Justin Bieber as a child. How old is Bieber now?

The biography of Justin Drew Bieber begins on March 1, 1994. The popular singer and favorite of millions was born in the Canadian city of London in the state of Ontario. That's where he grew up.

Carier start

Justin Bieber has become one of the “golden children”, those who achieve success while still a teenager. Justin Bieber's mother Patricia Lynn Mallett raised her son alone. She became pregnant when she was only 18 years old. And, although she and Justin communicate with father Jeremy Bieber, he now has a different family, and he was not officially married to Patricia. Numerous relatives provided Patricia with assistance in raising the boy. The boy grew up very versatile; even as a child, Justin Bieber learned to play the piano, guitar, drums and trumpet. To show relatives her son’s performance at the Stratford Idol competition, where Justin took second place in 2007 with a cover of Ne-Yo’s “So sick,” the mother created a special channel for the boy on YouTube and posted a video there. Afterwards, she continued to post videos of songs performed by Justin. And he was noticed by Scooter Braun, who later became his manager. This was the beginning of Justin Bieber's career.

Justin was invited to create his debut demos in Atlanta, USA. However, Justin Bieber's parents did not immediately agree; Scooter Braun had to persuade them for a long time. After creating the first audio recordings, Bieber quickly signed a contract with Raymond Media Group, which was jointly owned by Scooter Braun and popular artist and producer Asher. After this, Justin's career took off rapidly.

His first two debut albums: the EP “My World” and the full-length “My World 2.0” topped many prestigious American and world charts. In support of the albums, Bieber performed a lot on television and at the most famous music awards, and starred in television series as a guest star. The concert film “Never Say Never Again” (2011) was also filmed about Justin’s performances, which became the most successful in the history of this genre. Justin's videos have received millions of views on YouTube.

Justin Bieber now

To date, Justin Bieber has three full-length albums and five more collections of remixes and acoustic recordings. His Baby video became the most viewed YouTube video ever, with over 2 billion views (later surpassed by Korean artist PSY). Justin has sold more than 15 million copies of his albums.

Now the singer is actively working on new material. His voice has undergone some changes that are normal as the body grows older, and the singer’s body now looks much more masculine, although his face still retains a childish appeal. At the moment, Justin Bieber's biography is usually accompanied by the following information about his parameters: height - 175 cm, weight - 66 kg.

Fans of Justin Bieber are also actively interested in news from his personal life. The singer leads a fairly active lifestyle, attends parties and social events, and it seems that his heart is still free. Justin had the longest relationship with the singer and actress, but the couple broke up and reunited several times. Now there are rumors that the young people are back together, but there has been no confirmation of this yet. They often talked about Justin's other hobbies: models Kendall Jenner and Ksenia Deli, as well as many others.

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However, Justin Bieber was not with any of the girls long enough to talk about strong feelings with his hand.

Justin Bieber is a singer, author and performer of his own songs in the style of pop, rap, RnB, and recently also an actor, an idol of teenagers around the world. First music world I learned about Justin's existence in 2008, when he was only 14 years old. Bieber presented his song “One time”, and away we go. Popularity and worldwide fame fell upon the teenager immediately. Crowds of girl fans buying up his posters and first album elevated Bieber within a year from a simple schoolboy to a youth idol.

His first single took place in the most high ratings Canada for several years, became platinum in the country of clover, and overseas, in Australia and New Zealand - gold. Using the example of this young singer, you can see what opportunities exist today, thanks to global video hosting and online music platforms. After all, Justin became popular precisely thanks to the publication of his own video on Youtube, where he was first seen music producer.

Height, weight, age. How old is Justin Bieber

An army of millions of fans is interested in absolutely everything related to their idol. This is not surprising, an unknown boy woke up famous one morning, and there was no information about his life in any source. Today, Justin gives many interviews, participates in television shows, appears in films and videos, hosts active life and communicates with fans, so you can find out almost everything about his life: what cuisine he likes, what he does in his free time, what sports he enjoys, what instruments he plays, as well as his parameters, such as height, weight, age.

How old is Justin Bieber has been a very popular search engine query for several years now. Today Justin is 23 years old, he continues musical career, and has been at the peak of its popularity for 9 years now. Justin went through his teenage years while being wildly popular. Therefore, his appearance constantly underwent changes, in pursuit of likes and good ratings from fans of the fair sex. During his career, the singer grew his hair long, wore long bangs and cut his hair like a Twilight Saga vampire. This year, the artist’s image has also undergone changes. Justin Bieber's new hairstyle is undercut. The singer dyed his hair light brown and combs his hair in the manner of a classic men's haircut, popular at the beginning of the last century.

Biography and personal life of Justin Bieber

Justin Bieber was born in 1994 in London, Canada. When the young man became famous, the guy's multinational young fans learned that London is not only the name of the capital Misty Albion, but also cities in southwestern Ontario in Canada. Another interesting fact is that the city stands on the River Thames, while English London is located near the River Thames. The consonant names of the rivers are not accidental; in 1792, Canadian authorities named a river in their country after a river in the south of Great Britain.

Since childhood, Justin was interested in music, wrote lyrics and wanted to become popular, so he created his own channel on a global video distribution website and posted his composition there. The guy had no idea how quickly success would come to him. Scooter Braun, a manager at an American record company, came across Justin's video completely by accident and immediately realized that this guy could become a star. Scooter contacted Bieber's mother and offered to record several of the guy's compositions in a professional studio. A few days later, Justin was already met at the Atlanta airport in the USA. The guy signed a contract with a recording studio that belongs to Brown and the popular American singer Usher, one of the most successful African-Americans performing RnB and hip-hop. And Scooter Braun himself became the singer’s manager. From this collaboration, both the company and the performer received incredible profits and success.

In 2009, Justin's first mini-album, “My World,” was released. Fans sold out the entire circulation of discs with incredible speed. At the same time, the singer became the first performer whose complete collection of songs entered the weekly American chart of the largest music market. The song "One less lonely girl" from this music album hit the biggest charts in many countries around the world. Justin presented his first album on the best programs and television shows in the United States, including Ellen DeGeneres' show, which has enormous influence and a large number of views every hour. Also, the singer's very first achievement was his performance in front of the President of America and his wife at the White House on Christmas Eve. The following year, sixteen-year-old Bieber hosted the Grammy Awards.

After the stunning success of his first album, the singer began preparing for the release of his second album, “My World 2.0,” which was released in 2010. Despite the fact that one of the album's songs, "Baby", has a record number of bad reviews, the artist's second album was sold out in the shortest possible time. This disc by Justin held first place on the American charts for a long time, making him the youngest artist to achieve such an achievement.

Bieber's crazy popularity, millions of downloads on the Internet and on iTunes, queries in search engines and social networks two years after the start of his career spoke about the power of the youth music industry. In 2010, news was published that Justin's fan activity accounted for three percent of all Twitter traffic!

At the same time, the singer first showed himself as an actor. He starred in one of the episodes of the serial crime film “Crime Scene,” where he played a difficult teenager.

Justin gives a huge number of concerts around the world. And after the release of two albums, the singer practically lived on tour for several years. Bieber's 2011 concert film was a huge box office success and became the most successful live film in the United States.

Justin has won many awards in the categories “Discovery of the Year”, “Performer of the Year”, and “Best Musician”. Despite the fact that the singer performs pop songs for young people, Justin can play different musical instruments: piano, drums and guitar. The young man learned all this on his own, and essentially has no music education.

Over the following years, the artist released 3 more albums, together with the best American performers, including Mariah Carey and Usher. All of Bieber's albums sold in huge quantities, and Justin himself became more and more popular and famous. By the age of twenty-three, the artist had already performed on all continents; the singer’s tours touched many countries, including Russia. Justin performed in St. Petersburg and Moscow.

To date, 26 videos for Justin Bieber's songs have been released. His videos receive record numbers of views on YouTube every year.

The biography and personal life of Justin Bieber became the subject of discussion among his fans at the very beginning of his career, when the guy was only 14, and is still on the lips of teenagers today. On a TV show in the USA, where Justin Bieber now lives, the singer is forced to answer many questions, talk about his plans and personal life, because all this fuels the interest of the public. News from the artist’s life appears on the Internet every day. This year, the artist’s new image, his hairstyle and new tattoos are being actively discussed. The performer, undoubtedly, becomes more and more courageous every year, and attracts everyone’s attention. large quantity women. There are about 20 drawings on the singer’s body, which he has been doing for 9 years. Justin Bieber's tattoo can be seen in his photographs on the Internet.

Justin Bieber's family and children

Looking at the young performer, it becomes absolutely clear that he grew up as a very difficult child. The wild popularity of a teenager, financial independence from parents, huge fees, and independent life in another country they did their job - Justin was repeatedly brought to administrative responsibility for violating public order, driving while intoxicated, and using prohibited substances.

The boy's childhood was not easy. Mother, Patty Mallett, raised her son alone. She became pregnant at the age of 17, and practically did not live with her son’s father, so Justin was used to the fact that he was the man in the house, and he had to help his mother in everything. Until the age of 14, the guy studied well at school, he wanted to get a good education, and take my mother on vacation abroad. At the age of 12, the boy performed at the Stratford Idol competition, where he took second place and gave the prize money to his mother. Petty was helped in raising the boy by her parents and Justin's grandparents. The young man wanted his family to be proud of him, so he was fond of sports and played for the school football team. Justin's grandmother, a talented pianist, studied music with her grandson and helped him learn to play musical instruments.

But when the guy became popular, big money and opportunities that he had never even imagined before began to test his strength. In 2014, a limousine driver charged the singer with bodily harm that Justin allegedly inflicted on a man. The proceedings in this case were not in favor of the guy. Looking at the singer’s actions and life, it becomes clear that his priority today is clearly not family and children. Justin Bieber, a teen idol, can hardly be called a model of exemplary behavior. In 2014, the guy was again detained for drunk driving; Justin refused to take an alcohol test and admitted that he had used marijuana. The guy was released on bail, but there was immediate outrage online that Justin Bieber should be deported from America. “What country’s citizen would allow himself this?” — netizens asked indignantly. Despite this, the singer never returned to Canada.

Justin Bieber's wife

During his relatively short but very productive career, the singer managed to acquire a crowd of fans and great popularity. Of course, with so much female attention, Bieber began his first relationship at a fairly early age. The world learned that the singer had an official girlfriend when Justin was only 16. Justin dated his colleague in the music industry, Selena Gomez, for several years. During this time, the media and countless fans “married” young people more than once, the tabloids constantly announced the marriage of performers, and at the same time a wave of information swept across the Internet that Selena Gomez is now the wife of Justin Bieber.

Is Justin Bieber gay? Singer's orientation

In 2013, compromising information appeared on the Internet that Justin Bieber was gay. The singer’s orientation has allegedly long been in doubt among the public, and therefore the performer himself admitted in an interview that he belongs to sexual minorities. This information was first published by an American tabloid on its Twitter. True, soon the same tabloid reported that the representative office’s social network account was hacked, and the information was posted by haters of the singer’s work. Although this information was denied by the culprit of the message, a wave of messages on gay sites and communities still swept across the Internet. Perhaps the source had just such a goal - to stir up interest in the singer’s personality. Despite the fact that the young man had relationships with women, today many users doubt Justin’s orientation, saying that he is gay. Photos of Justin, where the singer is relaxing on the beach completely naked, blew up the network and collected almost 2 million likes from subscribers.

Justin Bieber and his girlfriend

Selena and Justin met in 2010. Justin Bieber and his girlfriend constantly appeared in public together, relaxed together on the beach, and were not embarrassed by the cameras of annoying paparazzi. Alas, relationships at such a young age rarely go smoothly, so the young people met, quarreled, and separated until they broke up in 2012. The couple's relationship could not withstand public pressure, rumors, gossip and constant attention. When news kept appearing on the Internet that Justin was dating or flirting with someone else, and the tabloids asked picturesquely: “Which is Justin Bieber’s girlfriend?”, Selena’s patience ran out. The last straw was the news that her lover had an affair with the famous model Barbara Palvin.

After breaking up with Gomez, Bieber was credited with many novels, but the singer was in no hurry to build a relationship again. It is known that he briefly dated Kourtney Kardashian and model Ksenia Deli.

Guinness Book of Records record holder Justin Bieber 2017, whose photos are full of glossy magazines, is gaining momentum and becoming popular not only among young people, but also among the adult generation.

What interesting things happened to him in 2017? We will learn real interesting life facts, and not retellings of his mother about her baby son. So, let's go!

Scandals and gossip

The youth idol often finds himself in sensitive situations. After driving drunk, he was even expelled from the United States to his homeland on the basis of a civil petition. The stories don't end there. In 2017, the man is also haunted by not very pleasant adventures.

  • In January a conflict arose again with a neighbor, whose house was once bombarded with eggs. For the previous lawsuit, the victim received $25,000, but now he claims that the damage has increased and wants to win a million. He explains this by the fact that the insults continued, obscene language is regularly used against his family, including his little daughter. Anti-Semitic statements were also recorded.

  • In February, even after a long lull, Justin was accused of faking an illness. According to his detractors, he simply wanted to avoid being questioned about possible plagiarism of the hit Sorry. By the way, this sounds plausible, because the night before he was drinking and having fun in a nightclub, and he even later posted these photos on his page. The injured party's lawyers are outraged and insist that he must appear before them himself at the next hearing.

  • May trip to India echoed with loud discord. One of the journalists published a rider in which demands were made for Rolls-Royce cars for the entire group of accompanying people, and there were 120 of them. Also, the organizers should have vacated two five-star hotels for them. The room should have had a massage table, essential oils, yoga kits and books on working on the chakras. In addition, a headquarters of personal chefs was planned. Of course, the receiving party considered the demands outrageous.

  • At a concert in New York he performed his new song Despacito in Spanish. At the same time, fans noticed that he forgot his own lyrics to three compositions and instead of words he simply sang “blah blah blah.” Therefore, at the Summerburst music festival, which took place a little later, someone from the crowd threw a bottle at him. But instead of the expected rage, the response was a calm statement: “Don’t throw things at me, please.”

Please note that it is not only the artist who sometimes behaves inappropriately. Fans also give us something to talk about. There have been more than one statements that he will not take pictures with fans, especially during his personal time. But this did not stop the violent crowd, from which he literally had to run away from the cafe where he wanted to have lunch with friends. After the incident, the celebrity called on people to stop behaving like animals. After all, only then will he be able to communicate normally with everyone, and not hide and swear. Therefore, if you are part of the army of numerous admirers of talent, show your adequacy, and not unhealthy delight.

Grammy is a music award that many musicians want to win. But our hero refused to attend the event in 2017. Instead, he stayed home for sushi dinner. He explained his decision by saying that the award had lost its charm, since it was more aimed at new performers. For the record, it was nominated for song and album of the year.

Advice!When Justin undresses, his photos instantly appear in in social networks. When he was in the Middle East, he had to take off his T-shirt while playing football. This caused a huge stir.

He's not that bad

Against the background of proceedings, quarrels and scandals, stand out positive actions. It is also important to note them, otherwise the image will turn out incomplete and even negative.

  • During a tour in India after grand concert in Mumbai, he looked into a school bus that he met along the way. The children were delighted with the appearance of the star. He, in turn, gave away 100 tickets to his performance, where he had previously organized a special indoor seating area with delicious food and drinks.
  • Love for fans makes you do things that are unusual in society. As part of the Australian Purpose tour, Bieber visited one of the small sports shops, the adult owner of which turned out to be a connoisseur of his work. Patrick Schwarzenegger did not have time to meet him on his territory, but managed to catch him at the nearest basketball court. To his surprise, he was not driven away, but invited to play together.

  • In June took place a charity concert in memory of the victims of the Manchester terrorist attack. The artist has performed on stage with Ariana Grande, Robbie Williams, Katy Perry, Take That and Coldplay. The proceeds were used to help victims of the tragic action that occurred on May 22 of this year.

Advice! The singer's biggest fear is spiders and closed spaces.

Personal life

In May of this year, information appeared in the press that Justin began dating 20-year-old actress Hailee Steinfeld. They usually attend Sunday church together and were once spotted cooing cutely at a restaurant. But no more news about the couple appeared, so, most likely, this is another “duck”, as well as about connections with the already eighteen-year-old Sofia Richie.

In fact, the idol of millions painfully experienced a breakup with his beloved Selena Gomez, with whom he was even engaged and preparing for the wedding. Only after the singer began to appear at events with her new boyfriend, and our hero actively began to be friends with other girls. But official information has not yet leaked to the media. About his ex’s passion, he says that their relationship was invented solely for PR and recording a joint song with The Weeknd. The girl, in turn, is inclined to believe that he is still jealous of her, so he speaks impartially about her relationships with the opposite sex.

By the way, “dream girl” Cindy Kimberly, on whose Instagram a hot macho comment was left thanks to which she became a famous model, has been dating an American fashion model for eight months. She deprived the guy of the slightest hope.

This summer, Bieber was spotted several times in Australia and other cities, but he is alone in all the photos. Therefore, for now, fans have no reason to cry into their pillows. Everyone has a chance. The main thing is to be in the right place at the right time.

Advice! A man considers the best relaxation to be spending time on large bodies of water. The ocean coast is best suited for this.

Fashionable looks

What does Bieber prefer from clothes? Most of all he loves overalls. He starred in one of them for the Hollywood Reporter magazine. White color went well with the bright raspberry-colored lightning bolts.

Each period of growing up is marked by a new hairstyle. He changed his hair color, haircut, styling. By the way, one salon service costs an average of $750. Previously, he gave himself a voluminous nape with thick side-swept bangs and elongated strands near his face. Now preferences have changed, and the hair on the back and sides of the head has become shorter. This added masculinity and audacity to the image. Since his pretty appearance allows for bold experiments, Bieber dyed his hair purple. But for how long? The guy is so changeable.

Following current trends, the young guy decorated his jaw with sapphires and gold. It cost $15,000. He boasted about this on social networks. He placed the Grils on the six upper and six lower teeth. The public reacted ambiguously to the innovation. The performer was ridiculed in the press.

One of my favorite hobbies is collecting shoes. Considering that he doesn’t wear the same pair of shoes twice, then it’s already quite impressive. Naturally, every new look should be harmoniously combined with sneakers or sneakers. In the photo you can see that the celebrity prefers the Adidas brand. They look stylish with every look. Let's take a closer look at some of the latest options.

  • Dark boyfriends, high-tongue sneakers, white long t-shirt and a denim jacket. All this is complemented by a wide bracelet against the background of tattoos.
  • Light sweatpants and a striped gray and black T-shirt. A bright accent is a black and blue pair of sneakers.

Advice! Despite the fact that most of his life is spent in transport, Justin hates planes. Therefore, he travels in a specially equipped bus.


Here is an example of a person whose hobby has successfully grown into a well-paid job. Therefore, we can only be happy for the guy. He is constantly evolving, looking for himself in new genres, his songs grow with him.

In February, a tour began in cities around the world, during which $200,000 was earned. A total of 122 concerts took place, and more than 2.2 million tickets were sold. Of course, not all the funds ended up in the pocket of the young performer, but it’s hard to complain about the revenue received. In January, his personal fortune was estimated at $225 million.

He recently introduced to the world working together with DJ David Guetta under the name U-2. The uniqueness of the video clip is that it stars not performers, but lingerie models from the Victoria's Secret fashion house: Sara Sampaio, Romee Strijd, Martha Hunt, Jasmine Tookes, Elsa Hosk, Stella Maxwell. The most beautiful girls in the world demonstrate new items from their collections, while promoting the track to the first positions in the iTunes tops. There are already 84 and a half million views on Youtube, and the number is growing every day.

On the Internet you can freely listen to the following songs designated for 2017:

  • Do You Right;
  • Where Are U Now;
  • Angel (Official);
  • Fall (with Martin Garrix);
  • Despacito (feat. Daddy Yankee;
  • 2U (work with David Guetta);
  • I m The One (with DJ Khaled & Lil Wayne;
  • Stay with me;
  • The care (co-authored with Chris Brown).

Admirers note the fact that with every year of growing up, more conscious songs appear. This is caused by experience and new knowledge gained.

Advice! Favorite breakfast – cereals with fresh berries. He can't stand green beans.

Other news

The guest actor earned two million dollars for starring in a T-Mobile Super Bowl commercial. The minute-long video was broadcast during halftime of the Super Cup match. Moreover, the star player of the New England Patriots team, Rob Gronkowski, became a neighbor on the court. His fee was only $250,000. By the way, the video is recognized as one of the funniest; the police used it as an educational measure. The police showed it to drivers who got behind the wheel while intoxicated.

As we see, Justin Bieber's life is full of adventures and adventures. He is not afraid to appear in a negative light in front of the public, but he also worries about the fate of other people. Repeated participation in charity events and concerts only confirms this.

Justin Bieber
Justin Bieber
Full name Justin Drew Bieber
Date of birth March 1, 1994
Place of birth London, Ontario, Canada
Years of activity 2009 - present
Country Canada USA
Professions: singer, musician, actor
Instruments vocals, guitar, piano, percussion, trumpet
Genres pop, R&B
Collaboration Asher
Labels Island, RBMG

Justin Drew Bieber(eng. Justin Drew Bieber; born March 1, 1994) - Canadian pop-R&B singer, songwriter, musician, actor. In 2008, Scooter Braun discovered his videos on YouTube and later became his manager. Brown arranged for Bieber to meet Usher in Atlanta, Georgia (USA). Bieber soon became an artist on the Raymond Braun Media Group (RBMG) label, a joint venture between Braun and Usher, and even later, L.A. Reid invited him to Island Records. To date, Justin has sold 15 million copies of his albums.

Biography and career
1994 - 2008: Childhood and youth

Justin Bieber born in London, Ontario, Canada, at St. Joseph's Hospital on March 1, 1994, grew up in Stratford. Mothers Bieber, Patricia Lynn "Petty" Mallett, was 18 years old when she became pregnant. Mallett, originally from Stratford, was assisted by her parents, Bruce and Diana. Mallett worked several jobs to support her family. Petty and Justin remained in contact with their father, Jeremy Jack Bieber, who married another woman and had two children. Great-grandfather Bieber was from Germany. As a child, Bieber loved hockey, football, chess, and he was interested in music. As he grew up, Bieber taught himself to play the piano, drums, guitar and trumpet. In early 2007, when he was twelve, Bieber sang Ne-Yo's "So Sick" on the local singing competition Stratford Idol and came in second place. His mother posted a video of the performance on YouTube for family and friends to see. She continued to upload videos of Bieber singing various genres of music. His popularity on the site grew.

2008 - 2010: Beginning of a creative career
Scooter Braun, former manager of So So Def, was looking for a video and accidentally came across one of Bieber video. Brown was impressed he found Justin Bieber and decided to contact his mother. Petty was reluctant to agree right away, but after much persuasion from Scooter, she allowed Justin to fly to Atlanta, Georgia to record demos. Justin soon signed a contract with Raymond Braun Media Group (RBMG), a joint venture between Braun and Usher. Justin Timberlake also wanted to sign a contract with Justin, but Bieber chose Usher. Brown became Bieber's manager.
Bieber in September 2009 at the Nintendo World Store

His debut single, "One Time", was released in 2009, reaching the top ten in Canada and the top 30 in some countries. My World, the first EP, was released on November 17, 2009 and was certified platinum in Canada and the United States and gold in Australia and New Zealand. Justin became the first artist to have seven songs from his debut album appear on the Billboard Hot 100 chart.

The first release of the album, entitled My World, was released on November 17, 2009. The album's second single, "One Less Lonely Girl", and two promotional singles, "Love Me" and "Favorite Girl", were released on iTunes and peaked in the top 40 on the Billboard Hot 100. "One Less Lonely Girl" subsequently was released to radio, peaked in the top 15 in Canada and the US, and was certified gold. My World went platinum in the US, Canada and the UK. In support of the album, Bieber performed at the 2009 VMAs, on the Dome, The Today Show, Wendy Williams Show, Lopez Tonight, The Ellen DeGeneres Show, Good Morning America.

Bieber performed Stevie Wonder's "Someday At Christmas" at the White House for US President and First Lady Michelle Obama on Christmas Day. This ceremony was broadcast on December 20, 2009 on the American television network TNT. Bieber hosted the 52nd Grammy Awards on January 31, 2010. He was featured as a vocalist on the song "We Are World" (a song written by Michael Jackson and Lionel Richie) in support of Haiti after the earthquake. Bieber sings the opening that Lionel Richie sang in the original version.
2010 - 2011: Debut album “My World 2.0” and the film “Never Say Never Again”

"Baby", a single from the debut album My World 2.0, with Ludacris, was released in January 2010 and became a hit. The single peaked at number five in the US and reached the top ten in seven other countries. The video for it was the most viewed and most discussed for a long time, until it lost the lead to the video of the South Korean artist PSY - “Gangnam Style”. However, "Baby" still holds the record as the music video with the most negative reviews on YouTube.

Two promotional singles, "Never Let You Go" and "U Smile", were top thirty hits on the US Hot 100 and top twenty hits in Canada. According to Metacritic, the album received "overall positive reviews" It debuted at number one in American chart Billboard 200, making Bieber the youngest man to top the chart, joining Stevie Wonder in 1963.

My World 2.0 was released on March 23, 2010 and also debuted at number one in the US, Canadian, Irish, Australian and New Zealand charts. In support of the album, Bieber appeared on several programs, including The View, 2010 Kids Choice Awards, Nightline, David Letterman's Late Show, etc. Bieber collaborated with Sean Kingston on the single "Eenie Meenie", which also appeared on Bieber's debut album. The song reached the top ten in the UK and Australia, and the top twenty in several other countries.

On April 10, 2010, Bieber was the musical guest on Saturday Night Live. The second single from My World 2.0, "Somebody To Love", was released in April 2010, and a remix featuring Bieber's mentor Usher was also released. The single peaked at number ten in Canada, number fifteen in the United States, and reached the top twenty in several other countries. On June 23, 2010, Bieber embarked on his first official tour (My World) to promote My World and My World 2.0. In July 2010, it became known that Bieber had become the most searched celebrity on the Internet. That same month, his video for "Baby" surpassed Lady Gaga's "Bad Romance" to become the most viewed video. In September 2010, it was revealed that Bieber accounts for three percent of all traffic on Twitter.

Bieber began recording his second album in July 2010 in New York. Then his voice became lower than it was before. In April 2010, the singer remarked: "Like any teenager, I'm dealing with this, but I have the best vocal coach in the world, everything will be fine."

Bieber starred in the series CSI: Crime Scene Investigation, the episode with his participation was broadcast on September 23, 2010. He played a troubled teenager who faces a difficult decision regarding his only brother, who is also a serial killer. Bieber performed a medley of "U Smile", "Baby" and "Somebody To Love" and played drums at the 2010 MTV Video Music Awards on September 12, 2010. In October 2010, Justin announced that he would release an acoustic album entitled My Worlds Acoustic. It was released on Black Friday in the US and included acoustic versions of songs from his previous albums, and a new song called "Pray".

The biographical documentary film-concert in 3D format “Never Say Never Again” was released on February 11, 2011. It was directed by Step Up 3D director Jon Chu. The film topped the box office with $12.4 million on its first day of release from 3,105 theaters. It grossed $30.3 million in its opening weekend and became the most successful concert film in the United States in terms of box office receipts.

2011: First Christmas album “Under the Mistletoe”
On February 23, 2011, the next NME Awards ceremony was held at Brixton Academy. Justin Bieber received two awards: for "Most Tastefully Dressed Artist" and for "Worst Album" (My World).

On February 27, Bieber took part in the 2011 Vanity Fair Oscar Party along with American actress and singer Selena Gomez, thereby confirming rumors of a romantic relationship between the couple.
In June 2011, Bieber was ranked second on Forbes' list of "Highest Paid Celebrities Under 30". He is the youngest star and one of seven musicians to earn $53 million in 12 months.
On August 8, the popular Teen Choice Awards ceremony took place in New York, as a result of which Justin Bieber received four awards in the categories “best male musician”, “most handsome man», « best actor" and "TV Villain" for a cameo role in the television series "CSI: Crime Scene Investigation."

At the end of October 2011, it became known that Bieber was the first whose video received two billion views on YouTube.

On November 1, Justin's second studio album, entitled “Under the Mistletoe,” was released. Some of the album's songs were recorded together with such artists and groups as Usher, Boyz II Men, Mariah Carey, The Band Perry and Busta Rhymes. It debuted at number one on the Billboard 200, with sales of 210,000 copies in its first week of release.

2012 - present: Albums "Believe", "Journals" and the sequel "Never Say Never Again"
Justin Bieber during the Believe Tour (October 2012)

At the end of 2011, Bieber began recording his third studio album, Believe. Kanye West and Drake have confirmed that they will collaborate with Justin on the album.

On February 22, 2012, Bieber announced on Twitter that the first single from the album would be released in March 2012. The following week, Bieber appeared on The Ellen DeGeneres Show to announce that the first single would be called "Boyfriend" and would be released on March 26, 2012. The song was co-written by Mike Posner.

On June 19, the album “Believe” went on sale. In the first week after the release of the disc, over 370 thousand copies were sold, which allowed the album to debut in first place on the Billboard 200.
In the fall of 2012, a tour began in support of the album “Believe”, where the first date was a concert in Glendale. The tour lasted until early December 2013, ending on the 8th in Perth. For such a long time, the singer managed to give concerts in America, Africa, Asia, Australasia and Europe. Also, Bieber came to Russia with the European part of the Believe Tour, giving two concerts for the first time - in St. Petersburg and Moscow. Before Bieber appeared on stage, the audience was warmed up by Russian blogger and singer Roma Acorn, whom the organizers approved after difficult negotiations.
During the Believe Tour, an acoustic album, Believe Acoustic, was released, consisting of lighter versions of songs from the Believe album, as well as several new compositions. The album reached number 1 in America and number 5 in the UK.

In October 2013, Bieber announced that he intended to release 10 new songs every Monday as a promotion for the new concert film Justin Bieber. Believe." The first of ten songs, called "Heartbreaker", was released on the first Monday of October as a single on iTunes. The rest of the tracks followed: “All That Matters”, “Hold Tight”, “Recovery”, “Bad Day”, “All Bad”, “PYD”, “Roller Coaster”, “Change Me” and “Confident”. For the second single, “All That Matters,” a video clip was shot by director Colin Tilley. All 10 tracks from “Music Mondays” were eventually included in the “Journals” collection, which contained an additional 5 unreleased songs, the “All That Matters” video and the trailer for the film “Justin Bieber. Believe." So, at the end of 2013, the film “Justin Bieber. Believe" was released on big screens. It became a sequel to the film Never Say Never Again, released in 2011.

Personal life
Since 2010, he dated actress and singer Selena Gomez. In 2012, information appeared that they had officially separated, but these reports were denied by other sources. In January 2013, after Selena appeared in the company of Josh Hutcherson at the Golden Globe party, it became clear about the final separation.

Problems with law

On January 23, 2014, Justin Bieber was arrested by Miami police for racing a sports car on city streets. He refused to be tested for alcohol. Bieber later admitted that before getting behind the wheel, he drank alcohol, smoked marijuana and took pills. The court released him on bail of two and a half thousand dollars.

On January 23, 2014, a petition appeared on the White House website demanding that the US authorities revoke Justin Bieber’s residence permit and deport him to his homeland of Canada:

We would like to see dangerous, reckless, destructive and drug-abusing Justin Bieber deported and his green card revoked. Not only does he threaten the safety of our people, but he is also a bad influence on our youth. We the people would like to exclude Justin Bieber from our society.

Justin Bieber is suspected of beating a limousine driver. The incident occurred on December 29, 2013 near the Air Canada Center hockey stadium, where the singer came with friends and bodyguards to watch a match involving an NHL club. From the complaint filed by the driver, it follows that a conflict arose between him and one of the passengers. During the quarrel, he hit the driver several times in the head and back. Police have charged Bieber with assault. A preliminary court hearing is scheduled for March 10, 2014. For the previous incident - driving under the influence of alcohol and drugs, as well as driving with an expired driver's license, a court hearing is scheduled for February 16, 2014.

On February 1, 2014, Justin Bieber's plane was detained at the airport in Teeterboro (New Jersey). The reason for the arrest was the smell of marijuana in the cabin.

Studio albums:
2010: My World 2.0
2011: Under the Mistletoe
2012: Believe
2010: My Worlds: The Collection
2010: My Worlds Acoustic
2011: Never Say Never: The Remixes
2013: Believe Acoustic
2013: Journals

2009: My World

My World Tour (2010-2011)
Believe Tour (2012-2013)

Justin Bieber at the 2010 MTV Video Music Awards
Year Title Director
2009 One Time Vashtie Kola
One Less Lonely Girl Roman White
2010 Baby
(with Ludacris) Ray Kay
Never Let You Go Colin Tilley
We Are the World 25 for Haiti Paul Haggis
Eenie Meenie
(with Sean Kingston) Ray Kay
Somebody to Love (remix)
(with Usher) Dave Meyers
Never Say Never
(with Jaden Smith) Honey
Love Me Alfredo Flores
U Smile Colin Tilley
Never Say Never (acoustic) Jon Chu
Pray Scooter Braun, Alfredo Flores
2011 That Should Be Me
(with Rascal Flatts) Mark Kalbfeld
Next 2 You
(with Chris Brown) Colin Tilley
Mistletoe Roman White
Santa Claus Is Coming to Town (Animagic Version)
Fa La La
(with Boyz II Men) Colin Tilley
All I Want for Christmas Is You
(with Mariah Carey) Sanaa Hamri
Santa Claus Is Coming to Town (Arthur Christmas Version)
2012 Boyfriend Director X
As Long as You Love Me
(with Big Sean) Anthony Mandler
Beauty and a Beat
(with Nicki Minaj) Jon Chu
2013 That Power
(with will.i.am) Ben Mor
(with Maejor Ali, Juicy J) Matt Alonzo
Wait For A Minute
(with Tyga) Krista Liney
All That Matters Colin Tilley
Year Russian name Original title Role
2010-2011 with CSI: Crime Scene Investigation CSI: Crime Scene Investigation Jason McCann
2011 f Justin Bieber: Never Say Never Justin Bieber: Never Say Never Playing himself
2013 f Katy Perry: Part of Me Katy Perry: Part Of Me Cameo
2013 f Justin Bieber. Believe Justin Bieber's Believe Plays himself

The singer received several nominations and awards for last years. He won Entertainer of the Year at the 2010 American Music Awards and was nominated in the categories "Best new artist and Best Pop Vocal Album at the 53rd Grammy Awards.

Show compactly

Mitchell, Gail. Usher Introduces Teen Singer Justin Bieber (English), Billboard, Prometheus Global Media (28 April 2009). Retrieved February 22, 2011.
Justin Bieber (English). MTV. MTV Networks. Retrieved February 22, 2011. Archived from the original on July 1, 2012.
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The singer PSY's Gangnam style video became the most popular in the history of YouTube | RIA News
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Justin Bieber is a Canadian pop singer, actor, and musician. Born on 03/01/1994 in the small town of Straford, Ontario (Canada).


His childhood was not easy. His mother became pregnant with Bieber, being almost a child herself - at 18 years old. The father had another family and two more children. To put her son on his feet, the mother had to work a lot, fortunately her parents helped her. The boy saw his father quite rarely, but he took whatever part he could in his son’s life.

Bieber basically grew up on his own. He was a very active child and spent all his free time in various hobbies. Bieber played a lot of sports, in which he was attracted by the excitement of team games - hockey, football. He played chess well. But my most serious hobby was music.

By the age of twelve, Bieber had mastered playing several musical instruments and performed a lot at school concerts and competitions. His mother recorded one of these performances on a regular phone camera and posted it on YouTube to brag about her son’s successes to her friends. But this video received an unexpectedly large number of votes. New records followed him around the Internet and Bieber became quite popular on the Internet.

There he was found by Scooter Braun, who, being a co-owner of Raymond Braun Media Groupe, was hunting for new voices. He really liked the cute musical teenager and Brown persuaded his mother to let Justin go to test recordings in Atlanta. Soon a contract was signed between them and in 2009 the first video for the song “One Time” was released, which immediately broke into the top 30 of the Canadian charts.

A few months later, Bieber recorded a solo mini-album, “My World,” which went platinum in Canada. Bieber's debut was received no less warmly on the Australian continent and reached the gold mark. So overnight Bieber becomes a real star.

He is invited to all significant ceremonies. He takes part in the White House Christmas concert, hosts the 52nd Grammy Awards, and appears on television a lot.


After the release of Bieber's full-length album “My world 2.0,” Justin soars to the top of the American charts and tops the list with a hit on the Billboard 200, becoming the youngest performer to hit No. 1 since 1963.

In 2010, Justin's growing popularity brought him to the silver screen. He was invited to star in one of the episodes of the popular detective series C.S.I.: Crime Scene Investigation. The film debut was also successful and the next film with Bieber’s participation was the autobiographical concert film “Never Say Never Again,” where he played and sang a lot. The film grossed more than $30 million in its first weeks of release and brought Bieber not only a new dose of fame, but also very impressive fees.

Despite the fact that Bieber’s work is regularly criticized by music critics with great enthusiasm and he even has in his collection of awards the title of the most tastelessly dressed artist and the prize for “Worst Album”, in 2011 Bieber reached second position in Forbes and his fees are measured in seven figures numbers.

With his third album, “Believe,” Justin again managed to top the Billboard 200, after which he went on a triumphant tour across all five continents. Two concerts took place in Russia. By the way, the singer’s opening act was Russian performer Roma Zhelud.

Until today, almost all of Bieber’s new compositions immediately find themselves at the top of the charts upon release. His CDs are also successfully selling out, and the video became the first to collect 2 million views on YouTube.

Personal life and wife of Justin Bieber

Between the whirlwind of concerts and intensive work in recording studios, Justin has practically no time left for personal life. From 2010 to 2012, he tried to build a relationship with Selina Gomez, but the girl was not satisfied with the too infrequent meetings and the couple broke up.

After Gomez, Bieber was credited with an affair with singer Ariana Grande. They went to social events together, and Bieber controversially hugged her in public. But the young artists did not comment on their relationship.

With Ariana Grande

In 2015, Justin was rumored to have an affair with Kourtney Kardashian. They were often seen together. But the couple did not confirm this information.

Already at the end of 2015, Bieber was credited with a relationship with his longtime friend Hailey Baldwin.

And in the fall of 2017, Justin began to restore his romance with Selena Gomez. Their relationship again could not be called successful.

In the summer of 2018, the singer again returned to his former lover, Hailey Baldwin. The couple even announced their engagement, which took place in the Bahamas. A wedding date was set, but then it was postponed to 2019.

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