Irina Khakamada's daughter is getting married. The groom of Irina Khakamada's daughter cannot live without his chosen one and is even ready to steal her. Hoping for the best

When Khakamada, whose eldest son, Daniil, is now 35, remembers that she decided to give birth again at 42 and what the consequences were, not a single muscle on her face flinches. Although, she admits, it was oh so difficult.

“My husband and I really wanted a child together. This is the hard-won, very desired fruit of our love,” says Irina Khakamada. - Not everything was smooth - in 2003, my daughter was diagnosed with blood leukemia. It’s good that the disease was detected at an early stage and our Russian doctors treated it flawlessly and amazingly professionally.”

“Thanks to my friends - some arranged a meeting with the best doctor for me, others provided their Vacation home. My husband was always nearby, and we pulled Masha out.”

This year the politician’s daughter turned 20 years old. She usually appears in public with her mother and her chosen one, Vlad Sitdikov, also a “special” guy. They were first noticed together at the musical Cinderella. And then Khakamada’s daughter and her lover attended the “Vampire Ball” performance together.

March 21 was celebrated as International Down Syndrome Day. On this day charitable foundation“Love Syndrome” presented a video designed to destroy stereotypes about people with a genetic abnormality.

The characters in the video debunked the most common misconceptions about those who have an extra chromosome.

“Sports are not for them.” Let me be honest: sport is for everyone. When I play sports, I lift 100 kilograms on the bench press,” said Vlad.

The daughter of Irina Khakamada also shared some facts about herself.

"IN free time I love doing theater. In addition, I’m studying at college to become a ceramist,” said Maria.

And recently, Vlad and Masha took part in the filming of the program “Male/Female” on Channel One. The theme of the show was dedicated to people with Down syndrome who live ordinary life and achieve success. On the program, Masha and Vlad announced that they were going to get married.

Irina does not interfere with the desire of the lovers to get married. “Masha has already grown up and is dating a young man. Their love is carrots. They went to Channel One on Gordon’s program without me and announced their wedding. Cheers to your health! They are adults. Don't they have the right to do this? They have. And such programs can help other people, parents of such children. I don't know how this will all end, so I pause. For people with Down syndrome, fantasy and reality exist together, there are almost no boundaries, so it is unclear when they are playing and when everything is for real. They are such wizards. Therefore, there is no evil in them,” said Khakamada at the opening of the Moscow Dialogues series of meetings.

Our article will tell you about unusual girl, whose story inspires many people today and gives hope for the best. Her mother - Russian politician and Deputy Chairman of the State Duma of the Russian Federation Irina Khakamada. Maria Sirotinskaya was born with Down syndrome, but her family loves her for who she is. The support of her family helped her gain confidence in herself, find many favorite hobbies, and gave her hope for happiness in the future.

The fruit of great love

Talking about her unusual child, Irina skillfully controls her emotions. She shows no signs of worry and speaks about her daughter with love and tenderness.

The girl’s father is Khakamada’s fourth husband, Vladimir Sirotinsky, who runs a financial consulting business. According to the politician, Maria was a long-suffering and much-desired child.

Irina Mutsuovna already had a son, Daniil, and had a bad experience family life when she met her future husband. Next to him, she again found feminine happiness, felt loved and desired. Irina dreamed of giving her beloved man a child, and Vladimir himself believed that their small family should have a common child.

The couple were afraid of the risks, because Irina was over forty when she found out about the long-awaited pregnancy. The fears were confirmed. Immediately after birth (in 1997), the girl was diagnosed with Down syndrome.

Misfortune never comes alone

As Irina Khakamada told the press, Maria grew up healthy child. But in 2003 she was diagnosed terrible disease- leukemia. Fortunately, the disease was diagnosed at an early stage, and therefore the chances of success were great.

Masha was treated in Russia. Talking about this difficult period, Irina Mutsuovna speaks with great gratitude about the doctors who did everything possible for her baby. In difficult times, family and friends helped a lot.

The disease has subsided. Although Masha has to undergo regular examinations, nothing threatens her health.

Special girl

Maria Sirotinskaya, Khakamada’s daughter, like other people with the same diagnosis, loves creativity and does not know how to be offended. According to her mother, Masha is very kind and is never sad for a long time. She doesn't really like the exact sciences, but she loves everything related to dance, theater and art.

The girl was not only able to get a secondary education. She went to college to become a ceramicist.

Talking about her daughter, Irina says that she taught a lot to everyone around her. Maria treats people sincerely and loves them only because she has them. Her selflessness and frankness are disarming, in her big heart there is a good ray for everyone.

The right to be happy

At the age of 18, Masha met Vlad Sitdikov, with whom they not only quickly found mutual language, but also fell in love with each other. Today it is known that Irina Khakamada’s daughter Maria received a marriage proposal from her lover, and the couple is planning a wedding.

The announcement of the decision to get married was made in live program “Let Them Talk,” where the couple was invited to film. Vlad and Masha talked about the lives of people with Down syndrome, shared their dreams, and boasted about their achievements. When they announced their intention, it came as a surprise to many.

Everyone has the right to happiness. Khakamada’s daughter Maria decided to marry unexpectedly for her family, but her relatives supported her desire.

Irina says that people with Down syndrome do not like to draw a line between real world and the world of dreams, so sometimes it can be difficult to understand when they are serious and when they are joking. But, apparently, Masha and Vlad are firm in their decision.

Future son-in-law of the famous mother-in-law

Who is he, Mary's chosen one? Vlad is a couple of years older than his beloved, he has the same diagnosis as her. He is sociable, active and a kind person. The guy loves sports, and he has already achieved considerable success: Vlad Sitdikov is the world champion in the bench press in his weight category. In addition, the young man is interested in sports journalism.

About myself and the “children of the Sun”

Since Irina Khakamada began posting photos of Maria online, public interest in the girl has only been growing. Masha is not afraid of attention, she is calm in front of the cameras, she behaves confidently and sincerely when she gives interviews.

The support of family and lover helps a girl to believe in herself. Like most “sunny children”, Maria had to deal with misunderstanding, but today she has learned to laugh at old stereotypes.

At the beginning of 2017, Maria and Vlad took part in the project of the Love Syndrome Foundation. They starred in a video about special people, in which they and their friends were asked to comment on the most common misconceptions about people with Down syndrome. Masha talked about how they know how to study and be creative, Vlad shared the story of his sporting successes.

But it is very difficult for such people to do things that are familiar to many! But not at all because of health problems, but because of the cautious and unfair attitude of society.

Maria and Vlad believe that by participating in such projects, they help similar people find themselves, gain confidence, and believe in their dreams. The guys performing in the video convince us that sports, science, travel, art, love are for everyone, and not for a select few.

Masha shares photos with social media subscribers. When you look at her smiling face in sunny pictures, it becomes clear that her life is actually full of joy and adventure. This means that everyone can live the way they dream.

Hoping for the best

Irina Khakamada's daughter Maria is not only person with Down syndrome who leads a normal and interesting life.

Today, educational work is carried out by many teachers, psychologists, defectologists and doctors. Concerned people are trying to tell more about those who were born with an unusual set of chromosomes. Parents of “sunny children” do not stand aside either. For example, who learned about her son’s diagnosis even before his birth. The artist talks about the life of little Semyon, shares his photographs, and strives to convey to people that Down syndrome is not a disease, but a feature with which one can lead a full life.

According to psychologists, teachers and social educators, such children are teachable, but require a different approach. They are kind and incapable of knowingly causing harm. Social skills are more difficult for them to acquire, but patience and love can work wonders.

Irina Khakamada is known to all of us, first of all, for her active political activity, however, in fact, her life was never limited to only this. Of her four marriages, Irina considers the last one to be the most successful, when she married a successful businessman and financial consultant Vladimir Sirotinsky. From him, Khakamada gave birth to a daughter, Maria, who will be discussed in the program today. Watch the episode of the talk show Let Them Talk - Special wedding: Irina Khakamada about the fate of her daughter 02/08/2018

For a long time, Irina Khakamada hid from everyone that her daughter Masha was born with Down syndrome, and only a few years ago the politician found the strength to talk about her special child. Maria is 20 years old today, mother and daughter love each other very much and often appear in public together. And 2 years ago, Khakamada’s daughter had a lover who also has Down syndrome. 23-year-old Vladislav Sitdikov is the world champion in the bench press and today he has many awards. The young people have already met their parents and are planning to get married.

Let them talk - Special wedding: Irina Khakamada about the fate of her daughter

In the episode Let Them Talk - A Special Wedding: Irina Khakamada about the fate of her daughter. The famous Russian politician will appear before us in a completely different image: a loving mother of her special daughter in the talk show studio she will talk about how her life is going. For the first time, Irina will talk about how she responded to Masha’s desire to start her own family and how the appearance of Vladislav changed their lives.

Irina Khakamada in “Let Them Talk”:

— This was my fourth marriage and at that time I worked as a State Duma deputy. I understood that I would give birth and my career would go downhill. But I still decided that I would have a child and I still don’t regret anything. Apparently it was a gift from above.

— Before Masha was born, I already knew that she would be born with Down syndrome. Of course, I had a lot of doubts then. But I started reading the Internet and found out that in the West a child with such a syndrome can be happy man. Unfortunately, Russia at that time treated this very aggressively: children with Down syndrome were called names, spread rot...

“These children have no aggression or evil, unlike many homo sapiens who roam around us. For them, all people are good and kind. For them there is no concept of “yesterday” or “distant future”, old age or youth. They're like aliens. But it is still very important to create conditions for socialization for them, and in no case should they be purged of their own inner world. It's a very fine line that needs to be balanced carefully.

Let them say - Irina Khakamada and her special daughter. Maria and Vladislav - a union of people with Down syndrome

We are used to seeing her in the political arena, but today Irina Khakamada will unexpectedly show herself from a different side - as a loving and caring mother to your special daughter. Maria was born 20 years ago with Down syndrome and Irina did everything possible to socialize her and give her a happy childhood and adolescence:

— All children with such an “alien” diagnosis are children with unlimited capabilities. They are like genius children. But I am convinced that they should all go through a regular school, since from 3 to 12 years old the most natural adaptation is needed. And from the age of 13-14, children with Down syndrome should be sent to a specialized school, where they will best receive education and social adaptation.

“I dragged Masha into the public eye when she was 11. I just realized that she needed it. She is an excellent dancer, played in the theater, loved to go to parties with me and posed for cameras.

“I really love being in public and I dream that the whole country knows me, so that everyone can see what an independent daughter my mother has.” I like music very much, Soviet songs, and my favorite singers: and.

Masha’s lover, 23-year-old weightlifter Vladislav Sitdikov, also came to the program:

— We met in the theater: I saw her eyes and I really liked her. I realized immediately that this was the love of my life and I wanted to connect my life with her. Now I am a candidate for master of sports and I dream of achieving more great success in this case.

Also in this episode of the program you will see actor Sergei Belogolovtsev with his son Evgeniy.

Guests in the studio: TV presenter Elena Hanga, public figure Maria Tarkhanova, State Duma deputy Rima Batalova, psychologist Dmitry Soroka, Honored Doctor of Russia Evgeny Lilin and others. See online broadcast program Let them talk - A special wedding: Irina Khakamada about the fate of her daughter, broadcast on February 8, 2018 (02/08/2018).

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20 year old daughter Irina Khakamada Maria already more than a year meets with world champion in bench press among juniors Vlad Sitdikov. Both lovers were diagnosed with Down syndrome as children. However, despite this, they lead a full and eventful life. In July, the young people vacationed together in Greece, from where Maria sent her mother romantic photographs from the sea coast. And in June, the lovers took part in the “Male/Female” program on Channel One, in the studio of which they talked about their relationship.

The host of the program, Alexander Gordon, asked the couple when the wedding would take place. Marie was embarrassed and looked at her lover, and he briefly noted that “not soon yet,” but immediately turned to the TV presenter with a request: “Alexander, you are a respected and experienced person. I want you to become my matchmaker, because you know Masha’s mother well.” Gordon did not ignore Vlad’s request and made it clear that he fully approved of Maria’s choice: “I promise you that since I know Ira, I will definitely talk to her. I’ll tell you what impression you made on me, how happy Masha is next to you. I think it will grow together,”— the program host assured the young man.

And recently Khakamada herself spoke out on this matter, noting that she in no way interferes with the couple’s wishes. “Masha has already grown up and is dating a young man. Their love is carrots. They went to Channel One on Gordon’s program without me and announced their wedding. Cheers to your health! They are adults. Don't they have the right to do this? They have. And such programs can help other people, parents of such children. I don't know how this will all end, so I pause. For people with Down syndrome, fantasy and reality exist together, there are almost no boundaries, so it is unclear when they are playing and when everything is for real. They are such wizards. Therefore, there is no evil in them,” Khakamada said at the opening of the Moscow Dialogues series of meetings.

Irina admitted that she learned a lot from her daughter and still continues to learn from her. “I learned to be a bit of a rain man, like my daughter. Today the weather is good - and happiness. Masha smiles - happiness again. She writes to me every morning and evening: “You are the most beloved, best mom in the world,” and again happiness. We walk down the street, and I think: “I have a loved one with me. Yes, he depends on me, so what? She doesn't need anything from me. Or rather, only one thing - for me to be nearby.” This is a great lesson - to enjoy every moment of life. Here and now",— said Khakamada.

Maria Sirotinskaya and Vlad Sitdikov

Today, Channel One aired the program “Male/Female,” dedicated to the socialization and achievements of people with Down syndrome.

The host of the program, Evelina Bledans, urged her followers on Instagram to definitely watch the program “About our Olympic champions, about the village “Svetlana” near St. Petersburg, where people with special needs live, and which, of course, needs help (the score will be posted on the screen), as well as about the upcoming wedding of Irina Khakamada’s daughter, Masha Sirotinskaya, and a guy with Down syndrome, Vlad Sitdikov.” (The author’s spelling and punctuation have been preserved. - Ed.).

A post shared by Evelina Bledans(@bledans) on Aug 17, 2017 at 9:13pm PDT

Participants in the program “Male/Female”

20-year-old Maria Sirotinskaya has been dating Vlad Sitdikov for several years. In July, the young people vacationed together in Greece, from where Maria sent her mother romantic photographs from the sea coast.

On the air of the “Male/Female” program, Maria and Vlad told viewers the story of their relationship and talked about the depth of their feelings. The lovers treat each other with care and do not hide the fact that they are serious.

Irina Khakamada’s daughter calls Vlad very responsive and kind: “My beloved person,” Maria summed up. Sitdikov, in turn, did not skimp on compliments to his chosen one: “She is very cheerful, I like how she laughs loudly.”

During the program, Alexander Gordon asked when the wedding will take place. Maria, embarrassed, gave the floor to her beloved. In turn, Vlad limited himself to a brief: “Not soon yet,” but immediately turned to the TV presenter with a request:

“Alexander, you are a highly respected and experienced person. I want you to become my matchmaker, because you know Masha’s mother well.”

Alexander Gordon did not remain silent and made it clear that he fully approved of Sirotinskaya’s choice: “I promise you that since I know Ira, I will definitely talk to her. I’ll tell you what impression you made on me, how happy Masha is next to you. I think it will grow together.”

Maria Sirotinskaya told TV viewers that she dreams of creating good family, marry your loved one and have children. But her plans don’t stop there:

“I want to open my own company, I will also earn money, provide for my family and even my husband,” Maria added.

Vlad Sitdikov supported the chosen one: “And, of course, so that we live in perfect harmony, right? And we never quarreled."

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