Elena Letuchaya: personal life, biography, photo. The husband gave Lena Letaya a nightmare holiday Elena Letaya's personal life husband

This blonde is of interest to many today. Do you also consider yourself one of her fans? Then we suggest that you familiarize yourself with the contents of the article.

Elena Letuchaya: biography, childhood

She was born on December 5, 1978 in Yaroslavl. Volatile is real name Elena, not a pseudonym. Lena was a desired and beloved child. Her parents always spoiled her, buying her expensive imported clothes and toys.

When the girl was 7 years old, she and her family moved to the Siberian city of Tynda. All because father and mother went to build the Baikal-Amur Mainline.


Our heroine graduated from a financial and economic college located in the city of Blagoveshchensk. Then she returned to Yaroslavl. For almost 4 years, the girl worked as a financier at a local branch of Gazprom.

Soon the blonde went to Moscow. There she easily entered the University of Railways. In 2005, she was awarded a university diploma. Lena received a degree in economics. But that is not all. Our heroine has studied at the Ostankino Television School.

Thanks to such qualities as determination, perseverance and hard work, Flying has achieved everything she has now.


In February 2014, Lena tried herself as a TV presenter. Before that, she worked only behind the scenes, and was an editor and producer of many programs. “Revizorro” is a project that has not yet appeared on our TV. Fearless Elena Letuchaya and her team visited restaurants and hotels major cities. Not all Russian establishments have passed the test for cleanliness and quality of services. The blonde repeatedly had to get into verbal altercations with administrators and owners of hotels, cafes, hostels and restaurants. Young people have a new idol - fair and sharp-tongued Elena Letuchaya. Personal life, biography of the TV presenter - all this aroused unprecedented interest. A large number of positive feedback about her work.

Flying Elena: biography, personal life

Our heroine is a tall blonde with a sweet face, blue eyes and a chiseled figure. She hardly ever had problems associated with a lack of male attention. And indeed, at school and college, guys ran after Lena. They presented her with flowers and compliments and invited her on dates. But then Letuchaya’s first priority was study.

The TV presenter was offered marriage three times - at 23, at 24 and at 26. And each time the girl was forced to refuse. She understood that she was not ready to become a caring and homely wife. She wanted to move forward and build her career.

Took a man away from the family?

Elena Letuchaya, personal life, whose biography interests many, opposes fleeting novels. In her opinion, the relationship should be serious and with the prospect of marriage.

In the summer of 2015, the whole country learned about the journalist’s new novel. Photos from her holiday in Sri Lanka have leaked online. There was always a handsome young man next to the blonde. Who is Elena Letuchaya related to him? The personal life and biography of this guy has several interesting points.

Let's start with the fact that his name is Yuri Anashenkov. He is the owner of one of the capital's collection agencies. The most interesting thing is that at the time of his acquaintance with Lena Letuchaya, the young man was in a relationship with another lady. His common-law wife - Oriental beauty Hasmik Vaye-Reitor. They have two children together.

Was Elena Letuchaya really able to break up this family? The personal life and biography of our heroine are now under the radar of cameras and cameras. It is unlikely that the girl would have become a participant in the “murky” story. Love triangles- not her topic. According to Lena, at the time they met, Yuri no longer lived with his common-law wife.

New life

Elena Letuchaya, whose biography we are considering, rented an apartment in Moscow for several years. After she began hosting “Revizorro” programs, her fees increased. Thanks to this, the girl was able to save money to buy her own home.

In 2015, the famous journalist purchased a mansion in New Riga. Finishing work was carried out on the house for several months. Letuchaya hired professional builders and designers.

In February 2016, it became known that Lena was moving to a luxurious mansion. IN two-story house The TV presenter will not live alone, but with her beloved man. Yuri has already transported some of her things. Someone will rush to call him a gigolo. However, Lena insisted on living in her house. Her lover makes good money. He spoils the bride with expensive gifts and jewelry. At the same time, the man does not forget to provide financial assistance ex-wife and children.


Only at 37 years old was the TV presenter “ripe” for family life. She managed to build successful career. Now you can think about procreation.

Leaving the Revizorro project

In March 2016, information appeared that Lena Letuchaya was leaving the popular program. Later, the TV presenter herself confirmed this. Fans of the “Revizorro” program could not believe that Elena Letuchaya would leave them. The girl’s biography became known precisely thanks to this project.

And envious people and ill-wishers immediately began to look for the reason for Lena’s departure. Some people suggested that this was due to the blonde's pregnancy. A few days later, Letuchaya denied this information. In an interview with one of the print publications, she announced that she wanted children, but a little later. First, the girl needs to get married and arrange a new home.


Now you know what path to fame you took Flying Elena. Biography, personal life, photo of the TV presenter - all this is contained in the article. Before us is an attractive girl, a talented journalist and a true professional who takes a responsible approach to any task. We wish Elena success in her career and victories on the love front!

There is a category of men who, even despite their good financial security and achievements in business, are still better known to the public as the husbands of artists, dancers, and TV presenters. One of these tough guys of our time is Yuri Gennadievich Anashenkov, whose biography will be discussed in the article.

Curriculum Vitae

The current very successful businessman was born in Moscow on April 25, 1976. It is reliably known that Yuri Gennadyevich Anashenkov (his photo is given above) received his complete secondary education at the capital’s school number 432. After this, the young man became a student at the prestigious Moscow Law Institute of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, which he successfully graduated in 1999.

Police career

Having graduated from the university as a qualified graduate, Yuri became a police officer, where he was able to rise to the rank of major. He also managed to work as a personnel inspector in the internal affairs department located in the Eastern Administrative District of Moscow. But work in power structure brought absolutely no satisfaction to the man. He was unable to earn decent money or receive any other dividends for himself. In this regard, he made the final decision to retrain as an entrepreneur.

Business and crime

Anashenkov Yuri Gennadievich is a rather hidden person for society. However, there is still well-verified information. Since 2007, he has directly managed the sensational collection agency called “Russian Collector,” which is considered a non-public company. The main office of the company is based in Moscow. The first assistant to the hero of the article is Sergei Chernyshov, who at one time worked as deputy head of the RUBOP of Moscow CJSC.

Anashenkov’s name regularly appeared in crime reports. A striking example This can be illustrated by the case when Yuri’s subordinates carried out Raider seizure. It is worthwhile to dwell on this point in more detail. In 2011, "Russian Collector" together with the legal center "Verdict" and training center"Fincont" was held in literally a serious force operation to seize the main offices of the Mega-Trust and Skif companies. At the same time, the attacking side completely blocked all entrances and exits from the building, stairs, accounting, reception and bosses' offices.

In a word, Yuri Gennadievich Anashenkov is a businessman working on the verge of a foul. It is worth noting that his activities bring him quite a large income and therefore he and his family can easily live in grand style.

Millionaire's women

According to media reports, the owner of the collection company was married for the first time to a woman named Evgenia Zaichenko. The couple had a son, who was named Maxim. However, the family did not last long, as Yuri left his wife for new lover- art critic Hasmik Vaye Reitor. Let us point out that the mistress took the man away from the family. However, the homewrecker subsequently managed to tie the rich man to herself, although she did not become his official wife. They lived together in an official marriage for six years. The woman gave birth to two sons to Anashenkov.

Legal spouse

Who does Yuri Gennadievich Anashenkov live with now? His wife is known throughout the country. This girl regularly appears on television to show viewers her “revisions” of various establishments. As you probably already guessed, this is Elena Letuchaya.

A reputable collector met a popular TV presenter when he was 39 years old and she was almost 37. It goes without saying that she also had her own personal life before meeting the businessman, but she always safely hid it from prying eyes.

For the first time in society, the couple appeared together at the Topical Style Awards, where journalists and spectators immediately started talking about their wedding.

Yuri Gennadyevich Anashenkov, whose personal life was always under the radar of cameras, declassified his relationship with Lena even before their wedding, when they vacationed together in Bali, where they regularly rode surfboards, sunbathed on the beaches and went to restaurants. And the entrepreneur made his marriage proposal to Elena on World Valentine’s Day on February 14, 2016.

The lovers officially got married on August 2, 2016. The ceremony took place at the famous Greek resort called Santorini. The celebration took place surrounded only by relatives and closest people. Well, before that, Letuchaya had a good bachelorette party at the elite Moscow hotel Lotte Hotel Moscow, where she rented a presidential apartment. After the wedding, the newlyweds flew to the Maldives, where they spent their “honeymoon.”

It is worth noting that Yuri Gennadievich Anashenkov is an unshakable authority for his chosen one. He helps Elena in every possible way both in her work, using his legal knowledge, and in Everyday life, sparing nothing for your beloved. Letuchaya herself has repeatedly noted in her interviews that she and her husband are very similar to each other. They have the same outlook on life and hobbies. Now the girl dreams of having children together and focuses on the fact that she was not the reason for Yuri’s separation from his previous wife.

Today's day

Now Anashenkov Yuri Gennadievich and Lena live together in their own private house located outside the city. The area of ​​the mansion, built in the Moscow region, is about 250 square meters.

Spring 2017 married couple attended a ceremony, closed from prying eyes, at which a prestigious award in narrow circles called “The Most Stylish in Russia 2017” was presented. The event was organized by the respected print publication HELLO!, which invites representatives only from the world of show business to the gala event. Elena was one of the first to be called to the stage to receive a statuette in the “Brand of the Year” nomination, which was presented to her by Ksenia Sobchak.

By the way, the invitation to the evening was created based on sketches by fashion designer Valentin Yudashkin.

In conclusion, I would like to note that no one knows for sure the condition of Yuri Anashenkov. However, it is reliably known: the head of the collection company is not yet on the list of the first two hundred richest people Russia.

The owner of an interesting and extensive biography, Elena Letuchaya is known to a wide audience as one of the most popular Russian TV presenters.

Having a variety of creative activities, the ex-host of the “Revizorro” program continues to delight her fans with new projects: on a show called “ Flying squad“She and the film crew will check work in schools, hospitals and kindergartens.

Hobbies during school years and finding what you love

Elena was born in 1978 in Yaroslavl. Her father and mother worked as civil engineers. When the girl was 8 years old, the whole family moved to Tynda, as her parents were sent to build the BAM. In children's and school years the future TV presenter had diverse interests: she enjoyed dancing, skating and studying at art school, dreaming of becoming an artist in the future.

In the photo Elena Letuchaya as a child with her family: father Alexander Nikolaevich and mother Lyudmila Alexandrovna

After graduating from school, the girl changed her plans and wanted to study as an architect, however, her parents were against it. Having chosen Blagoveshchensk Financial University, she successfully entered this university, after which she got a job at Gazprom Gazenergoset OJSC. Then Letuchaya got the second higher education, having studied at the Russian Open Academy of Transport in Moscow. She also managed to work in the Directorate railway, but soon the girl realized that she did not enjoy her work.

Television career

Together with a friend, Elena entered a television school, where she took a course. Her first creative work became a story about donation, after which the spectacular blonde realized that she was on the right way. At the same time, she was an editor at VGTRK, was involved in filming stories on the Stolitsa TV channel, and was the author of several programs on the Global Star TV channel. In 2011, Letuchaya began collaborating with Channel One, becoming the editor of some projects. In her creative activity There was also production work, which she carried out on the Friday TV channel. and TV3.

At the beginning of 2014, the blond beauty was able to charm with her creative abilities producers of a new show on the Friday TV channel, thanks to which she was soon appointed the host of Revizorro. For the sake of new job Elena had to not only learn all the intricacies of servicing various establishments, but also change her external image. This project quickly gained popularity among television viewers, and the broadcast star himself gained numerous fans. For two years in this show, she and her team had to visit many cities in Russia and carry out difficult work checking a wide variety of hotels, cafes and restaurants, while causing hostility from their owners.

In 2016, the TV presenter’s hard work was noted: she received two TEFI awards in categories such as “Investigative Journalism” and “Evening Talk Show.” However, already in 2017, Letuchaya left “Friday!”, becoming the host of a new program on Channel One. Her fans were saddened by the turn of events, but Elena herself was happy with the new appointment. As part of her “Flying Squad” program, the blonde, together with a team of like-minded people, will tell viewers how to fight for their rights in difficult life situations.

Harmonious relationship with husband

For a long time, Letuchaya did not strive to start a family, since all her strength was devoted to building a career. But this does not mean that she forgot about her personal life, in which she had dates with men, meetings with friends, as well as hobbies in equestrian sports and other interesting activities. The blond beauty always took care of her figure, thanks to which, with a height of 178 cm, her weight was only 60 kg. When a major leap took place in the TV presenter’s career, she also met businessman Yuri Anashenkov. The new lover had relationships in the past, and now he has two sons growing up. When Elena started dating Yuri, he was already single. A year and a half later, the lovers celebrated their engagement, and in the summer of 2016 their wedding took place, which took place on the Greek island of Santorini.

In the photo Elena Letuchaya with her husband Yuri Anashenkov. Source https://www.instagram.com/elenapegas/

Together with her husband, she opened her own online project, “The Flying Shop,” where you can purchase various souvenirs and gifts. Spouses are interested in spending time together, so they often go shopping together, travel the world, go surfing, without getting tired of each other’s company. Letuchaya hopes that two children will soon appear in their family, but for now she enjoys communicating with her husband’s sons.

Name: Elena Letuchaya

Age: 37 years

Place of Birth: Yaroslavl

Height: 178 cm

Weight: 60 kg

Activity: TV presenter

Family status: Married

Elena Letuchaya - biography

Elena Letuchaya is called the thunderstorm of canteens and restaurants, her appearance is feared more than the inspectors from the sanitary and epidemiological station and the fire inspectorate, they fear and hate her...

This is how our world works - every girl with a model appearance should strive to get into show business. There are exceptions: some beauties are in no hurry to get into the lens of a photo or movie camera and avoid publicity. However, the line of life still leads them to where they were destined.

The young man opened the heavy door of the restaurant and carefully let Lena forward. As soon as they sat down at the table, whispers were heard from behind: “She!” - "Come on!" - “Yes, she is!” - “No, that beauty, but this mouse is some kind of mouse.” I just wanted to shout to the whole hall: “I am not me!” It began... The waitress ran up and took the cutlery that was on the table and brought new ones. The others crowded around the door to the kitchen and began to look at it.

But she just wanted to spend the evening with a friend. This would have happened if Lena had not been an auditor from “Revizorro”! And the waitress kept circling nearby. She asked if she was comfortable at this table, if it was blowing from the air conditioner, when it would be better to bring hot food and dessert. Caring became obsessive. Here she is - back side glory...

She never wanted increased attention to her person. On the contrary, Lena tried to be as inconspicuous as possible.

Although it turned out badly: with such a height, she was put first both in physical education and in class photographs. Moreover, the surname - Letuchaya - always raised questions among teachers both in her native Yaroslavl, where she was born (December 5, 1978) and went to first grade, and in new school-in distant Tynda, where mom and dad went to build BAM.

After school, Letuchaya entered the Financial and Economic College of Blagoveshchensk. But even in boring numbers Lena found some interest. She will study well in order to later work as an auditor - checking other people's accounting and correcting other people's mistakes. This is what Lena has not tolerated since childhood! If you do any work, do it well. Does not work? Get better or leave. Yes, even at school she was known as a perfectionist. She herself tried to do everything perfectly, but she also demanded the same from others. And then there was Moscow. Lena understood perfectly well that serious success could only be achieved through big city, and that’s exactly what she wanted.

Elena Letuchaya - thorny path provincial girls

After receiving higher education, Letuchaya found a job at Gazprom. Not a bad career for a girl from the outback! Everything I dreamed about came true: good job, excellent prospects... But more and more often thoughts appeared that life had taken a wrong turn.

Celebrating her 29th birthday in December 2007, Lena decided to radically change her life. She wanted not just to count other people's mistakes, but to actually help people. The most suitable profession-journalism, and even better if you manage to get on television. And she took the first step - she entered the Ostankino School of Television. No, she didn’t want to be a “talking head”: Elena dreamed of finding sensitive topics herself and conveying the truth to people, even if behind the scenes. Her diploma was a story about the problems of donors. It turned out bright, honestly, Lena was praised and assured that she had found her niche, but all the places in the programs talking about “scandals, intrigues, investigations” were taken.

She was ready to take on any job that was at least somehow related to television - she acted as an extra in TV series, edited other people's scripts, calculated estimates for other people's projects... Such a variety in the end turned out to be to her advantage: she tried many specialties and learned process from start to finish.

But today Letuchaya is proud of her biography with vast experience, and then she often cried, getting more bumps on the thorny career path. We didn’t have our own housing in Moscow, we paid little money for one-time orders, and our prospects were vague. Mom constantly offered to return to Yaroslavl - at least at home they would feed and comfort us. There were also suitors who hinted that they would provide Moscow registration if she showed some favor. Elementary disgust did not allow me to do this. “Don’t give a kiss without love,” sounds old-fashioned, but that’s how she was raised.

Such cleanliness seemed provincial to many, and Lena herself is behind her back called “a provincial who bites her teeth into the capital.” In response, she just smiles: let the envious people talk what they want. She knows the profession from the inside, she made her way without any cronyism, she feels great both in the Russian outback and in world capitals like Paris or New York.

Elena Letuchaya - television

Oddly enough, it was her first profession that helped her break into television journalism. The certified economist was hired as a producer. In 2011, she began working on the acclaimed talk show “Let Them Talk,” then moved to the studio where the sitcom “Kitchen” was filmed, and when the television series was decided to move to big screen, Elena became the producer of this project.

When she was invited to new program channel “Friday!”, behind her you could hear again: “Well, of course, the head of the channel Nikolai Kartozia himself is her lover!” She tries not to pay attention to gossipers. To participate in the “Revizorro” project, she passed the casting along with the others. Today she remembers with a smile how in one Moscow restaurant they simply told her: “Lena, fas!”

The program aired in the summer of 2014, but filming began earlier, at the end of 2013. The adventures that Lena had to go through in two years are enough for several lifetimes. TV cameras were broken, cameramen were beaten until they bled, the presenter was wounded... It looks like reports from “hot spots”, and not from respectable restaurants. One day, the management of another catering establishment called the police. The purchased law enforcement officers were delivered film crew to the department, where they forced me to burn the flash drives with the footage. The journalist had to resort to a trick: destroy the empty flash drives in front of the police, and hide the real ones securely.

Visits from the host of the “Revizorro” program are not always welcome: things often lead to high-profile scandals.

When Letuchaya is rude, Lena only smiles, but few know how much strength she has to restrain herself. After some business trips you have to recover for weeks; yoga and horse riding help.

Lena sincerely does not understand the indignation of restaurateurs and hoteliers. She's working hard for them! If TV crews find expired food or a broken refrigerator, the owner quickly fixes the problem. And if not? What if visitors try salads that should have been thrown into the trash long ago? Or will children be poisoned by low-quality cakes? Doesn't anyone think about this? Letuchaya sincerely cares about the business and hopes that cooks, waiters, cleaners and owners of establishments will treat their work in the same way.

Elena Letuchaya - personal life

The question arises - what to do with your personal life? How can such a clean woman tolerate a man who throws his socks around? Lena says that everything is possible in life if you love. Some years Flying Lena lived with a young man whose name she hides. And they didn’t break up because of everyday life - the love just passed away.

Letaya was offered marriage three times, but this was in her youth, when she did not consider herself ready for family personal life. She turned 37 in December. She has fans, but not many are ready for her constant absences, because “Revizorro” travels all over the country. But Elena is sure that there will be a brave soul. In the most trusted restaurant, he will get down on his knee, extend a ring, ask to become his wife - and she will answer: “Yes.”

One can safely call Elena Letuchaya a popular and sought-after star who appears on air on various channels. The sophisticated blonde, who began her television career at the age of 29, quickly won public recognition. The girl’s style of behavior, bright appearance, and courage attract the viewer. Presenter, producer, owner of an online store, philanthropist and aspiring designer - all this can be said about television star Lena Letuchaya.


The date of birth of the future presenter of “Revizorro” is December 5, 1978. The girl was born in the city of Yaroslavl. Elena's father Alexander Nikolaevich Letuchaya and mother Lyudmila Aleksandrovna Letuchaya are civil engineers. The girl got it from them unusual surname, she is real and not a pseudonym.

At the age of 7, the Letuchy family moved to live in the city of Tynda in Siberia. Parents took part in the construction of the Baikal-Amur Mainline. Lena was a welcome child, her mother and father put their souls into her. The girl lived in love and attention, she was taken care of and pampered with gifts.

As a child she attended extracurricular activities: dancing, figure skating, drawing. After school, the girl applied to the Blagoveshchensk College of Finance and Economics to major in Enterprise Finance.

In 2005, Letuchaya received a diploma from the Russian State Open Technical University of Transport with a degree in Economics.

In her youth, Lena’s occupation was completely different from what it is now. She worked for 4 years at Gazprom Gazenergoset OJSC as a financier and for 5 years at Russian Railways OJSC.

Despite the fact that Elena was successful in her profession, she did not like it, and the girl dreamed of something else.

As a result, in 2008, Letuchaya entered the Ostankino School of Television to major in TV and radio presenter. From this moment it happened sharp turn in the autobiography of a TV star.

Elena conquered television screens with charisma, brightness, ideal figure parameters, long legs. Her height of 178 centimeters and her weight of 60 kilograms allowed Letuchaya to make a successful career on TV.

The chic legs of the chief auditor deserve special attention, photo in in social networks collect thousands of views. Despite the fact that the girl's foot size is 38, she looks feminine and sophisticated.

Volatile states that the figure is the result proper nutrition, playing sports. Sometimes the TV star adheres to reasonable diets and excludes eating sweets.

Figure, Beautiful face, talent are the criteria that allowed Elena to make a stunning career on television at the age of 30.

Creative career

The TV presenter’s creative path began with the Ostankino Television School. Today Elena Letuchaya hosts programs, is engaged in producing activities, and teaches master classes for young students.


The future presenter of “Revizorro” graduated from the School of Television in 2010. The graduation video was dedicated to blood donors. The girl got her first job on the Global Star TV channel. At the same time, she filmed stories for the Stolitsa TV channel.

Letuchaya's career grew rapidly. In 2011, she was invited to the role of editor of the Special Programs Studio at VGTRK. In 2012, she became the producer of Onion Heads and was involved in the creation television programs on MTV.

On Channel One, Elena gained a wealth of experience, which was useful for career development. However, the schedule, which did not include days off or breaks, exhausted the TV presenter. Because of such a difficult period, the girl ended up in a clinic, after which she left the staff of the state channel.

Letuchaya decided to change the state channel to cable. During this period, she conducted interviews and filmed documentaries. Under her supervision, they created famous projects: TV series “Kitchen”, show “Vacations in Mexico”, program “Funny People”.

In 2014 there was a breakthrough in television career Elena. She became the TV presenter of the “Revizorro” program, aired on the “Friday!” TV channel. The program made her famous and in demand.

The girl was a co-host of the “Revizorro-show” and a TV presenter of the “Slim” project.

Since 2016, Letuchaya has headed the “Workshop of Elena Letuchaya” at the MITRO Faculty of Journalism, where she still works.

Since the spring of 2017, Elena has been the producer of the Lexicon project, created for smart parents and children in order to preserve their psychological health. As part of the project, educational and gaming products went on sale.

Letuchaya showed herself excellently in the role of the TV presenter of the program “School of Revizorro”, “Hell’s Kitchen”.

In the fall of 2017, Elena signed a contract with Channel One, where she acted as the host of the author’s program “Flying Squad.” However, due to health reasons, filming was stopped and Letuchaya disappeared from television screens. Later, on social networks, the TV presenter explained to viewers what happened.

The Ostankino school plays a significant role in a girl’s life. As a sign of love and respect for this place, Elena has a tattoo of the Ostankino Tower on her wrist.

In addition to her career as a TV presenter, Letuchaya has successfully filmed commercials for the companies Dettol, Oral-B, Nutribullet, Eldorado, Faberlic, and the drugs Amiksin and Solcoseryl.

Elena is the face of the YAKUBoWITCH brand, which produces black dresses.

No trash in your head documentary


In 2016, the famous presenter gained experience in dubbing. She voiced the girl Jane in the film "Worse Than a Lie." Already in next year Elena played the role of herself in the TV series “2 Broke Girls,” which is an adaptation of the American one.

In the summer of 2017, Elena participated in dubbing, giving the voice to the heroine of the cartoon “Cars 3” - Natalie Digest.

Program "Revizorro"

The Ukrainian program “The Inspector General” is unique and has no analogues. The Friday TV channel acquired a TV show format in 2014, calling it “Revizorro”.

They wanted to take Olga Freimut to the role of host of the new project, but due to her busy schedule, she refused. Elena Letuchaya was approved at the first casting.

The first establishments that the auditor checked were in Kislovodsk, Stavropol, Yekaterinburg and Rostov-on-Don. Owners and employees of cafes and restaurants were not always happy with the audits, which often resulted in incidents. Elena confidently handled each one, using her professionalism.

Flying's work is associated with stress and negativity. Once, while filming in Kemerovo and Salekhard, the group was attacked: the journalists were beaten, the cameraman was threatened with a knife. Yoga, horseback riding and reading books helped the presenter extinguish negative emotions after experiencing stress.

The Revizorro program had high ratings. Elena taught how to properly maintain cleanliness and order in public catering establishments, what visitors should pay attention to, told which places are recommended for visiting, and which ones are better to avoid. Viewers fell in love with the strict blonde for her professionalism and special approach to broadcasting.

When Elena announced her resignation in 2016, fans organized a protest. Viewers could not understand why their beloved presenter left Revizorro. They were not reassured by the fact that Letuchaya became the producer of the show.

The action of indignation was accompanied by the hashtag #Bring Back Elena the Letuchaya, which fans spread in every possible way on the Internet. The program's ratings were falling, so in the fall of 2016 the girl announced that she was returning to the role of host of her favorite program. At the same time, Elena opened the “Flying Store”, which has been operating for many years.

In the summer of 2016, the girl was awarded the “TEFI” statuette for the program “Revizorro” and “Revizorro-Show”.

In 2017, the show “Revizorro School” appeared on television screens, where Letuchaya chose the new face of the project. However, fans of her work still note that she was the best presenter of the project.

Personal life

Elena Letuchaya is a career woman, so she for a long time I didn’t think about starting a family. In her younger years, the girl traveled a lot and was exclusively focused on her career. Regarding the issue of having children, she argued that being a single mother was unacceptable to her.

The TV presenter denied stereotypes about the obligation of marriage for a woman and believed that you need to get married consciously and with an understanding of what you expect from it. Only after 35 years did she find for herself ideal man and seriously thought about marriage and children.

Husband Anashenkov Yuri

First and only husband The TV presenter is Yuri Gennadievich Anashenkov, the owner of a Moscow collection agency. Yuri has 2 children from a previous marriage. According to Elena Letuchaya, the couple’s relationship began after Anashenkov ended his relationship with his common-law wife.

In the summer of 2016, Elena married Yuri in Santorini, Greece. Letuchaya created a “flying diary” intended for close friends. The ceremony was held on a grand scale; family and friends of the couple were invited.

Elena Letuchaya purchased a two-story mansion on Novorizhskoe Highway, in which she will soon live with her husband. The TV presenter's house is designed in a minimalist style with the addition of contrasting finishes. The famous auditor maintains the same cleanliness in the mansion that she demanded during the program that made her famous.

Elena has several tattoos on her body. In addition to the arrow resembling Ostankino Tower, on the girl’s second wrist there are small flying birds. As a sign of love and relationships, the inscription “Love” is depicted on the middle finger of the left hand.

Are there children

On this moment the couple has no children, and there was no news about the TV presenter’s pregnancy.

However, fans were pleasantly alerted when Letuchaya posted a photo on her Instagram page with the inscription about expecting a miracle. At the same time, the star stood with her back to the camera. There is no official confirmation of Letuchaya’s pregnancy.

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