Dmitry means from Greek. Family and Children

Meaning of the name Dmitry: The name for a boy means "belonging to the goddess Demeter" or "divine mother." This affects the character and fate of Dmitry.

Origin of the name Dmitry: Ancient Greek.

Diminutive form of name: Dima, Mitya, Mityai, Mityusha, Mityakha, Mitryukha, Mitryusha.

What does the name Dmitry mean: the name Dmitry comes from ancient Greek name Demetrios and translated as “dedicated to Demeter”). Demeter is the ancient Greek goddess of fertility. However, the name Dmitry may well be derived from the ancient Greek “meter”. In this case, the meaning of the name Dmitry is “mother”, “divine mother”). Dima is very attached to his family, especially to his mother, so it is difficult for him to decide on long trips. He loves to chat, sometimes he can hardly restrain himself so as not to blurt out a serious secret, because at work he holds high positions and knows a lot.

Patronymic name Dmitry: Dmitrievich, Dimitrievich, Dmitrievna, Dimitrievna.

Angel Day and patron saints named: The name Dmitry celebrates his name day twice a year:

  • October 4 (September 21) - St. Demetrius Tuptalo, Metropolitan of Rostov, wrote the "Cheti-Minea", that is, the lives of saints for the entire year, and many other soul-saving books (late 17th - early 18th centuries).
  • November 8 (October 26) - St. Great Martyr Demetrius of Thessaloniki (Myrrh-streaming) was the head of the city of Thessaloniki; taught the faith of Christ to the inhabitants of the city, the pagans; He endured great torment for Christ and was stabbed to death with spears in 306. Healing and fragrant myrrh flowed from his holy relics.

Signs: November 8 - Dimitri's Day: "Demetrius' Day - winter is already creeping up on the fence." If November 8 is cold and snowy, then spring is late and cold, and if there is a thaw, then winter and spring are warm. On Dimitriev's Saturday in Rus', a wake is celebrated for the deceased: the whole week is called parental, grandfather's, but Dimitrievskaya Saturday is especially revered, when the dead are remembered at their graves. “If the parents rest during Demetrius Week (there is a thaw), then the whole winter will be thawed.”


  • Zodiac of Dmitry - Scorpio
  • Planet - Saturn
  • Color - purple
  • Auspicious tree - rowan
  • Treasured plant - chrysanthemum
  • Patron - walrus
  • Talisman stone - lapis lazuli

Characteristics of the name Dmitry

Positive features: The name Dmitry gives love of life, optimism, sociability, friendliness, quick-wittedness, erudition, creative imagination. The adult Dima is smart, patient, persistent, and does not give up when he fails. A guy with this name easily navigates a new environment and knows how to establish relationships with the people he needs.

Negative features: The name Dmitry brings impulsiveness, self-will, and selfishness. As a child, Dima is capricious, touchy, needs protection, but at the same time he is cruel towards those he does not love. A man with this name will not miss out on anything. A man with this name wants to get everything from life at once. He turns communication into a monologue, does not know how to listen to his interlocutor, is verbose, tries to say everything at once, and gets confused in his thoughts. A disposition to adventure and risk often leads to success, but Mitya is severely punished for failure.

Character of the name Dmitry: What character traits determine the meaning of the name Dmitry? This is a stubborn, strong-willed, explosive person. He is very sociable, loyal to friendship, but it is difficult to be with him. He is smart, persistent, inventive... however, flights of imagination often replace reality for him. Dima will not achieve success in life if he gives in to his passion for chatter: it is difficult to find greater singers than the bearers of this name. He can be obscenely lazy. By the way, in men named Dmitry their mothers always see their unfulfilled hopes and dreams, and therefore pamper them mercilessly. A man named Mitya does not know how to limit himself in anything. He is brave, charming, cruel. And amorous... but easy-going.

He is sanguine, intelligent, persistent and inventive, and is well oriented in a new environment. It is difficult to communicate with the name Dima, as he is stubborn and sometimes hot-tempered. He is not afraid of any work, and does not give up in case of failure. The guy with this name is unyielding, always insists on his own, but his stubbornness is harmless, and therefore he has many friends, is friendly and even patrons.

Dmitry and his personal life

Compatible with female names: A successful marriage of the name with Anna, Elena, Lyubov, Lyudmila, Marina, Natalya, Elvira. Difficult relationships can develop with Ekaterina, Zhanna, Christina, Polina, Sophia, Yulia.

Love and marriage: Does the meaning of the name Dmitry promise happiness in love? Dima is easily attracted to women, without feeling any remorse regarding his previous crushes. He often remarries and loves children.

A man named Dmitry is amorous in a love relationship, sexual relations strives to bring him into line with generally accepted moral standards, is moderately temperamental, cautious, and chooses an experienced partner. Sex and love are inseparable for him. The name is not characterized by a sense of responsibility towards his wife, but Dima is very attached to his children and continues to take care of them even after the divorce. He will not allow his child to be adopted by his stepfather. Has no cravings for alcohol. The biggest authority in his life is his mother.

Sex has a special meaning for him. Sexual maturity comes to him very early, but his lack of restraint in conversation and his energy, which tends to quickly splash out, do not provide the opportunity for easy success. He is very amorous, until his old age it is difficult for him to limit himself, and he often remarries. He loves children and takes care of those born in previous marriages. Even in adulthood, his mother has a great influence on him; he takes care of her touchingly.

Talents, business, career

Choice of profession: The meaning of the name Dmitry for career. Dima is often visited by creative inspiration and attaches great importance to the insight of a great idea. He can be a talented writer, artist, composer, scientist. When necessary, he shows amazing endurance and performance. But monotonous work is not for the name Mitya. He can realize himself in social and political activities thanks to his intelligence, eloquence, and originality of ideas. He is capable of a breakthrough in an effort to get a quick result. These qualities predispose Dmitry to entrepreneurship, organizational activities, and leadership in social movements.

Business and career: Dima is ready to take risks in financial matters. Ups and downs usually alternate, money melts in the hands of Dima. He may develop extraordinary business abilities if he does not allow himself to be carried away by pipe dreams and scams.

Communication skills and hard work ensure his advancement in career ladder. Dmitry achieves success in any field of activity. He loves comfort and beautiful women. He doesn’t strive to become a leader. He only brings things to completion that seriously interest him. A man named Dima is not inclined to change; he values ​​stability most of all in life. Inclined to exact sciences and research work.

Health and energy

Health and talents named after Dmitry: The meaning of the name Dmitry from a medical point of view. Little Dima They are loved by family members and are exclusively called Mitya. The guy named Dmitry is a kind, flexible boy, calm and diligent, therefore, if the family in which he grows up attaches importance to education, in the future he will show himself scientific field. At school, the boy gains independence and even self-will. However, he may follow the lead of not very good friends, especially since he prefers to be friends with older boys.

An adult man named Dima is charming, brave and cruel. Resentment and injustice infuriate him, he recklessly attacks the offender, without thinking about the consequences, for which he is often punished. It is difficult to be friends with Dima, he is proud, strives to always and everywhere be the best and unsurpassed. However, he has friends, and they are loyal to each other.

Unusual activity, temperament, and a stubborn, strong-willed character will help Mitya achieve success in show business, ballet, and politics. As an artist, the meaning of the name Dmitry can bewitch crowds of fans; he has the magic of acting; a politician will also achieve success. He is practical, knows the value of money, can be a dentist, or work in trade. Most often this is the leader. “Winter”, having special fighting qualities, must necessarily be a leader. A man named Dmitry has been accustomed to discipline since childhood and demands the same from others. He is hardworking, has a cold analytical mind, and draws conclusions only after thoroughly studying the situation.

Dima loves coziness, comfort, various pleasures, beautiful women. He likes to drink, but he doesn't have a particular addiction to alcohol.

P.A. Florensky said about the name:

“Dmitry has a significant character and whole appearance, in some of his capabilities often exceeding the measure of humanity and even humanity.”

Dmitry's fate in history

What does the name Dmitry mean for a man’s destiny?

  1. Dmitry Donskoy - Grand Duke of All Rus', the son of Ivan II, was born in 1350. According to the chronicle, “he brought all the princes under his power, and those who did not obey his will, he began to encroach on them.” Under him, Moscow established its leadership position in Russian lands. The prince distinguished himself not only as a commander, but also as a warrior, having since then earned the nickname Donskoy for centuries.
  2. Prince Dmitry M. Bobrok-Volynsky - voivode of Dmitry Donskoy. In the 70s XIV century he was already a Moscow governor. Bobrok provided the most important service to the Grand Duke and Northern Rus' in 1380 at the Battle of Kulikovo: together with Vladimir Andreevich the Brave, he was in an ambush and, with the successful timing of the attack, decided the bloody battle in favor of the Russians.
  3. History knows the amazing fate of Dmitry Baida (the popular name was Prince Dmitry Vishnevetsky), about whom the Little Russian people sang in their thoughts that he was distinguished by heroic strength and endurance: the Turkish Sultan ordered him to be hanged by the rib on a hook, and the hanging Dmitry Baida, when they served him bow and arrows, killed the Sultan, his wife and daughter, whom he did not want to marry as an infidel, and thus saved his life.
  4. Dmitry N. Senyavin (1763-1731) - Russian admiral. Participated in the construction of the Akhtiar port (Sevastopol); in the second Turkish war under Catherine II he distinguished himself in the battle near Varna; in 1798, after a stubborn siege, he took the fortress occupied by the French on the island of St. Maura and greatly contributed to the success of the siege of Corfu. He took part in almost all the wars of Alexander's time.
  5. Dmitry G. Levitsky (1737-1822) - the largest Russian portraitist XVIII century, belonged to the circle of leading representatives of Russian culture. Created by him extensive gallery images of his contemporaries testifies to the diversity of the artist’s creative interests in portrait genre both by the nature of the portraits - chamber, ceremonial, portrait-paintings - and by the faces depicted in them. But until the end of his life, the artist gave preference to ceremonial portraits, painting them with dazzling brilliance and pomp. The most significant of Dmitry Levitsky’s works is a series of portraits of students of the Smolny Institute, which had just been founded by Catherine II.
  6. Dmitry of Thessalonica is a Christian saint of the 3rd-4th centuries.
  7. Dmitry Donskoy - (1350 – 1389) Grand Duke of Moscow and Vladimir.
  8. Dmitry Shostakovich - (1906 - 1975) Soviet composer, pianist, teacher and public figure. National artist USSR (1954), Hero socialist labor(1966). Winner of five Stalin Prizes and one USSR State Prize.
  9. Dmitry Pozharsky - (1578 - 1642) prince, Russian national hero, military and political figure, head of the Second People's Militia, which liberated Moscow from the Polish-Lithuanian occupiers.
  10. Dmitry Laptev - (1701 – 1767) navigator, participant of the Great Northern Expedition, the strait is named so - the Dmitry Laptev Strait.
  11. Dmitry Mendeleev - (1834 - 1907) Russian scientist-encyclopedist: chemist, physical chemist, physicist, metrologist, economist, technologist, geologist, meteorologist, teacher, aeronaut, instrument maker. Professor of St. Petersburg University; Corresponding Member in the “Physical” category of the Imperial St. Petersburg Academy of Sciences. Among the most famous discoveries is the periodic law chemical elements, one of the fundamental laws of the universe, integral to all natural science.
  12. Demetrius I Poliorcetes - (336 - 283 BC) king of Asia, king of Macedonia.
  13. Demetrius I Soter - (c.187 - 150 BC) king of Syria.
  14. Demetrius II Nicator - (161 - 125 BC) king of Syria.
  15. Dmitry Sautin - (born 1974) Soviet and Russian diver, two-time Olympic champion, the only winner in history of 8 Olympic awards in diving. Honored Master of Sports of Russia (2000).
  16. Dmitry Sychev - (born 1983) Russian football player. Bronze medalist of the 2008 European Championship, champion of Russia in 2004, in the same year he was recognized as footballer of the year in Russia both in a survey of players and in a survey of journalists. Honored Master of Sports of Russia (2008). According to a VTsIOM poll, he twice became the most popular football player in Russia (2005, 2006).

Dmitry in different languages ​​of the world

The meaning of the name Dmitry is different languages sounds a little different. In Belarusian it is translated as Zmitser, Dzmitry, Zmitrok, in Bulgarian: Dimitar: Dimitar, in German: Dimitri, in Italian: Demetrio, in French: Dimitri, in Polish language: Demetriusz (rare biblical form), Dymitr, in Romanian: Dumitru, in English language: Dmitriy, in Ukrainian: Dmitro.

The origin of the name Dmitry is connected with the name ancient greek goddess earth and fertility of Demeter. Along with the spread of Christianity from ancient Byzantium, the name came to Rus' and quickly gained popularity among different segments of the population.

The Greek name Demetrios, from which the name Dmitry originates, is associated with many other names, such as Mityuk, Dmitr, Dimitri and others, as well as such popular surnames in Rus' as Dmitriev, Dmitrievsky and so on.

The moderate popularity of the name Dmitry has been maintained for many centuries, and today this popularity is only growing.

And this is not surprising, because the name is amazing rich story, it was and is worn by many prominent personalities. Among them are the chemist Dmitry Mendeleev, composer Dmitry Shostakovich, actors Dmitry Kharatyan and Dmitry Pevtsov, singer Dmitry Hvorostovsky, writer Dmitry Mamin-Sibiryak, navigator Dmitry Laptev and many others.

Name days and patron saints

Of all the saints, Christians most revered the blessed Grand Duke Dmitry Donskoy, the defender of the faith and the fatherland. It was under his command that the Russian army won the Battle of Kulikovo, the outcome of which decided the fate of Russia. Although the victory on the Kulikovo Field did not lead to the complete elimination of the Tatar-Mongol yoke, a significant blow was dealt to the dominance of the Golden Horde, which subsequently led to its complete collapse.

Dmitry Donskoy was a deeply religious man, he prayed fervently and supported Christian faith. For all his great deeds - military, political or civil - the commander took the blessing of the Church. Lived this great person Not for long - only 39 years, but forever entered the history of Russia.

At baptism in Orthodox Church the name Dimitri is used. All Dmitrys can celebrate the angel's day, which coincides with their birthday, or the next one immediately after it. Name day dates: January 4, 8, 21 and 31; February 7, 9, 11, 17, 19 and 24; March 4, 22, 23, 25, 28 and 31; April 1, 23 and 26; May 2, 5, 22 and 28; June 1, 10, 15, 16 and 26; July 3, 17 and 21; August 1, 14, 17, 20, 22, 25 and 30; September 8, 9, 13, 19, 22, 24 and 28; October 4, 9, 10, 15, 17, 21 and 28; October 1, 3, 8, 10, 15, 17, 21 and 28; November 1, 3, 8, 10, 14, 22, 25, 27, 28 and 29; December 2, 10, 14, 15 and 17.

Characteristics of the name

Dmitry is a true perfectionist, striving for perfection in everything he undertakes. The main traits of his character are will, perseverance, desire for leadership, and the ability to insist on his own. He is well versed in any environment, gets along well with people, and knows how to make an impression.

Dmitry has all the qualities to achieve great success in life, but provided that he is able to overcome natural laziness and love for empty chatter. It’s hard to find a more talkative person; Dmitry can talk for a very long time and about nothing. He is always surrounded by a lot of friends and acquaintances with whom you can have a good time or just chat. For all his sociability and entrepreneurial spirit, Dmitry may never use all his talents, forever getting bogged down in empty talk.

This person very often lives by the principle of “hit or miss,” taking risks and not thinking about the consequences. To his credit, it must be said that Dmitry does not give up in case of failure; if necessary, he can show amazing endurance and performance. Optimism, quick-wittedness and a great sense of humor help him survive any troubles.

Dmitry loves and appreciates comfort, it is difficult for him to deny himself pleasure, and is not averse to eating well and drinking heavily. He prefers active leisure time - fishing, hiking, traveling.

All of Dmitry's character flaws are more than offset by his kind hearted, responsiveness and generosity. Whenever possible, he tries to smooth out conflicts and never starts them himself. He does not like to complicate life for himself or others, preferring to simply enjoy it.


Little Mitya usually looks like his mother, and he retains this similarity throughout his life. In childhood, he can often get sick, so he can grow up as a capricious and spoiled child. With age, illnesses disappear, but capriciousness can develop into stubbornness. Usually he doesn’t let anyone offend him, just like his friends, and fights are a common thing for him.

At school, Dima is an average student, doing well only in the subjects that he likes.

IN adolescence the young man is subject to the influence of others, so his future fate will largely depend on the environment. At this age, his leadership qualities and ability to get along with people appear.

It is important to direct Dima’s activity to the right direction, let his talents develop. He grows up as a person with a heightened sense of morality, so in no case should his pride and self-esteem be hurt.


As an adult, there is no trace of Dima’s illnesses, but his health will never be strong. A man may have problems with the stomach and intestines, and with age, heart problems may arise.

Dmitry should not drink, as there is a risk of becoming an alcoholic.


Being a born esthete, Dmitry can only be attracted to beautiful women, sexy and liberated. He is always courteous and gallant with women, and behaves like a true gentleman.

He meets his first woman quite late; sometimes it happens that only by the age of forty does he begin to fully understand his sexual capabilities. However, it may also happen that his sexual temperament remains unfulfilled. He is most often interested in sex from the point of view of “talking and listening.”

Dmitry has a rather moderate temperament; very often he lacks simple determination in order to captivate the girl he likes. Understanding female nature usually comes to him with age. Most often, it depends on the woman whether Dmitry will be able to get rid of prejudices and complexes regarding sexual life.

Marriage and family, compatibility

Dmitry takes marriage very seriously, so early marriage is uncharacteristic for him. He treats children very touchingly, but takes little part in their upbringing, preferring to love them from afar.

He takes care of and provides for his family, but at the same time spends a lot of time with his friends, and his wife often lacks his attention. Dmitry is very stingy in expressing feelings, and his sexual temperament leaves much to be desired.

In everyday life he is not picky, he does not take care of the housework himself, preferring to leave everything on the shoulders of his wife. Not jealous, not prone to betrayal.

A successful marriage is possible with women named Anna, Elena, Svetlana, Polina, Yana, Lyudmila, Natalya and Lilia. Relationships with Irina, Marina, Yulia, Victoria, Sofia, Inna and Angelica should be avoided.

Profession and business

Dmitry is gifted significantly above average, and if he is able to develop the talents given to him by nature, he can easily achieve success in any field of activity. He has a very good entrepreneurial spirit, he knows how to communicate and persuade, so he can make an excellent salesman, manager, advertising agent or consultant.

Dmitry knows how to show hard work and ingenuity, so he will turn out to be a good performer, and the leader. He easily adapts to any situation, finding personal commercial benefit everywhere.

Dmitry has a strong creative side; he can become an excellent artist, writer or politician. Overall, he is a team player and is at his best when working in a team environment. Big role What plays for him is the location of his superiors, with whom Dmitry knows how to find mutual language.

Talismans for Dmitry

  • Patron planet - Pluto and Saturn.
  • Patronizing zodiac sign is Scorpio. It is recommended to call boys born under this zodiac sign Dmitry.
  • A good time of year is autumn, a good day of the week is Tuesday.
  • Lucky colors are red, orange and blue.
  • Totem plant - elm and chrysanthemum. In the Christian tradition, the elm has always been considered a symbol of dignity, restraint, generosity and strength. Chrysanthemum symbolizes happiness and longevity, as well as a high position in society.
  • Totem animal - tiger and walrus. The tiger represents strength, speed and power, as well as nobility and good luck. The walrus is a symbol of scholarship, knowledge, determination and comprehension of the mysteries of life.
  • Talisman stone - opal and lapis lazuli. Opal is a semi-precious stone with healing properties. It calms the nerves, helps get rid of depression and insomnia, and absorbs all human illnesses and negative emotions. Lapis lazuli is a symbol of power, prosperity and success. The stone protects from evil, cleanses consciousness and mind.


Aries- a person who knows his worth, purposeful and power-hungry. Dmitry-Aries is prone to rash actions and risks; he can be immoderate in expressing his thoughts and emotions. The enormous energy of Dmitry-Aries can make him restless and even aggressive; he often forgets about his sense of tact. He easily goes against generally accepted norms if his worldview has nothing in common with them. But, despite his complex character, this man is surprisingly naive and trusting; deep down he always remains a child, for whom the world - Magic world, where he is always welcome. Dmitry-Aries has an amazing ability to quickly bounce back and pull himself together, and his faith in a wonderful future is unshakable. For all his naivety and stubbornness, Dmitry-Aries is a very faithful person, both in friendship and in love. Family life with Dmitry-Aries it will never be quiet and calm, since he loves as passionately as he hates. All scandals and quarrels will end in no less passionate reconciliation.

Taurus- a bright, active, business-like personality. He is constantly on the move, solving someone's problems, taking part in someone's fate. Dmitry-Aries may be outwardly calm, but passion is always boiling inside him, sometimes it can be irritation and anger. He is stubborn, unhurried, conservative, practical, strives for comfort and material security. Pronounced caution and decency can prevent a man from taking advantage of a good chance. Dmitry-Taurus usually stays away from any risks and adventures, preferring honest earnings. He has a huge reserve of patience, but when it runs out, Dmitry turns from a gentle calf into an angry bull. In love, this man is incredibly gentle and caring, but he is jealous, sometimes his jealousy can border on paranoia. He treats jealousy addressed to him condescendingly; it pleases his pride. Usually the marriage of Dmitry-Taurus is successful, as he is attracted by stability and constancy. In addition, he knows how to be faithful.

Twins- an artistic, charming man, with a powerful intellect and extraordinary abilities. Dmitry the Gemini can talk for hours, he has a reputation as an unstoppable babble. He is always surrounded by gossip, rumors and speculation. He loves to be the center of attention and is greedy for flattery and praise. Those around him often suspect him of hypocrisy, and for good reason. In his character, practicality and friendliness are combined with such qualities as pettiness, inconstancy and selfishness. Dmitry-Gemini is prone to deception and disorganization. But at the same time, he perfectly knows how to adapt to the situation and people, knows how to please and flatter in a timely manner. He is very susceptible to the influence of others, so he has almost no opinion of his own. They usually say about such a person - “seven Fridays a week.” Dmitry the Gemini cannot be called an exemplary family man and homebody, since even after marriage he continues to consider himself a free man and lead a wild life. He knows how to be faithful, but in his personal life he will forever remain an incorrigible egoist. His chosen one will be required to show gentleness, loyalty and condescension towards the wild lifestyle of her spouse.

Cancer- a vulnerable and dreamy personality, prone to melancholy and depression. He takes all troubles to heart, while he remains aristocratic and well-mannered person. Dmitry-Cancer's mood is unpredictable; he is an extremely vulnerable man who reacts very sharply to criticism and remarks. This person lives by the principle “if you go slower, you will go further”; he does not like risk and unpredictability. Dmitry-Cancer can be completely helpless when minor troubles arise, but when it comes to serious problems, he overcomes them step by step with steadfastness and composure. He is reliable in marriage, as he is impressed by a calm, measured, predictable life. Dmitry-Cancer treats women a little condescendingly and does not recognize women’s decrees and commands. However, his wife will live with him “like behind a stone wall,” since it is difficult to find a more faithful and sensitive person.

a lion- a proud and determined man, with a stormy temperament. He cannot imagine his life without an enthusiastic “retinue” who will extol him in every possible way. Dmitry-Lev is charismatic, always positive, never restful and unwilling to follow the lead of others. This is a powerful and noble person, in whom there is not a drop of meanness or hypocrisy, but sometimes there is vanity and even cruelty. He is a gifted ruler, he likes to protect and protect the people who depend on him. A man strives for financial independence, but elementary laziness can prevent him from achieving this. Very often, Dmitry-Lev lives beyond his means and gets into big debts, as he really loves a luxurious and carefree life. Just as Dmitry-Lev knows how to win the heart of a woman, no one knows how - flattery, compliments and expensive gifts are used beyond counting. In marriage, he completely controls his wife and can be jealous and suspicious. He is an absolute owner, but he himself is not averse to going “left”. Life with him will never be calm, so he needs a patient girl with a moderate temperament as his wife.

Virgo- a cold-blooded and reserved nature, placing high demands on both herself and others. He has a strong character, he relies on himself in everything and is ready to take responsibility for his actions. Dmitry-Virgo is a neat person and a workaholic, for whom everything must be perfect. Such perfectionism manifests itself in everything - in work, in everyday life, in friendship and love. In general, a man has a calm disposition, but he can be angered by rudeness, stupidity and vulgarity. Dmitry-Virgo knows how to make money, he will never be a poor person. He can even be called a miser, since he is used to making do with the bare necessities and is very reluctant to part with money. In his work, he is, first of all, a good performer who you can always rely on. He takes marriage seriously and is very reluctant to give up his bachelor life. He cannot be called a romantic, but peace and prosperity will always reign in his family.

Scales- a sociable, witty man, pleasant to talk to, but sometimes he has periods when he becomes irritable, capricious and angry. The duality of his nature is manifested in frequent changes of mood: he is either active, or apathetic, or hardworking, or lazy. He knows how to please and find a common language even with the most reserved people. He approaches any difficulties with a degree of optimism, but when it comes to overcoming his own obstacles in life, a man always needs help, advice and tips. Most often, Dmitry-Libra does not know how to work fruitfully alone, he tries in every possible way to avoid responsibility - he is a team player and a good performer. In love affairs, he is truly lucky, as he is a romantic and knows how to find an approach to a woman. Dmitry-Libra is a man who will never be alone; there will always be a woman next to him. It is easy to go through life with him, since the man tries in every possible way to avoid conflicts, always makes compromises, without being jealous, is caring and gentle.

Scorpion- a sensual and sophisticated person with unbending willpower and an excellent understanding of people. Dmitry-Scorpio cannot stand gossip and gossip, flattery and duplicity. His leadership qualities are best demonstrated in a leadership position. He is an excellent manipulator, able to hide his thoughts and feelings under the mask of indifference or cordiality. He knows his own worth, and therefore does not accept any criticism addressed to him, and his rancor and vindictiveness make him dangerous person. At the same time, deep down he is very vulnerable and sensitive, in need of understanding and affection like no one else. Dmitry-Scorpio is by nature prone to spontaneous actions and adventures; it is impossible to force him to obey or try to control him. In love, he is incredibly passionate and jealous; he plunges headlong into the feeling, giving himself completely and demanding the same in return. Dmitry-Scorpio can become a good spouse who will value and provide for his family. He needs a loyal woman as a wife, easy-going and unprincipled, but at the same time able to manipulate his emotions.

Sagittarius- a sincere and temperamental man who is not afraid to go against the opinions of others. Easy character and a cheerful disposition often help him out of difficult life situations; he buys his charisma and emancipation. Dmitry-Sagittarius is talkative, loves to brag, and slightly exaggerate the truth. He is enterprising, active, easily involved in work, and strives to ensure that his work is appreciated. There are always a lot of thoughts and ideas in his head, which most often remain at the project stage. Even if he manages to earn good money, the money does not stay with him, since Dmitry-Sagittarius is a big spender. Usually in this man’s life there are many women and passionate romances, but he goes down the aisle very reluctantly, since more than anything else he values ​​his freedom and independence. However, he can make an excellent family man, but on the condition that the woman does not limit his wide circle of contacts and takes on the financial support of the family.

Capricorn- an insightful person with a strong character, always knowing what he wants. There are no obstacles on his path that he could not overcome with the help of hard work, perseverance and patience. Unshakable self-confidence combined with excellent organizational skills provide him with a high position in society. Most often, Dmitry-Capricorn's profession is associated with intellectual work or scientific activity. He is a realist and he life position based on rationalism, practicality and clarity. Dmitry-Capricorn is one of those people who will always be able to provide himself and his loved ones with financial wealth, no matter what the cost. With all this, he is a rather sentimental person, but a little timid and cannot always openly admit his feelings. In marriage, he is reliable, like a rock, decent, responsible and faithful. Dmitry-Capricorn knows how to understand a woman’s inner world, her desires and values, and knows how to be lenient towards his partner’s shortcomings.

Aquarius- sensitive and vulnerable person who does not like affectation, flattery and hypocrisy. He feels lonely almost always; his strong point is communication. This person knows how to appreciate what he has accumulated, but is always open to new experiments and knowledge. He is not afraid to go against public opinion, although it cannot be said that there are no authorities for him. He values ​​emotions and new impressions much more than material values, which is why he is unlikely to ever become a rich man. In building a career, he is often hampered by lack of concentration and some isolation from reality. He is constantly late, forgets everything, and leaves important things to the last minute. As a wife, Dmitry-Aquarius needs a woman friend who is able to listen, delve into and sincerely take part in his life. Responsibility is not characteristic of him, this man will not understand the intricacies female soul. He is honest in relationships, does not accept betrayal, and if interest in a woman disappears, he will tell her about it directly.

Fish- extraordinary Attractive man, soft and graceful, the favorite of fate. He often dwells in dreams and daydreams, he has many ambitious plans, but most often they remain just plans and dreams. Dmitry-Pisces is naturally endowed with many talents, he is a creatively gifted person, and if he manages to realize himself, he can become very successful person. In life, he is not a fighter, but rather a contemplator, therefore he needs more patronage and support. strong personality. He is vulnerable, picky and touchy, and takes criticism very hard. But at the same time, he remains a sincere person who knows how to sympathize and empathize. Next to him there should be a faithful and delicate woman who can be a support and support for her weak-willed husband and can instill in him optimism and self-confidence. IN family relationships Dmitry-Pisces will show the clarity, gentleness and unselfishness characteristic of his character.

The name Dmitry has Greek roots, which means farmer, fruit of the earth. Its origin in Rus' after the adoption of Christianity is known; it also became widespread among Catholics. Princes and kings called their sons by this name, and currently it does not lose its popularity.

It's energetic strong name, patron of men is the Great Martyr Dmitry of Thessaloniki, name day November 8th. Memorial Day of Dmitry Donskoy June 1, famous commander also canonized. At baptism the boy receives the name Dimitri. The babies are affectionately called Dima, Dimochka, Dimulya, Dimka, Dimon, Dimushka, Dimusya, Mitya, Mitenka, Mityusha, Mityunya, Mityai.

Dimochka’s luck number is 7, it brings him a bright and dynamic life. The talisman stone is opal and lapis lazuli. Opal has magical properties, symbolizes reliable friendship. The black stone brings good luck and happiness to the owner, saves from nervous diseases and disorders. Lapis lazuli helps bring your plans to life, cleanses the aura, and brings passion to relationships. Relieves negative thoughts and anxiety.

Favorable colors for Dmitry are blue and red, the element is earth, and the patron planet is Saturn and Pluto. The name will give a person positive qualities if it is given to a boy born under the sign of Scorpio.

Totem animals – tiger and walrus. The tiger symbolizes strength and success, justice and fearlessness. He quickly protects his own from his enemies. But in Asian countries he is credited with such qualities as bloodthirstiness, aggression, and evil. The walrus allows you to comprehend the mystery of existence and find your place in life.

Elm, chrysanthemum and rowan bring good luck to Dima. Elm represents dignity, support, strength, as well as modesty and unpretentiousness in life. Rowan gives a person modesty, it protects the family from poverty, and protects relationships. Chrysanthemum is a symbol of love and sadness. In China, this flower is allowed to be worn only by members of the imperial family, as the personification of dignity, power, and high position.

Silver jewelry is suitable for Dimka; it allows you to achieve harmony with yourself, gives eloquence and imparts divine wisdom. This metal protects the owner from negative manifestations.

Meaning of the name

The meaning of the name Dmitry varies depending on the time of year of birth. Born in winter, a man is very ambitious, has leadership qualities, strives to prove himself with the best side in every way.

Spring brings stubbornness and unpredictability, Dima spring is always in search of the best.

Emotionality and hot temper- distinctive character traits of Dmitry, born in the summer. He has poor impulse control, and this often greatly interferes with his life and love.

Autumn brings calmness and practicality to the character. Such people easily earn a lot of money and spend it just as easily.


By nature, Dmitry is choleric, very impulsive and withdrawn. Often guided by emotions, he is not distinguished by tact and diplomacy, and likes to cut from the shoulder. Straightforwardness interferes with building smooth relationships, both in the family and at work. Intuition is well developed; he is guided in making decisions by his feelings.

Does not accept lies and hypocrisy, is generous and sympathetic with friends. He believes in his ideals, does not like conflicts, and tries with all his might to avoid them.

He has an excellent sense of humor, which allows him to smooth out rough edges in relationships. He doesn’t remember the evil for a long time and quickly moves away. Loves to be the center of attention, but at the same time does not reveal his feelings.


In many ways, Dmitry's fate depends on what name he is most often called. Dima and Dmitry always strive to achieve their goals, and he does it well.

They are not careerists, but fortune favors the owners of this name, which is why there are a lot of leaders among the Dmitrievs.

The name Mitya is more calm, little Mitya is prone to stress and melancholy. Growing up, one becomes dependent on public opinion, therefore, is not capable of serious actions. He gives in easily to pressure. The parents and environment decide what to call the child named Dmitry.


In relationships, Dima is not decisive; he must be sure that the feelings are mutual. Uncertainty makes him weak and unsettled. The character is jealous and can find even an insignificant reason to break off a relationship. He is in no hurry to get married early; he must be confident in his chosen one.

He treats his family with reverence, is very attached to children, spends time with them free time. Even after the divorce he participates in their lives. But Dmitry’s wife has a hard time, he’s like Small child stubborn and capricious, requires attention and participation. Shows feelings sparingly and is selfish.

If Dimochka does not learn to compromise and does not become more open in expressing her feelings, sooner or later the marriage will fall apart. A man’s jealousy and explosive character contribute to this.

Mitenka has good compatibility with women named Anna, Natalya, Elena, Lyubov, Marina, Olesya, Yana. Marriage with representatives of the fair sex named Ekaterina, Sophia, Christina, Polina, Yulia, Zhanna promises to be short-lived.


Dima is a born technician by nature. He is more likely to choose a profession related to computers and other equipment, and will achieve a lot in this area.

A lively analytical mind will allow Dimochka to become an excellent programmer, engineer, and inventor. He never gets involved in dubious matters, but sometimes emotionality takes precedence over prudence, which can end badly.

Dima knows how to work with people, he will make an excellent leader, lively, disciplined, efficient and hardworking. He is able to clearly and competently distribute responsibilities and outline the scope of work. Rational thinking and the ability to adapt will help him easily navigate difficult situations.

Can perform well in creative work. Dmitry is a team player; he prefers to act together. He has business acumen, but success in business awaits him only if he learns to control his emotions and act independently. Because relying on others in business is not always the right decision. Success awaits him in medicine, law, sports, and politics.

The mystery of the name

Dmitriy- belonging to Demeter (ancient Greek), the Greek goddess of fertility and patroness of agriculture.
The Russian form of the name Dmitry is very popular, in terms of prevalence it is on par with Andrey, second only to Alexander, Sergey and Alexey.
Zodiac name: Scorpion.
Planet: Saturn.
Name color: purple.
Talisman stone: lapis lazuli.
Auspicious plant: rowan, chrysanthemum.
Patron name: walrus
Happy day: Tuesday.
Happy time of year: autumn.
Main features: independence, temperament.


Dimitri Basarbovsky (Bassarabovsky) Bulgarian, Rev., November 8 (October 26).
Dmitry Dabudsky, martyr, November 28 (15).
Dimitry Donskoy, Grand Duke, June 1 (May 19). Born in 1350. According to the chronicle, “he brought all the princes under his power, and those who did not obey his will, he began to encroach on them.” Under him, Moscow established its leadership position in Russian lands. Glorified for centuries as the conqueror of the Tatars, although he domestic politics in curbing civil strife is even more remarkable.
Demetrius of Constantinople, martyr, August 22 (9).
Dimitry Prilutsky, Vologda, noisy, February 24 (11).
Dimitry Rostovsky, Metropolitan, June 5 (May 23), October 4 (September 21), November 10 (October 28). He wrote the “Cheti-Minea”, that is, the lives of the saints for the entire year, and many other soul-saving books (late 17th-early 18th centuries)
Demetrius of Salaminisky (Cyprus), deacon, martyr priest, July 3 (June 20).
Demetrius of Skepsia (Hellespont), prince, martyr, September 24 (11).
Dimitry Uglichsky and Moscow, Tsarevich, May 28 (15), June 5 (May 23), June 16 (3).
Demetrius of Thessaloniki (Thessalonian), Myrrh-streaming, Great Martyr, November 8 (October 26). He was the son of the Roman proconsul in Thessaloniki (modern Thessaloniki, or, as the Slavs called them, Thessaloniki). Dmitry's father and mother were secret Christians, the boy was baptized in a secret house church and taught in the Christian faith. After the death of his father, the already adult Demetrius was summoned by Galerius Maximilian, who ascended the throne. In 306, convinced of his education and abilities, he appointed him in his father’s place as proconsul of the Thessalonian region. Having accepted the appointment, Dmitry confessed Jesus Christ in Thessalonica and began to openly teach the inhabitants of the city the Christian faith, eradicate pagan customs and idolatry. Having learned about this, Maximilian became angry and went with the army to Thessalonica. Demetrius, having learned about this, distributed his property, devoted himself to fasting and prayer, preparing to accept the crown of martyrdom. When the emperor entered the city, Demetrius boldly confessed himself to him as a Christian. Maximilian ordered him to be imprisoned. The emperor staged gladiator games and watched as his favorite strongman, a German named Liy, threw warriors of the Christians he had defeated in the fight from the platform onto spears. The brave young man Nestor came to his mentor Demetrius in prison and asked for his blessing to fight the barbarian. With the blessing of the saint, Nestor overpowered the German and threw him off the platform onto the spears of the soldiers, just as a pagan threw off Christians. The emperor ordered the immediate execution of Nestor and Demetrius. In 306 they were stabbed to death with spears in prison. From the 7th century, at the tomb of St. Demetrius, a miraculous outflow of the holy myrrh began, in connection with which the Great Martyr Demetrius received the name Myrrh-Streaming. Dmitry Solunsky is especially revered Slavic peoples, in Russian epics he is portrayed as Russian by origin - this is how his image merged with the soul of the Russian people. The veneration of Dmitry of Thessalonica in Rus' dates back to the times of Epiphany. In the 11th century, the Dmitrievsky Monastery was built in Kyiv, in the 12th century - the Dmitrievsky Cathedral in Vladimir, in the 13th century - in Moscow. The memory of Saint Demetrius in Rus' was associated with military feats, patriotism and defense of the Fatherland. On icons the saint is depicted as a warrior in armor with a spear and sword in his hands. On the scroll was written a prayer with which Saint Demetrius addressed God for the salvation of his native Thessaloniki: “Lord, do not destroy the city and the people. If you save the city and the people, I will be saved with them; if you destroy them, I will perish with them.”


On November 8, St. Demetrius Day in Rus', a wake is held for the deceased. Dmitrov week is called parenting week. The establishment of this commemoration belongs to the Grand Duke Donskoy, who, having won the famous victory in 1380 in the Battle of Kulikovo over the Tatars, decided that on the first Saturday before the saint's day an ecumenical memorial service would be held for all those who died on the battlefield.
If November 8 is cold and snowy, then spring is late and cold, and if there is a thaw, then winter and spring are warm.
If Dmitriev's day is in the snow, then Holy Easter is in the snow, and Dmitriev's day is in the snow, and Holy Easter is in the snow.


Little Dmitry is adored by his family and is exclusively called Mitya. He is a kind, easy-going boy, calm and diligent, therefore, if the family in which he grows up attaches importance to education, in the future he will prove himself in the scientific field. At school he gains independence and even self-will. However, he may follow the lead of not very good friends, especially since he prefers to be friends with older boys.

Adult Dmitry is charming, brave and cruel. Resentment and injustice infuriate him, he recklessly attacks the offender, without thinking about the consequences, for which he is often punished. It is difficult to be friends with him, he is proud, strives always and everywhere to be the best and unsurpassed. However, he has friends, and they are loyal to each other.

Unusual activity, temperament, and a stubborn, strong-willed character will help Dmitry achieve success in show business, ballet, and politics. As an artist, he can charm crowds of fans; he has the magic of acting; a politician will also achieve success. He is practical, knows the value of money, can be a dentist, or work in trade. Most often, Dmitry is the leader. “Winter”, having special fighting qualities, must be a leader. Dmitry has been accustomed to discipline since childhood and demands the same from others. He is hardworking, has a cold analytical mind, and draws conclusions only after thoroughly studying the situation.

Dmitry loves coziness, comfort, various pleasures, beautiful women. He likes to drink, but he doesn't have a particular addiction to alcohol.

Sexual maturity comes to him very early, but his lack of restraint in conversation and his energy, which tends to quickly splash out, do not provide the opportunity for easy success. Dmitry is very amorous, until his old age it is difficult for him to limit himself, he often remarries. He loves children and takes care of those born in previous marriages. Even in adulthood, his mother has a great influence on him; he takes care of her touchingly. Dmitry is happiest in his marriage to Anna, Elena, Lyubov, Lyudmila, Natalya.

P.A. Florensky said about Dmitry:

“Dmitry has a significant character and overall appearance, in some of his capabilities often exceeding the measure of humanity and even humanity.”

Surname: Dimitrievich, Dmitrievich, Dimitrievna, Dmitrievna.


Dmitry Grigorievich Levitsky (1737-1822) - the largest Russian portrait painter of the 18th century, belonged to the circle of leading representatives of Russian culture. His friendship with outstanding cultural figures of education - I.I. Novikov, A.N. Radishchev, G.R. Derzhavin had a huge influence on the nature of creativity. The extensive gallery of images of his contemporaries created by him testifies to the diversity of the painter’s creative interests in the portrait genre, both in the nature of the portraits - chamber, ceremonial, portrait-paintings - and in the faces depicted in them. But until the end of his life, the artist gave preference to ceremonial portraits, painting them with dazzling brilliance and pomp.

The most significant of Dmitry Levitsky's works is a series of portraits of students of the Smolny Institute, which had just been founded by Catherine II. The artist worked on this order of the empress, unprecedented in scope and complexity, designed to perpetuate Catherine’s achievement in educating young people in 1773-1776.

On six huge canvases, Levitsky deploys a dazzling luxury of colorful combinations, always new, never repeated, striking in their sophistication: dark brown is juxtaposed with blue, pale coffee with pink, sparkling white with deep green... The artist is masterfully, convincingly conveys a variety of materials for ballroom and masquerade dresses of girls - thick silks, light veils, muslin aprons. The artist openly shows that girls only play at being society ladies, they are cheerful and spontaneous, clumsy and graceful, they are charming with their sparkling youthful joy.

A number of the artist’s works are realistic in nature. The portrait of a priest, painted in 1779, is particularly profound. There is a special warmth in his attitude towards the model, a shade of involuntary bitterness at the sight of the destruction that merciless time causes to a person. But, noting the external signs of fading - wrinkles, watery eyes with inflamed eyelids, gray hair - the portrait painter reveals others: the nobility of spiritual wisdom, wealth life experience. Dark colors clothing and background highlight the face illuminated by light and emphasize the concentrated seriousness of the portrait. Here too, the artist retains the sonority of color - dark cherry and olive in the depiction of the cassock.

In Russian painting of the 18th century, portraits of old people are very rare. They usually had an allegorical meaning: for example, they could personify winter in the “Seasons” cycles. Dmitry Levitsky gave a rare example of understanding old age as a period of life that has independent value. The time of withering emphasizes the spiritual virtues of a person wise in life.

The diversity and objectivity of Dmitry Grigorievich Levitsky's creativity allowed him to create a school; he taught at the Academy of Arts and had private students. His students correctly took into account the most valuable thing that the artist brought with him: the truth of life.

Dmitry is translated from ancient Greek as “dedicated to Demeter” (the goddess of agriculture and fertility).

History of the origin of the name Dmitry

Dmitry is a very popular men's Russian name, which has Greek origin. The interpretation of the name is associated with the Greek word “Demetrios”, which means “dedicated” or “belonging” to Demeter. IN ancient greek mythology Demeter is the goddess of fertility and the patroness of agriculture, so the name Dmitry is often associated with the meaning of “farmer”, “fruit of the earth”. The name came to Russian soil from Byzantium and very soon became widespread among all segments of the population, and remains popular to this day. By church calendar- Dimitri. The patron saints of Dmitry are considered to be the holy Grand Duke Dmitry Donskoy - the protector of family and home, healing from mental and physical suffering, the great martyr Dmitry Prilutsky, canonized, Dmitry Thessalonica - the great martyr who suffered for the Christian faith, as well as many other saints who resigned their trace in the history of the Russian church.

Short form of the name: Dima, Dimon, Dimasik, Dimulya, Dimchik, Dimka, Mitya, Mityai.

The meaning and characteristics of the name Dmitry

The name Dmitry is energetically strong, carrying both calmness, reliability and impulsiveness. Boys named Dima are similar to their mother, both externally and internally, maintaining a strong spiritual connection with her throughout their lives. Since childhood he has been capricious, demanding of others, and has an unstable nervous system. His mood can change quickly: from a sudden attack of whim to violent fun. With age he becomes calmer, more patient and more restrained, but at the most unexpected moment Dmitry can “explode” and give free rein to his emotions. Resentment and injustice can throw him off balance and make him furious. Having learned to restrain his emotions and energy, Dmitry becomes strong-willed, efficient and persistent. It is these qualities that help him achieve considerable victories in life.

Character traits of the name Dmitry

Dmitry is a strong-willed, sociable, practical person with a flexible character. He is always open to communication, but does not tolerate lies and injustice, is impulsive, and openly expresses aggression. He is not vindictive by nature, so he tries to erase the offender from his life and stops communicating with him. He has subtle intuition; as a rule, all Dmitrys are naturally gifted, but not everyone can realize their talents in life. They are straightforward and categorical in their statements, sometimes they lack a sense of tact and diplomacy, which negatively affects their communication with others and people close to them.

Dmitry is friendly, good-natured, he has many loyal friends who value him for his excellent sense of humor, love of life and willingness to help. difficult situations. Some owners of this name become withdrawn and have an analytical mind, but most of them are choleric, prone to risk, adventure, often reckless and show excessive courage. Dmitry goes towards his goal without seeing obstacles and without thinking about the consequences of his actions. One of his shortcomings is that he wants to get all the benefits of life at once, in one jerk, and does not know how to achieve what he wants by performing confident, deliberate actions. Prefers to solve problems and achieve goals with one, but powerful blow. Despite his determination and a strong character, Dima really needs the support of people who believe in him, then he is ready to move mountains. In the absence of support in life, in case of failure or defeat, he may become addicted to alcohol and lose faith in himself. Becoming withdrawn, he prefers to keep heartache in itself.

Dmitry, born in summer, endowed with excessive emotionality, it is difficult for them to control their emotions, which sometimes simply go “off scale”. Emotional outbursts lead to negative consequences and are reflected both in his career and in his personal life, complicating relationships with his significant other. Summer Dimas are amorous, jealous and selfish; it is difficult for them to create a strong and friendly family.

Winter Dmitrys are distinguished by their ambitious nature and have leadership qualities that manifest themselves in their personal lives and when achieving their goals in life.

Dmitry, born in autumn, is a practical and rational man. He is a family man who strives to provide for his family. Not greedy, knows how to both heat up money and happily spend it on beautiful clothes, rest, things needed for the family.

Spring Dimas are stubborn, capricious and unpredictable. These are people who are always in search of the unknown, new, and exciting. Great importance devotes himself to self-education, is very intelligent and witty.

Family and love relationships of Dmitry

Dima is amorous and romantic. A new feeling and emotions capture him quickly, but his interest in the chosen one, whose heart he has conquered, also quickly fades away. When seeking a lady's favor, he is not afraid to face difficulties; he is used to getting what he wants. Possessing high moral values, they enter into their first intimate relationship late; already in adulthood, they think about missed opportunities and actively try to make up for them. They have a moderate temperament, are charming and courteous with women, and know how to impress them. Dmitry often has several marriages, but there are also inveterate bachelors for whom the authority in life is their mother; no woman can compare with her to become his wife. Dima loves beautiful people well-groomed women, appreciates comfort, coziness, loves to receive sensual pleasure. I'm not used to limiting myself in anything. Before marriage, he easily starts new relationships, falls in love, often changes his likes, and looks for the one and only one with whom he wants to connect his life. He chooses a thrifty, charming and smart woman, capable of giving not only affection and tenderness and creating comfortable living conditions in the house. He dreams that his chosen one will take care of him, please him in everything, fulfilling his desires, although he himself can be selfish and stingy in showing love, attention, tender words, which upsets your other half. Dmitry is jealous and suspicious, although he himself is prone to cheating, therefore, as a rule, he has several marriages, and he will sincerely love each of his wives. Even after breaking up with his wife, he tries to maintain friendly relations with her, and is touchingly attached to his children, whom he cares for all his life.

Choice of profession, Business, Dmitry’s career

Dmitry will have success in entrepreneurship and business. He is a strategist with logical thinking and excellent intuition. However, Dmitry should avoid adventurous, risky situations that could unsettle him. In Dmitry's life there are both ups and downs, in any life situation he is able to make the right and correct decision. Dmitry is inventive and hardworking, inclined towards technical sciences. He can become a successful engineer, programmer, web designer, architect, designer, doctor, researcher. His decisive character, fearlessness is useful in such professions as stunt coordinator, race car driver, Dmitry often becomes athletes.

Sociability and openness to communication help to achieve heights in professions related to communicating with people and occupy leadership positions. Possesses creative abilities, among men with the name Dmitry there are talented artists, composers, writers, actors and singers.

Dmitry's health

Dmitry has been susceptible to colds and respiratory diseases since childhood. Tonsillitis, tonsillitis, and laryngitis are not uncommon for him. With age, his body becomes stronger and he practically does not catch colds. He takes care of himself, is very suspicious in matters of health, and always follows all the recommendations of the attending physician. In old age, heart problems are possible, so it is worth paying attention Special attention prevention of cardiovascular diseases.

Name Dmitry for a child

Dima is a capricious child whose mood often changes. Requires attention and care. Dima is my mother’s favorite, similar to her in appearance and character. Mothers pamper the baby, protect him from difficulties in every possible way, he grows up in love, affection, all his whims and whims are immediately fulfilled. Can throw a tantrum in a store, demanding the desired toy. Parents should teach their child patience and make it clear that not everything in this life can be achieved right away. Dima idolizes his mother and maintains a spiritual connection with her into adulthood. Dima is sociable and kind child, he has many friends, he is able to stand up for himself and protect a friend from an attack by an offender. Loves justice.

IN school years grows up to be an active, capable boy. He strives for knowledge, has mental abilities, he has every chance of becoming an excellent student. Dima is characterized by the desire to be the best in everything and achieve success in any business. Teachers encourage his hard work, perseverance, and prudence. Loves active sports, outdoor recreation, hiking and adventure. Dmitry often attends sports sections and clubs; he tends to completely immerse himself in his hobby, to which he devotes all his free time.

In adolescence, he becomes capricious, impulsive and hot-tempered. It is difficult for parents and teachers to find a common language and understanding with him. Growing up, he becomes more tolerant and tries to control his emotions.

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