Children's drawings with a simple pencil for beginners. Drawing lessons for children

It's been a while since I wrote anything on the blog. And there are reasons for this, of course. Firstly, we began to be very active in our workshop: we make wooden toys, children's decor, sometimes furniture, and of course, we do all the organizational matters. It takes a lot of energy and almost all the inspiration. Secondly, our girls have grown up and don’t really fit into the format anymore theme weeks, since most of the day they are in kindergarten, where they study, play and communicate with children a lot. After gardening, you want to play with indoor toys, draw, take a walk, read fairy tales, watch movies with the whole family, or bake cookies. Thirdly, we are going to school soon, but not a regular one, but a small and private one, which we organize ourselves;) We open in a month. If you are interested, you can read about our school using the link (text in Ukrainian). And this school takes away the remaining inspiration and strength.

So, lesson 1. Aerial perspective.

If you are not an artist at all, don’t be scared :) In fact, all this is very simple, interesting and fascinating, but like everything in the world, it has its own terminology, but the terms almost always sound scary (at least for me).

So what is “aerial perspective”?

This is when you look into the distance and what is closer to the horizon seems lighter, and what is closer to you has more saturated colors.

From the dictionary:

Aerial perspective – Blurring or loss of clarity of distant objects caused by the atmosphere. The effect occurs due to the disappearance of color and brightness contrast between distant objects and the background.

Here are examples of aerial perspective:

To explain to a child what aerial perspective is, it is enough to show examples and draw his attention to those objects that are far away and those that are close - the difference is very noticeable.

Now let's start drawing!

We will need:

  • paint (gouache, acrylic, in principle, watercolor is also possible) three colors– white, yellow and blue,
  • brush,
  • our blank for drawing,
  • jar of water,
  • palette or white plate,
  • paper napkins to wipe something off or blot your brush if necessary.

Drawing order:

  1. Mix white and blue paint on the palette to get a very light shade. This will be the color of the sky.
  2. We invite the child to color only the sky.
  3. Then you need to paint the clouds white and the sun yellow.
  4. Mix white and blue again (or add more blue paint to the previous batch) to get a light shade that is a little richer than the color of the sky.
  5. We color the row of mountains that are closest to the sky.
  6. We repeat the batches, adding more blue and coloring the next row of mountains.
  7. We paint the very front row - hills and trees - with pure blue or add very little to it white at your discretion.
  8. All! Drawing mountains using the principle aerial perspective ready!

And here's how our mountains turned out:

Master class: Decorative composition "Flowers" with step-by-step photos.

Master class on finger painting using toothpaste.

Author: Natalya Aleksandrovna Ermakova
Teacher, Municipal Budgetary educational institution additional education children "Children's Art School named after A. A. Bolshakov", Velikiye Luki, Pskov region.

Hello, dear guests!
Drawing with toothpaste is an unusual type of creativity that reveals artistic ability child and brings him great pleasure. Such fun also calms and relaxes. Helps the child get rid of his fears, become more attentive and kind, reveal his inner potential, develop visual memory, spatial thinking and the ability to imaginative thinking. Smells control mood, calm overexcited nervous system, increase performance.

Description: The work can be done with children 8-9 years old, simplifying or complicating the task. The material may be useful to parents and educators preschool institutions and teachers of additional education.

Purpose: Such works can decorate the interior of premises, as well as serve as a wonderful gift for family and friends.

Target: creating a decorative composition "Flowers"

-teach children the technique of working with multi-layer toothpaste;
-improve composition skills;
- teach the child self-expression and the ability to manage emotions.

-sheet of A4 paper
-toothpaste two types (different color combinations)
-flower sprayer
-watercolor paints
-brush No. 3
-colored pencils
-water jar
- napkins (for fingers)

Progress of the master class.

We begin work by drawing flowers; presumably we will have three main ones, around which the entire composition will be built. We will draw with our fingers, in one-time strokes. To do this, take a three-layer toothpaste (blue-red-blue) and squeeze a small drop onto your finger, you can simply press your finger to the paste and lightly press on the tube. We select the starting point - the center of the flower and make strokes in different directions. Each stroke is done once, and for each new petal a new drop of paste is applied.

The result is picturesque relief petals with different shades. We make all the following strokes around the central ones, trying not to mix them.

We do the second flower differently, we draw large petals, and on top of them we draw smaller ones - the second row, it will be in the center of the flower. For each petal, a new drop of toothpaste.

We will draw daisies in the same way, but with a different two-layer toothpaste (blue and green).

Place the flowers and add leaves.

We draw simple leaves with two strokes. Big leaves we draw from a simple shape by adding strokes along the edges and connecting them in the middle.

Next, we work with a palette (sheet of paper), mix toothpaste, each separately.

Add color spots from the palette with lilac and draw with your finger using the “poke” method.

This is how the composition turned out. As the toothpaste dries, it loses its brightness, so I recommend varnishing it. You can use hairspray, it is less toxic and less safe when working with children, and dries instantly.

In fact, painting with toothpaste is an extraordinary activity. It is impossible to stop; you literally rest your soul and body. For people who love experiments and are hungry for creativity, I propose to continue and complicate the work.
Next we will paint on the damp background; for this we use a flower sprayer and generously cover the entire surface of the work with water. The advantage of toothpaste is that the composition will remain unchanged. Abundantly, without fear, we pour green color between the inflorescences and leaves, we work with watercolors and a brush.

The raised edges of the flower arrangement will direct the paint in the right direction, or stop it in time.

In some places I add red and a drop of black, also on the damp background. I add yellow shades with my finger.

Now I work with a brush, drawing the contours of the petals with black watercolor paint.

If desired, you can supplement the work by drawing details with colored pencils. Drawing with them on a wet background creates the effect of working with watercolor pencils.

My children and I really like this technique, here are a few more options for compositions drawn using toothpaste.

Finger palette with gouache finishing.

Finger palette.

Finger palette.

Finger palette + monotype.

Design from paper + finger palette.

The first thing to do is draw an oval for the HEAD, not the oval of the face and not the opened cranium, but the COMPLETE head. To be more precise, the head looks like an upside-down egg.

Exactly in the middle we draw a vertical, straight line (axis of symmetry). She will help us draw symmetrically all parts of the face.

A portrait with one eye larger than the other and at different heights will look strange. Brrrrr... Therefore, we will align everything relative to the middle of the face.

Divide the length of the entire head into two equal parts. Draw a horizontal line. On this line we will draw the eyes, but a little later. First, let's find the location of all the other parts.

At the top of the head we make a notch that defines the hair growth line, i.e. This is where the forehead will begin. We do this approximately “by eye”. The remaining part will be the face.

Divide the length of the face into three equal parts. The first line, as I said, is the beginning of the hair, the second is the eyebrows, the third is the edge of the nose.

On the line of the eyes, the one that is exactly in the middle of the HEAD, draw eyes. Please note that the distance between the eyes is equal to the length of one eye.

Our pupils are not located exactly in the middle of the eye, but are slightly hidden under the upper eyelid.

Draw the nose. We have already decided on the length, all that remains is to decide on the width. Typically, the width of the wings of the nose is equal to the distance between the eyes. Don't forget to check the symmetry of your face i.e. measure the distance from the right and left sides to the line in the middle.

Today, with the help of detailed step by step lesson, we will learn draw a child with a pencil. The article describes the stages of construction and the creation of a shadow. The portrait of a baby differs from an adult in its parameters. The eyes and cheeks will be more expressive, and the nose and lips less so. So, let's start drawing and find out how how to draw a child Right.

Tools and materials:

  1. White sheet of paper;
  2. Simple pencils (hard and soft);
  3. Eraser.

Stages of work:

Photo 1. At the first stage with a simple pencil sketch a rectangle without using a ruler. Making a drawing by hand:

Photo 2. Let's calculate the dimensions of our form. The height of the rectangle should fit one and a half times the width, which means one and half the height. If everything agrees in size, you can move on to the next point. But you should take the sizes responsibly, because if they are not calculated correctly, then the drawing will not turn out correct and beautiful. So let's double check:

Photo 3. We will use our rectangle as the basis for the face. Let's draw a slightly rounded upward line at the top. Right side will be located lower than the left one:

Photo 4. Using an eraser, remove the top horizontal line of the rectangle. We round the bottom corners:

Photo 5. Let's draw a similar curved line on top. Let's make serifs for the cheeks:

Photo 6. Now let's create the eyes. We retreat half a centimeter from the edge on the left and right and divide the segment into equal three parts. From the middle segment we lower two lines down, which will diverge slightly towards the bottom. Below we will define the chin and make it rounded. The nose will be located in the middle of the face, and from the nose to the chin we will make a notch for the mouth:

Photo 7. Add large oval eyes. Toward the edge they will be more pointed. Let's add holes on the nose. We can make the cheeks more “loose” and round them:

Photo 8. Add a header image. It will have a drawing of a bear cub and his ear on the right. The cap will show curves and small folds. Let's check on the left vertical line. We slightly detail the lines of the collar of the sweaters. There will be several of them. Don't spend too much attention on clothes. The main task for a portrait is the face:

Photo 9. We determine the darkest places and shade them. Take the eyes, the openings of the nose, the lines of the mouth and the left background. We slightly outline the outlines of the face. It is worth remembering that a baby’s face is distinguished by its smooth lines. Draw the eyelids above the eyes with a thin line:

Photo 10. Let's determine the main direction and location of the shadow. The light will fall from the top right, which means the shadow will be located on the left. Let's grab the forehead, neck, left side of the nose, cheeks and chin:

Photo 11. Now using the shadow we create the shape of the face. It is important to remember that the direction of the strokes helps create volume. Add shadows around the eyes, forehead and nose. But you shouldn’t put too much shadow on your cheeks, because they stick out a little and receive a lot of light:

Photo 12. Add touches to the hat and ear. At the same time, we work on the facial features and the shadow on it:

Photo 13. We continue to work on volume. On at this stage We can lightly describe the clothes, identifying folds on them:

Many people think that drawing is an artistic “science” that not everyone can master. In fact, a person’s craving for art awakens as early as early childhood, however, without a certain development of abilities, it weakens over the years.

So is it possible to teach a child to draw, especially if he was born unable to do so? When to start educational process and from what exactly? Finally, is it necessary to send the baby to art school or to a drawing club in the future?

At what age do children start drawing?

Children begin to take an interest in drawing quite early, following the example of their parents and brothers and sisters writing something on paper. However, in in a general sense the craving for drawing manifests itself in children aged 1 to 1.5 years.

And if at first the child’s drawings look more like scribbles, then closer to 5 years (and up to 15 years) an actively developing imagination helps children create real masterpieces on paper.

The benefits of drawing for child development

Rate all positive sides drawing in childhood is almost impossible - its influence on children is so enormous that the development of the child’s entire personality falls under the “sight”.

In a general sense, drawing:

  • forms in the child a passionate sense of beauty and a desire to create something beautiful;
  • develops the baby’s mind and imagination and helps to master new “tools” for exploring the world: felt-tip pens, brushes, pencils;
  • The child learns to convey surrounding objects through his pictures and at the same time is engaged in useful work.

Where to start?

The first drawing lessons can take place already when the baby learns to hold objects in his hands. At this point, mom can hand him pencils and help him draw a simple line on the paper.

Let it not be completely even and even “slide” from the album onto the table. It is much more important that the child understands: his “manipulations” can subsequently turn into something truly beautiful!

Pencils or markers?

You should not give pencils to children without adult supervision, so that they do not accidentally get hurt by them. However, under watchful supervision, children can draw with felt-tip pens and a brush - especially since they make their first attempts at “pen” using coloring books.

Who would refuse to draw a character from their favorite book, the finished image of which lies in front of you on paper? It’s hard to make a mistake and do something wrong here!

Which ones exactly?

Some people find that pencils or thin felt-tip pens are not very convenient to use. At least for children two years old: their stylus often breaks, and the rod is pressed inward.

However, only by giving your child the opportunity to choose something of his own from a variety of options will you help him find his favorite “tool” for drawing.

Paints or crayons?

A two-year-old child can draw with almost anything: with finger paints and thick felt-tip pens - on paper, with bright crayons - directly on the asphalt or board. It is generally most convenient to draw last, since they are soft and leave clear lines behind them.

Mastering gouache and paint will be a little more difficult, because they imply not only the desire to sculpt something, but also a certain creative technique.

Miracle of technology!

IN Lately Stores began to sell amazing things for drawing: a set for creativity with glitter on velvet paper or amazing felt-tip pens that a child can blow into. And it's truly wonderful!

Drawing lessons for kids from 2 to 4 years old

Teaching a child who is 2-3 years old to draw begins with mastering the simplest techniques. At the same time, it is very important to be attentive to the child’s needs to create and not to ridicule his diligent scratching of a pencil on paper.

The condescending attitude of adults towards children's drawings leads to the fact that the child may consider drawing an empty activity and abandon it.

What will you need?

Take bright colors, paper (the larger the sheets, the better), good brushes, a soft sponge and a glass of water. It is best to dress in something that you don’t mind getting dirty - even a purchased apron for drawing will not save you from stains when to the young artist only 3-4 years!

How much time should you spend studying?

You need to teach your child to draw for 10-20 minutes, 2-3 times a week, so that he doesn’t get bored, but also doesn’t end up losing his desire for creativity.

Techniques for developing drawing skills

the freedom of action

To conduct this lesson, take glossy white paper and watercolor paints. Let your little one dip the brush into the paint can and drip it directly onto the paper! Fancy patterns, with which it spreads, will look like magical pictures!

Sponge but not Bob

For this lesson, take gouache and large leaf paper Have your child dip their hand in the paint and squeeze it out a little. Let him leave a “signature” on the sheet with his hand, and use a sponge rolled into a roll to make the final artistic “touches” nearby.

You can draw on paper with your fingers in a similar way: dilute the gouache with water so that it turns into “sour cream” and pour it onto a plate. Using a wide brush, apply paint to your child’s fingers and ask them to leave their autograph on the sheet.

Wet style

A thick and large sheet of paper needs to be wetted under water for a couple of seconds. Now put it on a tray and invite your child to scribble watercolors on it. Considering the condition of the surface, the paint will spread on it, mix and create amazing “wet” patterns.

Scarlet flower

To teach a child to draw something really memorable, you can do this: dip the child’s finger in green color and, holding his hand, draw a stem with him on the paper. The palm print will act as a bud, and the end result will be a wonderful flower!

This technique can be successfully used to depict other objects. Try using it to depict a tree or a cheerful giraffe with your baby.

Drawing lessons for children over 4 years old

The age of four is a fertile time for mastering more complex techniques drawing. Already during this period it is worth sending your child to an art school, but if for some reason this does not work out, you can teach him to draw yourself.

It's more fun together

Get ready for the fact that you will have to do this together, since it is from your drawings that he will begin to take the right example. Try to draw brightly, specifically and not be distracted by too small details.

Tell me everything

Accompany the drawing process with a fascinating story so that the child understands what you are doing.

Master the shapes

The most important thing is to teach your child to draw geometric figures, which will become the basis of the desired images, regardless of whether it is an animal or a person.

How to draw a tree?

At 4 years old, you need to start with something simple: with an ordinary green Christmas tree, which is cold in winter.

Below we attach step by step instructions to create an “artistic” tree and a picture - so that the child understands the principle of operation.

  1. Draw a line on the sheet leading from top to bottom. We spend a little time away from her curved lines, which will be the branches of our Christmas tree.
  2. Now we will try to “outline” these lines with needles: as shown in the figure. When all the branches become fluffy, paint the Christmas tree green.

Birch and other types of trees can be depicted in a similar way.

Learn to draw animals

Drawing a hedgehog

  1. Draw the hedgehog's quills on the paper using a zigzag, and then add his ears.
  1. Connect them with an oval to form a head.

  1. Draw the hedgehog's nose, eyes and mouth and give the hedgehog a belly.

  1. Draw his legs and arms.

  1. All that remains is to draw the needles as shown in the picture. The hedgehog is ready!

Draw a donkey

Drawing a donkey on paper is also much easier than you thought.

We perform the following steps step by step:

  1. We draw a simple oval on paper, then divide it with a line into two parts, in the upper of which we draw the donkey’s eye, and in the lower – the nostrils and mouth.
  2. Now we attach the donkey’s ears by drawing two “cucumbers” on the sheet. Just below the head we draw another oval - this will be the donkey’s body, which we will connect to the head with two “neck” lines.
  3. Now you need to add legs to the animal, drawing them at the bottom of the body, and a real tail, placing it on the side.

The donkey is ready! All that remains is to color it as your imagination dictates!

Drawing a cat and a dog

You can draw a cat and a dog using the same method. The step-by-step technique for depicting a cat is shown in the following figure:

The main thing is to let your child understand that drawing animals is not difficult if you take geometric shapes as a basis (in this case, circles and semicircles) and show a little imagination.

You can draw a dog in the same way:

How to draw a person?

How to teach a child to draw a man? Not as easy as you want, but not as difficult as it seems. Begin!

Diagram of a full-length image of a man

1. Draw an oval and a rectangle on the sheet (as shown in the picture), and then connect them with a line to each other. We finish drawing the legs and arms with fingers.

2. Then add two lines to the arms to make them appear thicker. Let's do the same with the legs. Now let’s draw the man’s ears (two semicircles on the sides) and make a hairstyle.

3. A person’s face deserves special attention, but drawing his features - mouth, nose and eyebrows - will be easy if you look at the drawing first. Add a neck to the person and draw a shirt with a collar.

5. Draw his trousers and boots, draw his palms. All that remains is to erase the auxiliary lines, outline the contours and color the person.

Drawing a human figure in motion and a face

In a similar way, you can depict a person in motion or draw his portrait. The step-by-step process is detailed in the following picture:

Drawing circle: when and why?

By the age of 6, a preschooler who is actively involved in drawing already knows how to create with paints and pencils. If his drawings differ significantly from the creativity of his peers (in better side), send your preschooler to a club so that an experienced teacher can continue to work with him.

To choose a good club, just find out if there is one in your area private school or House of Creativity. Very often, ordinary art teachers conduct similar classes right in schools (without age restrictions).

Individual lessons

If you want your child to create professionally at the age of 6, send him to individual lessons. Their advantages are that:

  • the teacher visits you at a convenient time;
  • you choose the program in which the child will study (for example, drawing portraits);
  • Lessons are paid upon completion of the lesson.

Cons individual lessons There are also: they are not cheap, and finding a good teacher can be difficult.

Summing up

Any way of teaching a child to draw is good - both at 1 year old and at 5 years old, because it develops imagination and allows you to spend a little more time with the baby.

At the same time, it is not so important whether you strictly follow a certain methodology or independently develop an individual one. art program. It is important that these activities interest the child and are varied.

And even if your child does not grow up to be a real artist in the future, drawing lessons will still have a beneficial effect on his development and correct perception of the world around him.

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