Elena Letuchaya - biography, personal life, photo. The husband gave Lena Letuchaya a nightmare holiday. The personal life of Elena Letuchaya's husband.

Biography of Elena Letuchaya: how did she achieve success, and who is her husband?

Elena Letuchaya is a sophisticated TV presenter, beautiful woman with sparkling eyes and blond hair. With her appearance and charisma, she attracts the attention of men and women. Many people are interested in her life; during Elena’s activity on television, she has gained many fans. In this material we will tell you more about Elena, her biography, husband and family.

Life and career of a bright TV presenter

Yaroslavl – small homeland Elena Letuchaya, she was born in 1978. The parents of the future star worked in the construction industry and were engineers.

By the way, many people wonder about the unusualness of the girl’s last name: Letuchaya is real name, not a pseudonym.

Lena Letuchaya was born in Yaroslavl

As a child, she did not dream of television, she wanted to become an architect. But life turned out differently: the family moved to the Amur region to participate in the construction of the BAM in the Far East. Elena spent her childhood in the city of Tynda.

At school she showed herself to be an exemplary student, an example for others, she studied with “good” and “excellent” grades, was an activist, a restless and energetic child. Future star She devoted a lot of time to sports and creativity: she skated, danced and studied drawing. The girl received her higher education at a college in Blagoveshchensk at the financial and economic department. Then she returned to Yaroslavl, where she received a second education and worked at Gazprom and a division of Russian Railways.

Three years later, the girl clearly understood that something needed to be changed in life: office work did not attract her at all, her inner talent required implementation - Elena wanted to do what she loved.

At the age of 29, she began studying the profession of a TV presenter at the Ostankino School. But breaking into this field of activity is not easy; Volatile successfully completed any job she took on, but the path to success turned out to be thorny.

Elena Letuchaya began studying to become a TV presenter only at the age of 29

She worked tirelessly and began working on the “Capital” channel, where she became the author of two television programs. In 2011, the first serious success came: the girl began working with Andrei Malakhov, producing and editing programs with his participation. But Elena could not withstand the busy work schedule; she even ended up in the hospital due to heart problems.

After Letuchaya moved to a quieter job on the Friday channel, she was producing series and shows. Here she took the chance and became the host of the “Revizorro” program, with the help of which she achieved great success.

The life of the TV presenter changed again, difficult work began with a lot of filming, traveling and conflicts with the owners of catering establishments, whose activities “Revizorro” checked. Elena has become very popular - spectacular and unusual girl, without losing her composure and restraint, she sympathized with many people.

In two years permanent job Letuchaya decided to end her participation in this show: she remained the producer of the program, but stopped acting in it. There is an opinion that Letuchaya’s husband had a hand in this, who feared for the health of his wife due to the sometimes inappropriate aggressiveness of the owners and employees of catering establishments.

The TV presenter launched a new TV show with her participation, “Slim,” in which she is freed from unpleasant situations, and fans of the star have the pleasure of seeing her on TV.

Elena Letuchaya is known for her activity: she monitors her shape (including through diets), and also practices yoga and various types sports: horse riding, jogging, skating, alpine skiing. Even on the air of “Revizorro”, the TV presenter stated that she does not eat meat or sweets.

Personal life of a star: who is Elena’s husband?

Lena Letuchaya with her husband

In August 2016, the wedding of Elena Letuchaya and businessman Yuri Anashenkov took place on the island of Santorini (Greece). The romance between people lasted 2 years up to this point; at this time they preferred to hide the relationship and not give reason for conversation. But the public noticed that the couple began to appear together, even rumors arose that Elena took her future husband away from the family, but this is not true: Yuri began a relationship after he divorced his previous wife. He has a business, his own collection agency, and two children from his first marriages.

38-year-old Elena does not have children yet. Previously, she made statements that a child is a very important step for which she is not yet ready, but now that she is married, her point of view may change.

This is the story of an impressive and bright TV presenter who was able to achieve everything with the help of her strength and energy, to build successful career and find a loving husband.

Elena Letuchaya is a TV presenter who won people’s love after participating in the “Revizorro” program as a threat to unscrupulous owners of Russian hotels and catering establishments. He is also a producer for the Friday TV channel. and is responsible for all projects from the Revizzorro family, including Revizzorro Show and Magazzino.

The childhood and youth of Elena Letuchaya

Elena Letuchaya was born in the city of Yaroslavl on December 5, 1978. Her father, Alexander Nikolaevich Letuchy, was a civil engineer, so in 1986 the family moved to the Far Eastern Tynda - her father was invited to the construction of the BAM.

As a child, Lena had many hobbies: the girl studied figure skating, attended art school and dreamed of one day moving to St. Petersburg and becoming an architect. In 1997, at the insistence of her parents, Elena entered the Blagoveshchensk College of Finance and Economics and two years later held a diploma in her hands with a degree in financier.

After studying, the girl moved to hometown, where she worked for Russian Railways for several years in the passenger service department. At the same time, Elena Letuchaya received higher education in Moscow state university communication routes.

Elena Letuchaya in “Evening Urgant”

In 2005, Elena Letuchaya received the long-awaited diploma and for the next 4 years stayed as a financier at the Gazenergoset company (a division of Gazprom).

Elena Letuchaya on television

The girl quickly realized that choosing a type of activity based on the advice of her family, and not on her own preferences, was a mistake. Sitting in the office, she envied people who truly loved their work because it was interesting to them.

On the eve of her 29th birthday, Elena decided to radically change her life, starting with obtaining a second higher education. The choice fell on the School of Television at Ostankino, where for the next two years Letuchaya learned the basics of the profession of TV and radio presenter. The graduation story about blood donors, which revealed the shortcomings of domestic medicine, made her finally become convinced that working on television was her calling.

Elena Letuchaya before she became famous

But getting a job new specialty it was very problematic, especially without experience and acquaintances in this field. During next year she tried everything - from banal printing of texts to editing other people's scripts. Often the girl did not have enough money to pay for rented housing.

In some especially difficult moments, her mother suggested that she return to Yaroslavl, but Elena did not back down, and soon the girl’s perseverance and hard work were rewarded. In 2011, Elena became a producer and editor at the Channel One Special Projects Studio (the show “Let Them Talk”, “Tonight”). Working on the main state channel became a most valuable experience, but the crazy schedule without days off and breaks exhausted Elena - a year later the girl ended up in a heart clinic.

Therefore, Elena preferred a quieter (compared to Ostankino) work on cable channels, where she conducted interviews and supervised filming documentaries, oversaw several major television projects (the TV series “Kitchen”, the show “Vacations in Mexico”, the program “Funny People”).

Elena Letuchaya – presenter of “Revizorro”

In 2014, the management of the channel “Friday!” acquired the format of the “Inspector General” program from the Ukrainian “New Channel” - a one-of-a-kind project. Initially, they intended to make Olga Freimut, the presenter of the original version, the face of the program, called “Revizorro,” but she refused due to her busy schedule.

A friend told Elena, who was at that moment working on the “Kitchen” project and creating a film about the series, about the casting for the post of presenter. The “audition” took place in one of the capital’s restaurants; The future presenter was required to be able to hold herself, look good on camera, be sociable and not be afraid of “closed doors.” The spectacular blonde Elena Letuchaya, who had all these qualities, interested the producers of the project, and three months after the casting she had already signed a contract for three dozen episodes.

The new “live video” format for Elena was complex, but indescribably exciting. For the first six months, the presenter lived in constant travel: she flew in from filming, unpacked her suitcase, packed her things again and flew to another city that required inspection.

Inspections from the leading program “Revizorro” were not always welcome. Often during inspections, the staff got into fights and argued in a raised voice, but Letuchaya never lost her composure. There were also out-of-the-ordinary incidents, such as in Salekhard and Kemerovo, when film crew show was attacked: journalists were beaten and the cameraman was threatened with a knife. After experiencing stress, Elena was helped to recover by her favorite hobbies: yoga, horseback riding and books.

Attack on the “Revizorro” film crew in Salekhard

Elena always rightly believed that she was doing something useful, trying to improve the quality of services in the country. She taught the audience how to behave in conflict situations and legally fight for the quality of service. However, to the great disappointment of fans of Elena Letuchaya, due to the creation own show(“Slim”), the presenter left the project, handing over the reins to singer Olga Romanovskaya. The departure of Letuchaya caused a huge resonance in the media space.

After leaving Revizzorro, Elena remained co-host of the Revizzorro Show, in which every restaurant or hotel owner who considered the negative assessment undeserved could come to the studio and refute the accusations.

In the spring of 2016, the first episodes of Elena Letuchaya’s new project, called “Slim,” were filmed. It was reported that the participants of the show will reset overweight for money.

In October 2016, Elena Letuchaya announced her return to Revizorro to the great joy of all her fans.

Personal life of Elena Letuchaya

According to Elena Letuchaya, in family life you should enter with an absolute understanding of what you expect from her, regardless of the stereotypes prevailing in society. Previously, she believed that she was simply not cut out for marriage, preferring a career, travel and self-development. After 35 years, according to the presenter herself, she had an idea of ​​​​an ideal life partner, thought about children and was even ready to sacrifice an established way of life for the sake of harmony in the family.

In August 2016, Elena Letuchaya got married. The chosen one of the star of the “Friday” channel is entrepreneur Yuri Anashenkov. A furor in the press was caused not only by the ceremony itself in Santorini (Greece), but also by the “flying bachelorette party” that Elena held for her closest friends. After the wedding, the presenter intended to take double surname and become Flying Anashenkova.

For such a busy person, Elena has a surprising number of hobbies. In addition to horseback riding and yoga, she visits a fitness club to keep herself in good shape. physical fitness. Another passion of Letuchaya is cooking.

Elena Alexandrovna Letuchaya. Born on December 5, 1978 in Yaroslavl. Russian television journalist, TV presenter, producer and director.

She became widely known thanks to the program “Revizorro” on the TV channel “Friday!”

She graduated from the MITRO School of Television and Radio Broadcasting, where she later headed the “Elena Letuchaya Workshop” of the MITRO Faculty of Journalism.

In 2015, she was among the most sexy women Russia according to Maxim magazine, taking 91st place.

She is constantly asked a question about her last name - is it a stage name? But in fact, Letuchaya is her real surname, received from her father.

Elena herself says that she never considered her last name to be somehow unusual and extravagant.

Elena Letuchaya - biography, personal life, career

Father - Alexander Nikolaevich Letuchy.

Mother - Lyudmila Aleksandrovna Letuchaya.

“I grew up in love, was a wanted child”, says Elena. The whole family took part in her upbringing - from parents to grandmothers.

According to Elena, mom was a strict police officer, and dad was kind: “Mom immediately said to any of my questions: “No!”, and dad winked: “Do it, do it, but only quietly. And don’t tell anyone.”.

IN Nizhny Novgorod She had one grandmother living with her, and another in St. Petersburg. She visited them regularly. Her paternal grandmother taught her to enjoy simple things: “Look how beautiful the leaves on the tree are,” she said. “Feel the sun shining warmly, close your eyes and enjoy.”, - said Elena. Then as mother taught "responsibility, sobriety and uncompromisingness".

She is grateful to her parents for being very active in developing her as a child. She studied at art school, dad got two-week passes to the Hermitage (which were then sold only to foreigners). “They took me to houses where poets used to live. In St. Petersburg, my mother and I often went to plein airs, I painted, and she sat next to me.”, - recalled Letuchaya.

She grew up as a restless child: “I jumped around garages with the boys, earning abrasions and scars.”. Her parents sent her to dance, then she studied at a figure skating school and, as the coaches said, showed great promise.

However, then the family moved to Far East, and she had to forget about skates.

In 1985, she moved with her parents to Tynda, who worked there on the construction of the Baikal-Amur Mainline.

While studying at school, which she graduated in 1997, she studied dancing and figure skating, and also studied drawing at an art school.

She dreamed of moving to St. Petersburg and becoming an architect, but it didn’t work out. Her parents chose her profession - they assigned her to a prestigious financial and economic college, from which she graduated with a degree in financier. “It was a serious institution, there was almost a military regime there. And graduates were immediately accepted into the third year of the Khabarovsk Financial Academy.”, - said Elena.

Returning to Yaroslavl, she worked at Russian Railways, and later, in Moscow, she studied to become an economist: she worked for 4 years as a financier in the companies of Gazprom Gazenergoset OJSC, then for 5 years in the Russian Railways company.

In 1999, Elena Letuchaya graduated from Blagoveshchensk College of Finance and Economics with a degree in enterprise finance.

In 2005, she graduated from the Russian State Open Technical University of Transport with a degree in economics.

She grew up career ladder, however “I came to the realization that I don’t like my job at all”. And then she decided to change her life - in 2007 she entered the Ostankino School of Television.

In 2010, she graduated from the Ostankino School of Television, making her first video, which was dedicated to blood donors. At the same time, she worked as an editor in the news room of Vesti VGTRK, training and preparing for live broadcasts of a TV presenter of economic news on the TV channel. At the same time, she filmed stories for the Stolitsa TV channel.

“Despite the fact that I studied to be a presenter, I was interested in production, directing, staging. I still produce documentaries, I have my own team, and I always get involved in the work of directors and cameramen. If I have time, then I would definitely go to VGIK to study as a director.", says Flying.

In 2009-2010 she worked on the Global Star TV channel. Author of the “ART life” and “Territory of Men” programs.

In 2011, she became an editor and producer at the Channel One Special Projects Studio, which produces the talk shows “Let Them Talk” and “Tonight.”

In September - December 2012 - producer of Onion Heads, was engaged in the production of television programs for MTV.

In July-September 2013 she worked at the Yellow, Black and White company as a producer of the TV series “Kitchen”. She was the producer of the series for two seasons. He is also the producer of the sequel “Kitchen in Paris”.

She was the producer of the show “Holidays in Mexico.”

In July - August 2013, she was a producer at TV3, producing documentaries “High-profile cases.”

From February 2014 to March 2016 - presenter of the program "Revizorro" on the Friday TV channel.

Elena Letuchaya in the program "Revizorro"

The program was not only interesting, but also dangerous - there were often excesses and manifestations of aggression on the part of those who were being audited by Elena Letuchaya’s group.

However, the girl declares that she knows how to control herself: “Of course, people get into fights, argue, shout. But it’s very difficult to get me angry. The only time I really took the situation very seriously was in Anapa. I held on until the last moment, because there was a lot of people around me. a lot of people. I, like an iron lady, commented on the situation. But as soon as we started writing a statement to the police, I started getting hysterical. The doctors had to give me a sedative. It took me a long time to recover from loneliness, books and yoga. the best antidepressant is horse riding. I practice in the stables on Olympiysky Prospekt. Hippotherapy has a magical effect on me.”.

Elena Letuchaya - fight in Salekhard

In 2016, Elena starred in a cameo in an episode of the film “Friday!” In 2017, Elena Letuchaya played herself in the Russian adaptation of the cult American sitcom “2 Broke Girls.”

Dubbed Julia Stiles (heroine from the film Jane) in the film “Worse Than a Lie.” In April 2017, Elena Letuchaya dubbed the heroine Natalie Digest in the cartoon "Cars 3", which premiered in Russia on June 15, 2017.

She was a producer of documentaries about the series “Kitchen” and “Ship”.

On July 10, 2015, she acted as the host of the sixth annual award“Consumer rights and quality of service.”

January 27, 2016 headed "Workshop of Elena Letuchaya" at the Faculty of Journalism of the Moscow Institute of Television and Radio Broadcasting "Ostankino" (MITRO).

Since February 2016, she has been co-host of the “Revizorro Show” program.

On June 28, 2016, she received two TEFI awards for the “Revizorro” program in the “Investigative Journalism” category and the “Revizorro-Show” program in the “Evening Talk Show” category.

In September 2016, she became a guest star editor of Hello! magazine.

On November 28, 2016, she opened her own online store at the numerous requests of her fans, called “Flying Store” in honor of her return to the Revizorro project as a presenter.

Since March 2017 - producer of the project for children and their smart parents “Wizard Lexicon”. The project serves the purpose of preserving Russian cultural heritage and psychological health of children, thanks to its focus on the development of native speech and the ability to use it. The project produces books, audiobooks, audio plays, cartoons, mobile games, magic boxes, various educational and gaming products, and also organizes events for children.

In July 2017, Elena Letuchaya joined the supervisory board of Roskachestvo from the Ministry of Industry and Trade of the Russian Federation.

On October 30, 2017, it became known that Elena would move from the Friday! on Channel One, where they talk about inspections in social institutions - schools and hospitals.

Elena Letuchaya in the program Evening Urgant

Elena Letuchaya's height: 178 centimeters.

Personal life of Elena Letuchaya:

She says about herself that she is not subject to social rules. And she never wanted - like many girls - to get married.

According to Letuchaya, she was proposed to three times: at 23, at 24, and at 26. But she believes that she would hardly have become a good wife then, so the family would not have lasted long. “At that moment I was not ready, I was looking for myself. Everything was interesting to me, I was striving forward. And my chosen one needed a homely wife who would cook borscht and give birth to 500 children for him.”, she said.

Only at the age of 37 did she first say “Yes” to her chosen one, Yuri Anashenkov. He proposed to her on Valentine's Day, February 14, 2016.

Previously, she got engaged to Anashenkov after a year and a half romance. For the sake of Letuchaya, Yuri abandoned his common-law wife Hasmik Vaye Reitor, with whom he was in a relationship for 6 years and raised two children.

Elena Letuchaya and Yuri Anashenkov

"He - a real man, he is very kind, he makes decisions. He takes on this responsibility. With him I can feel like a woman, and a woman should not shoulder this responsibility. Him kind heart, he loves his children and cares about them very much. He cares about me. He makes me happy! In my opinion, this is the most important thing", - Elena explained her choice.

According to her, she and Yuri had love at first sight, the TV presenter decided on an official marriage and thought about motherhood.

Filmography of Elena Letuchaya:

2010 - Moscow. Central District-3 - magazine editorial employee
2016 - Friday - cameo

Flying Elena Alexandrovna is a delightful beauty who is associated exclusively with her impartial host of the “Revizorro” program. The woman is so talented that she can combine several professions at once, including TV presenter and producer. television programs, as well as a television journalist.

Lena Letuchaya happy wife, who dreams of becoming the mother of a charming baby. At the same time, on the channel “Friday!” the woman holds the post of producer, so she heads all the projects that are part of the “Revizorro” line.

She doesn't sit in one place for a minute, because she simply can't imagine her life without active rest, including, without surfing, yoga, running, horse riding. Elena is great at skiing and roller skating, and also never tires of doing charity work.

Height, weight, age. How old is Elena Letuchaya

At the same time, many fans dream of finding out what famous TV presenter height, weight, age. How old is Elena Letuchaya is the second question, which is not at all difficult to resolve, since her date of birth is known to everyone.

Lena was born in 1978, so she is already thirty-nine full years old. At the same time, Elena Letuchaya: the photos in her youth and now are completely the same, since the girl is incredibly bright and beautiful, and there are no even the smallest wrinkles on her face.

Elena received the Zodiac sign - Sagittarius, that is, she received such character traits as dreaminess, changeability, stability, and activity. Wherein Eastern horoscope gave her the sign of a hardworking, reliable, efficient, self-confident, generous, resourceful Horse.

Flying's height is no more than one meter and seventy-eight centimeters, and her weight does not exceed sixty kilograms.

Biography of Elena Letuchaya

The biography of Elena Letuchaya is filled with incredible facts, which prove that high efficiency, activity and a little luck can help you make a dizzying career.

Her father, Alexander Letuchy, was an engineer who designed and built the BAM, and her mother, Lyudmila Letuchaya, was also a builder. Together with her parents, the girl moved from her native Yaroslavl to the Far East, where she studied in a regular and art schools, took up dancing.

By the way, Letuchaya wanted to go to the northern capital of Russia and become a student at the architectural institute, however, she entered Blagoveshchensk College and became an economist or financier. After that she worked for railway, and also received a second education at the Institute of Railways and Communications of the capital. Starting in 2005, the girl worked for four years as a financier at the future Gazprom.

Soon the woman realized that she was simply wasting time working at a boring job, so she set off to conquer the world of television by enrolling in the Ostankino Television School. Already in 2010, she received her education, but had not yet started working at VGTRK, she was terribly poor, and was busy printing texts, rewriting and editing scripts. There wasn’t enough money even for the most budget food and renting an apartment, but to return to parents' house Lena was in no hurry.

The girl worked hard, hardly slept, so she managed to become an editor and producer in the special projects department of Channel 1, but in 2012, due to nervous exhaustion and overwork, she ended up in the clinic with a heart attack. Then she switched to quieter cable channels, and since 2014 she became the face of the “Friday!” channel. and the “Revizorro” program.

Elena was the author or presenter of the programs “Flying Connection”, “Lexicon”, “Hell’s Kitchen”, “ Flying squad", "Slimmers", "Flying Store". At the same time, she became a producer of the films “Kitchen”, “Ship”, “Vacation in Mexico”, “Kitchen in Paris”.

Personal life of Elena Letuchaya

The personal life of Elena Letuchaya has never been too turbulent, since the girl believes that you should not enter into a relationship if you do not know what you want to get from them. At the same time, the TV presenter herself refused whirlwind romances, because I thought that the wedding and family relationships- this is not hers, because it was more important for her to build a career and become famous.

At the same time, the girl was so busy in “live communication” projects, so due to moving and constant filming, she constantly lost consciousness, ended up in hospitals with heart failure, and in January of this year, Elena completely abandoned filming in the “Flying Squad” project. . The fact is that she was admitted to the hospital, where she was diagnosed with unstable angina and a ban on regular flights was imposed.

That is why the woman took care of her health, and did not have affairs with men. Several times information appeared on the Internet that TV presenter Elena Letuchaya gave birth to a child, but the TV presenter did not confirm these rumors.

At the same time, fans started talking about the fact that Flying was pregnant after she began wearing loose-fitting clothes, and also, her tummy became rounder. However, years have passed since 2016, but the woman has not given birth to anyone, and also commented on these rumors, clarifying that she would never get married just because of her interesting position.

Family of Elena Letuchaya

Elena Letuchaya’s family is her joy and reliable support, so she constantly says that a strong family is the basis of well-being. At the same time, the girl claims that parents, even the most beloved ones, should sometimes not be listened to if it concerns their personal life and career.

The fact is that Letuchaya still remembers that it was her parents who dissuaded her from entering the architectural institute, since they themselves worked in this industry and understood how difficult it was.

It was in order to seem like a good and exemplary daughter that Lena received a higher education in economics, becoming a financier. However, Flying often says that work should bring not only profit, but also satisfaction, and one should go to work with a sincere smile.

Children of Elena Letuchaya

Elena Letuchaya’s children have not yet appeared to her, although there are persistent rumors about this on the Internet, which the woman is already tired of denying. At the same time, the TV presenter is especially saddened by the fact that her imminent marriage with her most beloved person only means that Elena became pregnant and wants to give birth to a baby in marriage.

Several times in an interview, Letuchaya indicated that she would never want to rush into having a baby, since she did not dare to become a single mother. However, only now, having become a beloved wife, she dreams of giving birth to her chosen one and, if possible, three children.

Elena - only child in the family, so she wants a big one and friendly family where everyone loves each other.

Elena Letuchaya's husband - Yuri Anashenkov

Elena Letuchaya’s husband, Yuri Anashenkov, is two years older than his chosen one, he is a self-sufficient person, since he is engaged in entrepreneurial, collection and advocacy activities, and is also interested in hockey. The fact is that the young people met a year and a half before the wedding.

At the same time, Letuchaya literally took Yura away from the family where two children were growing up, but she does not repent of this. The young people met at the Topical Style Awards, and everyone began to say that the guys would be a wonderful couple.

The wedding took place in 2016 in a luxurious villa on the Greek island of Santorini, and the ceremony was only for their own people. Letuchaya held her bachelorette party in the presidential chambers of the Lotte Hotel Moscow, where she thought over the last details of the celebration.

At the same time, the woman often says that Yuri is simply ideal for her, since he is a real authority, and also, the only man who supports her. By the way, the man never regrets anything for his wife; the couple lives in a cottage village near Moscow.

The guys have completely the same interests and worldview, so they feel just great together. At the same time, the couple rejects the assumption that Lena is an insidious homewrecker, since ex-wife I lived separately for a long time.

Yuri often sees his children, because the eight-year-old and six-year-old boys really need their father, and Elena doesn’t see anything wrong with this.

Photo by Elena Letuchaya in Maxim magazine

Photos of Elena Letuchaya in Maxim magazine have never appeared in print, but they can be found in electronic version magazine. At the same time, they are quite modest, since on them the first television beauty appeared before her fans in a swimsuit, or rather, in several varieties.

The fact is that the beauty travels a lot, so she often exhibits in social networks photos in a swimsuit taken in the Seychelles, Maldives. In addition, Lena is often interested in which swimsuit fits her best.

Candid photos of Elena Letuchaya are limited to pictures in the most beautiful underwear, swimsuits or light, tight dresses. All photographs depicting a naked journalist and TV presenter are skillfully and not very well made photoshop or viral files.

Instagram and Wikipedia Elena Letuchaya

Instagram and Wikipedia of Elena Letuchaya exist and are officially confirmed, and all the information posted on them is reliable, verified and up-to-date. So, from an article on Wikipedia you can really learn about childhood, parents, education, career growth on television and in other industries, personal life, and also about the health of the beauty.

Approximately 1,200,000 people are subscribed to the people’s favorite Instagram and can rate and comment on Flying’s photos and videos. Moreover, almost all of them are dedicated to work moments or travel, but materials from personal archive a bit of beauty.

There is a category of men who, even despite their good financial security and achievements in business, are still better known to the public as the husbands of artists, dancers, and TV presenters. One of these tough guys of our time is Yuri Gennadievich Anashenkov, whose biography will be discussed in the article.

Curriculum Vitae

The current very successful businessman was born in Moscow on April 25, 1976. It is reliably known that Yuri Gennadyevich Anashenkov (his photo is given above) received his complete secondary education at the capital’s school number 432. After this, the young man became a student at the prestigious Moscow Law Institute of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, which he successfully graduated in 1999.

Police career

Having graduated from the university as a qualified graduate, Yuri became a police officer, where he was able to rise to the rank of major. He also managed to work as a personnel inspector in the internal affairs department located in the Eastern Administrative District of Moscow. But work in power structure brought absolutely no satisfaction to the man. He was unable to earn decent money or receive any other dividends for himself. In this regard, he made the final decision to retrain as an entrepreneur.

Business and crime

Anashenkov Yuri Gennadievich is a rather hidden person for society. However, there is still well-verified information. Since 2007, he has directly managed the sensational collection agency called “Russian Collector,” which is considered a non-public company. The main office of the company is based in Moscow. The first assistant to the hero of the article is Sergei Chernyshov, who at one time worked as deputy head of the RUBOP of Moscow CJSC.

Anashenkov’s name regularly appeared in crime reports. A striking example This can be illustrated by the case when Yuri’s subordinates carried out Raider seizure. It is worthwhile to dwell on this point in more detail. In 2011, "Russian Collector" together with the legal center "Verdict" and training center"Fincont" was held in literally a serious force operation to seize the main offices of the Mega-Trust and Skif companies. At the same time, the attacking side completely blocked all entrances and exits from the building, staircases, accounting, reception and bosses' offices.

In a word, Yuri Gennadievich Anashenkov is a businessman working on the verge of a foul. It is worth noting that his activities bring him quite a lot of income and therefore he and his family can easily live in grand style.

Millionaire's women

According to media reports, the owner of the collection company was married for the first time to a woman named Evgenia Zaichenko. The couple had a son, who was named Maxim. However, the family did not last long, as Yuri left his wife for new lover- art critic Hasmik Vaye Reitor. We point out that the mistress took the man away from the family. However, the homewrecker subsequently managed to tie the rich man to herself, although she did not become his official wife. They lived together in an official marriage for six years. The woman gave birth to two sons to Anashenkov.

Legal spouse

Who does Yuri Gennadievich Anashenkov live with now? His wife is known throughout the country. This girl regularly appears on television to show viewers her “revisions” of various establishments. As you probably already guessed, this is Elena Letuchaya.

A reputable collector met a popular TV presenter when he was 39 years old and she was almost 37. It goes without saying that she also had her own personal life before meeting the businessman, but she always safely hid it from prying eyes.

For the first time in society, the couple appeared together at the Topical Style Awards, where journalists and spectators immediately started talking about their wedding.

Yuri Gennadyevich Anashenkov, whose personal life was always under the radar of cameras, declassified his relationship with Lena even before their wedding, when they vacationed together in Bali, where they regularly rode surfboards, sunbathed on the beaches and went to restaurants. And the entrepreneur made his marriage proposal to Elena on World Valentine’s Day on February 14, 2016.

The lovers officially got married on August 2, 2016. The ceremony took place at the famous Greek resort called Santorini. The celebration took place surrounded only by relatives and closest people. Well, before that, Letuchaya had a good bachelorette party at the elite Moscow hotel Lotte Hotel Moscow, where she rented a presidential apartment. After the wedding, the newlyweds flew to the Maldives, where they spent their “honeymoon.”

It is worth noting that Yuri Gennadievich Anashenkov is an unshakable authority for his chosen one. He helps Elena in every possible way both in her work, using his legal knowledge, and in Everyday life, sparing nothing for your beloved. Letuchaya herself has repeatedly noted in her interviews that she and her husband are very similar to each other. They have the same views on life and hobbies. Now the girl dreams of having children together and focuses on the fact that she was not the reason for Yuri’s separation from his previous wife.

Today's day

Now Anashenkov Yuri Gennadievich and Lena live together in their own private house located outside the city. The area of ​​the mansion, built in the Moscow region, is about 250 square meters.

Spring 2017 married couple attended a ceremony, closed from prying eyes, at which a prestigious award in narrow circles called “The Most Stylish in Russia 2017” was presented. The event was organized by the respected print publication HELLO!, which invites representatives only from the world of show business to the solemn event. Elena was one of the first to be called to the stage to receive a statuette in the “Brand of the Year” nomination, which was presented to her by Ksenia Sobchak.

By the way, the invitation to the evening was created based on sketches by fashion designer Valentin Yudashkin.

In conclusion, I would like to note that no one knows for sure the condition of Yuri Anashenkov. However, it is reliably known: the head of the collection company is not yet on the list of the first two hundred richest people Russia.

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