Dietary table 5 list of products. Fresh bread and some baked goods

Over time, subtypes of this diet have evolved. They are prescribed for the treatment of the liver against the background of other diseases of the gastrointestinal tract (GIT), after surgical interventions on the stomach and gall bladder, as well as to eliminate the symptoms of pancreatitis.

What unites all varieties of diet No. 5 (table no5) is the need to spare the digestive tract.


The fifth table is recommended for inflammatory diseases of the liver and gallbladder, impaired outflow and formation of bile, and cirrhosis of the liver. Usually the diet is prescribed in the stage of remission or during the chronic course of the pathological process. But it can also be prescribed in case of exacerbation of the underlying disease - immediately after the patient’s condition improves, that is, in the recovery phase.

The peculiarity of using the diet for cirrhosis is that liver function must be preserved. With the development of organ failure, the type of nutrition discussed loses its relevance. Due to its ability to stimulate bile formation and accelerate the outflow of secretions from the bladder, the table can be prescribed in complex therapy for the formation of gallstones.

Subtypes of the diet have completely different indications.

  • No. 5a.
  • Designed for patients suffering from acute cholecystitis or hepatitis. Also suitable for periods of exacerbation of chronic pathologies of the liver and gallbladder.
  • No. 5l/f.
  • Lipotropic-fat diet, used for congestion in the gallbladder, but without the risk of blocking the ducts with stones and with preserved, but weak peristalsis of the ducts.
  • No. 5

This is a special soft diet used for postcholecystectomy syndrome. As a rule, it is accompanied by diseases of the stomach and intestines, so the diet is designed to relieve inflammation and normalize the functioning of all parts of the digestive tract.

Considering the variety of variations of dietary table number 5, its specific type, purposes of use, as well as specifics of compliance should always be checked with a doctor. The main indications of the main fifth table are hepatitis and cholecystitis. For pancreatitis, diet option No. 5p is relevant.

Operating principle

The purpose of the fifth table is to create optimal conditions for the restoration of liver cells and normalization of gallbladder function. At the same time, the production of digestive juices is not stimulated in order to prevent deterioration of the digestive tract as a whole. Chemical rest is created for the detoxifying organ. At the same time, it is important to maintain normal bile secretion, which is achieved by consuming enough fiber.

Restoration of hepatocytes occurs by saturating the diet with phospholipids and amino acids, as well as ensuring a stable level of glycogen while maintaining the amount of carbohydrates. The secondary goal of the diet is to provide the body with a sufficient amount of nutrients while reducing the consumption of difficult-to-digest fats.

  • In general, medical diet No. 5 provides:
  • restoration of liver structure;
  • improving the detoxification function of the organ;
  • normalization of the synthesis and excretion of bile;
  • reducing the absorption of bad cholesterol;

normalization of the secretory function of the entire digestive tract.

  • The purposes of the assignments of the fifth table options are as follows.
  • No. 5a. Designed to reduce the load on the gallbladder and liver cells during exacerbation of the underlying pathology. This occurs by reducing the amount of secretion stimulants and irritants consumed (spices, fats of animal and plant origin).
  • No. 5 l/f.
  • No. 5r.
  • Designed to protect the gastric mucosa from irritation after surgery, therefore it excludes chemical and mechanical irritants and includes dishes of a soft consistency without the ability to stimulate the secretion of juice.

No. 5

A diet with reduced calorie content, designed to create conditions for the maximum possible absorption of nutrients in case of malabsorption. Provides minimal congestion of the gastrointestinal tract, therefore reduces the symptoms of concomitant diseases.

The fifth table and its varieties help improve the functioning of the liver, pancreas, stomach and intestines. This occurs by reducing the load on the organs.

General characteristics of the therapeutic diet

The diet involves eating regularly at the same time. It is important to avoid long periods of time between meals. The best option is up to five meals per day.

  • Food is steamed, boiled, stewed. Light baking in the oven is acceptable (without the formation of hard crusts). Food and drink should be at a neutral temperature (warm). Cold and hot are prohibited. Drinking enough water per day is also considered a prerequisite for following the diet. The norm is 2 l. You should drink in small portions on an empty stomach, as well as between meals. But you can't wash down your food.
  • The possibility of consuming fats is limited to 80 g per day. At the same time, modern nutritionists recommend that about 20% of them be left to lipid-containing products of animal origin. And the rest should be replaced with light vegetable ones, which are easily absorbed by the body and do not cause cholesterol spikes. Amount of other substances:
  • carbohydrates - 400 g; animal protein - 45 g;

vegetable protein

- 45 g.

The calorie content of the daily diet can reach 2800 kcal. This indicator may vary depending on the individual needs and lifestyle of the patient. It is important to eat moderate portion sizes to ensure proper digestion of food. The menu should include methionine, glutamic acid and be devoid of oxalic acid, as well as purine compounds.

Drinks allowed on the diet under discussion should not be sour. Fruit drinks and jelly, as well as teas and compotes, are best prepared using the sweetener xylitol. It is acceptable to drink sweetened black tea mixed with milk. Fruits in compotes must be ground until a homogeneous substance is obtained. The best dessert option is fruit jelly. The list of the main “correct” products is as follows.

  • First meal. Used daily. Vegetable-based soups with a minimum amount of peas and lean borscht are allowed. You can have a light milk soup with the addition of pasta. It is important to grind vegetable dishes until a homogeneous substance is obtained.
  • Second courses.
  • They eat every day, but in moderation. You can have porridge made from buckwheat, rice, semolina. Wheat derivatives (couscous, bulgur) are prepared. It is better to choose high-quality pasta from durum wheat. Porridge is cooked in water. Adding 50% low-fat milk is allowed, but not often.
  • Meat, fish, eggs. This is the basis of your daily diet. It is allowed to eat lean chicken, rabbit, turkey, beef, and lean pork. Low-fat varieties of river and sea fish and seafood are recommended. You can have a protein omelet or a hard-boiled egg white. It is permissible to add half the yolk to any dish. The meat is steamed and baked minced (without skin). All dishes (pilaf, dumplings, cabbage rolls) should be low-fat. The fish is prepared in pieces. Only freshly prepared seafood is consumed.
  • Dairy products.
  • Used daily. Low-fat sour cream and cottage cheese are recommended. You can use milk and kefir with a fat content of up to 2%, as well as low-fat yogurt without additives. Cottage cheese can be used to make cheesecakes, lazy dumplings, and cheesecakes. Sour cream is allowed to season dishes.

Moderate consumption of snacks is allowed: soaked herring, fish-based aspic, vegetable salads in oil, vinaigrettes, salads with boiled meat, squash and vegetable caviar. Moderate amounts of sweets are also allowed. For example, marmalade, homemade jam, Turkish delight, marshmallows, marshmallows. You can eat one gingerbread without additives per day, and you can also eat biscuits. You can eat dill and parsley (a little bit). A small amount of vanillin, soy sauce, as well as all milk and sour cream sauces without the addition of hot spices are allowed.

Prohibited Products

The main prohibition in observing the fifth rule concerns fatty foods:

  • fatty meats and fish;
  • sausages;
  • semi-finished products;
  • baked goods;
  • cream desserts;
  • canned meat and fish.

Theoretically, milk sausages and boiled sausage should be allowed on the diet. In fact, they can only be consumed if the quality leaves no doubt.

The diet also prohibits fatty dairy products, including sour cream, fermented baked milk, cottage cheese, and cream. The amount of butter is reduced to 30 g per day in dishes. Among cereals, you should sharply limit your consumption of pearl barley. Beans, lentils, all bitter and aromatic vegetables and root vegetables (radish, radish, horseradish, rhubarb) are prohibited.

Sorrel and raw white cabbage are prohibited. And also all fruits, except soft, ripe and sweet ones (apples, watermelons, bananas). Berries, sour and very sweet fruits can be used to make jellies and compotes, but in moderation. Fresh bread, all sweets, and puff pastries are excluded.

Example menu

It is more convenient to plan a menu based on an example.

  • Breakfast. You can eat steamed meatballs with rice and cutlets. As a side dish - semolina, rice porridge, oatmeal, boiled buckwheat. A good breakfast is a combination of porridge and cottage cheese with the addition of honey and a few nuts. Only black tea can be used as an invigorating drink.
  • Dinner. Every day it will be vegetable soup. It can be supplemented with meat roll, boiled, steamed or baked chicken.
  • Dinner . Options: baked or boiled fish, egg white omelet, mashed potatoes, cottage cheese, vegetable cutlets.

Main courses can be combined with vinaigrette and meat salads. Suitable snacks include ripe apples (can be baked with honey and cottage cheese), dried fruits, and homemade crackers. It is better to supplement the diet with regular consumption, as well as taking hepatoprotectors based on ursodeoxycholic acid.

Treatment table No. 5 is prescribed for a period of five days to five weeks or more. During the first day or two, doctors monitor the patient. If the diet is well tolerated, it may be recommended until complete recovery or stable remission of a chronic disease is achieved. In the presence of chronic forms of liver disease, the patient can independently follow a diet for a month several times a year (to prevent exacerbations). It is important to adhere to its basic principles even after leaving the diet.

Diet No. 5 (table No. 5)– a therapeutic nutrition system designed for people suffering from diseases of the liver, biliary tract and gallbladder, and other diseases.

Increased consumption of vegetables and fruits enhances the choleretic effect, intestinal motility, and ensures maximum cholesterol removal.

This nutritional system excludes strong stimulants of gastric and pancreatic secretion, refractory fats, fried foods, foods rich in cholesterol and purines.

Chemical composition of diet No. 5:

  • proteins 80 g (55% animal origin, 45% vegetable);
  • fats 80 g (30% vegetable, 70% animal origin);
  • carbohydrates 350-400 g (70-80 g sugar);
  • salt 10 g;
  • liquid 1.5-2 l.

You can include xylitol and sorbitol (25-40 g).

Weight of daily ration: 3 kg.

Daily intake of diet No. 5: 2400-2600 kcal.

Diet: 4-5 times a day.

Indications for use of diet No. 5

  • chronic hepatitis (not exacerbation);
  • chronic cholecystitis;
  • cirrhosis of the liver (if there is no insufficiency of function);
  • acute hepatitis and cholecystitis (during the recovery period).

Important! Diet No. 5 is prescribed if there are no pronounced pathologies of the stomach and intestines.

Diet No. 5 (Table No. 5). Food

What can you eat on diet number 5:

Soups: vegetable, with cereals in vegetable broth, dairy, fruit, vegetarian borscht, beetroot soup. The frying for dressing is not fried in oil, but dried in a frying pan.

Cereals: any, especially give preference to buckwheat, oatmeal, rice and pasta.

Meat fish: lean meat (skinless chicken and turkey, beef, veal, young lamb). Fish is also of low-fat varieties, boiled or baked after boiling.

Eggs: 1 egg per day (soft-boiled or scrambled).

Fresh fruits and berries: fruits and berries (except sour ones) in any form (raw, boiled, baked), also dried fruits.

Dairy products: kefir, milk, yogurt, sour cream, low-fat and low-fat cottage cheese, low-fat cheese.

Sweets: jellies, jelly, compotes, mousses, meringues, snowballs, marmalade, candies (not chocolate), marshmallows, jam.

Flour products: wheat bread (from 1st and 2nd grade flour), yesterday's rye bread (from sifted and peeled flour). Savory products with meat, fish, cottage cheese or apples, long-lasting cookies and dry biscuits.

Fats: butter and refined vegetable oils.

Beverages: tea, coffee with milk, juices (fruit, berries, vegetables), decoction and wheat bran.

What not to eat on diet number 5:

  • any broths and sauces based on them (meat, fish, mushroom), okroshka, green cabbage soup;
  • pickled vegetables, mushrooms, spinach, sorrel, radishes, radish, green onions, ;
  • fresh bread, puff pastry and pastry, fried pies;
  • legumes;
  • fatty meats and fish, duck, goose, pork, lard, offal, caviar, smoked meats, salted fish, canned food, most sausages; canned food;
  • full-fat milk (6%), cream, fermented baked milk, full-fat sour cream and cottage cheese, salty, spicy and fatty cheese;
  • alcohol, soda, black strong coffee, cocoa, grape juice, cold drinks;
  • baked goods, cream products, chocolate, ice cream;
  • spices, mustard, horseradish, pepper, vinegar.

Diet No. 5 (table No. 5): menu for the week

Diet No. 5 is varied and healthy. Below is a sample menu for the week.

Food is prepared in crushed or pureed form, boiled in water, steamed or baked. Dishes must be warm (very hot and cold are excluded).


Breakfast: omelet, oatmeal, tea.
Lunch: baked apple.
Lunch: vegetable soup with buckwheat, chicken fillet, rice, dried fruit compote.
Afternoon snack: rosehip decoction.
Dinner: mashed potatoes, boiled fish, vegetable salad.


Breakfast: cottage cheese with sour cream and sugar, weak coffee with milk.
Lunch: banana.
Lunch: vegetarian borscht, pasta, beef cutlets.
Afternoon snack: kefir.
Dinner: pilaf with boiled meat, baked vegetables.


Breakfast: buckwheat-rice dietary pancakes with jam, tea.
Lunch: fruit.
Lunch: vegetable soup with rice, fish balls, barley.
Afternoon snack: fruit jelly.
Dinner: buckwheat porridge with cauliflower, chicken cutlets.


Breakfast: soft-boiled egg, milk oatmeal, tea.
Lunch: jelly.
Lunch: pumpkin soup, steamed zucchini cutlets, rice.
Afternoon snack: fruit.
Dinner: chicken meatballs, cauliflower puree, vegetable salad.


Breakfast: cheesecakes with sour cream (baked), coffee with milk.
Lunch: fruit.
Lunch: vegetable borscht, vinaigrette, buckwheat porridge.
Afternoon snack: pudding.
Dinner: mashed potatoes, fish cakes, baked vegetables.


Breakfast: milk soup, tea.
Lunch: fruit salad.
Lunch: potato soup with pasta, casserole with chicken and vegetables.
Afternoon snack: marmalade.
Dinner: cabbage rolls, vegetables.


Breakfast: pumpkin-apple casserole, tea.
Lunch: rose hip decoction.
Lunch: fish soup with barley, oatmeal, turkey cutlets.
Afternoon snack: soufflé.
Dinner: stewed veal with vegetables, buckwheat, vegetable salad.

Varieties of diet No. 5

The fifth table is quite common and is often prescribed by doctors. Divided into several groups.

Types of this diet:

  • Table number 5A. Dietary food according to table 5A can relieve the load on the liver. It is prescribed for acute hepatitis, cholecystitis, cirrhosis in the compensation stage, exacerbations of chronic diseases of the liver and gastrointestinal tract (GIT). Diet table 5A implies a significant reduction in the amount of fat in food.
  • Table No. 5B. Prescribed for exacerbation of chronic hepatitis, cholecystitis, cirrhosis with moderate liver failure, gastritis, ulcers. When dieting, carbohydrates are limited and the amount of protein and fat in food is reduced.
  • Table No. 5P. This nutritional system is aimed at normalizing the functions of the pancreas, reducing the excitability of the gallbladder, reducing the load on the stomach, liver and intestines. The 5P diet according to Pevzner is prescribed for chronic pancreatitis without exacerbation. The main difference between the 5P diet table is more protein in foods and less fat and carbohydrates.
  • Table No. 5GA. This is a hypoallergenic diet. The difference is the exclusion of such products:
    • fish and seafood, caviar, eggs, processed cheeses, milk;
    • pickles and sauerkraut, nuts, seeds, citruses, apricots;
    • peaches, raspberries, strawberries, grapes, sea buckthorn, pomegranate, melon;
    • semolina and wheat cereals, cakes, chocolate, marshmallows and ice cream.
  • Table No. 5SH. Prescribed for postcholecystectomy syndrome with the presence of duodenitis and exacerbation of chronic gastritis. The table is gentle on the digestive system and is prescribed to reduce bile secretion.
  • Table No. 5Zh or 5L/F. Indications for prescribing a diet are hypotension of the gallbladder with symptoms of bile stagnation or in a state after cholecystectomy. As a result of consuming foods rich in proteins and polyunsaturated fatty acids, bile secretion increases and bile circulation improves.
  • Table No. 5R. Therapeutic nutrition is prescribed for dumping syndrome after resection for an ulcer.

Indications for prescribing treatment table No. 5

Therapeutic diet 5 is indicated for the following diseases:

  • acute cholecystitis and hepatitis in the recovery stage;
  • chronic hepatitis without exacerbation;
  • cholelithiasis in remission;
  • liver cirrhosis in the absence of liver failure;
  • chronic cholecystitis without exacerbation.

Patients with no significant intestinal pathologies can adhere to diet table No. 5 according to Pevzner.

The goal of diet No. 5 according to Pevzner

This diet is aimed at chemically sparing the liver and gallbladder. At the same time, adequate nutrition is maintained, rich in vitamins, micro- and macroelements, which helps restore the functions of the digestive organs, liver and biliary tract.

Characteristics and rules of table No. 5

Diet No. 5 is gentle and complete. During the medical diet 5, the consumption of fatty, cholesterol-containing, fried foods is limited.

Features of dietary table number 5:

  • products contain a normal amount of protein and a reduced amount of carbohydrates, fat is limited;
  • lean foods predominate in the diet;
  • Products are allowed to be boiled, baked and stewed;
  • vegetables and fruits need to be ground;
  • It is recommended to chop the meat finely;
  • It is forbidden to eat ready-made food or drinks that are too hot or cold;
  • foods that cause bloating are excluded;
  • salt is limited;
  • You need to drink at least 1.5 liters of water per day.

Diet 5 requires eating 4-5 times a day in approximately equal portions. Doctors recommend drinking fluids on an empty stomach

Energy value of table number five:

  • proteins - 80 g;
  • fats - 80-90 g;
  • carbohydrates - 400 g;
  • calorie content - 2400-2800 kcal per day.

If the patient’s body tolerates diet 5 without problems, then you can stick to it for a long time, until recovery

Diet products and dishes

List of allowed and prohibited foods on the menu for diet number 5:

Product Allowed Forbidden
  • Black tea;
  • diluted non-acidic juices;
  • rosehip decoction;
  • jellies, mousses, compotes;
  • jelly and fruit drinks
  • cold and carbonated drinks;
  • coffee, cocoa, chicory;
  • alcohol;
  • green tea, hibiscus;
  • knotweed decoction;
  • concentrated juices
First meal
  • soups not based on broth;
  • lean soups with pureed vegetables;
  • fruit soups;
  • milk soups;
  • lean borscht, beetroot soup;
  • vegetarian cabbage soup;
  • thin pea or pearl barley soup
  • meat, fish, mushroom broths;
  • soups from sorrel, spinach, legumes;
  • okroshka
Cereals and porridges
  • viscous and mashed porridges made with water or diluted milk;
  • buckwheat, oatmeal, semolina, millet, rice cereals;
  • couscous, bulgur;
  • soufflé, cereal casseroles;
  • cereal puddings;
  • muesli, oatmeal;
  • flax seeds
  • legumes as a separate dish
  • low-fat pasta dishes with the addition of permitted products
  • fatty or spicy pasta dishes with the addition of prohibited foods
  • beef, veal without fat;
  • rabbit meat;
  • chicken, turkey without skin;
  • steamed, boiled, minced, pureed meat;
  • meat soufflé, puree;
  • beef stroganoff, cutlets, dumplings;
  • cabbage rolls;
  • pilaf with boiled meat
  • sausages and smoked products;
  • kidneys, liver, tongue;
  • canned meat;
  • cooking fats;
  • beef, lamb fat
Fish, seafood
  • low-fat fish: pike perch, cod, hake, pollock, tuna (2-3 times a week);
  • fish soufflé, quenelles, meatballs;
  • oysters;
  • jellied fish;
  • soaked lean herring
  • fatty fish: salmon, trout, carp, eel, sturgeon, stellate sturgeon, beluga, catfish;
  • canned fish;
  • salted, smoked fish;
  • red and black caviar;
  • crab sticks;
Bakery products and pastries
  • bread with bran, rye, wheat (dried or yesterday);
  • crackers;
  • biscuits;
  • unhealthy baked goods;
  • dried biscuit;
  • bread, bran
  • fresh bread;
  • puff pastry;
  • fried donuts, pies;
  • pancakes;
  • butter crackers
Dairy and fermented milk products
  • low-fat kefir, yogurt, sour cream;
  • low-fat or low-fat cottage cheese;
  • milk, curdled milk;
  • curd soufflés and casseroles;
  • low-fat cheeses;
  • lazy dumplings, cheesecakes;
  • puddings
  • salty cheeses;
  • fatty dairy products;
  • serum
  • potatoes, carrots;
  • cauliflower, Beijing, seaweed;
  • zucchini, pumpkin, beets;
  • avocado, cucumbers;
  • green beans;
  • broccoli and celery
  • mushrooms, corn;
  • sorrel, spinach, rhubarb;
  • radish, radish, turnip;
  • eggplants, asparagus;
  • pickled and canned vegetables;
  • garlic;
  • bitter, sour herbs and salads;
  • tomato paste;
  • raw white cabbage
Fruits and berries
  • sweet ripe apples;
  • banana (pieces per day);
  • watermelon (2 small pieces per day);
  • prunes, dried apricots;
  • dried papaya or melon;
  • pureed compote of fresh or dried fruits;
  • jelly, mousse, fruit puree;
  • rose hips (decoction)
  • raw fruits and berries;
  • figs, raspberries, cranberries;
  • lingonberries, grapes;
  • dates, kiwi;
  • citruses;
  • pear, persimmon, melon;
  • pumpkin seeds, sunflower seeds;
  • almonds, walnuts, hazelnuts;
  • ginger, lemon
  • egg white omelet;
  • hard-boiled eggs (cook for at least 10 minutes);
  • quail eggs (2 whites per day and half a yolk in dishes)
  • fried eggs
  • creamy (30 g per day);
  • refined vegetable in dishes (15 g per day)
  • vegetable unrefined;
  • lard, pork, beef, lamb;
  • cooking oil
Salads, snacks
  • squash caviar;
  • salads from boiled meat and seafood;
  • the vinaigrette;
  • washed sauerkraut without vinegar
  • fatty, spicy snacks;
  • smoked, pickled and canned products;
  • pickled ginger for sushi and rolls;
  • olives, black olives;
  • Sun-dried tomatoes
Sauces, seasonings and spices
  • mild vegetable, milk, sour cream sauces;
  • fruit sauces;
  • vanilla, cinnamon
  • mayonnaise, ketchup, mustard;
  • pepper, horseradish;
  • vinegar, adjika;
  • spices
  • sweet boiled, baked fruits or berries, jam;
  • dried fruits;
  • jelly, jelly, mousse;
  • cookies, marshmallows;
  • marmalade, sweets without chocolate;
  • marshmallow, sugar, honey;
  • dumplings with berries;
  • gingerbread without chocolate;
  • lollipops and soft caramel sweets;
  • Turkish delight and nougat without nuts;
  • biscuit
  • chocolate, products with cream;
  • ice cream;
  • halva, sherbet;
  • chewing gum;
  • granola bars;
  • sesame candies;
  • hematogen;
  • popcorn;
  • waffles;
  • condensed milk;
  • sunflower seeds, kozinaki

What is included in the list of permitted foods and dishes can be found out from your doctor.

  • On the menu for diet 5 according to Pevzner, some foods and dishes may be present in small quantities:
  • pearl barley, barley, corn cereals;
  • milk sausages;
  • veal or chicken dumplings;
  • pork fat;
  • shrimp, squid, mussels, salmon;
  • a small amount of cheese products (mild and unsalted cheese);
  • salads "Romaine", "Iceberg", "Corn";
  • bell pepper;
  • tomatoes (completely excluded during exacerbations);
  • use parsley, dill, spinach, chicory, arugula, frisée only as decoration or in minimal quantities for flavor;
  • dishes from boiled, stewed white cabbage;
  • pomegranates, melon, pineapple, papaya;
  • olive oil;
  • soy sauce;
  • cookies, marshmallows.

All permitted foods included in the diet for diet No. 5 must be boiled, steamed, stewed or baked

Nutritionist advice. When choosing food products during the diet according to table number 5, you must take into account the glycemic index (GI) of the product. It is recommended to give preference to dishes with a low GI (not higher than 40): fish, poultry, meat, dairy products, eggs, legumes, soybeans, nuts, leafy vegetables, tomatoes, mushrooms, some fruits and berries. Limit foods with an average GI (50-70) - these are whole grain baked goods, bran bread, brown rice, buckwheat and oatmeal (limited, only in first courses, or liquid milk soups), pasta (rarely), flour products products in combination with meat, cheese (rarely), legumes, most fruits. High GI foods are not recommended.

The quota of fat, which constitutes the physiological norm, is very important in dietary nutrition. The fatty acid composition of fatty products is of particular importance. In this case, preference is given to fats of animal origin, the amount of vegetable oils should be minimal, especially fats containing Omega-6 fatty acids. Omega-6 fatty acids are known to serve as a source for the synthesis of inflammatory prostaglandins. You need to know that modern foods contain a lot of hidden Omega-6 fatty acids. These are various light oils, margarine, industrial fats. Even butter with 72.5% fat content has a significant admixture of vegetable oils. When prescribing a diet, patients should be informed about this. It is advisable to use sour cream, cream, butter (82.5%) as fat, as well as fat contained in meat and fish. It is necessary to increase the consumption of foods rich in Omega-3 fatty acids:

  • fish oil, blackcurrant seed oil;
  • herring, mackerel, salmon, sardines, cod liver;
  • salmon, tuna, flaxseed oil, flax seeds;
  • walnut oil and walnuts.

Sample daily menu

A sample menu for the week can be drawn up based on this example:

Diet recipes No. 5

There are many options for preparing Diet No. 5 dishes, so creating a varied menu for the week is not difficult.

Buckwheat soup. Pour two liters of cold water over buckwheat (0.5 cups), add one whole onion, grated carrots (1 pc.), chopped potatoes (2 pcs.) and put on fire. Bring to a boil and cook over low heat until tender. Salt, add a tablespoon of vegetable oil.

Dietary minced meat. Soak herring (145 g), peel and mince. Peeled potatoes (1 pc.), cut, boil and wipe. Add hot milk (2 tbsp.), stir. Beat butter (40 g) and add to minced herring with potatoes. Mix. Finely chop the hard-boiled egg. Chop parsley (1 bunch). Place minced meat in a salad bowl and sprinkle with eggs and herbs.

Jelly with cottage cheese, pears and apples. Peel, cut and steam apples (2-3 pcs.) and pears (1 pc.). Next, grind the fruits in a blender. Grind cottage cheese (250-300 g) through a sieve and mix with a small amount of milk. Add sugar to taste. Dissolve gelatin (bag) in warm water and mix with cottage cheese and fruit. Pour into molds and refrigerate for 2 hours.

Pros and cons, diet reviews

The Pevzner diet No. 5, 5A, 5P diet and other types are well tolerated. If you follow the recommendations and rules, recovery occurs much faster. However, cooking does require some skill and time. Another disadvantage is that to achieve the results of diet therapy you need to adhere to it for a long period.

Patients note that thanks to the diet, the symptoms of the disease are reduced, the recovery process is accelerated, and the risk of exacerbations and complications is reduced. It was also noted that diet 5 according to Pevzner helps to get rid of excess weight, improve well-being and appearance.

The fifth table is a universal diet. It not only relieves the load on the liver and gallbladder, but also has a beneficial effect on the entire digestive system. The diet will benefit both those who want to lose weight and those who are eliminating health problems.

A detailed recipe for preparing dietary cabbage rolls, which can be included in the weekly menu, is shown in the video below.

Medical nutrition is a mandatory method of complex treatment of the patient. The founder of dietetics M.I. Pevzner believed that nutrition is the background against which other therapeutic methods of treatment are used, and he developed 15 dietary tables. A medical diet for hereditary diseases associated with impaired absorption of substances is the only method of treatment, one of the main ones for, gastrointestinal diseases . In other cases, compliance with it prevents complications and progression of the disease. A numbered diet system has been approved, which is mandatory for all medical and sanatorium institutions and dietary canteens.

Medical nutrition (diet therapy) is based on the physiology and biochemistry of nutrition, on knowledge of the role of nutrients, the balance of diet and diet. It takes into account the causes, mechanisms and forms of disease, as well as the digestive characteristics of a sick person. Gastroenterology, as the science of treating gastrointestinal diseases, has a section on the dietary nutrition of patients.

Diet No. 5 , Table No. 5 according to Pevzner is recommended for various diseases of the liver and gall bladder. It is also prescribed for chronic colitis with and for chronic colitis without pronounced disorders. We can say that this is a universal diet, and the most common table, on the basis of which many varieties have been created, which will be discussed below.

Wikipedia offers a description of the diet, but a more accurate and detailed description of the therapeutic Diet No. 5 can be found in dietetic reference books. They provide characteristics of the main table and its varieties depending on the stage of the disease (exacerbation, recovery, stable remission). Varieties of diets, to varying degrees, exclude mechanical and chemical irritants, and also provide for the presence of concomitant diseases.

The 5th dietary table provides for chemical sparing of the liver with adequate nutrition, as well as improvement of fat and cholesterol metabolism. For liver disease, a gentle diet is indicated, which helps normalize its function and at the same time improves bile secretion. Essential oils and extractives are strong chemical irritants, so they are excluded from the diet. Fried meat, dried and smoked foods are harmful to the liver and have a negative mechanical and chemical effect. Steamed or boiled dishes made from chopped meat and vegetables have a weak effect.

This diet contains a reduced amount of fats (due to refractory and poorly digestible), table salt (6-10 g), limits the consumption of egg yolks and foods rich in purines . Uric acid found in large quantities in animal liver, meat of young animals and birds, baker's yeast, smoked sprat, sardines, tuna, sprats, herring, salmon caviar, salmon, dried porcini mushrooms, smoked eel, mackerel, shrimp, mussels. All of them are excluded from the diet - thus, this hypooxalate diet .

It contains increased content fiber , pectins And lipotropic substances (that’s why it’s called lipotropic) - these are irreplaceable, found in beef and lean fish. Soybeans, whey, buttermilk and buckwheat are rich in them. Lipotropic substances protect the liver from fatty degeneration, reduce the risk of cholesterol stones in the bladder and reduce deposits cholesterol in vessels. Fiber, polyunsaturated fatty acids, and phytosterols And lecithin . The last three substances are found in vegetable oils (corn, flaxseed, sunflower and others).

Dishes are prepared stewed, boiled or baked, which provides chemical sparing to the liver. Cooking foods by frying is excluded. Dishes are not wiped (only stringy meat and rough vegetables). It is mandatory to provide fractional meals, which promotes the regular outflow of bile. The calorie content of the diet is 2400-2600 kcal (proteins - 90 g, carbohydrates - 400 g, fats - 80 g). Salt intake is limited, liquids should be drunk within 1.5 liters.

One of the key products is lean meat and there is a large selection of it - beef, chicken, turkey, veal and even lean pork. It is recommended to eat low-fat fish, up to 3 times a week. The vegetable composition is also quite diverse: almost all the vegetables we often use, as well as non-acidic sauerkraut. The important thing is that fruits and berries are allowed in any form.

Not allowed:

  • fatty meat, fried foods, smoked meats, liver, brains, canned food, kidneys, stewed meat, sausages, lard, cooking fats;
  • products that increase fermentation and decay (legumes, millet, white cabbage, if poorly tolerated by the patient);
  • secretion stimulants (spices, mushrooms, horseradish, pickled vegetables, mustard, salted, fermented foods);
  • extractives (broths from legumes, fish and mushrooms, meat);
  • products with essential oils (turnips, radishes, all types of radishes, green onions, garlic);
  • sour fruits (citrus fruits, sour plums, cranberries);
  • cream, fatty and sour cottage cheese;
  • coffee, cocoa, carbonated drinks, chocolate, ice cream, confectionery with cream.

List of products that are allowed:

  • stale wheat bread or crackers;
  • vegetarian soups with permitted vegetables, as well as soups with boiled cereals (rice, pearl barley, oatmeal, buckwheat), flour and vegetables for seasoning soups and meat dishes are not sautéed;
  • lean meat and fish, eating poultry is allowed in baked pieces;
  • low-fat boiled, steamed fish (in pieces and in the form of minced meat);
  • milk, fermented milk products, low-fat and half-fat cottage cheese;
  • protein steam omelettes, one yolk per day can only be added to dishes;
  • porridge from cereals: rice, buckwheat, oatmeal, rolled oats, boiled in water and half with milk;
  • boiled thin vermicelli;
  • boiled and stewed vegetables;
  • ripe fruits (baked and raw), jelly, pureed dried fruits;
  • honey, sugar, milk jelly, jam, marshmallows, marmalade;
  • butter in dishes (20 g per day);
  • tea with lemon and sugar, weak coffee, sweet juices, rosehip infusion.

Diet 5th table for cholecystitis

Nutrition for cholecystitis depends on the stage of the disease. In the first days of an exacerbation, complete fasting is carried out in order to maximally spare the gastrointestinal tract. The patient is only allowed to take liquids: weak tea, diluted juices, rosehip infusions. On the 3rd day it is prescribed Diet No. 5B , excluding any mechanical and chemical irritants. It is recommended while the patient is on strict bed rest (4-5 days).

It limits carbohydrates to 200 g (due to simple ones - sugar, jams), reduces protein (up to 80 g), and the amount of fat. Food is prepared without salt and only pureed. It is important to eat small meals (at least 5 times) and eat in small portions. The calorie content of the daily diet is 1600 kcal, fluid intake is provided (up to 2.5 l/day).

  • Light pureed food with water and without butter.
  • Slimy soups (based on oatmeal, rice and semolina).
  • Liquid pureed porridge (oatmeal and rice) with the addition of milk.
  • Puree compotes, jellies, vegetable juices.
  • Somewhat later, pureed boiled meat (a little), low-fat cottage cheese, and steamed fish are introduced.
  • Wheat bread or crackers.

After 10 days, patients are transferred to. Outside of exacerbation, moderate sparing of the gallbladder and liver and normalization of bile secretion function are provided, which are provided by Table No. 5. Fats (especially refractory fats) are somewhat limited in the diet. Dishes are prepared boiled, steamed, and baking without crust is already allowed. Since nutrition for cholecystitis in remission is aimed at moderate stimulation of bile secretion, it contains:

  • Salads and vinaigrettes seasoned with unrefined vegetable oil (they need to be changed).
  • Various vegetables, berries and fruits.
  • A large amount of fiber (due to the consumption of cereals, vegetables and fruits), which is necessary if you have constipation.
  • Chicken eggs (no more than one), since the yolks are a strong choleretic product. In case of pain and bitterness in the mouth, which may occur when eating eggs, only dishes made from egg whites are allowed.

Diet No. 5 can be used up to 1.5-2 years.

Biliary dyskinesia is a frequent companion and. Characterized by impaired tone or motility of the biliary system. Depending on the disorders, dyskinesia can be hypertonic-hyperkinetic (increased tone and increased motility) and hypotonic-hypokinetic (weak motility and weakened tone of the biliary tract).

Proper nutrition for dyskinesia allows you to avoid attacks and is a prevention of cholelithiasis. The diet for these two types contains general rules:

  • Eat small portions (150 grams) and (5-6 times).
  • Maintain 3-4 hour intervals.
  • Have dinner 3 hours before bedtime, eating light food (kefir, fruit).
  • Avoid eating cold or very hot foods.
  • Do not use animal fats (pork, goose, lamb) or trans fats (margarine, spread).

With hypomotor dyskinesia, foods that stimulate the motility of the gallbladder are allowed: vegetables, fruits, bran, vegetable oil, sour cream, eggs and black bread, cream.

With hypermotor dyskinesia, on the contrary, foods that stimulate bile formation are excluded: fatty dairy products, animal fats, black bread, raw vegetables, broths and carbonated water.

Diet No. 5 for cholelithiasis

Nutrition for cholelithiasis during remission does not differ from that described above. The base table is also shown in this case. In case of gallstones, restrictions apply only to the consumption of egg yolks - only 0.5 yolks per dish are allowed; indigestible fats are prohibited. Vegetable oils are allowed in quantities that do not cause attacks.

Due to topographic proximity, common blood supply and innervation, with cholelithiasis and cholecystitis, the gastroduodenal system, pancreas (chronic development) and intestines are involved in the pathological process.

For combined pathology with pancreatitis and cholecystitis, it is used. It is characterized by an increase in protein content (up to 120 g) and an even greater limitation of fats and carbohydrates, which stimulate the function of the pancreas. Extractive substances (cabbage broth, meat and fish broths) and coarse fiber from vegetables must be limited. All dishes are served boiled or steamed, chopped. The diet is prescribed for 3 months, then it is expanded.

It happens that the underlying disease is accompanied by gastroduodenitis . Symptoms depend on the stage of the disease, and treatment necessarily includes dietary nutrition. For gastroduodenitis in the acute stage, nutrition is prescribed within the limits. Diets have a lot in common: they exclude dishes that cause gastric secretion. Food is recommended to be liquid or mushy, boiled and pureed. Avoid foods rich in fiber (turnips, peas, radishes, beans, radishes, asparagus), fruits with rough skin (gooseberries, dates, currants, grapes), whole grain bread, as well as coarse stringy meat, poultry and fish skin.

The 5th diet according to Pevzner is often used when in remission, since it provides chemical sparing of the mucous membrane. In this case, white cabbage and corn are additionally excluded, as vegetables that have coarse fiber and cause. Pearl barley, corn, barley and millet cereals, full-fat milk, cream, and fermented baked milk are not recommended.

If there is gastritis in the acute stage in combination with cholecystitis, as well as with, especially with severe pain, it is indicated Table No. 5B . It is considered to be as gentle as possible, since food is prepared without salt and is served only pureed in the form of slimy soups, soufflés and purees.

Diet No. 5 after gallbladder removal

It should be noted that conservative treatment is not always effective. With frequent exacerbations of cholecystitis, in the presence of complications (purulent, phlegmonous cholecystitis), as well as with cholelithiasis, removal of the gallbladder cannot be avoided. Nutrition is the most important component of the postoperative recovery period. 12 hours after the operation, you are allowed to drink still water in small sips (up to 500 ml per day). On the second day, kefir, unsweetened tea, and jelly are introduced into the diet in portions of no more than 0.5 cups at intervals of 3 hours.

The postoperative diet expands for 3-4 days - frequent meals are allowed (up to 8 times a day) in portions of 150 g: pureed soups with water, mashed potatoes (semi-liquid), egg white omelet, grated boiled fish, fruit jelly. You can drink juices (apple, pumpkin) and tea with sugar. On the fifth day, biscuits and dry wheat bread are introduced. After a week, grated porridge (buckwheat, oatmeal), boiled rolled meat, low-fat cottage cheese and vegetable puree are allowed. After this, the patient can be transferred to Table No. 5A , a little later - to Table No. 5. Recipes for the dishes will be given below.

Fatty liver disease is the most common disease in hepatology. The pathogenesis of the disease is associated with insulin resistance, as a result of which they accumulate in the liver. triglycerides with the formation of fatty hepatosis, which over time leads to the development of destructive changes in the liver ( steatohepatitis ). In general, the disease is asymptomatic and is accidentally discovered during biochemical examination and ultrasound. Characterized by an increase in the activity of ALT, AST and alkaline phosphatase , increase bilirubin , hypercholesterolemia And hypertriglyceridemia . In some patients it is detected.

For fatty liver disease, weight loss is recommended, which is achieved through diet and exercise. Patients need to follow the diet of Table No. 5, but in addition it is necessary to reduce the energy value of the diet. The allowed minimum calorie intake for women is at least 1200 kcal and 1500 kcal for men. A weight loss of 5-10% leads to a decrease in the activity of ALT, AST, hepatosplenomegaly and helps reduce steatosis . It is safe to lose weight by 1500 g per week.

  • Elimination of butter, margarine, animal fat and consumption of foods with polyunsaturated fatty acids (seafood, fish, vegetable oils, poultry, olives, nuts, if energy needs allow).
  • Reducing cholesterol intake from foods (up to 300 mg per day) - excluding caviar, egg yolks, offal, raw smoked sausages, fatty dairy products and fatty meats.
  • Exclusion of dishes prepared by frying and deep-frying.
  • Enrichment of food with vitamins (fruits, artichokes, Jerusalem artichokes, leeks).
  • At diabetes mellitus - exclusion of simple carbohydrates.

Among the innate functional bilirubinemia , comes first. It is believed that 1-5% of the population has this syndrome. The cause is a binding disorder bilirubin which is inherited. No other pathological changes in the liver are detected. Provoking factors for periodic increases in bilirubin in the blood are infections, overload, and sulfonamides , oral contraceptives , salicylates . In some cases, it first appears during the recovery period with.

The effect of hunger is very pronounced in this disease - there is an increase in the level of unconjugated bilirubin. Therefore, it is necessary to eat rationally within this dietary table and avoid long periods of eating. You also need to maintain sufficient water load to prevent thickening of bile and use additional fat-soluble and microelements.

It is necessary to completely avoid products containing preservatives and dyes, fatty meats and fish. The consumption of fried foods and alcohol is unacceptable throughout your life. Meals for hepatitis C should be divided into 5-6 meals.

Below is not a table of products, but a list of products and dishes that will help you understand what you can and cannot eat as part of this dietary table for all of the above diseases.


  • Table No. 5A - creates maximum liver rest, prescribed for acute hepatitis And cholecystitis and exacerbation of chronic diseases (hepatitis, cholecystitis and gastrointestinal tract), liver cirrhosis in the compensation stage.
  • 5V - with severe exacerbation of chronic hepatitis And cholecystitis , liver cirrhosis with moderate deficiency, with peptic ulcer And gastritis which are combined with hepatitis or cholecystitis.
  • 5P - in case of chronic disease in the recovery stage or without exacerbation. Normalizes the function of the pancreas, reduces the excitability of the gallbladder, spares the stomach, liver and intestines.
  • 5GA - hypoallergenic diet, which is based on the basic Table No. 5, but additionally excludes all seafood, fish, caviar, eggs, processed cheeses, ice cream, bell peppers, pickles, sauerkraut, peanuts, sesame seeds, hazelnuts, sunflower seeds, citrus fruits, strawberries, apricots, peaches, raspberries, grapes, pomegranates, pineapple, melon, sea buckthorn, kiwi, semolina and wheat cereals, whole milk, flavored fruit drinks, cakes, chocolate, marshmallows, marshmallows.
  • - postcholecystectomy syndrome with availability duodenitis and exacerbation of chronic gastritis. It provides maximum sparing of the digestive organs and reduction of bile secretion.
  • 5G or 5 L/F - prescribed for hypotension of the gallbladder with symptoms of bile stagnation and in a state after cholecystectomy with stagnation of bile in the liver. Nutrition is aimed at enhancing bile secretion and improving intestinal circulation of bile, so the diet includes polyunsaturated fatty acids and proteins.
  • 5P - at dumping syndrome after resection for an ulcer.


For what diseases is this diet prescribed?

  • acute cholecystitis And hepatitis in the recovery stage;
  • chronic hepatitis beyond exacerbation;
  • in remission;
  • with (provided there is no liver failure);
  • chronic cholecystitis (beyond exacerbation).

The calorie content of the daily diet can reach 2800 kcal. This indicator may vary depending on the individual needs and lifestyle of the patient. It is important to eat moderate portion sizes to ensure proper digestion of food. The menu should include methionine, glutamic acid and be devoid of oxalic acid, as well as purine compounds.

Table of permitted products

Proteins, gFats, gCarbohydrates, gCalories, kcal

Vegetables and greens

eggplant1,2 0,1 4,5 24
zucchini0,6 0,3 4,6 24
cabbage1,8 0,1 4,7 27
broccoli3,0 0,4 5,2 28
carrot1,3 0,1 6,9 32
cucumbers0,8 0,1 2,8 15
salad pepper1,3 0,0 5,3 27
parsley3,7 0,4 7,6 47
iceberg lettuce0,9 0,1 1,8 14
tomatoes0,6 0,2 4,2 20
pumpkin1,3 0,3 7,7 28
dill2,5 0,5 6,3 38


bananas1,5 0,2 21,8 95
apples0,4 0,4 9,8 47

Nuts and dried fruits

raisin2,9 0,6 66,0 264
dried figs3,1 0,8 57,9 257
dried apricots5,2 0,3 51,0 215
dried apricots5,0 0,4 50,6 213
prunes2,3 0,7 57,5 231

Cereals and porridges

buckwheat (kernel)12,6 3,3 62,1 313
oat groats12,3 6,1 59,5 342
pearl barley9,3 1,1 73,7 320
rice6,7 0,7 78,9 344

Flour and pasta

pasta10,4 1,1 69,7 337
noodles12,0 3,7 60,1 322
buckwheat noodles14,7 0,9 70,5 348

Bakery products

bran bread7,5 1,3 45,2 227
whole grain bread10,1 2,3 57,1 295


jam0,3 0,2 63,0 263
jelly2,7 0,0 17,9 79
marshmallows0,8 0,0 78,5 304
milk candies2,7 4,3 82,3 364
fondant candies2,2 4,6 83,6 369
fruit and berry marmalade0,4 0,0 76,6 293
paste0,5 0,0 80,8 310
Maria cookies8,7 8,8 70,9 400

Raw materials and seasonings

honey0,8 0,0 81,5 329
sugar0,0 0,0 99,7 398


kefir 1.5%3,3 1,5 3,6 41
Ryazhenka2,8 4,0 4,2 67

Cheeses and cottage cheese

cottage cheese 1%16,3 1,0 1,3 79

Meat products

beef18,9 19,4 0,0 187
rabbit21,0 8,0 0,0 156


boiled chicken breast29,8 1,8 0,5 137
boiled chicken drumstick27,0 5,6 0,0 158
boiled turkey fillet25,0 1,0 - 130


soft-boiled chicken eggs12,8 11,6 0,8 159

Fish and seafood

flounder16,5 1,8 0,0 83
pollock15,9 0,9 0,0 72
cod17,7 0,7 - 78
hake16,6 2,2 0,0 86

Oils and fats

butter0,5 82,5 0,8 748
olive oil0,0 99,8 0,0 898
sunflower oil0,0 99,9 0,0 899

Non-alcoholic drinks

water0,0 0,0 0,0 -
mineral water0,0 0,0 0,0 -
green tea0,0 0,0 0,0 -

Juices and compotes

apricot juice0,9 0,1 9,0 38
carrot juice1,1 0,1 6,4 28
peach juice0,9 0,1 9,5 40
plum juice0,8 0,0 9,6 39
tomato juice1,1 0,2 3,8 21
pumpkin juice0,0 0,0 9,0 38
rose hip juice0,1 0,0 17,6 70

Fully or partially limited products

Prohibited foods and dishes include:

  • Fresh bread, pastries, fried pies, cakes, puff pastry, baked goods.
  • Products containing oxalic acid (sorrel, spinach), essential oils (radish, radish, garlic, onion), as well as highly extractive dishes (all broths).
  • It is not allowed to eat fatty meat and fish, smoked meats, caviar, salted fish, sausages, and canned food.
  • Eating okroshka and sauerkraut cabbage soup is not allowed.
  • By-products high in cholesterol (liver, kidneys, brains, cod liver) are also excluded from the diet.
  • Legumes and vegetables with coarse fiber (radishes, turnips, radishes), and in case of poor tolerance - white cabbage.
  • Cooking fats and animal lard, goose and duck meat, hard-boiled and fried eggs.
  • Full-fat milk and cream, hot seasonings: horseradish, mustard, pepper, ketchup, mayonnaise are prohibited.
  • Black coffee, chocolate, and cocoa are also excluded.

Table of prohibited products

Proteins, gFats, gCarbohydrates, gCalories, kcal

Vegetables and greens

canned vegetables1,5 0,2 5,5 30
swede1,2 0,1 7,7 37
peas6,0 0,0 9,0 60
bulb onions1,4 0,0 10,4 41
chickpeas19,0 6,0 61,0 364
radish1,2 0,1 3,4 19
white radish1,4 0,0 4,1 21
beans7,8 0,5 21,5 123
horseradish3,2 0,4 10,5 56
spinach2,9 0,3 2,0 22
sorrel1,5 0,3 2,9 19


grape0,6 0,2 16,8 65


mushrooms3,5 2,0 2,5 30
marinated mushrooms2,2 0,4 0,0 20

Nuts and dried fruits

nuts15,0 40,0 20,0 500
almond18,6 57,7 16,2 645


potato chips5,5 30,0 53,0 520

Flour and pasta

vareniki7,6 2,3 18,7 155
dumplings11,9 12,4 29,0 275

Bakery products

buns7,9 9,4 55,5 339


pastry cream0,2 26,0 16,5 300
shortbread dough6,5 21,6 49,9 403

Ice cream

ice cream3,7 6,9 22,1 189


chocolate5,4 35,3 56,5 544

Raw materials and seasonings

mustard5,7 6,4 22,0 162
mayonnaise2,4 67,0 3,9 627


milk 4.5%3,1 4,5 4,7 72
cream 35% (fat)2,5 35,0 3,0 337
whipped cream3,2 22,2 12,5 257

Cheeses and cottage cheese

parmesan cheese33,0 28,0 0,0 392

Meat products

fatty pork11,4 49,3 0,0 489
salo2,4 89,0 0,0 797
bacon23,0 45,0 0,0 500


smoked sausage9,9 63,2 0,3 608


smoked chicken27,5 8,2 0,0 184
duck16,5 61,2 0,0 346
smoked duck19,0 28,4 0,0 337
goose16,1 33,3 0,0 364

Fish and seafood

smoked fish26,8 9,9 0,0 196
black caviar28,0 9,7 0,0 203
salmon caviar granular32,0 15,0 0,0 263
salmon19,8 6,3 0,0 142
canned fish17,5 2,0 0,0 88
salmon21,6 6,0 - 140
trout19,2 2,1 - 97

Oils and fats

animal fat0,0 99,7 0,0 897
cooking fat0,0 99,7 0,0 897

Alcoholic drinks

dry red wine0,2 0,0 0,3 68
vodka0,0 0,0 0,1 235
beer0,3 0,0 4,6 42

Non-alcoholic drinks

soda water0,0 0,0 0,0 -
cola0,0 0,0 10,4 42
instant coffee dry15,0 3,5 0,0 94
sprite0,1 0,0 7,0 29
* data is per 100 g of product

Diet menu No. 5 for the week (diet regimen)

Below is an approximate menu for dietary table number 5. Compliance with it is necessary for 1.5 years.

Make sure that your daily diet includes alternating protein dishes (eggs, cottage cheese, beef, fish, chicken, turkey) and cereals. Use a variety of methods for preparing them, which are provided by Diet 5 table.

The menu for the week can be modified according to your preferences, without going beyond the limits of permitted products.








In case of severe inflammation, a diet is prescribed within the limits Table No. 5A or №5B . To prevent bile stagnation, 6 meals a day are recommended. All vegetables are excluded, only mucous soups are allowed, and heat-treated apples are allowed from fruits.

Portions should be small (100 g per dish). Breakfast can consist of 2 dishes (total 200 g) and a drink, lunch - of 3 courses (up to 300 g in total), dinner - of 2 dishes (200-225 g) and a drink.

Here is an example of one day's diet.

Below are some recipes.

Diet recipes No. 5 (table No. 5)

Since dietary food is designed for a long period of time and needs to be varied, the housewife is often faced with the question of what to cook?

Milk porridge on water

Breakfast usually consists of milk porridge or porridge cooked in water. It can be rice, buckwheat, oatmeal or semolina. You can also cook omelettes or cottage cheese dishes. Every day at Table 5A, 5 they include tea with milk, for an afternoon snack you can have baked apples, fruit and vegetable juices, pumpkin porridge. Recipes for the week for preparing lunch first courses often contain soups (vegetable or cereal), but cabbage soup from fresh cabbage and borscht are also acceptable. For cabbage soup you can use white, savoy or Brussels sprouts.

In the therapeutic diet of the 5th table, recipes for dishes for the second provide for even greater variety. It can be boiled and lightly baked chicken, fish baked in sour cream sauce, steamed fish and meat cutlets, quenelles. You can cook stewed fish with vegetables, but for this table it is pre-boiled to remove extractive substances.

Desserts are also widely represented: cottage cheese soufflé, cheesecakes with carrots, curd pudding, fruit and berry mousses, sambuca, fruit and berry soufflé, protein sponge cake and baked goods made from proteins and sugar (snowballs, meringues).

The choice of vegetable dishes is no less varied: vegetables in milk sauce, beetroot puree, potatoes in milk, carrot puree with apples, cabbage stewed in milk, vegetable stew, potato roll with carrots, cabbage rolls with vegetables and rice, cauliflower stewed in milk .

Taking into account modern technologies, many of these dishes can be prepared in a slow cooker. For example, pancakes fried in oil in a frying pan are not allowed, but those cooked in a slow cooker and not too fried are allowed. It will be healthier to make them from oatmeal or buckwheat flour. We offer simple recipes for Diet No. 5 for every day.

First meal. Slimy and pureed soups

Mucous soups are prepared from the third day after removal of the gallbladder and with severe exacerbation of cholecystitis and hepatitis, and they are included in Table No. 5A . They are a strained decoction of well-cooked cereals. Puree soup is prepared from vegetables, cereals, with the addition of meat or poultry. On Table 5A , 5 and 5P they are cooked in vegetable or cereal broth. The ingredients included are boiled until fully cooked and pureed to a puree, which is combined with the broth and brought to a boil. To prevent food particles from settling, season the dish with white sauce and boil again.

Slimy oat soup

Boil the oatmeal well, strain without rubbing the cereal. Bring the broth to a boil and add a little salt. The finished dish has a uniform creamy consistency and does not contain food particles.

Cauliflower, potatoes, rice, milk, flour, butter.

Boil the potatoes and cauliflower, rub them together with the liquid through a sieve, and leave a few small inflorescences whole. Cook the rice for an hour, puree, combine with soup and add salt. Season with white sauce, add butter. Serve with croutons.

After a week, with the transition to the basic table, they switch to soups with finely chopped vegetables.

Barley soup

Ingredients: potatoes, cereals, carrots, onions, butter, sour cream.

Boil pearl barley. Chop the carrots and onions and simmer in water. Combine the cereal with vegetables, pour in vegetable broth, add potatoes, and salt. Serve with parsley and sour cream.

Savoy cabbage soup

Carrots, potatoes, parsley root, onions are chopped. Onions, parsley and carrots are simmered separately in water with the addition of vegetable oil.

Place potatoes and prepared vegetables into boiling water and cook for 15-20 minutes. 5 minutes before the end of cooking, add shredded savoy cabbage and fresh peeled tomatoes. Salt to taste and bring to a boil. You can serve with pieces of boiled meat.

Main course recipes

Chicken and Zucchini Casserole

Chicken meat, butter, milk, flour, zucchini, egg white, salt.

Cut the boiled chicken meat, add part of the milk sauce (made from milk and flour) and whipped egg white. Mix the minced meat with grated raw zucchini, add salt, place in a mold, and pour milk sauce on top. Bake in the oven.

Composition of products. Blue whiting, onions, potatoes, zucchini, carrots, green peas, vegetable oil.

Boil the potatoes until half cooked, chop all other vegetables as desired. Place prepared vegetables in a baking dish and fish fillets on top. Season with salt, add vegetable oil, and bake in the oven without forming a crust.

Fish soufflé

Boiled fish fillet is passed through a meat grinder, milk sauce, butter (vegetable) oil and egg yolks are added. The mass is kneaded, salted, and then the whipped whites are added. The mass is placed on a baking sheet (in molds if desired) and steamed or baked.

Protein omelet recipe for Diet No. 5

Omelettes can be natural and protein, mixed (with fillings of poached carrots, chopped boiled meat) and stuffed.

How to prepare a steam omelette, the consumption of which is allowed in this therapeutic diet? The beaten mixture of eggs and milk is slightly salted, poured into greased molds and steamed in containers with mesh liners. The omelette should have a delicate, uniform consistency, a little elastic, and its shape should be well preserved. Steam omelettes are light yellow in color. In Diet n5, yolks are limited, so you need to prepare a protein omelet, using only egg whites for the dish.


This diet includes salads made from raw vegetables, but when preparing them, turnips, radishes, radishes, sorrel, rhubarb, spinach, onions, pickled vegetables, and garlic are excluded. These can be traditional salads of tomatoes and cucumbers, seasoned with vegetable oil (sour cream). You can prepare it from a green leaf salad, add any seeds and use a dressing of vegetable oil and lemon juice.

Cabbage salads made from finely shredded cabbage are seasoned with lemon juice, sugar and butter. You can add tomatoes and cucumbers, grated carrots or apples to them. To prepare carrot salads, root vegetables are grated, seasoned with sugar (honey) and sour cream. Add chopped apples and boiled dried fruits.

Vinaigrettes consisting of steamed potatoes, carrots and beets are allowed. They are mixed with chopped non-acidic sauerkraut and peeled pickles.

Meat salad

Cut fresh cucumbers, peppers, boiled meat into strips. Add salt to taste and season with vegetable oil. Place in a heap in a salad bowl and, if desired, garnish with boiled egg slices and lettuce leaves. You can add boiled potatoes and carrots.

For children

In children, functional disorders of the biliary system are more common, and inflammatory diseases are less common ( cholangitis ). However, functional disorders can cause the development of organic pathologies of the liver, biliary system and pancreas. The bile ducts have a complex system of sphincters and its synchronous activity is extremely important. For dysfunctional disorders, Diet 5 is recommended.

The table for children is no different from that for adults. The basic principles of heat treatment of dishes are preserved. The meal itself is a good stimulator for the flow of bile into the intestines. It follows that meals should be regular. Portions should be given in small amounts, avoiding overeating, and it is advisable to teach the child to eat at the same time.

A children's diet should be age-appropriate and contain the optimal amount of protein and carbohydrates, and be easily digestible. For a 5-year-old child, the optimal easily digestible protein is protein from dairy products, eggs and fish (if there are no allergies). When treating dysfunctions with increased sphincter tone, the fat content decreases (it is calculated based on 0.5-0.6 g per kg of weight). Vegetable fats are recommended and refractory animal fats are excluded. With hypomotor dyskinesia, the amount of vegetable fats increases to 1.0-1.2 g per kg of the child’s weight.

A sample menu for children might look like this.

  • Acute inflammation of the liver or biliary tract (acute hepatitis, cholangitis, cholecystitis) in the initial stage or in combination with other diseases of the gastrointestinal tract (gastric and duodenal ulcers, gastritis, enterocolitis);
  • Inflammatory diseases of the liver and gall bladder at the recovery stage (hepatitis, cholangitis, cholecystitis);
  • Chronic diseases of the liver and gall bladder without exacerbations (chronic hepatitis or cholecystitis);
  • Liver cirrhosis (uncomplicated by liver failure);
  • Cholelithiasis;
  • Chronic pancreatitis without exacerbations or at the recovery stage.
Inflammatory diseases of the liver and biliary tract – diseases affecting the bile-forming (liver) and biliary (gallbladder, bile ducts) systems. They are considered one of the most common pathologies in the world, and every year the number of people suffering from these diseases is only increasing. The most common causes of inflammatory processes in the liver and bile ducts are viruses and microorganisms, poisoning with various poisons or medications, serious disorders of the metabolism of bile acids, etc.

Often, disruption of the liver and gallbladder can be caused by an unhealthy lifestyle, poor nutrition, abuse of fatty foods or alcohol. Regardless of the cause, such diseases require proper treatment and adherence to certain nutritional rules, since if left untreated in time, they can cause serious complications such as cirrhosis of the liver, liver failure, or malignant neoplasms in the liver or bile ducts.

The liver is the main participant in almost all metabolic processes occurring in the body. Many enzymes and biologically active compounds necessary for processing proteins, fats and carbohydrates are synthesized here. The liver is also responsible for the neutralization and breakdown of toxic metabolic products, medications or toxins that enter the body with contaminated food or water. Bile, produced in the liver, is involved in the process of digestion and assimilation of fats needed by our body as a building material or source of energy. From the liver it passes into the gallbladder, where it accumulates and, through the bile ducts, enters the intestines when food enters there. Impaired formation or release of bile leads not only to digestive disorders, but also to the occurrence of inflammatory processes that destroy liver and gallbladder cells.

In inflammatory diseases of the liver and biliary tract, symptoms such as pain in the right hypochondrium, hepatic colic, nausea, vomiting, fever, icteric coloration of the skin and sclera occur. In most cases, eating is accompanied by unpleasant sensations, which over time leads to loss of appetite and exhaustion of the body. Often, inflammation of the gallbladder (cholecystitis) is associated with the formation of gallstones.

Pancreatitis – inflammatory disease of the pancreas. This gland takes an active part in digestive processes. Its enzymes break down proteins, fats and carbohydrates, and also neutralize the acidic environment formed as a result of gastric juice entering the intestinal lumen. In addition to digestive enzymes, the pancreas also produces some hormones that play a huge role in metabolic processes. One of these hormones is insulin, which is involved in the absorption of glucose from food. A lack of this hormone leads to diabetes, a serious hormonal disease accompanied by various complications.
As with diseases of the liver and biliary tract, the causes of pancreatitis are poor diet, alcohol abuse, poisoning with various toxins, certain bacteria and viruses. Pancreatitis can also be a complication of gallstone disease or operations on the digestive tract.

Diet No. 5 is not a complete treatment for inflammatory diseases of the liver, biliary tract and pancreas, but is considered an important component of the treatment process:

  • Diet No. 5 is prescribed for acute or chronic diseases of the liver and biliary tract, as well as for cirrhosis of the liver and cholelithiasis;
  • Diet No. 5 P is a subtype of diet No. 5 and is intended for people suffering from chronic pancreatitis without complications or at the recovery stage.

What is the purpose of this diet?

The purpose of diet No. 5 is to normalize impaired digestive functions of the liver and bile ducts, regulate fat and cholesterol metabolism, and stimulate the secretion of bile. Also, diet No. 5 is designed to reduce the load on the liver and provide adequate nutrition to the body in conditions of impaired digestion.

Diet No. 5 P is aimed at providing chemical sparing of the pancreas, reducing the inflammatory process and eliminating symptoms, as well as normalizing the functions of the pancreas.

Diet in numbers

Meal regimen

Food is taken 5 times a day, with equal time intervals between meals. The last meal is taken 2-3 hours before bedtime. You need to drink 1.5-2 liters of liquid per day. When following this diet, it is recommended to take vitamins: ascorbic acid (150-200 mg), nicotinic acid (50-60 mg), as well as thiamine, riboflavin and retinol. It is recommended to replace sugar with xylitol or sorbitol. Overeating and abuse of heavy fatty foods are contraindicated. Soups: If you follow diet No. 5, cereal, vegetable, dairy and fruit soups are allowed. It is recommended to prepare soups using weak vegetable broths with the addition of cereals, chopped vegetables or pasta. Borscht, beetroot soup, and cabbage soup made from fresh cabbage are also allowed. It is recommended to replace frying flour and vegetables for dressing with drying.

When following diet No. 5 P, soups with cabbage are excluded from the diet. Among the cereals, the use of semolina, buckwheat, rice and oatmeal is allowed. It is recommended to wipe or finely chop vegetables. Also, if well tolerated, soups are seasoned with a small amount of sour cream, dill or parsley.

Excludes: soups cooked in rich meat, fish or mushroom broths, green cabbage soup, okroshka. When following diet No. 5 P, it is also not recommended to consume milk soups.

Meat and fish dishes: Both diet No. 5 and diet No. 5 P are suitable for lean meats (beef, veal, rabbit), poultry (chicken, turkey) and fish (hake, pike perch, cod). Tendons and fascia should be cut out of the meat, and the poultry should be cooked without skin. Dishes are served stewed, boiled or baked.

When following diet No. 5, meat and fish are prepared in pieces, in the form of meatballs or cutlets, and added to pilaf or cabbage rolls. Milk sausages are also allowed in limited quantities.

For diet No. 5 P, meat and fish dishes are prepared in the form of cutlets, meatballs, mashed potatoes or soufflés. In the absence of exacerbations, meat and fish can be served in pieces. The meat is boiled or steamed.


Fatty meats, poultry and fish, pork, lamb or beef lard, smoked meats, liver, kidneys, sausages, canned meat or fish, salted or smoked fish.

Flour products: day-old white or rye bread, dry sponge cake, uneaten cookies, boiled or baked pasta, crackers without butter and spices. It is also allowed to eat baked goods made from soft dough with the addition of meat, fish, cottage cheese or apples.

Excludes: puff pastry products, pastries, fresh bread, sweet butter cookies. When following diet No. 5 P, you should also limit the consumption of rye bread.

Vegetables and fruits: It is recommended to eat fresh tomatoes, cucumbers, cabbage, carrots, beets, zucchini, and cauliflower. Fresh greens (if well tolerated), green peas, non-acidic sauerkraut, and onions (pre-boiled) are also allowed. Recommended fruits and berries include apples, plums, cherries, raspberries, and strawberries. Vegetables are served raw, boiled or stewed, both as salads and as a side dish or independent dish.

Excludes: spinach, sorrel, mushrooms, bitter vegetables (onions, garlic, radishes, radishes, horseradish, turnips), very sour fruits and berries. It is also recommended to exclude canned vegetables, pickled or fried vegetables from the diet. Diet No. 5 P also does not include eggplants, sweet peppers, white cabbage, grapes, and bananas. You should also limit the consumption of raw and unprocessed fruits and berries.

Cereals: Rice, semolina, buckwheat, oatmeal and millet porridges are recommended. You can prepare pilaf with dried fruits, puddings with carrots and cottage cheese, crumbly porridges, cereals, boiled or baked pasta. For diet No. 5 P, pureed porridges cooked in water with milk, cereal soufflés, and casseroles are suitable.

Excludes: you should limit your consumption of legumes. Diet No. 5 P also excludes millet, corn, barley and pearl barley. Also, when following diet No. 5 P, crumbly porridges are not recommended.

Eggs and dairy products: soft-boiled egg (one per day if well tolerated), egg white omelet. You are allowed to consume up to 1 yolk per day. Among dairy products, cottage cheese, kefir, yogurt, whole or powdered milk, acidophilus, as well as mild and low-fat varieties of cheese are recommended. Sour cream is allowed only as a seasoning for dishes. Butter is allowed in limited quantities. When following diet No. 5 P, preference should be given to low-fat dairy products.

Excludes: whole egg dishes, more than two yolks per day, hard-boiled or fried eggs. High-fat dairy products, cream, fermented baked milk, sour cream, sharp or fatty cheeses are also not recommended.

Sweet dishes: jams or jams, honey, marshmallows, marshmallows, jellies, mousses, marmalade, meringues are recommended. The use of fruit or berry compotes and jelly is also allowed. You should not abuse sugar; it is partially replaced by xylitol or sorbitol. When following diet No. 5 P, jams and jams are allowed in limited quantities.

Excludes: chocolate, ice cream, confectionery rich in cream or cooked on fluffy sponge cakes.

Sauces, spices, herbs: When following diet No. 5, milk, sour cream or fruit sauces, as well as vegetable gravies, are allowed. Flour for sauces is not fried. You can also season dishes with herbs (dill, parsley), vanilla or cinnamon.


Sauces based on meat, fish or mushroom broths, tomato sauces, hot seasonings (mustard, pepper), vinegar, as well as any types of spices.

Beverages: weak tea with lemon, weak coffee with added milk, compotes, juices, jelly made from fruits, berries and dried fruits. Vegetable decoctions, rosehip decoction or wheat bran decoction are also allowed.

When following diet No. 5 P, instead of sugar, xylitol is added to tea and coffee, compotes are prepared without sugar, and sweet juices should be diluted with water.

Excludes: cold, carbonated drinks, strong tea or coffee, cocoa. You should also avoid overly sweet juices or any alcoholic drinks.

First breakfast: to choose from:
  • Vinaigrette with vegetable oil;
  • Curd pudding with jam;
  • Steamed egg white omelette;
  • Buckwheat porridge with boiled meat;
  • Milk oatmeal with fruit.
Liquid: tea with lemon, coffee with milk, fruit juice.
Lunch: to choose from:
  • Baked apple;
  • Fresh low-fat cottage cheese;
  • Rose hip decoction;
  • Weak tea and dry biscuits;
  • Berry jelly.
Dinner: first to choose from:
  • Vegetarian borsch;
  • Milk soup with rice;
  • Soup from prefabricated vegetables with pasta;
  • Fruit soup with rice;
  • Cream soup of potatoes and carrots.

Second to choose from:

  • Boiled fish with baked potatoes;
  • Buckwheat porridge with chicken cutlets;
  • Boiled rice with chicken roll;
  • Mashed potatoes with boiled beef;
  • Vermicelli casserole with boiled chicken.
Dessert to choose from:
  • Fruit jelly;
  • Raspberry jelly;
  • Apple compote;
  • Unsweetened cookies with jam;
  • Fresh apple.
Afternoon snack: to choose from:
  • Rose hip decoction;
  • Weak tea with crackers;
  • Vegetable broth;
  • Calcined cottage cheese;
  • Fruit juice with dry biscuit.
Dinner: to choose from:
  • Boiled meat with vegetable side dish;
  • Steamed fish with carrot and potato puree;
  • Buckwheat krupenik with meatballs;
  • Pilaf with chicken bits;
  • Boiled vermicelli with meat cutlets.
Liquid: rosehip decoction, weak tea, fruit juice.
Before bedtime: a glass of kefir.
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