DNA test "genealogy". DNA test for ethnic origin and nationality Test for belonging to a nation

Have you ever wondered about the origin of your last name? In fact, this is very interesting, because the surname makes it possible to find out a person’s nationality and roots. To figure out what nationality a particular surname belongs to, you need to pay attention to suffixes and endings.

So, the most common suffix Ukrainian surnames- “-enko” (Bondarenko, Petrenko, Timoshenko, Ostapenko). Another group of suffixes is “-eiko”, “-ko”, “-ochka” (Belebeyko, Bobreiko, Grishko). The third suffix is ​​“-ovsky” (Berezovsky, Mogilevsky). Often among Ukrainian surnames you can find those that come from the names of professions (Koval, Gonchar), as well as from combinations of two words (Sinegub, Belogor).

Among Russians surnames The following suffixes are common: “-an”, “-yn”, -“in”, “-skikh”, “-ov”, “-ev”, “-skoy”, “-tskoy”, “-ikh”, “ -s.” It is easy to guess that the following can be considered examples of such surnames: Smirnov, Nikolaev, Donskoy, Sedykh.

Polish surnames most often they have the suffixes “-sk” and “-tsk”, as well as the endings “-iy”, “-aya” (Sushitsky, Kovalskaya, Vishnevsky). You can often find Poles with surnames with an unchangeable form (Sienkiewicz, Wozniak, Mickiewicz).

English surnames often come from the name of the area where a person lives (Scott, Wales), from the names of professions (Smith - blacksmith), from characteristics (Armstrong - strong, Sweet - sweet).

In front of many French surnames there is an insertion “Le”, “Mon” or “De” (Le Germain, Le Pen).

German surnames most often formed from names (Peters, Jacobi, Wernet), from characteristics (Klein - small), from the type of activity (Schmidt - blacksmith, Müller - miller).

Tatar surnames come from Tatar words and the following suffixes: “-ov”, “-ev”, “-in” (Yuldashin, Safin).

Italian surnames are formed using the following suffixes: “-ini”, “-ino”, “-ello”, “-illo”, “-etti”, “-etto”, “-ito” (Moretti, Benedetto).

Majority Spanish and Portuguese surnames come from characteristics (Alegre - joyful, Bravo - brave). Among the endings, the most common are: “-ez”, “-es”, “-az” (Gomez, Lopez).

Norwegian surnames are formed using the suffix “en” (Larsen, Hansen). Surnames without a suffix at all are also popular (Per, Morgen). Surnames are often formed from the given name natural phenomena or animals (Blizzard - blizzard, Svane - swan).

Swedish surnames most often end in “-sson”, “-berg”, “-stead”, “-strom” (Forsberg, Bosstrom).

U Estonians by last name you cannot understand whether a person is masculine or feminine (Simson, Nahk).

U Jewish surnames There are two common roots - Levi and Cohen. Most surnames are formed from male names (Solomon, Samuel). There are also surnames that are formed using suffixes (Abramson, Jacobson).

Belarusian surnames end in “-ich”, “-chik”, “-ka”, “-ko”, “-onak”, “-yonak”, “-uk”, “-ik”, “-ski” (Radkevich, Kuharchik ).

Turkish surnames have the ending “-oglu”, “-ji”, “-zade” (Mustafaoglu, Ekinci).

Almost all Bulgarian surnames formed from names using the suffixes “-ov”, “-ev” (Konstantinov, Georgiev).

Men's Latvian surnames end with “-s”, “-is”, and female ones end with “-e”, “-a” (Shurins - Shurin).

And men's Lithuanian surnames end in “-onis”, “-unas”, “-utis”, “-aytis”, “-ena” (Norvidaitis). Women's endings in “-en”, “-yuven”, “-uven” (Grinyuvene). The surnames of unmarried girls contain a part of the father’s surname and the suffixes “-ut”, “-polut”, “-ayt”, as well as the ending “-e” (Orbakas - Orbakaite).

Majority Armenian surnames end with the suffix “-yan”, “-yants”, “-uni” (Hakopyan, Galustyan).

Georgian surnames end in “-shvili”, “-dze”, “-uri”, “-ava”, “-a”, “-ua”, “-ia”, “-ni” (Mikadze, Gvishiane).

Greek surnames The endings “-idis”, “-kos”, -“pulos” are inherent (Angelopoulos, Nikolaidis).

Chinese and Korean surnames consist of one, sometimes two syllables (Tang Liu, Qiao, Mao).

Japanese surnames are formed using one or two words (Kitamura - north and village).

Feature of women's Czech surnames is the obligatory ending “-ova” (Valdrova, Andersonova).

It's amazing how many differences there are between the names of different nationalities and peoples!

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How to determine your nationality/race?

  1. There is a generally accepted theory: races are determined by blood type - 1st group is Caucasian, 2nd is Asian, 3rd is African and 4th is Jewish, the youngest nation.
  2. create your own family tree. you can entrust it to someone. everything will become clear immediately
  3. Why do you need this? There is no such thing as a purebred. For example, I am mostly Russian, but my family included Tatars, Kazakhs, Spaniards, Ukrainians... And it is unlikely that such tests exist, since the sizes of the skulls are the same, the blood according to biochemical analysis does not differ among different races, because all races common ancestor- Human.
  4. Nationality is determined by yourself. You can consider the nationalities of the parents as a first approximation, and the parents’ parents as a second approximation. Etc. It’s logical to break this chain somewhere.
    As for the morphological characteristics of the race, you can probably contact a scientific specialist (I don’t know what exactly this science is called).
    Nationality and race are independent of each other.
  5. The description of different races is very detailed and intelligibly described in the textbook “Anthropology” by E.N. Khrisanfov, I.V. Perevozchikov. I sincerely envy those who do not need to know THIS by heart.
  6. Same stuff. I would also like to know.
  7. If you approach a mirror and see a yellowish face through two narrow slits, then you are from the Mongoloid race; if you approach in the dark and see only two sparkling eyes and a snow-white little girl with 32 teeth, then you are a black race, and if in the light you come up and see a bright face with your wide eyes, then you are a European race!

    And don’t bother at all, it’s absolutely useless. Nowadays, not one person, except for the small tribes of Arica and tropical forests, can call himself a pure Russian, or a German, or even a Jew. Believe me, all races and nationalities are mixed up now! And no one will definitely determine your roots. Maybe some great-great-grandfather came from Israel, or a distant relative sinned with a German, who can figure them out right now.

  8. Nationality is a stupid distinction.
  9. You need to ask your parents. And if you don’t have parents, then I’m afraid you’ll never know what nationality you are.
  10. you are a Russian Jew who lives in Germany
  11. Nationality is determined by self-consciousness, and not by blood composition and skull parameters.
  12. who do you feel like and what nationality
  13. Black-American, white-Russian. (or as written on the birth certificate.)
  14. There is no pure belonging to a nation or race. You can simply study the passport details of your parents, grandparents, and ask them around. However, why do you need this? Does it matter what nation you belong to? Personally, I think where higher value has citizenship.
    Jews, Germans and Russians belong to the same race (European). Race is a broader concept than nation.
  15. Nationality is generally determined by the mother. But the search for one’s racial identity smacks of national fascism.

We determine the color type of appearance: winter, spring, summer, autumn

How to determine your color type?

Probably, at least once in your life you have heard about the so-called “appearance color type”. And I’ve already used this term a couple of times in articles on makeup. What kind of thing is this - color type?

Color type- this is a set of certain signs of a person’s appearance, depending on his eye, hair, and skin color. And depending on this, you can select the most suitable colors when choosing clothes or shades of cosmetics. There are 4 types of appearance: winter, spring, summer and autumn. Spring and autumn have warm shades, summer and winter have cold shades.

To determine which of the 4 types you belong to, you can take a color type test online.

Before this, we wash off all our makeup, look at ourselves in the mirror and carefully study the reflection in it. Do you remember everything? Now let's start taking the test to determine the color type.

What did we see in the mirror?

Appearance color type: winter, spring, summer, autumn

To determine your color type, take this simple test.

1. Which of the following statements suits you best?

The whites of the eyes are pure white

The skin has a bluish tint on the bend of the elbow, on inside wrists and forearms

The knuckles of the fingers often turn red

There are golden sparkles in the eyes

2. How do you tan?

I tan quickly, tan color is light or olive

I burn easily, the tan shade is light or red

I tan very quickly, the tan color is golden, carrot.

There are no problems with tanning, the tan color is olive-ashy.

3. What kind of skin do you have?

transparent, light pink, with a bluish cold tint

light beige, ivory. Warm skin tone

ivory, peach, beige-yellowish, light golden

either light porcelain white or dark

4. The shade of your blush

bright red or salmon

cold with an olive tint, or not at all

5. What color is your hair? (natural hair color is taken into account)

red, golden, with a copper tint, dark brown. Warm shades

light brown, golden, red, chestnut. Warm shades

black, dark hair sometimes with a silver or blue tint

ash, blond hair, light brown, dark brown. Cool tones

6. What color are your eyes?

brown, with slight yellowness

black, dark brown, dark green, cold, dark blue

dim, gray, yellowish

light green, amber, light olive, blue

7. What color are your eyebrows and eyelashes?

dark brown, red, with a golden tint

cool pink with olive undertones

By the way, determining the color type can sometimes be difficult. Well, first of all, not everyone can clearly say whether their skin/eyes are warm or cold. Secondly, there are exceptions to all rules. And it could be you. Thirdly, you may not be a “pure” color type, but a mixed one. This very often occurs due to the mixing of blood of residents of different latitudes and nationalities. As a result, you will have a unique color type. In this case, you need to decide what type, what tones (cold or warm) prevail in you. And depending on this, select the makeup palette and clothing colors.

At home, you can also try to determine which color type you belong to. To do this, also wash off all your makeup, choose pieces of fabric (or just plain clothes) different shades cold or warm. And gradually apply these fabrics to your face. Important! The lighting in the room should be natural, but not direct sunlight. By applying the fabric to your face, you will notice that the face either acquires a certain glow, a fresher look (that is, this shade suits you) or the face takes on an unhealthy tone, becomes tired, or older (which means this shade does not suit you). Having decided which tones suit you (warm or cool), you can understand that you fit one of two color types. Warm - this is autumn and spring. and cold ones mean winter. summer. After reading the descriptions of each type of appearance, you can decide which type you fit best.

Especially for readers of the site Beauty for Everyone, I found a video “how to determine your color type.” Take a look, maybe it suits you

Just a few years ago in the Soviet Union, a lot depended on a person’s nationality, for example, getting a job, or entering higher education. educational establishments. Now we live in a democratic country, where a person’s nationality essentially does not play any role, as indeed throughout the world, because, regardless of a person’s place of birth and his “blood,” everyone has equal rights.

However, the question of nationality is quite interesting, because every person is interested in finding out what kind of family this or that person or he himself comes from, so in this article we will try to figure out how to determine nationality, especially since this can be useful, for example, for emigration. There are many ways to determine nationality, let's look at each of them.

How to determine nationality - method one

Ask your parents if your mom and dad are Kazakhs, then you will belong to this nationality, but it often happens that your parents are married different nationalities, for example, the mother is Tatar, and the father is Ukrainian. Then you must determine your nationality based on general rules of one or another people, for example, in Russia, nationality is determined by the father, while in Israel, nationality is determined by the mother.

How to determine nationality - the second method

It happens that a person does not know his true parents, for example, was adopted or raised in orphanage. Then the nationality of this person will depend on his place of residence, following the traditions of this people and perfect knowledge of the language of the country in which this person lives. For example, you live in Germany, but your native language– Hebrew, you also honor the traditions of Israel, observe all Jewish holidays, for example, Hanukkah, which means you are a Jew.

How to determine nationality - the third method

You can determine your nationality by physiological characteristics, although, most likely, this method may be subjective and not objective, because, for example, if you had a distant great-grandfather who was Armenian, and your mother and father are Russian, then you may still have symptoms facial features inherited from a distant relative, such as eye color and nose shape. Below are the most common features of certain nationalities.
To begin with, let’s remember school biology courses and consider existing classifications races of people, which are determined by place of residence: for example, dark skin contains more melanin, which protects from the sweltering sun.

  • Caucasian race - about half of the world's population belongs to this type. Distinctive features: fair skin, soft or slightly wavy hair, narrow nose, thin lips, eye color may vary. The Caucasian race includes residents of Europe, Armenians, Tajiks, Ukrainians and others.
  • The Negroid race is most often found in Africa and America. People are distinguished by their dark skin, wide lips and nose, brown eyes (there are exceptions) and dark curly hair.
  • The Mongoloid race makes up about 40 percent of the world's population. It is distinguished by its yellowish skin color, straight forehead, wide nose and narrow eyes. The Mongoloid race includes the inhabitants of China, Japan, Koreans and other Asian peoples.
  • Australoid race - inhabits Australia and the island New Guinea. Is different dark color skin, a wide nose, brown eyes and well-developed hair.

But thanks rapid growth population of the Earth, now there has been a mixture of different races, which makes a person unique. It is enough to read about this or that nationality so that you can identify yourself with it.

In general, it’s not only interesting to study your own or someone else’s nationality, it’s also quite cool to learn the traditions of certain nationalities, for example, what holidays are celebrated by residents different countries. As you can see, nationality is sometimes difficult to determine, since in modern life people have a lot of blood mixed together.

A person's nationality can be very difficult to determine in some cases. There are several ways to determine a person’s nationality, naturally, firstly by appearance, and secondly by the language he speaks. Nationality is also determined by manners, the accent with which a person speaks, his citizenship, surname and many other factors. I will explain with some examples how to determine nationality by appearance, and which by internal characteristics of a person.

The Negroid race is considered the lightest type in the world. It is very easy to determine the nationality of a person if he comes from Africa or is African American. He will naturally have very dark skin or just very tanned skin. No one a white man or an Asian will never be able to tan in his life to such an extent either in a solarium or in the Sun to look like a black person. Almost one hundred percent of the time, black people have dark brown eyes, or almost completely black ones. The Negroid race has distinctly large noses with large nostrils. The eyes are also very large and larger than those of other races and nations. Also the structure of the skull is slightly different. What causes large noses and nostrils? Because Africa has a very warm climate and historically it has happened that such hot air, such as in the desert, is very harmful to humans. Therefore, nature adapted the Negroid race and gave them large noses so that they could filter and cool the air. Also, blacks tolerate heat more easily than white people, this is because of their special black skin, which has more pigment, sunstroke they are better adapted, but still, just like whites and Asians, they cannot stay in the open sun without drinking and dousing with water for more than eight hours. Also, the majority of blacks have very large and thick lips, I don’t know exactly why this is different, but this is also due to the hot climate in Africa. They also have a slightly different build than white people, with squarer shoulders and are generally taller. Their accent may be different, but for example, a Negroid who grew up in Russia will speak pure Russian, so it will not always be possible to determine by accent.

Asians, that is, Chinese, can be specifically identified by the following factors. The Chinese have a very short stature, almost always 160 centimeters. They also have darker skin than white people, but not as dark as Negroids. Basically it has yellowish tints, but not the same as with jaundice. The Chinese have very narrow eyes, small noses and thin lips. The majority of Chinese, like Negroids, have dark brown eyes; you rarely see Chinese with gray or blue eyes, only if they have parents of different races, for example, their mother was European.

Many cannot determine whether a Kazakh or a Kyrgyz is standing in front of them. But there are also different factors here. All nations of the post-Soviet space are different from each other. For example, the Kyrgyz have smoother and more correctly proportioned faces than the Kazakhs. Although the eyes of both peoples are narrow. This is due to the steppes, nature did it there so that dust does not get into the eyes and the wind does not blow too much. Also, all the nations of this region, that is: Kazakhs, Kyrgyz, Tajiks, Mongols, Uzbeks and Turkmens, have dark hair and dark eye color. But there are also exceptions, red-haired Kazakhs, for example, with blue eyes.

Now about the Thais and those who live in Southeast Asia. People from these regions are short like the Chinese, have the same narrow eyes, but their lips are thicker. There is something from the Negroids, because the climate there is similar to some latitudes like in Africa. Thais and Vietnamese have darker skin than the Chinese, they look like Negroids, some are just like two peas in a pod, if not for their height and narrow eyes. Women from these areas are very similar to children even at the age of twenty-five. Men and women have very little body hair and their hair is dark in color. Men almost never wear beards, and if they do, it only grows on their chins, under their noses, and on their sideburns. Their accent will be simply terrible. The languages ​​of Southeast Asia lack most of the sounds that we pronounce in Everyday life. These languages ​​are softer. For example, I heard the fact that Asians have a hard time pronouncing the letter L. It’s strange, but this happens.

Islanders. It's like a separate nation. They can be identified by their dark skin color and dark eye and hair color. They have everything almost similar to Negroids, the only thing is that their facial features are very regular and in general they for the most part have very Beautiful face. Their height is small and their accent will be similar to the inhabitants South-East Asia.

Germans and residents of northern and central Europe can be identified by their faces. Mostly they have gray eyes and light hair color, but not white; only thirty percent of them are blond. The Germans are naturally easy to identify by their language. Native Germans speak German very badly; it will not be very pleasant for our people to listen to it, because the phonetics there are quite rough and they frankly mumble some sounds. Germans, unlike Russians, for example, have squarer faces and more disproportionate facial features. German girls are generally not as beautiful as our girls. Their physique is quite average, their height rarely exceeds two meters. Just like all Caucasians, they have light eyes and small noses and lips. This is due to the fact that the air in Europe is generally cool and favorable for human body, it does not need to be cooled down like in Africa and nature has done everything for this. Also, the sun does not hit as strongly as in Africa, the skin is light and not tanned by nature.

Scandinavians can be identified by their light hair and eyes. Their skin is the whitest of all nations in the world, because they live in the most northern latitudes, where the sun is never as hot as in Africa. Their accent in Russian will be the same as that of all Europeans, or maybe not at all, since in principle our languages ​​have similar alphabets and phonetics. The physique is the same as that of all Europeans, but the height can be a bit tall, unlike our nation.

Defining Latins. More precisely, residents Latin America. These are Mexicans, Panamanians, residents of Honduras, Colombia. These are the descendants of the Spaniards and Portuguese. And therefore I will immediately talk about everyone who lives in South America, Latin America, Portugal and Spain. Naturally excluding Negroids, who live there in large numbers. Mostly Latinos have smooth features, their faces are very pleasant, although sometimes their noses are quite large. They love to wear a mustache, shaving off everything else, it's like national trait and as a stereotype that a Mexican should have a characteristic black mustache. Their eyes and hair color are mostly brown and dark. But there are also searing green eyes and blue and gray ones. Their language is very beautiful; they will speak Russian without an accent if they have learned it. Basically they are very temperamental and everything is based on feelings. After a few days of communicating with such a person, you can make a very accurate conclusion that he is either from Latin America, or from Spain or Portugal.

It is very difficult to define an American. And all because Americans are descendants of Europeans. Their blood is very mixed. There are French and Italians, Portuguese, Spaniards there. IN North America brought for a long time Negroids as slaves, therefore, after the abolition of slavery, a mixture of the white population with the black population began. Of course, if the husband or wife is Negroid and the second parent is white, then 90 percent of the time the child will be born Negroid, but if he was born white he will still have some kind of Negroid facial features or have black eyes and black hair. An American can be identified by his accent only if he was not born in a Russian-speaking country. In principle, one can say that they are a universal nation or not a nation at all, because so many things are mixed in their blood. The USA is a country of immigrants, there are absolutely all nations there and everyone who was born there can consider themselves an American, it will be very difficult to say. The only other way to determine this is that Americans love money and business very much, but this is most likely useless information for determining the nation.

Of course, a person’s surname also mainly determines his nationality. For example, Chinese surnames are very short, from two to four letters. Their surname Li is the most popular. If a person has the last name Chen, Xian, Li, Huan, then most likely he is Chinese. But Koreans have surnames such as Park, Kim, and, in principle, their surname Lee is also very common.

The same applies to residents of Southeast Asia and residents of some islands where Asians live.

It will be very difficult to confuse American surnames with others. Only if with other English-speaking nations. Usually, their surname, like ours, contains the name of a grandfather or great-grandfather. Surnames such as Anderson, Johnson, Thomson. At the end, for the most part, “sleep” is added, which means English language son, that is, John's son is Johnson.

Smith is a very common surname in the UK. The surnames there are the same as in the USA, because they have the same language, but the names there are more complicated. For example, people like Gerard. It is possible, if possible, to distinguish by the surname of an Englishman and an American. Also, when many Americans became, let’s say, Americans, they sailed from Europe to colonize America and took the surnames they wanted. For example Brown or Snipes. These were both prisoners and criminals, they took very pretentious surnames, for example Gold, which means gold.

Residents of Central Asia also generally differ in their surname. They sound very rude in Russian. For example Aldarbekov or Nurbekbaev. Everything here is determined by the prefix at the end of the surname. Bek or bai can be added, or maybe both at once. These surnames end in -ov and -ev, as well as -in. But in some countries of the post-Soviet space they abandoned the Russian heritage and removed the prefixes. The resulting surnames were Aryn, Baltabay, Zhanbyrbay. Also, the names may be the same, that is, Nurbay Boltabek. This is the first and last name. And the patronymic is appended with -uly or -kyzy. For example, Boranbai Ahmed Saibolatuly. This is the name of some Kazakh or Kyrgyz.

But for Caucasians, everything is generally wonderful. Georgians add -shvili or -dze to the end of their surname. For example, Garadze or Dzhugashvili (by the way, the surname of the Georgian Stalin). Armenians add -yan, for example Gasparyan, Harutyunyan. Maybe the name is Harutyun and the surname is Harutyunyan, that is, logically, the son of Harutyun. For Azerbaijanis, the surname cannot be determined so easily, as for other Caucasians.

For example, until recently I thought that the surname Pirov was a Russian surname, derived from the word “pir”, that is, a holiday. But no, this is a Dagestan surname. In Chechnya, Ingushetia and Dagestan, the surname is usually based on the name of the teip. These are surnames similar to Basayev, Pugoev, Tsechoev. They mainly differ from Russian ones in that their meaning will not be clear to us.

A Ukrainian surname must end with the letter O. These are Glushko, Shmatko, Timoshenko, Yushchenko. And also, for example, Yanukovych is a Ukrainian surname, that is, there are also variations.

The surnames of residents of Latin America and Spain, Portugal are easy to distinguish. This is Sanchez, Perez, Luis. All their surnames sound very beautiful, like their names, as well as their smooth language.

Well, it is simply impossible to confuse the names of, for example, Arabs with some others. There will be a very long last name that lists all seven generations that came before this person. Ibn will definitely be present there, which means the son of so-and-so. For example, if we had Arabic surnames then we would say Alexey Ibn Gavrila. That is, the son of Gavrila. But they don’t have surnames as such, they have a pedigree.

Jewish surnames in the Russian version will end in -vsky and -vich. These are Abramovich, Zhirinovsky, Khodorkovsky, Yavlinsky. All this Jewish surnames and naturally these surnames indicate Jewish roots.

Deoxyribonucleic acid (DNA) is a true biological safe for storing information about a person. Bureaus of specialized examinations annually conduct a huge number of analyzes of this type. Research on ethnicity or racial identity, DNA test for nationality is the most common request for examination. The article describes the possibilities of DNA analysis, the types of research conducted, and explains the reasons for misconceptions about the conclusions of specialists.

Possibilities of DNA examination

With the help of DNA testing, specialists receive answers to several very important issues related to the personal data of the individual. Deoxyribonucleic acid is studied when it is necessary to find out the origin of an individual, identify family and genealogical connections, and confirm/refute an individual’s involvement in various actions or events.

Such a study provides the most accurate answers to the following questions:

  1. Ethnic origin of a person. Using high-tech equipment, specialists determine which of the 4 ethnic groups(European, African, East Asian or Southeast) DNA samples belong to a particular individual. The test result will show the percentage of each group in a unit of the material being tested. Quite often, trying to establish their ethnicity, people think that they will be helped to determine the nationality of their distant ancestors, to determine on what lands their family originates. However, an analysis of ethnic origin does not answer what nationality a person’s distant ancestors were.
  2. Genealogy of the family. If a person needs to restore family ties over several years or a longer period of time, collect the most complete information about all possible relatives, and also confirm or refute the relationship, genealogical analysis will help.
  3. Family ties. The most common test is to establish paternity (for this, the Y chromosome is taken, the so-called “paternal” chromosome, transmitted by male line in the family).
  4. Race. Particularly a lot of confusion arises when DNA testing is carried out to determine belonging to a certain race. Race and nationality are not identical definitions, for example - if the results indicate that a given individual belongs to the Caucasian race, to conclude that he has Caucasian nationality is absurd.

Haplotype: brief description

DNA examinations with a genealogical focus are carried out using genetic research. In order for a person to find out his origins “from Noah’s flood,” he needs to submit biological material to a specialized laboratory, which will identify the most distant relative.

All personal data is stored by the haplotype - a complete database of hereditary information formed at conception.

It is the halotype that helps almost accurately determine a person’s belonging to any national group.

But this analysis cannot be called a DNA test to determine nationality, since the definitions “national” and “nationality” are somewhat different concepts. If the first term refers to the category of biology, then the second - to the category political concepts, which was recently included as a separate line in the passport.

What is the material for research

To conduct a DNA examination, it is necessary to submit biological material that has the ability to preserve genetic memory. Such material can be:

  • Parts (fragments) of the human skeleton, soft tissues (nails, hair, teeth, parts of bones);
  • Personal hygiene items (toothbrushes, toothpicks with saliva residue, women's tampons, handkerchiefs, razor blades);
  • Things and objects with traces of vital activity (traces of blood, sperm on fabric, pacifiers, cocktail straws, condoms).

Ethnicity is defined differently for men and women:

  • To obtain a reliable result, men only need to provide their own material for analysis; the results will show information on both lines of kinship - father and mother.
  • Women donate their biological sample (maternal line) and paternal material (paternal line). The doctor's advice on preparing for the analysis does not contain any special recommendations; you need to follow the standard requirements.

Research using DNA belongs to the category of the most modern analytical research based on the most modern innovative technologies.

Now anyone can, using analysis of the origins of their ancestors, find relatives about whom they did not know at all. Testing helps specialists in many fields of science and professionals in several fields of activity. DNA analysis is a real storehouse of the history of human evolution.

In contact with

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We meet new people almost every day. Among them there may be not only compatriots, but also people of other nationalities. Knowing what roots a person belongs to is quite important if you plan to establish relationships with him good contact. Then we can learn the characteristics of his culture and, as a result, behave decently.

The easiest and most common way to find out nationality is to look at the surname. To do this, you need to remember school, where in lessons they analyzed words into parts: root, prefix, suffix, etc. These skills will come in handy now.


  1. Take a blank piece of paper and a pen.
  2. Write your last name on it and take the word apart, that is, highlight the root, suffix, and ending. It is the suffixes that will be useful to us in the analysis, so highlight them as precisely as possible.

A suffix is ​​the part of a word between the root and the ending.


  1. Russians. Suffixes: -ih, -yh, -tskoy, -skoy, -ev, -ov, -yn, -in. For example, Voronin, Ivanov, Zolotarev.
  2. Ukrainian. Suffixes: -yuk, -uk, -ko, -enko. For example, Galchenko, Davidyuk, Grishko. Also to Ukrainian surnames we can include those that indicate occupation (Gonchar, Bondar), individual surnames(Ukrainian, Gorobets), combination of words (Bilous = White + Us).
  3. Belarusian. Suffixes: -enak, – ich, – ok, – onak, -chik, -ka. These are surnames such as Dubrovich, Milchik, Parshonok, Tsyushka.
  4. Polish. Suffixes: – sk, – tsk. Endings: -y, -aya. For example, Volnitsky, Kovalskaya. There are also double surnames, if the wife wanted to leave her maiden. This is how the surnames of husband and wife are combined. For example, Bilyk-Kowalskaya. There are among Polish surnames with an unchangeable form, for example, Novak.
  5. Bulgarian. Suffixes: -ov, -ev. They are formed from names (Konstantinov).
  6. Czech. They are distinguished by the presence of –ova in women's surnames, even when they sound absurd. For example, Ivanovova.


  1. French. Surnames often have the prefix De or Le in front of them. There is also a formation from ordinary names and nicknames that were given to a person because of his character or appearance.
  2. English. Surnames are translations of words that indicate place of residence, character traits or profession. For example, Sweet (sweet), Clerk (civil servant).
  3. German. Same as in English surnames. For example, Krause (curly), Müller (miller).
  4. Swedish. Endings: - strom, - sson, - stead, - berg. For example, Andersson.
  5. Italian. Suffixes: -ito, -ino, -etto, -ini, -etti, -illo, -ello. For example, Benedini, Morello, Espozello. In addition to suffixes, they may have specific endings, such as –i, -o, -a (Trovato). Surnames could also be given from the name of a river or city. So Leonardo da Vinci got his last name from the name of the city where he was born - Vinci. And the prefix “yes” indicated this. The prefix "di" is also found. He says that the surname comes from the father's name. For example, Aldo di Nicolo tells us that Aldo is Nicolo's son. Also, surnames could come from the family's occupation, but this was common among the working class. Contadino, for example, translated as “peasant”.
  6. Spanish and Portuguese. The surnames of these countries are very similar. Suffixes: -oz, -az, -ez, -iz, -es. There are also those that are translated as a certain human trait.
  7. Bulgarian. In this country, most surnames are formed from given names. The suffix –ev or –ov is added to them. For example, Georgiy + ev = Georgiev.


  1. Armenian. Suffix: -yan. In Armenia, the majority of surnames have this ending. For example, Avanesyan, Galustyan.
  2. Azerbaijani. The basis is national names, to which either the suffix –ov or –ev is added. For example, Abdullaev.
  3. Georgian. Endings: -shvili, -si, -dze, -li, -uri, -ni, -ava, -ia, -a, -ua. For example, Katamadze.
  4. Chinese and Korean. This is where nationality is easiest to determine, since the surnames of these countries are very specific. They consist of 1 or 2 syllables. For example, Qiao, Li.
  5. Japanese. They consist of two words in the national language. For example, Katayama – piece + mountain, Wada – harmony + rice field.
  6. Jewish. The range of these surnames is very wide and they are determined not only by specific suffixes. Several groups can be distinguished here:
    – the basis is the roots of Cohen and Levy. Hence - Levitan, Koganovich.
    – the basis is female and male national names, to which the suffixes are added: -ovich, -on, -yan, -is, -inchik, -ik. For example, Yakubovich.
    – a surname can come from a person’s appearance, character or activity. So Melamed is from the profession of “teacher”.

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