An effective spell for good luck. Rituals for good luck and fortune

We often pay attention to people who are doing well, considering them lucky. We compare with ourselves and sulk at fate, thinking about its injustice. The results of such behavior are sad, since happiness will not come on its own. There are ways to lure him, push him into your arms, and it would be a shame not to use them. This refers to a ritual for good luck and luck, helping to avoid potholes and potholes on the road of life. This magic is simple and natural, it works for anyone, but you need to know a few secrets. Let's figure out how to do an effective ritual for good luck and fortune at home.

Secrets of magic

We started with the fact that there are secrets that are carefully hidden by specialists. Or rather, they are talked about so often that people stop taking the information seriously, but in vain. A ritual for good luck and luck is a way to change not external circumstances, as many believe, but your perception of reality. “What’s in the head is in life,” so magicians rightly believe. Therefore, you should think positively. Experts in the field of magic describe this law somewhat differently. They recommend believing in the effectiveness of the chosen ritual, convincing yourself that the ritual will definitely work. The deeper the confidence, the more effective the magical effort. The second secret is that the ritual for good luck and luck should be carried out only in a good mood. Magic works on the energy of the magician, the higher it is, the faster the result. Therefore, you must either learn to create a good mood or take advantage of moments of inspiration. Dear wizards, try to cast spells on the rise, then you will be able to avoid disappointments! Remember: the power is within, it attracts the capricious and simple and complex at the same time. But practice will tell you that this wisdom is not hidden from the people in vain.

How to choose your ritual

Knowing how to use any tool is half the battle. In magic, this rule also works, but somewhat differently than in a regular profession. In order for everything to work out the first time, you need to choose the right ritual. Experts recommend paying attention to intuition. She is the one who tells you what conspiracies to read. Please read the description of the rituals carefully. Listen to the sensations. The one that caused a feeling of lightness or even joy in the soul is yours. You know, in the old days they selected a saber according to the hand so that it would seem neither light nor heavy. So, they choose. It must be fit for purpose. If you want good luck, the text of the conspiracy must encourage you to achieve it. Therefore, you need to get as much information as possible and be interested in innovations. After all, over time, a person’s condition changes, he grows and develops. Then it is recommended to change the ritual to a more effective or suitable one. That's it with theory, let's move on to practice.

Ritual to attract good luck and fortune

Let's start with a universal ritual. It is ideal for people who don’t stick to anything at all. This ritual for good luck and luck is based on the fact that the magician creates a talisman for himself. It will be a small mirror, packed in a blue bag. Both attributes should be acquired on Friday during the waxing moon. Remember that you will sometimes have to carry the talisman with you, so buy small things. By the way, you can sew the bag yourself if your hands grow from the right place. The ritual itself is carried out at noon on Friday, preferably the same. Take a mirror, catch the sun. Play with its rays a little. Say this: “The mirror is a bright window. Be nicer to me. Light up destiny with the sun, remove all darkness from it. Show luck the way, attract luck to the doorstep. Amen!" Place the mirror in a bag and carry it with you for a week. Afterwards, take it only on those days when protection or special luck is needed.

Rituals for good luck and luck on Pokrov

In the old days they cast spells on major holidays. And don't miss days like these. Such a ritual was performed on the veil. We must get up before dawn and go to the temple of God. There, stand near the doors so you can see those entering. Follow the third man inside. While everyone is praying, you must light a candle from the lamp. Wait until it burns completely. There will be a small piece left. Say this to him: “The Mother of God on the Intercession wished well to everyone three times. And she gave me good luck, she gave me luck today. As people light candles in church, the Mother of God remembers me. Amen!". Now you can go home. put it so that you always have it with you, in your wallet, for example. This is a very strong ritual for good luck and luck. Reviews about it are only positive. The wizards noticed: the smaller the cinder, the better the ritual works.

For students and pupils

In the old days they believed that good luck could be obtained from living grains, that is, plant seeds. Once in the ground, they survive, develop, transform, and become beautiful fruit-bearing herbs. Rituals for good luck and luck in studies are recommended to be carried out with grains of barley, wheat and coffee. Although here the restrictions for wizards are minimal. You can choose your combination of seeds according to what abilities you want to reveal. Mustard seeds are good for getting rid of laziness; flax reveals talents. One thing is important: the grains must be alive, not treated with heat or chemicals. At dawn on the day of the new moon, sprinkle yourself with the prepared mixture, loudly calling for good luck. You are allowed to speak any positive words.

Money magic

Financial issues concern almost every person. Wizards are also not against using talents to increase the chances of a prosperous life. A ritual for good luck and luck in money is used much more often than any other. Practitioners chose one of the most effective. This is with an onion. You need to prepare a flower pot, soil, and seven yellow coins. At the hour when the moon appears in the sky, plant a regular bulb. Place coins at the bottom of the pot. Water the onion and cast a spell. His words are: “Grow not small, but great, shoot arrows into the clouds. I water fate with onion juice and lure luck with money into it. I will send a green arrow into the future to remove obstacles and create wealth for me!” Watch how the bulb grows. If it begins to rot and does not sprout a single arrow, it means you have damage. It is necessary to get rid of the negative program. Onions don't grow long. When he “gets old”, it is necessary to bewitch him again in order to reactivate the energy, to tune it to the dacha. This is the meaning of magic. It needs to be fueled with new portions of your intentions so that there is no failure.

Ritual for quick money

If finances are needed urgently, then it is recommended to perform a different ritual. It is built on different principles. In the previous one, the wizard relies on the energy of nature. She is slow, but very strong. When a problem needs to be solved quickly, this approach will not work. A powerful energy burst should be used. For example, the flow of a wide river, a hurricane, or wind in the mountains are good for this. Some magicians rely on their own emotions. They are no less powerful than the forces of nature. The ritual is performed on any day. It is necessary to prepare herbs: basil, linden flowers, rose petals. You will find something in a pharmacy, a flower in a shop. Herbs can be dry or fresh. Make a mixture of them. There should be a handful of herbs and petals in total. Add a pinch of black pepper. This mixture must be sprayed in a strong wind. To do this, use either natural phenomena or mechanisms (fan). Open your palm to the wind while reading the plot. His words are as follows: “As trees bend under hurricanes, as mountains are swept away by gusts, so my poverty and need fly away forever and ever! Amen!" Please note: if you decide to cast a spell indoors, you should open the windows. Pepper in the air will cause sneezing attacks. Such an event in itself increases the energy level, but can irritate an unprepared magician. The results of the divination will appear within 24 hours if everything was done correctly.

For help in business

Rituals for quick money are not the kind of magic you can rely on in life. These rituals exist to solve a specific problem, but are not able to help change the quality of life. If you want to achieve serious success, then you should approach fortune telling differently. Perform a ritual for good luck and fortune in a business that helps create or activate a permanent source of income. It is equally good for business people and ordinary housewives. The point is that sources of enrichment are opening up, and they can be anything. For the ritual you need a horseshoe. The best has long been considered to be the one that fell from a horse’s hoof and was found by accident. Not everyone is so lucky. For the ceremony, purchase a horseshoe at the gift shop. The magical attribute must be selected based on the natural material of manufacture. If not a real horseshoe, then it is better to take a wooden or stone one.

How to perform a ritual for good luck in business

Prepare red and yellow ribbons and cut a strand of hair from your head. During the waxing moon, light the candles in the room. Take the horseshoe in your hands and feel it. Decorate it with ribbons, weaving your hair into them. The left horn of the horseshoe should be yellow, and the right horn should be red. While working with ribbons, say the following words: “For good luck, for wealth, for happiness!” When finished, you must leave the magical attribute in the moonlight. Leave the horseshoe on the windowsill. It should be placed nearby, but out of sight of other people. This talisman needs to be recharged regularly with the growing moon; do not forget to place it on the windowsill at least once a month.

All people want to be successful, lucky, to live in abundance and love. For some, luck fails, even in small things nothing works out. If failures and problems await you at every step, use the power of conspiracies to ward off troubles. Each spell for well-being will become a talisman and will help attract positive dynamics in business.

Along with other spells, all of the following can have certain effects. Be careful, read the text of the spell several times from the screen - if this is repulsive or frightening, it is better not to start the ritual. Attracting good things must be accompanied by good emotions.

The main thing is the mood for the ritual. A conspiracy for well-being is done consciously. It must be positive. Luck comes only to people with a charge of positive energy. Therefore, no negative thoughts while reading prayers or spells for well-being. Only faith with positivity.

Every morning, before you go to work, you should wash your face with cold water (facing east), saying light words of the spell:

“Work is good, if work is given, then let success and good be present in it and in me.”

Repeat three times - go to work with a positive attitude. This will help you gain the favor of your superiors, open up new prospects for career growth and earning potential.

For success, with a mirror

This spell is read for success in various matters: work, personal life, etc. It will take troubles away from you, like a strong talisman, which means only pleasant things will remain around.

To do this, you will need a mirror (large, hanging on the wall), a white cotton scarf or rag, and a church candle. Of the vital things, this is all, of the energetic ones - faith, lack of fear, the desire to become successful. Running time is from midnight to three hours after midnight. The best day is from Saturday to Sunday.

We go to the mirror, light a candle and say a spell for good luck and luck three times:

“Deliver me, Lord, from the seduction of the godless and evil-cunning Antichrist who is coming, and hide me from his snares in the hidden desert of Your salvation. Grant me, Lord, the strength and courage to firmly confess Your holy name, so that I will not retreat from the fear of the devil, and may not renounce You, my Savior and Redeemer, from Your Holy Church. But grant me, Lord, day and night to cry and cry for my sins, and have mercy on me, Lord, at the hour of Your Last Judgment. Amen"

We extinguish the candle on a cotton cloth and put the attributes under our mattress so that no one will find it. You shouldn’t tell anyone about the ritual; it will affect the current state of affairs and can turn the situation in a different direction. For good luck, conspiracies are carried out in complete solitude.

This prayer is difficult to memorize - it can be read from a piece of paper. Don’t hesitate, and then burn the piece of paper with the flame of a burning candle. Scatter the ashes to the wind.

For women for luck

The conspiracy is considered feminine because to carry out this ritual you will need such a thing as a beautiful, expensive piece of jewelry. After performing the spell, the jewelry should not just lie there, it should be worn. Then success in business will accompany you. In general, good luck charms are divided by gender; this particular one is considered female.

You can also cast a spell on someone else’s jewelry, for the other person’s luck. It is only very important that the person personally gives you his jewelry in his hands.

Make sure that in addition to decoration you have: a church candle, spring water.

When starting, take a candle from the church and burn the decoration with fire. All bad things, all the energy that has been accumulated, will leave the jewel. Place the collected water on the windowsill. The highest score if the night is starry and the starry sky is reflected into the water. Now read the words on the water:

“I, servant of God (name), will go out at night - not during the day.
A door - not a window,
Dear - not a path,
In a field - not in a swamp.
I'll take a silver thing with me
For the servant of God (name of the one being charmed).
Silver thing.
Midnight water.
Take care of your mistress,
Bring good luck to her.
Drive away sadness,
Attract money.
As said, so be it!

Place the jewel in the charmed water and go to bed. Early in the morning, take the jewelry out of the water and cross yourself three times while holding it in your hand. Now the enchanted item must be carried with you at all times. Was the decoration not yours? By the evening of the day you need to give the item, otherwise the plot will lose its power. When giving, ask the person for a coin that you don’t mind. Accept it with gratitude and keep it with you.

Many people worry about the consequences of this conspiracy, worrying that the things or coins that remain with them will bring failures in business. Do not worry. Just accept this thing with gratitude, everything will be fine. The main thing is that you acted for the good.

To win the competition

In competition, resistance, enemies prevent each other from achieving a goal. Some use conspiracies for the crushing failure of an opponent, and others use a conspiracy for their own success (for which the conspiracy is given below).

The autumn ritual is simple: under the light of a candle on a clear night, we speak a bowl of water with the words:

“As the day submits to the night, as ice submits to the sun, as fire submits to water, so my enemy (name) will submit in powerlessness, broken by weakness, lost in spirit. Amen"

We extinguish the candle, hide it in a safe place, and pour out the water at a crossroads. Now the spirit of victory will hover nearby, believe in it and think about victory every minute.

For a successful purchase

There are different conspiracies for good luck. This, for example, is a spell for good luck in shopping. Read it before going to the store. Before purchasing, make sure you are alone so that no one can hear or see you. Say the words three times:

“In a golden casket, on an age-old oak tree, the yachts are burning, the silks are shining, from that casket three horses are racing, on those horses are three goods. Give me vigilance, natural strength, so that I can spot that product and take it. To take from that horse that will not deceive me. And keep others away from me.”

May good luck accompany you!

As you can see, good luck spells are very different. They are used for health, victories, setting up personal life, business, even going to the store. Do you know what the most powerful spell for good luck is? The one they believe in.

In this article:

To achieve something in life, not only the effort we put into achieving what we want is important, luck also plays a big role. However, she doesn't smile at all of us. You shouldn’t be upset, because there are various rituals for good luck and luck that will help you achieve what you want.

Rituals for good luck in everything

This simple ritual will help you achieve good luck in all your endeavors. On Tuesday morning (before sunrise), stand facing east. Light three church candles and read the plot seven times:

Put out the candles and put them away. They can be used next time. The ritual for good luck in everything can be performed every week or as needed.

If you are looking for a job, but can’t find anything useful, then try the following ritual. On the new moon, buy a handkerchief at the market and recite the following spell on it:

“Where I, servant of God (name), will not go,

I can find work anywhere.

Success awaits me in all endeavors,

And there is prosperity in business.

As she said, so it will be. Amen".

You should always have a charmed handkerchief with you. But to find a job, a conspiracy alone is not enough, you don’t need to be idle, engage in active searches, and then luck will be on your side.

Plot before an interview: to get hired

The following plot will help you pass the interview successfully. When leaving home, read three times:

There are all sorts of situations in life. Sometimes, despite all the searches and efforts, you still can’t find your soulmate. In such a situation, love magic can come to the rescue. A ritual for luck in love will help you not only find your soulmate, but also improve your relationship with your loved one.

It should be done on the new moon. At night, light a red candle, place a piece of paper in front of you, and write your wish on it. After that, reread what you wrote several times. Fold the piece of paper and put it in an envelope. Then read the plot for luck in love:

“I, the servant of God (name), left the house and went into an open field, and I saw a large stone there. Just as this stone stands alone, so I am alone. Suddenly a pair of white doves landed on a stone. I asked the Lord for help. Help me meet my destiny. I don’t want to be alone anymore, I want to meet my soul mate. Just as this pair of doves is inseparable, so I will find my man. We will always be together in joy and sorrow, in health and in illness. Help me, Lord, hear my prayer and heed it. Let it be so. Amen".

After this, drip wax from the candle onto the envelope and seal it. Place it under your pillow. Let it lie there until your wish comes true.

It is better not to tell anyone about the ritual, and not to show the envelope to anyone.

To become lucky, some people prefer to turn to black magic. If you also have such a desire, then you can try to perform this ritual. It should be done at night during the full moon. Before this day, do a thorough cleaning of the house, throw away all old and unnecessary things.

At midnight, light a church candle and walk around your entire house with it three times, starting from the front door from left to right. Then circle the candles around your body three times. Take a new pin and drip candle wax into its eye, saying:

“A thousand devils I call on you for help,

I expect good luck from you.

Let my pin turn into an amulet

And he has been helping me for 10 years.

I close my conspiracy with a lock.

I cover it with candle wax.

My word is stronger than stone,

As I say, so it will be!”

Now take some yellow coins and go to the intersection. Throw them over your left shoulder and say, “Paid.” Then return home. Don't talk to anyone until the morning.

Ritual for good luck and money

If you want to attract money and luck to yourself, you can perform a ritual with three candles:

  • white will represent you;
  • brown will help bring good luck to you;
  • green – cash.

The ritual for good luck and money should be performed on the waxing moon after sunset. Place candles in the shape of a triangle. White should be in the center, green on the left, and brown on the right. Light the candles. First white, then brown and green. Read the conspiracy to attract money and good luck into your life:

“I light the candles,

I invite profit and luck into my life.

Let the candles burn brightly,

And my house will be filled with goodness and gold.

There will be success in all my affairs,

I will become richer and luckier than everyone else.”

After reading, you need to wait until the candles burn out. Collect the rest and hide it at home. You will soon notice that luck is on your side.

For the ritual you will need:

  • new small mirror;
  • a small bag made of blue fabric;
  • sheet of paper and pen.

It should be done in the evening. Take a mirror in your hands and, looking into it, say three times:

« Mirror-mirror, bright window, reflect all obstacles and troubles, remove them from my path, and attract good luck and success into my life. Amen".

After this, write your last name, first name, patronymic and date of birth on a piece of paper. Hide the sheet and mirror in a bag, which will become your talisman. Carry it with you always.

If you are having troubles at work, they want to lay you off, or your boss is picking on you, then a spell for good luck at work can help you. It should be carried out on the waning moon in the evening. Sit at the table, light a church candle in front of you and, looking at its flame, say:

“Candle-candle burn brightly,

Take all the troubles and failures for yourself.

Give me back luck and success,

Make me the happiest of all.

May my colleagues respect me

But the bosses don’t offend you.

Money will come into my hands,

And only good people will meet on my way.”

After this, take a yellow coin from your wallet and drip wax onto it. Always carry this coin with you.

Ritual for good luck in studies

Despite the fact that school and student years are considered one of the best in a person’s life, many children and teenagers do not want to study. This happens for various reasons. One of the main things is that studying is difficult for a child. To fix this, you can perform a ritual for good luck in your studies. It can be conducted either by the student himself or by his mother.

To do this you will need:

  • brown candle;
  • Holy water;
  • Bowl;
  • a ring, bracelet or keychain worn by a child.

The ritual must be performed on the last day of the full moon.

Pour holy water into a bowl. Place your chosen item there. Place the bowl on the window so that moonlight falls on it and say:

“Moonlight gives power to (name the object),

Charges him with special energy.

Let this thing help the servant of God (name);

Rewards success and good luck in studies.

It will be easy for the servant of God (name) to study,

And his head will be filled with knowledge.

Amen. Amen. Amen".

After this, extinguish the candle. Pour out the water and give the enchanted object to the child. It is important that he always carries it with him.

Ritual for good luck in the exam

In order not to fail the exam and get a high score, you need to prepare well. In addition, magic can come to your aid.

At midnight before exams, pour a glass of water and say:

“I call upon you good luck and luck,

Let them help me with my studies.

It’s not in vain that I’m working hard today,

After all, tomorrow I’ll get a good grade.”

After this, leave the water and go to bed. In the morning, drink half a glass and go to the exam. When you return home, drink the remaining water.

The ritual should be performed on the waxing moon on the first Wednesday. Time: midnight. For the ritual you will need:

  • a glass filled with holy water;
  • three yellow coins;
  • Golden ring.

Place a ring and coins in a glass of water, clasp it with both hands, and read the plot for good luck in business:

“I’ll put the coins in the water,

I will ask the Lord for help.

Help me, Almighty, to achieve success in business,

Always be in the right place at the right time.

May my guardian angel accompany me,

And it helps me in business!

My word is strong, but my deed is moldable!”

You need to read the plot seven times, and after each reading, take a sip. At the end, you need to drink all the water. Always carry a ring and coins with you. These are now your talismans that will attract good luck to you.

Ritual for good luck in business

If problems arise in business, then this ritual can come to the rescue. It can be held on any Thursday at dawn. For the ritual you will need:

  • coin;
  • remnant;
  • red thread.

Early in the morning, leave the house and find a deserted place. Dig a hole there, put all the above items in it, and say:

“How quickly the soap runs out,

So all my bad luck will end,

How coins jingle in other people's wallets,

So they will ring in mine too.

How a red thread brings luck and good fortune,

This will bring me success in business too.

Everything will work out for me,

And things in business are improving.

As I said, so be it. Amen"

After that, dig a hole and draw a cross on the ground with your right index finger, saying: “ My word is law " Now go home, don't look back, and don't talk to anyone on the way.

In order for success to always accompany you in everything, you need to speak a pin. The ceremony is held on the new moon on Wednesday. When it gets dark, go outside, take a pin in your right hand and, looking at the moon, say:

“As the new moon ascended to heaven,

So everything will be fine in my affairs.

Success and prosperity will await me in everything.

And my failures and suffering will end.

Amen. Amen. Amen"

Always carry this enchanted pin with you.

Ritual for Luck, Success and Increase in Fortune

Good luck spells are sometimes the most effective way to solve a problem and protect yourself from troubles. Special spells that have great power and energy will help you become lucky. When pronouncing them, do not forget that these are just assistants that operate on your subconscious level. By pronouncing a conspiracy, you become more confident in yourself and your victory. Here are the seven most effective conspiracies for all occasions.

Spell for good luck with money

A money spell can be cast in situations involving material wealth, as well as when you receive money. “Money is to me like bees are to honey. Fly and fly, but don’t fly past me.”

Plot for good luck in business

If you have to solve some serious matter, then say to yourself: “I take good luck, leave bad luck.”

Plot for good luck on the road

When getting ready to go, crossing the threshold, say: “I’m going for luck, I’ll come back more beautiful and richer.”

Spell to attract good luck every day

If you need to enlist the support of higher powers, then place your left palm on your solar plexus and say: “Luck is with me, all the troubles are behind me. It will be as I want.”

Spell for good luck in business and work

This plot will help solve business issues: “My guardian angel, love me and don’t leave me. Your word is my word. Prompt, instruct and protect. Amen."

Spell for good luck in love

If you want to attract good luck in love, read the words of the conspiracy before going to bed: “There is love in me, it cannot be taken away. I give it to someone who is nice. And whoever is not kind, God has forgiven him.”

Spell for good luck in trading

If you need to sell something profitably, then this conspiracy will help you: “I give less, I get more.” If you need to buy something, then read this plot: “A good (apartment, car, cottage, whatever you are buying) will find its owner, me (name), and may it serve faithfully for a long time.”

Remember that when working with conspiracies, it is important to feel every word spoken and believe in the fulfillment of your plan. We wish you good luck and don't forget to press the buttons and

08.08.2014 09:08

In the pursuit of well-being, we often forget about ancient but effective methods that can bring...

How to attract luck on the right day and how to generally become lucky in life? Some people are always lucky, while others, despite...

Conspiracies for good luck and luck are often not taken seriously by modern people, and very wrongly. Ignorant skepticism is only the result of the fact that people themselves push away with their hands what can bring them good, which many generations before them counted on; These are numerous prayers, for example, that can be used at home.

How to become lucky?

Which of us can say with confidence that we can do without luck in our lives? No matter how good a person is in himself, no matter what abilities and talents he possesses, in all his endeavors he needs precisely her - Lady Luck, capricious, willful and often deceptive.

A short video on the topic of luck:

How to make luck always be on your side and never leave you?

How to enlist the support of higher powers in any of your affairs? The solution is obvious - magic. Conspiracies to attract good luck are the most ancient and widespread types of magical intervention in a person’s destiny. Even our distant ancestors, in dark and harsh times, resorted to the help of shamans and sorcerers of the tribe, who, before each warrior went out hunting or into battle, called on spirits for help and. So why do you hope for chance and not provide yourself with such reliable support before starting an important business, like conspiracies that attract good luck? A very great helper in business and good luck is the luck spells of which any of us can use independently without the obligatory magical training. For example, if you are going to a government house, and there is constant red tape, shifting your papers from one pile to another, bribes and rudeness of officials, then you can save time, nerves and money by reading the following conspiracy (read to yourself while holding the door handle state house):

Protect me from evil deeds, help me, and bring me strong luck.

You need to negotiate with someone or you sit down at the gaming table and want to win - sit at the table at which the business will take place, slightly pull it towards you and quietly whisper:

Everything is mine, everything belongs to me.

There are also ways to attract good luck through money. Find three shiny new coins not issued in a leap year, place them under the threshold so that they will not be moved or seen, and say:

Gold to gold, silver to silver, money to money to this threshold in this house.

There is a very strong one. For the ritual you will need a small green bag. In it put ten pinches of basil, five pinches of mint, three pinches of coarse salt, dried peel powder of three apples, three copper coins and one of white metal, tie the bag with a ribbon, read a spell on it and hang it over the place where you conduct business, good luck will always be with you if every Monday you crumple the bag in your hands and read this plot:

Things are behind, things are ahead, profits are in the middle.

But here is an excellent plot to attract good luck (you can also read about). Take a small plate and pour three tablespoons of coarse salt into it, pour the same amount of sugar on top of the salt, and the same amount of rice cereal on top of it. Next, you will need a new safety pin, which you need to stick the point into this slide, and leave this structure overnight. In the morning, fasten the pin to your clothes so that it is not noticeable, and read the following plot before leaving the house:

From the sky you, Sun, shine and give warmth to the earth. Well, give me luck so that my business will succeed. You are the source of life, the Sun, and the stream of bright light. Well, give me success so that I can become more successful than everyone else!

Prayers for good luck and luck are also very popular among the people, but every person should remember at least one conspiracy by heart; here is an example of such an easy-to-remember and powerful conspiracy:

What was an obstacle to happiness, I completely blow away, I attract luck and money to myself.

If a streak of bad luck has begun, then there is a conspiracy that allows you to return good luck. Light a candle as large as possible:

The candle should be taken with two palms. “Adjust” your breathing so that it becomes calm, slow, but deep. Look at the flame with adoration and visualize your deepest desire (learn more about). The candle is charged with the energy of your desires and dreams and gives you confidence that everything you dream about will certainly come true. Rituals and spells for good luck on the full moon are considered the most effective, here is an example of one of them: on a full moon at night, place the cauldron on the table, place a saucer in it with a dry mixture of several pinches of cinnamon and cedar needles, put three new shiny coins on the table next to the cauldron , hit each of them with the index finger of your right hand and say to each coin:

After this, the coins are placed in the cauldron on a saucer with herbs, move your right hand over the cauldron seven times clockwise, saying:

Take a small bag of green or brown fabric prepared in advance and pour coins with herbs into it, you need to carry it with you throughout the lunar cycle, and then store it at home so that no one sees or touches it except you.

For good luck they are also very popular, we bring you one of them. We take thick threads (the kind for knitting) and begin to weave a braid. During the weaving process, imagine your luck in those matters in which you have to take part, and how you get the result by achieving their successful solution.

The cord is woven from threads of four colors:

And here is another conspiracy for good luck in life from her:

The spells of the Siberian healer are considered the most powerful. Therefore, we will give you another of her spells for happiness and good luck (read when leaving home in order to return with a profit):

The most important thing is to believe that your conspiracies and are not an empty phrase, but real word magic that will always help you. And don’t forget to deserve the help of higher powers yourself; magic doesn’t like lazy people, remember that!

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