Dr. Bormenthal's diet: intensive weight loss without prohibitions. Bormenthal method

Both now and ten years ago, when the Bormenthal diet was developed, women sought to get rid of extra pounds. Since hunger strikes and monocomponent diets did not bring results, the Bormenthal weight loss center concentrated on creating a universal nutrition program that would help both women and men get rid of the habit of overeating. Is it possible to achieve significant results if you stick to a diet menu for 14 days? What are the advantages and disadvantages of this power system?

Today, only the lazy have not come up with a diet for losing weight. So Dr. Bormenthal created his own method of losing weight, based not only on the principles of proper nutrition, but also on psychological characteristics. People who have the financial means go to the clinic of the same name, where they are given a guarantee of weight loss.

We'll talk about who the Bormenthal diet is suitable for, and is it possible to lose weight on your own at home for free? Is it true that you can eat whatever you want, adhering to a certain daily caloric intake and still lose weight? Do you need to keep a food diary? Are there any advantages to this diet for weight loss compared to others?

What kind of diet is this

In the 2000s, Dr. Bormenthal created a special diet, which is primarily aimed at. In the course of a number of his own studies, the author found that most often people gain excess weight due to the habit of eating problems.

It is the psychological aspect of weight loss that the staff of the Bormental clinic pay attention to. But since it is impossible to practice breathing at home using the method of a candidate of medical sciences, or undergo psychological training, we will try to determine what you need to eat, according to Bormenthal, in order to painlessly lose excess weight.

We also invite you to watch the video, which will help you understand what the Bormenthal weight loss system is.

What are the disadvantages of a weight loss program?

Like any weight loss system, Dr. Bormental’s diet has a number of nuances. Among them are:

  • Constant calorie counting. Many people started losing weight using this method, but quickly returned to large portions and fatty foods due to the need to count every bite they ate.
  • Also remember that you will have to weigh the volume of each serving. This will give you the most accurate estimate of how many calories you've eaten during the day, but it's still tedious.
  • Bormenthal's method for weight correction and weight loss is absolutely not suitable for people who lead an active lifestyle and play sports. It is also contraindicated for all those whose work involves severe mental and physical stress.
  • Bormenthal's students must weigh themselves every day. Because of this, breakdowns are possible. After all, it’s one thing when you eat like a bird and lose weight, and another thing if you don’t. In the second case, a person will simply give up the idea of ​​losing weight and console himself with the fact that he has a slow metabolism. He will immediately eat away his annoyance and frustration with a delicious dessert.
  • Despite the fact that you can hear from admirers of the technique about the universality of the diet for weight loss, this does not apply to it at all. After all, the clinic prescribes a single prescription for everyone who is overweight - 1000 kilocalories daily. Needless to say, this is too low a threshold, because even strict multi-component diets are designed for 1200-1500 kcal.

Increase by 200 kcal. only permissible due to illness. Don't forget to drink warm teas and herbal infusions from medicinal herbs.

Who is the diet contraindicated for?

  • pregnant and lactating women;
  • both young people under 18 years of age and the elderly;
  • women and men with nervous disorders;
  • in the presence of chronic diseases of internal organs.

Experts in the field of nutrition strongly recommend that all those who decide to try the effectiveness of the diet on themselves start consuming a vitamin complex. Otherwise, you will not be able to avoid problems with the functioning of your internal organs; your hair may begin to fall out and your nails may break.

There are several tips that, according to Dr. Bormenthal and his immediate circle, will help you lose excess weight even more effectively. These include the following:

  • After any meal you should drink a cup of tea. This simple technique will help you prolong the feeling of fullness a little longer.
  • You need to drink at least 1.5 liters per day. liquids. Also, before each meal, Dr. Bormenthal recommends drinking a glass of water for weight loss. This will partially fill your stomach and avoid overeating. Although, to be honest, you simply won’t be able to overeat on Dr. Bormenthal’s diet.
  • Before you start losing weight, your doctor recommends using a weight calculator to determine what you'll be aiming for. According to Bormenthal, setting a clear, rather than abstract, goal gives a person the opportunity not to leave the race ahead of time.

Calorie table for ready meals

Doctor Bormenthal's diet is classified as low-calorie. Reviews from women and men who paid for a weight loss course at a special clinic indicate that the calorie content of your diet must be calculated using the table obtained. In it, all products are presented as if in finished form. Agree, this is very convenient. In raw form, only the calorie content of cereals and legumes is given.

According to fans of this diet system, the calorie table itself also contributes to calorie content. It will especially help those with a sweet tooth. After all, it records the value of your favorite treats.

For example, the most high-calorie among the presented delicacies is chocolate. Although even it can be eaten in reasonable quantities. For example, 1-2 cubes during breakfast. And although the original Bormenthal weekly diet recommends marshmallows, you can make your own adjustments.

If you decide to follow the advice of the Bormental clinic, then you will need a table of caloric content of foods.

Name Calorie content (kcal) per 100 g.
Red borscht 35
Borscht with chicken broth 85
Ukrainian borscht 40
Pea soup 68
Beetroot 30
Green pea soup 58
Mushroom soup 28
Cauliflower soup 28
Potato soup 38
Bean soup 65
Potato soup with sour cream 48
Onion soup 45
Tomato soup 12
Soup with sorrel 40
Ear 46
Vegetable soup with sour cream 45
Vegetable soup 28
Cabbage soup 32
Sour cabbage soup 22
Rassolnik 48
Okroshka with kefir 48
Meat okroshka with kvass 53
Vermicelli soup with milk 66
Rice soup with milk 65
Prague 140
From carrots and apples 58
Made from raw beets, carrots and vegetable oil 60
With mushrooms, chicken, pineapple and mayonnaise 95
Herring under a Fur Coat 185
White cabbage with butter 68
Chinese cabbage with mayonnaise 95
From cucumbers and tomatoes 32
Cucumbers with sour cream 32
Vegetables with natural yoghurt 35
Vegetable with mayonnaise 193
Fruit 105
Second courses
Lazy cabbage rolls 125
Fried beef with tomato paste 100
Bigus 120
Pangasius and potato casserole 112
Fried eggs 120
Risotto with meat and vegetables 185
Potatoes with vegetables, pork and sour cream in pots 128
Peppers stuffed with cheese and tomatoes 120
Peppers stuffed with meat and rice 160
Pink salmon cutlets with rice and cheese 130
Pollock in light mayonnaise 122
Smoked fish pate 152
Tilapia fried in batter 228
Fish dumplings 112
Boiled carp 102
Cod with vegetables 118
Jellied carp with vegetables 136
Fish cutlets 260
Salmon sauté 380
Breaded cod fillet 375
Smoked pink salmon mousse 168
Pink salmon in cream 205
Chicken with apples and mayonnaise 235
Fried chicken 270
Chicken fillet in cheese breading 355
Boiled chicken fillet 152
Chicken fillet with pineapple and cheese 425
Chicken fillet with mushrooms and onions in sour cream 138
Chicken baked with mayonnaise 260
Chicken basturma 158
Chicken fillet in sour cream 205
Roast chicken with cheese 205
Roast chicken with champignons 180
Chicken aspic 192
Chicken cutlets 383
Breaded chicken cutlets 250
Turkey medallions 248
Chicken with vegetables 98
Fried chicken 180
Boiled chicken liver with sour cream 245
Side dishes
Boiled pasta 105
Mashed potatoes with milk 65
Mashed potatoes with butter and milk 85
Egg noodles with fried honey mushrooms 132
Lenten pilaf with mushrooms 118
Fried potatoes 160
French fries 305
With avocado 140
With salmon and avocado 304
California 403
With cucumber 136
With tuna 184
With spicy tuna 290
Buckwheat with milk 165
Buckwheat with mushrooms and butter 112
Buckwheat on water 90
Semolina with milk and butter 128
Hercules on the water 85
Hercules with milk 105
Oatmeal with milk and sugar 76
Semolina with milk 98
Semolina with milk and sugar 78
Semolina on the water 80
Pearl barley 108
Wheat on water 90
Millet 135
Rice on water 78
boiled rice 115
Rice with milk 98
Boiled beans 123

The principles on which the diet menu is based

  • The first meal accounts for up to 30% of the daily calorie intake. After all, it is a high-quality breakfast that will charge you with energy and give you strength. By the way, according to Bormenthal, those people who do not eat in the morning are more likely to suffer from excess weight.
  • Second breakfast accounts for 20% of your daily calories. If you snack in the office, you will need to bring suitable food from home.
  • During lunch you need to eat 40% of your total calories. But the evening meal accounts for the remaining 10%.

Nutritionists believe that such serious restrictions during dinner are unacceptable. After completing a working day, you need to eat well, otherwise you will toss and turn and will not be able to sleep properly due to hunger. For this reason, a breakdown may occur already on day 2-3 of the diet.

The Bormental center also talks about the importance of keeping a diary. The free diet, or rather its daily menu and food diary, should become your best friends for these 14 days. Get yourself a special notebook in which you regularly write down everything you ate during the day.

Before going to bed, reread your notes and count your calories. Most likely, the first few days you will exceed the calorie threshold, but you will soon understand what you should eat so as not to be hungry and not to go too far with your daily allowance.

According to the observations of the staff of the Bormental clinic, the best weight loss results are achieved by those people who keep a food diary and thus additionally control their appetite.

What does the diet consist of?

Your daily diet will be enriched with proteins and fiber - dietary fiber found in vegetables and fruits. There is no need to place a taboo on high-calorie nuts, whole milk and dried fruits.

It is also useful to replace sugar with honey, or something even safer and healthier. Honey grass powder has almost no calories, which means you can squeeze an additional healthy product into your rigid menu.

Bormenthal diet: menu for weight loss for a week

Breakfast 80 g of buckwheat with the same amount of boiled chicken, vegetable salad with unsweetened coffee with the addition of a pinch of cinnamon, you can eat half a meringue or a piece of dark chocolate.
Snack 100 g of stewed fish with vegetables, a piece of black or gray bread, ½ marshmallow and tea.
Dinner Soup with vegetable or chicken broth, a portion of mashed potatoes with sauerkraut or any other homemade preparation, tea and 1 pc. marmalade.
Dinner Boiled rice with boiled veal or stewed rabbit in sour cream, a couple of chocolate slices and tea.
Breakfast 70 g of beef liver or boiled lung with a portion of wheat or buckwheat porridge and tomato, tea and a slice of homemade cheesecake.
Snack Cabbage soup with a spoonful of sour cream and herbs, a slice of bread.
Dinner Stewed potatoes, salad with beets and pickles, dressed with vegetable oil, rice cake, half a marshmallow and coffee without sugar.
Dinner Turkey cutlets, a portion of durum wheat pasta, a couple of tsp. soy sauce.
Breakfast Corn or oatmeal porridge with dried fruits and banana. If your calculations do not exceed 200-250 kcal, you can add a spoonful of grainy cottage cheese with a minimum percentage of fat content.
Snack Baked pumpkin slices with apples, two egg whites (it is not recommended to eat yolks during the diet), 2-3 pcs. cookies with tea.
Dinner Pilaf with a piece of bread, compote without sugar and marmalade.
Dinner Vegetable stew with fish fillet, rice cake and a piece of low-calorie hard cheese with tea.

This menu is designed for 14 days. You don't have to follow the same option every day. You can use the table of calorie content of ready-made dishes and create your own menu taking into account your taste preferences. The weight loss specialist certainly does not limit you in this.

How to properly return to your normal diet

Usually it is enough to adhere to the Bormental diet for 1-2 weeks. It is no longer recommended, since the reduced calorie content of the menu and the lack of vitamin supplements can have a detrimental effect on your health.

However, those who are especially desperate advise that if the results after 14 days do not please you, then you can reduce your daily caloric intake by another 100 units. This can often help break a plateau, but with this diet, playing like this can be dangerous.

If you are satisfied with your appearance and do not want to continue to lose weight, begin to gradually increase your total caloric intake, bringing it to 1800-2000 kcal. subject to training. If you do not play sports and lead a sedentary lifestyle - up to 1600-1800.

What foods are prohibited when losing weight according to Bormental?

Despite the fact that the doctor insists that the process of weight loss occurs without any special restrictions in the diet, he recommends reducing the consumption of fatty fried foods, carbohydrates and flour.

If, during regular weigh-ins, a losing weight person notices that body weight is not decreasing, then more stringent measures need to be taken. You will need to avoid foods such as:

  • potato;
  • white bread and pastry products;
  • semi-finished products, sausages and sausages;
  • sweet carbonated drinks.

Bormenthal diet and exercise

Those who are not fans of fitness and running can rest easy. After all, the key aspect of his weight loss system is precisely that it is not necessary to play sports. Diet developers believe that walking every day is enough.

Nutritionists and fitness trainers have a radically opposite opinion on this matter. In their opinion, physical exercise is necessary not only to speed up the process of losing weight and start metabolism, but also to prevent the “Shar Pei effect.”

This especially applies to people with large body weight. After all, with such lazy weight loss, the skin simply will not have time to tighten, which is why it will sag, and unattractive stretch marks will appear on the most problematic parts of the body.

What is common between an effective method of weight correction and a character in Bulgakov’s story “The Heart of a Dog” is only the name of a network of clinical centers that has been developing since 2001. The founders of the Doctor Bormental brand are psychotherapists M. Gavrilov and A. Bobrovsky, who back in 1992 became interested in the psychology of obese people and proposed their own method of healing with a sustainable, long-term restoration of normal weight. Today they have many like-minded people who are actively developing this system.

What is Dr. Bormenthal's diet

The weight loss system, known as the Bormenthal diet, was developed by candidate of medical sciences, psychotherapist Valery Romatsky. The concept of the diet is that, regardless of constitution, a person cannot control his weight unless he understands the reason for overeating. In this case, any diet will be exhausting and give only temporary results. The psychological component of Romatsky’s technique is accompanied by gastronomic restrictions.

Principles of dietary nutrition

The food pleasure centers located in the brain influence a person’s dependence on food. For example, only after receiving a certain amount of tasty food does a person calm down psychologically. Under the influence of stress factors, the functioning of the pleasure center malfunctions - a person develops a constant desire to eat tasty food. The principles on which the Bormenthal diet is based soften a person’s dependence on his desire to eat tasty food:

  • It is important to determine exactly how many kilograms you need to lose.
  • The optimal daily calorie intake is 1000 kcal, the maximum is 1200 kcal. Calorie counting is carried out daily, in accordance with the Bormenthal table.
  • On average, you should take 200 g of food per meal.
  • Each serving should be eaten slowly; at the end of the meal, a slight feeling of hunger is welcomed. Hunger and appetite are different things: the first is felt in the stomach, the second in the head.
  • Strict food bans are not allowed; you need to eat what you like. The diet can be satisfying, but not exceeding the permitted calorie content threshold. The menu should be balanced and contain all flavors - sweet, sour, bitter, salty.
  • Consumption of fatty, sweet, salty, smoked, pickled foods should be limited, proteins, vegetables, fruits should be increased.
  • Food should be boiled, steamed, stewed, baked.
  • You should drink 2 liters of still water per day. There is no need to drink water to suppress hunger - fasting is not recommended by Romatsky.
  • During the diet, you must completely abstain from alcohol.
  • If you visit the gym every day, do yoga, or Pilates, your daily calorie intake should be increased by 200 kcal.
  • You should monitor your weight daily and record the results in a diary.

Energy value and calories

An important characteristic of food products is energy, or nutritional value - the amount of energy that the body receives when taking 100 g of a particular product. It depends on the content of fats, proteins and carbohydrates in food, and is measured in calories. The recommended number of kilocalories per 1 gram of food (kcal/g):

  • proteins – 4.2;
  • fats - 9.29;
  • carbohydrates – 4.2.

Where to start losing weight according to Bormental

The goal of the Bormenthal system is not only dietary restrictions, but also the development of the correct response to stress. It is necessary to realize that food is a source of energy, and not pleasure or a cure for all difficulties. First you need to find out the reason for overeating, which often boils down to this:

  • stress, under the influence of which a person tries to “seize” troubles;
  • non-compliance with diet, eating without feeling hungry;
  • eating fatty and carbohydrate-containing foods shortly before bedtime.

What foods should be excluded from the diet?

It is not recommended to eat foods with high fat content, containing simple carbohydrates, preservatives, salt, as well as dishes prepared by pickling, smoking, or frying. Carbonated drinks will not lead to weight loss. To achieve results, it is better to avoid the following set of products:

  • sausages, smoked meat and fish, bacon;
  • any baked goods, pasta made from premium wheat;
  • fast food;
  • sugar, sweets, honey, jam;
  • carbonated drinks, ice cream;
  • pickled salads;
  • canned meat and fish, meat in vacuum packages.

Creation of an individual menu

Everyone creates a menu for themselves, based on the person’s age, gender, height, weight, lifestyle, and goal. When starting a diet with the goal of losing weight, you should purchase scales for weighing food and floor scales to monitor your own weight. You should always have a Bormenthal table at hand to determine the energy value of foods and a diary to record the nutritional and energy composition of single servings and display the results of weight changes.

The components of the diet must be weighed and, using the Bormenthal table, the total calorie content of each dish must be calculated. For each meal, the portion size to be eaten is selected in accordance with the following recommendations: breakfast - 30%, second breakfast - 10%, lunch - 40%, dinner - 20%. It is necessary to weigh each single portion.

Personal diary of eating behavior

A diary is not just a means of recording the calorie content of foods consumed and changes in your own weight. Simple notes in a thin notebook will help you analyze and evaluate the dynamics of results over a long period of time - 1 month or more. Keeping a diary disciplines you and helps you remember what your eating behavior was like some time ago when the diet started.

Food calorie table

To facilitate the process of creating a diet menu, a single table of caloric content of weight loss products according to Bormenthal was compiled. The energy value of the products in it is presented for cooked, not raw dishes:

Calorie content per 100 g

Rice fluffy

Crumbled buckwheat

Semolina with milk and oil/water

Hercules with milk/water

Crumbled pearl barley

Wheat viscous consistency on water

Boiled carp

Pollock in Provençal mayonnaise

Cod with vegetables

Baltic sprat

Atlantic herring

Lamb, thigh

Beef, shoulder

Chicken, breast

Pork, shoulder

Veal, shoulder

Chicken thigh

Chicken, drumstick

Boiled pasta

Puree with milk/+butter

Pilaf with mushrooms

Beets and carrots with vegetable oil dressing

Cucumbers with sour cream

White cabbage with butter

Vitamin from carrots and apples

Herring under a Fur Coat

Cocoa without sugar

Instant coffee without sugar

Tea without sugar

Orange juice

Coffee with cream without sugar

Bormenthal diet - menu for every day

Before starting a diet, you need to create a menu for the first 3-4 days. The diet should be formed taking into account the caloric content of dishes and the daily norm of 1200 kcal. Dishes are prepared daily and should be eaten on the same day they are prepared. All components of the dishes are weighed, and the required quantity is determined in accordance with the calorie table.

The tables below show sample menu options, with the calorie content of the dishes indicated in brackets:

Sample menu for the day

Time of receipt

Menu dishes

Calorie content

Boiled chicken breast 100 g (91) with a side dish of boiled rice 70 g (80), sweet tea with a piece of lemon 100 g (30)


soup with meatballs 200 g (215), 1 slice of rye bread (8), boiled veal 100 g (105), unsweetened tea with 1 piece of marmalade (35)

Cucumber and sour cream salad 100 g (33), 2 slices of rye bread (16)

Stuffed cabbage rolls from cabbage, minced beef and rice 100 g (150), low-fat kefir 100 g (50)

TOTAL calories per day

Bormenthal meals for a week

Day of the week

Sample menu for the day

Time of receipt

Menu dishes


Crumbled buckwheat porridge with butter 100 g (130), coffee with milk 100 g (58), oatmeal cookies (25)

Boiled chicken breast 100 g (91) with a side dish of boiled rice 70 g (80), sweet tea with a piece of lemon 100 g (30)

1 banana (60), low-fat yoghurt 100 g (102)

Pea soup 100 g (120), baked pollock with vegetables (115), 2 slices of rye bread (16), unsweetened tea with lemon balm leaves 100 g (2)

Omelette 70 g (195), grapefruit juice (39)

Mashed potatoes with butter 50 g (70), vegetable salad of cucumbers and tomatoes 150 g (25), 100 g low-fat kefir (102)

Boiled cod 100 g (95), sweet tea with curd cookies (120)

Boiled chicken breast 100 g (91) with a side dish of boiled rice 70 g (80), sweet tea with a piece of lemon 100 g (30)

1 apple (45), unsweetened tea, marshmallows (60)

Sauerkraut borscht 150 g (156), 2 breads (26), boiled chicken breast 80 g (70), unsweetened instant coffee (2)

Herring under a fur coat 100 g (183), 1 glass of yogurt (100)

Chicken breast baked with cheese 100 g (130), 100 g low-fat yogurt (100)

2 boiled eggs (126), cottage cheese casserole 70 g (110), unsweetened coffee (2)

Boiled chicken breast 100 g (91) with a side dish of boiled rice 70 g (80), sweet tea with a piece of lemon 100 g (30)

Baked apple 100 g (55), unsweetened tea with crackers (35)

Meatball soup 150 g (180), beef stew 100 g (182), tea without sugar (2)

Omelette 70 g (200), 1 glass of coffee without sugar (2)

Fish balls 100 g (133), sweet tea with a slice of lemon (30) and oatmeal cookies (25)

White cabbage and basil salad 100 g (83), curd pudding 100 g (135), unsweetened tea (2)

Boiled chicken breast 100 g (91) with a side dish of boiled rice 70 g (80), sweet tea with a piece of lemon 100 g (30)

2 pancakes with 1 spoon of sour cream (200), 1 cup of unsweetened coffee (2)

Fresh cabbage soup 100 g (88), beef goulash 100 (180), coffee with cream without sugar (59)

Baked zucchini 100 g (80), strawberries 100 g (33), orange juice (55)

Boiled beef 70 g (180), 1 banana (40), unsweetened tea with mint leaf (2)

Oatmeal with milk and butter 100 g (145), unsweetened tea with marshmallows (65)

Boiled chicken breast 100 g (91) with a side dish of boiled rice 70 g (80), sweet tea with a piece of lemon 100 g (30)

Walnuts 100 g (100), coffee with cream (59)

Meat broth 100 g (20), 2 slices of rye bread (16), mackerel stewed with vegetables 100 g (220), tea with cream and sugar (71)

1 pancake with 1 teaspoon sour cream (100), cocoa without sugar (60)

Stuffed cabbage rolls from cabbage, beef and rice 100 g (150), low-fat kefir (50)

Milk soup with buckwheat porridge 100 g (157), 1 loaf of bread (13), unsweetened coffee with bagel (35)

Boiled chicken breast 100 g (91) with a side dish of boiled rice 70 g (80), sweet tea with a piece of lemon 100 g (30)

1 tangerine (32), sweet tea (30), 2 pieces of marmalade (38)

Meat okroshka 100 g (269), boiled pike 100 g (70), 2 slices of rye bread (16), apricot juice (55)

Beef jelly 100 g (40), 2 loaves of bread (26), apple juice (44)

Buckwheat porridge with stewed chicken 70 g (195), unsweetened tea with a slice of lemon (2)


2 pancakes with 1 teaspoon of sour cream (200), coffee without sugar (2)

Boiled chicken breast 100 g (91) with a side dish of boiled rice 70 g (80), sweet tea with a piece of lemon 100 g (30)

1 cup drinking yogurt (100)

Pasta soup 100 g (247), boiled pike perch 100 g (70), tea without sugar (2)

Vinaigrette 100 g (128), 2 slices of rye bread (16), apple juice (44)

Eggplant caviar 50 g (45), pancakes with cottage cheese 100 g (195), unsweetened tea with mint leaves (2)

How to make your diet more effective

The goal of the technique is to change the motivation to eat. The Bormenthal diet must be followed consciously, observing with pleasure the changes that occur. During the diet, intensive sports, dancing, and other physical activities are not recommended. Walking at a moderate pace, walks in the fresh air, daily gymnastics, meditation, and spa treatments are shown.

They will bring benefits by increasing calorie expenditure and creating a favorable psychological background.

Ways to reduce calorie intake

  • To make room for your favorite foods on the diet menu, you should reduce the calorie content of other dishes. The basic rule should work - the maximum amount of calories is 1200. The reserve for reducing the caloric content of the diet is as follows:
  • Use marshmallows, marshmallows, dark chocolate, marmalade - they can replace high-calorie cakes, muffins, and other sweets. Sweetened tea and coffee will replace preservative-containing juices and lemonades from the store.
  • Avoid all dishes made from meat and dough: pizza, dumplings, pasta with meat, etc. They are poorly digested and are deposited under the skin as fat.

You should not dress salads with mayonnaise - its calorie content is 600 kcal. Mayonnaise in salads can be replaced with lemon juice or vegetable oil.

Diet recipes

The diet menu can be composed of any dishes that can develop the habit of small portions of low-calorie food. Recipes should be based on compatible, easily digestible foods, if possible containing complex carbohydrates and a small amount of fat. Several recipes for such dishes are presented below.

Stuffed peppers with rice

  1. Prepare a hearty, healthy dish of vegetables and grains:
  2. Wash bell pepper (0.5 kg), cut off the tops, remove the seeds;
  3. grate carrots (1 pc.), finely chop onion (1 pc.), fry in sunflower oil;
  4. Boil rice (1 cup);
  5. mix: minced meat, rice, fried onions and carrots, salt, pepper, 1 raw egg;
  6. fill the peppers with the prepared mixture, place in a deep saucepan, add water and simmer on the stove;
  7. when the water boils, add tomato paste (3 tablespoons), close the lid and simmer over low heat for about 50 minutes;
  8. Before serving, garnish the dish with parsley.

Take chicken breasts (0.8 kg) and beat them on both sides. How to prepare a hearty dish:

  1. pour 3 tbsp onto a baking sheet. spoons of butter, place the beaten fillet on it;
  2. tomatoes (2 pcs.) cut into slices;
  3. grate cheese (0.2 kg);
  4. salt and pepper the chicken fillet, grease with mayonnaise (150 g), put tomatoes on top and sprinkle with cheese;
  5. bake in the oven at 200 degrees for half an hour.

To prepare a delicious goulash, take beef (0.6 kg). How to cook:

  1. cut the meat into cubes, lightly fry in sunflower oil;
  2. add diced onions (1 pc.), grated carrots (1 pc.);
  3. fry flour (2 tablespoons) in a dry frying pan;
  4. add flour and tomato paste (1 tbsp) to the meat;
  5. add water or broth, add salt, simmer for 15 minutes;
  6. a minute before the end of stewing, add bay leaf.

Advantages and disadvantages

The use of the technique will provide results without completely eliminating habitual high-calorie foods from the diet. This gives an advantage over other, more restrictive diets. Among the advantages of the Bormenthal diet are:

  • stability of the result - by changing a person’s attitude towards nutrition, the technique allows you to maintain weight for a long time;
  • the size of the stomach reduced during the diet will allow you to feel full from a small amount of food;
  • The habit of not overeating formed during the diet will allow you to start eating when you feel hungry, and not when you see delicious food.

The diet also has some disadvantages:

  • it is necessary to constantly calculate calories and write them down in a diary;
  • not every person can take a low-calorie diet for a long time;
  • There are also contraindications for intense physical activity.


The fight against obesity is very important for a person - excess weight reduces performance and provokes the occurrence of serious diseases, including hypertension, atherosclerosis, hormonal imbalances, metabolism, etc. For a number of reasons, the Bormenthal diet is contraindicated in the following population groups:

  • when under 18 and over 60 years of age;
  • pregnant women and women during lactation;
  • patients with diabetes mellitus;
  • people with mental disorders;
  • cancer patients;
  • for cardiovascular diseases, after a stroke and heart attack;
  • when playing sports or other physical activity.


The Dr. Bormenthal diet was developed more than twenty years ago based on the joint work of nutritionists and psychotherapists. Every year it becomes more and more popular among those who want to lose weight. This technique involves the use of meditation and special breathing techniques. Important conditions in the Bormenthal diet are motivation and psychological attitude.

Those who are interested and decide to use this method of losing weight need to acquire kitchen and floor scales in order to daily monitor their body weight and the amount of food consumed during the day. You need a table that shows the calorie content of each product.

To correct your diet and reduce the number of calories, it is recommended to keep your own food diary, in which you carefully record everything you eat during the day every day.

Experts believe that if you follow all the conditions of the diet and adhere to the developed menu, you can lose weight effectively. As a result of a change in thinking and attitude towards food, appetite decreases, and a person is able to lose extra pounds without stress to the body. This means consuming any food, subject to calorie counting. The menu for the week according to Bormenthal is varied.

"Doctor Bormenthal": menu for the week

Excess weight is recognized as the scourge of the era. Medical clinics and institutes and sports techniques have joined the fight against it. There is no panacea for the disease. Everyone chooses an effective topic based on their needs. There are several reasons for the development of obesity:

  • Congenital pathology, predisposition is inherited
  • An acquired condition during life. Diseases of the endocrine system, stress, overeating high-calorie foods, use of hormonal drugs.

One of the effective methods was patented by psychotherapist V. Romanovsky. A network of clinics “Doctor Bormental” was created. The diet itself is without any special restrictions on food. It is necessary to maintain the norm of caloric content of food and identify the reasons that caused the changes.

Basis of the technique

The result of the diet depends on the person’s initial weight and his health. In terms of time, it refers to long-term methods of losing excess weight. In the clinic, the patient is affected in a complex way:

  • Identifying and eliminating psychological causes of overeating
  • Low-calorie diet, consumption of no more than 1200 kcal per day

The work of psychologists

During an interview with a specialist, the reasons for deviations in eating behavior are clarified. People often use high-calorie foods to quickly remove the imaginary feeling of hunger that occurs during emotional discomfort.

By eating stressful situations, a person acquires a complex of “easy solutions” to the situation for the rest of his life. Over time, the body requires more and more food. Excess accumulates in adipose tissue.

Patients at the Bormenthal center are offered several training methods:

  • Individual consultations
  • Group classes, more effective conditions

Harsh methods of deep hypnosis were abandoned in the Dr. Bormental institutions. The impact is mainly carried out using NLP programming. Supplement with meditation and breathing exercises.

As a result of psychosomatic influence, a person begins to control food intake. Gradual weight loss occurs.

Important points of behavior according to accepted rules are fixed:

  • Start eating when you feel hungry
  • Spend 20 minutes eating
  • Finish eating until you feel full
  • Don't pass off thirst as hunger
  • Distract yourself from problems in other ways

It is convenient to use the method in a group. Participants help each other with advice and motivate each other with positive results.

Supply system

An important factor in reducing excess weight according to the Bormenthal diet is low-calorie dishes.

In principle, you can eat any food without restrictions, but the food must be within the correct calorie range. For clarity, you need to purchase a kitchen scale and keep a calorie notebook.

With such helpers it is easy to keep your nutrition within the required level. You can eat cakes and sweets. Subtract the sum of their nutritional points from the daily value. Gradually, choosing between a full meal and sweets will become a habit. Therefore, there are no restrictions on products in the diet, but keep an eye on the value of the calorie calculator.

The diet includes foods high in protein and fiber to replace the reduction in fast sugars.

You can reduce the feelings of hunger that arise by switching to fractional meals. Divide the daily meal into 7 approaches, not exceeding the weight of the finished product at 200 grams. Maintain an interval of 3 hours after your last meal. Hot drinks will increase the duration of saturation. You only have to completely stop using:

  • Alcoholic drinks
  • Sweet sodas
  • Spicy seasonings
  • Salinities

Exercise while dieting

As you lose weight, your skin may sag and become loose. Muscles lose their strength. It is necessary to increase physical activity during this period. Do fitness, do light jogging, study yoga and wushu techniques.

Physical strengthening of the body will enhance the process of getting rid of extra pounds. A good mood will be guaranteed for the whole day. It will be easier to resist stress. But there is no need to go deeper, we do everything without fanaticism.

By increasing physical activity, you can increase your daily calorie intake to 300 units. Constantly monitor your body weight. If it stops or goes up, then the increase must be canceled.

Advantages of the method

If you follow the rules, the results will always be in the positive sector. The effect is lasting. Everyone loses weight individually, but confidently and quickly. At a festive communal table there is no discomfort from the need to give up delights.

Negative qualities

  • Age restrictions, does not apply under 18 years of age and after 60 years of age
  • Often there is short-term weakness and loss of performance
  • Decreased mood
  • Strict discipline in constant calculation of sweet points
  • Short-term decrease in vitality


  • For chronic and acute gastrointestinal diseases
  • Diabetes of all types
  • Hormonal changes
  • Mental disorders
  • Pregnancy and breastfeeding

Menu for the week

It is compiled taking into account the total weight and calorie content of the dish.

Day Eating dish Weight/kcal
In 1 day Since morning



Day meal

Afternoon snack

Evening meals


Barley porridge

Peach juice

Vegetable soup

Rice porridge on water

Beef goulash

Pear juice

Cocoa with milk

Buckwheat casserole

Braised cabbage

Fruit tea

Curdled milk 1%

In the second In the morning

Small snack

Daily diet

Before dinner

Evening diet

Buckwheat porridge with beef meat

Sliced ​​vegetables

The coffee is not sweet

Sweetened tea

Cabbage soup with broth

Boiled potatoes in sauce

Sour cabbage

Sweet black tea

Curd pancakes

Unsweetened tea

Boiled rice with ketchup

Boiled beef meat

Sweet tea

On the third day After sleep

2 hours before afternoon meal

Light snack

Before bedtime

Egg omelet with mushrooms

Green tea

Boiled chicken

Black bread

Baikhovy tea

Pea soup

Steamed vegetables with rice

Sweet Indian tea

Green apple

Mashed potatoes

Beetroot with nuts

tea drink

Varenets 1%

Fourth day In the morning hours

In 3 hours

Lunch meal

Midday meal

To the evening table

Hercules porridge

Apple slices

2 pieces of chocolate

The tea is not sweet

Tomato vegetable salad

Boiled chicken

Rassolnik with broth

Boiled brown rice

Sea kale salad

Tea with milk

Fruit salad

Roast beef

Cucumbers with sour cream

Sweet tea

On the fifth day Morning diet

For a snack

Have a full lunch

Daily supplement

Nourishing evening

Hard boiled eggs

Marinated kelp

Raisin cupcake

Glass of tea

Mushroom soup

Broccoli with olive oil

Mashed potatoes

Boiled fish

tea drink

Greek salad

Boiled buckwheat with minced meat

Jasmine drink

Varenets 3.2%

On the sixth day Since morning

Lunch menu

Fish day

Evening dishes

Have dinner before bed

Corn porridge

Turkey meat

Carrot salad with shallots

Vegetable juice

Glass of hot tea

Rennet cheese

Pike perch fish soup

Wheat bread

Caesar salad

Birch juice

Sour cream vegetable salad

Steamed fish portion

Vegetable pilaf

Spring salad with vegetable oil

Tea with honey

Ryazhenka 2.5%

On a day off After morning exercises

Lunch menu

Evening reception

Potash eggs

Tomatoes with chopped herbs and butter

Grain bread

Fresh orange

Boiled poultry meat

Hot tea with sugar

Noodles in chicken broth with egg

Bran bread

Avocado salad with butter

Hot sweet tea

Goat cottage cheese with sour cream

Apple juice with pulp

Poltavka with butter

Stewed liver

Pineapple juice


Have you tried many different short-term diets, but none of them suit you? We invite you to get acquainted with the method of Dr. Bormenthal. This is the result of the joint efforts of nutritionists and psychologists.

The diet allows you to eat everything. It is recommended to convert everything you eat into calories and write it down in a diary. As you guessed, there is one very significant “but”. Let's talk about it in more detail.

Operating principle

The basis of the Bormenthal diet is the fight against overeating and psychological work on yourself. After all, we never think about why we overeat before bed, where the habit of eating in front of the TV comes from, why we fight stress by eating it.

Judging by the new methodology, extra pounds are an external manifestation, the result of worries and fears. To avoid them, nutritionists suggest do not limit yourself in choosing products.

The essence of diet is necessity count calories. Yes, you will have to spend time monitoring what you ate and how it will come back to haunt you, but the result is worth it.

And you can eat whatever you want. Pie? Please. No food restrictions!

This approach allows the person losing weight not to feel psychological comfort or any restrictions. Everyone agrees that any diet is stressful. With a program according to Bormenthal stress excluded.

The daily calorie intake should be no higher than 1000-1200 kcal. There are no set limits that determine the duration of the diet - usually two weeks or longer.


Effect on metabolic processes in the body contraindicated:

If you approach Dr. Bormenthal's method for losing weight wisely, the diet will not cause harm to your health. If you have doubts about whether you can lose weight using Bormental, do not be lazy to consult a doctor.

Advantages and disadvantages

If it weren't for the obligatory diary entries, you wouldn't even think about the fact that your goal is to lose weight. Other positive aspects of the Bormenthal technique include:

  • Productivity. Everyone loses weight on this diet.
  • Opportunity to play sports. Then another 200 kcal is added to the number of calories.
  • Comfort from a psychological point of view due to the absence of food restrictions.
  • Long-term results and development of your own nutrition system.
  • The diet smoothly turns into a good habit of eating right, subconsciously controlling what you eat.
  • Entries in diaries allow you to analyze the success of those following Dr. Bormenthal’s diet and adjust the menu for each day.

Surprisingly, it is precisely the entries in diaries that are at the same time one of the shortcomings of the technique. You will have to find a way to constantly keep records no matter where you are.

  • Before you eat something, you need to convert the product into calories.
  • While following a diet, there are periods when the weight stays the same and does not go away for up to two weeks.
  • It is not very comfortable for those who travel all the time or do not eat at home to stick to a diet. It is better for them to lose weight on vacation.

Cooking and counting calories

Calories are counted using a special table according to Bormenthal. Power scheme includes four meals a day. The interval between doses should not exceed four hours. Other rules regarding cooking and calorie counting include:

  • Minimizing salted, pickled, smoked and canned foods.
  • The last meal (dinner) should be no later than four hours before bedtime.
  • If possible, limit simple carbohydrates - sweets, pasta, confectionery.
  • The calorie content of each meal can be distributed as follows: 30% - breakfast, 10% - lunch, 40% - lunch, 20% - dinner; 5-10% - additional dinner.
  • One serving should not exceed 200 g. Eat it slowly - over half an hour.

Food can be eaten raw, boiled, stewed, baked, grilled or steamed, but not fried in large amounts of vegetable oil.

Calorie table for main products:

Sample list of dishes

An example of a menu for 1 day of the week while following a low-calorie diet according to Dr. Bormenthal's method - a table with the calorie content of ready-made dishes:

EatingProducts and dishesQuantity, weightCalorie content
BreakfastChicken breast (boiled or steamed)80 g70 kcal
Buckwheat80 g70 kcal
1 PC.18 kcal
unsweetened 34 kcal
LunchFish soup300 g63 kcal
Bread2 pieces26 kcal
unsweetened with marshmallows 50 kcal
DinnerBoiled potatoes150 g60 kcal
Fish baked with herbs100 g60 kcal
Sauerkraut150 g22 kcal
Unsweetened tea with marmalade 38 kcal
DinnerSteamed rice80 g85 kcal
Beef stew80 gr80 kcal
Sauce2 spoons8 kcal
Tea with chocolate 71 kcal
Late dinnerFish soup300 g63 kcal
Sour cream1 spoon8 kcal
Bread1 piece13 kcal
1 PC.60 kcal
200 g56 kcal

Using the same principle, a menu is drawn up for a week, a month or several months. We advise get a kitchen scale and a table of caloric content of foods.

Think over the menu for the week. This way you can stock up on food and plan your cooking time. A multicooker or double boiler helps in this regard.

Nutritionists advise eating with pleasure without discussing problems at work or school.

Share successes and good news, do not raise children at the table. Chewing in front of the TV or reading a newspaper is prohibited.

Marina:“This is a very responsible decision that requires mandatory consultation. I would advise regularly communicating with a nutritionist.

It’s better to create a menu together with a specialist and stick to it, monitoring your weight and health.”

Hope:“A low-calorie diet usually shows an effect first, and then there comes a period when the weight stops falling. To prevent this from happening, arrange a fasting day on kefir once a week. Don't forget to take your vitamins."

Expected results

Subject to all rules you can lose 4 kg in a week. It is better to weigh yourself not every day, but once a week. If after two weeks the weight does not decrease, the nutritionist can reduce the number of calories allowed per day by 100 kcal.

Kate:“I admit, I couldn’t stand it. A lot of time is spent counting calories. I no longer had enough imagination to create a menu.”

Irina:“Girls, I admit, it was very difficult. In the first days I felt very hungry. I made a menu for myself according to the table for the month. I couldn't stand it anymore. I lost 4.5 kg. But the weight has been maintained for six months.”

Vika:“The technique helped me a lot. I lost weight after giving birth. I have been interested in proper nutrition for a long time. At first I wanted to become a vegetarian, but I came across Bormenthal. I lost 10 kg, and the weight is not coming back.”

Tanya:“In my opinion, this is a strict diet. The constant counting of calories already depresses me and makes me nervous. It’s better to do fasting days once a week.”

The Bormenthal diet is a good way to reconsider your diet and start eating right.

You can continue it not for one or even two months, but much longer. But only if your body perceives the new rules positively. In your quest to lose weight, remember: the most important thing is health.

In contact with

At the beginning of this century, neurolinguistic programming (NLP) is gaining momentum, being introduced into all psychological programs, and used in schools, institutes, offices, and enterprises. The authors of NLP did not remain indifferent to the problem of dietary proper nutrition. In 2001, the so-called Bormenthal Diet was patented.

Today, there is a method of psychological weight correction according to Bormenthal, which is carried out only by specialists and, directly, the Bormenthal diet itself, or rather its free version, developed for general use.

The essence of the diet

There is nothing easier than losing weight using the Bormenthal diet method. To do this you need:

  • determine the reasons that motivate you to lose weight;
  • place a table of caloric content of foods in a place accessible for constant viewing;
  • make a list of all foods that are usually eaten;
  • choose a daily menu to suit your taste;
  • purchase kitchen and floor scales to weigh food and your weight;
  • keep a diary to record what you ate during the day;
  • Gradually adjust your diet and reduce the number of calories consumed.


Despite its democratic nature, the Bormenthal diet has clear instructions:

  • Recommended meals up to 8 times, but no more than 150–180 grams at a time.
  • In the first days, the total amount of calories per day should not exceed 1100 units for those who lead a measured lifestyle, and 1300–1400 for active people engaged in hard physical labor.
  • The maximum lower level is 750 kcal (for women) and 950 kcal (for men) per day.
  • It is forbidden to sharply reduce the amount of total calories.
  • In case of illness, it is recommended to increase the energy supply of food by 250 kcal.
  • The last meal should be 4 hours before bedtime.
  • Before your main meal, drink 150–200 grams of water.
  • The selected products must be weighed, the number of calories calculated from the table and the corresponding entry made in a notebook.
  • Write down the calorie content of cooked dishes in a notebook.
  • Eat according to the principle: “It is better to undereat than to overeat.”
  • There should be no quick snacks; meals should be complete, taking at least 20 minutes.

The ratio of calories consumed during the day:

  • Breakfast makes up 35% of the daily diet;
  • second breakfast – 15%;
  • lunch – 35%;
  • dinner – 15% of total calories for the day.

A feature of the Bormenthal diet is that it prohibits sports and heavy physical activity. This is due to the fact that it involves limiting calorie intake, and physical activity involves increased calorie consumption.

For those who love sports and cannot do without it, the diet developers have provided the following alternatives:

  • With increasing physical activity, for example, training, it is allowed to increase the daily diet by 200–250 kcal.
  • During this period, instead, attend massage sessions, phytotherapeutic procedures, and walk more.

When should results appear?

After two weeks, the weight should change downwards (up to 4 kg), if it has not changed significantly, then we continue to reduce the amount of total daily calories by another 100 units. If the work has paid off, we consolidate the desired result and gradually increase the number of calories, constantly monitoring the weight. That is, we regulate our weight by reducing or increasing the number of calories consumed.

Calorie table

How is the individual amount of calories required by the body calculated:

Number of calories = (weight x 9.99) + (height x 6.25) – (age x 4.92).

From the resulting value, 161 is subtracted (for women) or 5 is added (for men). The final figure means the amount required to maintain a constant weight. To lose weight, you need to subtract 200–300 calories from it.

Food calorie table will help you choose a diet based on at least 1100 calories per day:

The calorie table for ready-made meals will simplify the selection of the daily menu:

Menu for the week

The rules regarding the products consumed are simple and rational. For clarity, presented in table form:

The daily menu should contain proteins, vegetables and fruits. And only after calculating the number of calories when consuming vital foods, you can clearly see how much it is permissible to consume food rich in carbohydrates and fats, which are also necessary for the body. Keeping a diary with calculations of the calorie content of dishes will greatly facilitate further adherence to standards when preparing food.

Important notes!

  1. Remember that the diet does not provide for excessive deviations up or down.
  2. A single dose of alcohol slows down weight loss for a week.
  3. The initial weight can be maintained for 3 weeks.
  4. During a diet, immunity may decrease, so avoid, if possible, crowded places where there is a possibility of infection.

Helpful hints!

  1. During the diet, it is useful to take baths with sea salt, which draws fluid from the body.
  2. Spices and sweeteners stimulate the appetite, so they are not consumed during this period.
  3. Eat small meals many times (no more than 200 grams).
  4. Once a week there is a fasting day, for example, a vegetable, fruit or fermented milk day.
  5. The food should be warm. Drink hot tea after meals to prolong the feeling of fullness.

Sample menu table for a week based on 1200 kcal per day:

  • Breakfast: tea with sugar, oatmeal with milk, Russian cheese
  • 2nd breakfast: boiled egg, greens, bread, dried fruit compote
  • Lunch: green borscht in vegetable broth, boiled veal, black bread, tea with sugar and lemon
  • Afternoon snack: dried fruits, crackers, tea without sugar
  • Dinner: rice porridge, radish and cucumber salad, greens
  • 2nd dinner: kefir, cracker
  • Breakfast: semolina porridge with milk, brewed coffee with sugar, cheese
  • 2nd breakfast: cottage cheese with sour cream, tea with low-fat milk and sugar
  • Lunch: borscht without meat, beef liver, white bread, greens, tea with sugar and lemon
  • Afternoon snack: low-fat yogurt, walnuts, raisins
  • Dinner: mashed potatoes, cabbage salad with vegetable oil
  • 2nd dinner: kefir, drying
  • Breakfast: oatmeal without milk and sugar, tea with sugar, bread with cheese
  • 2nd breakfast: sausage, boiled egg, compote without sugar
  • Lunch: pickle soup, beef and chicken hearts, bread, greens, compote without sugar
  • Afternoon snack: millet porridge with milk and sugar, low-fat milk
  • Dinner: beef and chicken kidneys, vinaigrette, warm tea
  • 2nd dinner: fermented baked milk, sushi

You can use fresh fruit for afternoon snacks

  • Breakfast: tea with honey, oatmeal with milk and without sugar, Dutch cheese
  • 2nd breakfast: cottage cheese with sour cream, apple compote.
  • Lunch: stuffed peppers with gravy, white bread, tea with sugar and lemon.
  • Afternoon snack: low-fat yogurt, nuts, raisins, dried apricots.
  • Dinner: boiled fish, mashed potatoes with milk and butter, cucumber and tomato salad, tea with lemon.
  • 2nd dinner: curdled milk, cracker

You can use fresh fruit for afternoon snacks

  • Breakfast: oatmeal with milk and sugar, natural coffee, cheese
  • 2nd breakfast: kefir omelette, compote.
  • Lunch: lentil soup, pork chop, greens, tea with lemon
  • Afternoon snack: milk, pancakes with cottage cheese.
  • Dinner: barley porridge, boiled vegetables and herbs.
  • 2nd dinner: kefir, drying

You can use fresh fruit for afternoon snacks

  • Breakfast: with milk, tea with lemon and sugar.
  • 2nd breakfast: salad of Chinese cabbage and nuts
  • Lunch: pea soup with chicken, greens, bran bread, tea with milk.
  • Afternoon snack: yogurt and fruit.
  • Dinner: lazy cabbage rolls, dill and parsley.
  • 2nd dinner: fermented baked milk, cracker.

You can use fresh fruit for afternoon snacks

Sunday Fasting vegetable day.

Three recipes

Stuffed peppers with rice and cheese with gravy


  • Bell pepper – 5 pieces;
  • feta cheese – 200 gr.;
  • boiled rice – 100 gr.;
  • tomatoes – 5 medium-sized pieces;
  • carrots – 1 piece;
  • dill, parsley, green or onions - to taste.

First, prepare the minced meat, consisting of boiled rice and finely chopped cheese without spices. The bell pepper is peeled from stalks and seeds and minced. Place the pepper in a saucepan in a vertical position and carefully pour water, covering it completely. Bring to a boil and place on low heat. Meanwhile, on a medium grater, grate the carrots and add them to the pan, finely chop the onions and herbs, peel the tomatoes and place them there 15 minutes before the end of cooking. Salt, pepper, bay leaf, sunflower oil are added to taste at the end of cooking.


  • Potatoes – 3 pieces;
  • carrots – 1 piece;
  • onion – 1 piece;
  • celery – ¼ of the whole root;
  • sorrel – 1–2 bunches;
  • green onions – 1/2 bunch;
  • raw or hard-boiled egg - 2 pieces;
  • dill or parsley – 1 bunch;
  • salt and bay leaf, sunflower oil - to taste.

Place finely chopped potatoes and whole onions into boiling unsalted water (remove them after preparing the borscht). Place the washed sorrel in a colander placed in a shallow container and pour boiling water over it. It will stay in hot water for 5 minutes, and then we drain this water and repeat the procedure again.

Finely chop the cooled sorrel and place it in a saucepan along with finely grated celery root (if there is no root, you can add fresh celery at the end of cooking). Blanch the grated carrots in sunflower oil for half a minute and add to the future borscht; if possible, do not pour the sunflower oil into the pan.

10 minutes before the end of cooking, add finely chopped onion, parsley and dill. If the egg is raw, then pour it into the borscht, quickly stirring the water. Add the boiled egg, finely or coarsely chopped. Salt, bay leaf and other spices are added 5 minutes before the end of cooking.

Spring salad “Vitaminka”

Design option


  • Boiled – 100 gr.;
  • Boiled carrots – 1 pc.;
  • Boiled potatoes – 1 pc.;
  • Poultry or veal – 100 g;
  • Green onions or onions – 1 bunch;
  • Fresh cucumbers – 1 pc.;
  • Various greens available on sale or in the garden (dill, parsley, celery, cilantro, lettuce, etc.) - the more, the better.

Finely chop and mix all the ingredients, add salt to taste and season with vegetable or olive oil. Meat is added if this salad is served as a main course for lunch or dinner. If there is no fresh cucumber, any apple is added.


The low-calorie diet provided for by the Bormenthal diet is contraindicated:

  • and nursing women;
  • people who have had a heart attack or stroke;
  • diabetics and cancer patients;
  • for mental disorders;
  • during transition and old age.

The diet is not suitable for those who play sports and cannot give up physical activity, who do not have time to count calories, and who have a high metabolism.

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