Eniology is a new science about energy-information exchange. Eniology as parascience

Olga Kostyuk 07.08.2017

Energy information channel, perceived by our multidimensional essence, is transformed by the physical plane - and transmitted to a living intelligent organism on planet Earth.

In other words, a person provides the Earth with a certain range of the energy-information spectrum. This is its purpose: a person existing in a time period - a century.

The quality of energy-information exchange between the Universe, man and Planet Earth depends on the state of human health.

The state of a person’s health depends on his awareness: what less people violates the laws of energy-information exchange, the less sick he is, the fewer problems he has.

That is, the more conscious a person lives, the better the state of not only his health, but also the health of the Earth, all Nature, the entire Universe.

A person needs to learn to live in the material world without causing harm to anyone, thereby maintaining the integrity of his immune shell, his energy-informational frame - maintaining his health.

It is necessary not only to know and understand this. It is vitally necessary to learn to live in harmony with oneself and with the world around us, to learn to live without violating the laws of energy-information exchange, to learn to live without harming anyone. That is, learn an eniological way of life, learn to live consciously.

Eniology as a way of life.

Here I would like to quote excerpts from an article by V.Yu. Rogozhkina “Alternative” - you can’t say better than Viktor Yuryevich!

"This article is intended only for those who are still able to think and analyze. The rest can not waste their precious time and leave it to watch numerous election videos, endless “soap” series and numerous “talk shows”

Only the laziest and most zombified are incapable, while others simply do not want to understand the realities of this world. They are satisfied with a fantastic life in places they have imagined and artificially created for them by aliens. virtual worlds divine dollar. And this despite the massive flow of information from various sources. Well, you can’t drag everyone into heaven by the ears. Yes, and you shouldn’t do this. Everyone had the same chance to grow wiser. And planet Earth is a living, intelligent organism that can support a maximum of 1 billion human population. And this is far from being their “golden billion” that the Freemasons so dream of.

It is too late to discuss how and why earthly civilization entered into a natural global crisis and, moreover, who is to blame for this. At one time, neither the Atlanteans nor the Lemurians managed to do this...

We are not the first on this planet. And only some of us have a chance to interrupt this process. Moreover, for the so-called “advanced” and “super-spiritual” of modern civilization, for those who consider themselves such, this chance is minimal.

Now, for those who will be able to survive the upcoming cataclysms, there is only one thing left: to generalize the entire positive experience an almost already lost civilization and discard everything negative - what actually led it to this death.

"Light at the end of the tunnel"

Is it possible that the entire civilization will quietly disappear into oblivion again, like a one-day butterfly and as has happened many times on this planet Earth?

Previous civilizations had options for survival. There are always options. All you need is the willpower to use them.

On the one hand, the Earth was a testing ground for certain aliens to extract minerals with the hands of the artificially created population of planet Earth and conduct medical and biological experiments on them.

But there is another aspect: some other Mind on Earth conducted a global experiment to identify the reasons for the sliding of an evolving civilization onto the path of global schizophrenia and complete degradation. Aliens and Freemasons are just the tools of this grand experiment.

Of course, I wouldn’t want to feel like experimental mice or rabbits.

How could it be different then?

Will it really remain the lot of people to extract minerals for aliens and constantly participate from generation to generation in medical and biological experiments?

The mind in the Universe regulates the balance in the processes of multidimensional energy-information exchange.

First, humanity needs to completely change the paradigm, the basis of the entire Worldview, and try to enter a state of symbiosis in life with the planet and nature, as, for example, mushrooms and trees, bees and flowers have been doing for millions of years...

But this cannot be realized under a social system called capitalism: profit at any cost, for the sake of profit, production for the sake of production, natural and labor resources, human factor…

A new paradigm and a completely different streamer of the future gradually began to emerge in fragments several thousand years ago. At first glance, these ideas suffered a complete collapse and centuries of general obscurantism and schizophrenia began again. But despite this, each of the small steamers gradually summed up and formed a new Event Field for the development of civilization.

The system did not take into account one of the most important properties Universe: multidimensionality of space and time. The system considered that through Masonic orthodox science all earthlings would think only in three-dimensional categories.

However, the original script failed. People realized that they were able to think in images and forms - the matter of higher metrics. And this is a unique property of the still pseudo-intelligent civilization of planet Earth, artificially created by aliens on the basis of carbon organics.

Thought image- matter of the mental plane.

Thought form– astral.

The difference can be explained following example. You heard the word “apple” and remembered the image of some abstract apple. This is a mental image.

Thought form- this is an idea of ​​a specific apple of a certain variety, degree of ripeness, taste, which you hold in your hand.

Thought image– this is an exit to the materialization of three-dimensional spaces.

Thought images and thought forms cannot be memorized like a prayer or magic spell. This is your personal creativity this moment time.

A thought form is like a “minimum” program, a thought image is a “maximum”. These are categories of spaces of higher metric and temporal spaces in relation to the one in which our mortal bodies live.

In higher metrics, the concepts of time, distance and mass completely lose their usual meaning in orthodox science. Therefore, manuscripts do not burn. Therefore, all the progressive ideas of the past have not sunk into oblivion. Outside of time and space in the global Information Field, everything was summed up and gained critical mass.

Something similar happens at the beginning of a summer rainstorm. The General Field of Events can be compared to a dusty road. First, the first scattered drops appear. Then there are more and more of them. Now the whole road is wet, and the first streams are flowing along it. But then the rain poured in and washed away all the dust and dirt from the road.

The end of obscurantism on Earth and the beginning of the Age of Reason will “wash away” all the dirt from general field Events.

Forceful methods of transitioning civilization to the path of sanity are excluded. Any war or revolution is a source of potential for earthlings for the System. Any military conflict once again demonstrates to the Supreme Mind of the Universe the impossibility of a pseudo-intelligent earthly civilization transitioning from the path of degradation to the path of evolution of intelligent civilization. There are no liberation or patriotic wars. Any war leads to degradation and loss of potential.

If earthlings had not cursed, but, on the contrary, had sincerely forgiven the aliens and the Masons, then their structure would have inevitably sunk into oblivion long ago.

Everyone just needs to realize the enormous power of the action of their thought images and thought forms.

In everyday life, each of you has definitely encountered this. And over many centuries this led to the birth of folk wisdom:

You can't speak badly about the dead.

You can't talk about someone behind their backs.

The road to hell is open with good intentions.

If they don't ask, don't interfere. Etc.

In all cases, the one you are talking about appears near you on the astral plane, and you, in turn, appear near the one you are talking about. This is the multidimensional basis of spiritualistic seances.

The aliens quite consciously introduced daily life earthlings magic: the unconscious inclusion of the actions of multidimensional processes of the Universe in the everyday life of three-dimensional earthly space-time.

Over the 25 years of work of the Scientific Research Center "ENIO", a total of 5 main nonsense in magical actions that allow aliens to use people in the Cosmic Donation program. At the same time, for the majority it is enough to commit at least one of the offenses:

1. - Summoning the spirits of the dead - spiritualism, or a prayer to the deceased.

2. - Fortune telling in any form, love spells and other magical actions– illiterate introduction of changes into the structure of the individual and general Field of Events. These changes fundamentally have negative consequences for all participants in the process. You have to pay for this with infertility, lack of personal life, oncology...

3. - Regret for dead people and animals. With your regrets you prevent the deceased from re-registering another birth. Diabetes, hernias, osteochondrosis, varicose veins, urolithiasis... are punishments for such an act.

4. - Abortion.

5. - In this case, the gestational age does not matter. Either way, it's murder. The children of those who are involved in this for the most part become infertile. Unborn children usually remain on the astral umbilical cord. As a result, women develop fibroids, polycystic diseases, fibroids..., men pay with problems with the prostate gland. Sympathy for other people's problems and intervention in their lives . In this case, an astral blow is unknowingly dealt to a person who is already in trouble for committing nonsense, or the possibility of entering birth is blocked. At the same time, the one who is sympathized with has every right

transfer your problems to a sympathizer. And interference in someone else's life results in stroke and paralysis. What in religions is called “God”, “Creator”, “Creator”... can be compared to rules traffic

- Traffic regulations. If you follow the law of the roads, you will drive without problems. No one can just get into an accident. If you hit it, it means there was a reason. This means that there was a violation of the Laws of energy-information exchange in the Universe. If you cross the road at a red light, it is no one's fault that you were hit by a car. In this case, it no longer makes any difference whether it was a bus or a truck. Traffic rules (God) do not punish anyone. A person punishes himself for his stupidity and violations of the multidimensional Laws of energy-information exchange in nature and society.

There are no people on Earth who do not make mistakes. Some people realize these mistakes, gain experience, and thereby normalize their Field of Events.

Collective awareness leads to correction and normalization of the general P.S.

That is, your thought forms are summarized in Information Fields, gain critical mass and, when released into materialization, change this world. On June 16, 1994, Comet Shoemaker–Levy began its fall toward Jupiter. Astrophysicists, after whom this comet was named, calculated the moment of the collision six months in advance and notified the whole world about it. After all, the fall of a comet of such mass and size onto a giant planet would inevitably cause a huge electromagnetic storm in solar system

. This should have led to a malfunction of all electronic equipment and mass insanity among earthlings.

But the rest of the planet's population did something inexplicable, from the point of view of orthodox science. The comet split into 16 fragments, which stretched out into a long chain. Therefore, the fall of these fragments lasted for several days. At the same time, the diameter of the craters in the atmosphere of Jupiter exceeded the size of the Earth.

After the fall of the first fragment on Jupiter, the mazar turned on - a synchronous-symphase coherent radio source of the most powerful modulated signal addressed outside the Solar system.

After the fall of the last fragment of the comet, the Mazar stopped working, and an X-ray pulsar turned on at the north pole of Jupiter with a period of 45 minutes - the duration of a school lesson. Apparently it still works.

The Universe, the Supreme Mind, tried to teach humanity another lesson, clearly demonstrating the work of the collective thought form.

Humanity has the colossal power of its mind, which is capable of stopping alien lawlessness on its planet once and for all.

Even if our civilization was created artificially several thousand years ago by aliens for their own purposes of extracting minerals and conducting medical and biological experiments.

The mind of civilization, despite all efforts, began to get out of the control of its owners. Maybe this is the purpose of a grand experiment Supreme Intelligence: creating unbearable conditions of global insanity on the planet? Can we assume that only in such agony is the birth of a truly intelligent civilization possible?

Well, if this is so, then all we have to do is justify the purpose of our birth.

For many, being a zombie and being controlled from the outside is much easier than believing in one’s own strength and taking responsibility for changing the realities of this world.

If you are tired of this centuries-old chaos of endless wars, revolutions, defaults and denominations, summits, corruption, crime..., believe in your strength, the power of your thought forms. Trust them to sync with others just like you.

Eniology, first of all, is “Safety Techniques” for survival in this wild world. This is the experience collected by our Center over 25 years continuous operation. And this experience is intended only for those who have not yet forgotten how to think and, to one degree or another, want to stop this chaos of aliens on the planet.

So, what needs to be done first:

Once again I would like to remind you that thought images and thought forms are your personal multidimensional creativity.

Here we present the main motives of these thought forms.

In your own words, with your thoughts, try to generate these thought forms yourself.

Choose a time when no one will disturb you. Sit comfortably, try to analyze your life, where you made mistakes, who you did bad to.

Try to forgive everyone and ask for forgiveness yourself from everyone who could ever suffer from your mistakes and stupidities.

Ask forgiveness from all the dead for the fact that their regrets and emotions prevented them from re-registering for the next incarnation. Wish them all wisdom and health in their next lives.

Wish all Masonic structures and the “divine trinity” reason and awareness. Try to forgive them all with all your heart. Somewhere, their weakness and their compulsion to do what they did can be understood.

Strictly demand from the aliens that they take away all their experimental programs and return your life and creative potential. In this case, the multidimensional Law of Preservation of Cause-Effect Relationships must be activated. Everyone should be responsible only for their own stupidities and mistakes.

Destruction has no right to a predatory existence. Planet Earth should be free from predators. Humanity must stop being the worst predator on the planet and must move to harmonious coexistence with the planet and nature.

It is completely prohibited for entities with any form of pathology to enter into birth: physical, moral, moral, ethical... Those going into birth throughout the entire Field of Events are required to undergo complete genetic and chromosomal control of the collective thought form of civilization and the planet. The area metacode determines and regulates the number of individuals of each population. Death physical body means the transition of the essence to the next birth.

The civilization of planet Earth is capable of moving from the state of a pseudo-intelligent path of development to the evolution of Reason.

And you just need to be sure of this."


The eniological way of life is based on compliance with the laws of energy-information exchange (that is, the laws of the Universe), on understanding the mechanism for implementing cause-and-effect relationships, and - !!! ON APPLYING this knowledge in your life.

This is the way of life of Homo Sapiens. A way of life when, before doing anything, you check the laws of energy-information exchange, take into account the mechanism for implementing cause-and-effect relationships, and take responsibility for your actions and their consequences.

This means that you are trying with every action, with your whole life, to make the world more harmonious, to maintain normal energy-information exchange in your multidimensionality, act in such a way as not to violate it in your daily affairs, in your ordinary life.

Your restoration of energy-information exchange in your multidimensionality will contribute to the normalization of your entire environment, and further to normalization on the entire planet, throughout the entire Universe.

Before you do anything, you need to think about how your actions and their consequences will be reflected in your life and in the world around you - that is, analyze possible consequences a couple of steps forward.

You need to ask yourself the question every time:

Will my actions (choices, thoughts, emotions, words, reactions, etc.) lead to the normalization of eni-exchange or, on the contrary, will they introduce an even greater distortion?

Of course, thinking is hard. And thinking + doing is doubly hard. Especially when you are used to doing everything automatically, acting “like everyone else,” as is customary. When you are used to reacting unconsciously, at the first emotional impulse.

But you can learn to live consciously gradually. The first time is to start thinking about your big, important decisions and their consequences, correlate them with the laws of eni-exchange, and take into account the cause-and-effect mechanism. And then gradually expand your circle of conscious actions.

Think about a baby learning to walk. How much effort he spends before mastering this important skill.

So it is here: conscious life, an eniological way of life is also a skill, new for every person.

It’s not easy to master, but it’s possible. If you want and if you try. If you show willpower and perseverance.

This is a necessary minimum that anyone can master. to a normal person. Without this, one cannot even dream of the evolution of Mind on planet Earth.

It is vitally important to APPLY our eniology information and knowledge now, every day of your life.

By starting now, you give your loved ones a chance to grow wiser...

And where would we be today without the skill of conscious living - if only back, into the “swamp”...., into the usual obscurantism.

But it's up to you to decide. Who knows, maybe everything in life suits you just the way it is, and you don’t need all this at all: the skills of conscious living, the evolution of the Mind, the formation of Homo Sapiens... Who knows...

Read carefully, thoughtfully, slowly.

Olga Kostyuk. Representative office of Research Center "ENIO", Tambov

Eniology is the science (pseudoscience) of energy-information exchange occurring in nature and society. Its creators and popularizers believe that everything that happens in environment interacts with a person, exerting a direct influence on him.

The concept of “enio” was introduced in 1989 by F. R. Khantseverov, Doctor of Technical Sciences, former GRU colonel. He wrote several volumes of books, explaining from the point of view of eniology such phenomena as clairvoyance, telepathy, levitation, UFOs, poltergeists.

What does eniology study?

Information, torsion, biological fields, energy channels, field structures are included in the field of view of the new science, the purpose of which is to study and disclose these concepts. Eniology takes a comprehensive approach to all processes occurring on our planet and in space, using various methods receiving information, including from the subtle worlds, cosmic intelligence (egregors, various levels of hierarchs, etc.).

Practical application of new science

Eniology, as a science, although not recognized by most scientists, explains the causes of physical and mental illnesses in humans. Followers of F.R. Khantseverov believe that well-being directly depends on lifestyle, emotions, actions, thoughts. For example, stomach diseases are provoked by frequent grievances, kidney diseases - by longing for dead people. Diseases associated with gynecology arise due to fortune telling of any kind. Problems with the spine indicate that a person takes on himself an unbearable burden(in a figurative sense).

Studying energy informatics and applying it in practice allows us to eliminate many problems that negatively affect people’s health and life circumstances. Eniologists believe that harm to the human body Anything can happen, for example, encounters with UFOs or other unexplained phenomena. At the ENIO centers involved in neutralization adverse effects, any person is offered assistance, including remote assistance. Work to eliminate various problems is called correction.

How does it happen? In simple terms, eniologists enter a person’s information channel and find the causes of problems in his field. After this, an appropriate program is put in place to eliminate any event that affects life and health. The impact occurs through sensory (energy) and thought forms. By correcting behavior and mental activity with the help of an eniologist, and then on their own, people forget for a long time or forever about various difficulties that interfere with a full life.

Eniologists are confident that human possibilities are practically limitless. But they have not been sufficiently studied by traditional science, so they are almost never used for the purpose of improving health or solving problems in other areas of life. Meanwhile, using the methods used in eniology, you can gain not only excellent health, get rid of many problems, but also move to a higher level of spiritual and material development. This applies to both the individual and the universe as a whole.

Theory about alien intervention in earthly life

An interesting theory is about the influence on the lives of people of aliens conducting various experiments on earthly inhabitants. It is possible that to many such a statement will seem complete nonsense. But eniology takes the topic of aliens very seriously. Therefore, one of the areas of new science is ufology, which studies anomalous phenomena, including UFOs. For example, eniologists believe that religion is an alien program that spreads and propagates obscurantism throughout the world. By imposing various religious views on people, higher intelligent beings thus pose a great threat to the earthly community. His spiritual, moral and social values ​​suffer.

The penetration of alien civilizations is also dangerous for health, since an incorrectly oriented society, from the point of view of eniology, cannot be full-fledged, both physically and mentally.

Adherents of the science of energy-information exchange believe that there are numerous alien programs operating on our planet relating to economics, politics and others. life spheres. With the help of extraterrestrial technologies, people are shown holograms: UFO flights, ghosts and others unexplained phenomena. According to eniologists, the heads of many states lead their people at the direction of their “brothers in mind.”

A natural question arises: why are aliens doing this? Eniology tries to answer this question, to understand and explain why earthlings are punished. Apparently, for the mistakes made by humanity over the centuries. By endlessly fighting, killing each other throughout history, people are destroying the world in which they live. It is necessary to realize the mistakes and take the path of correction. In this case, the aliens may leave earthlings alone, seeing in them intelligent beings worthy of a better life.

Only posterity will see what actually happens. It is possible that in the future eniology will be recognized and will not be called a self-proclaimed pseudoscience. So far it does not fit into the traditional framework of academic knowledge.

Why is eniology a pseudoscience?

In the post-Soviet period, our country was faced with many problems that had never been discussed before: unemployment, poverty - and not the least of these, not at all honorable, is the rampant pseudoscience. And if economic problems have been more or less curbed, pseudoscience is by no means going to lay down its arms, shining example Eniology shows this.

Why can we say that eniology is a pseudoscience? Let's compare it with real sciences, about which even those who are far from human research, even a schoolchild can to some extent say what their representatives do: an astronomer studies the stars, a chemist studies substances and their interactions with each other, a biologist studies plants, animals and other organisms, a psychologist studies how people think, feel and perceive the world, etc. d, what does eniology study?

These words, the first part of which is an abbreviation, stands for “the science of energy-information exchange.” It is quite difficult to understand what “energy-information exchange” is, even if you turn to the works of eniologists themselves - you are unlikely to find anything there except vague discussions about the “practical application of the energy-information capabilities of the subtle worlds, that all misfortunes are a consequence disturbances in the energy-informational balance in the Universe. All this is generously diluted with a mixture of truly scientific facts, hypotheses that did not stand the test of experiments and therefore were rejected by science (for example, the idea of ​​torsion fields), references to the knowledge of the ancient Egyptians and concepts that frankly have nothing to do with science - like the “astral body”.

Some of the eniologists' statements raise more questions than answers. Thus, in one fundamental eniological work written by V. Rogozhkin, it is stated: “In Volgograd... maternity hospitals were built on former cemeteries. Naturally, infant mortality in these maternity hospitals reached 90%.” You can already feel the handwriting of a pseudoscientist in this. A real scientist would definitely provide accurate data - how long the observation was carried out, what causes of death were diagnosed (at least in order to exclude such “purely material” reasons as unsanitary conditions or incompetence of obstetricians), would compare with data on other maternity hospitals - located in the same city, but not built on cemeteries... The author does nothing of this.

We will not find anything fundamentally new in the works of eniologists (however, this is not surprising, given that they position themselves as representing “the most ancient science of our time”) - for example, the idea formulated by E. Blavatsky about “five races”, successively replacing each other friend - and they all died because they took the technogenic path of development (where the traces of these very “technogenic” races are, why archaeologists find only stone axes and scrapers, one can only guess).

However, here too there are very original answers: it turns out that oil deposits are the results of... ancient psychotronic wars! Some uncertainty in concepts did not prevent eniologists from creating the International Academy of Energy Information Sciences in Moscow. The establishment also offers medical services: treatment of various diseases using the biofield correction method, “passive energy generators” that introduce “rejuvenation matrices” into the body - needless to say, all this is not free. This is eniology. Despite its obvious absurdity, this pseudoscience finds its admirers even... in power structures! All that remains is to remember the well-known truth:

The easiest way to deceive is someone who “is happy to be deceived.” Everyone knows how much it means to choose the right name for something - be it literary work

, store or something else. If a field of activity is given a name that includes the Greek word “logos”, which means “science”, there is no doubt that the general public will be sure: this is science! But is this definition always true? A brilliant example of this is eniology.

The root “enyo” in this word is an abbreviation that stands for “energy-information exchange.” In other words, eniology is the science of the patterns of energy-information interaction in Nature and human Society, the patterns of the physical and spiritual state of Man and the Universe, through which the connections of the Universe, Earth, Man and Society, as well as the fundamental foundations of Existence, are revealed. This is how – without skimping on capital letters – the subject of research of this science for V. Rogozhkin’s book “Eniology” is explained. This definition alone should alert anyone who has any idea about science. Distinctive feature- specialization that has become an inevitable consequence of the accumulation of a large amount of information over the centuries: the Universe is studied by physicists and astronomers, the Earth - planetary scientists and geologists, humans - anatomists, physiologists, doctors, psychologists, teachers, the connection between man and the Earth - ecologists, the connection between man and society - sociologists and social psychologists, etc. here we see a claim to something “comprehensive”: here is the universe, and society, and man... Only philosophy claims some universality, but in this case it is proposed to study all this based on “ corpuscular matter" and "field substance" (how one can study the relationship between man and society on such a basis - one can only guess).

The impression that you are dealing with pseudoscience is further strengthened as soon as you open any eniological publication. They will explain to you that you, it turns out, have heard more than once about what belongs to the category of “eniological disorders”; they are called “damage”, “evil eye”, “ generational curse", "zombification" and "coding" - such a "vinaigrette" from folklore, pseudo-scientific and scientific terms. To fix all this you will be offered “ individual work with karmic problems,” which “is very inexpensive.” There will also be discussions about the “phase transition” between the Age of Pisces and the Age of Aquarius (where would we be without this in our time!), and a reference to Hermes Trismegistus and the “esoteric heritage of Atalntida”... however, it is still unclear what Atlantis should be identified with , and any man of sense I would wonder where the author dug up this very heritage - but reasonable people don’t read such “works”... Oh yes, of course - the favorite “chorus” of all pseudoscientists: eniology has been unfairly labeled a pseudoscience only because it is rejected Russian Academy sciences and other representatives of “orthodox” science.

However, eniologists can’t complain: in Moscow there is an international academy of energy information sciences, which has branches in some cities of Russia. At this academy there are postgraduate and doctoral studies in 101 specialties, which include “Astrology”, “Ufology”, “Study of torsion fields in the material spheres of the Universe”, “Extrasensory perception, telekinesis and other intangible phenomena”, etc. Of course, the Higher Attestation Commission (HAC) does not recognize all these “candidates” and “doctors,” but this does not really bother eniologists. At the end of the last century, this academy held an exhibition of its developments, where it was presented, in particular... a psychic sofa that cures 80 diseases, including impotence and frigidity. And everything would be fine, as long as this exhibition took place... in the State Duma!

However, this was just the beginning. In 1998, in the State. The Duma was presented, through the efforts of representatives of the mentioned academy, with a bill “on ensuring the energy and information well-being of the population.” And of course, the bill included a clause on expanding the range of specialties of the Higher Attestation Commission! Fortunately, the deputies turned out to be sensible people, the law was not adopted, but this did not prevent a certain V. Inyushin from Kazakhstan (apparently wisely rejected in his homeland) from receiving funding for predicting earthquakes using “bioplasma” (this scientific term means... seeds and roots placed in a pan). True, this “scientific man” has not yet predicted a single earthquake, but he receives money from the Russian budget.

What can I say? Only one thing: turn on your logic, gentlemen, turn on your reason! Then no eniologists with their sofas, healing from any amount of money and intelligence, are not afraid of you!

Victor Rogozhkin 14.06.2016

There are no miracles in the world. In the self-awareness of nature, such as man on Earth,
there must be universal vision: taking into account not only space, but also time.
It's all about the level of development of a particular planetary mind.

G.I. Kunitsin

Eniology is the science of the processes of energy-information exchange in the Universe. In 1989, the ENIO Association was formed, on the basis of which, in April 1995, the Ministry of Justice Russian Federation The International Academy of Energy Information Sciences was registered under No. 2693, of which Firyaz Rakhimovich Khantseverov was elected president. He, who for many years headed one of the most serious areas of the military-industrial complex, actually came up with the abbreviation “ENIO” (energy information exchange) when creating the association. Currently, the Academy unites many scientific centers in our country and abroad.

Eniology – modern concept the most ancient esoteric knowledge of civilization. The founder of this knowledge is considered to be Hermes Mercury Trismegistus, who lived in the second and third millennium BC. e. He left more than 30 thousand handwritten works in all areas human knowledge. This could not be done alone. It is believed that the esoteric legacy of Atlantis was left by a group of people, and this knowledge came to us through Hermes. We are the fifth race on Earth. There should be a sixth one after us. These are the incarnations of our civilization: Atlantis, Lemuria, etc. to the past.

Unfortunately, history repeats itself. There have already been nuclear and psychotronic wars on Earth. Their consequences are the formation of oil and coal. And we are again standing on the verge of another self-destruction.

This book is not another attempt to intimidate the planet’s population, which is already afraid of everything and everyone, but a search for a way out of the current situation.

It is based on materials accumulated by the School of Applied Eniology of the Scientific Research Center “ENIO” over many years. The main task of the school, first of all, is an approach to understanding the laws of multidimensional energy-information exchange in the Universe and the study of safety precautions in esotericism, which is the Temple of Knowledge. This is not just a specific science. It's a way of life. Esoterics, or modern interpretation– eniology, implies a holistic approach to knowledge.

All great esotericists, in addition to being physicists and mathematicians, practiced healing. Treatment included general complex knowledge. Unfortunately, Hippocrates withdrew medicine from the integral Temple of esoteric knowledge. As a result, we got what we are now seeing - a complete collapse of the illusions of orthodox science. The current situation is a natural result of the rash actions of our entire civilization, which has failed to learn to coexist in this world without violating the laws of energy-information exchange.

The section of the book devoted to healing and the cause-and-effect relationships of the occurrence of diseases is, as it were, secondary. Currently, treatment is becoming simply dangerous. What is the reason for the collapse of those who rushed to open health centers and engage in healing practices in the 80s? Over the years, funds mass media There was literally a barrage of messages about certain clairvoyants, contactees and healers who began to appear like mushrooms after the rain. This was a situation when a certain “shepherd” lost control over what was happening on Earth and an opportunity opened up for people to gain experience, comprehend, realize it and enter into esotericism. If a magician, sorcerer, healer does not know what is happening during his work, then he, accordingly, is at great risk. An analysis was carried out: over the past 10 years, the most dangerous “professions” are healers, sorcerers, and fortune tellers.

The Chinese have a very terrible curse: “May you live through the change of eras...” You and I are now living through this change of eras. The Age of Pisces has ended, and the Age of Aquarius is entering into force. Changes of eras are associated with the movement of zodiac signs by 30 degrees over 2160 years, that is, the sign moves from one zodiac constellation to another. Changes in eras have always led to serious upheavals. What we are seeing at the present time: political, economic and natural disasters is the result of this energy-informational transformation. This is a time of paradigm shift—of the entire worldview. It is no coincidence that last decade During the Pisces era, serious physicists came to esotericism and became healers. At the turn of a change of eras, civilization is cleansed of nonsense - a kind of “zeroing of karma.”

The Age of Pisces was distinguished by its cruelty and bloodthirstiness. This era of wars and violence... In our century alone, 26 million people have been executed all over the world and only by judicial verdicts. At the same time, about 5% are for crimes, and the rest are just that. Compare: it was recently officially believed that 20 million people died in the Second World War.

Eniology is not only an esoteric direction in the generally accepted sense. This is the science of everything. Therefore, it was necessary for the author, for example, to come to eniology through physics and work in aviation. I had to master other types of activities in life in order to consider what was happening from different angles. This helped create his own concept, through which the author brought himself into esoteric practice. Thus, the principle of Hermeticism, named after Hermes, was realized. The term “hermeticism” itself means closed. Unfortunately, in old times esoteric schools, clans and orders made a number of irreparable mistakes. They hid their knowledge from other people. Sooner or later, this turned against the esoteric directions themselves, which led to their self-destruction and death.

Ancient legends say that Hermes once gathered his disciples and gave them the task: “Develop adapted esoteric knowledge for the profane...” The term “profane” means: “not initiated into the esoteric clan.” The disciples of Hermes dispersed throughout the world. Religions began to emerge. Therefore, all religions have the same root - Ancient Egypt, although they have now undergone major transformations. So, for example, Christianity has become the most “dirty Satanism”, having nothing in common with the teachings of Christ. Many religious views have been so altered that it has become almost impossible to see the original hidden esoteric meaning. These transformations have led to the fact that our entire lives are now permeated with magical cults and rituals. Previously carefully hidden knowledge in a profaned form became available to anyone. This did not happen by accident. In the old days there were a few great esotericists. Now there are a lot of meaningless, worthless sorcerers and magicians.

Magic and witchcraft are only the applied part of theoretical esotericism. Anyone who calls himself a magician or sorcerer thereby underestimates his intellectual potential and energy level. Esotericism implies multifaceted knowledge. Magic is only a specific side of the action. To rise above the level of village sorcerers and reach the level of esotericism is quite a difficult task. You can limit yourself in food and other earthly goods, as yogis do. You can memorize all magical literature with everyone necessary rituals and the cabalistic language of symbols. But in order to become an esotericist, it is necessary, in addition to a broad outlook in all areas of knowledge, to also live in esotericism.

In this book we will try to different angles, from different points of view, consider the same problems. You cannot form an opinion about the truth. This opinion will always be subjective. Therefore, we will try to go through all areas of knowledge, while trying to avoid subjectivity. And this, perhaps, is the most difficult thing on the path to becoming an esotericist – learning to perceive information objectively, completely eliminating the subjectivity of your own ego.

Let's imagine that knowledge is a kind of flower (Fig. 1).
The truth is hidden in the core of this flower. Each direction of science is one of the petals. Not even the petal itself, but only part of it. In order to develop a holistic understanding of the ongoing processes and phenomena, we will consider the same problems from different angles. We will do this throughout the book.

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The question arose: if prayer is harmful, then what about Orthodox saints such as Seraphim of Sarov, John of Olenevsky, after all, with the help of prayers they reached a high spiritual level, and the Optina elders, with the help of the Jesus Prayer, achieved levitation and other supernatural abilities?

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