Dmitry Malikov where he lives. Successful musician and pianist

Dmitry Malikov is, in his own way, a unique phenomenon in Russian musical world. He is both a prominent representative of show business and the classical music school.

Dmitry was born in Moscow on a harsh January day in creative family. His father was and still remains a famous musician, the founder of the VIA “Gems”, and his mother at that time was an excellent dancer, then she became one of the soloists of “Gems”. Now she serves as the director of her son's concert band.

Since the parents often toured, the grandmother was involved in raising the boy, and later his sister. “Gems,” created in 1971, quickly gained popularity and in the early 1970s literally thundered throughout the USSR.

Dima was sent to study music early - at the age of 5. In addition to music, the boy was also interested in sports and played hockey well. Despite his musical abilities, Dima was not too happy about his piano lessons; moreover, he ran away from them. His parents hired him a famous Moscow teacher who came to the Malikovs’ home. The apartment was on the first floor, and the boy simply ran away from classes through the window to play football with the guys. The indignant teacher threateningly reprimanded the grandmother for her grandson’s tricks and claimed that he would never become a musician.

However, the parents still forced the boy to sit at the piano, his father left the belt in a visible place, and Dima had to undergo training at a music school.

IN regular school He studied well, he liked school and found it easy. Dima did not have an obstinate disposition, and his grandmother’s sensitive upbringing bore fruit. Dima grew up to be a very decent and kind person.

He started performing on stage early. As second-graders, he and Volodya Presnyakov had already created their first band, in which Dima played the piano and Vova played the drums. Dmitry also often performed at school holidays. IN adolescence He already began to write songs himself, one of which he performed at one of the concerts at the age of 15.

Early success in music

After finishing the 8th grade, he entered a music school, and then he began his creative activity. He performed songs from the stage own composition and played keyboards in his father's band. His songs quickly became famous. Thanks to his talent and good appearance, he quickly gained popularity among the domestic public, especially among its female half. At the age of 20 he was already giving solo concerts at the Olimpiyskiy. Dmitry wrote songs not only for himself; his works were performed by other pop stars.

And at the age of 22 he starred in leading role in the film “See Paris and Die”, where he played almost himself.

His first album was released in 1993; after his debut, he released new discs every year until 2002.

After graduating from music school, Dmitry entered the conservatory, from which he graduated with honors in 1994.

Besides variety activities Dmitry always paid a lot of attention to classical music classes. In parallel with variety concerts he gave concerts classical works on the piano. His performances took place in Germany, and later he even released an album of instrumental music. And in 2007, Dmitry’s large-scale project called “Pianomania” saw the light of day, which is a symbiosis of classical and ethnic Russian music in a modern arrangement. Dmitry himself believes that the audience needs such a project today, since there is some decline in Russian culture, which is why it is so important to bring serious music to the masses. Major concerts were held in many cities under the auspices of this project.

Dmitry also works as a producer. One of his creations is the group Plazma, and he also produces two more young performers.

The singer is involved in charity work; in 2011 he founded the Penetrating the Heart Foundation, which helps disabled people and children with serious illnesses.

Since 2012, Dmitry has been hosting the program “ Good night, kids! He is pleased to be the host of this program; he loves to do good deeds, especially for children.

Personal life of Dmitry Malikov

Dmitry has been happily married for a long time. The first common-law wife was famous singer Natalya Vetlitskaya, but they did not live together for long and broke up on Natalya’s initiative.

At 22, he met his current wife, Elena. She is older than Dmitry and was already an accomplished designer. The beautiful Elena had to be conquered. Since 1992, they began to live together and raise Elena’s daughter from her first marriage. And in 2000, when they were born joint daughter Stefania, unexpectedly decided to get married.

When the couple came to the registry office to register the child, they were told that there would be a dash in the father column. Then Dmitry decided to get married here and now, which they did. Now my daughter is already 15 years old, and she is taking her first steps on the stage. Although Dmitry believes that his daughter’s future is not in music. The couple believes that she will become a doctor.

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Dmitry Malikov – famous singer, whose crazy popularity occurred in the 80-90s. With his compositions, Dmitry conquered women’s hearts, and the lyrics of the song: “You are alone, you are like that” stuck in the heads of fans forever.

Today Dmitry Malikov is not only popular artist, but also an actor, TV presenter, producer. The performer during his singing career collaborated with many famous and beloved folk artists. Now Dmitry himself has the title of Honored Artist, as well as People's Artist Russian Federation.

Height, weight, age. How old is Dmitry Malikov

Dmitry Malikov’s appearance still delights women today different ages. Long hair– immutable attribute appearance artist. Perhaps thanks to this hairstyle, Dmitry’s appearance has not changed over the past 20 years, but it’s hard to argue that the actor looks great at 47 years old. We can note that the artist owes his physical characteristics to his popular parents; Dmitry’s father, at 73 years old, also looks like a very vigorous, healthy man.

Height, weight, age, how old is Dmitry Malikov - these requests belong not only to the female half of fans of Dmitry’s work. Men also want to know how he manages to keep himself in great shape and maintain youth.

Biography of Dmitry Malikov

The future artist was born in 1970 in the Russian capital. The boy's popular family gave him every opportunity to develop his potential. As a child, Dmitry dreamed of becoming an athlete, went to sports clubs, and enthusiastically played football. The boy’s parents really wanted him to become a musician, but Dmitry resisted this in every possible way, disrupting music lessons with a private teacher.

When the singer’s parents were already sure that their son would never become a musician, Dmitry decided to enroll in a music school. Dmitry first began to appear in public playing the instrument at school age, and then he began experimenting, creating his own songs. Beautiful compositions young talent performed for the first time People's Artist Larisa Dolina, we can say that it was then that Dmitry Malikov’s career began. In subsequent years, the performer studied piano at the Moscow Conservatory and took his first and hesitant steps towards a career as a singer. The songs written by Dmitry were heard in the repertoire of his father’s group “Gems”, and the artist himself played keyboards in the ensemble.

The artist’s first success, three years after entering college, was brought to him by the song “Moonlight Dream” in 1988. In the same year, the young man received the “Discovery of the Year” nomination, and a few years later he gave his first solo concert. The singer was received with great cordiality and success by numerous fans at the Olimpiysky sports complex.

In subsequent years, the artist increasingly performs as a pianist. Playing the piano gives Dmitry special pleasure. With his solo programs, the artist travels throughout Germany, thereby taking root as a talented musician. Dmitry also performs as a member of the symphony orchestra “Moscow Virtuosi”, “Moscow Soloists”, as well as “VIVA Music”.

The instrumental concerts given by Dmitry Malikov in the 2000s throughout the country contain ethnic melodies with modern interpretation.

As a composer, Dmitry has presented many great shows. The shows “Pianomania” and “Symphonicmania” are the most bright projects, in the career of a composer.

The biography of Dmitry Malikov is very remarkable. During his career as a singer, Dmitry has released 17 full albums, as well as another 11 compilation albums, the last of which was released last year.

As an actor, Dmitry Malikov proved himself in the film “See Paris and Die,” where he played a pianist.

Dmitry Malikov became a laureate All-Russian competitions and bonuses. To date, the musician and singer has won 15 awards.

Personal life of Dmitry Malikov

During his successful life, Dmitry probably has a large number of novels. The singer became popular at a very early age, and thanks to this he had many fans and admirers of his work.

Most likely, Dmitry’s modesty did not allow him to talk about the relationships in his life. The singer, as a person who has gained great popularity, is very protective of his personal space. Today it is reliably known that personal life Dmitry Malikov has a couple of long-term Serious relationships.

Family of Dmitry Malikov

Popular artist was born into a family of very famous people. People's favorite Yuri Fedorovich Malikov also has musical education, it was he who ultimately influenced the choice future profession own son. Malikov Sr. is the leader of the Gems group, whose songs are known and sung by the entire former Soviet Union. The team was incredibly popular, and its ranks included the most talented and famous creative people. The team exists to this day. The ensemble has been collaborating with the Melodiya label throughout its entire creative career. Of course, now it no longer has its former popularity, but their songs still cause awe at the first chords heard. Star Father Dmitry has many awards from the Union and the Russian Federation.

The artist’s mother Lyudmila Mikhailovna also a famous person in the world of art. The first music hall dancer in Moscow, as well as the soloist of her husband’s group, “Gems”. The singer was raised in the company of popular people, loud music and concerts, so we can say that Dmitry Malikov’s family completely predetermined his future fate.

The artist also has Native sister- Inna Malikova. The girl also chose music as her life’s work; the singer has released 4 full albums and continues her career.

Children of Dmitry Malikov

Dmitry realized himself as a singer, composer, musician, as well as a good family man and loving father. When Dmitry met his future wife, the woman already had a daughter, but this did not scare away the artist. Today, Dmitry Malikov’s children live in absolute peace and get along well with each other. The singer’s eldest adopted daughter is already an adult and got married last year.

The father of two wonderful daughters loves to be photographed with his family, and believes that the real value in life is the opportunity to raise children.

Dmitry Malikov’s daughter – Stefania

Dmitry Malikov’s daughter, Stefania, was born in 2000. Today the girl is almost an adult; she will turn 18 in February. The girl has had very good external characteristics since childhood. Today she works at modeling business, advertises various brands, and loves to go out in public wearing dresses from Valentin Yudashkin. The girl also runs her own Instagram, where she posts photos of her outfits and travels, Lately on the girl's page you can see photos from famous father. The naked eye can see that Dmitry Malikov’s daughter, Stefania, is very similar to her successful mother. Thanks to her beauty, the girl successfully collaborates with many brands.

Dmitry Malikov's adopted daughter - Olga

Not every man can accept a woman with a child. However, Dmitry showed real generosity and love in this matter. When Elena and Dmitry met, Dmitry Malikov’s adopted daughter Olga had just reached school age. The girl was very calm and sat happily in the arms of “Uncle Dima.” Such spontaneity and love of the child strengthened the singer’s desire to adopt a girl.

Today Olga lives separately from famous parents, got married and had a child. Last October, the singer admitted that he became a grandfather for the first time. Olga is a successful photographer and has held several exhibitions of her work.

Former common-law wife of Dmitry Malikov - Natalya Vetlitskaya

Dmitry and Natalya met very young. At the same time, Natalya was already divorced from her first husband. The life of the lead singer of “Mirage” did not work out with her first husband due to an early and ill-considered marriage.

When Natalya met Dmitry, everything was different. Real wild love, walks under the moon, general popularity. However, the former common-law wife Dmitry Malikov - Natalya Vetlitskaya turned out to be a freedom-loving girl, the young people lived together for only a short time and at the age of 22 the actor already met his current wife.

Dmitry Malikov's wife - Elena Malikova

Dmitry's love for girls older than himself manifested itself after his first novel. Dmitry and Elena met when Elena was 29 years old, and she was 7 years older than the singer. Dmitry Malikov’s wife, Elena Malikova, is also a creative person. She is not only a mother and wife, but also a fashion designer, artist, actress and a very beautiful woman. In Italy, Dmitry’s wife has her own clothing line for the beach season, and in Russia she starred in several films.

During her life, Elena experienced a lot: a divorce from her first husband, work as an economist, but she still came to her dream. Now Elena ideological inspirer her husband, executive producer, businesswoman and director. Throughout Dmitry’s career, it was she who always believed in him and supported him.

Twitter, Instagram and Wikipedia of Dmitry Malikov

Dmitry Malikov performs on stage, produces artists, plays piano concerts, and also acts as a presenter on television. All of Dmitry’s successes and creative results are difficult to describe in one article. Malikov is a public musical figure, a very busy person, but he still manages to be active social life to please your fans. Twitter, Instagram and Wikipedia of Dmitry Malikov contain many thoughts of the artist, details of his life, as well as the life of his family.

There are also social networks official pages performer. IN social network On Vkontakte, you can find many fan groups, communities and photographs of the singer. Users are happy to share photos from his concerts with everyone. You can also view the artist’s page on the Odnoklassniki network.

Malikov Dmitry
22 rebounds, 1 of them this month


Honored Artist of Russia, laureate of All-Russian and international festivals and competitions

Born on January 29, 1970 in Moscow. Father - Malikov Yuri Fedorovich, Honored Artist of Russia, founder and artistic director of the VIA "Gems". Mother - Vyunkova Lyudmila Mikhailovna, formerly a ballet soloist, now concert director of Dmitry Malikov's group. Sister Malikova Inna, a graduate of the acting department of the Russian Academy of Theater Arts, made her debut as a singer in 2000 with solo album"Who Was Right" (J.S.P. Company). Wife - Elena. Daughter - Stefania (born in 2000).

In 1970, the musician and composer Yuri Malikov had two important events in life - the birth of his son Dmitry and the creation of VIA "Gems". Fate gave Dmitry Malikov a unique chance to join the world of music from an early age. Before his eyes, Dima Malikov dreamed of becoming a hockey player. 1976 All-Union glory comes to his parents. Famous musicians visited their house, and since childhood, Dima was surrounded by a creative atmosphere of creating new songs and discussing concert performances. Instead of lullabies, his grandmother played him records with Gems songs, and at the age of one and a half years, Dima himself put on headphones and listened to the records." The Beatles", brought by his father from abroad. As a child, Dmitry Malikov dreamed of being a hockey player, and from the age of five he studied piano at a music school, and went on tour with his parents a lot. Dmitry Malikov's first performances as a pianist took place at school concerts. In At the age of 14 he composed his first song “Iron Soul.” It was then that Dima Malikov finally abandoned his childhood dream of becoming an athlete.

In 1985, after graduating from the 8th grade of high school, Dmitry Malikov entered the music school at the Moscow Conservatory. At the same time he makes the first independent steps on stage, playing keyboards V composition of VIA"Gems". Even then, the songs of the young composer entered the repertoire of the ensemble, as well as the singer Larisa Dolina. Dmitry Malikov. School of Music. 1985 Dmitry’s television debut took place in 1986 in the program “Wider Circle” with the song “I’m Painting a Picture” (lyrics by Liliya Vinogradova). In Yuri Nikolaev's program "Morning Mail" in 1987, Dmitry Malikov presented new song"Terem-teremok". Dmitry Malikov's first performance on the big stage with the songs “Moonlight Dream” (lyrics by Liliya Vinogradova) and “You will never be mine” (lyrics by David Samoilov) took place on June 25, 1988 in Gorky Park. These songs were loved by young people and immediately entered all sorts of charts. The song “Moonlight Dream” became the record holder of the most authoritative hit parade at that time “Sound Track”, remaining in the list of hits whole year. In "New Year's Light" in 1989, Dmitry presented his new song "Until Tomorrow" (lyrics Alexander Shaganov), which to this day is considered his " business card" and traditionally ends concert performances. It most fully expresses the essence of his work - a beautiful melody, carefully executed arrangement, light optimistic text.

After its release on the All-Union television screen, real success came to Dmitry Malikov. His songs (“Student”, “Sing to Me”, “Golden Braids”, “Marriage Cortege”, “Poor Heart”, “Everything Will Return”, “Native Side” and others) topped the country’s leading charts. Dmitry Malikov's performances were packed concert halls and stadiums, he gained a huge number of fans all over the country, he is Dmitry Malikov after the concert. The year 1989 experienced a real mania around its name. But he admitted that this unexpected success he was unable to turn his head, so after graduating from music school in 1989, Dmitry Malikov entered the piano department of the Moscow State Conservatory named after P. I. Tchaikovsky (class of Professor V. V. Kastelsky). He did not give up the pop stage; he combined studies at the conservatory with touring activities. Classical education became the necessary foundation on which all his work is now built. In the summer of 1989, Dmitry Malikov was invited as a guest of honor to the international festival of popular music in Sopot. Noting the singer’s great popularity and wide interest in his work, the Sopot News newspaper wrote: “Dmitry Malikov is a professional in the kind of music that people in Europe enjoy listening to in discos.” In Poland alone, 5 of his fan clubs were immediately created; their number in Russia numbered in the hundreds. The first solo concerts of singer Dmitry Malikov in Moscow took place in November 1990 at the Olimpiysky Sports Complex, which seats 18 thousand spectators.

In 1993, composer and singer Dmitry Malikov made his debut in a new acting field, playing the role of a pianist, a graduate of the Moscow Conservatory in feature film"See Paris and Die" directed by Alexander Proshkin ("Cold Summer of '53", "Mikhailo Lomonosov"). The main roles in the film played with him famous actors Tatiana Dmitry Malikov and Oscar. Duet "Baroque". 1993 Vasilyeva, Stanislav Lyubshin, Vladimir Steklov. At the same time, in 1993, the single “Don”t Be Afraid” was released in Germany (studio “Coconut”) performed by the duet “Baroque”, consisting of the black singer Oscar and Dmitry Malikov. Their duet, where he acted as a composer and arranger and pianist, were repeatedly invited to take part in music shows German TV. In 1994, Dmitry Malikov graduated with honors from the Moscow Conservatory, at the same time releasing a collection of his first hits “Until Tomorrow” (J.S.P. Company) and recording new album“Come to Me” (J.S.P. Company), which already has its own concept. It is noteworthy that in addition to songs, composer Dmitry Malikov included two of his instrumental compositions in it for the first time, clearly indicating new round in a creative search. From now on, the creation of instrumental music occupies one of the important areas of creativity of the singer and composer Dmitry Malikov. In the album “100 Nights” (Rec Records) in 1996, Dmitry Malikov once again demonstrated his desire to be a fashionable performer, while he used rich classical and folk musical material to create hits.

Parallel to career pop singer Dmitry Malikov devotes a lot of time to classical music and practicing the piano. Viewers could appreciate his performing skills as a pianist in 1995 in the television program “Paradise Cocktail”, where he performed on Dmitry Malikov at the piano. 2003 Godroyal concert by Franz Liszt with an orchestra conducted by Konstantin Kremets. In 1997, Dmitry Malikov's piano concerts took place in Stuttgart (Germany). In the spring of 1997, he finally realized his long-time dream of releasing an album of his instrumental music, called “Fear of Flying” (Rec Records). This serious orchestral-symphonic album showed another facet of the talent of composer Dmitry Malikov. In 2001, the Universal Music company published his second instrumental album, “Game,” which included piano arrangements of popular Russian songs. Instrumental compositions by Dmitry Malikov are heard in television programs, used as soundtracks in documentaries. In 2004, the album "Fear of Flying" underwent a second edition, which confirms the demand for instrumental music in Russia. Composer Dmitry Malikov plans to continue working on instrumental music, creating music for the theater and soundtracks for films.

It develops successfully and variety career singer Dmitry Malikov. In his songs included in the 1998 album “My Distant Star” (J.S.P. Company), new motives appear, Dmitry Malikov. 1997 sounds more soulful, soulful lyrics and even irony. On this disc, Dima performed for the first time several songs by other composers - Viktor Reznikov, Nikolai Shipilov, Igor Kamensky. In 2000, the album "Beads" (Iceberg Music) was released, which pleased lovers of high-quality dance music. This album also featured the release of his famous hit “Happy Birthday, Mom,” which significantly expanded the age audience of the composer and singer Dmitry Malikov. In 2002, the song album “Love Story” (CD Land) was released, which became his eighth and so far last solo project. But now Dmitry pays a lot of attention to releasing hit singles. New songs by Dmitry Malikov (“Mama Summer”, “Don’t Be Bored”, “Cherry Resin”, “With clean slate", "If") become popular, are heard on television and radio, and are regularly included in the country's charts. Collections of his songs are constantly appearing on sale best songs, which are in demand among listeners of different ages.

Malikov PIANOMANI In 2007, Dmitry Malikov presented his author's project "PIANOMANIA". He, a graduate of the Moscow Conservatory, had long been expected to return to the classical mainstream. But he decided not to follow the beaten path and for the first time announces a real instrumental show “PIANOMANIA”, which simply has no analogues in Russia. Deep traditions of Russian classics, handwriting of famous instrumental orchestras world, ethnic motifs and modern arrangements. With such a non-standard approach to modern music Composer and pianist Dmitry Malikov delighted the audience. Mixing styles in search of new genres is more relevant than ever at the turn of the millennium. This concert is predicted big success far beyond the borders of our country. As part of the project, in February the premiere of a solo instrumental concert on the NTV channel was successfully held, the album "PIANOMANIA" was published, and on April 12, 13, 14, the premiere of an instrumental show at the Moscow Operetta Theater (directed by Dmitry Chernyakov) was held to full houses. .

Dmitry Malikov's constant collaborators are songwriters - Liliya Vinogradova, Alexander Shaganov, Vladimir Baranov, Lara D" Eliya. In 2000, Dmitry Malikov acted as a producer dance project"Plasma". A separate page in the work of composer and singer Dmitry Malikov is occupied by video clips, many of which have already become classics of Russian music video production (VHS “My Distant Star” (J.S.P. Company, 2000) and DVD “Love Story” (CD Land, 2003) were published. Total in videographies of the composer and singer Dmitry Malikov, more than 20 clips, some of which were shot by famous domestic video directors Oleg Gusev, Mikhail Dmitry MalikovKhleborodov, Fyodor Bondarchuk, Yuri Grymov, Georgy Gavrilov, Irina Mironova. In his work, this is always evident. in his videos, which he invited as directors - editor-in-chief of the magazine “OM” Igor Grigoriev, photographer Dmitry Vlasenkov. Videos for Dmitry Malikov’s songs “I’ll drink to the bottom” and “My distant star” were recognized as laureates of the national video clip festival “Generation”. On November 22, 1999, by decree of the President of the Russian Federation, Dmitry Malikov was awarded the title “Honored Artist of Russia.” Lives and works in Moscow. Dmitry Malikov - laureate national award"Ovation" in the nomination "For intellectual contribution to the development of youth music" (2000). Throughout his career, Dmitry Malikov has repeatedly become a laureate of the “Song of the Year” television festival. In 1995 at VII international festival "The World Music Awards" in Monte Carlo he was awarded in the category "Worlds best-selling recording-artist of the year". Dmitry Malikov is the winner of the people's award "Golden Gramophone" radio station " Russian radio"(1996, 1997, 1998, 1999, 2001, 2002, 2003, 2005), the "Stopudovy Hit" award of the radio "Hit - FM" (1998, 1999, 2000, 2001, 2003).

Singer and musician, composer and producer - Dmitry Malikov became popular, first of all, as a performer of lyrical pop compositions. In fact, Dmitry devotes most of his creativity to writing serious instrumental works and playing the piano. ABOUT creative career We have prepared interesting facts in our article about Dmitry Malikov, his biography, age, wife.


Dmitry Malikov was born in Moscow, in the family of musician Yuri Malikov and singer Lyudmila Vyunkova on January 29, 1970.

Dmitry spent his entire childhood and youth surrounded by musicians and artists. Yuri Fedorovich Malikov was artistic director VIA "Gems", and his wife was a soloist of this ensemble. Often parents took little Dmitry and his younger sister with you on tour. But to a greater extent, the grandmother was involved in raising the future singer and composer.

The Malikov family was and is still friends with the equally popular musical couple Presnyakov, in which Volodya Presnyakov, the same age as Dmitry, grew up. The boys became friends from the very beginning early childhood and since then they have become inseparable friends. As children, both simply dreamed of a sports career; their favorite sports were hockey and football. But genetics took its toll. And to the unspeakable joy of his parents and grandmother, the boy very quickly lost interest in sports and decided to devote himself entirely to music.

Dmitry Malikov's parents took a thorough approach to their son's future. At the age of 5, Dmitry already attended music school. Upon graduation, he continued his musical education at a music school and then at the Moscow State Conservatory.


Dmitry's creative career as a composer began quite early. At the age of 15, he had already become the author of several quite popular songs. Larisa Dolina even took one of them into her repertoire.

In a year young composer invited to the filming of the musical program “Wider Circle”. He performed own song"I'm painting a picture." With the song “Terem - Teremok” Dmitry Malikov made his debut in the famous “Morning Mail”.

Real popularity came to Dmitry in 1988. He became famous, first of all, as solo artist. His songs “You will never be mine”, “Moonlight Dream”, “Until Tomorrow” instantly took the first lines of the country’s musical hit parades. In addition, the young man, pleasant in all respects, instantly fell in love with millions of girls’ hearts.

Dmitry Malikov also has several successful film roles to his credit.

A special place in creative biography Dmitry Malikov is interested in performing classical works on the piano. In 1997, Dmitry Malikov’s large tour with piano concerts took place in Germany. On them he performed not only works by great world composers, but also several new works from his instrumental album “Fear of Flying”. Dmitry continued his career as a pianist in such famous groups as “Moscow Virtuosi”, “Moscow Soloists”, “Music Viva” and others.

In 2010, the MMDM hosted a large solo piano concert by Dmitry Malikov, which attracted an unprecedented number of admirers of his talent.

In the same year, Dmitry Malikov presented an unprecedented show in France classical music Symphonic Mania. More than 40 concerts took place in largest cities France.

In 2012 Dmitry opened new project"Music lessons". In it, young participants can show their musical abilities and get several piano lessons from Dmitry Malikov.

In 2013, another one was published music album Dmitry Malikov “25+”. In it, the composer collected works that sum up his twenty-five years of concert activity.

During his creative activity, Dmitry Malikov released 17 music discs, opened at least 10 projects, and starred in several dozen video clips.

Dmitry Malikov is a laureate of many festivals and awards. Among them: “Song of the Year”, “Golden Gramophone”, “Stopudovy Hit”, “Monte Carlo Music Awards”, “Ovation” and others.

For outstanding success and contribution to art, in 2010 Dmitry Malikov was awarded the honorary title of People's Artist of the Russian Federation. He was also awarded the title People's Artist The Republic of Adygea, the Republic of North Ossetia-Alania, the Republic of Karachay-Cherkessia.

Family, wife, children

Before his only official marriage, Dmitry Malikov lived in a civil marriage with popular singer Natalya Vetlitskaya.

In 1992, Dmitry met his future wife and the mother of his children, designer Elena Izakson. Elena herself is not a Muscovite, she was born in Kazan, but came to Moscow, like many others, to conquer! And she succeeded. She graduated from the directing department of VGIK and even managed to star in several films. Despite the age difference (Elena is 7 years older than her husband), Dmitry immediately realized that this relationship would last for a long time. A real beauty, Elena was able to win the heart once and for all famous performer. They did not formalize their relationship until the birth of their common daughter Stephanie.

At the time of their meeting, Elena’s daughter Olga was already growing up. She was born in 1985 in a previous marriage. Now she famous photographer. She received an excellent education at MGIMO and in Paris. She is married to businessman Jamal Khalilov.

In 2000, the long-awaited daughter Stefania (Stesha - that’s what her relatives call her) was born into the Malikov family. Now she is 18 years old, she is a student at MGIMO, a participant in fashionable youth parties, a singer, and a blogger. He meets with the son of a famous oligarch, Leonid Gruzdev. Her name and photo appear quite often in various show business news.

In January 2018, Dmitry and Elena Malikov had a son.

Dmitry Malikov's wife is a successful businesswoman. She owns her own business in Italy. Elena is engaged in the development and production of beachwear, which is not only very popular in Europe, but will also soon appear in Russian boutiques. Don’t forget that Elena’s first education is as an artist and designer. And what cannot be taken away from her is an impeccable sense of style and harmony.

The couple represent a well-coordinated, reliable tandem. The biography of Dmitry Malikov is inextricably linked with his family and wife. Their life together is based on mutual respect, support, love, trust, without regard to age. It is these qualities that are the foundation of a long, happy relationship.

Dmitry Malikov became a father! This news shocked the performer's fans.

According to the press, the singer became a father for the second time! Surrogate mother gave birth to the artist's second child. The birth took place in one of the private clinics in St. Petersburg.

In a conversation with reporters, Malikov did not deny that he had another child. At the same time, Dmitry's answer was evasive. “Thank you, but I don’t want to comment yet. I need a little time,” the Super telegram channel quotes Malikov.

Fans still cannot believe that the news about the addition to the family is true. However, just in case, everyone congratulates everyone on the birth of their second child. “I can’t even believe it... But congratulations in any case”, “Did you really manage to become parents again?”, “What a great fellow, your daughter has grown up, now you can take care of your son!” - they write to Dmitry.

You have to pay dearly for such a service. But the secrecy in the clinic is at such a level that even the prices for staying in the clinic are not disclosed to outsiders.

However, the site managed to find out that the cost of services for a surrogate mother, including legal support for the procedure, IVF, monthly maintenance for the mother, medical support for pregnancy and childbirth can cost an average of two million rubles, of which 700 - 800 thousand will have to be paid by the surrogate mother herself for her service.

Malikov, who dreamed of a son, did not skimp on medical services for the surrogate mother. The birth took place in comfortable conditions, the baby’s biological parents were nearby.

It is worth noting that the musician’s wife, Elena Malikova, is seven years older than her husband. It is possible that it was for this reason that the couple resorted to the services of a surrogate mother. From her first marriage, Elena has an adult daughter, Olga, Viva reports.

Let us remind you that Dmitry and his wife Elena have been together for more than 25 years. In 2000, the couple had a daughter, Stefania. The girl is very popular on the Internet, but often becomes a victim of haters. Malikov’s 17-year-old daughter has already had more than one public scandal: either she is accused of rigging the Unified State Exam results, or she is criticized for wearing too expensive clothes... However, every time she manages to get out of the situation without “tarnishing” her reputation.

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