Ensuring personal safety in criminal situations. Emergency situations of a criminal nature and protection from them. Rules of conduct in situations of a criminal nature

To act adequately in extreme situation, the following action plan should be followed whenever possible:

1. Before making any decision, analyze the situation in which you find yourself.

2. Try, as far as possible, to evaluate the person opposing you, paying attention directly to his physical and mental characteristics, mood and possible behavioral characteristics.

Many people leave their personal security to chance, believing that a hack, natural disaster or other security crisis cannot happen to them. This is a dangerous mindset because it can leave you ill-prepared for an emergency. Unfortunately, no amount of preparation will protect you from every possibility of becoming a victim, but there are steps you can take to help you stay safe. happens to you, your home and your family.

Security plan in residential buildings necessary to protect your home, family and valuables from intruders. IN effective program To ensure residential security, all entrances will have high quality locks, including doors, garage doors and gates. Get used to having your doors locked at all times, even when you are at home and you have locks located throughout your home. Never leave keys hidden outside your home and instead give a spare copy to a trusted friend or family member.

3. Put yourself in a state that will allow you not only to act, but also to think.

4. Determine the tactics of your behavior depending on the total amount of information received by you and behave in accordance with it.

Many people make one of two mistakes - they overestimate their capabilities, or greatly underestimate them. Both of these make you a potential victim. Therefore, it is necessary to be able to distinguish between real and imaginary dangers, correctly evaluate people and control oneself.

Residential development plans are also necessary to ensure that your valuables and belongings are safe from natural and other natural Disasters. Make sure there is at least one fire extinguisher on every floor of your home and that everyone in your family knows how to use it. If you have one, make sure it's working properly. Test your smoke detectors periodically to ensure they are in proper working order and keep flashlights convenient places around the house.

Your behavior is also an important part of your home security system. Establish safe routines and change your daily habits to avoid predictability. Get to know your neighbors, and if any unusual activity is detected in your area, report it to law enforcement immediately.

You need to choose the line of behavior that your attackers least expect from you:

Absolutely never provoke the enemy to escalate the conflict, do not respond with rudeness to rudeness, or with insult for insult.

Do not enter into any disputes or conflicts

You cannot underestimate the attacker and treat him leniently. Consider him a dangerous opponent and be prepared to defend yourself

Home security while you're away

Door locks. Choosing the best door lock for your home. Improving home security.

  • Children and Neighborhood Safety - Tips for Parents.
  • Home safety.
  • Tips to prevent burglaries in your home.
  • Preserving your home.
  • Tips - from consumer reports.
The security of your home is especially important when you plan to be away for a period of time. long period time. Make sure your neighbors and local authorities know when you plan to leave, but don't let your holiday pay or travel plans were well known.

Always look into the eyes of the person you are talking to. If you are shouted at, respond quietly and calmly. The tone must be firm, but at the same time not aggressive. Try to appear confident in yourself and your actions

If you have no chance of relying on your own strength or help, try to escape

Assess the scene, choose the most advantageous position for you (take into account possible escape routes, and also the use of improvised means - a bottle, a stick, heavy objects). When moving, try not to leave the enemy behind you. From a tactical point of view, it is more advantageous to turn your back to the wall.

Arrange for a co-worker or friend to pick up the mail to prevent your home from looking deserted, as burglars often target homes in which newspapers accumulate in the front step. It is important that your home is properly locked and secured when you are gone, even if you plan to be gone for a short period of time. Lock and lock all your doors, and purchase lights with timers that automatically turn on throughout the night. Consider investing in good quality to properly monitor your residence while you're there and look into a smartphone-controlled system like these that can help you keep an eye on the security of your home while you're there.

Terrorist attack

General safety rules

It is impossible to prepare for a terrorist attack in advance, so you should always be on guard. Particular caution should be exercised at crowded events with thousands of participants, in popular entertainment venues, and hypermarkets.

1. Pay attention to suspicious people, objects, and any suspicious little things. Report anything suspicious to law enforcement officials.

It is important to protect yourself from theft of your security footage. Protect your home while you're out and about - How to keep your home safe while you're gone. Home Safety and Security - Tips for keeping your home safe while traveling. Do and don't. Myths about home safety. Keep your home safe by avoiding these myths. Holiday Home Security. . When developing any personal safety program, it is important that you raise your children well so that they know how to keep themselves safe when you are not around.

2. Never accept packages or bags from strangers, or leave your luggage unattended.

3. The family must have an emergency action plan; all family members must have telephone numbers and email addresses written down.

4. You must designate a place where you can meet your family members in an emergency.

At home, this means that your children should never acknowledge that no adult lives at home when talking to strangers. Your children should know all the important emergency phone numbers and how to use your home and cell phones, and they need to know how to say no and avoid strangers.

Children also need to know how to behave in case of emergency. Practice exercises with your children frequently about how to handle emergencies such as fires, tornadoes, and break-ins. Make sure your children know how to leave home safely in the event of one of these emergencies, and explain how they should seek help.

5. In case of evacuation, take with you a set of essential items and documents.

6. Always find out where the emergency exits from the premises are.

7. The house needs to strengthen and seal entrances to basements and attics, install an intercom, and clear stairwells and corridors of cluttering objects.

8. It is necessary to organize a watch for the residents of your house, who will regularly walk around the building, observing whether everything is in order, paying special attention to the appearance of unfamiliar faces and cars, unloading bags and boxes.

To avoid danger or reduce possible damage in the event of a terrorist attack, you need to follow simple rules

Children also need to learn about staying safe when using technology. Be wary of your older children and teens about blind dates and meeting people they don't know. Also teach them how to stay safe when using their cell phones, laptops, and other devices.

Preparing for children for children - Tips from the Canadian government. 112 for children - tips for teaching children to use.

  • Internet safety.
  • Tips for parents to keep children safe online.
  • Social security on the Internet.
  • Keeping children safe.
Surveillance is used to identify potential targets based on precautionary measures and can last for days or even weeks. Monitoring a person who has consistent routines and takes very few precautions usually takes less time than monitoring someone who constantly changes their schedule.

9. If there is an explosion, fire, or earthquake, never use the elevator.

10. Try not to panic, no matter what happens, remember that panic can provoke terrorists and accelerate the attack, as well as prevent the authorities from preventing a crime or reducing its consequences.

Behavior in a crowd

Terrorists often choose crowded places for attacks. In addition to the actual damaging factor of a terrorist act, people also die and are injured as a result of a stampede that arises as a result of panic. Therefore it is necessary to remember following rules crowd behavior:

Having an established procedure will make it easier for someone to keep tabs on you. Crime victimization - more high degree social vulnerability of the criminal, contributing to the commission of crimes against them under certain circumstances. However, one in seven respondents had previous experience of victimization. In our opinion, there is a threshold of acceptable victimization of the population of no more than 40% and does not depend on the level of crime in the calendar year or. As a rule, new people become victims of crime every year.

Reviticization affects 15% of citizens. The risk of becoming a victim of crime depends on the accuracy and timeliness of recognition of the sources and types of criminal threats. They showed rather stereotypical ideas about the threat of crime and showed disorientation in identifying their sources. Traditionally, people are wary of strangers, are suspicious of strangers, and may have criminal intentions; anxious stay in poorly visited places in the dark and the likelihood of ending up in unpredictable situations. Only 15% of respondents consider the source of victimization to be their own dangerous behavior.

1. Choose the safest place. It should be as far as possible from the middle of the crowd, stands, garbage containers, boxes, abandoned packages and bags, glass display cases, fences and fences.

2. If you panic, be sure to take off your tie and scarf.

3. When crushing, you need to free your hands from all objects, bend them at the elbows, and fasten your clothes with all the buttons.

Although public understanding of the sources of victimization is largely abstract and false. So, as far as we know, most people fear violent crime but actually experience hired crime. In the context of what was said to be expected, a place called criminal threat. Among them, streets and other public places, as well as markets, train stations, shopping centers, places of public recreation for citizens. This is an open area with free access to unspecified persons, where the main part accidental contact with strangers.

4. You cannot grab trees, poles, or fences.

5. We must try with all our might to stay on our feet.

6. If you fall, you need to curl up on your side, sharply pull your legs up, and try to rise in the direction of the crowd.

7. Do not attract attention to yourself with provocative statements and shouting slogans.

8. Do not approach aggressive individuals or groups of individuals.

However, most of them are protected from the criminal attacks that citizens feel in their homes and workplaces. In light of the worsening situation of widespread theft from houses and other buildings, these opinions seem doubtful. Thus, failure to timely and correctly identify the sources and types of criminal threats significantly increases the vulnerability of more than 60% of citizens to a criminal attack, demonstrating their inability to avoid dangerous situations and reluctance to defend against crime.

As a result, more and more people become victims of crime every year, creating their own behavior or falling into crime situation. The study refutes a strong correlation between adherence to personal safety rules and the likelihood of criminal violence. Thus, 42% of respondents stated that measures against crime are categorically protected, 41% generally follow these rules. Only 17% reported a security violation. This trend indicates a lack of clear understanding among citizens of the sources and types of criminal threats.

9. Do not interfere in ongoing skirmishes.

10. Try to leave the crowd.

Transport safety

To avoid danger or reduce possible damage in the event of a terrorist attack, you need to follow simple rules.

1. Notify the driver, police officers or

2. station duty officers about detected suspicious objects

They only have a general idea. The population has the opinion that victimization behavior must necessarily be of an obvious and provocative nature, understood by the general public. So when people with so-called “moderate risks” are considered the norm, there is little cause for alarm.

The victim survey asked citizens about the criteria by which offenders select crime victims. Among these victims are: coincidence - 27%; inattention in in public places- 25%; living in crime-prone areas - 3%; obvious signs provocative behavior - 1%. Most of them clearly demonstrate their attitude towards crime victims and their participation in decision-making in criminal cases, and answer questions about whether their victims feel guilty. Slightly more than half of respondents consider themselves guilty.

3. or suspicious persons.

4. Those who are more likely to be attacked

5. dressed too flashily, wears a lot of jewelry or

6. military-style clothing and camouflage colors.

7. To avoid making yourself a target of terrorist fanatics,

8. Avoid discussion of political discussions, demonstrative

However, 44% expressed the opposite opinion. Despite the established proportion of citizens who become victims of crime every year, there has been a slight increase in the activity of their applicants. This The general trend greater public appeal to law enforcement and judicial authorities for redress and compensation. At the same time, in relation to the applicant, the activities of victims have a positive effect on the new procedural procedure for registering citizens. Given these arguments, suggesting a hidden reduction in crime in the country as a whole.

9. reading religious or pornographic publications.

10. If your vehicle is hijacked, try not to

11. attract to oneself special attention terrorists.

12. In the event of an assault, it is safest to lie on the floor, and if

13. This is impossible, you must stay away from the windows.

14. Anyone who holds a weapon in their hands is anti-terrorist

15. The group perceives him as a terrorist. Do not touch the weapon, or

16. other property of terrorists. If possible, try not

17. move until the operation is completely completed.

How to act in case of different types of attack.


During a robbery, it is better to calmly get everything valuable and hand it over to the criminal than to risk his life, causing aggression in him, this best plan actions if there is a group of criminals in front of you, and there are no people around.

Assault with intent to humiliate the victim

Attacks intended to humiliate the victim occur in Lately more often. These are beatings and rapes that are committed by criminals to increase their self-esteem. Therefore, evaluate the attacker, try to understand what motivates him.


Western psychologists have identified three types of motivation for rapists: anger, power and sadism.

1. If the motive for rape is anger, the offender is aggressive, angry, tries not to talk, and humiliates the victim. This type will try to tie you up and beat you, suppress you, his goal is to hurt you, to avenge himself.

A special group of negative impacts are represented by social dangers that are widespread in society and threaten people’s lives and health. The existence of these dangers is associated with the state of demographic processes and behavioral characteristics of individual people social groups. Social dangers are very numerous. These include wars and military conflicts, terrorism, criminalization of society, diseases, etc.

Rules of conduct in situations of a criminal nature

Criminal, criminogenic - means criminal. Compliance with basic rules safe behavior: to anticipate dangers, avoid them whenever possible, act competently and decisively - allows you to protect yourself from crimes.

It is much easier to anticipate a crime situation than to act in it.

The main condition for the safety of each of us is the ability to avoid direct contact with a person who can cause you any injury: physical, mental or spiritual. Most often, the criminal inflicts several criminal injuries on his victim. For example, wanting to take possession of property, a criminal intimidates the victim, humiliates her and can cause physical harm. It is necessary to follow the rules of safe behavior: anticipate and avoid dangerous situations and, if necessary, act wisely and decisively. In order to avoid becoming a victim of hooligans, robbers and maniacs, you must follow a number of rules.

1. Do not be alone on the street at night. If you must return late at night, call home and have an adult meet you.

2. Choose a safe route, without tempting yourself with the desire to “slip” through passageways or deserted streets.

3. It is safest to walk closer to the edge of the sidewalk towards the traffic and see approaching cars. If a car starts moving nearby, it is wiser to cross to the other side of the street.

4. Never, under any circumstances, get into a car with strangers or people you barely know.

5. Never go into other people's houses and apartments, even if they convincingly ask you for help. In such a situation, you can offer to call the police, rescue service or ambulance.

6. When approaching the entrance of the house, be as careful as possible, especially late in the evening or at night. Make sure no one is following you.

7. Do not enter the elevator with strangers. Do not stand directly in front of the elevator door, move a little to the side so that they cannot drag you into it.

8. If you notice that someone is following you, ring your neighbors' doors and call for help.

9. If no one is home except you, never open the door to strangers.

10. If you find yourself in an emergency situation - face to face with a criminal, you need to try to remember his signs, which can be used to detain him. For security reasons, we recommend that you: give money at the first request of a street robber; do not pull your bag towards you if it is snatched, do not get into arguments. Speak calmly and slowly and be confident. If possible, change your route and try to go to a safe place.

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