Business communication etiquette. Business professional communication: basics and rules

A significant portion of the time in the schedules of organizational leaders, as well as employees whose activities include regulating the work of personnel, is spent on business conversations. These could be meetings, conferences, approvals and other formats of communication regarding production issues. Since the quality of such negotiations directly affects the efficiency and success of the company, it is necessary to comply with certain norms and rules that determine the culture business communication and etiquette. The ability to adequately and correctly conduct a conversation is a key factor contributing to personal success in entrepreneurial activity. However, despite the obviousness of the elementary rules of behavior in society, the sphere of business relations still presupposes its own communication features, knowledge of which significantly increases the value of both a modest clerk and a major manager.

The concept of culture and ethics in business communication

The business world is quite strict in its definitions and by its nature excludes any inaccuracies and vague formulations. And yet, the norms of communicative interaction are the side of business where ethical principles prevail. IN general outline These aspects are reflected by the culture of business communication, the concept of which can be defined as a set of norms of moral behavior. Based on the developed principles of culturally appropriate behavior, the style of relationships between people in work processes is regulated.

In business culture, it is important to distinguish between two categories of norms – value and mental. The first group represents a certain set of traditions and defines the ethical component in the business environment. The value aspects of cultural regulation in business communication can also act as stereotypes, habitual behavior or current stylistic forms of corporate behavior. In contrast to the layer of values ​​that lays the foundation for cultural business communication, the base of mental factors is more effective for application. Such principles for regulating communication norms are developed as a response to a request to improve the quality of the business process.

That is, if traditional or customary norms become ineffective or completely inhibit the development of the organization, the mental foundations of a business communication culture are introduced, which allow them to more effectively cope with production situations. In modern countries, where the level economic development above average, the principles of business culture are based on ethical soundness, orientation towards freedom of creativity, interaction and independence.

Culture in business communication can also be represented as an element of the general moral development of a specialist who knows how to communicate productively and conflict-free with colleagues and partners, as well as create a favorable and friendly atmosphere.

Among entrepreneurs, etiquette and the culture of business communication are closely intertwined. The concept of ethics is often heard in the context of defining culture in a particular area. As a way of certain systematization, ethical standards help in regulating business relationships. Ethics in the business world is a set of moral rules that determine the behavior of managers and employees in production activities.

Although a significant proportion of the ethical rules adopted by the business world can be classified as generally accepted, there are also special cases of rules developed specifically as a means of regulating work relationships. By and large, etiquette and culture of business communication are based on mutual respect for economic and reputational interests between partners and colleagues. Moreover, the ethical laws of business require respect and consideration of the interests of competitors. This means that the company should not use techniques that go beyond the competitive market.

Formation of cultural communication skills

The problems of forming and developing business communication skills, which provide for a sufficient level of culture and etiquette, are associated with the organization of processes for mastering knowledge in this area. In addition, it becomes more complicated and professional tasks employees, which necessitates non-standard approaches to the style of negotiations, speeches, etc. For the most part, organizations are not able to ensure the building of correct business relationships and successful teamwork. In turn, employees sometimes only have a basic understanding of speech etiquette.

Behavioral experience, which is gained through special methods. In modern companies, the formation of a culture of business communication occurs in the process of developing practical skills among team members. To achieve this, managers are working in the following areas:

  • Organization of business communication games.
  • Conducting training sessions that include democratic behavior.
  • Trainings on conflict management with modeling of not only professional patterns of behavior, but also interpersonal ones.
  • Individual, subgroup and collective development of practical skills that will allow you to work harmoniously in a team.

The use of training tools makes it possible to establish the process of forming a culture through practical training of behavioral skills in different situations. At the same time, not only a culture of business communication is developed on the professional side, but also personal development and self-knowledge occurs. From the point of view of benefits for the organization, this means higher employee dedication, focus on results and interest in the success of the company.

Rhetorical principles and culture of behavior

When considering the means of communication in the business sphere, it is impossible not to touch upon the aspect of the effectiveness of the communicative impact on the listener. Still, the success of a specialist in business is largely determined by his ability to clearly, objectively and understandably convey his position. To do this, many use rhetorical techniques of business communication and rules of cultural behavior in a single complex. The effectiveness of negotiations using such means of communication, coupled with adherence to etiquette and good manners, is more likely to create a positive image for both the employee and the entire company. Rhetoric provides several psychological and didactic principles of influence that are used during speeches, interviews, conferences and presentations - these are associativity, accessibility, intensity and expressiveness.

The means of associativity are designed to evoke empathy in listeners and encourage them to think, starting from rational and emotional memory. Achieving this effect is achieved through such techniques as imagery, analogies, references to precedents, etc. Accessibility is a particularly important principle, due to which the speaker can be understood by colleagues and partners with different cultural and educational backgrounds. Accessibility can be increased by communicating obscure and original information in combination with diverse information. Means that increase expressiveness should be used by those who have a highly developed culture of business communication and communicative experience, otherwise you can get the opposite effect of unwanted theatricality. Expressiveness helps a person to emotionally and at the same time sincerely express his attitude to the topic. Intensity in business communication is, as a rule, the ability to present information at a certain pace in the most complete and accessible way, taking into account the readiness of listeners to perceive it.

Psychological component in business communication

Psychology in the culture of business conversation makes it possible to determine patterns in the mental state of interlocutors and, in accordance with its characteristics, be able to create favorable climate negotiations A person with psychological knowledge can defend himself against inappropriate behavior partner, use ways to discharge negative emotions, refute opponents’ arguments in a gentle form and calmly listen to criticism. The psychological culture of business communication is of particular importance in resolving conflict situations, since they often reveal the characteristics of different psychological types.

Among the techniques and methods of psychological behavioral culture in the process of a business conversation, the following can be distinguished:

  • Forming a good opinion of yourself (or the company).
  • Creating a psychologically favorable environment.
  • Listening to the interlocutor and understanding his motives.
  • Determining the partner’s internal state (by manners and voice).
  • Neutralization of comments during a conversation.
  • Ways to protect yourself from inappropriate behavior.
  • Techniques for conducting conflict-free conversation.
  • Self-calming technique.

Speech culture

First of all, the culture of conducting a business conversation implies the ability to competently use literary language and choose appropriate rhetorical techniques depending on the situation. Speech culture includes communicative aspects, normative and ethical.

The normative factor presupposes correct speech in compliance with the rules literary language. The concept of a language norm is a key factor that determines the speech culture of business communication in negotiation processes. The communication aspect is a skill that allows you to use language means during communication. The ethical component, in turn, is associated with the ability to use the rules of speech behavior depending on the situation. These rules may change, since among partners and colleagues there may be people with different moral and ethical guidelines.

Of particular importance for the success of negotiations is the communicative culture in business communication, determined by the rules of speech etiquette as a system of signs that people exchange during the negotiation process. Verbal speech etiquette provides behavioral culture and can constitute both a general set of communication stereotypes and a narrow niche within the framework of making requests, greetings, attracting attention, etc.

Culture in a telephone conversation

A telephone conversation is a form of conversation within strict boundaries, which often leads to errors in business etiquette. On the other hand, the limited format has its advantages, one of which is the ability to model typical situations and ways to overcome them. For example, the rules of business communication culture in telephone conversation can be reflected in several common examples of behavior:

  • You cannot call your partner’s home number without prior approval.
  • The optimal time frame for a possible call can be determined as follows: from 8 am to 11 pm.
  • If the call is not answered, do not hang up immediately.
  • If the connection is interrupted, the call initiator must resume it.
  • You should not speak loudly unless the interlocutor asks for it due to poor hearing.
  • The conversation should be short and to the point.
  • You need to answer calls as quickly as possible, otherwise the interlocutor will think that the conversation is not of interest to your partner.
  • It is undesirable to move away from the phone during a conversation, but if this is necessary, then you should warn the interlocutor in advance.

Also, do not forget that the generally accepted principles of business communication culture require a positive and at the same time meaningful greeting and conclusion of the conversation with a possible summary.

Nonverbal culture in business communication

It happens that words, as such, in business negotiations do not correspond to the true attitude of the authors to the topic. Also, experienced partners may suspect the interlocutor’s insincerity, which affects decision-making. Eliminate this possibility and reveal hidden motives non-verbal communication, that is, body and gesture languages. For example, by facial expressions you can determine the internal state of the interlocutor, his possible thoughts and messages. In this regard, the culture of business communication in an organization may also include non-verbal means of communication, which make it possible to establish trusting contact with a partner.

The ability to understand sign language also allows you to anticipate possible reaction interlocutor even before he verbally expresses his attitude to the received information. Accordingly, even in the process of conveying it, in parallel with the wordless language, it is possible to adjust positions in a certain direction.

It is generally accepted that nonverbal communication is accessible to every person, regardless of their cultural level and education. In reality this is not the case. Different people have different stock of gestures, and the higher the communication culture of a business person, the richer the opportunities for wordless communication. In negotiations, nonverbal language will allow you to express a skeptical attitude towards a proposal, emphasize dominant aspects, hide dissatisfaction with criticism, and much more, which will have no less a strong effect on the interlocutor than direct expression in words.

Conflict resolution

Conflict situations in the business sphere are not uncommon, and their consequences can be quite serious. In this regard, various means and ways to resolve them are used. Today, there are 5 basic concepts that determine behavior in conflict situations:

  • Ignoring the actions of the other party.
  • Adaptation to partners' conditions.
  • Searching for a new format for cooperation.
  • Finding a compromise.
  • Competitive fight.

The choice of behavior style in a particular situation is determined by the specific interests of the participants in the conflict. The competitive style is most often chosen by people who have sufficient authority, will, and broad powers and are not very interested in partnering with the opposite side. This tactic can be used if the outcome of the conflict does not have a major impact on the interests of the organization. But it is important to remember that the ethics and culture of business communication still require compliance with certain laws of competition. That is, even with the obvious advantage of a large company over a small company, the manager who will seek a compromise resolution of the conflict, acting in the interests of the partner, will win. Even if you have to sacrifice your interests, in the future the reputational dividends will be able to cover the lost profits at the moment.

Standards of behavior for a leader

The practice of developing a business style of interaction within organizations has made it possible to develop the most effective norms of behavior for managers and subordinates. So, for managers we can give following examples reference management style:

  • Work on uniting a team whose members have moral and ethical communication skills.
  • Involving employees in the company’s tasks, which will allow them to feel more comfortable both morally and psychologically. This usually occurs in the process of identifying an employee with the team.
  • All comments to employees should be made in full accordance with the rules that prescribe the ethics and culture of business communication within organizations.
  • When conflicts arise, the manager must find out all the reasons. If the problem arose due to dishonesty or inappropriate behavior of a certain employee, then the boss’s task will be to help the subordinate change his behavior style.
  • You should not give recommendations to subordinates in matters that go beyond the scope of professional duties.

Standards of behavior for a subordinate

An adequate and correct attitude towards the manager is also the key to an employee’s successful and effective professional activity. In this case, the culture of business communication is also based on the moral requirements that the manager makes of his subordinates.

Principles of employee behavior in relation to the manager:

  • Contribute to and assist management in creating a benevolent moral climate within the organization.
  • You should not try to impose your opinion on your boss - all comments and suggestions should be expressed extremely tactfully and politely.
  • If any event that is significant for the team, sad or joyful, is planned, the manager should be notified about it.
  • A categorical tone in a conversation with a manager is excluded. Moreover, the communicative culture in business communication also requires bosses to avoid a rigid style in conversation even with subordinates.
  • The desire to please, as well as excessive flattery, do not contribute to improving relations with superiors and the team. Such an employee is perceived as a sycophant and a person not worthy of respect.

There are many controversial and ambiguous situations where it is not easy to choose a specific relationship style. For example, difficulties may arise in communication between colleagues from different departments who occupy positions of different status in the organization. In such situations, you should be guided by simple ethical principle, which instructs a person to treat others the way he wants to be treated.

Communication has styles and rules of conduct that are based on the relationships and benefits that partners want to receive. Culture and principles shape the etiquette that is acceptable in business. The psychology of business communication is slightly different from ordinary conversation on everyday topics.

All features and forms of business communication will be discussed in this article. This will help many people connect with those they encounter in the work environment.

What is business communication?

A feature of business communication is that people consciously adhere to all its rules to achieve the best result. What is business communication? This is communication between people in the professional field, where all parties solve a common problem, wanting to achieve their goal. At the same time, they comply with all norms, rules and etiquette that are established in business communication.

This type of communication is applicable exclusively in the work environment. Here tasks and goals are set that should be achieved. Contact is established between the parties in order to achieve all set goals. Taking into account the goals, objectives and wishes of the opponent, observing ethics and rules of negotiation, you can achieve the desired results.

Business communication needs to be learned. This is not everyday communication where you can demonstrate your “I” and show off. In business communication, your personal qualities, although they are also taken into account. The main ones are your desires and goals, as well as the aspirations of your opponent, which should be combined in such a way that your joint activities lead both parties to what they want.

Ethics of business communication

Ethics is a set of rules that help any person to show himself cultured and educated in a certain environment. Business ethics differs from other ethical directions that are used in social or everyday communication. It is based mainly on the following pillars:

  • Psychology of communication and management.
  • Labour Organization.
  • Ethics.

In business communication, the cultural and national side of the opponent becomes important. As business people communicate with opponents different nationalities, you should know about their traditions and customs. This allows you to show respect for their differences and win them over.

For successful business negotiations, it is important to be able to win over, listen to your interlocutor, conduct and direct a conversation, leave a positive impression, and create a favorable atmosphere. The following skills contribute to this:

  1. Formulate your thoughts clearly.
  2. Analyze your opponent's words.
  3. Argue your own point of view.
  4. Critically evaluate proposals and statements.

It is not enough to hold a certain position. You also need to be able to communicate with different people to strengthen your own skills and abilities. Ethical business communication is when all parties benefit. If someone loses or some damage is done, such a decision is unethical and unpromising for further interaction.

Psychology of business communication

If you contact psychological side business communication, it can be noted that the development of specific conversation skills forces a person to improve himself and develop exclusively best qualities personality. If you pay attention to how opponents communicate with each other, they only show positive traits, avoiding the manifestation of gross forms and manifestations. The psychology of business communication is the improvement of the person himself.

It doesn't matter what position a person holds. If he masters business communication skills, then it becomes easier for him to negotiate, communicate with competitors, and achieve his goals. Nobody says that there will be no losses and failures. They will simply be reasonable and clear for the person himself, who will be able to see his own mistakes or understand the wrongness of his choice of people as partners.

The psychology of business communication is based on recognizing the opponent’s feelings and taking them into account. There are also techniques that help in conversation:

  • “Proper name” - when you pronounce the name of the interlocutor.
  • “Golden words” are when you give compliments. Flattery should be avoided here.
  • “Mirror of attitude” - when you smile and they smile back at you, and vice versa.

The quality of good speech is based on the following components:

  1. Literacy.
  2. Composition of speech using professional jargons.
  3. Lexicon.
  4. Intonation and pronunciation.

You should also pay attention to the nonverbal part of communication, which also affects the flow of the conversation.

Business communication culture

The employer always pays attention to the culture of business communication that the employee uses when hiring. After all, this shows his ability to establish contacts and win people over. The culture of business communication becomes especially important when hiring employees who will conduct conversations on the phone, where there is absolutely no non-verbal influence on the interlocutor.

Here are the rules of communication:

  • Interest in the topic.
  • Goodwill and favor towards the interlocutor.
  • No influence of your mood on your conversation style.

The purpose of business communication is to influence emotional mood, beliefs, opinions and decisions of the interlocutor that will affect future actions. Partners exchange messages, influence the emotional mood, create images of themselves and their opponents in their heads.

Since in the work environment people often negotiate, talk, talk, debate, knowledge and skills of business communication culture are simply necessary. Sometimes these skills play a decisive role in achieving goals.

Features of business communication

In the work sphere, people communicate with each other at the level of their own professional interests, work activities and work. A feature of business communication is clear regulation - subordination to established norms, which are determined by national traditions, professional frameworks and cultural customs.

Business communication includes two types of rules:

  1. Norms are rules that work between opponents occupying the same status.
  2. Instructions are rules that arise between a subordinate and a leader.

The peculiarity of business communication is the observance of certain rules and expression of respect for people, regardless of personal attitude towards them, mood and other factors.

The parties begin to contact each other with the aim of organizing joint activities (cooperation), where their goals will be achieved. This happens in the following steps:

  1. Dating, where people introduce themselves and get to know each other.
  2. Orientation to the topic of conversation.
  3. Discussion of a task or issue.
  4. The solution of the problem.
  5. Ending the conversation.

The success of business communication depends on an approach to business based on cooperation, taking into account mutual interests and requests. Only then can you find creative solution problems where all parties win.

Language of business communication

The language of business communication refers to the use of established syllables that are accepted in a specific work situation. On different levels one’s own vocabulary of terms is used, which is assumed in a certain situation. For example, business communication between representatives of the legal field will involve the use of legal terms, and contact between an employee and a manager will involve a different vocabulary.

The language of business communication includes:

  • Orthology – language norms, its changes, correctness of speech. When expressing your thoughts, you use templates, examples, and accepted phrases that are established in a particular ethnic society.
  • Communication is the appropriateness and purity of speech, which is subject to the scope of application, situation, tasks, circumstances, and goals of the conversation.
  • Ethics are the norms and rules adopted in a particular society. To be successful at this level of communication, you should be familiar with all the customs and traditions of the culture to which the partner belongs.

Types of business communication

The process of business communication determines its types:

  1. Verbal is a type of communication that uses spoken words.
  2. A nonverbal type of communication that involves taking into account the opponent’s facial expressions, posture and gestures.
  3. Direct type of communication, when interlocutors interact at the same time and in one place, that is, direct oral communication occurs using non-verbal signals.
  4. An indirect type of communication that often occurs in in writing. People transmit information at different times and in different places. This type of business communication is less successful because it wastes time during which you can change your mind about everything.
  5. Written type of communication, when communication occurs through written messages.
  6. Telephone type of communication, when oral speech is used, but it is impossible to influence the course of the conversation using non-verbal signs.

As in any type of communication, direct contact remains the most effective, when you can establish a visual connection, hear another person, feel his emotional mood, influence his decisions with external attributes, etc.

Forms of business communication

Forms of business communication – requirements of professional situations, which include:

  • Conversation – discussion at the level of oral expression of thoughts and ideas. Discussion of pressing problems, tasks, clarification of nuances, etc.
  • Public speaking is the notification of certain information by one subject to a whole group of people. There is no discussion of the topic here, but rather information on some topic.
  • Business correspondence is the written transmission of information. Carried out within the organization, for the organization and between enterprises.
  • Negotiations are joining forces with partners who occupy the same position as a person. Here problems are solved and decisions are made, agreements on mutually beneficial cooperation are signed.
  • Press conference – a meeting between a company representative and media workers to provide relevant and important information.
  • A meeting is the selection of a certain group of people (from the team, management) to solve problems, set new tasks, change strategies, etc., etc.

Each form of business communication requires its own set of etiquette, rules, norms, and other things. Often disagreements arise during a business conversation. If people deviate from the rules of business communication, then their meeting does not lead to the desired results.

Rules of business communication

Sometimes we can talk about a multimillion-dollar deal or promotion, or the development of one’s company. Therefore, following the rules of business communication helps eliminate embarrassing and controversial situations:

  • Legible and clear speech, when the interlocutor understands what is being said to him.
  • Avoiding monotony of speech. It must be emotionally charged.
  • The pace of speech should be average (moderate). Slow speech can cause boredom, and fast speech can not keep up with the speaker’s train of thought.
  • Alternate long and short phrases.
  • To ask questions. Both open and closed questions are important. It is appropriate to alternate them.
  • You need to hear and listen to your interlocutor.
  • Don't give advice, but make gentle suggestions.
  • Encourage the interlocutor to solve the problem independently.

A person can occupy any position, but with high business communication skills, he is able to follow the rules and bring the conversation to the desired result. Here the interests of opponents are taken into account, according to which the tactics and strategy of negotiations are selected.

Business communication styles

Depending on the sphere of business communication (social, legal, managerial) and the type of interaction (oral, written), a style is determined that helps to move up the career ladder and improve one’s status. Here are the subtypes of business communication style:

  • Administrative and clerical - a memorandum, receipt, power of attorney, order, certificate, characteristic are used.
  • Diplomatic - a note or memorandum is used.
  • Legislative – a normative act, law, agenda, paragraph, code, etc. are used.

Precision of speech allows you to establish business contacts. This is where terms that are narrowly focused or widely used become important.

Styles business communications include:

  1. Manipulation – using a partner as a tool to achieve personal goals. For example, monitoring the completion of tasks.
  2. Rituals are the creation of the desired image. What matters is status, not qualities and personality.
  3. Humanism – support and joint discussion of the problem. The personality is perceived completely with all its qualities and individual characteristics.

Principles of business communication

The importance of business communication has already been established. Here are the principles of such communication, which are:

  • Purposefulness – achieving a given task. Often, during business communication, a person achieves several tasks at once, some of which are conscious (solving a work issue), while others are unconscious (showing one’s qualities, showing off, for example).
  • Interpersonal communication – partners are interested in each other. Although their communication is aimed at solving work problems, interpersonal connections are still established between them, where the qualities and personal claims towards each other are assessed.
  • Multidimensionality is not only the exchange of data, but also the establishment of interpersonal connections.
  • Continuity of communications – maintaining contacts at all levels of communication.

During business communication, people not only exchange work information, but also create an emotional mood that depends on their attitude towards each other.

Bottom line

The role of business communication is great, since it was formed specifically to establish business contacts and achieve set work goals. In every sphere, people interact. They follow rules, etiquette, principles, styles. All this is necessary in the business sphere, where the correct use of all principles and rules leads to a positive result.

If a person has problems, then he can use the help of a psychologist on the website. After all, often we're talking about about personal barriers that interfere with the assimilation and application of all principles of business communication. If you eliminate internal barriers and complexes, you can achieve good results.

Each employee has an idea of ​​how he should behave in a team. This applies to communication with your boss and colleagues.

Without following the rules, a healthy climate in the team is impossible. Therefore, it is important for managers and subordinates to find mutual language, and the ethics of business communication will help with this.

Etiquette tasks

Behavior at work involves aspects related to employees in the team and external contacts (between teams and communication with clients).

Speech etiquette in business communication performs the following tasks:

  • creates a healthy atmosphere;
  • increases productivity;
  • motivates you to fulfill your duties.

When the norms of business communication are observed, a pleasant, inviting atmosphere is constantly felt in the team. It is important that each employee enjoys the work done and strives to do it as best as possible.

Business communication ethics are designed to be applied in practice and in handling work situations. A team in which business communication etiquette comes first is distinguished by management’s respect for employees, the ability to find a way out of a conflict situation, acceptance right decisions in working hours.

Speech etiquette in business communication includes several components:

  • conversations;
  • negotiations with representatives of other companies;
  • presentations;
  • correspondence;
  • meetings;
  • conferences;
  • talking on the phone;
  • consultations;
  • interview;
  • interviews.

In these options, working contacts are established, decisions are made, and information is exchanged. Business ethics helps establish clear boundaries within which business problems are resolved. By following the rules of behavior in the business world, orders are given and received, and a friendly, professional atmosphere is maintained.

A wise leader, applying business communication etiquette in practice, achieves high productivity in the company. Employees become motivated and are ready to achieve their goals. The culture of business communication and the competent application of its principles creates a positive mood in the team.

Types of behavior in a team

There are three known options for working communication in a team:

  • top down;
  • down up;
  • horizontally.

Work contact options include general rules. Every employee should feel respect, regardless of their position. A wise boss strives to create a friendly atmosphere in the team and adheres to correct treatment of employees. But at the same time, subordination is not excluded.

The culture of business communication includes talking on the phone:

  1. While at the workplace, it is unacceptable to greet a person with an ordinary “hello” or “yes.” When you pick up the phone, you need to introduce yourself, naming the company and your position. In some organizations, the employee adds his name to the greeting.
  2. During the conversation you should be as attentive as possible. The client is pleased when he is addressed by name.
  3. Answers must be clear and to the point.
  4. If it is impossible to carry on a conversation, you must definitely apologize, offering to reschedule it for another time.

Contact between manager and subordinate

If the boss wants the team to observe the norms of business communication, then he must show by personal example how this works. You can give an order in several ways. This can be done in a strict form or in the form of a request. How the order will sound depends on how competently the manager knows etiquette in business communication.

A wise leader knows and values ​​his employees, listens to their opinions and advice, and is ready to make compromises (without compromising work).

A good boss is fair - this is required by the ethics of business communication. If a subordinate made a mistake or inaccuracy in the performance of duties, then the fines must correspond to the amount of the omission. It’s the same with incentives - work done requires a reward.

Speech etiquette in business communication involves the conversation itself and the tone in which phrases are pronounced. The same order can be given in different timbres of voice, and as a result its perception changes. Therefore, the first phrases spoken to attract the attention of the interlocutor are important. The culture of business communication prescribes greetings that are chosen depending on the status, age and gender of the employee.

Contact between subordinate and supervisor

One of the main rules that the etiquette of business communication prescribes is respect by the subordinates of the leader. This does not mean that he needs to flatter or agree with everything.

An employee with his own views and opinions on issues related to work issues, and who knows how to present this in the correct form - good employee. Such subordinates are devoted to their company and do not neglect speech etiquette in business communication.

When talking with your boss, it is not recommended to point out the detected shortcomings in a harsh manner. The culture of business communication in such contact comes down to the ability of a subordinate to convey the necessary information to the manager without flattery, lies or cunning. In a calm and friendly atmosphere in a team, this is not difficult to do. The relationship between subordinates and the manager, built on, is the application of ethical rules in business communication.

If a subordinate wants to make suggestions to improve the company's performance, then he should not immediately go to the top manager of the company. First you need to contact your nearest boss, otherwise the chain of command will be broken. In the future, such behavior of a subordinate will cause discord in the team.

Rules of business communication

Each employee has rights and responsibilities. A good boss distributes the workload evenly among his subordinates. Although each employee does his own job, he necessarily encounters and comes into contact with other colleagues.

To avoid conflict situations that interfere with the work process, the culture of business communication is important:

  1. Unforeseen situations sometimes arise at company presentations or meetings. To avoid conflict and personalization, observe the etiquette of business communication. Guided by the rules, it is unacceptable to interrupt colleagues, and if questions or comments arise, they can only be asked in the correct form.
  2. In pursuit of praise from their boss, some subordinates make mistakes. This manifests itself in the form of empty promises, or the employee takes on more responsibilities that he subsequently fails to cope with.
  3. Many people do not know how to listen to their interlocutor. But in working moments you cannot do without this skill. Speech etiquette in business communication helps to properly manage working time, listen and correctly understand the interlocutor.
  4. Some companies host foreign representatives of countries and organize buffets in their honor. During such negotiations, it is important to observe business communication etiquette. Knowing the rules and applying them correctly, you can achieve the desired result in negotiations. A favorable atmosphere and the ability to interest the interlocutor leads to the achievement of the desired goal.
  5. The rules of work contacts during negotiations or other business processes prohibit touching the interlocutor. But for every rule there are exceptions, and here it is a handshake. Such a gesture should be brief and businesslike, and the hand should be dry and not cold. During negotiations, unnecessary gestures and facial expressions are avoided. If a person is insecure, fussing, hiding his eyes, then he is unlikely to gain the trust of his interlocutor.

It is important how employees greet each other. Ethics of business communication allows you to use the following techniques:

  • friendly look;
  • smile;
  • appropriate compliments;
  • showing interest;
  • respect;
  • emphasizing the importance of the employee;
  • nice words.

Such options help create a calm, working environment in the team.

Team rules

In the company, each employee is assigned responsibilities that he performs and is responsible for. Knowledgeable leader knows when to assign rewards to an employee, and at the same time notices omissions. For poor performance of work tasks, an appropriate penalty is imposed.

In a team, the work process consists of positive and negative aspects. The culture of business communication regulates emerging issues. If you correctly apply the rules of communication, then criticism is perceived without offense or negative emotions.

In order to maintain a calm, working environment in the team, the manager excludes any psychological pressure. The ethics of business communication excludes threats, pressure from the manager or other employees, and humiliation. Employees understand that they work on the same team, and the company is a second family. This is the only way to achieve impressive results.

Some employees find it difficult to fit into the team. Uncertain actions, low self-esteem, fears lead to anxious state and inability to cope with work responsibilities. But if there is a healthy atmosphere in the team and the employees are friendly, then the problem will be resolved. The rules of communication in a work environment, observed by the team, will eliminate unnecessary fears.

A team in which communication rules are applied has a healthy atmosphere. Respect is present towards the manager, between employees, and in contacts with clients. In such a team there is no place for gossip, commercial secrets are respected, and people come to work with pleasure.

Failure to comply with the rules of conduct in a work environment leads to a negative effect. A competent leader who wants the company to succeed maintains a healthy environment in the team that complies with generally accepted standards.

Business communication etiquette- this is a set of moral rules, norms, ideas that regulate relationships, as well as the behavior of individuals in joint production activities. Business communication etiquette is a necessary part of a person’s life, as well as the most important type of relationship with other individuals.

The main regulators of relationships are ethical norms, which express ideas about evil and good, injustice and justice in people’s actions. When communicating with his boss, subordinates, colleagues, a person spontaneously or consciously relies on the etiquette of business communication. Depending on the understanding of moral standards, the content and degree of etiquette, it can make business communication effective, solve problems, achieve goals, or, conversely, make it impossible.

Etiquette, translated from French, means a set of rules of behavior that concern people (forms of address, behavior in public places, treatment of others, greetings, clothing, manners).

Business communication etiquette manifests itself at various levels social system, as well as in different forms. Participants in business communication are in official status and are aimed at achieving specific tasks. His distinctive feature is the lack of self-sufficient significance, since the etiquette of business communication is not an end in itself, but directly serves as a means to achieve other goals. IN market relations is about getting maximum profit.

Speech etiquette in business communication

The peculiarity of business communication is determined by the fact that it arises in connection with or on the basis of a certain type of activity that is associated with the production, for example, of a business effect or product. The parties to business communication act in official (formal) statuses, which determine the necessary norms and standards (including ethical) of people’s behavior. The specificity of business communication is regulation, expressed in subordination to established restrictions, cultural and national traditions, ethical professional principles.

Speech etiquette in business communication is a complex process in the development of contacts between individuals in the professional sphere. There are “unwritten” and “written” norms of behavior in various situations official contact. The accepted certain order, as well as the official form of treatment, is called business etiquette. It creates rules that promote mutual understanding between people, and also creates convenience, practicality and expediency.

Business etiquette consists of rules: norms (horizontal) that apply between team members, as well as instructions (vertical) that are characteristic of the manager and subordinate.

A general requirement of speech etiquette in business communication is a friendly and helpful attitude towards all employees and partners, regardless of their dislikes and likes. The regulation of business interaction is noted in the attention to speech.

Speech etiquette in business communication represents norms of linguistic behavior developed by society, standard ready-made formulas that allow you to organize etiquette situations, requests, greetings, thanks, such as “be kind,” “hello,” “glad to meet you,” “permit me to apologize.” . Sustainable structures are selected taking into account psychological, social, and age characteristics.

Speech etiquette in business communication involves establishing contact between people, exchanging certain information to build joint activities, and cooperation.

The following stages in business communication are distinguished:

  • establishing contact, including getting to know as well as understanding the other person;
  • orientation in the ongoing communication situation, as well as its comprehension with pauses;
  • discussion of the problem;
  • solution to the problem;
  • leaving contact (termination).

Official business contacts are based on partnership principles, built from mutual requests, as well as from the needs and interests of the business. With direct contact, namely direct conversation, higher value represents oral as well as non-verbal communication. Messaging over the phone or chatting is common.

Business communication etiquette is a real art, which cannot be mastered right away. Compliance with norms, culture, and rules of behavior will have a primary role in career advancement. If you are a promising specialist, as well as the face of the company, then think and imagine yourself as part of the team. Greeting "hello" in Everyday life means: “I am disposed to maintain a relationship,” but the absence of this label sign is read as a lack of desire to maintain a relationship. Therefore, the norm is to greet clients, employees, and visitors, both at the beginning of a conversation and in the absence of intentions to enter into verbal contact.

In business communication, speech etiquette is a set of speech etiquette means, as well as certain rules for their use in various situations.

Business communication etiquette includes the following important points:

  • You cannot be late for business meetings;
  • Reception of guests requires careful preparation (development of a negotiation plan, discussion with colleagues);
  • corresponding strict appearance;
  • It is important before the meeting to collect information about those with whom you are meeting, to think through all the questions of interest.

Etiquette and protocol of business communication

The protocol includes greeting, introduction, address, and handshake. If the participants do not know each other yet, they should introduce themselves. According to the protocol of business communication, the head of the receiving party is introduced first, then the head of the guests. They then introduce the rest of the staff. If a large delegation has arrived, then name presentation is avoided by presenting lists of participants, where the participants are indicated by name and position.

On business meeting the junior in position is always introduced to the senior, gender does not play a role; If you have previously met with a partner, then you need to introduce yourself again. If someone hasn't introduced themselves, feel free to ask them about it, but don't ask them again. It is necessary to remember names immediately to avoid awkward situations. A handshake at a business meeting is used as a sign of concluding an agreement, and it is also used immediately after the words of greeting. When introducing you to another person, he is the first to extend his hand to you. Handshake done right hand, if she is busy, they serve the left one, but after apologizing first.

The initiative for a handshake comes from the elder and from the one who has a higher position. The woman is given the right to decide whether to shake hands with her or not. According to etiquette, she is the first to offer her hand for greeting. Having approached the group and shook hands with one of the members, you must do the same with everyone. Verbal greetings are limited if the group is large. If a hand extended for a handshake is not responded to with a handshake, this is regarded as an insult.

Ethics is a philosophical science whose subject of study is morality. The practical importance of ethics is noted in the field of human communication, and communication between people is an important component in the process of joint activity. Cooperative activity people in relation to morality cannot be neutral. Compliance with business communication etiquette is the most important component that will determine success in business and entrepreneurial activity, and career advancement. Psychologists note that success in financial affairs or in the technical field depends fifteen percent on professionalism and eighty-five percent on the ability to conduct business communication.

Jen Yager, PhD, notes six principles of business etiquette:

  1. Punctuality, completing work on time;
  2. Confidentiality (keeping corporate secrets or personal life colleagues, transaction results);
  3. Friendliness, courtesy, goodwill in any situation; showing attention to others (to colleagues, boss, subordinates);
  4. Respect for the opinions, criticism, and advice of colleagues, subordinates and superiors (when they express doubt about the quality of your work, show that you value the experience and considerations of other people);
  5. Compliance with the dress code - clothing code;
  6. Control of your speech, absence of swear words in speech.

Ethics and etiquette of business communication should be built on the moral qualities of the individual, as well as the categories of ethics: truthfulness, honesty, generosity, modesty, dignity, duty, conscience, honor, which give business relations a moral character.

Business meeting etiquette during lunch includes the following points:

  • scheduling a meeting in an office or restaurant near the invitee’s office;
  • the initiator of the meeting reserves a table;
  • it is important to inquire in advance about the tastes and preferences of the dinner participants;
  • if you don’t know your gastronomic preferences, then find out the restaurant menu: how rich the selection of meat and vegetable dishes is;
  • a table is reserved in a non-smoking room;
  • the initiator of the meeting arrives at the restaurant 15 minutes earlier;
  • the choice of dishes is limited to familiar dishes;
  • if the meeting is scheduled in the office, then it is held in a conference room or meeting room;
  • such a lunch is served by the ordered staff;
  • the main purpose of lunch is a business conversation, which begins with general phrases, gradually moving to the topic;
  • At this informal meeting, jokes and touching on abstract topics will be appropriate, but correctness and tact in everything are required.

Telephone etiquette in business communication

During telephone conversations, etiquette in speech plays a significant role, since the interlocutor does not see, but only hears you. It is important to monitor the volume of speech, clarity, speed, and also follow the following rules: the call should be answered no later than the 3rd ring. If you call yourself, hang up no earlier than the 5th ring.

There should be a greeting at the beginning of the conversation. Before starting a conversation, find out whether it is convenient for the interlocutor to communicate now. If you refuse, please specify when you can call back. The initiator ends the conversation and also calls back after the telephone call is interrupted. If your call is on behalf of a third party, for example, you are a secretary, then name on behalf of which company you are calling and briefly outline the topic of the upcoming conversation. If you are a third party and are asked to connect, clarify the purpose of the conversation.

Make all personal calls outside of business hours. They promised to call back - be sure to call back. Watch your tone of voice and do not chew while talking. Give the interlocutor the opportunity to complete his speech. Do not cross-talk with other people during telephone conversations. If the connection quality is poor, then the right thing to do is to continue the conversation after a while. In this case, either party can initiate the end of the call.

Business communication comes into life modern man and occupies a strong place in it. All more people Today we are focused on solving important issues, which are given enough time and attention. Business communication presupposes compliance with certain rules and norms of behavior that are agreed upon between participants in the same process or company. These are the etiquette of business communication. In addition, there are general rules, compliance with which is the accepted norm. Business communication etiquette presupposes that partners are aware of how to behave in society.

Stages of business communication

Normally, any social interaction is based on compliance with specific rules. Everyone tries to follow these rules and regulations. well-mannered person. If for some reason it becomes impossible to comply with them at a certain point in time, be sure to offer your sincere apologies. What are the stages of business communication?

Making contact

Before resolving any important issues through negotiations or other forms social interaction, you need to establish contact with a potential partner. It is impossible to immediately reveal all the details and get to the heart of the matter if you do not even know your interlocutor. Establishing contact in business communication presupposes that the participants in the event shake hands and sit down at a common negotiating table. It’s good if they are introduced to each other by a common partner or just a business acquaintance. Further interaction often depends on how successful the establishment of contact was. If people immediately like each other, it will be easier for them to build trusting business communication. Etiquette plays a big role here, so you can’t forget about the norms and rules of interaction. Etiquette implies mandatory adherence to all points, this makes it easier to build truly effective business communication.

Discussion of the problem

Participants in the process come together to mutually reach a solution to a specific problem. It is necessary to discuss significant details among themselves so that no misunderstandings arise later. At this stage, business communication is built on the principle of mutual trust. It is very important not only to produce good impression on the partner, but also to understand how mutually beneficial the cooperation will be. Business communication etiquette involves people exchanging opinions and looking for ways to achieve a satisfactory result. The rules do not allow interlocutors to be detained longer than the discussion of a specific issue requires. In general, business people greatly value both their personal time and respect the individual space of their interlocutors.


When the participants have reached the most significant point in their negotiations (that is, they have discussed the details and identified the main problem), it is time to resolve the significant issue. Business communication etiquette presupposes that everyone has the right to their own point of view, even if it is radically different from the opinion of the majority. Rules and regulations exist for everyone without exception. You should not think that your vision of the situation is the only correct and valuable one. Having approached the solution of the main issue, you should listen to colleagues and partners’ comments. It should be remembered that solving a problem is why people gather to negotiate. Rules of decency only in rare cases allow one to immediately move on to the subject of discussion. However, it is necessary to remember that business communication would hardly take place without a significant reason. Business people value their time too much for them to waste it undividedly.

Leaving contact

After successful completion transaction, the participants in the process exchange polite wishes for good luck and success. When the main issue is resolved, it is time to end the communication. This does not mean that partners do not see the point in seeing each other again in the future. This only means that in this particular case they reached some kind of specific agreement. Rules and norms of etiquette dictate that a business partner cannot be detained longer than is required to resolve a specific issue. And this is a very correct approach, allowing you to devote more time to solving the most pressing and pressing issues.

General rules of business communication etiquette

Below are the main characteristics of business communication etiquette. By following them, a person will be able to inspire confidence in himself and climb up the career ladder in a relatively short period of time. These norms cannot be discarded or pretended that they do not exist at all. Etiquette business people comes with certain rules that cannot be ignored. Let's take a closer look at them.


The etiquette of business interaction implies that the interlocutor must be addressed with emphatic politeness. Even if you are talking with someone who is obviously unpleasant to you, you should not show your true attitude. It will be extremely ugly. In any of your actions, it is important to be correct and not allow the development of ambiguities that could somehow offend or offend your partner. Politeness allows you to maintain equanimity even in conflict situations and avoid serious consequences. It’s as if a person has the opportunity not to throw out feelings outward, but to hold off on it, waiting until emotional stress will go away on its own. If internal irritation arises, with the help of politeness you can take an excellent pause and not demonstrate your rejection in any way.

Politeness is an integral part of business communication etiquette. It is difficult to imagine the head of a serious enterprise who would be highly emotional and impressionable. Etiquette teaches you to restrain your emotions and suppress them at the right moment. Otherwise, a person simply will not be able to fully manage a team and monitor the work of other people. At the same time, ordinary employees should not excessively show their emotions while on duty. This will interfere with building business relationships and will impede the quality of the activity itself.

Control of emotions

The etiquette of business interaction suggests that demonstrating your emotions in front of people is unacceptable. In the presence of business partners or colleagues, you should not show fears, doubts, or uncertainty. All this has no place in the world of business or even just in the workplace. Otherwise, a person will never be able to feel protected, but will become vulnerable to any jokes, gossip and gossip from those around him. It is unlikely that anyone would want to become the subject of negative discussions or acquire a reputation as an unrestrained, ill-mannered person. Controlling emotions allows you to avoid unnecessary questions, maintain your own reputation and gain the respect of colleagues, subordinates and superiors for yourself. Business communication etiquette presupposes that all employees are familiar with the rules of behavior at their workplaces in advance and, by default, will not behave inappropriately or unsightly. By observing the norms, you can count on understanding and all possible assistance from others regarding the solution of some pressing issues of business importance.


You should arrive on time to any meeting. Whatever the subject of discussion concerns, whatever aspects it touches on, the time of arrival at the place of negotiations must be strictly observed. It’s better to arrive ten to fifteen minutes earlier than to be late and make everyone wait for you alone. Being late means showing disrespect for business partners who have gathered in a specific place to discuss important issues. Business relationships in themselves require punctuality. This is the etiquette of business communication and it is usually not disputed. By showing punctuality, you can establish yourself as a responsible and diligent person striving to achieve your goal.

Timely completion of tasks

In business relationships, it is unacceptable to waste time. Etiquette does not allow this. Otherwise, your business partner may doubt your reliability and will not trust you with an important project next time. Completing tasks on time is the key to success in the world of business relationships. It is important to acquire a reputation as a confident and responsible person who keeps his word under any circumstances. Only in this case will interaction with business partners be effective and truly useful. Etiquette imposes certain obligations on a person that must be fulfilled. You must try to structure your activities as much as possible in order to manage everything and avoid getting into unpleasant situations.

Confidentiality of information

Business interaction etiquette implies that all available information that is of undeniable importance should not be disclosed to third parties. Outsiders should not have anything to do with what is happening at all and should not know any details of the business transactions taking place. Data confidentiality helps make the process of business cooperation as convenient and mutually beneficial as possible. If you do not pay enough attention to the issue of business etiquette, you can find yourself in a very awkward and difficult situation.

In the sphere of business relations, you cannot demonstrate to others your Bad mood. Even if you are really worried about personal experiences, you need to try to forget about them for a while. There is simply no place for them in the world of business relationships. No one is interested in experiences that are not related to work and directly to the activity itself. Friendliness – important aspect etiquette, it should never be overlooked. You should be friendly with work colleagues, business partners and all people with whom you interact. You need to treat criticism in a businesslike manner, remembering that it is aimed at improving the quality of work, and not at insulting or offending you personally.

Dress Code Compliance

Business interaction involves following a certain style of clothing for employees. It is unacceptable to choose clothes based solely on your taste. You cannot wear clothes of a different style than is customary in the field of specific business cooperation. Such behavior can greatly irritate colleagues and superiors. Compliance with a certain code of dress will characterize you with the best side, demonstrate that you understand where and why you came.

Speech control

Business etiquette means that you need to think carefully about your speech. Before saying anything out loud, it is better to make sure that the chosen phrases are correct and their semantic meaning. Speech control allows you to achieve a positive effect in negotiations and avoid awkward situations that may accidentally arise under the influence of emotions.

Thus, business communication etiquette implies adherence to certain standards of behavior. These rules are not written down anywhere, but everyone knows them and tries to follow them in order not to get into an awkward position or find themselves in an ambiguous situation. Etiquette helps people maintain a certain distance in relation to each other and fully concentrate on the tasks at hand.

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