Children's songs Mozart. Mozart's magical effect


Dear readers, today I have an article on my blog for our spiritual fulfillment. And we will talk about Mozart's music. Many people have probably heard about the “magical effect” of Mozart’s music. Agree, it is probably no coincidence that such a term appeared. What is the power of Mozart's music for us, for our children? Why is it important and useful to listen to her? This conversation will be a continuation of the theme for the anniversary of the wonderful composer. Many people remember the article not so long ago published on my blog.

This article was prepared jointly by me and Liliya Szadkowska, a music teacher with extensive experience, work experience and simply an amazing, sincere person. I am very pleased that Lilia shares her impressions on the pages of my blog. I hope that you will be interested in our conversation about Mozart's music. And we, together with Lilia, will recommend to you what you and your children can listen to from the composer’s music.

I think that everyone will agree with me how important it is from childhood, and even better before the baby is born, to introduce our children to good music. And we need it for spiritual fulfillment, and our children always respond to beautiful sounds. And I always consider the music of the Viennese composer W.A. Mozart to be one of these composers whom we all need to listen to.

I now give the floor to Liliya Szadkowska. She will share her thoughts about the magical effect of Mozart's music and how it affects us and our children. Lilia will also share her experience of introducing Mozart’s music, and then I will also add my thoughts.

"Magic effect" of Mozart's music.

Good afternoon to all readers of Irina’s blog. There is very little time left until Mozart's 260th anniversary. IN holiday celebrations The best musicians in the world will take part. And on January 27, on the birthday of Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart, all the church bells in the city will ring at the moment when the genius of music was born. During his son's baptism, Leopold Mozart solemnly announced that his son would become a musician, to which the abbot replied: “He will become what God destined him to be” (David Weiss, “The Sublime and the Earthly”).

What do they want? modern parents for your children? I think that many people dream first of all that their children become talented and successful. But you must admit that for this it is necessary to make special efforts for the development of the child. Today we will talk about the magical effect of Mozart's music - the age-old concept that music affects the soul and body of a person. Why is it recommended to listen to Mozart’s music not only from a very early age, but even before the baby is born?

What is the effect of Mozart's music?

We have already mentioned that scientists have conducted a number of studies on the effect of music on humans, and it has been proven that the music of the great maestro has a unique symmetry design, amazing harmony and reproduces the rhythm of the heartbeat. And it is these properties that stimulate the brain, cause positive emotions, reduce stress and unleash creativity.

It is recommended to listen to music not only from a very early age, but also even before the baby is born. It's hard to believe that music has an influence on a child even in the womb. But nevertheless, the process music education starts very early. A six-week-old human embryo can already hear the heartbeat and voice of the mother. As pregnancy progresses, his hearing becomes more perfect, gradually he learns to respond to extraneous sounds, their rhythm, tone, intensity, which stimulate him nervous system and brain.

What kind of Mozart music is best to listen to during pregnancy and further after the birth of the baby?

It is desirable that the music be varied, and that the compositions be gentle, expressive, life-affirming and joyful in character. And in his numerous works: operas, symphonies, sonatas, concerts, Mozart created a whole gallery of unique musical images; tenderly lyrical and solemn, bright, playful. Therefore, it is recommended that expectant mothers and children listen to Mozart’s magical and enchanting music.

Mozart's music for children

In our family, not only my father and his mother prepared for the birth of a grandson, but also I, a grandmother and a music teacher. I recorded several CDs with masterpieces musical art and, of course, a CD with Mozart’s music for his daughter-in-law and her baby. Katyusha, my daughter-in-law, who lost her parents early and experienced all the hardships of orphanhood, was not accustomed to music. But, nevertheless, she treated my gift with reverence and listened to the music with rapture.

Of course, we had to tell a lot about the amazing properties of music, introduce such a concept as the “Mozart Effect.” So, step by step, we comprehended the world of music of the great composer. Katyusha often talked about the images that came to her when listening. And at 8-9 months of pregnancy, she was already talking about how the baby behaved while listening to music with her. And we noticed that our grandson, a year after birth, easily recognized the sounds of music that his mother listened to and recognized her lullabies. Hearing familiar melodies, the child expressed joy and delight!

What is the power of Mozart's music for children? How does this happen?

The fact is that the baby not only hears and remembers rhythms in utero, but can also recognize them after birth, showing special emotions. And this is the divine power of music! Moreover, the child is initially a genius. But if you do not develop your baby, then many of his natural abilities will simply fade away. And as we have already said, parents must try very hard to reveal the talents in their child, and this will help you Magic power Mozart's music!

Let's listen to a familiar topic. Both you and your children, I think, will not remain indifferent to the composer’s music.

V.A. Mozart - Symphony No. 40 in G minor

And here is another work of Mozart that we know and love. Rondo in Turkish style.

The extraordinary impact of Mozart's music is explained, first of all, by the fact that he created his first works in early years, with special ease and its childish spontaneity, reflecting a child’s perception of the world in sounds. Therefore, his music is understandable and accessible to children.

Mozart created the most vivid and emotional masterpieces for children of all ages. Lullabies are for the little ones. The more you listen to melodic music, the calmer and more balanced your child will be. It will pick up the slightest changes in music, its shades and moods. With the help of music, the child will learn to communicate with people. He will be able to capture a person’s mood and notice changes in the intonation of speech. Music will help not only cultivate emotional responsiveness, but also teach you to think positively. And this is its magical power!

Listening to music with your child, you thereby develop him Creative skills, broaden your horizons, contribute to its aesthetic education.

Let's listen now "Night Serenade" by Mozart .

Observing the development of my grandson, I can authoritatively state that the boy is ahead of his peers in many respects, which is especially pleasing.

Don't let it fade creativity your child. Encourage interest in music in every possible way, listen to music together, draw musical images, watch musical tales, go to concerts, buy children's musical instruments and play music with him, and when traveling in the car, do not forget to turn on the music.

Let's listen to another fragment now - Mozart. Sonata in C major .

What is the best way to listen to Mozart's music for children?

Don’t overload your baby: play one or two melodies, but every day, repeating it both morning and evening. When he learns to listen and loves these melodies, you can introduce new works. And so, from simple to complex. If you want your child to become successful, start with music, for the greatness of art is most clearly manifested in music. When they grow up, your children will thank you!

Let's listen now to a fragment from Mozart's opera The Magic Flute. Captions allow you to understand the words and plot of this fragment. Where does the pleasant and gentle ringing come from? Yes, these are all our magic bells with music like this.

I thank Lilia for all the thoughts. And now I want to add a little more from myself to everything that has been said. I myself played many works by Mozart, worked with children in music school, also included them in the repertoire, worked with vocalists and with my students in theater institute. When I was preparing this article, I also remembered my experience working at a music school. I especially remember the experience of working with violinists. How many Mozart concertos and sonatas have we played? And the combination of piano and violin is always amazing for me.

I have always noticed that contact with Mozart is always special. Just as Mozart himself is a sunny composer, so we, by becoming familiar with his music (playing, performing it, just listening) become kinder, sunnier, as if some rays of the soul awaken in us and give us an extraordinary state inside.

They say correctly that everything ingenious is simple. Such simple melodies, and how much is inside them. And light, and goodness, and joy, something like spring, somewhere languor, excitement, somewhere sadness, and even tragedy. Mozart's music is an amazing world of movement for me, a world of spontaneity, some curlicues, decorations that are unique to him.

And you know what interests me personally? When you have a different state of mind, then listening to the same piece, you can discover it for yourself in completely different colors. Joy can turn out to be such cheerfulness, almost a rush of euphoria, and sadness can almost be a tragedy.

This is probably how it should be. We are all people with our own inner world. And it is also always different for us. And everyone can empathize in different ways when listening to music, discover many shades in it, and discover a lot in themselves. It's like working on yourself.

Perhaps children, touching Mozart’s music for the first time, do not often understand its depth, but it is precisely the touch (of this I am completely sure) of his music that will never pass by. This is probably how our baggage and our children’s baggage accumulates – both life, musical, and spiritual.

And as always, it’s nice to see the transformation of our students when they sing something from Mozart’s works. It is no coincidence that the masters with whom we work always love precisely classical repertoire. Not so long ago we were just working on fragments from Don Juan, The Magic Flute, and The Marriage of Figaro. Even an introduction to style always has a beneficial effect. And often students tell us: “Wow, why didn’t we listen to Mozart before?”

And what amazing letters Mozart wrote. If you have never read them, I highly recommend that you take the time to search the Internet or buy the book. You will definitely discover a new Mozart. Vulnerable, touching, caring, sometimes just such a child - this is probably why his music resonates with us so much.

And in conclusion, I would like to invite you to listen to one more recording. Mikhail Kazinik tells us about the Mozart effect. How I love listening to his conversations. This a famous person. Art critic, musician, writer, poet, philosopher, director. I highly recommend you listen to everything. He always tells stories in a simple, captivatingly interesting way. You have so much fun.

Musical living room. Mozart's music for children

Dear readers, now I want to invite you to listen to Mozart’s music for children. I have prepared a new page in my music room. I have selected what, in my opinion, will be very useful for your children to listen to. Introduce them to beauty as early as possible.

While children are small, play music in the background while they are awake, at least for 5-10-15 minutes. In the playlist I also selected Mozart melodies that are good to listen to before bed. They soothe babies so much. If your children are older, listen to music with them. Be sure to talk to them, find out their impressions of this music. Give yourself and your children some joy.

Mozart for children

I wish everyone a wonderful mood, health, and spiritual fulfillment. Constantly develop yourself, talk to your children, share your thoughts, find out their opinions. I think that in our special time in which we live, it is very important not to forget about such spiritual and emotional fulfillment.

see also













    Do you want to raise your child correctly and develop his sense of taste? Then Mozart's music for children will help you! Scientists have long proven that the melodies of this wonderful composer work wonders on the human body, and for children his music is a way to develop hidden talents and perhaps raise a future genius. What is so good about Mozart's music? Now you will find out about it!

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    Benefits of Listening to Mozart for Children

    Every parent should know about the benefits of listening to the music of this composer, because Mozart for children can become the first stage of development from the first days of a baby’s life. Here are a few benefits of listening to this composer's tunes:

    • Increases brain development;
    • Allows you to instill in your child the right taste;
    • Has healing properties;
    • Calms the nervous system;
    • Stimulates thinking;
    • Improves memory;
    • Helps develop a child's intelligence.

    And this is far from full list benefits. If you remember, Mozart himself was a little genius, since he wrote his first composition at the age of 4, so the sounds of his melodies reflect a purely childish perception, which allows children to perceive the melodies more easily.

    This composer has melodies for all occasions. Is your child having trouble sleeping or not wanting to fall asleep? Play a melody for him to sleep, and you will see how your baby will fall asleep in a deep, sweet sleep in a couple of minutes.

    It is useful to listen to these wonderful melodies not only for children, but also for parents. In these difficult, nervous times, soothing, pleasant music is ideal for adults. Also, such melodies can be played for children before bedtime or during active games.

    The collection of melodies also includes educational music for kids. It will help develop the child’s hearing and taste, which is so important in our time. After just a couple of days of listening to music just a couple of times a day for 30 minutes, you will notice significant changes in your child. He will become more attentive, he will open up creativity, and the psyche will become more balanced. Therefore, scientists advise listening to the sounds of magnificent compositions already at the stage of pregnancy.

    Is your child sick? Play Mozart for him, because his music is healing and this is not just a myth, but a proven fact. Listening to her, the baby will recover faster and return to the normal rhythm of life. And for very active fidgets, a calm melody will be an ideal option, which will allow him to relax and calm down. And it will be useful for parents to listen to it.

    On our website you can listen online to the most best compositions this famous composer. Here you will find completely different ringtones for any occasion. We have collected compositions for both parents and children of different ages, so all the music is on one site and you don’t have to constantly search for this or that melody.

    Are you going on a trip or vacation, but have problems with the Internet? This problem can be solved! With us you can download absolutely any melody for free in just a few minutes, and your favorite sounds will delight you all the way and at any time.

    Almost everyone probably knows that classical music is recommended for listening not only to mothers during pregnancy, but also to children themselves after their birth. But why Mozart, and not Bach or, for example, Beethoven? In fact, it is not entirely correct to compare their work, if only because the transfer of musical images into notes took place in their at different ages and under different impressions.

    To understand why Mozart's soothing music is beneficial for children, we need to look at two things. First, to the biography of the great composer and the corresponding time period in history. And secondly, to latest results in human brain research.

    Future great composer Born into a family of professional musicians. His talent and phenomenal memory were revealed at a very early age. First music lessons and experimental compositional creativity began with Mozart at the age of four. At that time it was in fashion italian music and music in the style of the Renaissance.

    Young children's brains are just developing. Sound waves of different lengths activate different areas of the cortex, affecting each with different intensities. In response, different activities occur in one area or another. The latter is measured by a conditional “glow” (similar to the Kirlian effect): the brighter it is, the more active the brain. Mozart's musical works lead to the fact that 97-99% of the cerebral cortex is activated, that is, it literally begins to “glow”. In children, the centers responsible for development and mental condition. Many world scientific centers have confirmed the calming effect of Mozart's music.

    Why is this happening? There is no definite answer here - perhaps it will be obtained as soon as the human brain is fully explored. The theory that most closely resembles the truth is that Mozart, due to his genius, from a very young age was able to intuitively understand and convey in notes the feelings of small children. Therefore, his music is recommended for listening both for medical purposes and for prevention.

    Raising a child prodigy with the help of classical music

    Babies come into our world as little gods. And we make people out of them. It’s more common this way, because the unknown is always scary. And gifted people are often headstrong and obstinate. But those who want to get at least above average results in their child’s development should take into account classical music, over which time has no power.

    The main rule here is to know when to stop. Mozart's music is dominated by high notes. This has a positive effect on the auditory muscles. The best option- not special listening (although this also has its effect), but the creation of a musical background: during various games, bathing in the bathroom, being on the road, eating, etc. How earlier child gets acquainted with this music, the sooner the higher functions of the right hemisphere of the brain, responsible for creativity, will begin to form and activate. But under no circumstances should there be an overabundance. Excessive, let alone forced, listening to music is unacceptable.

    Let's summarize

    Listening musical works Mozart gives children:

    • development of auditory muscles due to high sounds;
    • improvement and correction of memory (it’s good to memorize these keys in the background);
    • development and correction of speech for stuttering;
    • expansion of brain potential and change in worldview (most people are prone to negativity, and Mozart’s works give a balanced picture of the world, so the brain begins to notice bright colors more often, its work becomes more active and intense);
    • development of spatial imagination, which is indispensable for creative professions and volumetric perception;
    • increased attentiveness (hyperactivity and inattention syndrome is the scourge of modern children, and after just 10 minutes of listening, the baby’s attention will become more concentrated);
    • improvement of communication skills (is a consequence of all the above positive changes).

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