Is there a library in the zoological museum? Meet the mammoth at the museum on Bolshaya Nikitskaya

Zoological Museum of Moscow State University. M.V. Lomonosov is the oldest and largest university museum in Russia. Founded in 1791 as a Cabinet natural history at the Moscow Imperial University. By the end of the 19th century, the number of exhibits in its collections was so large that in order to house them, according to the design of academician of architecture K.M. Bykovsky, a special building was built on Bolshaya Nikitskaya Street, striking with its beauty even the most sophisticated viewer.

Museum visitors can expect an extensive exhibition of approximately 10,000 exhibits, illustrating the diversity of the living world of the planet: representatives of all groups of animals, from single-celled organisms to birds and mammals. Animals are arranged in a systematic order, type by type, order by order, in accordance with ideas about the degree of their relationship and the course of evolution. The traditional order of arranging exhibits in accordance with the natural system has been preserved, which makes it possible to easily navigate in any section of the collection.

Guests are greeted by the two largest exhibits, located in the museum lobby. Near the stairs leading to the halls of the second floor, there is a skeleton of a woolly mammoth, one of the few exhibits of the Zoological Museum, which cannot formally be classified as modern fauna. This skeleton is authentic, one of the most complete mammoth skeletons stored in natural science museums in Russia. To the right of the lobby on the way to the Lower Hall of the museum is a stuffed Indian elephant Molly, a favorite of visitors to the Moscow Zoo in the last century.

The main variety of animals, from single-celled animals to reptiles, is concentrated in the Lower Hall, on the first floor of the museum. There are exhibitions of insects, lower chordates, fish, amphibians and reptiles, invertebrates, as well as display cases with the most new part permanent museum exhibition - the exposition “Communities of hydrothermal vents”.

Above it is the Upper Hall, which is entirely dedicated to an exhibition telling about the diversity of birds and mammals. Most of the exhibits are arranged in accordance with their systematic position, but there are also separate biogroups where animals and birds are presented in their natural habitat.

Also on the second floor is the Hall of Comparative Anatomy (the so-called Bone Hall), the exhibition of which is devoted to issues of the evolutionary morphology of vertebrates, i.e. changes in their structure during historical development.

In the corridor of the second floor there is an exhibition “The Zoological Museum in the History of Moscow University: Collections and People”, dedicated to the history of the museum from its founding in 1791 to the present day.

The foyer and halls of the museum are decorated with more than a hundred paintings and panels by famous animal artists, works of art which are complemented and illustrated by groups of natural objects in natural environment a habitat.

The Zoological Museum of Moscow University has the status of scientific and educational institution. It conducts intensive scientific work, leading experts are studying various aspects of the diversity of modern animals. Experienced guides conduct excursions and interactive activities designed for visitors of different ages. The museum has a lecture hall, where food is prepared and served for our young guests and their parents. popular form important biological information, as well as unique popular science lectures designed for the widest audience. At the museum there is a circle of young naturalists in which the children receive not only theoretical knowledge in zoology, but also regularly go on field practice. Also on weekends, the Scientific Terrarium is open with an extensive collection of live reptiles, where you can hold a live agama in your hands or feed a chameleon, and terrarium lecturers talk in detail about the animals presented.

Address: st. Bolshaya Nikitskaya, 6

Operating mode:

The museum is open to the public from 10.00 to 18.00 (the ticket office is open until 17:00)

Day off - Monday

Sanitary day is the last Tuesday of every month

Ticket prices:

for schoolchildren, students and pensioners - 50 rubles.

for adults - 200 rub.

History of the museum.

Research Zoological Museum of Moscow State University. M.V. Lomonosov traces its ancestry to the Cabinet of Natural History, founded at the Moscow Imperial University in 1791. Initially, the Cabinet was replenished mainly through private donations: among the most significant are the collection of the Semiatic Cabinet of Natural History and the Museum of P.G. Demidova.

Almost all museum collections universities died in the Moscow fire of 1812; Only a small part of the corals and mollusk shells has survived. In the 20s, a zoological collection was separated from the restored Cabinet, which formed the basis of the museum of the same name, located in the new university classroom building ( former house Pashkova). The principle of organization was systematic, intended to illustrate the natural system of animals. In 1822, the first inventory of the museum's collections was published, which included more than 1 thousand specimens of vertebrates and about 20 thousand specimens of invertebrate animals.

From 1804 to 1832 The museum was headed by the outstanding zoologist G.I. Fischer - student of K. Linnaeus, author of the first scientific works on the fauna of Russia. In 1832 he developed a project for organizing National Museum natural history in Moscow on the model of classical national museums France, England and Germany. However, this project was not accepted (there is still no museum of this type in Russia).

In 1837-1858 the museum was headed by K.F. Roulier is the founder of the Russian school of ecologists. He paid main attention to the study of domestic fauna, attached great importance collection of serial materials, not only on modern, but also on fossil animals. Thanks to following this concept, by the end of the 50s. the museum has already accumulated more than 65 thousand copies.

Big role Prof. played a role in the development of the Zoological Museum. A.P. Bogdanov, who led it from 1863 to 1896. During this period, the funds were divided into exhibition, educational and scientific, and systematic accounting work with them began. In 1866, the museum was opened as a public museum; by the end of the century, its exhibition was visited by up to 8,000 people a year.

In 1898-1901, especially for the Zoological Museum, which was headed by prof. A.A. Tikhomirov, according to the project of academician Bykhovsky, a building was erected on the corner of Bolshaya Nikitskaya Street. and Dolgorukovsky (Nikitsky) lane, preserved without structural changes to this day. In 1911, a new systematic exhibition was opened to the public in the Upper Hall.

In the 20s, the building housed the working premises of the Research Institute of Zoology, Plavmornin, and from 1930 - services and divisions of the newly organized Biological Faculty of Moscow University, into the structure of which the museum itself was introduced. During these years (from 1904 to 1930) the museum was headed by prof. G.A.Kozhevnikov. Under him, zoological scientists were formed within the walls of the museum, whose works subsequently received worldwide recognition: specialists in invertebrate animals, Acad. L.A.Zenkevich, prof. Borutsky; entomologists prof. B.B. Roddendorf, prof. E.S. Smirnov; ichthyologist academician L.S. Berg; ornithologists prof. G.P. Dementyev, prof. N.A. Bobrinskaya, prof. N.A.Gladkov; theriologists prof. S.I.Ognev, prof. V.G. Geptner. In 1931, the Zoological Museum was transferred to the jurisdiction of the Museum Department of the People's Commissariat for Education (until 1939) and received the name "Central State Zoological Museum". The volume of scientific funds in the early 40s. reached 1.2 million copies.

In July 1941, all museum halls were closed. Part of the scientific collections was evacuated to Ashgabat, the rest were placed in the Lower Hall. In March 1942, both halls on the second floor were opened to the public, and in 1945, the lower floor was also opened. The evacuated funds were returned in 1943. In the 50s. The main event was the release of the museum building from the services of the Biological Faculty in connection with its move to the new building of Moscow State University on the Lenin Hills, which made it possible to significantly improve the placement of scientific collections.

In the 70-80s. (director O.L. Rossolimo) the museum has undergone a complete reconstruction. By freeing the “wings” of the building occupied by residential premises, the storage area was increased and the exhibition halls were unloaded.

The scientific part of the museum.

The scientific part of the museum currently includes 7 sectors: zoology of invertebrate animals, entomology, ichthyology, herpetology, ornithology, theriology, evolutionary morphology. The number of scientific staff is 26 people. Among them are the world's leading specialists in the taxonomy of individual taxa of shellless and testate mollusks, crustaceans, mites, Coleoptera and Diptera insects, gobiids, and desert rodents. The main direction of research is the analysis of the structure of taxonomic diversity, including systematics, phylogenetics, and faunistics. Developments in the field of theoretical taxonomy are underway. Every year the works of the museum are published under the general title “Research on Fauna” (34 volumes were published), scientific monographs are published (for last years at least 20, among them the fundamental summary “Mammals of Eurasia”), catalogs of collections (primarily type ones, also the Demidov collection of mollusks), methodological manuals for their storage. With the support of the museum, 4 scientific journals in the field of zoology are published.

Museum funds.

In terms of holdings, the Zoological Museum of Moscow State University is among the top ten largest museums world in this profile, ranks second in Russia (after the Zoological Institute of the Russian Academy of Sciences in St. Petersburg). Its scientific collections currently include more than 4.5 million storage units. The annual increase in scientific collections is about 25-30 thousand units. xp, and a significant contribution is made by branch institutes of the Russian Academy of Sciences of Problems of Evolution and Ecology, Oceanology, Geography, etc. The most extensive collections are entomological (about 3 million, of which over 1 million are beetles); The collections of mammals (200 thousand) and birds (140 thousand) are very significant. Of the regions, the Palearctic is most fully represented.

Of particular scientific importance is the collection of type specimens (about 7 thousand items), documenting the discovery of animal taxa new to science - species and subspecies, of which more than 5 thousand have been described based on the museum’s collections throughout its history.

Of great historical value are: a collection of mollusk shells that belonged to P.G. Demidov, with whom the Cabinet of Natural History began; G. Fischer's collection of insects, which served as the basis for his famous “Entomography”; a few exhibits of birds and mammals, which in the times of G. Fischer and C. Roulier were demonstrated in classes with students and public lectures (for example, the skull of a mountain gorilla, which has inventory No. 1); fees N.A. Severtsov and A.P. Fedchenko of the second half of the last century, who organized the first systematic studies of mountain areas Central Asia.

Among the more recent acquisitions, the world-famous collections of beetles by V.I. are of great importance for systematics research. Mochulsky and butterflies A.V. Tsvetaeva; a collection of terrestrial and marine invertebrates collected by Semper at the end of the last century in the Philippines and until recently considered lost; collections of mammals and birds from the Peruvian Amazon, Vietnam, Mongolia; oological collection of Palaearctic birds.


The museum's scientific library contains about 200 thousand items. mainly specialized publications on zoology. Among the especially valuable ones are lifetime editions of the late 18th - early XIX centuries C. Linnaeus, J.-B. Lamarck, G. Fischer. The attraction of the library is books and prints from the personal collections of zoologists S.I. Ogneva, N.I. Plavilshchikova, G.P. Dementieva and others.


The modern exhibition includes about 7.5 thousand exhibits. General principle its structure has been kept the same: two halls are dedicated to the systematic part, one is evolutionary-morphological. The Lower Hall houses invertebrates, fish, amphibians and reptiles. In the Upper Hall there are birds and mammals. Key Concept systematic exhibition - demonstration of the taxonomic diversity of animals of the world fauna. The purpose of the evolutionary exhibition is to demonstrate the operation of the basic laws and rules of macro-evolutionary transformations of morphological structures.

The exhibition features mainly representatives mass species. Along with this, there are also unique objects: for example, a complete skeleton of a Steller's cow, a stuffed passenger pigeon (both of these species were exterminated by humans 200 years ago). Among the exhibits that especially attract visitors are two stuffed giant pandas - one of the rarest animals, a collection of very bright and large tropical butterflies and beetles; finally, openwork skeletons of vertebrates made about 100 years ago.

The exhibition is based on natural objects: stuffed animals and skeletons of terrestrial vertebrates, complete specimens of fish, amphibians and aquatic invertebrates fixed in alcohol, dried and straightened insects. Elements of the landscape principle are also used: some objects are mounted on imitations of a natural substrate. Natural objects are accompanied by diagrams and texts, carrying information about the taxonomic position, distribution, features of biology and morphology, principles of action of individual morphological structures.

Many stuffed animals and preparations are decades old. They were made by such outstanding taxidermists as F. Lorenz, and later - V. Fedulov, N. Nazmov, V. Radin.

The museum has an art fund that includes more than 400 drawings and paintings by outstanding Russian animal artists: V.A. Vatagina, A.N. Komarova, N.N. Kondakova, G.E. Nikolsky and others. Some of the paintings are on permanent display.

Working with visitors. Museum for children.

Scientific and educational work on the basis of the exposition is carried out by the excursion and exposition department with 10 employees. Every year, the museum's exposition is visited by 190-200 thousand people, about 1,700 excursions are organized on 15-18 topics.

Operates on the basis of the lecture hall Education Centre"Planetarium". Lectures are developed and given by scientific experts in relevant fields of knowledge. Their topics cover biology, history, art, and architecture.

The museum runs a zoological club for high school students. Classes are held on the basis of the museum's stock collections, lectures on the evolution and biology of animals, and field trips.

The museum is open daily except Mondays from 10 a.m. to 6 p.m.

Address: 103009 Moscow K-9, st. Bolshaya Nikitskaya, 6.
Contact phone: 203-89-23.

The Zoological Museum of Moscow State University on Bolshaya Nikitskaya is the largest exhibition center in the capital.

It gives you the opportunity to appreciate how diverse the animal world is.

The building is located in the city center. WITH official information can be found on the museum website.

In contact with

History of origin

It was founded in 1791. At first, at the capital’s university there was a small office where natural history was studied. In fact, a small exhibition was set up here a third of a century later, and it was called the “mineralogy cabinet.”

But when biological specimens were presented among the exhibition specimens, they were used to create a natural history cabinet. The head of the department was Ivan Andreevich Sibirsky.

It is important to know: P.G. made a great contribution to the formation of exhibits. Demidov, who at the beginning of the 19th century donated magnificent exhibits and a library to the center.

The first inventory of the new property dates back to 1806-1807. But a fire in 1812 caused great damage to the complex, its property was almost destroyed.

G.I. Fisher began active restoration; he attracted a large number of collectors and naturalists, and after some time the fund consisted of six thousand exhibits.

And six years later, the center’s property doubled.

By the beginning of the 30s. In the 19th century, the collection volume consisted of 25 thousand items. The building on Bolshaya Nikitskaya Street was built at the beginning of the 20th century. The project for it was developed by K.M. Bykovsky. And by the 30s. last century, the institution was transferred to the Biological Faculty of Moscow State University.


The exhibition in this case represents almost ten thousand copies. It begins with single-celled organisms, shown through artificial modeling, and ends with large reptiles and bison.

The lower hall, located on the 1st floor, displays a wide variety of animals. Visitors can see here both a single-celled organism and a large reptile.

The number of exhibits is so huge that you could spend several days exploring. The 2nd floor is occupied by the upper hall, which is completely “populated” by birds and mammals. There is also a Bone Hall here. The exhibition in this case provides an overview of the animals from the inside. Visitors here can see:

  • mammoth skeleton;
  • fake rhinoceros;
  • fake elephant;
  • fake hippopotamus;
  • stuffed crocodile and boa constrictor.

For visitors who want to learn more about animals, the staff of the establishment organizes lectures. They are carried out taking into account children's age characteristics.

On weekends, the Biolektorium gives fascinating lectures for children and parents. The lobby and exhibition spaces display paintings by famous animal painters. There are works here:

  • V.A. Vatagina;
  • N.N. Kondakova and others.

What interesting things you should know about the zoo museum:

  • The symbol of the museum is the Russian muskrat, listed in the Red Book of Russia. She is depicted on the emblem;
  • The entomology department has a collection of 4 million insect specimens;

  • In addition to lectures, the institution’s staff conducts interactive classes for children of different age groups and organize children's birthday parties;
  • Every Saturday and Sunday “Biolectory” holds lectures for parents with children aged five years and older. The features and secrets of biology are presented here in an easy, relaxed manner;
  • The museum has a “Scientific Terrarium” that introduces visitors to the peculiarities of the life of reptiles. The opening hours of the “Scientific Terrarium” are from 11.00 to 17.00 on weekends. You will need a separate ticket to visit it. The price of such a ticket includes not only an exciting narrative, but also the opportunity to hold rare animals in your hands;

Interesting fact: at the end of the last century, the institution was given the name Research Zoological Museum of Lomonosov Moscow State University. After numerous changes of status, this name is still valid.

  • A youth club was organized for high school and college students; it is based on the original development of researcher E. Dunaev.


The exhibition complex is located at the address: Moscow, Bolshaya Nikitskaya street, building 6. It is not difficult to find. It is located directly in the center of the capital.

Having taken the metro to the Library named after. Lenin" or "Okhotny Ryad", you need to head to house No. 6 on Bolshaya Nikitskaya Street (this is the former Herzen Street). The location you are looking for is located nearby and can be reached in less than ten minutes.

Operating mode

From 10 a.m. to 5 p.m., it is open to visitors. Mondays only - days off. The last Tuesday of the month is also non-working.

Ticket prices

For adult visitors, the ticket price is 200 rubles. For children school age, students and pensioners have a discounted price of 50 rubles.

Children under seven years of age have the opportunity to visit exhibitions without tickets. This is also allowed for persons belonging to preferential categories.

If you come with the whole family or a group, you can book an excursion. For a group of 7 people it will cost 1,500 rubles.

If you arrive without a group, but want to ask for a guide, then just purchase a ticket for 250 rubles. for an adult and 100 rub. for a child and join any large excursion group.

At Russian Academy Sciences there is a Zoological Museum, which is the largest in our country both in terms of territory and in terms of the volume of funds. Second place is firmly held by a similar institution at Moscow State University. The Zoological Museum is not one of the ten largest similar institutions in the world.

Famous philanthropists of Russia

The story of its creation is as follows. In 1802, the state issued an appeal for donations for education. Among the first to respond was the learned naturalist and philanthropist Pavel Grigorievich Demidov (1739-1821), a descendant of a famous dynasty. His ascetic activity was very extensive - at his own expense, in 1803 he opened a school of higher sciences, which bore his name until 1919. At the same time, he donates funds in the amount of 100,000 rubles, an extensive library and the natural science collection he collected while traveling around the world to the future Moscow State University. The Zoological Museum will be created thanks to these donations. In addition, in 1805, P. G. Demidov transferred the Mints-office to Moscow University, which contained the richest collections (several thousand) of medals and coins. These treasures subsequently formed the main fund of the “cabinet of natural history” formed earlier, in 1791.

Professional approach

In 1755, by decree of the Empress, the Imperial Moscow University - MSU was founded. The Zoological Museum is 36 years younger, which does not prevent it from being considered one of the oldest natural science organizations. He turned 215 years old.

After the funds of the “cabinet of natural history” were significantly replenished through the efforts of philanthropist P. G. Demidov, the need arose to systematize them. This important task was entrusted to the already well-established (he compiled an inventory of a similar office in Paris) Russian naturalist G.I. Fischer ( full name- Grigory Ivanovich (Johann Gottgelf, Gotthelf) Fischer von Waldheim, years of life - 1771-1853). A student and follower of the author of the dissertation “On the Respiration of Animals,” G. I. Fischer rejected the offer of the Friedrich Schiller University of Jena, which invited him to systematize his “cabinet of natural history,” and remained in Moscow, at the future Moscow State University. The Zoological Museum was created through his efforts.

Ascetic activity

In 1806-1807, he carried out the first inventory of all collections, including coins and medals. As you know, in 1812 Moscow burned. A lot of buildings were destroyed in this fire; the priceless collections of the future Zoological Museum were almost completely destroyed. And the Russian patriot Grigory Ivanovich Fischer, who managed to save part of the conchological collection (shells and mollusks) during the fire, began to restore the “office”, transferring his own collections, collections and library to it. Then, using his personal authority and fame in scientific circles, he turned to naturalists and curators of private collections with a request for help in restoring the lost museum, the revival of which could be discussed already in 1814. The second inventory, carried out by G.I. Fisher, was completed in 1822, and its data were published. Simultaneously with the systematization of funds, a zoological collection was allocated, and new museum at the university was created only on its basis. By 1830, thanks to the selfless activity of G.I. Fisher, the number of exhibits reached 25 thousand units.

Necessary reconstruction

The next improvement was carried out already in 1860. Then all the museum’s funds were divided into educational, scientific and exhibition. For visitors, the future Zoological Museum of Moscow State University named after. Lomonosov opened in 1866. Of course, throughout the years of its existence it developed dynamically, and by the end of the century the premises allocated for it became cramped. And therefore, in 1989-1902, a new specialized three-story building was built for the museum according to the design of the academician, hereditary architect K. M. Bykovsky, at that time the chief architect of Moscow University. He built university buildings on Bolshaya Nikitskaya, in addition to the Zoological Museum, K. M. Bykovsky erected a library and buildings of several faculties.

A beautiful building made in classic style, located in the heart of the capital. The nearest metro stations are Biblioteka im. Lenin" and "Okhotny Ryad". The museum moved into it from the old building on Mokhovaya. After the move, the museum became public only in 1911.

In 1930, the Zoological Museum of Moscow State University in Moscow was given over to the Faculty of Biology. A serious reorganization took place in the 90s of the last century. After all the ordeals, the museum acquires independent status. Today its scientific funds reach several million units.

It is visited by up to 150,000 people a year, the number of excursions conducted during the same time reaches 1,700. More refined and extensive information on each type of scientific collections is widely available. Three well-equipped observation rooms are given to visitors - two on the first floor, one (Bone Hall) on the second. All collections are arranged according to species proximity, from protozoa to vertebrates.

Serious scientific research

The Research Zoological Museum of Moscow State University carries out serious work - it studies and systematizes knowledge about animals in general, and modern ones in particular. Therefore, out of the available 10 million exhibits, only 8 are exhibited, among which there are unique representatives of the world fauna, for example, the largest and heaviest Goliath beetle and hundreds of other one-of-a-kind specimens. It is not surprising that Muscovites begin to visit this museum at a very at a young age- people come here with one-year-old children and are satisfied with the excursion. The Zoological Museum, about which most people have the most positive reviews, is really very good, keeps up with the times, providing all the “tricks” that can attract and interest as much as possible larger number visitors. And the tour guides here are extraordinary people. But always, when visiting any museum in the world, there will be people who think that the guides speak quietly and the exhibits are covered with dust. The photo shows that this is not the case.

Ticket prices, reviews, interesting facts

Make sure it's colorful and high level collections can be seen by visiting the museum. The ticket price is only 100 rubles for a child in an excursion group of at least 20 people. For an adult with excursion service - 250 rubles, without excursion - 200. There is a flexible system of benefits, free days for special categories of citizens and one free night per year.

Periodic exhibitions are very interesting. Some visitors buy tickets in advance with prepayment. It remains to add a few interesting facts- for some time, Marina Tsvetaeva lived in the apartment of Professor A.N. Severtsev, located in the building of the museum, which was the founder of the evolutionary morphology of animals. And he himself served as the prototype of the hero " Fatal eggs» M. A. Bulgakova.

There are different museums in Moscow. The Zoological attracts a large number of visitors every day. It will appeal to adults and children of all ages. It should be visited by every tourist who comes to admire the capital of Russia.

For nature lovers

The Zoological Museum in Moscow will not leave indifferent those visitors who love nature. Initially, upon opening (1791), this institution was given the name “Cabinet of Natural History”. Then it belonged to the Moscow Imperial University.

Ordinary citizens got the opportunity to visit the museum and get acquainted with its exhibitions in 1866, i.e. 75 years after its creation. In 1902, a complex of buildings was erected (designed by architect K.M. Bykovsky), of which the museum became a part. The buildings of the institutes (Botanical and Zoological), which were also built in this quarter after many years, were converted into buildings for the Faculty of Psychology of Moscow State University.

Exterior of the building

It is easy to notice that the design of the monumental building of the Zoological Museum contains classical motifs; the authors used them on the walls as decorations. volumetric images(bas-reliefs). Attracted with his appearance all tourists Zoological Museum in Moscow. Photos of the establishment were used to design guidebooks and advertise the capital’s attractions.

After the country established Soviet authority, the museum again changed its status, it was annexed to the Moscow state university as one of the departments of the Faculty of Biology.

Finally, when radical transformations (perestroika) took place in the USSR, which ultimately led to its collapse, the museum also received the status of an independent institution - a research institute.

By the beginning of the 30s. In the 19th century, the collection volume consisted of 25 thousand items. The building on Bolshaya Nikitskaya Street was built at the beginning of the 20th century. The project for it was developed by K.M. Bykovsky. And by the 30s. last century, the institution was transferred to the Biological Faculty of Moscow State University.

Almost all representatives of the fauna are reflected in the museum’s exhibitions. At one time there were skeletons of fossil animals here, but one day a reasonable decision was made that it would be better to give them to the Paleontological Museum. Only the remains of a mammoth were left. The scientific and auxiliary fund of the museum has created excellent conditions for zoologists to work with stuffed animals and maintain these exhibits in good condition. Thanks to the efforts of the museum staff, the stuffed animals are almost indistinguishable from living wild animals in the natural environment. Among such a class of attractions as museums in Moscow, the Zoological Museum has a special status. Children and their parents love him.

The arrangement of the exhibits demonstrates strict scientific reasonable system, i.e. all of them are arranged and distributed in accordance with the classes and orders that exist in the animal world. The Lower, Upper and Bone halls of the museum contain the following zoological collections:

  • The class of invertebrates and arachnids, which, in particular, are represented by interesting collections of mollusks and controversial spiders, totals 1.5 million specimens.
  • The amazing butterflies are of interest. In total - about 4 million copies.
  • Class amphibians and reptiles.
  • A class of fish, the collection of which contains slightly fewer specimens than the similar one in the Academy of Sciences.
  • The class of birds, the collection is in second place in the country in terms of number.
  • Class mammals.

Mostly the exhibits - over 7 thousand - are concentrated in the display windows of the halls. There are a small number of specimens in the museum's reserves that are used exclusively for rental purposes, for example, they participate as characters in the filming of films or are shown at traveling exhibitions. The Zoological Museum in Moscow regularly replenishes its collections. That's why it's never boring there.

Educational excursions

Museum visitors have the opportunity to choose how best to familiarize themselves with the exhibits. Some of them slowly walk around and look around, while others decide that it is better to use the service of a guide. In the latter case, you can get much more interesting information. For some time now, visitors have been given the opportunity to capture what they see in photographs, although the lighting of the premises is not very conducive to this. The Darwin Museum has no less fascinating excursions, which are conducted in an interactive form; in addition, you can admire animal mummies. Museums in Moscow are developing rapidly.

The Zoological University offers many thematic excursions, most of which are designed for students. The information is not only interesting in itself. She can complement educational material, including courses “Birds of the forest, taiga”, “ Animal world Australia", "Beasts of the Moscow Region". Students junior classes listen with genuine interest to the guides’ stories on the topic “Animals in Kipling’s fairy tales.” Most children watched the cartoon "Mowgli" and read a book about this character.

The museum has a “Biolectorium”. Educational material will broaden the horizons of school students who study biology in depth. All school institutions try to encourage their students to visit museums in Moscow. Zoological is loved by biology and anatomy teachers.

Going to museums is not only an interesting time spent. It’s better to see stuffed animals with your own eyes once (the only pity is that you can’t pet them), to hear fascinating stories from the lips of a guide, than, for example, to look at pictures on monitors or TV screens many times.

Address of the Zoological Museum

According to statistics, over 200 thousand visitors manage to visit the museum every year. It is located at st. Bolshaya Nikitskaya, 6 (next to the Lermontov House-Museum and the Tsvetaeva House-Museum). To do this, you need to take the metro to the Lenin Library or Okhotny Ryad station. Then turn in the direction of Mokhovaya Street and walk just a block until Bolshaya Nikitskaya Street appears.

Be sure to visit this exhibition when you are in Moscow. Address (Museum "Zoological") - st. d.6. Ticket price: 50-250 rubles.

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