Ekaterina Ivanchikova: “In all ten years, my husband and I quarreled once - over a cat. IOWA: biography Katya iowa got married

Belarusian pop group.

History of the IOWA Group

Group IOWA appeared in 2009 in Belarus. In 2010, the guys gave several acoustic concerts in St. Petersburg, thanks to which they gained listeners in Russia. After this, the team decided to move to St. Petersburg. In 2011, the IOWA group filmed their first video clip for the song “Simple Song”, and on August 27 the video appeared on the Internet. Within a few weeks, it collected almost 100 thousand views, after which the song was taken into rotation by many Russian radio stations.

In February 2012, a second clip appeared online IOWA groups for the song “Mama”, filmed in one of warm countries. The main characters of the video are the group's lead singer Katya Ivanchikova and guitarist Leonid Tereshchenko, who is also her husband. The second video hit even harder than “A Simple Song” and collected almost a million views. The clip was broadcast on the Muz-TV and MTV channels, where it was featured in the Russian Top Ten for several weeks.

The band's name is an American idiom that stands for Idiots Out Wandering Around. It can be translated as follows: “You can’t hide the truth.” Also Iowa is one of the states of America.

Composition of the IOWA group

Ekaterina Ivanchikova - vocals
Leonid Tereshchenko - guitar
Vasily Bulanov - drums
Andrey Artemyev - keyboards
Vadik Kotletkin - bass guitar

Katya I.O.W.A. Ivanchikova I started singing since childhood. In 1992, she appeared on stage for the first time and immediately took first place in the regional competition among kindergartens. Graduated in 2003 music school and started writing my songs. In 2005, Katya became a finalist in the Belarusian television projects “Stargazer”, “Star Stagecoach” and “Hit-Moment”. In 2007, Katya Ivanchikova was taken as a soloist in the musical Ilya Oleinikov “Prophet”. In 2008, she already performed as an opening act for the group. Animal Jazz and played in a one-act play to the music of the group IOWA, winner of the international IFMS competition.

Leonid LENNY Tereshchenko in the group IOWA plays the guitar and arranges songs. Studied in Mogilev music school them. Rimsky-Korsakov. During his studies he became a laureate of prestigious international competitions and festivals. After graduating from college, he was invited to concert activities to the USA, but was unable to leave due to a visa refusal. After this, Leonid was invited to work at the Spamash production center in Minsk, where he was an arranger of songs for Belarusian pop stars.

Katya Ivanchikova: “Sometimes an ordinary song can disturb our memory, like mud from the bottom of the ocean with a fallen anchor. Such an anchor can be a certain sound, smell, color, taste. I would like to think that our history can become a sound with which only an event in your individual life will be associated. After all, it is precisely from such moments that it consists...”

Creativity of the IOWA group

According to the band members themselves IOWA, their work was influenced by many performers: Guano Apes, Kings of Leon, Moby, Pink, Lady Gaga. The group has already shot two videos for the songs “Simple Song” and “Mom”, but has not released a single one studio album. Despite this, the group has already managed to perform at such large venues, such as Red Square, the Olimpiysky Sports Complex and the Ice Palace in St. Petersburg.

In 2013, the group presented the song “Looking for a Husband” on the TV show “Let's Get Married” on Channel One. In the same year, the musicians worked with the show “Big Dances”, where they performed the song “Mama” for a performance by the Volgograd team.

2014 was rich in soundtracks for the group. They recorded the song “The Same Thing” for the series “ Kitchen"on the STS TV channel and the single "Simple Song", later performed in the TV series "Fizruk". The song “Smile” recorded by the guys was performed in two TV series at once: “Kitchen” and “ Sweet life" In 2014, the group gave a joint concert with the group “Zveri” in Sochi. In November 2014, the group's first album, called Export, was released.

In 2015, the musicians received nominations for the MUZ-TV award in the categories “Breakthrough of the Year” and “ Best Song" IOWA gave its first big solo concert Crocus City Hall in Moscow, and then performed in her homeland, Minsk.

In 2016, Katya Ivanchikova voiced the main female role in the full-length Russian cartoon “Wolves and Sheep: A Crazy Transformation.” She also recorded the soundtrack for the project. In the same year, the group released their second album, entitled Import.

In 2017, the team, together with Serj Tankian recorded the song “A Beautiful Day to Die”, which became the title song for the Russian historical film “

Katya, when did you realize that your calling was to sing? Do you remember your first performance on stage?

Katya Ivanchikova Photo: IOWA Press Service

I have been singing as long as I can remember - from early childhood: and in kindergarten, and at school, and then at competitions and all sorts of events. For me, singing is as natural as breathing, eating, walking, sleeping... And the first time I performed on stage was in... my mother’s belly. She danced Russian folk dance in the 9th month of pregnancy. Now I understand that, in fact, I didn’t know how to sing until I was 20 years old - I just learned, and I’m still learning now. It was this desire to learn, and charisma that were the most important for young musician. I learned from every project I took part in, from every teacher. Sometimes two weeks of intensive classes can give more than a year of study at the institute, because you understand that you need this knowledge like air. At first there was a children's art house, then I took academic vocal lessons. My teacher Anatoly Mikhailovich Ostafiychuk - a musician, conductor, wrote scores for large orchestras - wanted me to go to university and study further. But I went my own way. He gave me a lot, and I am grateful to him for believing in me so much. I even studied in the queue of the Star Stagecoach project. Imagine, 6 thousand young talents stand in one line for several days in a row. We didn't see each other as rivals: we were friends. They shared their experiences with each other and bawled popular songs in the foyer. And it was very cool!

- And if we talk about celebrities - who did you listen to, who did you learn from? And how did you create your group?

I come from a small Belarusian town near Mogilev. I was looking for like-minded people from the age of 15. In those years I listened to Russian rock: Zemfira, the collections “Brother” and “Brother-2”: this is Butusov, “Agatha Christie”. Among the foreign bands I liked The Cardigans, Nirvana, Guano Apes. IN adolescence the soul protests against everything, and music comes to the rescue. I experimented, “interfered,” mixed, “screamed”... When I decided to create a group, I was 18. By that time, I had a clear idea of ​​what kind of project I wanted to do. My friends called me and said that there were talented guys in Mogilev who would definitely suit me. They turned out to be Lenya and Vasya (Leonid Tereshchenko and Vasily Bulanov. - Ed.) True, it was not easy to get them into your team. Lenya, for example, didn’t come to the first rehearsal at all! I persuaded him over the phone, sent him countless SMS messages. As a result, he could not stand my pressure and came. We, one might say, “played together” the first time. Now I don’t remember what we sang: something in “gibberish” from the category of “what I see, I sing about.” Soon we felt crowded in Mogilev, we decided to move to St. Petersburg. I wanted scope, creativity, development! Of course it wasn't easy. To earn money for food and housing, I got a job in a toy store. Not everyone who came there could afford to buy something, so I started making toys myself and giving them to such people for free. I don’t understand how I wasn’t fired then! (Laughs). We performed at apartment buildings, in bars, and just sang on the street. And it was an incredible thrill: to stand, for example, on Malaya Sadovaya in the middle of all these palaces and fountains - and understand that this is not scenery, everything is real. And people are walking by, and suddenly you catch them - and they stop. Then we performed at the Open Windows festival, participated in the Channel One show Red Star, then received a special prize at the New Wave... A lot has happened in seven years. Step by step they walked towards their goal and won over their listeners. Now there is fame and popularity, but we are only at the beginning of the journey. In our team there are no problems, no quarrels, we are all excited at work, bursting with ideas.

- How do you rest?

I rest when my energy is directed in the right direction. It's important for me to do something useful. I’m not saying that it’s bad to lie around the TV and watch TV series; I myself sometimes sin with this. But I am always burning with some ideas and have not yet fully explored all the corners of my space. Right now I have two desires: to drive a car and learn French. I want to record a hit in French. The first one will be “Minibus”, we are already working on it. I also like to make surprises. Just the other day I returned from Paris, where I went with my mother. She had dreamed of seeing Notre Dame all her life, and I finally made her dream come true. The main thing is to live and enjoy. Work and enjoy, relax and enjoy.

Stars who voiced the characters in the cartoon “Wolves and Sheep” Photo: Julia Dali

- Voicing a character in the cartoon “Wolves and Sheep: Crazy Transformation” - is this another experiment?

Certainly! After all, this is a new experience for me. I've already voiced a cartoon before, but it wasn't like that big role. The director literally told me in 20 minutes what and how to do. And I gave it in advance special exercises, which helped me a lot. In general, I am very grateful to the creators of the cartoon for giving me a chance again. In addition, in “Wolves and Sheep,” which is released on April 28, I also sing. The main topic became our track “Stay Yourself”.

Katya IOWA Photo: Instagram

- Katya, it recently became known that you and the band’s guitarist Leonid Tereshchenko got married...

There hasn't been a wedding yet. We have been together for a long time and, of course, we think about this event. What will it be like: solemn and crowded - for all relatives or a modest holiday - for the two of us? Chic outfits - or jeans and sneakers? I can’t say that love between us arose at first sight. You know, sometimes you see a person and either intuition or some other inner feeling kicks in, but you understand: “He will take me away!” This thought has been spinning in my head since our very first meeting. And then everything somehow happened by itself. I never told anyone about this. We started working together and then we just became together. I am incredibly lucky; Lenya is a wonderful person. He has no flaws. I like his thinking. We are united by music, because music is our life. I have no idea how the representatives get along different professions. There is a belief that love lasts three years. Perhaps this is true. But if, besides love, people are connected by something else: interest, friendship, respect, then three years is far from the limit!

Ekaterina Ivanchikova is a vocalist performing in a group called IOWA. The singer's biography is quite rich. She was born in the city of Chausy. This happened on August 18, 1987. The group was created in 2009. This happened in Mogilev. And since then Katya has been its permanent vocalist. She writes songs and inspires crazy, expressive and emotional performances. An indescribable atmosphere is always created at concerts, as Ekaterina gives her all, plays out every line of her songs and experiences all the emotions that served as the basis for creating the lyrics.

The singer's first performance

Katya performed on stage for the first time in 1992. At this time it happens regional competition among children's institutions. And then she took first place. During her training, the vocalist of the group IOWA, whose biography is interesting to many fans, was engaged in the most different types creativity. Among them, drawing, dancing, music, and singing should be highlighted. As a teenager, Katya was engaged in writing texts. She was already thinking about creating a group. The singer is a philologist and journalist by training.

Where did the name come from?

The IOWA group has a rather interesting “biography”. And its name is original. His story is as follows. The guys who performed with Katya before the formation of the group called the singer Iowa. And when she told her friend from America about this, she found out that this word had a decoding. Loosely translated, IOWA means “you can’t hide the truth.” Katya liked this coincidence. That's why she decided to use this word as the name for her group.

You should enjoy everything you do

Katya doesn’t view participation in the group as work. Every performance is an incredible happiness for her. With it, she can tell many people that they need to enjoy every day. It opens up unique opportunities for us that we should take advantage of.

Katya is very optimistic, dreamy and a bit of a child. Maybe that's why she finds it quite easily mutual language with kids? As the singer herself has said more than once, she is fascinated by the ability to fantasize that a child possesses. Adults do not know how to do this, as they are limited by their position in society and various stereotypes.

Successfully combining creativity with work, Ekaterina does what brings her pleasure and money for existence. She performs quite often. But, as the vocalist of the group IOWA, whose biography does not go unnoticed, says, there is always time. And it’s enough for reading and hobbies. By the way, the singer sews dolls and creates children's cartoons. Katya very often communicates with her family and loyal fans.

Fans love the singer not only because she has a special style of creativity and performance, but also for the spiritual qualities of this cheerful girl. She always communicates with her fans, gives them smiles and a positive mood.

A successful and independent group from Mogilev

The IOWA group is not a production project. These are ordinary guys from Mogilev. And on this moment A variety of production centers are actively trying to conclude contracts with them. However, they blinded themselves on their own. Many have probably heard their song “Mama”. In 2012 they performed at the New Wave. And it was there that their creativity was first appreciated. It should be noted that the IOWA group has a fairly rich “biography”. Ekaterina Ivanchikova and her boys have already visited all cities of Russia. They performed concerts in neighboring countries. And today they are actively invited to perform in Western Europe.

Creation of a creative group

“You can’t hide the truth”, “idiots go in circles”, “we repeat our mistakes”... Katya, Leni and Vasya have different understandings of how the name of the group is translated. However, they all say that everyone has their own rake, and no one is immune from making mistakes. How did their work begin?

Ekaterina Ivanchenko recorded her first song with her friend in her home studio, in two-room apartment. There she met local musicians. And it was in this studio that the name IOWA was first mentioned. The soloist, whose biography is quite interesting, has admitted more than once that she misses that period and that studio.

Meeting future band members

In 2009, Katya met Lenya. During their first rehearsal, they sang, played, and improvised. They did what came to mind. And this was a significant day for them. And then Vasya appeared. And their interests coincided so much that they didn’t even have to explain what the singer wanted. The IOWA group was formed. Her biography began its countdown from this time.

First steps in career

The first song recorded was “Spring”. The performers began distributing it in Mogilev, making a lot of efforts for this. However, radio stations were reluctant to play the song. For several days, the vocalist went to various organizations, handing out CDs. And the results could not please. Some immediately refused, others took the disc but did not put it in rotation.

But local radio immediately began broadcasting a demo version of the song. And only over time the guys realized that this was a minus. There will always be people who like the first version more than the final one.

When she was just starting out, her biography was not interesting to anyone. To achieve fame, Katya often met with different people engaged in music business. Some advised what needs to be changed. There were also those who put an end to the group. And in 2010 they decided to leave Belarus. They needed competition, improvement, creative movement. And this was only possible in either Moscow or St. Petersburg. But Katya didn’t like the capital of Russia. She simply couldn’t imagine how she could be inspired and relaxed there.

Moving to another country

Fortunately, the group was noticed by young organizers from St. Petersburg. After that, the guys gave Katya bangs, bought train tickets and rushed into the unknown.

What came out of this act, which the IOWA soloist committed without hesitation. Her biography began to be filled with new events, positive moments and interesting facts. Only 10 people came to their first concert. Together with the group, they moved from bar to bar, pulling their friends along with them. This is exactly what the beginning was like. On last performance they were noticed by a person who was involved in show business. He invited them to hold several concerts in clubs.

There was a concert in Belarus, which they remembered quite strongly. They opened for the group "Animal Jazz". The latter arrived with her sound engineer. Accordingly, the sound of the songs was very different from what was proposed by the Mogilev group. And, naturally, the guys wanted to reach a new level.

First signs of popularity

The understanding that the lead singer of the group IOWA, whose biography had already begun to interest people little by little, had become recognizable, came while working in St. Petersburg at a factory. The owner of the enterprise was a Belarusian. At this time, the group had few orders, and they parted ways with their first director. And they worked at the factory famous performers by painting candles. Some of them drew hands, others legs and eyes. The output was an original product. The radio was playing in the workshop where they worked. And their “Simple Song” was heard more than once during the day. And, accordingly, the fact that they were performers became known quite quickly. And it was at this moment that they decided to change something in their lives. The group continued to work at the plant until the video for the song “Mama” was shot.

Refusal to participate in competitions

After the competition " New wave“They realized that this is a rather subjective matter. Competing in creativity is not entirely pleasant. Therefore, they are not going to do this anymore. In the future, the group is going to do three things: record their album, break a guitar on stage during a concert in Moscow, and go to Minsk to perform. In general, Belarus receives quite a lot of attention in the group’s plans. But there is nothing strange about this.

Let's briefly summarize

There were a lot of tours after the formation of the IOWA group. Performances were held throughout the Republic of Belarus. But the group received further development in St. Petersburg, where they also had to try quite hard to get people to know about them. But this is understandable, the competition is quite high, and you won’t be able to break through just like that. However, the vocalist took this as a new incentive to work, to creative inspiration. And she did everything right.

Vasily Bulanov plays drums and is the band's DJ. Andrey Artemyev - keyboards. Vadim Kotletkin plays bass guitar. The lyrics for the songs are composed by Ekaterina Ivanchenko and IOWA (the biography of the group members is highly popular not only among fans) was able to gain fame after her first performances. And every time it gets bigger and bigger. Each concert gives a new charge of vivacity and positivity, leaving behind only the most pleasant emotions. Therefore, this group has quite a lot of fans. Which cannot but please its participants.


This review talked about how difficult it was for young performers from Belarus to break onto the stage and gain popularity. But they did it. Of course, I had to try. They had difficult years, but they dealt with them. And on modern stage Almost everyone knows about this group. And the guys, naturally, are not going to stop on their way. Although they refuse to participate in competitions, they are not going to stop making people happy with their concerts. Therefore, it is worth wishing them success on their creative path.

The singer connected her life with guitarist Leonid Tereshchenko nine years after the start of the romance

Photo: Ivan Troyanovsky

The musicians of the IOWA group, lead singer Ekaterina Ivanchikova and guitarist Leonid Tereshchenko, got married on October 12, 2016. They have been together for ten years now.

The two-day celebration took place in Karelia. On the first day, the lovers got married in the Lumivaara church built in 1935, and in the evening they celebrated the event in the company of family and friends. On the second day, they repeated the wedding ceremony for the guests to their favorite tune from the movie “Amelie.”

Wedding Dress brides are a separate issue. Initially, Katya wanted it to be “in the shape of a guitar, so that Lenya could say in an interview that he married his guitar,” but then she changed her mind and ordered an original outfit with complex lace.

It must be said that Leonid proposed marriage to Katya back in 2012, but, as the singer says, “with such a schedule there was no time to get married.” She speaks warmly about how it was:

"In big mall it was very crowded, my mother did not suspect anything, we were just deciding which store we would go to now, and then a huge bouquet in the shape of a heart with legs began to approach us, and a flushed Lenich emerged from behind it and fell on his knee. He said something, but I don’t remember - I kept crying! It was very touching,” said Katya in exclusive interview OK!

Ekaterina Ivanchikova

Zodiac sign:
a lion

Eastern horoscope:

Place of Birth:
Chausy, Republic of Belarus


55 kg

169 cm

Biography Ekaterina Ivanchikova Iowa

Ekaterina Ivanchikova is a very emotional and expressive singer, better known as the lead singer of the popular youth group IOWA. Since childhood, the girl dreamed of devoting her life to show business, touring with concerts and having thousands of fans.

Katya Ivanchikova - lead singer of the group Iowa

It's safe to say that her childhood dream has become a reality. Since the creation of the group, she has been a true inspiration for listeners and bandmates.

Childhood of Ekaterina Ivanchikova

Katya was born on August 18, 1987 in the Belarusian town of Chausy. The girl grew up in an ordinary, but very friendly family, trying to be an obedient daughter. Her parents, in turn, supported her in all her endeavors and tried with all their might to provide their daughter with a decent life.

Ekaterina Ivanchikova in her youth

Katya often “delighted” her parents with yet another selected street animal, which she brought home to feed and, in case of physical injury, to heal.

The girl was rarely alone; most often she was in the company of her best friends, of whom she always had many.

Study of Ekaterina Ivanchikova

WITH youth it was clear that Katya was growing up to be a very active, and most importantly, versatile girl. Despite her activity, she was a good student at school and often pleased her parents with good grades.

From an early age she had a craving for music, so her parents enrolled their daughter in a music school, where she spent all her time free time. There she studied all the basics of playing the piano, however, these were not all her hobbies. In addition, Katya was interested in singing, dancing and even drawing, so her day was planned literally minute by minute.

Ekaterina Ivanchikova on the show “One to One!” Smile IOWA Group

On these same school years the girl fell in love for the first time. New, previously unfamiliar feelings discovered another talent in her - writing poetry. It was then that she wanted to create her own group, whose songs in the future could inspire and delight listeners.

After graduating from school, Katya was not thinking about a hobby, but about her future, so she decided to get a profession that would probably be stable and generate income.

Ekaterina Ivanchikova Iowa with her mother

She moved to Minsk and applied to the Belarusian Pedagogical University. Maxim Tank. Four years later Katya received higher education in two directions at once - “Journalism” and “Philology”.

The beginning of Ekaterina's IOWA career

In 2009, the girl again returned to the dream of creating her own music group, so she found equally ambitious and talented people, with whom I created a new one youth group IOWA.

Katya Ivanchikova always wanted to sing

In the future, its participants became not only colleagues, but also good friends. In the group, Katya serves as a vocalist and is responsible for writing lyrics for songs. Initially, she was also a bass guitarist, but soon began to devote all her strength only to high-quality singing.

Spectators who regularly attend concerts of the IOWA group note how energetic and professional Katya is during her performance. The girl not only puts all her energy into the performance, but also charges everyone present with it, from colleagues to devoted listeners. The songs that the girl writes are based solely on personal emotions and experiences, so it seems to every listener that the lyrics are written for each person.

For a whole year after its founding, the group performed concerts at the most big cities Republic of Belarus, however, in order to conquer more large audience the entire team decided to move to the creative city of St. Petersburg.

Interview with Ekaterina Ivanchikova, lead singer of the group “IOWA”

Initially they went there for a few days with concerts, but soon moved to permanent place residence. It was there that “IOWA” began to truly develop, literally from the very first performances, residents Russian Federation loved the visiting group.

History of the name of the group "Iowa"

Many people are interested in the question of what the name “IOWA” means and why the group members approved it. In fact, that’s what (Iowa) Katya was called by her comrades with whom she had previously performed. At that time, she was interested in heavy music, so her friends named her after one of the albums of the metal band Slipknot.

Iowa band consists of three members

Having told a friend from America about her nickname, the girl learned that in the states this abbreviation stands for “Idiots Out Wandering Around,” which literally means “Idiots wandering along the street.” At the time of the creation of the group, the girl believed that such a name would be original and could be remembered by future fans.

Personal life of Ekaterina Ivanchikova

Despite the busy musical career, the girl still finds time for her young man, who is the guitarist of her group Leonid Tereshchenko.

Ekaterina Ivanchikova and her boyfriend Leonid Tereshchenko

The couple had a friendly relationship for a very long time, after which they were in a romantic relationship for several years, and already in 2015 it became known that Ekaterina and Leonid would finally get married.

Ekaterina Ivanchikova today

It is worth noting that the group not only performed at various concerts, but also took part in numerous competitions. So, in 2012, IOWA became a participant in two competitions at once - “Red Star” on the First and “New Wave”. And even though they didn’t manage to win, they were still able to win over their audience and receive the “Love Radio Listeners’ Choice” prize.

In the spring of the same year, the video for the beloved song “Mama” collected a million views on the Internet. At the end of the year, it became one of the 20 best songs of 2012.

Ekaterina Ivanchikova will delight fans with new performances

Katya and her group often become invited guests on various TV shows and programs. For example, in 2013, IOWA performed the song “Looking for a Husband” on famous project Channel One “Let's Get Married” visiting hosts Roza Syabitova and Larisa Guzeeva.

In 2014, the team actively continues to record new hits and perform with them throughout the country. In addition, some compositions became soundtracks for popular domestic TV series. For example, the hits “The Same Thing” and “Smile” were heard in the series “Kitchen”, and “Simple Song” became the soundtrack to the beloved series “Fizruk”, in which main role performed by Dmitry Nagiyev.

IOWA - Smile

The group's songs have repeatedly taken first place in the iTunes top charts. At the end of 2014, they finally recorded their first album, “Export”.

In 2015, IOWA was repeatedly nominated for various prestigious awards, among which " The best group"at the RU.TV Awards, "Breakthrough of the Year" and "Best Song" at the Muz-TV Awards and "Best Russian artist» MTV EMA awards.

In April 2015 Music band gave his first serious concert, which took place in Moscow, and a month later in Minsk.

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