Daughter of Mikhail Gorshenev. The eight-year-old daughter of the late lead singer of “The King and the Clown” is growing up to be a copy of her father. Son of the Pot

Mikhail Gorshenev, known to millions of fans of heavy music under the pseudonym Gorshok, is a musician, leader of the group “King and Shut”, a cult figure of the domestic punk movement.

Childhood and youth

Mikhail Gorshenev was born on August 7, 1973 in the town of Boksitogorsk, Leningrad Region. The boy’s mother, Tatyana Ivanovna, was a graduate of the Petrozavodsk Conservatory, and worked in kindergarten, then at a music school.

Mikhail's father, Yuri Mikhailovich Gorshenev, was a major in the border troops, so the family constantly moved from place to place. So Mikhail spent several years of his life on Far East. In the end, the family settled in Leningrad, the head of the family was given an apartment in the Rzhevka area.

The boy was enrolled in school No. 147. It was here that Gorshenev met Alexander Balunov (Balu, bassist of “The King and the Jester”) and Alexander Shchigolev (Lieutenant, drummer).

Gorshenev showed interest in music back in school – then the teenager decided to take private guitar lessons. Mikhail was also fond of boxing and showed his fighting abilities more than once during street fights.

Mikhail has a younger brother, Alexey, who is 2 years younger. Now he is the vocalist of the rock band Kukryniksy. There was never a spirit of competition between the brothers: their bands were too different, as was their fan base.

Mikhail Gorshenev and the group “King and Jester”

In high school, in 1988, Mikhail, who by that time had already received the nickname Pot, together with classmates Balu and Lieutenant, created the group “Kontora”. In the same year, the musicians recorded the album “Heresy”, which was released only in 2014, a year after the death of Mikhail. The leitmotif of almost all the songs on the album was the theme of death and alcoholic revelry. Of the 12 compositions, one (“Booze”) later migrated to the album of “The King and the Jester” under the title “It’s a pity there is no gun.”

After graduating from school, Mikhail entered the school to become a restoration artist. He had no interest in studying - every day he waited for the end of classes to rehearse with his friends. After three years of systematic shirking from school, Gorshka was expelled. But it was at the school that he met the person thanks to whom the Kontor group changed its name and concept.

His classmate Andrei Knyazev, nicknamed Prince, showed interest in the work of the “Kontora”. So, since 1990, the group acquired a second vocalist and, part-time, lyricist.

The prince came up with the group's first fairy-tale-themed lyrics. Nowadays, the songs of “The King and the Jester” (and as an alternative to this name, versions of “The Slaughtered Dandelion”, “Apocalypse” and “Armageddon” were put forward) would be dubbed the fashionable word “storytelling” - each one certainly told a frightening story with an unexpected ending.

The group's first concert took place at the Tam-Tam club. “It was a great concert! We went on stage, I immediately fell and sang lying down the whole way,” Mikhail recalled.

The first KiSha songs heard on the radio were “Hunter” and “In the Valley of the Swamps.” The first was about a hunter turning into a werewolf-killer, the second was about a young man who deliberately did not help an old man stuck in a quagmire.

It is interesting that since childhood, Pot could not stand fairy tales, until, at the instigation of the Prince, he became acquainted with pagan tales about witches and other evil spirits. At the same time, Pot didn’t like it when his compositions were called “fairy tales.” “Fables are what suits me better,” the musician shared in an interview.

The group took quite a long time to achieve popularity. Things took off in 1998, when the musicians recorded the “Acoustic Album,” which impressed critics with its unusual arrangements. That same year, the group shot their first video in studio quality (“The Men Ate Meat”), which was accepted into MTV rotation.

The King and the Jester - The men ate meat

In 2003, Gorshok became a member of the “conditional” St. Petersburg group “Rock Group”, which also included Andrei Knyazev, Yuri Shevchuk (DDT), Ilya Chert (“Pilot”), Alexander Chernetsky (“Pilot”). Different people") and Alexey Gorshenev, the artist’s brother. The group recorded a joint album, “Pops”.

Soon, members of the “King and the Jester” opened the rock club “Old House” in St. Petersburg. The musicians took part in the design of the venue, and held rehearsals and concerts there. However, a couple of years later the club had to be closed due to financial troubles.

13 facts about Gorshka (Mikhail Gorshenev)

In 2005, Gorshenev released his first solo album“I am an Alcoholic Anarchist”, consisting entirely of cover versions of compositions by the group “Brigadny Podrak”. Two songs from the album were in the top 100 of the Chart's Dozen 2005 hit parade.

Also during these years, Mikhail often recorded songs with others famous performers and groups - Alexander Ivanov (“NAIV”), groups “Alice” and “Object of Ridicule”, Pelageya and others.

In 2010, Gorshenev staged a musical about the demon barber Sweeney Todd “TODD”, in which all the musicians of his band took part. Impressed by successful project the group has released two new albums.

Personal life of Mikhail Gorshenev

In his youth, Mikhail Gorshenev, like many musicians from that crowd, became close friends with heroin. In 1992, he met Anfisa, a dancer and big fan of KiSha. The wedding took place in 1994.

The couple, who rented an apartment not far from Mikhail’s parents, used heroin together. For about 4 years, Pot managed to hide his addiction from his loved ones. One day Anfisa called Mikhail’s parents asking for a serious loan - she said that her husband was in the hospital and she urgently needed money for a taxi. The musician’s father called all the hospitals, realized that his son was nowhere to be found, and hurried to his home, where he found Mikhail in an insane state.

Mikhail and his wife were admitted to a rehabilitation clinic, where he had to go through hellish torment. Having returned “to freedom”, they continued to inject drugs. This went on for about seven years. Systematically using heroin, Mikhail experienced 8 clinical deaths.

If I had known what heroin was from the very beginning, I would never have touched it. Heroin is a horror that cannot be expressed in words

In 2003, the musician divorced his first wife. ABOUT future fate Little is known about Anfisa - she worked for some time in Cyprus as a dancer, then returned to Russia and settled in the Urals. The ending was tragic - she died from an overdose.

That same year, the musician met the love of his life, 20-year-old Olga. She was not a fan of “The King and the Jester,” and she met Mikhail in a restaurant, where she came with a friend. The toothless but charming musician persuaded the girl to take a walk around the city at night, captivating her with his sense of humor and simplicity.

It was Olga who helped him cope with his addiction. In 2005, they had a “sober” wedding on a boat. In 2009, the couple had a daughter, Sasha, who motivated the musician to settle down. In addition, Mikhail accepted Nastya, Olga’s daughter from her first marriage, who was born in 1999, as his own.

Gorshenev had 5 tattoos. He made the first one, a portrait of the Joker, at the age of twenty. The second is inspired by the design of the album cover “Make yourself at home, traveler” - the head of a devil growing out of a tree. A few more tattoos - skulls with the hairstyles of Potty's idols: Elvis Presley, Kurt Cobain, Sid Vicious. Another one is the “anarchy” icon in the cross. Shortly before his death, Mikhail made a tattoo with the name of his daughter Alexandra. Gorshenev always made sketches himself.
As relatives said, Mikhail for a long time I kept to myself and didn’t use drugs, and almost didn’t drink alcohol. But while working on the rock opera TODD, where Mikhail played an evil murderous hairdresser, he suffered a nervous breakdown. Someone advised him to calm down with vodka - so he began to abuse alcohol again, and then returned to his long-forgotten “friend”

On the day of the tragedy, Olga took her daughter to her mother. When she returned, she found Mikhail lying on the floor and no longer breathing.

A memorial service for the musician was held three days after his death, at the Yubileiny complex. The artist’s body was cremated, and the ashes were going to be scattered, according to Pot’s wishes. However, on August 1, the musician’s ashes were buried at the Bogoslovskoye cemetery. The musician's father died 41 days after the death of his son.

A year later, Gorshenev’s grave was decorated with a monument in the form of a stele with a mosaic portrait of the artist. The initiator of the installation of the memorial and the author of the sketch was Olga Gorsheneva, the musician’s widow. Later, monuments in honor of Mikhail were erected in Krasnoyarsk, Voronezh and Samara.

“I put my teeth in after our meeting”

— Mikhail once told me in an interview that you had love at first sight. Is this really true?

- Yes. We accidentally met eyes in a cafe, got to know each other, and talked. And... after that they practically never separated. First we went to the lakes for two days, walked, chatted, and fooled around. Usually, when you meet a person, there is a distance between you. And Misha immediately became “one of our own.”

— Weren’t you scared by his rock and roll appearance? Or have you encountered such people before?

— No, I didn’t communicate with musicians before him. But I didn't have any sense of danger. I looked into Misha’s eyes and immediately realized what kind of person he was. On stage, Misha positioned himself as powerful and aggressive, but in life he was very kind and affectionate. Even his mother said: “You are ours big child».

— Wasn’t it scary to connect your life with a “child”? A woman usually wants to lean on someone...

- There was no doubt. We spent a lot of time together, I went on tour with him. Here's the detail: Misha inserted teeth almost immediately after we met. He himself had been thinking about this for a long time, but I made an appointment for him to see a doctor. Misha himself was afraid. It took us a long time to get to the point where we needed to get married and have a baby. And it turned out that Misha was reliable, he coped well with the role of the head of the family. We met in 2002 and only got married in 2005, and in 2009 Alexandra was born to us.

— What was there about Misha that his fans didn’t suspect, but his close circle knew?

— It is clear that Misha was an individual and, in principle, unadapted to family life. But at the age of forty, he had already come to the conclusion that the rock and roll world was not enough for him. Misha began to enjoy the simple joys of life. He understood what home and family are, and this became important to him. Before we got married, he never had his own corner, hearth. “Lord, what a blessing it is that I’m returning from tour and they’re waiting for me!” - said the husband. He left his parents’ house and lived literally on the street for some time. Nevertheless, wanderings did not affect his character. He was always sociable, easily made contact, and could not push people away. Misha was trusting, at some moments I had to “slow him down.”

"Call me Mishutka"

— How was his relationship with your daughter from his first marriage?

“He loved Nastya like his own child. We met Misha in June; my daughter turned four that September. And the youngest, Alexandra, turned 4 years old when Misha passed away. Such mysticism... My brother was fond of “The King and the Jester,” so he slowly introduced Nastya to their work. So my daughter knew who Gorshenev was. And when one day Misha showed up at our house, and even with his then-hairstyle, she was stunned. But the children felt Misha’s kindness, so they quickly opened up to him. This is what happened with Nastya. She loved to play with Misha, he read books to her - there were such touching moments! The husband is sitting in front of the computer, the daughter is hovering nearby. She takes it and starts braiding it long hair Use elastic bands to create braids or ponytails. And Sasha remembers how she “played” with her father’s tattoos. She came up with dialogues for the turtles: this uncle offended that one... Misha took Nastya to kindergarten, taught her to ride a bicycle, and we went boating outside the city. She perceived him as a father and even tried to call him dad. But Misha thought that this was wrong, because she already had a father. “Call me Mishutka,” he asked. He bought identical gifts for the girls, and sometimes even reprimanded Sasha as if she were the youngest, who was pulling the blanket over herself: “Nastya needs it more now! I'll buy everything for you too. Be patient."

— How did you decide to have a child from a person with such a past?

- Firstly, seven years have passed since we met. I saw how the person changed. He underwent treatment and rehabilitation. Misha was in a bind. Secondly, at some point he himself raised this topic. He said that he wanted to leave behind a continuation. We prepared for two years, then we left for Crimea, and everything worked out for us there. I didn’t even expect that Misha would look after me so carefully when I was carrying Sasha in my stomach. During the birth he was there and was very worried about me. The daughter was given into his hands first, and he immediately began to sing a song to her...

— Did you have any difficulties in your family?

- Of course, like in any family. But we couldn’t be offended at each other for long. Misha translated everything into a joke. I think it will now be difficult for me to find a person who can replace him. He had one like this powerful charisma- Misha shone like the sun! Yes, I'm talking about it for now personal life I don't think so. I can not. Last summer we erected a monument to Misha, and now we are developing the area around it. After all, so many people come there... Thanks to all these people. They supported me. Alexey, Misha’s brother, and the guys from his group “Northern Fleet” helped cope with the grief...

“I gave my husband hope”

— Shortly before his death, Mikhail had creative problems?

— Misha grew up from “The King and the Jester” - he became interested in theater and staged the musical “Todd.” It took two years - the project took all my energy. My husband went to work in Moscow, and I stayed in St. Petersburg. We couldn’t change our daughter’s school, and Sasha was little. We had to live between two cities, which added to the difficulties. I tried to visit Misha in the capital more often, sat at rehearsals, saw how his eyes lit up, and was happy. After “Todd” he had a project planned with the Zapashny brothers, he had even already written sketches for the music. Of course, he would never leave “KiSh” - he was torn, loading himself additionally in order to grow. I wanted to teach my daughter something. Sasha is his copy both in appearance and in character, and is just as spontaneous. There was a funny moment at the premiere of the musical Todd. Sasha had already heard many arias and excerpts, so she knew that her father was now on stage. And in the finale, when the hero kills his family, the actress called Misha dad. At that moment Sasha stood up and shouted to the whole hall: “How?!” This is my dad, not yours!..”

— In one interview, Mikhail said that you saved him. How?

- Well, that’s too loud, I’m not a doctor. It’s just that at the moment we met, he didn’t see the meaning of life. I was not happy that the sun was shining and the grass was growing. He ran in circles - concerts, tours, business, without trying to get anywhere. Everything seemed gloomy to him. And I tried to show a different world and gave Misha my love. He began to rejoice with me and make plans, although he had hated me before. domestic issues. I think I gave Misha hope. For better.

— But did you still have breakdowns?

— At his last “Invasion,” Misha lost his temper and got drunk. I couldn't go. If it were just the two of us, this wouldn't have happened. Misha was a very vulnerable person. IN last years We spent more and more time together, outside of his party. Even when I came to Misha for festivals and concerts. Usually we went for a walk in the park or watched a movie in our room. He could turn off his phones even at home; he wanted to take a break from everything.

— Did he talk about his dreams?

- We wanted to buy big house far outside the city. He joked that when he became a grandfather, he would grow a beard and sit by the fireplace with a pipe. And our children and grandchildren will come to us...

Unread message

- How do you live now?

“I organized a fund in Misha’s memory, but I can’t completely immerse myself in his affairs, otherwise I’ll go crazy.” Still, there must be some kind of life of its own. I continue to work in real estate. There is an idea to release a book that he himself wanted to republish. I take care of the children, but at the same time I continue to settle what my husband did not have time to settle during his lifetime.

Now I’m starting to return to reality, but before I lived on autopilot. What happened left a terrible mark on me. I discovered Misha myself. Even on the way home, I was strangely “hooked” by the fact that he did not answer the phone. “Well, he’s probably sleeping,” mom reassured. We were going to the Green Theater that day, but there was a strange silence at home. In the hallway, out of habit, I shouted: “Misha, I’m home, get up!” I went up to the second floor, saw him, and... everything stopped.

I still can’t accept the fact that Misha is gone. I talk about it with my children all the time. Sasha recently asked: “Mom, who am I so tall?” - “Of course, like dad.” - “Do I have eyes like my dad’s?” - "Yes". We look at photo albums, videos, listen to his songs... The first year after my husband’s death it was hard for me to do this, but now I can.

- So you still haven’t let him go?

- Misha still comes to me in my dreams. Gives advice, asks about the children, strokes the cheek. Sometimes I don't even believe it's a dream. And I think that I just left him from Moscow by train, slept in the compartment, and now found myself in St. Petersburg.

...When Misha lived in Moscow, he periodically wrote various messages to Sasha’s social network page. Then we abandoned the page, and on the fortieth day after his death, Nastya and I decided to see what was happening on it. And suddenly they discovered an unread letter from Misha, which he wrote during his lifetime. The text was: “Daughter, I love you more than my rock and roll.”

The concert at the Yubileiny Sports Complex in St. Petersburg will be opened by 8-year-old Sasha Gorsheneva.

Sasha chose the song herself,” says Olga Gorsheneva. - She called Andrei Knyazev and offered to perform a duet. They've already rehearsed everything. Sasha keeps the name of the song a secret - it will be a surprise for fans of “The King and the Jester”.

Also surprises for the audience will be a hand-drawn video by Andrei Knyazev and a performance by Alexander Balunov, the former bass guitarist of the group “King and Shut”. Alexander specially flew from America to take part in the concert.

Dad from TV

Now the widow of Mikhail Gorshenev is the president of the Memory Foundation, the main expert on her husband’s work. But it was not always so.

Before we met, of course, I knew that there was a group “The King and the Clown,” but I wasn’t a fan of it,” Olga tells Metro. - My brother is a fan. One day my friends and I were sitting in a restaurant, where Misha came after a concert. I called my brother and asked if he needed an autograph. I approached Gorshenev. Misha is very sociable. If he likes a person, he won’t just let him go and will talk about any topic. That's how we met.

Olga already had a daughter by this time. Four-year-old Nastya, unlike her mother, listened to the group "King and the Jester" and constantly asked to play the song "Cursed an old house", loved watching the band's videos on TV.

When Nastya first saw Misha at our house, she was stunned! - Olga recalls. - They became friends immediately. So Misha had an eldest daughter.

Dad had long hair, and I constantly braided his hair and made ponytails for him,” says Nastya. - I also really loved tracing tattoos with a felt-tip pen. He really liked it all.

Other meanings

Once I came to Misha, and he and Nastya were watching a cartoon about SpongeBob,” says Alexander Balunov, bass guitarist of the group “King and the Clown” and a close friend of the family. - I ask: “Potty, why are you watching this pop music? You’re a punk!” - And he replies: “You don’t understand, this is a philosophical cartoon. You just watched it wrong before.” He explained to me how to do it, and continued to follow the fate of SpongeBob together. Misha and I have known each other since we were 13; we went to school together. He's always been a great guy. And with the advent of Olya, Pot’s life took on a new meaning. He could talk for hours about what Olya does, how they do renovations at home. I asked him: “Are you really interested in this?” And then he realized: he just feels good next to Olya. And if Olya collected frogs, he would talk about frogs. If I collected butterflies, I would run around with a butterfly net. Olya made Gorshka happy and extended his life.

Home punk

The punk band "King and Shut" constantly toured Russia. The musicians had a mixed reputation. But as soon as they were getting ready to go to St. Petersburg, Mikhail Gorshenev called his wife: “Meet me!”

While the rest of the musicians were drinking, Gorshok went to buy dolls, pink donkeys and refrigerator magnets, recalls Alexander Balunov. - At first we were making fun of him, asking: “Potty, are you normal?” He invariably answered: “I need it!”

I came home, put on slippers and a robe,” says Olga. - It was at the concert that he was a punk, but at home Misha wanted to be loved.

Olga brought the leader of the “King and the Jester” to the gym, thanks to her he started running in the morning. She took him to rehearsals and took him home.

For a long time, our neighbors had no idea who was living behind their wall,” Olga continues. - Once we were returning after a concert, Misha was in character - with “needles” all over his head. And at that time the neighbor went out to smoke. The next day he asked me: “Does this Pot live here?” We lived quietly. Sometimes my husband and I got into the car and drove away to listen to Misha’s new songs. He turned on the speakers at full power. I listened and was proud: my husband wrote this amazing music!


In 2009, Mikhail and Olga Gorshenev had a daughter.

Misha wanted to call her Alena,” says Olga. - Because the names Alena and Olya are consonant with each other. But I chose a different name. This is how Alexandra Mikhailovna appeared in our lives - my father’s copy. It turns out that when Misha came into our lives, our eldest daughter Nastya was four years old. And when he was gone, ours youngest daughter Sasha also turned four...

Alexandra sings well and is not afraid of the stage or microphone. He keeps his father’s guitar in his room, with which Gorshenev composed music.

We miss him very much,” says Olga. - We would move mountains together. But life decreed otherwise.

. The leader of the punk band "King and Jester" passed away on July 19, 2013. Mikhail Gorshenev was 39 years old.
. On July 19, 2014, a monument in the form of a stele with a mosaic portrait of the musician was erected at his grave at the Bogoslovskoye cemetery. Art objects in memory of Gorshka opened in Krasnoyarsk, Samara and Voronezh.

Manuscripts will be published

According to relatives and friends, Mikhail Gorshenev constantly wrote books. True, I didn’t finish any of them.

Misha wrote a book “The Man Who Lives in the Mirror,” says Olga. - He himself was the main character, he looked at himself as if from the outside. I put the manuscript aside for a while and then decided to re-read it. Misha wrote very illegibly, as a result he himself could not make out what he wrote. We deciphered it together. The manuscripts are kept, and I hope someday, with the help of Misha’s friends, to bring them to fruition and publish them.

Olga and Mikhail lived together for 10 years.

During this time we recorded a lot of songs,” says Alexander Balunov. - Olya was his zero listener - he tested his melodies on her. He asked me to record it on a tape recorder so I wouldn’t forget it later. I became calmer and more confident in myself. In a practical sense, his family extended his life; thanks to Olya and his children, Misha lived longer than years by five to seven.

Recently, the next annual festival “Invasion” ended in the Tver region, at which popular rockers performed, including DDT, “Splin”, Vyacheslav Butusov, Dolphin, “Pilot”, Garik Sukachev, Lumen and many others.

As part of the event, a presentation of a book about the group “The King and the Jester” entitled “The Neverending Story” took place. Its author, Alexander Balunov, better known under the pseudonym Balu, presented his work together with the charming eight-year-old Alexandra, the daughter of the musician Mikhail Gorshenev, who died four years ago.

Journalists who attended the event noted that the rocker's heiress is growing up to be his copy. The girl was at the presentation in a black leather jacket and greeted the guests with the words “Punks, hoy.” Answering questions from reporters, Alexandra shared her creative plans.

“I’m going to sing and dance at the concert,” the girl said.

Balunov added that the performance reported by the child will take place on July 19 in St. Petersburg. Alexandra plans to appear on the same stage together with Andrei Knyazev, the second leader of the “King and the Jester” group. At a concert dedicated to her father, Gorsheneva will perform the song “Women Make My Head Spin.” “She and Andryukha had already rehearsed, he praised her. He says that everything is cool,” Balunov noted.

During a conversation with reporters, Alexander also shared his attitude to the litigation between members of the rock band for the right to use the “King and the Clown” brand. Answering a journalist’s question, Balunov made it clear that he was not very pleased to touch on this topic.

“I'm on the same side as you all. How can you relate to litigation, When former musicians, who have not written anything, are trying to sue the heirs of the author. In fact, they are robbing Sashenka of my friend Gorshka’s inheritance. How do you all feel about this? I'm also negative. I say this calmly, unemotionally. And knowing how Potty treated his daughter... He would have simply torn them into small pieces. He wouldn’t allow him to touch his daughter because he was a very responsible dad,” the musician shared.

Let's add that charming Alexandra born in the marriage of Mikhail and Olga Gorshenev. The girl was born in 2009. Her father, former leader popular rock band“The King and the Clown” died suddenly four years after the joyful event.

Mikhail's mother is very positive and open. When she talks about her son’s childhood, it becomes clear: the child was raised with love and respect. Maybe that's why he became famous. And, as I wanted, I lived a short life, but bright life. On the anniversary of his death, the musician will be remembered at a concert in Yubileiny and a monument to the leader will be unveiled. existing group"King and the Clown".


He had a heightened sense of justice,” says his mother Tatyana Ivanovna. - I always understood what I wanted. And when I set a goal, I achieved it. The teachers at school were not happy: if he was bored, he wrote some scripts in class and drew pictures for them. But history was interesting to him, he always got an A in it. As a mother, I say: he was very trusting and kind. He always gave money away and never asked for it back. I said: “Misha, you live in another dimension.” Therefore, not everyone understood him and laughed at him. Already at two years old he was a small adult. The child was active, as they say now, difficult.

- How did you cope?

I went through such a school! Then he learned to put on a merry fellow's mask. Everyone saw him as a cheerful, reckless guy. But he was not like that. He was rich inner world, he knew a lot. He tried to teach me something. The creativity in him was seething. Already in school years I couldn't live aimlessly.

- Didn’t you offend your brother?

No, I was very drawn to him, climbed into his stroller when he was little. Defended. He defended everyone who was offended at school: he believed that it was necessary to defend justice with fists. He always came in torn pants and with bruises. I was constantly called to school. Completely uncompromising. He did not recognize any authorities. If he knew he was right, that was it. He was a debater. If he and dad got together, the ground would burn under their feet, everyone would defend their point of view.


- Did you fall in love often?

He had one love - music. For life.

- Didn’t you dissuade me?

I understood that this must be respected. Since childhood, I told my sons: “Respect the opinions of others.” Moreover, these are my children. Misha and his classmates played three guitars. Then we also bought a drum kit. At eleven o'clock I came and simply pulled out the cord. Guys: “Oh, Aunt Tanya, thank you.” Misha is already wet: night is not night, he doesn’t understand. It was the only way to stop him. And, of course, the neighbors came. Mishuta came out to them: “You will still be proud of me.” But he never swore.

- It’s hard when there’s noise from morning to night.

It's true. But I saw that he liked it. Well, I would kick them out, and where would they go? Some kind of basement. a wise man said: “It is not the smart one who knows where evil is and where good is, but the one who can choose the lesser of two evils.” So I chose: let this all happen before my eyes.

- And you were glad when Misha found his love and had a child?

Yes, it was as if it appeared as a light. Everything lit up. He could not live a monotonous life. So, of course, I was happy. Misha realized that he was now responsible. “Mom, now I don’t just compose and sing music, I need to think about my family...” I didn’t like it when they said “money.” Although I understood that I had to earn money. Previously, they didn’t hold on to him at all. He joked: “The whole country owes me.” When he arrives somewhere, he will give everything away. So responsive and kind. I can’t even say about him that he was... I wrote a poem for him, I read it when we get together as a family.

Although there will be no answer for me,

But I am writing to you in a letter.

We still walk and eat the same way,

But it's sad that we won't meet you,

We all sent you on tour around the world

And we’re happy for you, you’re alive, Potty...


"Called me with you"

- You sometimes call him Mishutka, and in poetry - Pot...

So it came from dad, we also had Potty, and then Misha. This is from the surname Gorshenev, but what else? But Lesha is not called that.

- Don’t you dream about Misha?

Just one time. When his father left (Misha’s dad died on the 42nd day after his son’s funeral. - Ed.). They are both so cheerful, smiling, calling me: “Mom, come to us!” I wave it off, saying no. This is what I think: Misha became bored in the next world, there was no one to argue with, and he took his dad with him.


Was funny incident. Was born younger son, Lesha, they are two years apart. And then we lived on the border, in an apartment on the fourth floor. Dad was rarely at home, repaying his debt to his homeland. His authority was unquestionable. And so Misha climbed onto the window on the fourth floor. We are below with the stroller, and he waves to us from above. I came running, foaming at the mouth: “What are you doing?!” He says: “Mom, I’m brave!” I understand that I’m brave, but I picked up the belt. He crawled under the table and never came out. Stubborn and Leo according to the horoscope. It was very interesting to be with him. Difficult and interesting.

Leader of the Kukryniksy group Alexey GORSHENEV: “Misha was sometimes cunning"

Once Misha and I were launching boats in the bathroom and sinking them with water sprays. I treated the fight fairly. And Misha cheated. He poured gasoline into a bottle, sprayed it, and then threw a match. And he won. We were six or eight years old. In childhood, two years is a huge difference. He also stole cakes and pastries all the time. He had a terrible sweet tooth. And at every opportunity, he either took away my sweets or exchanged them for some interesting things. He was an uncontrollable boy, but he was afraid of his grandmother's love. She always carried it with her.

- Was he an example for you?

We have a non-standard family. And the example of Misha’s older brother was dubious. They used me as an example.

- Was there brotherly love present?

Necessarily. How can we live without it?

- A year without my brother. How do you explain his absence to yourself?

I think he's too late to knock on the door. Misha was always late to knock. Once there was a terrible incident. Mom rang the doorbell. I ran first, he followed me. Misha was taller and poked his teeth into my crown. I started bleeding and his teeth hurt. Mom comes in and sees this picture: they are greeted by “happy children.”


It was a difficult year,” the musician’s widow Olga Gorsheneva told Komsomolskaya Pravda. “I still haven’t realized that he’s gone.” It’s as if he’s somewhere on tour, festivals...

My daughter Sasha, she’s five now, is also bored and crying. Sometimes he says to his mother: “Do you remember, dad and I...” Olga Gorsheneva eventually had to tell the child that dad was in heaven and was looking at them from there.

Everyone says that marriage has had a good effect on him.

Yes, I fought, demanded, demanded, said: “Misha, you must have a sober, clear head, you still want to do so much!” - Olga recalls. - Last month it was just very good. It seemed that everything was behind me, I had achieved what I wanted. If earlier he said: I want to die at an early age, like some foreign musicians, then later he had a reassessment of values. There were such plans! He said: “I want my own house, and to sit as an old gray-haired grandfather on a rocking chair by the fireplace, and for my children and grandchildren to come to me.”


Mikhail Gorshenev was born on August 7, 1973 in Boksitogorsk, Leningrad Region. With classmates Alexander “Balu” Balunov and Alexander “Lieutenant” Shchigolev, he founded the group “Kontora” in 1988. In 1990, he invited Andrei “Prince” Knyazev to join the group as a second vocalist and songwriter.

Because of the fairy-tale motifs of the lyrics, the group was called “King of the Jesters”, later “King and the Jester”.

After school, Gorshenev entered the Restoration Lyceum. He was expelled after three years for being interested in music rather than studying.

In 2004, Mikhail Gorshenev’s debut solo album, “I’m an Alcoholic, I’m an Anarchist,” was released based on the songs of the “Brigadny Podrad” group. In December 2011, “The King and the Clown” in the usual sense – the Pot-Prince tandem and musicians – passed away. Andrey Knyazev officially announced his departure from the group and took up a solo project, although they had been talking about the breakup of “KiSh” for a long time. Official version– Gorshenev and Knyazev disagreed on creative issues.

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