Children": interesting facts about Alina Sansyzbay. She is in the finals of "The Voice.Children": interesting facts about Alina Sansyzbay Almaty competed with Elizaveta Kachurak, Dim Bilan's ward, and Denise Khekilaeva from Valery Meladze's team

The winner of the show was Elizaveta Kachurak from Dima Bilan’s team.

Nine-year-old Kazakh Alina Sansyzbai took third place in the popular Russian show “The Voice. Children” on Channel One, reports.

The finale of the show "The Voice. Children-4" was emotionally rich and vivid.

Photo: instagram/@voice1tv

Snezhana Shin, Alisa Golomysova, Stefania Sokolova, Yulianna Beregoy, Alexander Dudko, Eva Medved and Elizaveta Kachurak also took part in it. According to the rules of the competition, out of nine finalists, only one was able to achieve the title of best vocalist in the country.

At the beginning of the final performance, Kazakh Alina Sansyzbai performed Konstantin Meladze’s song “Step” from Polina Gagarina’s repertoire. The composition was recorded in 2014. The author of the music and text is Konstantin Meladze. With this composition, Gagarina became a laureate of the Song of the Year festival.

After this, Sansyzbai, together with Eva Medved and Yulianna Berega, performed Nyusha’s song “Choose a Miracle.”

Photo: instagram/@voice1tv

Only three made it to the second stage of the final – one performer from each team. Alina Sansyzbai was chosen from Nyusha’s team; she received 42.7 percent of the votes.

The Almaty girl competed with Elizaveta Kachurak, Dima Bilan’s ward, and Denise Khekilaeva from Valery Meladze’s team.

In the final performance, Sansyzbai performed Whitney Houston's Queen of the Night from the film "The Bodyguard."

The fate of the participants was determined audience voting. In it, Kazakh Alina Sansyzbai took third place, receiving 15.9 percent of the votes.

Alina performs the song Shagai by Polina Gagarina. The song was recorded in 2014. The author of the music and lyrics of the song is Konstantin Meladze. This song by Gagarin became a laureate of the Song of the Year festival.
Bella ttt
It seems to me that it was in Nyusha’s team that the songs were chosen correctly for each participant
Meladze has no idea what
well, only Bilan liked the song
Many say that Lisa's parents bought the audience's votes
One way or another, in the Season 4 finale, the three remaining finalists were worthy of victory
well done Alina

Reviews for the video

1. Ekaterina Baidina
What a pity that everyone who definitely “understands” music, teaches mentors to choose the right participant and probably knows who is the best of the children and who is worse, just sits at home on the couch in his Muhosransk and pours out his “expertise” and “exactly correct "opinion on all social networks.

2. Sema Zabelkin
there was a lot of Konstantin Meladze this season. Very. . And not in the sense that it was shown a lot. And the fact that the children performed a lot of songs written by him (she will return, love will save the world, mom, dad, walk) Did Valery’s appearance as a judge affect the children’s repertoire?

3. SaffNekit
FOR THOSE who write that she does not have enough breath and is suffocating, I say that everything does not depend on breathing, but on the beauty of her voice, she has such a voice for NINE motherfucking years old. Sing this song yourself in one breath

4. Renat Urazakov
She sings beautifully, but this is not her song. And in general this song is very difficult to sing. She has good voice, But. She doesn't have that kind of voice. and somehow horse racing doesn’t fit with this song. like this somehow

5. Maria Kruglova
Tell me, if she doesn’t make faces, then what? Stand with a straight face. The girl is very artistic, has a sense of song, and is charismatic. Very strong voice. Have a good future for her.

6. Emilia Clarke
Blo, the most terrible performance in the entire history of the project, the girl is out of breath and can’t really keep up with the song, couldn’t they have given her something else to sing, who is the mentor, Piggy or what?

It’s a shame that the girl fell into the shadow of the other two participants. The song is certainly not for a child, but Alina performed everything wonderfully. I wish you success. powerful voice

8. Snezhana Kruglikova
She is not worthy of the finale, well, the performance is not ideal, and the excuse that there was not enough breathing is not an excuse, it should have been calculated correctly.

9. Best Girlfriends
Fuuuuu At Polina Gagarina's better voice than yours And I’m not jealous My voice is even better than yours And you have a lot of mistakes And the melody is not the same Stupid

10. Dima Boltyshov
How cool Alina sings. Alina will turn out great, I even think popular singer, unless of course she wants to be a singer and will sing in the future

11. Alina Koshel
this song is not for her. She doesn't have the same voice as Gagarina. He's just a little weak for this song. This is solely my opinion

12. Egor Volman
I don't understand why give such an adult song. The child doesn’t even understand what he’s singing about. How then does an adult voice differ from a child’s voice?

13. Galina Kytina
She shouldn't have made it to the finals. She's not ready for him at all. And it's false. I was for Juliana. Here's the real finalist. And this.pffff

14. galaxy store
hello, I really wanted to come to you, I have a voice, it’s good, young, but my mother says that I have a voice, but it’s trembling, what a pity

15. Samira Belgibaeva
Ehh, I don’t know why, but she infuriates me. She’s too young to put on makeup and show off. And yet, this is MY PERSONAL OPINION

16. Live Is Very Cold
I remember how she performed in a Ukrainian voice about 2 years ago. She was so small, but now she has grown so much. Well done

17. Gulshat Oralbay
She sang very well. Someone's bad writing means they don't understand music. You are an energetic girl

18. Sakura Flowers
The only song I liked performed by her. Well done Nyusha for giving a more suitable song.

19. Pau Linnel
Why give children adult songs? Well, damn, the girl is great, but she is too small for this song and has bad breathing.

Recently it became known that the first finalists fourth season The Russian vocal television project was Yulianna Beregoi from Moldova and Alina Sansyzbai from Kazakhstan. At the blind audition, Alina performed Aretha Franklin's complex composition "Think". In addition to her strong voice, Sansyzbai captivated the jury with her flexibility, fantastic hand throwing and stylish outfit.

So, what is known about the young singer?

1. Alina was born on December 8, 2007 in Almaty. She is Kazakh, but in fact, blood flows in her different nationalities, including Kazakh. On its pages in in social networks Alina does not post photos with her family, preferring not to talk about her parents. Alina has an older brother, Elman, with whom she also performs in a duet. Despite the fact that Elish (as Alina calls her brother) says that his sister already knows what stardom is, he recognizes her experience. By the way, Elman performed this year at the Kazakh project “Voice.Children”.

2. The Russian “Voice.Children” is not Alina’s first musical success. In 2015, Sansyzbai won the Generation NEXT festival in Moscow. And in 2016, Alina participated in the Ukrainian version of the show “The Voice.Children”, managing to get into the Monatic team and reach the stage of live broadcasts.

3. Alina has been studying vocals since she was four or five years old, and dancing since she was three. Moreover, she can dance hip-hop, jazz-funk, and ballroom dancing. Her success on stage is the merit of her mother, who gave her vocal training and helps develop her talent to this day. Sansyzbai's idol is singer Beyoncé, whom she wants to be like.

4. At the blind auditions Russian show“Voice.Children” Sansyzbai burst into tears... from happiness that she was on Nyusha’s team. "I dreamed that there would be no choice - to go straight to Nyusha. I like her the most. The way she dances and the way she sings. I would call her the Russian Beyoncé or the Russian Britney Spears. She also dances a lot, and that’s why we are with her on the same wavelength,” Alina said afterwards.

5. Valery Meladze, as one of the jury members, called Sansyzbai an absolutely fantastic person: “The vocals are unrealistic! Dressed with taste, hairstyle - in general, everything is super. I, of course, had to press the button, but, in fairness, I must say, Nyusha: this is your energy, your rhythm - and I think you will be harmonious.”

7. Despite young age Alina loves to experiment and devotes a lot of time to her image. Her signature hairstyle is bouffant curly hair, most often with corrugated strands. Alina does not hide the fact that she paints her nails. If she doesn't paint them, they will be very brittle. On her Youtube channel, Alina recorded a detailed video report on how she does her makeup for performances. At the same time, the girl is well versed in the intricacies of makeup, special devices and various brands of cosmetics. But many are not afraid to criticize her for using cosmetics so early.

9. Like many children, Alina loves to jump on a trampoline and tumble. In addition, she has 42 medals in ballroom dancing and practices karate. Among sweets, Sansyzbai loves chocolate.

10. In all interviews, Alina emphasizes that she comes from Almaty. However, now, due to her performances in the show “The Voice. Children”, she lives in Moscow and is on homeschooling. Sansyzbay does not hide that he wants to become famous singer And professional actress, and possibly a radio host.

In just a few days, the video with Alina Sansyzbai’s performance in “The Voice” was watched more than 150 thousand times - this is one of the most popular videos from latest issue blind auditions. A touching curly girl with chubby cheeks is truly mesmerizing. She came to the children's "Voice" with Aretha Franklin's non-children's song "Think" and immediately captivated Nyusha, not only with her vocals, but also with her energy, and also with her wonderful choreography - she threw up her arms, danced and moved gracefully. Almost like Beyoncé.

I was scared, but not very scared,” Alina recalls. - Because I learned to cope with anxiety.

- How?

When I'm worried, I start doing this (puts both palms on the top of my chest, so that the tips of my fingers intersect, and starts fingering my fingers, as if playing the piano. - Author). It helps me.

- Aren’t you upset that you ended up on Nyusha’s team?

Vice versa. I just dreamed that there would be no choice - to go straight to Nyusha. I like her the most. How he dances and how he sings. I would call her the Russian Beyoncé or the Russian Britney Spears. She also dances a lot, and therefore we are on the same wavelength.

- You moved very well on stage during your number. Did you choreograph the dances on purpose?

I have been dancing for a long time - since I was three years old, but I have been singing since I was four. I'm working out ballroom dancing, hip-hop and sometimes jazz-funk. Each lesson lasts one and a half hours. This is more than vocals - vocals for an hour. I like the way Beyoncé dances, she is my idol. I think I'll have a career like hers. I manage to study, but sometimes I don’t want to go to school at all (sighs).

Yes, I passed the blind auditions, but I didn’t pass the vocal competitions. In the trio, everyone was much older than me - 12, 13 years old. Only one girl in the other three was small, like me. In the end, of course, I was not chosen. Everyone was much more mature and sang better. But I liked participating in the TV show so much that I sent an application to the Russian “Voice”.

The little singer's older brother Elish sings a duet with her. And he assures that after the first broadcast on Ukrainian TV, his sister was unrecognizable.

Alina has star fever immediately after she was chosen, says Elish. - She said she was the best. But in reality it is true. In our duet she is the main one. Because she has much more experience.

“Mom calls me hardworking,” continues the star sister. - And if a brother lies, he lies. If he sits, he sits. You can't lift it. Or transitional age, or laziness.

- To move a lot on stage and dance like Beyoncé, you need to train a lot. Do you keep fit?

Yes, I like to jump on the trampoline and do somersaults. I read that Beyoncé ran four kilometers every day when she was preparing for her big day. solo concert. I'm not running yet, I'm just concentrating.

Blind auditions have been completed and 46 people have been recruited for the project. 15 each - in the teams of Nyusha and Valery Meladze and 16 - in the team of Dima Bilan (at the expense of the Kaimakov sisters). There are vocal duels ahead, that is, a knockout game.

The participants are divided into threes, they rehearse and present one song at a time. The mentor selects only one person from the team, the rest go home. This leaves each mentor with five of the best vocalists. They sing one more song each, after which the mentor selects two contestants who will advance to the finals.

Participant in the fourth season of the show “The Voice. Children" on Channel One.

8 year old Alina Sansyzbay came to the show “The Voice. Children" from Almaty. In 2015, Alina won the Generation NEXT festival, which was held in Moscow. In addition to vocal music, Alina Sansyzbay is engaged in ballroom dancing, karate, and also san-var-do (a peculiar mixture of karate and boxing).

In 2016, Alina participated in the Ukrainian version of the show “The Voice. Children". She made the team Monatica and reached the stage of live broadcasts. “Do you know why I turned to you? Because I couldn’t sit still anymore!” - said mentor Monatic.

Alina Sansyzbay in the show Voice. Children season 4

At the stage of blind auditions in the show “The Voice. Children "on Channel One Alina performed a complex jazz composition Think, which she sang Aretha Franklin. By the way, this song brought her luck in the Ukrainian “ Voice. Child 3": she went through blind auditions with her.

Valery Meladze called Alina Sansyzbai an absolutely fantastic person: “The vocals are unreal! Dressed with taste, hairstyle - in general, everything is super. I, of course, had to press the button, but, in fairness, I must say, Nyusha: this is your energy, your rhythm - and I think you will be harmonious.”

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