Diana Gurtskaya has been blind since childhood. Diana Gurtskaya starred in a new video without her glasses, video

Diana Gurtskaya – Russian and Georgian pop singer, whose popularity peaked in the early 2000s. Lack of vision did not stop the girl from doing musical career, become an Honored Artist of Russia and join the Public Chamber.

Diana participates in charity events that contribute to the development of programs to help people with disabilities.

Childhood and youth

Diana Gudayevna Gurtskaya was born in Sukhumi on July 2, 1978. She became the fourth child in the family of a former miner and teacher. Together with Diana, 2 more brothers and a sister grew up in the family.

When the girl was born, her parents had no idea about her illness. Only when the little girl fell off the sofa without getting her bearings did the adults suspect something was wrong. The doctors' diagnosis was disappointing - congenital blindness.

According to ophthalmologists, the girl did not have any one chance to see. It was a shock for the family. To the credit of the parents, they decided that the girl should grow up like everyone else, and raised Diana the same way as older children.

“I grew up like all children, running around and playing pranks,” Gurtskaya later recalled.

Diana's fortitude manifested itself with early years, because few physically healthy people reach the top musical Olympus. The blind performer gave a head start to all sighted Russian show business, succeeding in her creativity and winning the title of Honored Artist.

Since childhood future star dreamed of becoming a singer. She found support in the person of Zaira’s mother. At the age of 8, already a student at the Tbilisi boarding school for blind and visually impaired children, Diana managed to convince music teachers that, no matter what, he will be able to learn to play the piano.

Her debut took place at the age of 10 in a duet with Irma Sokhadze. Girl and Georgian singer performed together on the stage of the Tbilisi Philharmonic. Irma noticed the young talent at a music competition. And in 1995 Diana wins another music competition“Yalta-Moscow-Transit” with the song “Tbiliso”. Here she had her first meeting with, who later wrote for the singer her most recognizable hit, “You Are Here.”

After moving to Moscow with her family, Diana Gurtskaya entered the variety department of the Moscow music school named after the Gnessins, which ends in 1999.


After the end of "Gnesinka" Diana takes her first steps in Russian show business. In 2000, her debut album was released, which was recorded by the ARS studio. It included songs written by Igor Nikolaev.

The artist’s collaboration with musicians did not end there, and subsequently she resorted to their help more than once. The young singer’s second album, entitled “You Know, Mom,” was also recorded by the ARS company. After that, 2 more albums were released - “Tender” and “9 Months”, 8 videos were shot.

Diana Gurtskaya - “You know, mom”

The singer’s work is not limited to releasing albums. Tours begin, she often performs songs in duets with masters of Russian and foreign stage, among which, and others.

Diana Gurtskaya performed the song “Be with You” with a graduate of the next “Star Factory”, rapper Ratmir Shishkov. Life young singer tragically ended in 2007, when he, while intoxicated, and four friends got into terrible accident with fatal.

Diana Gurtskaya - “Tender”

The artists performed romantic tracks at concerts in Murom, on Moscow Day, and at the celebration of the Day of Internal Affairs Officers.

Diana Gurtskaya and Gleb Matveychuk - “Promise me love”

In 2019, the artist became a guest of the program “I Really Want to Live,” which was shown on the Spas TV channel. Together with the pupils of a boarding school near Moscow for deaf-blind children, she presented the song “Overcome Yourself” to the public.

Earlier, Gurtskaya told viewers of the program “Live Healthy!” about how she once faced the threat of cancer. During a routine examination, doctors discovered a tumor on the singer that could be cancerous. After the examination, an operation was performed to remove it, while terrible diagnosis not confirmed. The singer was frightened by the news, since her mother and cousin died of cancer in her family.

Now the artist is preparing to perform at the Blues Without Borders festival and does not forget about social activities. On Student Day, Diana spoke to the public at the rehabilitation center located on the basis of the Moscow Humanitarian and Economic University. The performer presented the song “Angels of Hope”.


  • 2000 – “You are here”
  • 2002 – “You Know, Mom”
  • 2004 – “Tender”
  • 2007 – “9 months”
  • 2017 – “Panic”

Singer Diana Gurtskaya has been on the stage for decades, so this performer hardly needs any introduction. It’s probably no secret that this singer’s army of fans is one of the largest. Listeners are captivated by the melodic intonations of her voice and the fact that Diana Gurtskaya sings not only with her voice, but also with her soul. It seems that the fact that the performer is deprived of the ability to see has heightened her perception and feelings, which is manifested in the soulful songs. However - and this shows all the dirt of show business (and not only domestic, it is the same all over the world) - there have been a great many ill-wishers, envious people and people simply wanting to make money on her name over the years. That is why, with invariable regularity, the Internet explodes with headlines like "" and the like.

All fans of Diana Gurtskaya have long been familiar with the biography of their favorite singer, and therefore probably know that she has not seen anything since infancy. And therefore, other than irritation and indignation, such headlines are not able to evoke in their hearts. At the same time, there are also Internet users who, although not particularly familiar with the performer’s work, still show interest in her personal life. Among this part of the audience, such articles certainly raise doubts about the disease, which affects the singer’s entire life. By and large, publications of similar content have already been repeatedly refuted by the singer’s doctors, her relatives, and documentary evidence. Not long ago, journalists again published photographs that fully confirm Diana Gurtskaya’s illness. Our readers can see this photo for themselves at the beginning of the article.

By the way, thanks to the publication of this photo, the performer herself finally decided - albeit short time- abandon the usual accessory, around which controversy continues, and appear before the public without glasses. This happened in the video for the song “I’m Losing You.” True, Diana Gurtskaya did not dare to open her eyes. Yes, there is no need for this. Fans appreciated the beauty of the singer. The comments to the photo are full of rave reviews dedicated to the singer and her long eyelashes. It is unlikely that what appeared before the audience even for a second fits the definition of “the shame of Gurtskaya under glasses.” By the way, not only sensation-hungry journalists, but even some unscrupulous doctors are trying to profit from the singer’s suffering. So, a similar story happened 13 years ago, when ophthalmologist from Ufa Ernst Muldashev convinced Diana Gurtskaya to undergo examination and surgery in his clinic. This idea ended with loud PR from the doctor, who announced the singer’s imminent epiphany at every corner, and a long rehabilitation period (almost a year) for the performer herself. But there were no concrete changes in Diana Gurtskaya’s ability to see.

In this regard, I just want to ask how long will such speculation on someone else’s grief continue? Is the anxiety and discomfort that accompanies the singer throughout her life not enough?

She never appears in public without dark glasses. But they are for a 35 year old Diana Gurtskaya- not just an accessory. The singer carefully hides her eyes behind dark glasses. Why? Diana herself does not like to talk about this.

“Dark glasses are part of my life,” she simply states.

“It was a shock when I found out the truth about myself”

But now the secret that these glasses hid for 19 years has been revealed! The secret was revealed by a random camera flash. Journalists met Diana Gurtskaya at a fashion show. At some second, the light turned out to be so bright that the star’s eyes became visible through the dark glasses: large, with long eyelashes and... so sad! True, the gaze turned out to be very unfocused. So it’s immediately clear that these are the eyes of a blind person.

“I haven’t been able to see since birth,” says Diana Gurtskaya. “Although, if I could get back the color sense that I had before my mother’s death, I wouldn’t have asked for more... My parents didn’t immediately understand the problem. For the first month we didn’t notice anything. But then my mother was embarrassed that I did not react to her movements. She told dad.

And the parents decided to show their daughter to the doctors. It turned out that the girl was blind.

“Of course, mom and dad were very worried,” Diana sighs. “They took me to the best ophthalmologists. But they, all as one, repeated: “She won’t be able to see!”

At the same time, the child himself did not even suspect about his illness.

“My parents didn’t dare talk to me about this for a long time,” the artist recalls. “That’s why I thought that everyone lived in the same darkness that surrounded me.” I grew up like all ordinary children: I ran, played, played pranks, fell, of course, broke my elbows and knees. But my mother’s kisses relieved any pain.

However, with age, questions began to arise.

“Friends were talking about some colors, and it seemed to me that they had the same perception as me,” Diana continues. — When I turned six years old, all my peers began to prepare for school. I really wanted to go there too. But on September 1st I stayed at home. I didn't understand why. And she pestered my mother with questions.

In the end, the woman had to tell her that her daughter was not like everyone else.

“Of course, it was a shock when I found out the whole truth about myself,” Gurtskaya sighs. “But my life, in essence, has not changed. Everything was as before. At the age of seven, Diana went to Tbilisi to study at a boarding school for blind children. The girl managed to finish music school, learning notes by ear. And in 1995, 17-year-old Diana Gurtskaya became a laureate of the “Yalta - Moscow - Transit” competition, where she was noticed famous composer and singer Igor Nikolaev. It was he who helped the girl get on the big stage.

The young singer in dark glasses with an unusually beautiful voice that penetrates the heart immediately fell in love with the audience. People wanted to help the “poor blind girl” so much! One man even offered to give her his... eyes. Of course, Diana refused. Medicine is not yet capable of such a transplant. But Gurtskaya nevertheless made an attempt to see the world in colors.

In 2003, during a tour in Ufa, ophthalmologist Ernst Muldashev persuaded her to come to his center. He gave Gurtskaya great hope. He said that the nerve is alive, which means Diana will be able to see!

The singer was operated on at the clinic. Left and right, Muldashev gave interviews about how the star’s vision was about to return. But the miracle did not happen, although the doctor did a great job of PR. Gurtskaya more than a year I was recovering from anesthesia, was endlessly sick and lost 15 kilograms!

What if the baby also lives in darkness?

Alas, Diana remained blind. But this did not stop her from finding her female happiness. In 2005, the star married lawyer Pyotr Kucherenko. And a year later she became pregnant.

- It was such bliss! - Diana recalls.

In fact, she was very worried about the eyes of her unborn child. What if the baby also lives in darkness? Therefore, the first thing, as soon as the boy was born, Gurtskaya asked the doctors if everything was okay with his vision?

Fortunately, everything is fine. Kostya is already six years old. He's in charge mom's assistant. And one of the few who sees her without glasses.

- My mommy is very good! - he says.

We know. And Diana is in vain embarrassed to show her eyes. After all, she has them - amazingly beautiful!

Based on materials from: taini-zvezd.ru

The blind 35-year-old singer, Diana Gurtskaya, has never appeared before her fans without dark glasses throughout her 15-year career. But now fans have a chance to see the face of their idol without huge black glasses.

Diana Gurtskaya dared to part with her usual glasses for the sake of a new video clip for Victor Drobysh’s song called “Losing You.” In the video, the blind celebrity appears in different images: sometimes her eyes are covered with a blindfold in the form of floral patterns, sometimes a beautiful lace ribbon flaunts on her face. However, in the third image, the singer decided to do without glasses and bandages, and simply close her eyes, the eyelids of which were painted with dark shadows

Diana Gurtskaya without glasses: Watch VIDEO

Diana Gurtskaya without glasses: A brief history of the famous singer

Diana Gurtskaya knows firsthand how to live in a world without colors, the Wordyou website reports. But with her creativity she enriched music world millions of shades. Thanks to the activity charitable foundation singers, many blind children were able to feel truly happy.

Diana was born on July 2, 1978 in sunny Sukhumi. She was the youngest daughter in the marl family of Guda and Zaira Gurtskaya. The parents were already at an advanced age; my father used to work in a mine, and my mother taught at school. The baby was surrounded with love and care not only by her parents, but also by her older children - brothers Dzhambul and Robert and sister Eliso.

At the age of 10, she stood on the stage of the Tbilisi Philharmonic and sang a duet with Irma Sokhadze herself. This was the first resounding success young talent. CAREER OF DIANA GURTSKAYA In 1995, 17-year-old Diana Gurtskaya applied to participate in international festival pop song "Yalta - Moscow - Transit". For the competition, the singer chose the composition “Tbiliso”. The soulful performance of the young Georgian did not leave even the masters indifferent Russian stage, among whom were Laima Vaikule, Mikhail Tanich, Igor Nikolaev, Alexander Malinin, Lolita and Igor Krutoy.

Celebrities are always in the public eye. People are interested in everything about the lives of stars - from health to the number of husbands. Particularly interested in what they are trying to hide. Here we go famous singer Diana Gurtskaya is being examined almost under a microscope - they are trying to look under her black glasses at the bottom of her face and see what is hiding there? What does Diana Gurtskaya look like without her glasses and what led to her blindness? In our article you will learn about the life and the most significant facts from the biography of the singer, we will show photos and videos and try to answer the question that interests you - is she really blind or is it PR?

The famous singer was born in the city of Sukhimi (Abkhazia). Her father was a miner, and her mother was a teacher. As a child, the girl was no different from her peers, her parents for a long time had no idea about her congenital blindness. And only once, when the girl fell from the sofa and broke her face, the parents learned about the misfortune. Medicine was powerless, doctors shrugged, and little Diana had no idea about her illness and did not think that she was different from other children.

...And the soul that always sang

From the very early childhood Gurtskaya dreamed of singing. Many did not take her aspiration seriously and insisted that the big stage was closed to the blind. But her family supported her, especially the girl’s mother, who in every possible way contributed to the development of her daughter’s singing abilities.

At the age of eight, the future star already faced her first difficulty - teachers music school refused to accept her for training. But the girl, with her persistence, convinced everyone that she could play the piano. She was brought up in a boarding school for blind children - her parents dreamed of giving the girl a full-fledged education.

See with your soul, not with your eyes

At ten years old, Diana entered a new stage in her singing career– she was noticed at a concert and taken to the Tbilisi Philharmonic. She spoke with famous singer of that time - Irma Sokhadze. After bright performance the girl was noticed and even began to be recognized in the city. It was from that moment that the girl realized that she real life on stage. The wave of love that rose from the hall gave her happiness.

And a difficult but intense creative life. The main milestones in the development of young Diana as a singer can be considered:

  • After graduating from music school, Gurtskaya, despite her blindness, was able to enter the Tbilisi Philharmonic.
  • Moving to Moscow and entering the Gnessin School, department of jazz vocals.
  • The Moscow-Yalta festival in 1995, where the girl captivated the general public for the first time and was awarded a special jury sympathy prize.

Among the jury members was Igor Nikolaev, it was he who helped the girl reach big stage. Her first album was called “You Are Here.” The newly minted star, sharing her impressions of the competition, said that in preparatory days she didn’t have any worries, but on the most important day of the competition she became scared. Despite this, the performance was successful.

Fame came to her unexpectedly. Thanks to Igor Nikolaev, who managed to choose a song that Diana would “see” and feel, the singer’s career took off. Filming, concerts, interviews took the girl at a frantic pace, but she managed to do everything. She did not like to rest much, so her life kept a high rhythm.

What's behind the glasses?

Over time, the singer’s popularity only grew, but, in addition to the obvious fans of her work, there were also ill-wishers who spread vile servants everywhere. Doubts about her “blindness” began to appear more and more often among the people. The press published articles that said that the singer was not blind at all, that her blindness was pure PR, to attract the attention of wider audiences. She has never been seen without glasses, and everything incomprehensible and secretive gives rise to murky rumors.

They said that she wears black glasses on purpose, that her vision is normal, so she does not take off the black glasses. These rumors hurt Diana. Her managers, in order to refute the lie, sent the girl to the attending doctors, who confirmed the fact that Gurtskaya was blind from birth. She herself says in numerous video interviews that she takes off her glasses only in front of close friends and family, and believes that there is no point in others looking into blind eyes.

Many photographers offered the singer huge amounts of money to photograph her without glasses. Curious people scroll through the video in the hope of seeing something under the opaque glass. But Diana never agreed. In all the photos, the singer’s eyes are covered with huge glasses. Cruel show business taught Gurtskaya to take a hit and not give up even in the most difficult times. As the singer herself said, the stage for her is not just a place of popularity and fame, it is the only thread that connects her with real world, with people.

There is a clip in Diana’s work that completely reflects her life. In this clip, a young blind girl plays the violin in a subway passage. By the will of fate, she meets a young man who decides to help her and restore the girl’s sight. He collects money, an operation is carried out, but the verdict is merciless - it is impossible to return vision. The young guy cries, but the girl smiles because she is content with the life she has.

This motive runs through the entire difficult fate of Diana Gurtskaya. A strong girl does not despair when faced with difficulties; she constantly learns to overcome them and fight for her dream. In Diana’s personal life, everything worked out happily: she is a beloved wife and loving mother(pictured with husband and son). You ask - how could a blind girl rise above her blindness and build her life? And why can’t millions of healthy people? Or maybe it’s the thirst for life itself? Maybe we need to see not only with our eyes, but also with our soul? And then you will see what the stoic little woman sees behind her black, impenetrable glasses.

Look beautiful video, listen to a simple but touching song. Well, why do we need to get into this soul? fragile woman? Let's better learn from her how to love life.

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