House 2 former participants the truth about the project. The whole truth about d2 from Cassandra Milevskaya

From the first days of existence television project House 2, rumors do not subside about the presence of a script for a reality show, in which all the actions of the participants are planned in advance. Recently we came across an interesting article written by students of one of the Moscow universities who watch House 2 and analyze the behavior of its characters. Below you can read this publication.

This question has already set the teeth on edge, but in the comments we still come across such statements, which, in our opinion, are not based on anything. Those who claim that everything in House 2 was staged did not actually watch it.

With this note we would like to put an end to the discussion of this issue on this site. Now those who ask or declare that in House 2 everything is done according to the script will be referred to this note so as not to answer the same thing every time.

We believe that House 2 was not completely staged, but only partially. And the directing that takes place is not as simple as many people think. So, first we will lay out our arguments in favor of the fact that the participants do not live strictly according to the script.

1. None of the participants are actors. Many emotional scenes they simply wouldn't be able to play.
2. Most of the participants' reactions are quite natural. There is no need to direct the natural course of events - it will happen by itself.

Regarding the first point. If you watched House 2 in Lately, then you couldn’t help but notice the constant advertising of certain goods and services by project participants. Have you noticed how fake it looks? And just imagine that all the events would have played out exactly the same way as these advertising campaigns... This would have caused nothing but laughter and no one would have looked at it for a long time. And now regarding the second point. Indeed, why point out to, say, a boy that he should be interested in beautiful girl who will come to the project if he is already interested in her - that’s how boys are made, they like girls. This situation can be illustrated by the words of engineer Petrov from Gennady Khazanov’s enterprise about the pigsty at the research institute: “This furrow doesn’t need any explanation! He will explain it to anyone you want!”

But, nevertheless, there is a share of directing in the project. What is it? We identify the following mechanisms of pressure on participants.

1. Project terms and conditions
2. One-on-one sessions with presenters and participants, where participants are advised on the “correct” behavior on the project.
Z. Frontal places where social pressure is exerted on participants who do not want to correct their behavior.
4. Behavior of some participants as directed by the director

We have provided a list of techniques as the pressure on the subject increases. Each subsequent technique is used if the previous one does not work or is not possible. So the rules and conditions of the project set the basic scenario that everyone must follow. Many people don’t even see any directing in this. But nevertheless, these are the first limiting frameworks that set the desired direction for the development of events. Further, if a participant behaves passively and does not follow the script, in tete-a-tete and in personal conversations, he is hinted and told in plain text that if he does not become more active, he will go out of the gate. If he is not activated, then he is kicked out at the frontal place.

Further, if a participant enters into a relationship with the opposite sex, then the pressure on the participants does not end there. Their relationship begins to be tested by the very participants who follow the instructions of the organizers, expecting from them active actions. If the actions do not follow, then again in tete-a-tete and frontal places they are prompted with the “correct” actions. Thus, the main element of directing is to push participants to take action, rather than having participants follow the director's instructions. The behavior of some participants, according to the strict instructions of the script, is not the main one, but an accompanying one, provoking the natural reactions of the participants, which are the emphasis of the show. In such conditions, participants always have free will in actions, except for those mentioned in paragraph 4. The framework of the overall script of the show leaves enough space for self-expression. However, excessive self-will usually leads to leaving the project, but free choice participants always exist.

On this moment, three Novgorodians have already visited the television project “Dom-2”: Madina Kuzaeva,

According to Novgorod participants in the reality show, there is no direct script. However, over the speakerphone, their behavior is directed in one direction or another, and also provoked into scandalous situations. For example, participants may be pitted against each other to create serious conflict: “Your girlfriend takes away your boyfriend, and you react to it so calmly? Come and pour something in her face,” or: “Do you realize that the whole country is looking at you? The audience concludes that you are a rag to wipe their feet on. Your main task now is to show your character and learn to defend and defend yourself. Show your emotions, fight back the offender.” All this “brainwashing” is needed in order to control the participants, teach them to sell their emotions and feelings for the sake of broadcasts and ratings of the “House 2” project.

Also, newcomers are tested for strength. Something like an initiation takes place. “Old guys” can provoke new guys, put moral pressure on them, get personal: “What kind of nonsense are you talking about? Stand still and blink your eyes,” “You’re rotten and spineless, you don’t have your own opinion,” “You don’t deserve to be on the project, you’re not beautiful.”

This time, we talked with Anna Mordvina.

Anya, what is your main motivation for coming to the project?

I took part in the project to add a little drive to my life, I wanted to try something new, something I had never thought about before. And besides, “House 2” is the most popular project today, which makes the participants media personalities. In addition, I believe that good strong relationships can be built on a project.

Where did it all start? You were informed that you passed the casting. What's next?

I went to the casting, which was conducted by Andrei Cherkasov. I left the casting with full confidence that I had passed, mentally already packing my suitcase. Two weeks later I received a call on my phone, the girl introduced herself as the casting director of the “House 2” project and invited me to come to Moscow the next day. I calmly answered “yes” and was there within 24 hours.

Tell us about your first impressions inside the reality show.

I was very disappointed in Sergei Zakharyash, whom I came to. From the screen he gave me the impression of being confident and strong man, but in fact everything turned out exactly the opposite. It’s a shame that our tête-à-tête was cut by 70%. But in general, I would like to note that the people on the project are very angry, narcissistic and ill-mannered. On the project, everyone is for themselves, so the only way to stay and feel comfortable there is to purposefully come to the person with whom you communicated earlier.

- “Everyone is evil, every man for himself.” It turns out that it’s like in war, it’s either you or you?

As it is said very loudly in war, the girls saw me as a competitor and immediately began to test my strength, hurt me, ask awkward questions and insult me. But I didn’t give myself offense, I answered. Although I felt uncomfortable, ordinary life I would just laugh, turn around and leave. The most interesting thing is that the project has female and male voting, that is, you need to maintain relationships with girls no matter what, because at the voting they will simply vote against you and you will leave the project. Therefore, sincerity on the project is not very welcome; in this case, you will not stay long.

How do they test and introduce awkward situations? Give an example.

They said that they were better than me, that I had no place on the project, that I beautiful girl etc. They gave different tasks, for example, the same dances, everyone started shouting: “Dance, dance!”, after which the music started playing loudly and they forced me to dance through pressure, which, naturally, made me feel uncomfortable.

Judging by the broadcasts, a top participant, the star of “House 2”, Nikita Kuznetsov, became interested in you. What impressions did you have from communicating with the “old man” of the project?

Nikita has been on the project for 11 years. I had the feeling as if he was constantly closed in on himself, in some kind of his own world. He walks like a zombie, all drooping, zero emotions. I think he deteriorated on "House 2".

Is there a chance of deterioration? How are their days going on the TV project?

The members spend the entire time messing around and discussing each other's relationships. There, an hour goes by in three hours, because there is really nothing to do at “House 2”. Also, there is absolutely no personal space on the project. You cannot freely call your parents and friends. Communication occurs only with the participants, and they do not shine with intelligence. They discuss hackneyed topics about relationships.

After leaving the project, Maria Ilyina openly spoke about the bullying of the producers. According to the girl, she was forced to film because she was sick with a fever.

Not every person is able to hold out for a long time on the famous Dom-2 project. But thousands of Russians dream of being on the perimeter, and even more on “Love Island”. However, life there is by no means heavenly, as we all see from TV screens. Participants in the television production work hard to please the demanding and sometimes ruthless producers, because they can organize deportation home at any time.

Ex-participant of the show Maria Ilyina hosted active life in the Seychelles even with a temperature of 40. The girl went on dates, participated in everything she was ordered to do, and all for the sake of love! Ilyina claims that she came to the project not to play games, but to meet true love, but she was not given such an opportunity.

“The broadcasts are over, I can safely and honestly speak out. As soon as we arrived in Moscow, the presenters made it clear to us that they no longer wanted to see any of us on the project,” she said the terrible truth Marina on her social network page. - The worst thing is that we didn’t show our sides, both good and bad. But! We are not actors! Some of us have never acted at all! And many simply did not understand where they had ended up. Was it really difficult to help at least a little, instruct and show a modicum of understanding?! I'm like a spectator who watched the project for a long time, I realized that there is a wild lack of real relationships, sincerity and decency. I was 100% sure that the project needed me and everything would work out. Like, overdressed professional nets from the highway and so on. Escorts too."

It is obvious that Maria's disappointment knew no bounds. However, apparently, I wanted to stay on the project. Hope, as they say, dies last! But the producers already had their own story line, within the framework of which Maria must leave the project, and it does not matter whether she created a couple or not.

“You don’t know what awaits you tomorrow. You can fall in love, you can give in. And tomorrow they will pick you up and send you or him home. Everyone started to have a mess in their heads. Even the strongest began to fade. We felt like guests of the island, not residents. In the end, we did not understand at all what could be done and what could not be done. We've been driven to a dead end! – the girl continues her revelation.

Apparently, what hurt Maria the most was that she was forced to work even when she was very sick. A temperature below 40 and a terrible rash were not a reason to give the girl a little break. According to the ex-participant, she was not even allowed to lie down for half an hour.

“You say I’m an amoeba? And I’ll tell you what it’s like to stand in 40-degree heat with a fever of 40 and a wild rash all over your body that itches incredibly badly. I didn’t go to the hospital and fought for Elisha in competitions, so that, God forbid, I wouldn’t miss the day of the fight. I pulled the rope with my hands, although I couldn’t even hold a spoon properly due to the rash, but I walked and fought. They don’t show tears when your nerves give out and you’re breaking your hands because you’re crazy, because they don’t let you just lie down for half an hour after taking a pill! I went out on a date all speckled and burgundy, but I went out! Do you know what is the most offensive? My sincerity on the island turned out to be of no use to anyone. And then I didn’t understand why I was invited to the project, because from the very first day I said: I’m not a player. I came for a relationship! How can you gain sympathy? Why fool the viewer and lie to yourself?” – Maria is perplexed.

Let us remind you that some time ago the TNT television channel interrupted the filming of the second season of the project ahead of schedule and informed viewers about it. The news about the closure of the program was reported on the TV set’s Instagram.

“A week ago, the organizers of the show put forward an ultimatum to the participants in the second season of the show “Love Island”: either the heroes take an active part in the project and build love, or fly home. The participants promised to fulfill all demands, but did not keep their words. In this regard, the producers decided to close the second season of “Love Island” without drawing the main prize,” the message said.

Later it turned out that the project was not completely closed, but simply castled. The authors of the program removed the previous participants and sent six new couples to the island, who became Marina Afrikantova and Andrey Chuev, Ivan Barzikov and Elizaveta Polygalova, Olga Rapunzel and Dmitry Dmitrenko, Alexandra Gozias and Konstantin Ivanov, Tata Abramson and Valery Blumenkranz, as well as Evgeny Kuzin and Alexandra Artemova.

One of the many employees who recently worked on the reality show Dom2 is writing to you. I can’t identify myself because I fear for my life and safety.
I want to reveal the background hidden from the eyes and the audience and the root cause of many of the events that happen on the show. I know these facts from reliable sources. What I know causes laughter and disgust. It is especially unfortunate that the program is watched mainly by schoolchildren and teenagers. Many boys and girls consider the participants of DOM 2 to be an example to follow, and due to their age and development, they naively believe that one of the children will really be allowed to “build love” on the project. This may have been the original idea of ​​the show’s authors, until it became clear that using the project and its participants you can earn good money through advertising, SMS messages and the production of printed materials. etc. Moreover, using the participants themselves, if they were unprincipled and promiscuous in their relationships, and those of them who actually met love (these are newlyweds who left the project) were kicked out. They were not allowed to build their love on the project, because it was unprofitable, was considered uninteresting for the viewer and did not bring in any cash injections.
First I will say something that is clear to many. It has long been clear that the participants in this show play at love and often build their relationships according to the script, so many stopped watching the long-running program. Some old participants, dissatisfied with the manipulation and manipulation of ratings, which have especially often happened in the last year and the fact that each of them has long known who will get the house, enter into angry, meaningless conflicts. They want, but cannot tell anyone the truth about what is happening. After all, they are all losers from the provinces, unsecured people with aspirations for a better life, failed actors who do not have housing in Moscow, want to make their little career with the help of a show and are afraid of being thrown out of the project, so they put up with the moral and physical prostitution that reigns on the project and fraud. In order to survive on the project, everyone is forced to constantly lie, fake things on camera and adapt to the unequal conditions provided by the project administration, only occasionally making poisonous hints about certain real reasons for certain events. Even the events at the front, when they vote for elimination, are re-filmed at the request of the administration and presenter K. Sobchak. Each participant signed a contract according to which, in the event of disclosure of the real events occurring on the project, he will have to pay a gigantic fine.
But over the past six months, the situation on the project has become so tense that some participants, at least with hints, often reveal the true state of affairs. Deception occurs not just for commercial reasons or to add extra intrigue to the show. The fact is that some participants (there are two of them) are in intimate relationships with representatives of the project administration, which allows them to claim more high ratings popularity and winning houses in the future. It is also funny that the administration deliberately invited several boys and girls of non-traditional sexual orientation to the project, although most of them had already left the show. This was the case with the already scandalous Rustam Solntsev. Because of him, Sam Seleznev was almost kicked out of the project, who wanted to beat him because of Rustam’s attempts to humiliate Sam and his girlfriend and kick them out of the project. (just at this time, one of the main participants in the show, A. Vodonaeva, quarreled with Sam’s girlfriend Nastya Dashko).
Sam was hired for the project because of his exotic appearance, but since he grew up in orphanage Naturally, no one paid for his participation in the show, as has recently happened with many project participants. The project director, general manager, presenters, Sobchak and Borodina received money for participation and so that the paid participants would not be kicked out of the show for a longer time, and would be shown “PR” on television more often.
I know for sure what did they pay for such participants, like Alena Vodonaeva, Victoria Bonya, Ada Karaeva. A particularly interesting case is Alena Vodonaeva, who managed to sleep with one married oligarch who promised her support, the director of the reality show DOM 2, the general producer of TNT Troitsky (she was even briefly seen with him in one closed Moscow establishment of a certain kind). In bed with some of the men listed above, Alena found out who would leave the show at the next vote, which she repeatedly reported to the project participants, thereby emphasizing her power and insight. The spectacular appearance and charms of Alena of the fifth rosmer, her rosema, did not ache with the ranger and the numerous parts on the show, with whom he was in intimate relationships: Minoshchikov, Pothapovich and Kvariral Afferist Aleksey, who returned from the show to the prison, which he had noted a long time To the best you HOUSE 2. Only Meladze, the producer of the ViaGra group, which she wanted to get into through the “front” and did a lot for this, remained indifferent to Vodonaeva. Alena used numerous trips to photo shoots not only for filming, but also for private meetings with sponsors who generously paid for her sex services.
The participant’s great sexual demand led to numerous health problems, especially gynecological ones. She had a miscarriage, an abortion, a tumor in the uterus. All these problems were naturally hidden by the show's leaders. Viewers were informed that Alena was being treated in the hospital for gastritis, etc. Stepan Menshchikov, who had recently made a couple with a sexually uninhibited girl, knew about many of her adventures, this was the reason for their breakup, despite the great desire of this pregnant individual, who calls himself the “Ekaterinburg redneck” to win the house. It’s no wonder that the guys on the project gave her the nickname “pussy.” Many times on television, Alena has repeatedly stated that she and her partner will win the house. And these are not empty words of a self-confident girl. The fact is that it was she, the director and the general. The producer of the project actually promised to win the house.
The only problem is that this win is at least minimally probable. First, Alena was found in a strip club by an almost thirty-year-old stripper with a textured appearance - Potapovich. The stripper had a bleak future ahead of him. Lack of housing in Moscow and he was convinced that their beautiful couple with the popular Alena would definitely win a house. He showed himself to be a hopeless partner and disappointed Alena. Then the favorite and favorite of the project producer entered the arena - a bisexual, fragile young man with a cute face and a stupid pseudonym. May has long been the lover of the same bisexual producer M., who also promised him help in his future stellar career and winning at home. May and his lover decided long ago that in a pair with the Sun, who is often absent from the project, he would not win the house. When Vodonaeva was left without a partner, they were offered to rehabilitate themselves and revive the project by creating a competitive couple whose winning would look plausible, because The majority of the audience would supposedly vote for them in the final. In addition, May liked Alena; they had long been known as “friends”, having similar temperaments and outlooks on life. Andrey Chuev often called May “Eva” and offered to draw him into “positive energy.” After such jokes, A. Chuev’s viewer rating immediately and mysteriously fell. Moreover, despite his enormous popularity, he took a modest place in next competition for the title "Superman at home2", was provoked by the administration into a conflict and thrown out of the project.
The only obstacle to winning the final of the pair Alena + May is the oldest popular pair of the project, Buzova + Tretyakov. However, a program to eliminate them has already begun. But since the couple is very popular with the viewer and is a cult one, they are planned to be omitted and removed from the project before its very end. Tretyakov is constantly provoked by the presenters, constantly talking about the numerous opinions of television viewers that their couple is insincere. etc.

About voting:
Most often, participants do not know who will leave in the vote. Even when a conspiracy is being assembled, there is no certainty that the participant will be able to be escorted out of the gate, since they may be given immunity. However, conspiracies are collected by naive, still new participants. They aren't even shown on air. The conspiracies you see are most often staged. Rastorguev gives his associates the command “front” and a conspiracy is formed. It often happens that a participant leaves the project himself, but agrees to play the role of an exile for the sake of intrigue. This is what those who plan to return to the project do.

About fights:
Fights are most often staged too. Some participants fight to show off, others, in agreement with Rastorguev. Those who fight without approval are sent out of the gate. This was the case with Barzikov when he returned on the same day as Zadoinov. Both were drugged, Barzikov was on drugs and got into a fight. They sent him out of the gate, but they left Zadoynov, even though they saw that he was on drugs. When top guys fight, they are treated leniently, but top guys fight as a last resort. Liberzh attacked Tanya because she knew that she would not be kicked out because of her script history with Rudnev. They already had a script written out from the wedding to the divorce. Where should we take her? So she became insolent and took advantage of her immunity.

We do not know about the return of former participants. This is being decided behind the scenes after lengthy negotiations with Rastorguev.

About CHG:
The CG is carried out according to the script. The participants come up with skits themselves, but stage what Rastorguev gives them. Voting in last years sluggish. This year especially few people voted. The true number of votes is hidden. Only the company knows about this, but according to the contract with the project, it gives information only to the project, and not to ordinary people.

About Pynzary
They don't mess with Borodin. Pynzari project participants. They don’t leave because they are very friendly with the producers and Borodina. They are kept by connections. Perhaps Dasha will replace Borodina for some time, she would like it that way, but this is decided by the TNT management. And the management of TNT even abandoned Mikhailovsky’s wife.

About Abrikosov:
Much of what Mai wrote about the project is true, but it is impossible to comment on their personal relationship with Mikhailovsky. I did not witness their conversations.

About Tregubenko and Yakunina:
Yakunina loved Tregubenko, but he is a player and in complete subordination to the orgs. Tregubenko is looking for rich brides. Yakunina is from a rich family, but Tregubenko wanted to sit on two chairs: to receive all the benefits from the organizations for trashing the couple, and to keep Anya. Anya saw that the orgs were in charge of him and quarreled with Rastorguev for unfair intrigues against their couple. She still did not understand that the problem was not with the organs, but with Tregubenko. I understood when she was kicked out, and Tregubenko disappeared and did not follow her. I have the impression that he only loves himself. For the sake of profit, he easily suppresses any feelings within himself.

Viewers' opinions:
There are rating agencies that work with real people on the streets, in organizations, companies, etc. Surveys are also conducted by telephone and on social networks. Surveys are conducted at the request of the project to determine the project’s rating, the percentage of viewer coverage by age groups, by gender and social status. Based on this data, images of project participants are created. When creating images, organizers always know what kind of audience they are working for. This is how scripts are born. For example: the project is watched a lot drinking people. Kolyan is designed for their tastes. On social networks, the project itself tries to shape the opinions of viewers and influence them with the help of its groups. Project writers write nasty things about the participants in groups, and the audience reacts. Thus, the viewer also partially participates in writing the script of a particular story. Their opinion, however, has recently been taken into account less and less due to the fact that the new owners do not always trust the results of surveys. They themselves are covered creative process and impose their vision, which sinks the project.

About tears:
Participants cry both at will and according to the script, and some just like to cry)) More often it happens that according to the script you have to cry, but they cry so much that Rastorguev grabs his head. Liberzh cried well under the vodka. And she couldn’t cry without vodka, so recently the management allowed her to drink. She played the role of an abandoned woman, you have to cry))

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