute to the creation of a normal business environment and often leads to familiarity. Therefore, it is advisable to limit as much as possible the number of persons who have the right to enter the office of a senior official without notification. A procedure must be created in which it is forbidden to enter the office if someone is already there. It is especially important to follow this order during reception hours. It is desirable that all persons who need direct contact with the manager have a clearly fixed time for the visit and are confident that it will take place (10, p. 127).
At the same time, it should be borne in mind that excessive inaccessibility of the manager is also undesirable, since it leads to loss of information. In this regard, it is very useful to have a procedure in which any employee in a fairly short time and with the most simplified procedure could get an appointment with his boss.
The secretary plays the main role in planning official contacts. He must decide on the urgency of the visit, review the timing of official contacts, notify employees in case of unforeseen situations and provide information.
When inviting an employee, the boss must warn him through the secretary about the time, duration and topic of the conversation in order to give him the opportunity to prepare. It is advisable to conduct conversations in the subordinate’s office, since all materials are at hand and telephone calls are not distracting. Sometimes conversations can be held in common room so that other employees can hear them. Outside the office premises, business conversations are, as a rule, undesirable: they create the impression of selectivity and secrecy.
In the premises reserved for visitors, maximum comfort should be created for them. The entire environment should indicate attention to people.
Issues of subordination in business etiquette are important since management relationships are hierarchical in nature.
Business subordination requires, first of all, correctness: one should not forget about subordination and give orders unnecessarily “over the head” of a subordinate manager, thereby undermining his authority. In case of violation of subordination, you need to inform the subordinate manager, trying to do this in such a way that he does not have the feeling that he is being “bypassed”, that they do not want to take him into account.
When communicating with subordinates, it is advisable to apply the so-called principle of emotional neutrality, which requires treating all employees equally and with restraint, regardless of personal likes and dislikes. You should be especially scrupulous with subordinates in off-duty relationships, and not abuse personal requests, since the latter lead to familiarity in relationships and can sooner or later put the manager in an ambiguous position.


So, let's summarize some results.
Etiquette (from the French etiquette) means an established order of behavior somewhere. This is the most general definition of etiquette. Culture of behavior - actions and forms of communication of people based on morality, aesthetic taste and compliance with certain norms and rules. A true culture of behavior is the organic unity of a person’s internal and external culture, the ability to find the right line of behavior even in a non-standard, and sometimes even in an extreme situation. Business etiquette is the most important aspect of the morality of professional behavior of a business person, entrepreneur. Knowledge of it is a necessary professional quality that must be acquired and constantly improved. Almost 70% of failed deals that were profitable for domestic business people did not take place due to the fact that Russian businessmen do not know the rules of business communication and do not have a culture of behavior. The rules of etiquette, clothed in specific forms of behavior, indicate the unity of its two sides: moral, ethical and aesthetic. The first side is an expression of a moral norm: precautionary care, respect, protection, etc. The second side - aesthetic - testifies to the beauty and grace of forms of behavior. Here are some tips and tricks.
In the practice of business relations there are always some standard situations that cannot be avoided. For these situations, forms and rules of behavior are developed. This set of rules constitutes the etiquette of business communication. Etiquette of business relations is defined, in particular, as a set of rules of behavior in business, which represents the external side of business communication.
Business etiquette, as we have found out, is the result of a long selection of rules and forms of the most appropriate behavior that contributed to success in business relationships.

1. Averchenko L. K. Laws of psychology to help the manager. - Novosibirsk, 1992.
2. Bogomolov N. N. Doctrine of “human relations”. - M., 1970.
3. Woodcock M., Francis D. The liberated manager: For a manager - practice. - M., 1991.
4. Kibanov A. Ethics of business relations. - M.: Norma, 2002.
5. Kuznetsova I.N. Business conversation. Business Etiquette. - M.: Astrel, 2006.
6. Kukushkin V.S. Business Etiquette. - M.: Norma, 2005.
7. Psychology and ethics of business communication / Ed. V.N. Lavrinenko. – M.: Unity, 1997.
8. Ravich M. Etiquette. – St. Petersburg: Lan, 1999.
9. Secrets of a skillful leader. - M., 1991.
10. Social psychology and ethics of business communication / Ed. V.N. Lavrinenko. – M.: Unity, 1995.
11. Utkin E. A. Management course. - M-: Mirror, 1998.

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A business person has to come into contact with other people in so-called public places: on the street, in transport, in state and non-state administrative institutions, the theater, etc. Communication in these places is often short-lived and impersonal, i.e. the interaction involves strangers. However, such interactions are also governed by the rules of etiquette.

On the street. The same requirements apply to appearance on the street as in other public places. Clothes and shoes must be clean, neat, hair combed, and the headdress must fit well on the head. You should cross the street in the designated places; you must not walk on the roadway or lawns; you must remain on the right side of the sidewalk and not disturb passers-by. If you happen to be in a tight space or accidentally push a passerby, you should apologize. Questions like “How to get...?” asked politely. Thanks for the answers. If you are asked, answer clearly and clearly. If in doubt, better apologize and refuse to answer. While walking, you should not hunch over, swing your arms wildly, or keep them in your pockets. Only in very cold times can they be stuffed into the pockets of a coat or jacket. You should not walk with a cigarette in your mouth, eat on the go. If you really want to smoke or eat, you need to step aside. Cigarette butts and other rubbish must not be thrown into the pedestrian area.

The maximum number of people walking in a row is three, on a crowded sidewalk - two. When paired with a man, the woman takes a seat on the right side, with the exception of military personnel, who must be saluted. In the company of two men, the woman walks in the middle; if there are two women and a man, then the older one is to his right, and the younger one is next to her. When women are equal in age, the man takes the place between them. The bag must be carried so as not to touch passers-by. The umbrella is kept in a vertical position.

When you walk along the sidewalk, you need to be attentive, at the same time look under your feet and to the sides, not to let your acquaintances pass without greeting. If you want to talk with an acquaintance you meet, you need to step aside so as not to disturb passers-by, as is the case if you want to get to know an architectural monument better.

On the street you should not shout loudly, whistle, point your finger, stare at passers-by, or look behind them. A well-mannered person not only observes the written and unwritten rules of behavior on the street, but also provides assistance to those who need it: he helps an elderly person, a disabled person, or his companion cross the street, go down a steep or slippery staircase.

In transport. Before entering a bus, trolleybus, or tram, passengers traveling on it should be given the opportunity to get off. They enter without pushing, they help those who need help enter (elderly people, disabled people, etc.). If a man is traveling with a woman, he must let her go ahead. Upon entering the transport, you do not need to stop at the entrance, but go into the cabin to give other passengers the opportunity to leave. Those who travel to the first or second stop enter last.

Young people, if there are elderly people, passengers with children, or disabled people in the transport, should not sit in the front seats intended for this category of passengers. Such places are usually marked with special signs. Well-mannered young people give way to the elderly. Those who are offered a seat should definitely thank for the courtesy and take advantage of it. If they still want to stand, then along with gratitude they try to explain the reason, for example, with the words: “Thank you! I'll be leaving soon."

In crowded transport, you should position yourself in such a way as to cause as little disturbance as possible to your neighbors. You need to be especially careful with bags and backpacks. They must be removed from the shoulders and held in the hands. Bags should not be placed on the seat. People standing or sitting nearby are not considered. They do not look into books, newspapers, or magazines that are unfolded for reading. In turn, readers should keep the newspaper or magazine folded.

You cannot talk loudly in transport, much less impose your conversations and questions on fellow travelers. When coughing, you need to cover your mouth with a handkerchief, and if you want to sneeze, massage the bridge of your nose. If you have a cold, you should avoid public places. Eating on public transport, with the exception of long-distance travel, should be avoided.

A request to validate a ticket or transfer money to purchase it is addressed with the words: “Please...”, “Be kind...”, “Be kind...” They are sure to thank for the kindness shown.

Passengers with children must ensure that the latter led themselves in an appropriate manner, did not play pranks, did not make noise, did not stand on the seat with their shoes on, and did not touch their neighbors with their hands and feet. Parents should teach school-aged children to give way to their elders. But you shouldn’t loudly scold, let alone spank, children about bad behavior. You just need to quietly make a remark, and privately evaluate the child’s misconduct from an ethical point of view.

The controller must not be interfered with in carrying out his official duties. Without any comments, you should present your ticket and, without indignation, especially without insults, pay the fine for traveling with a “hare”.

Making their way to the exit, they ask if those in front are leaving. The man who is traveling with the woman gets out first and offers her his hand as he exits. Young people do the same when going out with their companions - older people. They also help old people and disabled people who they don’t know get out.

When boarding a taxi, a man must open the door for a woman or other respected person. She, like other people who are treated with respect, is given the side of the back seat close to the pavement. The man sits down next to the woman. If the passengers are two women and a man, the women sit in the back seat and their companion sits next to the driver. When traveling in a taxi for one man or one woman, the acceptable seat for them is the seat next to the driver. Inside the car, sit on the edge of the seat and retract your legs. When exiting, the feet are placed on the sidewalk and raised from the seat. The driver can pick up passers-by along the route of the car only with the permission of the passengers in the car. You should also smoke with the permission of your companions.

On the train. When preparing for a train trip, the things you need on the road (toiletries, food, etc.) are placed in a separate hand luggage, but in such a way that when removing them, you do not go through the entire contents of this luggage.

Upon entering the compartment, they say hello. It is not necessary to introduce yourself to the companions with whom you are traveling in the same compartment. If, during the mutual exchange of the first neutral phrases (about the weather, transport, station, etc.), a mutual desire to continue communication is revealed, then during the conversation you can get acquainted. However, questions about personal life You should not ask for a travel companion.

When leaving by train, do not block the car windows unnecessarily, as your companions may also want to say goodbye to someone. In a compartment, do not open the window without first asking the consent of other passengers. When traveling by train, it is recommended to take with you not string bags and bags, but travel bags or suitcases. You should behave correctly in the compartment. It is indecent to put your feet on the opposite seat, smoke, talk too loudly, have fun, sing, whistle, etc.

In long-distance transport you must sit in the place indicated on the ticket. Cultured man will offer his lower bunk to an elderly companion or woman. It should be remembered that holders of upper seats also have the right to sit on this shelf. A table located in the compartment is intended for general use. Therefore, you should not force him with your food. It should be kept in bags. It is advisable to take food on the road in the form of sandwiches. It is better to cut poultry meat at home rather than in front of other people. During meals, food is kept on napkins that you take with you. To offer or not to offer fellow travelers to share the feast? In this case, you can act at your own discretion. Refusal to eat together should be taken calmly. At the end, the unconsumed food is put into a bag, and the leftovers are thrown into a trash can located in the corridor of the carriage, and not out the window or under the seat.

You should behave politely and tactfully with your fellow travelers and cause them as little disturbance as possible. You must smoke in the vestibule. It is not advisable to turn on even autonomous reading lights during night sleep. The same applies to radio operation. If your fellow travelers are about to go to bed, you should leave the compartment. The passengers in the upper bunks are usually the first to get ready for bed. Those who are ready to sleep turn to the wall.

When saying goodbye to fellow travelers, they wish them a good journey. If you arrive at your station at a time when familiar companions are sleeping, there is no need to wake them up to say goodbye. This can be done before bed or upon their request.

If a man is traveling with a woman, then he gets off the train, as well as from any other vehicle, first, carrying her luggage and helping her get off the platform.

In airplane. When boarding an airplane and during the flight, you must strictly comply with the requirements for air passengers. It is necessary to fill out the customs declaration correctly, undergo customs inspection without complaint, etc.

Upon entering the plane, the flight attendant is greeted. The most important ethical rule that passengers must follow is not to show their fear to other passengers, not to remember out loud about plane crashes, not to share their comments like “the landing gear is not extended,” etc. All questions and requests should be addressed to the flight attendant. To pass the time in the air, you can read or talk with your neighbor, if he doesn’t mind. When leaving the plane, they thank the flight attendant and say goodbye to her.

In state and non-state administrative institutions. When entering the institution, greet the watchman or duty officer in the lobby. At his request, they present the documents necessary for entry (pass, passport, ID, etc.).

Before visiting an institution, they clearly understand the purpose of the visit, the subject of the conversation with its head or other official, think through its plan, and prepare the necessary documents. If necessary, make an appointment in advance and, naturally, arrive at the appointed time.

If there is a wardrobe in the institution, outer clothing is left there. In all cases, when entering office premises, men remove their hats.

If there is a secretary in the reception office of the official, then they inform him about the appointment, and he, having found out whether they can receive the visitor, lets him into the office. The secretary can introduce him to the owner of the office. There is no knock on the door when entering the office. In the absence of the secretary, enter the office at the appointed time. And in this case, when entering the office, you don’t have to knock. They knock only when the owner of the office establishes such an order. You cannot knock on office rooms where several employees are working. In this case, when entering the room, quietly or with a bow greet those who paid attention to you, and approach the desired official. If you cannot determine which table he is sitting at, ask the employee closest to the door about him. If you are walking around the establishment with an accompanying person, then he walks next to or slightly ahead of the guest. The guest is allowed into the illuminated service room first, while the accompanying person enters the unlit service room first. A man follows the same rule in relation to his companion. On the stairs, a man gives way to a woman at the railing, while he himself takes such a position in relation to her to help quickly support his companion if she suddenly stumbles. The most comfortable position when going up the stairs is from the side one step higher, down - from the side one step lower.

Communication between the visitor and the official must be correct and businesslike. Even if the issue is not resolved in favor of the visitor, you should not slam the door loudly when leaving the service room. When meeting and talking with someone in the corridor, take a place so as not to disturb people walking along it. They speak in hushed tones. When leaving the institution, you say goodbye not only to the business person who received you, but also to the person on duty at the entrance.

At the hotel. Having arrived at the hotel, contact the administrator and, if there are free places or they are pre-booked, fill out the resident’s form. Many Western hotels write their name in the guest book. Service staff in a hotel, as in other establishments, should be treated politely. Tips are paid for additional services. You can ask the administrator about the tip amount. If you ask to buy newspapers or some other item, then it will be 10 - 20% of the cost of these newspapers.

When you have to live in a room together, they try not to interfere with each other’s rest or work with papers. Do not turn on bright lights, TV or radio while sleeping at night. People go to restaurants and buffets in clothes appropriate for these establishments, and not in pajamas, tracksuits and slippers.

Your things should be placed in the closet and bedside table, but not; keep them in sight. A manifestation of extreme lack of culture is the deliberate damage to hotel property and theft of items belonging to it.

If you are going to invite guests to your place, warn your roommate about this. Guests must remain in their rooms until the time specified by the hotel administration.

Many foreign hotels do not have floor attendants. However, you should keep in mind that you may be monitored in the corridor or elevator using television cameras.

Behavior in the theater, cinema, at a concert. Being in a cultural and educational institution requires a particularly scrupulous attitude to etiquette. The main requirement for behavior in these public places is not to interfere with people’s relaxation, follow the performance of actors, musicians, or the twists and turns of the plot of a theater play or film.

They dress smartly for the theater and concerts. Outerwear, which is not removed only in the cinema, must also be neat.

Just like a business meeting, you cannot be late for a cultural and entertainment event. If this happens, you should sit in the nearest empty seat or seek help from the attendant. The man who came with the woman in the cloakroom helps her take off her outerwear, hands it over and takes a number; at the end of the performance, he receives the clothes and helps her get dressed.

The man allows the woman to enter the lobby first, but he himself enters the auditorium first. He looks for seats according to the purchased tickets, asks permission to pass from those sitting and seats his companion in a more convenient place for her. It should be remembered that they walk between the rows with their backs to the stage. It should also be borne in mind that each spectator is entitled to only one armrest. In a movie theater, a man takes off his headdress; a woman may not take off her beret or a hat with a low crown and brim. If two couples are seated in the auditorium, the ladies sit in the center, the men on both sides. The ladies sit in the box in front, the men behind them.

During a concert or movie, you should not eat, talk, stomp your feet or drum your fingers to the beat of the music, or laugh loudly. It is preferable to applaud at the end of the movement theatrical production or after the performance of a musical number.

Under no circumstances should you lean on the back of the front seat with your hands or on the edge of the front seat with your feet. Naturally, the viewers are very worried about the neighbors who cough and blow their noses. More free expressions of one's emotions (rhythmic applause, getting up from one's seats, moving to the beat of the music) are now permissible at gala concerts of rock singers and musicians in large youth audiences, but not in classical-type halls (philharmonic societies, etc.).

When using binoculars, do not look at people sitting in the hall. Spectators walking in the foyer should not be scrutinized either.

You cannot, unless absolutely necessary, leave alone the woman with whom you came to the theater or concert. If a man invited her to visit a buffet, he must take care of her, that is, bring her what she wants.

If you don't like what you see on stage or on screen, you shouldn't discuss it during the action. You can leave the hall after intermission or at the end of the spectacle. At the end of the performance, you cannot rush out of your seat, you should wait until the curtain closes and the actors come out to the audience and calmly leave.

Business communication includes conversations not only at the table of meetings and negotiations, but also discussion of issues at business receptions in combination with a feast. Communication in an informal setting often has a significant effect. At business receptions, people get to know each other, establish initial contacts, which can later turn into long-term business cooperation. Relaxing in an informal setting, they exchange additional information with each other on issues that interest them, get to know each other better, find common ground of their interests, which is useful in finding compromises necessary to conclude deals and contracts.

Business receptions can be formal or informal. The first are organized by heads of state, governments, consulates, military attaches, trade missions on the occasion of national holidays, stays of government leaders, foreign delegations, the opening of major exhibitions and conferences, and the conclusion of international agreements. Other business practices are considered informal. Official receptions are usually conducted according to the rules of diplomatic protocol and etiquette. Companies also adhere to the same etiquette rules when organizing receptions in honor of their foreign colleagues.

Receptions are divided into daytime and evening, receptions with and without seating at a table.

Daytime receptions include breakfast, lunch, a glass of champagne, a glass of wine, etc. In international practice, it is generally accepted that daytime receptions are less formal than evening ones.

Breakfast is served between 12:00 and 15:00, most often from 12:00 to 13:00. Informal business practices go beyond the time limits of diplomatic protocol. So, if official receptions are held from 12 o'clock, then the first reception - breakfast - by a business person can be organized at 8 o'clock. This early time is dictated by the busyness of businessmen.

The breakfast menu is compiled taking into account the existing traditions and customs in the country and, as a rule, consists of one or two cold appetizer dishes, one hot fish dish, one hot meat dish and dessert. It is not customary to serve first courses (soups) for breakfast, although serving them would not be a mistake. Coffee or tea is served after breakfast. Before breakfast, a cocktail, dry wine, juices are served, during breakfast - mineral water, and sometimes juices. After all the guests have eaten, the host (or hostess) is the first to rise from the table and invites the guests to go to another room where coffee is served. Breakfast duration is 1-1.5 hours (approximately 45-60 minutes at the table and 15-30 minutes for coffee). The initiative to leave breakfast rests with the main guest. Breakfast attire is in most cases a casual suit, but on formal occasions there may be a tuxedo. Usually the dress code is specified in the invitation.

A business conversation usually begins after the first cup of tea or coffee.

Second breakfast - lunch- coincides in time with the diplomatic protocol breakfast. It starts from 12 to 13.30 and lasts 1-1.5 hours. An official breakfast is held with the guests seated, that is, each guest is assigned a place at the table according to his official position. He learns where to sit in the seating plan, which is posted or on a separate table in the living room. A couvert card with the name will also be located near his device or lie on the tallest glass.

The lunch menu usually includes one or two cold appetizers, two hot dishes (meat and fish), and dessert. First courses are usually not served. Before lunch at separate room They can treat you to an aperitif, that is, drinks that stimulate the appetite. This can be juice, mineral water and alcohol. At the end of lunch, dessert, tea or coffee are served in this or a separate room.

Reception "Glass of champagne"- in business, including diplomatic protocol, it begins, as a rule, at 12:00 o’clock and lasts about an hour. Unlike breakfast, this reception is more modest. The reason for such a reception may be the signing of a contract, the departure of guests, or the opening of an exhibition.

From an organizational point of view, this is the most simple form reception that does not require extensive and lengthy preparation. It is carried out standing. Champagne or wine is served with small sandwiches, cakes, nuts, as well as coffee or tea, cookies, and sweets. Waiters serve drinks and snacks. Invitees come in casual clothes. A similar technique is the “glass of wine” type. The name in this case emphasizes the special nature of the technique.

Tea - held between 16.00 and 18.00, usually only for women. For example, the wife of the Minister of Foreign Affairs arranges tea for the wives of heads of diplomatic missions, and the wife of an ambassador hosts tea for the wives of other ambassadors. There may be cases where men are also invited to tea. For tea, one or more tables are set, depending on the number of guests, confectionery and bakery products, fruits, dessert and dry wines, juices and waters are served. Snacks (sandwiches with caviar, fish, cheese, sausage) are rarely served at tea time, and if served, then in small quantities.

Tea duration is 1-1.5 hours. Dress code: casual suit or dress.

Techniques of the “jour fixe” type- are held once a week on the same day and hour throughout the entire autumn-winter season (from autumn to summer). Invitations to such receptions (Wednesdays, Thursdays, Fridays) are sent out once at the beginning of the season and are valid until the end of the season, unless special notice of a break is given. In terms of timing, refreshments and clothing, this technique is no different from tea. Sometimes such receptions take the form of musical or literary evenings. Men are also invited to “jour fixe” receptions.

Receptions such as cocktails or buffets- take place between 17.00 and 20.00 and last 2 hours. Refreshments at the buffet are organized as a so-called “buffet”. As a rule, a variety of cold appetizers, pastries and fruits are offered. Sometimes hot snacks are also served. Guests, approaching the table, put a napkin on their hand, place a plate with a fork on it, put food on the plate and, moving to the side, eat while standing. The same goes for drinks. Having eaten a fish dish and about to take a meat dish, the plate and fork are changed.

At receptions of this type, alcoholic drinks are displayed on tables or, being poured into glasses, are served by waiters. Sometimes a buffet is set up in one of the halls, where waiters pour drinks for those who wish. At the end of the reception, champagne may be served, followed by coffee.

The dress code is a casual suit or tuxedo, depending on the specific occasion and instructions on this in the invitation.

The difference between a cocktail party and a buffet table is that the latter will serve more food and drinks. Forks are not used at cocktail parties. They are replaced with wooden or plastic sticks or small forks. Recently, these two types of weight techniques are more often combined under the name “buffet table”. Their menu includes a variety of drinks, cold and hot snacks, dessert, tea, coffee.

You can be late for the buffet or leave early, with the exception of those in whose honor the reception is being organized. A guest's short stay at a buffet table is perceived as a demonstration of cold or strained relations. If employees of one company are invited to a reception, then, according to business etiquette, it is required that subordinates do not arrive later than managers. However, ordinary employees may leave the reception later than their bosses. During the admission process there is active business and social communication, acquaintances are made and contacts are established. At the same time, it is not necessary to spend time with the same interlocutor.

Evening, more formal receptions include lunch, buffet lunch, and dinner.

Lunch - starts between 20.00 and 21.00. Lunch menu: one or two cold appetizers, soup, one hot fish dish, one hot meat dish, dessert. After lunch, coffee or tea is served in the living room. Guests are offered a pre-dinner cocktail. The lunch menu differs from the breakfast menu in that soup is served after cold appetizers. For cold appetizers, guests are offered vodka or liqueurs (chilled), for a fish dish - dry white wine (chilled), for a meat dish - dry red wine (room temperature), for dessert - champagne (chilled), for coffee - cognac or liqueur ( room temperature).

Lunch usually lasts 2-2.5 hours, with about 50-60 minutes at the table, the rest of the time in the living rooms.

Dress code - dark suit, tuxedo or tailcoat, depending on the specific occasion and instructions in the invitation; for women - evening dress. On some formal occasions, a buffet-style reception is held immediately after lunch. At the end of the dinner, guests who attended the dinner are directed to a reception “a la buffet”. This combination of receptions is organized primarily in connection with the stay of a foreigner in the country. statesman or a foreign delegation in whose honor a dinner is given. The dress code is the same as at lunch.

You can't be late for lunch. If you are late, be sure to apologize to the owners.

Dinner starts at 21.00 and later. The dinner menu and wine are the same as for lunch. Dress code: dark suit, tuxedo or tailcoat; for women - evening dress. Dinner differs from lunch only in the start time - no earlier than 21.00.

Evening reception “a la buffet”- arranged on especially solemn occasions (in honor of the head or prime minister of a foreign state, a foreign government delegation, on the occasion of a national holiday, etc.). Starts at 20.00 and later. The food is the same as at a reception such as a cocktail or buffet, but more varied and plentiful.

Dress code: dark suit, tuxedo or tailcoat; for women - evening dress.

The lunch buffet involves free seating at small tables of four to six people. Just like at a buffet reception, tables are set with appetizers and there are buffets with drinks. Guests pick up snacks and sit at their discretion at one of the tables. This kind of reception is often organized after a concert, watching a film, or during a break in a dance evening. A buffet lunch is less formal than lunch.

Types of techniques- film screenings, musical and literary evenings, friendship evenings, meetings to play golf, tennis, chess, and other sports games. The listed events are usually accompanied by light refreshments. The dress code for such events is casual suit; for women - a suit or dress.

All techniques should be thoroughly prepared. Guest lists are drawn up in advance and invitations are sent on printed forms with the names entered. It is better to do this 10 - 12 days in advance, so that the person who receives it can adjust their time. Having received an invitation with the letters Mr. s. v. R. , which translated from French means “please respond” within 3-5 days, respond to it with a letter, postcard, or less often a business card with the letters r. r. If a telephone number is indicated in the invitation, then participation (non-participation) is announced by telephone.

Having received replies to invitations, the hosts draw up a seating plan. This takes into account the rank of the guests, as well as the fact that men should sit interspersed with women, and employees of the same woman should not be nearby. firms or delegation members. You cannot seat one woman at the end of the table. The last one on the list should be a man.

The most honorable place at a men's reception is to the right of the host, and with the participation of women - to the right of the hostess. To the left of them are places of less honor. If the hosts (spouses) are sitting nearby, then the spouse of the main guest will sit to the left of the host, and the main guest to the right of the hostess. The rest are placed on both sides according to rank. The host and the first lady come to the table first, then the main guest with the host's wife. The hostess is the first to leave the table, of course, when she is convinced that the guests are already full. Leaving the table by the hostess is a signal for the end of the feast, but not the end of the reception. The next day, guests send written thanks to the hosts for the pleasant time spent.

For breakfast, lunch, dinner or any other type of reception to which the invitation contains a request to respond, you must arrive exactly at the time specified in the invitation. Being late is considered a violation of etiquette and can be perceived negatively and even with offense. If several representatives from one department or institution are invited and they arrive at the reception together, then it is customary for the junior ones to enter first, and then the senior ones. For receptions held without seating at a table, the invitation for which indicates the start and end time of the reception (17.00-19.00, 18.00-20.00, etc.), you can come and leave at any hour within the time specified in the invitation. It is not necessary to arrive at the beginning of the appointment, just as it is not necessary to be at the appointment until its end. It is believed, however, that coming to such a reception at the beginning and leaving the reception at the end is an expression of a particularly friendly attitude of the guest towards the host of the reception. And, conversely, if there is a need to show or emphasize the coldness or tension of the relationship with the organizer of the reception, it is enough to stay at it for 15-20 minutes and, having said goodbye to the host, leave.

The feast, along with communication, is the most important part of business receptions organized both in public catering establishments and in the offices and homes of businessmen.

Before receiving guests, you should, along with others preparatory activities It is correct from a culinary, etiquette and aesthetic point of view to decorate the table: cover it with a tablecloth, arrange plates, drinkware, spices, and arrange eating utensils.

The first requirement for them is that they must be spotlessly clean. Cover the table with a carefully ironed tablecloth so that its central folds run strictly along the longitudinal and transverse center of the table. At the dining table, its edges should hang down by 25 - 30 cm; at a buffet type reception, it should not reach the floor by 5 - 10 cm.

Opposite each chair, 2 cm from the edge of the table, plates are placed: a stand and on it a snack plate with a diameter of 20 cm. To the left of the snack bar, at a distance of 5 to 15 cm, a pie plate is placed, its center should coincide with the center or edge of the stand plate.

A napkin folded in four, a triangle, a fan, etc. is placed on one of these plates. Knives are placed to the right of the plate at a distance of about 0.5 cm with the tip facing it, and forks are placed on the left with the tip up. The number and meaning of these devices depend on the dishes served on the table. Moreover, there should not be more than four on the right and three on the left. Starting from the plate, place a table knife and fork for meat dishes, followed by a knife and fork for fish and then for appetizers. If the soup is served in deep plates, then place a tablespoon between the appetizer knife and the fish knife; if in cups, then a dessert spoon.

The presence of dessert utensils on the table depends on the dessert dishes offered to guests. If, for example, only compote is served, then in front of the plate they place a dessert spoon with the handle to the right; if fruit, then a dessert fork with the handle to the left and a knife with the handle to the right. Accordingly, the menu is placed on the table and drinkware. It is located in front of the plate in both one and two rows. The row can start from its central axis or from the intersection of conditional lines coming from the edge of the plate and the nearby knife. In a complete set, serving drinkware may look like this: in the first row from the guest from left to right, place a glass for vodka with a capacity of 50 ml, a glass for Madeira, port and dessert wines - 75 ml and a wine glass for mineral and fruit water, in the second row - a Rhine wine glass for white table wine (100 ml), a Lafite glass for red table wine (125 ml) and a champagne glass (125-150 ml). For liqueur, a glass with a capacity of 25-30 ml is served with tea, and for cognac, a glass with a capacity of 75-250 ml is served with coffee. Salt and spices are placed opposite the forks.

For tea or coffee, place a cup and saucer 4 cm from the edge of the table with the handle to the left. The spoon is on the saucer to the right of the cup. A saucer for the cake is placed to the left of the cup, and a fork or spoon for the cake is placed next to them.

In all cases, the hostess sits down at the table first. She also invites guests to take their seats. Men, before sitting down at the table, help the ladies next to them to sit down. At the same time, they move the chair away from the table and then move it towards the woman’s feet.

It is not recommended to create crowded spaces at the table. Crowding leads to inconvenience for both guests and staff. According to etiquette, the distance between cutlery should be at least 60 cm. If possible, the table should be decorated with fresh flowers. At official business receptions, all dishes are served by waiters by hand.

When compiling a menu, it is recommended to take into account the tastes of guests, their national and religious traditions and other points. It would be an omission to include game on the menu at a time when hunting for it is prohibited in the country, or meat on fast days, or pork when Muslims are among the guests at the reception, etc. On the other hand, a vegetarian guest will be pleased , if he is served a vegetarian dish.

You need to sit on a chair in such a way that it is comfortable to eat, relax and at the same time not disturb those sitting next to you. At the same time, you should maintain your posture, not fall apart or slouch. The torso from the edge of the table is the width of four folded fingers. Before eating, the hands are on the knees, and during eating they are slightly pressed to the body. You can only lean on the table with your wrists. A napkin, intended for protecting clothes and wiping lips, folded in half and placed on the knees.

Having sat down at the table, you should discreetly examine its setting and outline what dishes you will eat and drink. Having chosen an appetizer, they take the common dish with their left hand, and with the right utensil located there, they put on their plate as much as they can eat. At the same time, you should not forget about the needs of other guests. Before you serve food for yourself, you should offer it to your neighbors. There is no need to put several types of food on your plate at once. Having finished one snack, they move on to another. When eating, hold a knife in the right hand and a fork in the left, without transferring them from hand to hand. They only use a knife to cut and hold food, but do not put it on a fork. You should not eat from a knife. Using a table knife, they eat meat (including poultry), pancakes, pancakes, cutting off one piece at a time. For fish, a special knife and fork are served. Use a fork to hold a piece of fish, and use a knife to separate the meat from the bones. If there are no such utensils, eat with two forks. If there is no second fork, the fish is held with a piece of bread.

Poultry meat can be handled with your hands when it has small bones (for example, quail wings) and the dish is served with moistened napkins or rinses with warm water. Birds and fish bones are not spat out directly into the plate, but are first placed on a fork, then on the plate.

Chopped meat dishes (cutlets, steaks, etc.), vegetable dishes, omelettes, porridges, well-fried eggs can be eaten with one fork, holding it in your right hand.

Hard-boiled eggs, previously shelled, are cut into pieces with a knife and eaten with a fork. Soft-boiled eggs are served in a serving glass. Knocking the top off with the edge of a spoon, use it to scoop out the contents of the egg.

Soups and other first courses served in deep plates are eaten with a tablespoon. Having scooped food into a spoon, lightly touch the bottom of the plate to the edge of the plate to remove any drops, and put the spoon into your mouth with its left edge. The broth poured into cups is ready to drink. They don’t blow on hot soup, they don’t sip from a spoon, they don’t noisily suck liquid into their mouth. Conflicting answers are given in the literature on etiquette about how to hold the plate after finishing the first course, whether to tilt it away from you or toward you. It is better to leave a little soup at the bottom of the plate and not tilt it in one direction or the other.

The bread, placed from a common vase into its own pie plate, is broken off into pieces during the eating process. When buttering it, you should keep the piece on a plate and not on your hand. At receptions, sandwiches are eaten while standing with your hands, at the dinner table - with a knife and fork, cutting off one piece at a time, just like meat.

For dishes exotic to the Slavs, special devices are used. For example, to eat crabs, shrimp, and crayfish, a special two-horned fork and a knife with a wide spatula are placed on the table.

Dessert dishes (compotes, ice cream, jelly, etc.) are served in special vases (cremankas). They are placed on a pie plate. Dessert is eaten with a dessert spoon or a teaspoon.

Fruit is also served with dessert. They also need to be eaten beautifully. Holding the apple in your hand, peel the skin with a knife. After wiping your hand on a napkin, using a knife and fork, first cut the apple in half, and then alternately into quarters. Core the quarter using both devices. They eat a quarter, biting off pieces. Apples can be peeled even after they have been cut into quarters.

A pear is eaten in the same way as an apple. Oranges are peeled by first cutting it crosswise or parallel to the lobar division. Eat in slices, which are put into the mouth with a fork or hand. Peaches are cut in half. Using a fork, remove the pit. Mandarins can be peeled and eaten with your hands. Bananas are eaten with a knife and fork, cut into rings, after peeling.

Cakes and cake pieces are transferred to their plates using a pastry spatula or tongs. Sponge cakes and cakes are usually eaten with spoons, shortbread and puff pastries are eaten with a knife and fork, and hard ones are taken with the hand. Before drinking tea or coffee, use a spoon in the sugar bowl to put sugar into the cup, stir it silently and place the spoon on the edge of the saucer to the left of the cup. Drink tea or coffee holding a cup in your right hand. If you want tea with lemon, take a piece of it with a small fork, put it in the tea, squeeze it out and put it on the edge of the saucer. When drinking tea with liqueur, or coffee with cognac, these drinks are sipped in small sips interspersed with the main drink. You should be very careful with alcohol so as not to get too drunk and harm your image, because the inability to control yourself at the table raises doubts about the presence of a high business culture. Serious business people avoid cooperation with drunkards. You don’t have to drink alcohol at all at the table. Among normal people it is not perceived as disrespecting anyone. After toasting, it’s enough to take a sip from a glass. If you decide to drink, you should do it not in one gulp, but in small sips. We must also keep in mind that in most countries of the world a serving of vodka is only 20 g, a double serving is 40 g, and there is no triple serving. There is no need to pour into an unfinished glass.

If there is any difficulty in using the equipment or correctly consuming certain dishes, we look at how the hostess or other guests act.

An important part of the feast is conversation. They can be general, when all invitees take part in it, as well as local, conducted between neighbors. If the hostess takes responsibility for the treat, then the host takes responsibility for organizing the conversation. At family celebrations (weddings, etc.), the feast is led by hosts (toastmasters) chosen from among the guests or hired by household services. Any conversation should be interesting for the interlocutors. The most acceptable topics are from the field of art and political life. Stories about travel and interesting business trips are very appropriate. Conversations about children and fashion are popular among women, and among summer residents - about country affairs and problems. Tactful humor, especially jokes, is appropriate at the table. Controversial topics, discussion of theoretical issues and, of course, criticism of certain guests should be avoided. You should not talk about illnesses, details family life, marital relationships, love affairs. The owner helps to avoid such topics. Etiquette requires listening to your interlocutor, even if his story is not interesting. In turn, the narrator needs to monitor his monologue so as not to turn it into lengthy chatter.

If someone really wanted to watch on TV at a friendly or family party sports competition, then this should be organized in a separate room. At a family celebration or at a friendly party, songs at the table and a dance program are appropriate, if there is room for it.

It is not recommended to stay unnecessarily at a particular reception longer than the time specified in the invitation, as this can be burdensome for the hosts. An unfavorable impression is made when guests at a particular reception leave all at once, after the departure of the main guest. It's better to disperse gradually. In all cases, officials are advised not to leave the reception before senior guests.

Each nation has its own customs, traditions, culture, political and government system. All this affects the characteristics of business relationships and accepted rules of behavior. Thus, North Americans perceive open workroom doors as the norm, while Germans perceive them as highest degree disorder. Americans and Japanese are used to working in large rooms where everything is visible, while Germans, on the contrary, work behind closed doors. Loud conversation by an American or Italian may be perceived by an Englishman as a sign of bad manners. When Latin American interlocutors get as close to each other as possible, the English tend to want to move away, etc.

In the process of preparing and conducting business negotiations, national characteristics are manifested in the nature of the formation of the delegation, the mechanism and degree of independence in decision-making during negotiations, the value orientation of the participants, the peculiarities of perception and thinking, and the most characteristic tactics.

Ignorance of national peculiarities of business etiquette can make an undesirable impression on partners and complicate interaction both at the stage of the negotiation process and during the implementation of certain joint projects.

The peculiarities of business etiquette and business culture in general are based not only on traditions, but also on national character traits.

North American business culture is relatively young, but many researchers and business people have already noted such features that are similar to the traits of national character, such as an orientation towards individualism in human relationships, a strong personality in practical activities, and hence the desire for individual decisions. American businessmen are distinguished by high business activity, great abilities in the struggle for profit, a desire to assert their superiority, exceptional self-confidence, stamina, survival, and an appetite for risk. In business relations in production, unquestioning submission and strict discipline dominate. Americans are jealous of respect for human rights, and in conflict situations they most often resort to the law and the services of lawyers. In informal relationships, Americans communicate with each other simply. They are quite open, somewhat familiar even with people older in age and position, freely handling the rules of social etiquette, smiling, attentive and careful about their health.

The American negotiating style is manifested in the desire to discuss not only general approaches, but also details related to the implementation of agreements. Americans are impressed by a less formal atmosphere, openness, and friendliness. However, they often show self-centeredness, as they believe that when conducting business, their partners should be guided by the same rules as them. Therefore, negotiating partners often consider Americans too assertive and aggressive. The American style of negotiation is characterized by sufficient professionalism. It is rare in the American delegation to meet a person who is incompetent in the issues being negotiated (accordingly, Americans are frightened by the incompetence of their partner). Members of the negotiating delegation are relatively independent in making decisions. The Americans are quite persistent in trying to realize their goals in negotiations and love to bargain. As a rule, they do not tolerate long delays in negotiations.

European business culture much older than the American one. To one degree or another, it is characterized by the noted features of North American business culture, but even here there are national differences and peculiarities.

So, German business culture characterized by such traits as a desire for order, discipline, punctuality, economy, and meticulousness. The main difference between the German way of doing business is the degree of formality. All appointments are scheduled in advance. Sudden proposals and changes are viewed very disapprovingly. Dress strictly; women do not wear trousers in business attire. Professionalism is highly valued. At the same time, Germans are quite sociable, they like to have fun and have fun.

The Germans are more likely to enter into those negotiations in which they clearly see the possibility of finding a solution. Typically, Germans work out their position very carefully; during negotiations they like to discuss issues sequentially, one after another. They like to give facts and examples, and are partial to numbers, diagrams, and diagrams. When negotiating with them, you must be logical in your argumentation and accurate in your presentation of facts. Honesty and integrity are valued. When concluding deals, the Germans will insist on strict fulfillment of accepted obligations, as well as payment of high fines in case of non-fulfillment.

The British are characterized by efficiency, respect for property, traditions, politeness, and obedience to the law. In communication, they are very reserved and scrupulous, which is sometimes perceived as isolation and stiffness. In conversations, the ability to listen is valued; in business relationships, punctuality is valued. In England the prevailing rule is “keep formalities”. Addressing an Englishman with “you” is absolutely unthinkable, as is addressing someone by name without special permission. The British follow the dating procedure very strictly. Shaking hands is accepted only at the first meeting. It is considered bad manners to talk business with an Englishman after hours, even if you are having a drink or dinner with your business partner.

Unlike the Germans, the British pay less attention to issues of preparation for negotiations. They approach them with a larger share pragmatism, believing that depending on the position of the partner in the negotiations themselves, the best solution can be found. At the same time, they are quite flexible and willingly respond to the initiative of the opposite side. The British know how to listen patiently to their interlocutor, which, however, does not always mean agreement. It is considered rude behavior to talk too much, i.e., as the British believe, to force oneself on others. By tradition, the Englishman is reserved in his judgments, avoids categorical statements, and diligently avoids any personal issues in the conversation, i.e., everything that would be regarded as an invasion of privacy. They have a highly developed sense of justice, so they practice fair play when conducting business.

The French, whose homeland is considered the legislator in business protocol and etiquette, are very gallant, sophisticated, strive to adhere to etiquette, while being relaxed and open to their interlocutors. They greatly value intelligence, the ability to express themselves, and accurately formulate the terms of contracts and transactions. The French feel a sense of satisfaction by being interested in their culture and language (at the same time, poor knowledge of the French language is perceived with annoyance). In business relationships, personal connections are valued. Many important decisions are made at business receptions (breakfasts, lunches, cocktails, etc.).

When conducting negotiations, the French try to avoid official one-on-one discussions of issues and strive to maintain their independence. At the same time, their behavior can change dramatically depending on who they discuss the problem with. The French pay great attention to preliminary agreements. They like to thoroughly study all aspects and consequences of incoming proposals, so negotiations with them take place at a much slower pace. Any attempts to speed up negotiations can only harm the matter. When discussing issues, the French's argumentation is traditionally focused on logical evidence. They negotiate quite harshly and, as a rule, do not have a “back-up” position. French partners may interrupt their interlocutor to make criticisms or counter-arguments, but they are not inclined to bargain. Compared to Americans, they are less free and independent when making a final decision. Signed contracts are extremely correct and do not allow for discrepancies. The French have a negative attitude towards compromise and prefer to use French as the official language of negotiations.

Distinguished by its originality business culture of the East. So, Japanese business culture is determined primarily by collectivism, based on traditional communal consciousness and employees’ identification with the company. The collectivist nature of work largely determines the style of bottom-up management decision-making. Collectivism is manifested in the same work clothes for ordinary employees and managers, and in spending leisure time together. Almost all companies have moral codes, and although they are not formal attributes, their requirements are faithfully followed. The Japanese avoid contradictions and conflicts and strive for compromises. Conflicts are resolved not so much using legal laws and lawyers, but through negotiations in order to find agreement. In business ethics, hard work and diligence are highly valued. The Japanese are punctual and are almost never late for meetings. A characteristic feature of the Japanese is sensitivity to public opinion, extreme precision and commitment. A handshake when meeting people is not accepted in Japan.

When conducting negotiations, the Japanese pay great attention to the development of personal relationships with partners. During informal meetings, they try to discuss the problem in as much detail as possible. During the negotiations themselves, they strive to avoid a clash of positions. The Japanese often show attention by listening to their interlocutor. Often such behavior is interpreted as an expression of agreement with the point of view being expressed. In fact, it only encourages the interlocutor to continue. The desire of the Japanese not to use the word “no” and to use the words “yes” to mean that you are being listened to can be misleading to a person who is not aware of this. A foreigner familiar with Japanese etiquette will see a refusal in the words “It’s difficult”, in reference to bad feeling etc., and consent is in the words “I understand.” The Japanese decision-making mechanism involves a rather lengthy process of coordination and approval of certain provisions. Patience is considered one of the main virtues in Japan, so discussions of business issues often begin with minor details and proceed very slowly. The Japanese do not like to take risks, and their desire not to lose may be stronger than their desire to win. When the Japanese are faced with an obvious concession from their partners, they often respond in kind. The Japanese are extremely scrupulous and take their obligations very seriously.

The Chinese usually clearly distinguish between the individual stages of the negotiation process: initial clarification of positions, their discussion, and the final stage. On initial stage Much attention is paid to the appearance of the partners and their manner of behavior. Based on these data, attempts are made to determine the status of each participant. In the future, there is a significant focus on people with a higher status, both official and unofficial. Final decisions are made by the Chinese side, as a rule, not at the negotiating table, but at home. Approval of the agreements reached by the center is almost mandatory. The Chinese usually make concessions at the end of negotiations, after assessing the capabilities of the other side. At the same time, mistakes made by the partner during negotiations are skillfully used. The Chinese side attaches great importance to the implementation of the agreements reached.

In business relations with Arabs, one should remember the obligatory observance of Islamic traditions. During the month of Ramadan, a Muslim is not allowed to eat anything from sunrise to sunset. Receptions should not be held during the first month of the Muslim New Year. All activities are interrupted five times a day for prayer; Thursday or Friday for Muslims is a day of rest and service to God. It is prohibited to consume pork and alcohol. You should not start a conversation with representatives of the Islamic world about religion or politics. You must arrive at the appointed place on time, although your host may be delayed. Arabs will most likely find it difficult to have business relationships with female representatives.

For Arabs, one of the most important elements in negotiations is establishing trust between partners. They prefer preliminary elaboration of the details of the issues discussed during the negotiations, as well as “bargaining” at the negotiating table. They always try to reserve the opportunity to continue contacts if this time an agreement could not be reached (in this case, refusal of the deal is accompanied by lavish praise towards the partner and the rejected agreement).

Understanding the intricacies of local etiquette is necessary both when conducting business abroad and when making working contacts with foreigners coming to Russia. Noted Features national etiquette to a certain extent relative, although in many respects they correspond to what has developed in practice international relations opinion. With expanding interaction, national styles of behavior, as a rule, successfully adapt (thus, at present we can already talk about the formation of a special subculture of negotiators with their own rules of behavior, language, symbols, which may differ significantly from accepted national norms and rules of behavior). To streamline business communication internationally, norms of diplomatic and business protocols and etiquette.

Compliment - words and expressions containing a slight exaggeration of a person’s positive qualities. A person, listening to pleasant words addressed to him, experiences a special kind of pleasure, while realizing the need to receive positive emotions. The more pleasant people are to communicate with someone, the more they trust the interlocutor and the greater the chance of successfully resolving a business problem. Thus, the purpose of a compliment is to please the interlocutor, thereby programming him (by influencing his emotions and feelings through the subconscious) for further cooperation.

When listening to a compliment, the psychological phenomenon of suggestion is also triggered, as a result of which a person tries to “grow” into the qualities emphasized in the compliment. In the effect of suggestion, a person’s need to improve some of his traits is satisfied in absentia. And although in fact the need will not be completely satisfied, the real feeling will be its satisfaction, the emergence of positive emotions on this basis.

Many people experience positive emotions when listening to flattery addressed to them. However, in business communication it is preferable compliments that have the following significant differences from flattery:

  • flattery, as a rule, is straightforward, unambiguous, simple and understandable, while a compliment presupposes different readings, reflection, during which the person himself speculates on the essence of what was said;
  • flattery implies an excessive exaggeration of the positive qualities of a person, most often attributing advantages that do not exist, while a compliment only indirectly indicates the presence of a number of positive qualities in a person;
  • a compliment can evoke pleasant feelings in the interlocutor; Flattery, by its nature, can cause rejection and provoke a backlash.

Complementary influence in business communication requires a certain art. There are special requirements for a compliment. The main ones are the following:

  • focus attention not on the external merits of the interlocutor, but on his internal, spiritual qualities;
  • highlight not the obvious, but the hidden advantages of the interlocutor (the more hidden advantages one can emphasize in a partner, the more sincere the interlocutor’s words will seem to him);
  • be sincere when giving a compliment (or at least give a convincing impression of sincerity);
  • be as specific as possible when giving compliments; specific and personalized compliments seem more sincere and frank to people; for this purpose, in particular, the words “because...” should be used followed by a description of obvious observations (examples are given in Table 11.1);
  • build a compliment on a factual basis, while using facts known to both partners;
  • be brief when expressing a compliment (a complimentary statement should contain one or two thoughts, no more, a simple construction will certainly be understood);
  • do not include teachings in the compliment (the compliment should state the presence of the characteristic, and not contain recommendations for its improvement);
  • there should be no ambiguous phrases in a compliment; ambiguity can evoke completely different feelings and associations that the author of the compliment expects;
  • you should only slightly exaggerate the positive quality reflected in the compliment (great exaggeration turns the compliment into mockery);
  • you should not make a compliment regarding those qualities that a person would like to get rid of;
  • When making compliments, you should take into account the gender and age characteristics of your interlocutor;
  • you should use such an effective technique as a compliment against the backdrop of an anti-compliment to yourself (the increased impact of this compliment is due to the fact that it causes the satisfaction of two needs of the interlocutor at once: the need to improve some of his character traits and the need to satisfy his attitude towards criticizing a partner business conversation).

Table 11.1. Examples of specifying advantages in compliments

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General assessment of a person's merits

Specific assessment of a person’s worthy qualities

Nina Mikhailovna! You are a very tactful and charming woman! Now I understand, Nina Mikhailovna, why so many people admire you: you are correct, tactful and courteous with people.
Nikolai Filippovich! It was wonderful! It was great, Nikolai Filippovich, because you had excellent contact with the audience and your convincing arguments made a strong impression on those around you.
You are a wonderful leader, Alexander Nikolaevich!

You are an excellent leader, Alexander Nikolaevich, because you not only know how to manage people, but also empathize with them, you care about the people with whom you work.

Vladimir Nikolayevich! You are a very smart and insightful person!!

Vladimir Nikolayevich! You are a very smart man because you always find time for some pleasant little things that give me special joy.

You are a wonderful hostess, Natalya Vasilievna! Natalya Vasilievna, you are a wonderful housewife, because you always keep the house clean and cook very tasty food!
Konstantin Alekseevich! You have a great sense of humor! You have a wonderful sense of humor, Konstantin Alekseevich, because your jokes are always able to cheer people up.
Victor Pavlovich! You are a real hard worker and a master of your craft! You are a master - “golden hands”, Viktor Pavlovich, because whatever you undertake, you do it with high quality, in a timely manner, with great effort and inspiration!
Wonderful, impeccable work, Marina Alexandrovna! Thank you for completing the task flawlessly, Marina Aleksandrovna. This will significantly help us in solving a very important task for everyone.
Katya, you enjoy great authority in the team. You are the soul of our society, Katya, because you are very attentive, caring and tactful towards each of us.
Vladik, you are a true friend! You are truly a true friend, Vladik, because you understand me and are always ready to help in difficult times.

You should pay attention to that. that the desired effect is achieved not only when using obvious but also hidden compliments(hidden compliments are understood as those that, by implicitly influencing the interlocutor, create a special atmosphere of trust in the relationship).

Hidden compliments include, in particular:

  • showing sincere interest in the interlocutor (for the interest to be truly sincere, it is important to try to find in a person what is actually humanly interesting: something from his biography, work, family, events he witnessed, hobbies, etc. );
  • frequent mention of the name of the interlocutor (one who remembers the name of the interlocutor demonstrates something more than just a respectful attitude towards him).

Mastering the art of complimenting takes practice. Without experience, giving compliments “over trifles” is unlikely to achieve success. That is why, in order for a compliment to be successful in the right situation, it is necessary to improve it in everyday relationships.

People usually accept compliments favorably, because everyone is pleased that they say something good to him, and they easily forgive possible mistakes, especially if there are no outside witnesses. Therefore, it is better to learn how to give compliments one on one. However, if the compliment is good, then it makes a greater impression when it is given in front of witnesses.

Since men are not particularly spoiled by compliments, they are less demanding of their quality. Therefore, it is better to train in this art on men.

When preparing for a business conversation, it is advisable to prepare in advance a small set of compliments for different occasions, situations, and people.

The issue of gifts is one of the most delicate in business relationships. Gifts, like speech, are a means of communication both within the organization and outside it - with domestic and foreign business partners.

Much depends on mutual understanding, personal qualities, and interests of each other. If you know your partner well enough, and your gift matches his interests and tastes, then it is usually accepted with sincere gratitude. If you are meeting your partner for the first time, then you should not rush into giving a gift, especially an expensive one. The reaction may be the opposite of what you expect. Thus, a gift can be regarded as:

  • expression of your dependence on your partner;
  • evidence of your self-interest;
  • a sign that you simply do not need the item being given.

Giving requires great tact and taste. There are no general rules for all cases of life here. It is most often accepted that during the first meeting, gifts are presented by the hosts, not by the guests. Therefore, it is imperative to present something to the arriving foreign representative as a sign that he is considered an honorary client and is expected to long term relationship. At subsequent meetings, the exchange of gifts becomes mandatory.

Gifts should be given strictly according to rank. It is undesirable for the head and members of the delegation to give identical gifts during negotiations; this will be regarded as an insult (representatives of Asian countries are especially sensitive to insubordination).

Particular attention should be paid to gift packaging. Unattractive packaging can ruin the donor's efforts. When receiving a gift, be sure to immediately open the package and express admiration, otherwise the giver may regard your indifference as disrespect for him. Repeating a gift (except for alcoholic drinks, chocolate sets, flowers) is considered a serious violation of etiquette.

Gifts will look more meaningful if they are decorated with an engraving or monogram, the logo of your company or the initials of the person to whom the gift is intended.

It is appropriate to give a box to friends expensive sweets(it is not customary to give loose sweets), cognac, champagne, a set of vintage wines. It should be borne in mind that it is indecent to give a bottle without packaging. It is considered indecent to serve strong drinks to the weaker sex.

You should not give icons, pearls, handkerchiefs, watches, mirrors, knives (this is a bad omen in both the West and the East). It is not recommended to give nesting dolls and samovars - almost every foreigner has them.

Unlike other gifts, flowers are given by removing the paper. The exception is expensive packaging, which may not be removed on particularly special occasions (for example, an anniversary). When sending a basket of flowers or a bouquet, you should include a business card or a note with good wishes. Men are not given flowers, except on anniversaries. Married man does not give flowers to a girl, and a woman does not give flowers to a man.

Refusing a gift is a very responsible act, which can be motivated solely by the principled position or tactlessness of the giver.

In addition to general reasons for giving gifts (i.e., demonstrations of goodwill and advertising), there are many private reasons and excuses for giving something to employees, clients, customers, and service personnel. This is possible when congratulating on the birth of a child, marriage, an increase in salary or position, receiving an award, publication in a newspaper or appearance on television; a new job, obtaining an academic degree, a major achievement.

Gifts can also be given on the occasion of retirement, anniversary birthdays, wedding anniversaries, round dates in labor activity, transfer to another department or city, change of profession, purchase of a new home.

Gifts are possible for the following reasons:

  • as a token of gratitude (for overtime work performed at an inconvenient time for the person; for completing an urgent task and completely disinterested, conscientious assistance; for an invitation to a business breakfast, lunch, dinner, or other event);
  • as an apology for misunderstandings or offense caused to someone;
  • as a sign of sympathy or condolences: in connection with the death of loved ones, failure in career or financial affairs.

The closer the gift is given to the event in connection with which it was made, the better.

If you need to communicate with foreigners and exchange gifts, you need to stop at some point, leaving your partner with a pleasant feeling of victory in this competition.

Representatives of different countries have different attitudes towards giving. In Great Britain, a certain ritual of gifting has been developed and a range of goods has been defined that are considered specifically as gifts. These are calendars, notebooks, lighters, branded pens, and at Christmas - alcoholic drinks. Other goods are viewed not as signs of attention, but as a means of putting pressure on a partner. In business relations, it is better for Russian businessmen not only not to ask for gifts, but also to behave in such a way as to exclude the possibility of giving to an English company. This will make your reputation as a business partner much higher.

In Finland, during the holidays, especially Christmas and New Year, it is customary to congratulate friends and colleagues. It is best to give a beautiful card so as not to embarrass your partner with an expensive gift. In Germany, gifts are not accepted in business communications. In Turkey, any business reception ends with the presentation of small souvenirs to the invitees ("plaques" are popular among Turkish business people - bronze or brass tables packed in a velvet box-stand with the company logo and a memorable signature). In response, a commemorative sign of the company may also be presented.

In Latin America, it is customary to give calendars, branded fountain pens, notebooks, drinks, handicrafts, colorfully decorated baskets with a selection of products for the holiday table.

With the exception of Christmas, North Americans have no set dates for gift-giving, nor do they have specific items designated for this purpose. However, it is recommended that US business partners make relatively inexpensive gifts (no more than $50, preferably $10 - $25), except in special cases when the gift is given by someone from the top management of the corporation.

It should be noted that the exchange of gifts between people in the West is not as widespread as in Russia, so gifting should be treated with caution. When negotiating with Asian businessmen, it is almost impossible to do without gifts.

  1. What rules of behavior should be followed on the street?
  2. What rules of behavior should be followed in public transport?
  3. What rules of conduct should be followed when visiting theaters, cinemas, and concert halls?
  4. What types of business techniques do you know?
  5. What are the requirements for clothing at business receptions?
  6. What rules of behavior should be followed by participants in business receptions?
  7. Test “How do you behave in a new environment?”

    From these answer options, choose the one that suits you best.

    1. You came to a new workplace for the first time. Which team would you prefer to see?
    2. a) young enough, preferably of the opposite sex, who would treat you condescendingly;

      b) your age, who immediately begins to ask the price of you;

      c) employees who are predominantly elderly, rather gloomy, constantly busy with “important” matters and with all their appearance showing that you are bringing a certain kind of discomfort into their close-knit existence.

    3. You enter an empty elevator. You will occupy it this way:
    4. a) stand in the middle, showing with your appearance that you want to occupy it all;

      b) stand in one of the corners, turning your back or side to the rest of the elevator;

      c) stand in the middle, but so that there is plenty of space left in the cabin.

    5. You meet three representatives of the opposite sex, having the opportunity to choose one for further communication. Who do you prefer:
    6. a) young, sociable, but somewhat eccentric and excessively attracting attention to himself;

      b) middle-aged, tastefully dressed and a little ironic;

      c) in years, with all his appearance showing that he occupies a high position.

    7. Entering the cafeteria, you see that all the seats are taken, there is only one, but the next seat is occupied by a stranger. You:
    8. a) you will still take the only place, smiling warmly at your unexpected neighbor;

      b) sit at a table, showing with all your appearance that you are completely indifferent to who sits next to you;

      c) wait until a seat becomes available somewhere at another table, or leave the cafeteria altogether.

    9. Would you like to spend your holiday:
    10. a) in a place where you have never been before;

      b) only at sea, especially since there is a possibility of a pleasant and unexpected acquaintance;

      c) somewhere in the countryside.

    11. If the person you like shows no interest in you at all, you:
    12. a) regretfully give up your intention to get to know him;

      b) make an attempt to explain to him in order to eliminate any doubts and understatement;

      c) leave everything as it is - it’s worse for him.


    Calculate the number of points using the table.

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    Question number


    Less than 11 points. You are suspicious and do not like to open up to other people, believing that they are not able to understand you correctly. It is difficult to get along with people; you make contact with reluctance, fearing that they will criticize you. You are too sensitive to any kind of criticism, even from close people. Apparently you lack faith in people. Dig into yourself, you will probably find something that hinders your communication skills.

    12 - 23 points. You are the golden mean, moderately sociable, although you also have your small shortcomings, which, however, do not in any way interfere with you or the people around you. Do you like to communicate, get to know people? different people, be in different companies. But sometimes you feel shy when you find yourself in unfamiliar surroundings. But don't let this bother you, this is quite a common occurrence for a normal person. You know how to equally value both being in a cheerful and pleasant company and minutes spent alone.

    24 - 36 points. You are a very sociable person, eager to make new acquaintances, and can easily come into contact with any person in any company. You have a fairly good tongue, often you are even more sociable than necessary. You are always happy to have the opportunity to chat with someone and meet new people. Your phone is constantly ringing. But sometimes you just need loneliness and silence, otherwise you will simply “suffocate” from the abundance of contacts and communication.

Business etiquette is the most important aspect of the professional behavior of a business person, entrepreneur. Knowledge of it is a necessary professional quality that must be acquired and constantly improved. Almost 70% of transactions beneficial for domestic business people did not take place due to the fact that Russian businessmen do not know the rules of business communication and do not have a culture of behavior. In the practice of business relations there are always some standard situations that cannot be avoided. For these situations, forms and rules of behavior are developed. This set of rules constitutes the etiquette of business communication. Etiquette of business relations is defined, in particular, as a set of rules of behavior in business, which represents the external side of business communication.

Etiquette is a historical phenomenon. The rules of people's behavior changed with changes in the living conditions of society and the specific social environment. Etiquette arose during the birth of absolute monarchies. Adhering to certain rules of behavior and ceremonial was necessary for the exaltation of royalty: emperors, kings, tsars, dukes, princes, dukes, etc., to consolidate the hierarchy within the class society itself. Not only a person’s career, but also a person’s life often depended on knowledge of etiquette and compliance with its rules. This was the case in Ancient Egypt, China, Rome, the Golden Horde, etc. Violation of etiquette led to enmity between tribes, peoples and even wars.

Business etiquette is the result of a long selection of rules and forms of the most appropriate behavior that contributed to success in business relationships. But, as in those ancient times, so now, the rules of business etiquette and culture of behavior help bring together the economic and financial interests of traders and businessmen. For many, profit was and remains above all differences in national character, religion, social status, and psychological characteristics. These differences affect the etiquette of the country the businessman is interested in. Submission to the rules of the game, reflected in the etiquette of the determining party, creates the basis for the success of the transaction.

Etiquette has always performed and continues to perform certain functions. The first in importance is the function of socio-cultural identification of the individual and the group. Etiquette rules are signs or signs of group, corporate, professional, religious, social identity, helping a person live and work in a certain microenvironment.

The second function is standardization of behavior. Etiquette standardizes behavior in a variety of typical situations, allowing us to avoid awkwardness, tension, mutual misunderstanding, and saves our time . Etiquette facilitates communication because with its help the norms that need to be observed are carried out almost automatically.

The third function of etiquette is regulatory. Etiquette acts as a hint, helping to navigate a difficult situation or an unusual environment.

The fourth function of etiquette is the function of socialization. It involves the formation and development of personality in accordance with the requirements and norms of a given community. For example, in an organization, a newcomer will be required to strictly adhere to proven and proven rules of business communication, since they facilitate the performance of professional functions and contribute to the achievement of their goals. In this or that team, group of workers, employees, business people, certain traditions develop, which over time acquire the force of moral principles and constitute the etiquette of this group, community.

The process of mutual enrichment of rules of conduct made it possible to develop mutually acceptable etiquette, recognized in its main features, and enshrined in customs and traditions. Etiquette began to prescribe standards of behavior at work, on the street, at a party, at business and diplomatic receptions, in the theater, on public transport, etc.

The rules of etiquette, embodied in specific forms of behavior, indicate the unity of its two sides: moral, ethical and aesthetic. The first side is an expression of a moral norm: precautionary care, respect, protection, etc. The second side - aesthetic - testifies to the beauty and grace of forms of behavior. The main trend in the development of modern business etiquette is a departure from strictly fixed rules of the ritual type. It increasingly shows a transition to more flexible forms that take into account changing circumstances and the search for the most appropriate solutions in the process of business communication. The basic principles of business etiquette include business commitment, fairness, respect, politeness, responsibility, tolerance.

Business commitment presupposes the ability to accurately and on time fulfill all one’s official duties and promises, and to observe punctuality in agreements on time and terms of agreements. Business obligations require strict adherence to etiquette standards. So, during a business acquaintance, a man is first introduced to the lady, the one of lower status is the senior, the junior is introduced to the senior, latecomers are introduced to those who are waiting, those entering are those who are already in the room, but not vice versa.

The principle of justice presupposes the same, equal, impartial treatment of partners in business communications. At the same time, in relations between a manager and a subordinate, this principle does not deny the subordination of official relations.

The principle of respect reflects recognition of positive qualities, merits, merits and is expressed in a markedly respectful attitude towards a business partner or interlocutor. Business etiquette includes strict adherence to the rules of a culture of behavior, which presupposes, first of all, deep respect for the human person. The social role played by this or that person should not be self-sufficient, nor should it have a hypnotic influence on the business partner. A cultural entrepreneur will treat with equal respect both the minister and the ordinary technical worker of the ministry, the president of the company, the firm and the office cleaner, i.e. Show everyone sincere respect. This sincere respect must become part of the businessman's nature.

The principle of politeness presupposes courtesy, tact, courtesy, delicacy, and compliance with the norms of decency accepted in a given society. Delicacy means sensitivity and subtlety in communication, and tactfulness means a sense of proportion that must be observed in relation to other people so as not to cause them offense and irritation. Politeness, tact, and delicacy contribute to the formation of trust in business contacts and mean democracy and freedom in communication with any representative of the business world.

For example, to greet, use not only the verbal (speech) means “Hello!”, “Good afternoon,” but also non-verbal gestures: bow, nod, wave of the hand, etc.

An address without a name is a formal address: be it a subordinate or a boss, a neighbor on the landing or a fellow traveler on public transport. Addressing oneself by name, or even better - by name and patronymic, is an appeal to an individual. By pronouncing the name and patronymic, we emphasize respect for human dignity and demonstrate our emotional disposition. Such a greeting speaks about a person’s culture.

Business etiquette is the result of the historical selection of rules and forms of the most appropriate behavior, which contributed to the creation of favorable communication conditions, the prevention of conflicts, and success in business relationships. Following etiquette is a prerequisite and condition for the career growth of a business person.

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