EGE Russian language. argument bank

To the question: Which works of Russian literature contain a problem? unfulfilled dream? (thanks in advance) given by the author Mamma Mia the best answer is the collapse of dreams - a problem that no author has thought about. I. A. Bunin, talking about a hunchback who was invited to a love date for the first time in his life, does not skimp on color, describing the man’s state in anticipation of a wonderful meeting. When this moment comes, everything in the hunchback’s soul will become numb and collapse: the hunchback will come towards the unfortunate man! Bunin doesn’t say a word about what he thinks. He just puts a dash before the word “hunchback.” This seemingly wordless sign contains everything that the hunchback feels: the collapse of a dream, the overthrow of an ideal... (I. Bunin’s story “The Hunchback”) How I sympathize with the unfortunate hunchback and even more so with the unfortunate hunchback! What was it like for her to see shock, disappointment and, perhaps, contempt on the man’s face... This is where all her dreams really came crashing down! Similar feelings were experienced by the hunchback Quasemodu, the hero of V. Hugo’s novel “The Cathedral.” Notre Dame of Paris"When his love was rejected by the beautiful gypsy Esmeralda. All hopes for happiness collapsed in an instant! Nadezhda, the heroine of the story by I. A. Bunin, was not a hunchback, but a beauty" Dark alleys"And what a collapse of dreams I experienced, I wanted to lay hands on myself out of resentment when Nikolai Alekseevich “very heartlessly” abandoned her...

Answer from intricacy[guru]
Anna Karenina did not become happy, no matter how much she tried. Nina Zarechnaya is an unhappy girl. Poor Lisa- unhappy girl - did not achieve her dream of being happy.

Answer from compound[guru]
Alexander Bashlachev
I’m thirsty, but the water in the wells is frozen.
Black, black holes, you can't get drunk from them.
We got stuck in the sand, then slid down a blade of ice.
Then the mittens also lost consciousness.
We built a castle, but we built a toilet.
There was an error in the project, but, as always, we know better.
Let this night sew me a purple uniform.
I will become the Guardian of the Time of Gathering Stones.
I see black holes.
Cold light.
Black holes...

We are no more.

Nice guys, but not on the same path with them.
There is no point in walking if the main thing is not to fall.
I know that I can never find
All things that could probably be easily stolen.
But from an early age I have not been able to stand in line.
The sun blinds me when I look at the flag.
And I'm tired of holding out mine to you
An open hand to shake a fist again.
I see black holes.
Cold light.
Black holes...
Look, what's left of us are black holes...
We are no more.
There are only black holes, black holes.
I watch the bridge arc burn again.
The last wolves are running away from me to Tambov.
I wanted to save the new paints for the canvas,
And he painted rows of border posts with them.
Someone else's steps, the sound of hooves or the creaking of wheels -
Nothing will disturb the territory of silence.
From now on, any question addressed to me
I will regard it as a declaration of war.
I see black holes.
Cold light.
Black holes...
Look, what's left of us are black holes...
We are no more.
There are only black holes, black holes.

  • A.S. Pushkin - novel in verse "Eugene Onegin". In the novel “Eugene Onegin”, in the persons of Lensky and Onegin, the poet presents us with two types of people: a romantic-idealist and a realist-skeptic. These heroes have polar perceptions of the world and opposing views on life. Onegin is satiated, life ^ soberly evaluates people, the situation, life experience weighs on him, sometimes not giving him the opportunity to understand his own soul. Lensky, on the contrary, is young, devoid of burdensome life experience, and also a poet, a dreamer, that is, he is inclined to idealize the world. Perhaps that is why they eventually converge in a bloody duel, the outcome of which is the death of Lensky. As critics noted, the author understood that such a person “had nothing to do in Russia, and killed him by the hand of Onegin” (Herzen). Thus, Pushkin’s dream could not withstand contact with reality.

A.M. Gorky - play "At the Bottom". The problem of confrontation between dreams and reality is the central problem of the play by A.M. Gorky "At the Bottom". In the play, the hero who brings dreams into the lives of those around him is Luke. The image of Luke in the play is ambiguous and dual. He is a subtle psychologist, intelligent, observant, with a huge life experience. The hero’s ideological position is revealed by Luke’s story about two robbers and his parable about the “righteous land.” Luke's ideological opponents are Bubnov, Baron and Satin. However, if Bubnov and Baron are cynical realists, then Satin sincerely believes in man, in his spirit and inner strength. What is the influence of Luke’s “sermons” on the fate of the night shelters? He contributes to the emergence of hope in the lives of the characters (Anna promises to find the desired peace after death, the Actor speaks about a free hospital for alcoholics, Vaska Pepl - about the opportunity to start new life in Siberia, supports romantic story Natasha about love). And the characters themselves change at the end of the play. Critics noted the atmosphere of humanity and general enthusiasm that reigns in the shelter. Kleshch is generous and kind to people, Baron thinks about life for the first time, Bubnov treats everyone, and sounding song unites people. But everything was ruined by the death of the Actor. And this is already a tragic collision of dreams and reality. The rest also fail to make their dream come true. Vaska Pepel goes to Siberia for hard labor, Nastya, who believes in romantic love, catches the Baron lying, Anna dies. However, does the author hold Luke alone responsible for what is happening? What is author's position in the play? We note the author’s critical view of the social structure Russian society, the presence of heroes internal conflicts(fear of life, weak will, laziness of the soul, fear of change). The author does not openly support either the position of Luke or the position of Satin. He puts on one of the plays eternal questions, calling the viewer to think and to own assessment. Of course, Gorky the realist stands for human courage and faith in one’s own strength. However, Gorky the romantic highly valued man's ability to dream. That is why critics wrote that the image of Luke was more successful for the writer than the image of Satin (V. Khodasevich). Critics also noted a certain “kinship” between these characters. At the end of the play, it is Satin who protects Luka. Thus, the heroes of A.M. Gorky's works reflect the duality and contradictory nature of the writer himself. The author himself leaves this question open.

A. Green - extravaganza “Scarlet Sails”. A dream come true is the basis of A. Green's plot. Little girl Assol holds in her hands a toy - a boat with scarlet sails, and for Green it becomes a symbol of fulfilled hopes, happiness, and the victory of good over evil. The world in which the girl lives is cruel and gloomy, she is surrounded by ordinary people, and there is no place for dreams in their lives. Children don’t want to play with Assol, they tease her, adults consider her a village fool, an eccentric, and make fun of her. And the girl leaves the rough, gray reality. The storyteller Egle predicts that she will meet a prince sailing on a sailboat with scarlet sails, and she sincerely believes in it. In the finale, Captain Gray, having fallen in love with the girl, gives her her childhood dream - a sailboat with scarlet sails. And then he will say wonderful words: “I understood one simple truth. It’s about doing so-called miracles with your own hands.”

Let's try to figure it out. A dream is a desire for something specific, for which a person begins to act. Sets goals for himself to make his dream come true. Everyone has dreams. More often we dream about something real and concrete, sometimes about something difficult to achieve. Some dreams are easy to turn into reality, others are never destined to come true. The main thing is that a person must dream. Otherwise, he will have nowhere to strive. But the dream must also be correct. I will try to prove this by turning to fiction: L.N. Tolstoy’s epic novel “War and Peace.”

Pierre Bezukhov, one of the main characters of the work, dreams of being useful people, to the state.

This dream leads him to the Freemasons, he tries to improve the lives of his peasants: he builds schools, hospitals (albeit not entirely successfully), makes an attempt to kill Napoleon and even... finds himself in the center of the Battle of Borodino. What if he didn’t have such a dream? He would have drowned in family squabbles with the immoral Helen, in the pleasures secular society. The dream of being useful leads him through life, making him stronger and wiser.

What does Helen Bezukhova dream of? About wealth and fame in high society. And she also achieves a lot. She is considered not only the most beautiful woman, but also smart. Only Pierre knows that behind the external shine there is emptiness. Helen's salon becomes the most fashionable.

But she can't stop. She needs everything more money and glory. She forgets about morality. There is a war going on, and Bezukhova is changing her faith and doesn’t know who to choose from among the suitors. Such a dream leads the heroine to death.

Thus, it is imperative to dream. It is the dream that makes us act and leads us through life. But dreams are different. Don’t dream only about something for yourself, something material. These are dangerous dreams that can turn your life into an eternal pursuit of the unattainable. In this pursuit you will lose more than you gain. Learn to think not only about yourself. The main thing is to dream. And turn your dreams into reality. Everything depends only on us.

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Updated: 2018-10-10

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/ / / Do you need to be true to your dream?

Dreams – beautiful images that exist in the imagination. Since childhood, a person brightens up his life with dreams. Some of them change a little, others wear off over the years. And this is not surprising, because as people grow up, they change their views and principles, adjusting their dreams to suit them. Sometimes you have to give up your aspirations against your will, then they say “betrayed your dream.” Is it necessary to be faithful to her at all?

I believe that the answer to this question depends on how cherished this dream is, whether it comes from the soul or is woven from stereotypes, envy, and fleeting desires. If the latter is the case, then you should think about whether fulfilling your dreams will bring happiness. What if the pursuit of her simply takes away precious years, and the result is disappointing? Very often this happens when a person dreams of fame, a career and, taking the path to these dreams, forgets about family and love. After some time, he becomes rich, famous, successful, but feels unhappy, because he does not know how to love and be loved.

However, if a dream is truly dear, you cannot give it up, especially if those around you who live by stereotypes force you to do so. A cherished dream helps a person to develop and reach the top. Its implementation gives happiness and teaches you to enjoy every day. To give up such dreams means to lose yourself, to betray your soul. If the question of whether you need to be true to your dream is still in doubt, you should turn to literature.

Nikolai Petrovich Kirsanov - main character novel by I.S. Turgenev's "Fathers and Sons" was a widower, but he strived for sincere love, believing that a person cannot live without it. In addition, he dreamed of improving relations with his son Arkady. The man patiently walked towards his dream, approaching it with the help of his best qualities: goodwill, patience, delicacy and sensitivity. Life rewarded him: Nikolai Petrovich married Fenechka and lived happily with his son’s family. What would have happened if Kirsanov had given up his dream, giving up under the pressure of circumstances? I think he would cease to live, his days would turn into a miserable, faceless existence.

The fate of Nikolai Petrovich Kirsanov proves that one cannot betray a good dream. If you go towards it, guided by conscience and kindness, your dream will sooner or later become a happy reality.

The main character of I. Bunin’s story “The Gentleman from San Francisco” also fulfilled his dreams of traveling. But at what cost? He worked hard to accumulate a decent fortune and, apparently, forgot about friends and family. When he died, no one regretted it or even came to say goodbye. Only the wife and daughter mourned the deceased. But there is doubt that it was the real reason tears: death loved one or thoughts of a poor life.

This example in no way suggests that you need to change your dream, but being true to it, you should not forget about your loved ones.

We can conclude that you only need to be faithful cherished dream, the implementation of which will give joy and happiness.

arguments for an essay

The problem of dreams and its implementation often becomes central to works of fiction.

So, the landowner Manilov dreams

But his dreams do not have the slightest connection with reality, and there is no one to make them come true, because... the hero lies more on the sofa, having transferred all household affairs to the clerk. For example, Manilov imagines an underground passage from the house or a bridge across a pond, on which merchant shops with various goods will be located. And at the same time, the author shows us that this very pond has long been abandoned and overgrown with mud. No one takes care of the flower beds around the house, and instead of peace and joy, they, like an abandoned pond, evoke only a sad sigh from those who look at them. Manilov's house itself is uncomfortable; it stands on a hill, blown by all the winds. But the hero is already imagining how he will build another house, with such a high belvedere that even Moscow will be visible from it, and will drink tea on the balcony in the evenings and indulge in conversations about pleasant subjects. Gogol with many artistic means shows us that the hero's dreams will never come true. For example, the futility of his dreams is emphasized by such details as the book on page fourteen, which the owner has been reading for two years now, as well as the names of his sons - Alcides and Themistoclus - in honor of ancient Greek heroes.

Unlike Manilov, the main character of the poem, Pavel Ivanovich Chichikov, has a great desire to realize his dream. But his dream is exclusively material in nature: he wants to get rich. The hero well remembered his father’s instruction, given to him as a child, that he should take care and save a “kopeck.” And Chichikov, trying to get closer to his goal, does not pay attention to the means. He starts a bold scam with the purchase of dead souls, deceives, flatters, bribes, in general, shows “miracles of enterprise.”

Indulging in dreams, lying on the sofa, and another hero -

Intelligent, kind, understanding the psychology of people, dreaming of have a wonderful life for himself and his loved ones, Oblomov is amazed, according to N. Dobrolyubov, terrible disease, to which many people of the noble class were subject - “Oblomovism”. Indeed, the hero knows the value of people, sees their true aspirations, which are often aimed only at obtaining ranks, titles, awards, and “warm places” in the service. By the absence of a high goal in the lives of these people, Oblomov explains the emptiness in their souls, indifference to everything. He calls “members of the world and society” dead, sleeping people, and says that they sleep sitting up all their lives. And this justifies his inaction and lying on the couch. According to Oblomov, it is better to lie down than to spend life in meaningless vanity. It is not for nothing that N. Dobrolyubov, already mentioned by us, called Ilya Ilyich a man looking for something, thinking about something, according to the critic, Oblomov is not a stupid and apathetic nature. Despite all this, the hero’s dreams of a renovated estate, happy life surrounded loving wives, children and friends are not destined to come true: not accustomed to work from childhood, because... all the blessings of life went to Oblomov thanks to title of nobility and the liberties granted to this class, the hero is unable to overcome his laziness. He spends whole days half asleep, drawing up a project for renovating the estate for many years now, he is afraid of moving to another apartment, he is unable to refuse the house to worthless people, like Alekseev or Tarantiev, who only want to dine at his expense or borrow money. Only one person stands out from this environment. This is Andrei Stolts, a childhood friend with whom the main character spent wonderful years of study; it was with him that he always shared his dreams and views on life. Only to him did Oblomov open up with the best side. Unlike Ilya Ilyich, Andrei Stolts is a very purposeful person. He was not a nobleman by birth, his father served as a manager on an estate adjacent to Oblomovka and from childhood taught his son to help him run his business, made him a tutor in his boarding house and paid him a small salary for this. The desire to achieve something in life pushed Stolz to endless work and self-education. Without any patronage, Andrei, only thanks to his own efforts, achieved a significant position in society, received the rank of court councilor, which gave him the right to become a nobleman. Stolz realized his dream of gaining a position in society, but, having become rich and respected, the hero did not cease to be a good man. He still considered work an integral part of life, was engaged in science, traveled a lot, and improved his enterprises. But, most importantly, he stayed good friend. So, the hero helped Oblomov, taking care of his business affairs, and besides, trying to somehow stir up the main character, he forced him to read, took him out into society, and introduced him to interesting people.

The main character also dreams of love and family happiness

But in her husband’s family, Katerina Kabanova sees only hypocrisy and tyranny. Everyone in the house is afraid of Katerina’s mother-in-law, Kabanikha. Husband main character the mother is scared to death, not daring to say a word against, much less stand up for her wife. Katerina strives to live not according to the statutes of Domostroy, but according to the dictates of her heart. Looking for protection, support, care and tenderness, the heroine decides to take a bold step - she enters into a relationship with another man. Katerina hopes that she will feel happy in this relationship, but her drama lies in the fact that, unlike her sister-in-law Varvara, who secretly goes on dates and doesn’t think about it great sin, she cannot forgive herself for betrayal, which she sees as a betrayal against God. Thus, Katerina, dreaming of freedom and happiness, is the only one who is not afraid to do at least something to achieve her dream, even if this dream costs her life.

The problem of dreams becomes central and

The main character, Assol, believes that one day a beautiful young man will come for her on a ship with scarlet sails and take her and her father Longren. Their family lives in a small village on the seashore and feeds only by selling wooden toys that Longren makes. Assol and her father are not liked by the villagers, blaming the head of the family for the death of a rich shopkeeper. They are outcasts, whom few are willing to help, so Assol dreams of leaving for a beautiful country where people know how to love and forgive, and do not dream only of the most primitive and rude things. And her wish comes true.


Danko dreams of freedom for the people of his tribe, for this he does not regret own life, tearing out the heart from his chest in order to illuminate with its bright fire the path along which the tribe is trying to get out of the impenetrable forest and stinking swamps. The hero does this, despite the fact that people are angry with him and want him dead, not believing that he can fulfill his promise and lead them to freedom. Danko loves and pities people, that’s why his dream is connected with them, with better life for them, that is why he sacrifices himself without regret.

The problem of pursuing a dream becomes central and

The little girl Zoe has one dream: she wants to become a dancer. But life is harsh on the heroine, and she is not accepted into the dance club because she does not fit the physical parameters. Zoyka, as everyone around her calls her, does not give up her dream, she dances just like that, puts on amateur performances in a communal apartment, where she is undoubtedly the most talented. Subsequently, she proves to the examination committee at the theater school that she is worthy of becoming an artist. To do this, the girl needed, in her words, to “climb the wall,” i.e. depict to teachers the situation of climbing on high wall. Later, when she became an excellent dancer and gained fame, to all questions about how she managed to achieve her dream, the heroine answered: “I just really wanted to dance!”

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