Ancient Cro-Magnon man - characteristics of lifestyle, tools, interesting facts with photos and videos. Cro-Magnon: lifestyle and structural features What does Cro-Magnon mean?

One of the groups of fossil neoanthropes. Name comes from the Cro Magnon grotto in the dep. Dordogne (France), where several were discovered in 1868. skeletons of people of this type. Bone remains of K. have been known (since 1823) from the late Pleistocene of Europe.… … Biological encyclopedic dictionary

Modern encyclopedia

- (from the name of the Cro Magnon grotto Cro Magnon, in France), a generalized name for fossil people of the modern species (neoanthropes) of the late Paleolithic era. Known from bone remains discovered in all parts of the world. Appeared approx. 40 thousand years ago... Big Encyclopedic Dictionary

Cro-Magnons- (Cro Magnons), prehistoric. people of modern times species (Homo sapiens), inhabiting Europe ca. 35 10 thousand years ago. K. had a more massive physique than modern ones. human, but otherwise the same anatomically. x ki. Appeared in Europe approx. 35 thousand years ago, and... ... The World History

Cro-Magnons- (from the name of the Cro Magnon grotto, Cro Magnon, in France), the most common fossil of modern humans (neoanthropes) of the late Paleolithic era. Known from skeletal remains mainly from Europe. Appeared about 40 thousand years ago... ... Illustrated Encyclopedic Dictionary

Cev; pl. (singular Cro-Magnon, Ntsa; m.). A general name for people of the Late Paleolithic era ● The name comes from the Cro-Magnon grotto in France, where skeletal bones of Cro-Magnons were found in 1868. ◁ Cro-Magnon, oh, oh. Second era, cave. * *… … encyclopedic Dictionary

A general name for people of the late Paleolithic era. The name comes from the Cro Magnon grotto in the Dordogne department (France), where in 1868 the French archaeologist and paleontologist L. Larte made discoveries of K. S... ... Great Soviet Encyclopedia

Cro-Magnons- the term is ambiguous: 1) in the narrow sense, Cro-Magnons are people discovered in the Cro-Magnon grotto (France) and who lived about 30 thousand years ago; 2) in a broader sense, this is the entire population of Europe at the time Upper Paleolithic from 40 to 10 thousand years ago; 3)… … Physical Anthropology. Illustrated explanatory dictionary.

- (after the name of the Cro Magnon cave in France, where the first finds of fossil remains were made) people modern type, who existed in Europe in the Upper Pleistocene and were sharply different from Neanderthals. New dictionary foreign wordsDictionary of foreign words of the Russian language

A general name for people of the Late Paleolithic era. Name comes from the Cro Magnon grotto in the dep. Dordogne (France), where the first discoveries by K. S. anthropologist were made in 1868. K.'s points of view relate to modern times. human species (Homo... ... Soviet historical encyclopedia


  • New Cro-Magnons. Memories of the future. Book 1, Yuri Berkov. If you want to have not only pleasant, but also useful reading, if you want to broaden your horizons, read this book. You will plunge into the mysterious world of the future and live a stormy life with its heroes... eBook
  • New Cro-Magnons. Memories of the future. Book 2, Yuri Berkov. If you have completed the first book, then you will read the second with even greater interest. In it you will find amazing life collisions of its heroes, exciting underwater adventures and a lot of...

Where did the huge Cro-Magnon population come from on Earth and where did it disappear to? How did races appear? Whose descendants are we?

Why were Cro-Magnons distributed throughout the world? Could one population live in a huge area from Vladimir to Beijing? What archaeological finds support this theory? Why was the Cro-Magnon brain more brain modern man? Why do the classical Neanderthals of Europe bear little resemblance to modern people? Could they have lost their speech a second time? Was Neanderthal Bigfoot and hunted by Cro-Magnon man? During what period did the geological and cultural catastrophe occur? What did the sudden and simultaneous melting of two large glaciers lead to? Where did the Cro-Magnons disappear to? How were the major racial groups formed? Why was the Negroid racial group the last to appear? Did the Cro-Magnons maintain contact with their cosmic curators? Paleoanthropologist Alexander Belov discusses whose descendants we are and who is watching us from space?

Alexander Belov: Soviet anthropologist Debets, he believed that he even introduced into science the term “Cro-Magnons in the broad sense of the word.” What does this mean? People of the Upper Paleolithic are more or less similar to each other, regardless of where they lived, on the Russian Plain, in Europe, or in Australia, or in Indonesia, and even in America there are remains of Cro-Magnons. In fact, they were distributed throughout the world, and from this we conclude that the population was more or less homogeneous. And so Debets just introduced into science the concept of “Cro-Magnons in the broad sense of the word.” He united into this population all the people of the Upper Paleolithic who lived regardless of where they lived, they were more or less similar to each other, and he called them with this term, “Cro-Magnons in the broad sense of the word.” That is, it is not associated with the Cro-Magnon Grotto in France or in some parts of Europe. They find, for example, the skull of Sungir 1, an old man according to Vladimir, he is very similar, a Cro-Magnon, to a similar skull 101, which was found near Beijing in the Cave of Dragon Bones, in fact, just one skull. You can see on the map how great the distance is between Vladimir and Beijing, that is, approximately the same population lived over a huge distance. It was, of course, not numerous, that is, there are few remains of Cro-Magnons, it must be said, that is, this population was numerically small. And this is what is characteristic of Cro-Magnons: they are united not only by a single morphotype, they are also united by the presence of a large brain. If on average a modern person has an average brain volume of 1350 cubic centimeters, then Cro-Magnons have an average of 1550, that is, modern people, alas, have lost 200-300 cubic centimeters. Moreover, he lost not just cubes of the brain, as if in the abstract, he lost precisely those zones, those representations of the associative and parietal frontal zones of the brain, that is, this is precisely the substrate with which we think, where the intellect itself is based. And in fact, the frontal lobes are responsible for inhibitory behavior, for the fact that, roughly speaking, we do not restrain our emotions, we expose ourselves to some kind of unrestrained, emotional affects. And if these brakes are turned off, then, understandably, a person can already switch to some affective behavioral reactions. This is very bad and has a detrimental effect on his own fate and on the fate of the society in which he lives. And this is exactly what we see among the Neanderthals, the early Neanderthals, they are called atypical, they lived about 130 thousand years ago, they are found in Asia, mainly in Europe, Asia Minor, they were more or less similar to modern people. And the classic Neanderthals of Europe, their chin protrusion actually disappears, their larynx becomes high, they have a flat base of the skull. This suggests that Neanderthals lost speech for the second time, this is what this suggests. Alexander Zobov, our famous Russian and Soviet anthropologist, spoke and wrote a lot about this. And in fact, a paradoxical thing turns out, and their culture also becomes practical, so they dig a trench and accidentally discover the skeleton of Neanderthals without any accompaniment of archaeological equipment or so on. This suggests that this is, if you like, roughly speaking, a Bigfoot of the Upper Paleolithic era. And, apparently, they were simply hunted by Cro-Magnons. In Croatia, this massacre is known, when 20 bones and broken skulls of Neanderthals and Cro-Magnons were found; most likely, such fights or battles in the Upper Paleolithic took place between Neanderthals, the predecessors of modern people, and Cro-Magnons.

And in this regard, the question arises, where did the Cro-Magnons go, strictly speaking, and who are we, modern people? There are several versions on this matter, but if you follow the tradition of Soviet anthropology and Debets, in particular, then a completely clear and distinct picture is drawn that the classical Cro-Magnons, Cro-Magnon-like types, they spread throughout the entire Earth, created a fairly high culture, it was, apparently, connected with some new unusual technologies that we have already lost, we don’t know, and with some knowledge that we, unfortunately, also lost, and with connections, perhaps, with our cosmic predecessors, this also indicates , for example, and wands, some astronomical calendar carved circles and others different features, this is evidence of this. And somewhere around the Pleistocene-Holocene boundary, about 10 thousand years ago, a geological cultural catastrophe occurs. But in historical terms, this Upper Paleolithic is actually replaced by the Mesolithic, Middle Stone Age, that is, the ancient stone Age, it is replaced by the Mesolithic. And in fact, the Middle Stone Age, during this period of time amazing things happen. Suddenly, I would say, both glaciers melt, suddenly melt, and the Scandinavian glacier is huge, the thickness of which reached three kilometers in height, and it reached Smolensk, that’s what it was, its epicenter over the Gulf of Bothnia. At the same time, the North American glacier, which generally occupied half the size in thickness and breadth, is also melting. North America, continent. And naturally, the level of the World Ocean during this period, 12-10 thousand years before new era, it rises sharply to 130-150 meters. And it is clear that people who find themselves in this situation will be divided, Africa is separated from Asia, Europe is also separated from Asia by water barriers, that is, in place of the Russian Plain, seas are formed here, which merge into the Caspian and the Black Sea, and into the Mediterranean then. Many racial groups, future racial groups, finding themselves in isolation, in island isolation, so to speak, firstly, the population size decreases sharply, that is, anthropologists talk about a “bottleneck” that racial groups, all racial groups go through, this is exactly what is happening at this moment, and that, in general, they are geologically separated. And once in isolation, in geological isolation, the following basic racial groups begin to form: Caucasians in Europe, Mongoloids in Asia, these are Far East, Asia, Central Asia, and Africans on the African continent. This is due to the fact that genetic exchange does not take place between these groups for several thousand years, at least.

Here we must add cultural isolation to this. Cultural isolation may have done even more negative things than such purely geographical isolation. Negroids are changing quite a lot, and it is the Negro race that appears at this moment. Negroids, they are very young, one might say, that is, this is the Neolithic, the end of the Mesolithic, the beginning of the Neolithic, at least 9-10 thousand years before the new era, blacks appear.

Niramin - Aug 24th, 2016

Cro-Magnons inhabited the Earth in the Upper Paleolithic era (40-10 thousand years ago) and were the direct ancestors of modern people. The structure of their skull and hands, brain volume, and body proportions were similar to ours. The remains of these ancient people were first discovered in the second half of the 19th century in France, in the Cro-Magnon grotto, where the name “Cro-Magnon” came from.

The ancestors of modern people made a sharp leap in evolution and far surpassed their predecessors in development. They knew how to make complex tools: needles, scrapers, drills, spearheads, bows and arrows, using not only wood and stone, but also horns, bones and animal tusks. The Cro-Magnons knew how to sew clothes, make dishes from baked clay, and even created elaborate jewelry and figurines. They highly valued art, engaged in bone carving and decorated the walls and ceilings of their homes with rock paintings. Scientists never tire of being amazed at the technology, materials and craftsmanship of cave paintings.

The Cro-Magnon lifestyle was significantly different from other ancient people. The Cro-Magnons also lived primarily in caves, but they already knew how to build huts from animal bones and skins. The first domestic animal, the dog, appeared in this era. The Cro-Magnons had speech, which allowed them to build new social relationships.

Cro-Magnons in the parking lot.

Photo: Cro-Magnon (Cro-Magnon). Reconstruction of M.M. Gerasimova.

Cro-Magnon skull.

Video: Evolution: Cro-Magnons

Who are Cro-Magnons? These are fossil people, completely similar in their appearance and development for modern man. They lived 40-10 thousand years ago in Europe. At the same time, they coexisted with Neanderthals for at least 7 thousand years. Their first skeletons and tools from the Upper Paleolithic era were found in 1868 in France in the Cro-Magnon cave.

It should be noted that such a term as “Cro-Magnon” implies several concepts at once:

1. These are people whose remains were discovered in the Cro-Magnon Grotto, and who lived on Earth approximately 40-30 thousand years ago.

2. These are the people who inhabited Europe during the Upper Paleolithic period.

3. These are all people who lived on globe during the Upper Paleolithic period.

It must be said that there is also such a concept as neoanthropes. It implies the general collective name Homo sapiens, that is, Homo sapiens. It includes both Cro-Magnons and modern people. That is, you and I are neoanthropes who completely replaced the paleoanthropes (Cro-Magnons) 30 or 40 thousand years ago. And the first neoanthropes appeared on Earth approximately 200 thousand years ago in Africa.

But let's not look that far, but return to more recent times. Fossil remains of Cro-Magnons were found in Africa in Fish Hook and the Cape Flats. Their age was estimated at 35 thousand years. In Europe, as already mentioned, 30 thousand years. In Asia, the age of the remains was 40-10 thousand years. In New Guinea 19 thousand years.

Cro-Magnon settlement

Ancient people also reached Australia. They lived there beautifully 20-14 thousand years ago. But in America, near Los Angeles, a settlement was found, the age of which dates back to 23 thousand years ago. But there are also later settlements from 11 to 13 thousand years ago.

At the excavation sites, experts discovered the remains of individuals of different sexes and ages. At the same time, the ancient people were buried in accordance with the funeral rites of that distant era. They differed very little from modern people in their morphological structure. However, the bones of the skeletons and skulls were more massive. At least, anthropologists came to this opinion.

Where did the modern human species originate?

Currently, experts are asking questions: which of the ancient people can be considered the ancestors of modern man and in what historical period did they appear? The first traces of people similar to us were discovered in Africa. These finds range in age from 200 to 100 thousand years. One of the finds was made in Kherto in Ethiopia in 1997. There, paleontologists from California discovered remains 160 thousand years old.

In South Africa, in Clazies River, the discovered remains are 118 thousand years old. In the northeastern part South Africa A skull 82 thousand years old was discovered in Border Cave. Remains were also found in Tanzania and Sudan. They are characterized by the fact that fossil human skulls are very similar in shape to the skulls of modern people. They do not have a sharply protruding nape, large brow ridges, or a sloping chin. At the same time, the volume of the brain is extremely large. Similar finds were discovered in the Middle East in the Qafzeh and Skhul caves.

Rock paintings in a cave

As a result of the efforts of paleontologists, it turned out that 40 thousand years ago people who had a modern appearance lived in Africa, Europe, Asia and Australia. In America they appeared much later, about 11-12 thousand years ago. But there are archaeologists who call the time period 30 thousand years.

Thus it turns out that the first Cro-Magnons saw the light of day in the southeastern regions of Africa approximately 200 thousand years ago. First they populated the hot continent, and then came to the Middle East. This happened 80-70 thousand years ago. Having settled in the Middle East, they moved to Europe and Asia, developing the southern and then northern regions. We got all the way to Australia, and after that we ended up in America.

Our direct ancestors were the complete opposite of Neanderthals. They had long limbs, height up to 180 cm, proportional bodies, well-developed lower jaws and an elongated skull. Subsequently, from them came the people of the current civilization, which is 7 thousand years old.

Nowadays there is an opinion that modern look people is the crown of biological evolution, which transformed into social evolution. However, many do not agree with this. That is, biological changes continue to this day. It’s just that very little time has passed to talk about any physical transformations. But as we all know, the Cro-Magnons have changed significantly in appearance, thanks to the emergence of races.

Burial of the Cro-Magnons

Cultural achievements of the Cro-Magnons

Our direct ancestors differed from their predecessors not only in physical features. They also had a more highly developed culture. First of all, this concerns tools. They made them from stone, horn and bone. Moreover, initially, blanks were prepared en masse, and then they were processed and the necessary tools were obtained. They came up with a bow and arrows and spears. It should be noted that the level of culture was practically no different among the ancient people who inhabited different parts of the planet. They tamed the wolf, which became a domestic dog.

But the main thing, of course, is the rock art. Beautiful examples of rock paintings have been preserved in caves from Britain to Lake Baikal. In addition to them, figurines depicting animals and people were also discovered. They are made from limestone, bones and mammoth tusks. Knife handles were carved, and clothes were decorated with beads and painted with ocher.

Our ancient ancestors lived in communities. They numbered from 30 to 100 people. Not only caves, but also dugouts, huts, and tents served as housing. And this already points to settlements. They dressed in clothes made from skins. They communicated with each other through developed speech.

The main cult was the cult of hunting. This is indicated by the fact that many images of animals are complemented by arrows and spears. That is, first they killed the prey in the drawings, and only then they went on a real hunt.

The Cro-Magnons widely practiced funeral rites. This primarily indicates that ancient people thought about the afterlife. Jewelry, hunting tools, household items and food were placed in the graves along with the deceased. The bodies were sprinkled with blood-red ocher and sometimes covered with the bones of killed animals. It was customary to bury dead bodies in the fetal position. That is, in whatever position the fetus was in the womb, it was in the same position that it passed into the other world.

Ceramic figurine of Vestonice Venus

Cro-Magnon culture is characterized as Perigord culture. It is divided into earlier chatelperon and later Gravettian culture. The latter subsequently moved to Solutrean culture. An example of Gravettian culture is Vestonitskaya Venus, found in the Czech Republic in 1925. This is the oldest ceramic figurine, 11 cm high and 4 cm wide. An ancient kiln was also discovered in which clay crafts were fired, turning them into ceramic products.

In conclusion, it should be said that during the time of fabulous antiquity, a woman appeared in south-eastern Africa, from whom the entire human race descended. This woman is designated as mitochondrial Eve by mitochondrial DNA, inherited only by female line. What kind of woman this is and how she ended up in hot Africa is unknown. But the beautiful creature was radically different from other women and marked the beginning of that human civilization, which now dominates the blue planet.

Alexey Starikov

Cro-Magnons are the common name for the ancestors of people who existed 40-10 thousand years ago (). Cro-Magnons are a sharp leap in the development of human evolution, which became decisive not only in the survival of the human race, but also in the formation of Homo sapiens.

Cro-Magnons appeared much later, about 40-50 thousand years ago. According to some estimates, the earliest Cro-Magnons could have existed more than 100 thousand years ago. Neanderthals and Cro-Magnons are species of the genus Homo.

Neanderthals supposedly evolved from humans, who in turn were a species of Homo erectus (), and were not the ancestors of humans. Cro-Magnons descended from Homo erectus and are the direct ancestors of modern humans. The name "Cro-Magnon" refers to the discovery of several human skeletons with Late Paleolithic tools in the rock grotto of Cro-Magnon, France. Later, the remains of Cro-Magnons and their cultures were found in many parts of the world - in Great Britain, the Czech Republic, Serbia, Romania, and Russia.

Scientists suggest different versions the appearance and spread of Cro-Magnons - the ancestors of people. Judging by one version, the first representatives of the ancestors of people with the Cro-Magnon type of development (a species of Homo erectus) appeared in East Africa another 130-180 thousand years ago. About 50-60 thousand years ago, Cro-Magnons began to migrate from Africa to Eurasia. Initially, one group settled on the coast of the Indian Ocean, and the second settled in the steppes of Central Asia. A little later, migration began to Europe, which was settled by Cro-Magnons about 20 thousand years ago. There are also other versions about the spread of Cro-Magnons.

The Cro-Magnons had a huge advantage over the Neanderthals that existed at the same time in Europe. Although the Neanderthals were more adapted to northern conditions, they were more powerful and stronger, they could not resist the Cro-Magnons. The direct ancestors of people were carriers of such high culture for that time, the Neanderthals were clearly inferior to them in development, although, according to some studies, the Neanderthal brain was larger, he knew how to create tools for labor and hunting, used fire, created clothes and homes, knew how to make jewelry, had speech, and so on. By that time the Cro-Magnon man had already produced enough complex decorations made of stone, horn and bone, as well as cave drawings. The Cro-Magnons were the first to come up with human settlements and lived in communities ( tribal communities), which included up to 100 people. Cro-Magnons used caves, tents made of animal skins, dugouts, and houses made of stone slabs as dwellings in different parts of the world. The Cro-Magnons created clothing from skins and made more modern tools for labor and hunting than their ancestors and Neanderthals. The Cro-Magnons also domesticated the dog for the first time.

As researchers suggest, migrating Cro-Magnons who arrived in Europe met here with Neanderthals, who long before them had already mastered the best territories, populated the most convenient caves, and settled in advantageous areas near rivers or in places where there was a lot of prey. Probably, in 1960, the Cro-Magnons, who had a higher development, simply exterminated the Neanderthals. Archaeologists find bones of Neanderthals at Cro-Magnon sites that have obvious traces of eating them, that is, Neanderthals were not only exterminated, but also eaten. There is also a version that only part of the Neanderthals were destroyed, the rest were able to assimilate with the Cro-Magnons.

The findings of the Cro-Magnons clearly indicate the existence of religious ideas among them. The beginnings of religion are also observed among Neanderthals, but many scientists express great doubts about this. Among the Cro-Magnons, cult rituals can be traced very clearly. The ancestors of people tens of thousands of years ago carried out complex funeral rites, buried their relatives in a bent position in a fetal position (belief in the transmigration of the soul, rebirth), decorated the dead with various products, placed household items, food in the grave (belief in the afterlife of the soul, during which it will need the same things as during the earthly life - plates, food, weapons, etc.).

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