Dmitry Olenin Instagram in contact. Dmitry Olenin leaves work through the back door

11:50 10.07.2008

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Exclusive photo report by special website correspondent Kirill Zykov His voice is familiar to all listeners of Russian Radio. What does the owner of this voice look like, what does he live outside of?

Exclusive photo report by special correspondent for the website Kirill Zykov

His voice is familiar to all listeners of Russian Radio. Not everyone knows what the owner of this voice looks like or what he does outside of airtime. But today we will talk about privacy Dmitry Olenin. For more than three years now, Dima Olenin has been one of the most popular DJs in the capital. He has conquered the world's best venues, and it is unlikely that the audience rocking out to his tracks would think that behind the console is not a professional musician, but an ordinary guy who simply knows how to set goals and achieve them with his own work.

Dmitry: I started DJing after I visited Spain, where I fell in love with a DJ, fell in love with her music, and then met her. And I say: “I want this music to be in Moscow, no one plays such music in Moscow.” She says, “So be a DJ.” And I somehow thought: “Why not?”

KM TV: Does love often play such a significant role in your life? You say that you fell in love, and that’s it - an infatuation immediately appeared. In general, what role does love play in your life?

Dmitry: You always know that you can return to Moscow, and there is love there. That is, you come, you lie down like this, they hug you, and everything immediately becomes good. Most likely, this is a calming moment.

Love brought him to the radio station’s studio. Dima came to the radio because he really wanted his mother to be proud of him.

Dmitry: It was winter, I came home in the evening, and my mother said to me in a serious voice: “Come here, I need to talk to you.” And I think my mother found out that I smoke. And mom says: “Anya came.” "Which?" - “Well, Anya Turchaninova.” And Anya lives on the other side of the city. It was about minus thirty outside, and we agreed that she would come to visit me. She arrived, but I was not at home, I was walking somewhere. And my mother says: “You have the wind in your head, and even Anya said that you have the wind in your head, you will never achieve anything in your life.”

Dmitry (speaking on air): Hello everyone! My name is Dmitry Olenin, you are listening to Russian Radio. I will be happy to spend the next four hours with you. I wish you all a great day, Have a good mood, feeling wonderful. And let there be a smile on your face, seeing which all your enemies will die of envy. Have a good day to you, may everything be fine with you!

And I wish the same for KM TV viewers. Dmitry Olenin is with you right now. Hello.

Radio by day, music by night. It seems that Dima Olenin does not sleep at all, and everyone has already gotten used to it. But it was not always so. He likes that only memories remain from the past.

Dmitry: I studied to be an automated control system programmer, this is an automated control system, but at the same time I also danced professionally. I left dancing and got on the radio, plunged into the world of music and realized that this was mine. When I was in fifth grade, I asked the teacher who taught computer science: “Can I come to you?” She says: “You will study computer science in the 9th grade, when you study it, then come.” - “Well, that’s how I want it, I like it now.” She says: “Okay, come to extracurricular classes, but I won’t explain anything to you.” And I came and looked at programs that were popular at that time, for example, those written using BASIC, which high school students wrote, and no one explained anything to me, I looked at it myself, and I began to succeed, I began to write programs. And I was also interested in graphics, drawings, etc. I wrote a program that consisted of 15 lines, it was a solution program quadratic equations. Then I just entered the variables from the textbook and solved it. I received answers, I see, they are correct, correct.

Dima is an honest and kind person. He won’t take someone else’s, but he won’t give away his own either. From difficult situations he knows how to go out with his head held high.

Dmitry: I am a conflict person, but I just know how to resolve these conflicts so that they give some positive result. Because if you just scream, nothing will happen.

Now Dima even has his own army - an army of envious people. No wonder he always succeeds. The secret of success is luck, without it, of course, you can’t go anywhere. But luck alone won't get you far. He approaches everything with soul. Maybe that's why he manages to achieve excellent results? Even in programming he saw interesting game.

Dmitry: Programs serve creativity. The fewer lines, the better the program, the better programmer you are. This is appreciated. This is some kind of element of creativity - writing a program, there are some tricks. Creative profession In fact.

KM TV: Has it completely disappeared from your life, or are you still interested in something like that?

Dmitry: I rather now use the computer more in terms of music: write my own music, do something like that. Nowadays they make such programs when there is no need at all musical education, you just assemble music like a construction set, and that’s it. This, of course, is not serious, but just a blunder and you can make music.

A blunder is not for him. If Dima takes on something, he will work with full responsibility. And when it comes to music, he simply lives for it.

Dmitry: I periodically travel around Europe, and when I come to any country, I will definitely find there a music shop, I'll buy records. Here last time I was in Cologne, and before that in Brussels. I arrived and asked: “Where is your record store?” I went and found a store and bought a lot of records. I came here and was very pleased, they say, I was now in Brussels, here are the new records. And he played them with pleasure. It's much cheaper for a DJ to play from a CD, because buying one track on the Internet costs two dollars, buying one record costs 12 euros. That is, one record is one song, one track. That is, I spend 12 euros on one song, and a DJ who plays from a CD buys himself a whole collection with these 12 euros.

His personal taste preferences are unchanged. And as a DJ, he tries to keep up with the times. Conscientiousness and curiosity are never superfluous, and thanks to this, Dima increases his level of professionalism.

Dmitry: My favorite music is jazz. As for club music, it should all be positive, only positive, fun, people don’t need problems. There is music that is stressful, but the people who came here to the club came to rest, relax, and throw out their emotions. And I, as a DJ, give them this opportunity, because my music is all positive. The love for jazz remains to this day. The attitude towards club music is changing a little, that is, I began to understand the nuances. If I used to say, “Oh, what a blast,” now I know the subtleties, I can explain why one of the two tracks, seemingly identical at first glance, is better than the other.

Now he can explain not only this. Especially for KM TV viewers, Dima gave a short excursion into the world of DJing.

Dmitry: Dear TV viewers, guys, with all my heart I express one big request, because there is such a law of meanness: someone always comes up to ask something from the DJ at that very crucial moment, at those very 20 seconds when you can’t distract him. So, no need to be distracted. Let's go. All there is here is standard set, but it is considered the best. Of course, you can show off and put something cooler, but there is no point. Standard “Technix”, these are vinyl players from about seventy years ago, they haven’t changed much since then, that’s what they are, that’s how they are. The Pioneer company also produced turntables at one time, but stopped producing them, and now only Technics, they are the best. “Pioneer” is called “thousander” because the model is “DJ 1000”. The Pioneer remote control is the most convenient and most reliable device, the sound quality is good, the most convenient and easy to use for DJs. This is how it all sits. Just two years ago everything would have been the other way around, there would have been a remote control, vinyl turntables and a CD. Nowadays, since most DJs play from CDs (unlike me, I'm still old school, I play mostly records), they play CDs and vinyl. Why do you need a third vinyl player? First one song plays, then the second, in turn. The third player is needed to add some sound, an a cappella song to decorate your set. These are very smart machines that DJ Olenin still doesn’t know how to use.

Dima belongs to the old school of DJs. And it's not a matter of experience. The main thing here is technique.

Dmitry: We all studied physics at school, what sound is. Sound is a wave. Digital audio- this is the encoding on the CD, i.e. the binary number system. This is a set of 1s and 0s, i.e. 1, 0, 1, 0. If you depict this on a scale, then it will be such a step. Here is a CD - these are steps. Vinyl consists of glass and track. The track exactly copies the musical wave, not in squares, but as it is. Due to this, the sound is softer, more rounded and rich, juicy. A CD still makes the sound a little flat, adds high frequencies, and the sound is not so deep and rich, so to speak. If you lift my suitcase - a seemingly small bag - you will feel that it is heavy. Weighs 26 kg. And always at the airport, when they ask “Do you have luggage?”, we answer: “No, we only have hand luggage.” And we pretend that he weighs 4 kg. Hard.

heavy in it musical activity generally a lot. But Dima learned to deal with these difficulties - either experience helps, or his character is like that.

KM TV: Are there any fears? So you go out to the public, should there still be fear of the audience?

Dmitry: Yes. The DJ must understand what music he likes the most in order to play it next.

Now Dima will definitely not disappear. If anything, you can always apply to become a psychologist. After all, with such passion he learned to feel people, to see right through them.

Dmitry: The Moscow public is generally very cheerful and positive. She is lazy and really likes something funky and fun. St. Petersburg has a completely different audience. There people will rush to the club, even if it is located 40 km from the city, far away. Our Muscovites, if the club is located outside the Garden Ring, will not go there. They need someone to leave one club, cross the road here, and end up in another. Our audience is very slow-moving and very shy about their emotions.

People can't let you down. The public either likes the DJ or they don't. But with technology, things are much more complicated.

Dmitry: When you come to an unfamiliar city, a club, one thing doesn’t work, the other doesn’t work, you feel uncomfortable here. Instead of thinking about what track to play, you think about how it would finish playing here, how it wouldn’t go away, squeak, buzz, etc. Such moments happen.

But Dima doesn’t care. For him, the whole process has a special meaning.

Dmitry: This is not self-expression, that is, something from which one gets pleasure. People enjoy the fact that they came to dance, some eat barbecue in nature, others sit at home watching TV. My pleasure is when there is a dance floor full of people, I play, and everyone does it like this. I achieve this every time. I try to get in and guess the musical tastes of these people. And when it works out, it’s a thrill.

There is no time left for other pleasures. Therefore, they, pleasures, have a strict hierarchy. The next thing Dima prefers...

Dmitry: Sleep.

KM TV: Do you like to sleep? And it would seem that a night dweller...

Dmitry: The fact of the matter is that I don’t have enough time to sleep, so when I have the opportunity to sleep, I do it with great pleasure, with greed. In general - music, music, music.

Dreams that come true have a special property: they become reality. And routine always goes side by side with reality. Therefore, even the most long-awaited life It might just get boring.

Dmitry: I’m already thinking that I need to quit. After all, I have television, I have radio. But I can not.

Dima Olenin is used to setting goals and achieving them with his own work. And maybe the secret is that his goals are not selfish?

Dmitry: I want to get some sleep. But in fact, my dream is this: I want to become a good DJ, I want to make good project, good group musicians. Do something that will bring joy to others, so that you can have a celebration.

What are the most common myths you know about radio hosts? Most likely, young people with complexes go into this profession. Poor thing! He probably didn’t show his face, since he has to hide behind the radio microphone all the time. The radio host plays the role of toastmaster - while entertaining the listeners, he hides his nature away. And, definitely, any radio presenter dreams of getting on television! Do you also have a similar opinion about people in this profession? But your opinion is wrong! Just look at the Golden voice of the most popular radio in the country - Russian Radio.

So, we present to you Dmitry Olenin, the host of the “Desk of Orders” on Russian Radio (everything will be fine), his velvety baritone will be recognized by fans of such programs as “Teachers vs. Classmates” and “Game without Words.” Most likely, more than one fan of his voice convinced herself of his “probably repulsive appearance.” However, Dmitry Olenin, to our humble taste, looks like a god. Or Barbie's worthy husband. As for other stereotypes, after talking with the presenter, we debunked them too. Are you saying that behind the radio microphone there is an insecure clown-toastmaster who is cracking jokes? But Dmitry Olenin claims that he opens his soul to his listeners, without embellishing the truth one bit. And, you know, we believe him - there is no reason not to believe him.

Regarding the last stereotype, they say, a bad radio presenter who would not dream of becoming a television broadcaster, we also have something to say. Even until recently, Dmitry refused tempting offers to go on a wide television screen - they say, he values ​​​​his personal time very much in order to devote the whole day to filming, as he explained. However, either he refused badly, or they asked very strongly - as a result, we have a co-host of the “Cosmopolitan” program. Video version" on the TNT channel and the host of the "Cultural Exchange" program on "TV Center". Olenin also often appears at the Comedy Club, Comedy Woman and other TNT programs. His handsome face can be seen on the channels RU TV and Muz-TV, MTV and MusicBox. He took an active part as an expert in the filming of Channel One programs, the Rossiya 1 and Domashny channels, and was a member of the Russian jury famous competition"Eurovision".

How did he get to such a life, fame and popularity? It was only because Providence helped him. Or it was Fate. So what if his career as a radio host began on local radio? hometown Cherepovets? This did not give any right to assume that the provincial DJ had something to gain in the capital. “- You never know how many boys are like that! - Maybe a lot. But they don’t give bicycles for everyone” - you can’t say it more precisely than with a phrase from the cartoon Prostokvashino. For a boy like Dmitry Olenin, they gave not a bicycle, but a whole scooter in the form of an offer to work on the largest radio wave in the country, “Russian Radio”. Happy Dima happily agreed and immediately moved to the capital, without even changing his registration in his passport. By the way, despite the fact that he has lived in Moscow for about 10 years, his registration remains in Cherepovets.

IN this moment Dmitry, in addition to hosting radio and television projects, is a recognized musician in the house direction, his sets are heard all over the world. famous clubs Anfora and Sun-Rise (Ibiza), Heaven, Cheloe (Gran Canaria), Staff (Madrid) and Trailer (Sitges). dj O! Lenin can also boast of a Russian record - a two-hour set, which several thousand people managed to listen to, a set on the central square of Izhevsk in front of a crowd of 7,000 spectators, and a performance in Gorky Park in Moscow in front of 5,000 spectators and listeners. In addition to all other roles, Dmitry is still since then is also the most eligible bachelor, despite the comic wedding with the glamorous singer Dakota.

Dmitry Olenin - the personal life of the host of Russian Radio

Born on November 13, 1079 in Cherepovets, the popular presenter of Russian Radio and DJ Dmitry Olenin was left without parents early on. The showman's closest relatives are his older sister and nephews who live in Cherepovets. There are also cousins ​​living in different cities, so relatives are not able to meet often and spend time together. Although Dmitry hopes that the meetings of his relatives turned out to be good family tradition. Dmitry Olenin is currently not married and does not have his own children, nor does he seem to have a girlfriend. The TV presenter tries not to advertise his personal life, although he is often seen together with representatives Russian show business, novels are sometimes attributed, but Olenin himself usually remains silent on this matter.

Previously, rumors circulated that Dmitry Olenin got married and had children. However, this is not so, and the reason for the rumors was a comic wedding with the singer Dakota in 2010, many then seriously decided that the singer Dakota was the wife of Dmitry Olenin. Dakota is now married to Vlad Sokolovsky.

Dmitry Olenin loves to travel, and his curiosity and desire to try something new often prevails over his sense of fear.

: Dmitry Olenin! I hear this name so often on my favorite Russian Radio. But today we'll introduce you to a lesser known side - as a great wedding celebrant. And it is this celebration that I want to talk to you about.

: I take my wedding very seriously. I always explain to my couples that it happens once in a lifetime: you shouldn’t try to control everything, you should be responsible for the timing of the day and all the preparations. At your wedding, you need to sit down at the table and enjoy the holiday. The organizers and presenter must be responsible for everything else. Here, by the way, it is worth adding that the presenter is not an artist appearing on stage. The presenter is the person who puts together various events happening at a wedding, knows how to right time take a pause or, conversely, fill it with something.

Anna: Are there any techniques that you use most often at weddings? Maybe there is something of yours, “signature”?

Dmitriy: It's not about “proprietary” techniques. The point is that all guests should feel comfortable. But everyone is afraid of the same thing: that they will suddenly be called to give a speech, that the presenter will unexpectedly ask them to do something. That is, in a word, they are afraid of the unknown. Therefore, during gastronomic breaks, I always try to personally communicate with the guests, I warn before all toasts, I always see whether a person is ready to say something or whether it is too early to address him.

Anna: Comfort is a good thing, but sometimes there are incidental situations. Tell me, was there a time when you saved an event?

Dmitriy: There have been cases when, for one reason or another, performances by artists were delayed. In this case, you can fill the pause with some kind of interaction. Due to the fact that I work at Russian Radio, I always have a lot of fun song competitions in stock.

Anna: I know that you have your own unique approach to preparing interactive events for each wedding. What is it?

Dmitriy: To offer the couple some interactive activities, I conduct very great job. The couple and I are discussing various possible competitions, I clarify all the nuances: there are religious families, there are their own bans on some jokes. This is all done both for guests and for newlyweds, for whom it is important to know how the host will work.

Anna: What about improvisation?

Dmitriy: We do not confirm the texts word for word, but we spell out a lot so that there is no surprise for the young people. Of course, if suddenly a certain force majeure happens and I need to quickly find my bearings, then I can conduct some kind of unplanned interaction, but in this case I prefer to do something neutral that will not cause any shocking emotions in anyone, but at the same time take some time.

Anna: Last year you officiated Anna Netrebko’s wedding. Let's talk about her. What was it like working on such an important event? After all, this wedding was discussed throughout Russia.

Dmitriy: The greatest excitement was not at the wedding itself, but at the engagement, when we found out that Nikolai Baskov, who was supposed to be the host at it, would not be able to come, because he had some force majeure circumstances and did not make it to Salzburg. I was lucky enough to be at hand. I carried out the engagement, and the question of conducting the wedding no longer arose: it was unanimously decided to entrust it to me, because I already knew the guests. The issue resolved itself.

Anna: Did Anna have any interactive events at her wedding?

Dmitriy: At the wedding itself - no. It was solemn, official, in addition, there were guests from different countries, that is, it was conducted in several languages. This is a completely different format of celebration.

Anna: Were there any Russian folk performances during the evening?

Dmitriy: I was just helping Anya find artists. She called and said that for three months no one could find girls who would sing Russian folk songs. Yusif represented his country with a tea ceremony with dancing and pilaf, and Anna also wanted to show her Austrian and German colleagues how rich Russia was. So I was very happy to facilitate this and found speakers quite quickly; Anya immediately liked them.

Anna: Were there any traditional moments in the program? What do you remember most?

Dmitriy: No, there were no traditions. What I remember most is the very beautiful ceremony: the registration itself took place in one place, after which the guests rode to the wedding dinner in fifteen horse-drawn carriages.

Anna: How unusual! It must have been stunningly beautiful - such a cortege!..

Dmitriy: It is worth noting here that transport must be safe. I had such a case: the bride had to ride up to the ceremony on a beautiful white horse. And during the rehearsal, the horse bolted forward, the bride fell and severely injured her face. The wedding was eventually postponed. So it's better not to take risks.

Anna: Dim, you host star weddings, work at Russian Radio, NTV, RU TV... Do you raise your fee after each project?

Dmitriy: I know how to negotiate and am quite flexible when it comes to prices. For example, recently the mother of the groom called me from Sochi and said that almost since childhood, her son dreamed that I would be his wedding host. Of course, I came to hold this wedding because I knew that I was not just working at it, but making someone’s dream come true.

Anna: What about your rider?

Dmitriy: I practically don’t have a household rider, as such: only a hotel and an airplane. At the event I need still water for the duration of the event and lunch.

Anna: Dim, tell me what kind of wedding it is - your dream wedding?

Dmitriy: The pictures always seemed very beautiful wedding on the seashore or ocean. But I saw how it really happens: wind, sand, everyone squints from the blinding sun. To be honest, I didn't really like it. I've hosted events in castles many times: as soon as evening comes and the sun goes down, it gets very cold. So also no. I would choose one blooming garden and summer season.

Anna: Who would be the presenter?

Dmitriy: Nobody! At all my birthdays (and there are usually about 250 guests) I get asked the same question: why don’t you have a host? Why are you leading yourself? The fact is that friends come to me who haven’t seen each other for a while and just want to chat with each other. And I want them to do it for their own pleasure, without being distracted by anything or anyone. My wedding would also be friendly.

Anna: But still, there’s no way without a host at a wedding...

Dmitriy: I know! I would choose Lera Kudryavtseva. This is a person I can trust absolutely one hundred percent. She is a mega professional. I can say the same about Nonna Grishaeva and Tina Kandelaki.

Anna: You call the hosts girls, but there is such a stereotype that one girl cannot officiate a wedding.

Dmitriy: Why? The same Lera will have a wonderful wedding alone! She has enormous experience in holding events of various sizes. For example, you need to understand: there are presenters “from TV” who have no experience in hosting events. You just get a certain symbol, that is, a person whom everyone knows and with whom everyone then takes a photo. Many such media presenters are honest and ask for a partner who will actually host the event. Therefore, when choosing a presenter, you must first rely on his experience!

Participant name: Dmitry Olenin

Age (birthday): 13.11.1979

City: Cherepovets, RSFSR, USSR

Education: Cherepovets State University

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Read with this article:

Best friend celebrities, a talented radio host and simply a charming young man - this is how many people know the talented young man Dmitry Olenin. But what is he really like and how did his image develop?

Dima was born in Cherepovets in 1979. This boy with expressive eyes and delicate chestnut curls always attracted attention, especially since he was distinguished by his remarkable artistry and ability to communicate.

Unfortunately, his parents passed away early and Dima was raised by his older sister. To direct her brother’s creative energy in the right direction, she sent him to the dance section, where they predicted a great future for him in this area.

But at some point Dima became interested in programming and decided that this was his destiny.

Having finished secondary school Olenin entered Cherepovets State University specifically in the programming department and was seriously determined to receive a diploma with honors.

True, this attitude was enough for the young man exactly for the first year! After a year of training, Dmitry saw an advertisement for a casting of radio presenters for the local branch of a large station “ Russian radio"and decided to try myself in this role.

It turned out that Olenin looks very natural on the radio, listeners love him and therefore they began to prophesy a great future for him.

After working for some time in the Cherepovets department and honing his skills, Dmitry sets off to conquer the capital. At the same time, Dmitry Olenin does not change the radio station in Moscow - he continues to build a career at Russian Radio.

It should be noted that Dmitry’s popularity grew by leaps and bounds. Just a couple of years later he became one of the most popular presenters on his wavelength!

In parallel with his radio career, Olenin’s other successes should be noted. As mentioned above, he is an incredibly charming young man. If you add to this the ability to behave and communicate with any public, then the result is excellent. host of events and corporate events.

Dmitry realized this a long time ago and hosts not only private parties, but also major show business events.

Olenin has a background in beauty contests, awarding prestigious awards, conducting group concerts of pop stars.

Dmitry also has work on television. Dmitry Olenin can be seen on the RU.TV channel (this is a video version of Russian Radio) and NTV, where he hosts a provocative program about the life of celebrities “You Won’t Believe It!”

Another side of Olenin’s life is working as a DJ.

Of course, many celebrities in last years are fond of this type of art, but Dmitry’s talent in this area is not in doubt, because he has performed in the most prestigious clubs not only in Russia, but also in Europe!

Despite his external data, in personal life Dmitry is lonely - he is not officially married and has no children.

It is difficult to say what the reason for this fact is; Olenin himself always remains silent when asked about his lovers.

Dmitry Olenin jokinglywas married to singer Dakota, their wedding was not real.

Of course, there are rumors in the press about his affairs with the stars of Russian show business, but there is not a single confirmation of any of them.

Therefore, fans of this bright radio host can safely hope that someday one of them will win his heart.

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