Daniel Radcliffe hobbies. Biography of Daniel Radcliffe

Well, are you ready to learn interesting and interesting things about the most famous young wizard? little known facts? You will definitely read them in our article. About Daniel Radcliffe's childhood, first attempts and career ups.

Sam Aronov

1. Daniel was born on July 23, 1989 in Fulfham (west London).
2. The actor's father is a literary agent, and his mother is a casting agent.
3. Daniel made his acting debut in 1999, when he played young David Copperfield in the television film of the same name.
4. Radcliffe got into the film thanks to his mother, who sent his photo to the TV channel.
5. In 2001, Daniel starred in the film The Tailor of Panama with Pierce Brosnan.
6. Casting for the role of Harry Potter took place in 1999, and the film was released in 2001.
7. Worldwide box office receipts of the first film "Harry Potter and philosopher's Stone"exceeded $970 million.


8. The boy's parents did not want him to audition for the role of Harry, since the contract stated that the actor would star in all eight films.

9. You'll never guess where Daniel was at that moment when he found out that he had received the role that brought him worldwide popularity. The boy was taking a bath. What a pleasant surprise!
10. The actor suffers from a disease called dyspraxia, which affects hand-eye coordination.
11. Radcliffe loves to write, listen to music, play the console and guitar.
12. My favorite book in the Harry Potter series is the third, Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban.
13. Daniel is a very punctual and responsible person. Remember, he signed his contract at the age of 11, and the filming of subsequent films took ten whole years of his life. During this time, the guy did not appear on set only twice due to illness. This is strength and masculinity!
14. In 2007, according to the British press, the actor's fortune was about $35 million.
15. Imagine how red-haired Rupert Grint can laugh. With him contagious laughter It's hard to concentrate. Therefore, during the filming of the kiss between Hermione and Harry, the actor had to leave the set.


16. Daniel's favorite color is green.
17. The guy likes to drink hot chocolate and diet cola.
18. Radcliffe has three favorite actresses: Scarlett Johansson, Julia Roberts and Cameron Diaz.

19. In 2011, the actor played in the musical “How to Succeed in Business Without Doing Anything.”
20. The first film work after Harry Potter was the horror film The Woman in Black.
21. Daniel once admitted that he dreamed of becoming professional player in cricket.
22. In 2007, the actor played in the production “Equus”, where he appeared completely naked.
23. Daniel gave his voice to one of the Simpsons characters.
24. He is the youngest person (besides the royal family) whose portrait hangs in the National portrait gallery in London.
25. Daniel loves meeting fans, but the tears of fans put him in an awkward position.

Simon James

26. Radcliffe is an MTV Award winner and a multiple Saturn Award nominee.

By the way, today Daniel Radcliffe celebrates his 26th birthday. On this wonderful occasion we wish the young and talented actor more success in your career and great inspiration in life!

Daniel Radcliffe is a talented, popular British actor who was born on July 23, 1989 in a small town near London. Biography and personal life Daniel Radcliffe is a simple but fascinating story success of a young talented boy.

Actor's childhood

Daniel's family has always been connected with the world of cinema and art. His father, originally from Ireland, worked as a literary agent all his life. His mother organizes and conducts various acting castings, acting as a manager.

Of course, his mother wanted her son to have an outstanding future. It is worth saying that the boy showed his acting talents at an early age. From the age of 5, he went to various auditions and auditions, where they were looking for children to star in various projects. In 1999, luck smiled at him: he got a small role in the series based on the novel by Charles Dickens. To the great surprise of both his parents and the director, the boy played the role superbly, being remembered by the audience. This influenced the fact that directors began to pay attention to him and so on. In the same year he successfully passed the selection cast for the first part of the legendary "Potteriana".

The Boy Who Lived

On main role in The Philosopher's Stone, the actor was selected from several thousand children. The casting was divided into several stages, so Daniel wanted to at least be an extra in this film. But, to his great happiness, he was cast in the main role. All weekend he could not recover from delight and shock. This job became his ticket to Big world cinema. Daniel Radcliffe became famous throughout the world as Harry Potter.

Nevertheless big role influenced his schooling. His parents dreamed of giving him a great education, and Daniel went to an excellent school. However, after filming started and they found out about it at school, the children began to be very jealous of his success, which spoiled the children’s attitude towards to the young actor. They started teasing him, and in just a few months he became a real outcast.

Fortunately for Daniel, his mother understood perfectly well that his future would be determined not by education, but by these filming in which he was busy. The fee that Daniel would receive after filming the first part gave his parents the opportunity to hire private teachers. They gave him an excellent education after his parents withdrew his son from school. Radcliffe received his certificate somewhat later than his peers. It was on this set that Daniel Radcliffe and Emma Watson met and they became good friends.

Money and fame

After the first part of "Potteriana", which brought huge profits to the producers, work on the second part immediately began. The boy's salary increased significantly. The role in the film will support him for a long time; today the actor’s net worth is estimated at about $20 million.

It is worth noting that films based on the Harry Potter books were filmed over a period of 12 years. If at the time of the release of the first part Daniel was only 12 years old, then when this fantastic epic ended, he was already 24 years old, although he continued to play a teenager. Fortunately, his youthful appearance, as well as the skill of the makeup team, made this possible. Not only were Daniel Radcliffe and Emma Watson older than their characters, Rupert Grint had also significantly outgrown the book's Ron.

Life after Harry Potter

Despite the fact that the producers did not force Daniel to refuse other offers while working on Harry Potter, he still simply did not have the free time and desire to engage in other projects. There was also no talk of a wife for Daniel Radcliffe. It is worth noting that his fees were rapidly increasing, thanks to which he could afford a measured, luxurious lifestyle. In fact, that's exactly what he did for several years. The actor began to have minor problems with alcohol, which could well have ruined his entire career. However, his loved ones helped him cope. After two years of wild life, the actor came to his senses and appeared on the set in a new role.

For the first time in a new incarnation, viewers could see Radcliffe in a mystical thriller, where he played the role of a young lawyer and tracked down a ghost. Of course, The Woman in Black was not as successful as the Harry Potter films, but the film turned out to be quite successful. He was even nominated for several prestigious awards. Rumors began to appear about Daniel Radcliffe's possible wife, because he had long ceased to be “the boy who lived.”

His next interesting work there was the thriller Frankenstein, where Daniel played opposite James McAvoy. He chose the role of an assistant to a talented scientist who was engaged in reviving the dead. Despite such an interesting duet, the film could not meet the expectations of the audience and, unfortunately, did not pay off. Next, the actor plays in the film “Kill Your Darlings,” where Erin Dark and Daniel Radcliffe met.

Radcliffe then appears in the detective thriller Now You See Me 2, where he played the antagonist Walter. The film was warmly received by critics, and the studio earned three times its budget. On this moment the actor has about 20 works in his filmography, and he is constantly looking for a new field for his talent.

Theater life

Periodically, the actor also plays in London theaters with great success. During filming, it turned out that Daniel has good vocal abilities, thanks to which he often performs on the Broadway stage. Now the actor often appears in theatrical productions which brings him pleasure.

Personal life

There are a lot of questions about Daniel Radcliffe's possible wife. The actor tries not to talk too much about his personal life. He is best known for his charitable and social activities. Since 2008, he has often supported programs to protect gays, as well as participants in LGBT movements. As we have already said, about our love affairs the actor hardly talks, and even the paparazzi rarely manage to photograph him with someone. Of course, during the filming of “Potteriana,” there were often rumors about his affairs with his partners on the set, but there were always only friendly relations between him and his colleagues.

The actor's first known romantic interest appeared in 2010. He began dating Rosie Cocker, a girl who worked as an assistant director. In fact, their romance ended as soon as the work related to Harry Potter was completed.

In 2012, Daniel Radcliffe and he worked together on the set of the film Kill Your Darlings. Despite the fact that she is 5 years older than the guy, this did not stop them from falling in love with each other. They did not advertise their relationship and practically did not appear together in front of cameras.

Their first appearance together took place in 2014, when the press was buzzing with rumors about their possible engagement. However, this event either did not take place or has not yet been made public. She is not Daniel Radcliffe's wife yet. In any case, there is definitely no talk of a wedding yet. Young people enjoying each other, and isn't that wonderful?

As a child I dreamed become Michael Caine.

I can afford don't do what you don't want to do.

I love New York. In the UK you won’t surprise anyone with a London accent, but here you have your own style.

I'm a feminist.

Finding yourself in the jungle with me, there will be nothing to hope for. I wasn't a Boy Scout, I couldn't even start a fire.

I love cricket but I don't play it. My coordination is terrible.

After I rapped with Jimmy Fallon People always ask me if I'm a hip-hop fan. Yes, but I know punk and indie much better - I grew up on them.

I don't want to say that I listen to Eminem and be like all the white guys. But it is so. Although in last years I began to understand hip-hop better.

I'm going to get into directing. And because I don't want to screw up someone else's script, I write my own. If I mess up, at least I won't feel guilty.

I have a whole list of directors who I would like to work with. It features Wes Anderson, Paul Thomas Anderson, the Coen Brothers, Martin McDonagh and Quentin Tarantino. Although I can’t imagine what kind of role Tarantino could give me, but who knows.

I've never played a terrible psychopath doing scary things, but recently I was offered something similar, and this is what I need.

Any role and any scenario, if they're written well enough, it's a possibility. I don't think there's anything I could dismiss out of hand.

I always ask myself do I like the script and my role, have I done something similar before. Now I'm only captivated by something completely new. Nothing else matters. I used to wonder whether the film would be successful, but I don't wonder that question anymore.

What I definitely don't want to do is complain. I don’t want to talk about the difficulties of filming.

I love the NFL - it's been my passion for the last five years. I devote my entire Sunday to getting everything done before five o'clock, and then I park on the couch and watch American football for seven hours. It's great!

I'm not very good with my money. But, fortunately, there are people in my life who can.

I'm incredibly lucky that I was given such a career and such a role for which I was paid very well. The most important thing for me about this is that I don't have to worry about money.

If someone said to me, “Wow, you spent a lot of money on this!” — this would apply to air travel. There is hardly anything else in my life that can be considered wasteful.

On the set I feel right at home. But you can’t relax on stage, so theater helps me stay in shape.

With the theater, as with everything else: if you start doing it seriously, you will be respected.

I still want to prove that those who thought that after Potter I couldn’t do anything were wrong.

The connection between me, Rupert and Emma(Grintom and Watson. - Esquire) will never disappear. We will always be glad to each other. But I would be lying if I said that we hang out together all the time. ≠

Who hasn't heard the name of Daniel Radcliffe, young British actor, who played Harry Potter in the legendary series of films about the world of wizards? And although the last part of the franchise has long been released, his popularity is growing every year thanks to his innate talent and truly English intelligence, which makes each image of Daniel Radcliffe unique.

Daniel Radcliffe's childhood. First roles

Daniel Jacob Radcliffe was born in London in 1989, the son of Alan Radcliffe and Marcy Gresham. The boy's parents were closely connected with the world of art: his father was a literary agent in a large London publishing house, and his mother worked as a casting director on television; in their youth, both tried their hand at acting.

Little Daniel dreamed of becoming an actor from the age of five, and when he got hired private school, where six-year-old Radcliffe made a brilliant debut in an amateur production as a monkey, he began persistently asking to be taken to a television casting. His parents were against it, since as a child Daniel suffered from dyspraxia (impaired coordination), as a result of which he was very clumsy and studied extremely poorly. Nevertheless, when the boy turned nine, Marcy gave up and brought him to the casting of “David Copperfield” based on the novel by Charles Dickens.

The film was sponsored by the BBC, but in 1999, shortly after its premiere on British screens, it was seen by American viewers, who highly appreciated the performance of little Daniel: “An actor who looks so natural in the frame is a rarity, especially so young! He looked like a real orphan from the 19th century."

The heyday of Daniel Radcliffe's career. Harry Potter and others

In 2000, Radcliffe received a cameo role in the film “The Tailor of Panama”: he played the son of the heroes Jamie Lee Curtis and Geoffrey Rush. At the same time, the search for actors began in the UK for the film adaptation of the first Harry Potter novel, published in 1997 and which has already become a cult work for children all over the world.

The author of the novel, JK Rowling, directed hard condition: all the actors involved in the film had to be British. The director of the large-scale project, Chris Columbus, racked his brains for a long time in search of young actor, which, firstly, would be a native of Great Britain, and secondly, would appeal to a demanding writer. By that time, the casting had already lasted 9 months; more than 16 thousand applicants had tried out for the role of Harry Potter, and all of them were rejected. “We’ll have to make a film without Harry Potter,” members of the crew joked.

By chance, Chris came across a videotape of Copperfield, and after watching it, he immediately called an assistant with a demand to find the young actor. Radcliffe was invited to audition, but his parents were against it - they wanted their son to be an ordinary child: to study, attend clubs, play with friends, and not spend his entire childhood on film set. Chance helped: it turned out that the film’s producer, David Heyman, was closely acquainted with Radcliffe’s father, who, after much persuasion, finally gave his son up to be “torn to pieces” by the directors. And most importantly, JK Rowling was delighted with Daniel, and the boy was approved for the role of Harry Potter.

“I had two reactions when I found out about the role,” said Daniel, “at first I cried because I was very happy! And then, a few hours later, I woke up in the middle of the night and ran to my parents’ bedroom to ask if I had dreamed.”

Daniel Radcliffe auditions for the role of Harry Potter

Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone began filming in September 2000. Daniel was to play alongside Rupert Grint and Emma Watson, whom Rowling also approved. During work, everyone was amazed by Daniel's physical fitness: he performed all the stunts himself, and only in the most dangerous scenes was he doubled by stuntmen. For example, for the Quidditch game scene, the actor hung in the air on a broom at a height of several meters, and this did not scare him at all.

To say that Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone had big success, which means to say nothing - global box office receipts have approached the figure of a billion dollars. The emotional adventure of an orphan boy, who learned about his magical origin on his 11th birthday, drew full houses even several months after the premiere.

The audience admired the performance of the young actors, separately noting the “deep intelligence with a slight sadness in the eyes of Harry Potter.” They also fell in love with the icy gaze of Draco Malfoy, played by Tom Felton, and the insidious potions teacher Severus Snape, masterfully embodied by Alan Rickman, and the wise headmaster of Hogwarts, played by Richard Harris.

A year later, in November 2002, the premiere of the second part, “Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets,” took place. The spectators were amazed: good fairy tale about a boy wizard acquired dramatic shades, the characters matured, and plot twists sometimes made us think about the advisability of the “12+” rental rating. This trend worsened with each new film about Harry Potter: for example, already the fourth part of the film was not recommended for viewing by persons under 13 years of age.

In 2004, the third part, Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban, premiered. The cast of the film underwent significant changes: firstly, the director changed - Columbus was replaced by the then little-known Alfonso Cuaron, secondly, Richard Harris, who passed away on the eve of filming, was replaced by Michael Gambon, and finally, the legendary Gary appeared among the actors Oldman, who took on the role of Uncle Sirius.

For the filming of Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire, Daniel had to train a lot in scuba diving and stunts, for example, he once made a vertical fall from a height of 15 meters. The fourth part of the saga featured aspiring actor Robert Pattinson, who played Cedric Diggory, a gifted senior student from the Hufflepuff faculty, as well as Ralph Fiennes, made up beyond recognition, who personified the main villain of the novel, the dark magician Voldemort. The director also changed again - Mike Newell took over Cuaron's post.

In 2006, Daniel Radcliffe finally added a new image to his portfolio by starring in the melodrama December Boys.

In the same year, filming of the fifth part of Harry Potter began. The actors had to leave Scotland, where work on the previous films took place, and go to Scandinavia - only there the directors found snow-covered landscapes suitable for the scenery. Director new painting became David Yates, who “led” the franchise until the finale.

In 2007, Radcliffe performed in West End theaters and then on Broadway, where he appeared in the play Equus, based on the play by Peter Schaeffer. According to the plot of the work, a stable boy goes crazy because of his love for horses. In one of the scenes, Daniel had to play completely naked, and when photographs from the performance hit the press, many parents came out in favor of banning Radcliffe from participating in the production: “He is playing in the most popular children's film, and such obscene behavior corrupts his viewers! Adding fuel to the fire was the fact that the actor transferred most of his fee to a fund to help suicidal LGBT teenagers.

Unfortunately, with the start of work on Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince, Daniel had no time left for the theater, although before the start of filming he managed to appear in the film by British director Brian Kirk, My Boy Jack, which told about the tragic pages from the life of Rudhyar Kipling. Here Daniel, who by that time had celebrated his 18th birthday, appeared before the audience in the guise of a military man with a youthful mustache. The character was as different from Harry Potter as possible, and this film showed that Daniel Radcliffe is not a one-man actor.

The gloomy “Half-Blood Prince” was presented to the public in July 2009, and a year and a half later, the first part of the saga’s finale, “Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows,” was released. Radcliffe was extremely impressed working together with Helena Bonham Carter, who played Voldemort's assistant Bellatrix Lestrange: "Helena is one of those actors who, as soon as they hear the command "Motor!", they simply change, not only in terms of character, but also physically."

That same year, Daniel Radcliffe was declared the highest paid actor last decade. His royalties for Harry Potter actually increased geometric progression. If for his participation in the first part he received “only” a million dollars, then his salary for the first “Deathly Hallows” increased 20 times, and for the next episode he was rewarded with 33 million.

The scale of the filming of the final part was amazing, for example, for the scene of the last battle between the forces of good and evil, 400 actors were involved who played the Death Eaters and their minions, on the one hand, and 400 actors who played the roles of students and teachers of Hogwarts, on the other. The worldwide box office of the final part of “Harry Potter” amounted to almost one and a half billion dollars. At the exit from the cinemas, many spectators cried, sadly parting with the characters they loved.

The further career of Daniel Radcliffe

Harry Potter was over. During the first months, Radcliffe simply did not know what to do with himself, and eventually became addicted to drinking. “I felt absolutely inconsolable,” he shared during the interview.

He was saved from alcoholic melancholy by an invitation received at the end of 2011 from director James Watkins, who saw Daniel in the leading role of his new project, the mystical thriller “The Woman in Black.” This time Radcliffe played a young lawyer and single father from the Victorian era.

In 2012, Radcliffe played in the film adaptation of Mikhail Bulgakov’s story, called “Notes of a Young Doctor.” Daniel appeared as a young rural aesculapian, Vladimir, who faced numerous unforeseen difficulties during his practice. This experience left the actor with only warm memories, especially since his favorite work is the novel “The Master and Margarita.”

A year later it was released New film with the participation of Daniel Radcliffe, a mystical drama with elements of the absurd called “Horns”. The actor played an ordinary American guy who discovered in the morning that he had horns growing out of his head, which gave him the ability to read the innermost thoughts of others.

Another project that Radcliffe was working on at this time was the drama Kill Your Darlings, in which he played the beatnik Allen Ginsberg.

Daniel Radcliffe again devoted the next couple of years theatrical activities, participating in the productions “How to become a successful businessman and do nothing for it” and “The Cripple from the Island of Inishmaan.” In addition, he starred in the comedy “Friendship and No Sex?” in the pair of Zoe Kazan, the melodrama “Girl Without Complexes” together with Amy Schumer and Brie Larson, as well as in the biopic “ Crucial moment"about the confrontation between lawyer Mike Thompson and the creators of the game "Grand Thief Auto".

Daniel is bright and extraordinary personality, one of the most popular actors of our time. The wizard Harry Potter has matured, but has finally decided to give up magic tricks, although no longer as a magician. June 9 at big screen A film with his participation was released - “Now You See Me 2”. Radcliffe played the main role - Walter - the son of tycoon Arthur Tressler. 20 intriguing facts from the actor’s biography.

1. Daniel - only child in family. He was born to Marcia Janine Gresham Jacobson, a casting agent, and Alan George Radcliffe, a literary agent.

2. Radcliffe started acting career at the age of 5, performing the role of a monkey in a school production.

3. He was able to become the best among 16 thousand boys who came to audition for the role of Harry Potter.

4. After filming the first part of the Harry Potter film, his classmates became hostile towards him, and as a result, Radcliffe left this school.

5. Daniel admitted that he has to constantly struggle with dyspraxia - the inability to correctly perform purposeful movements. For example, it is extremely problematic for him to tie his shoelaces, let alone perform difficult and rhythmic actions. According to the actor, this was very difficult in school years. But patience and work, as they say, will grind everything down. For example, on the set of Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone he performed very complex stunts, and only in the most dangerous moments was he doubled by stuntmen.

In the same year, 1999, when auditions for participation in the film “Harry Potter and the Philosopher’s Stone” took place, Daniel played in the BBC television film “David Copperfield”.

According to the Guinness Book of Records, Radcliffe is the highest paid actor of the decade. His name appeared on the pages of this legendary reference book in 2009. On average, Daniel's film projects bring in $558 million per film.

Radcliffe is not only an actor, but also a poet. He is published under the pseudonym Jacob Gershon, which was chosen for a reason - maiden name his mother - Gresham.

9. The actor is seriously interested in music. He plays bass guitar and dreams of creating a rock band. His favorite genres are punk rock and Britpop.

10. At Madame Tussauds you can admire all of the actor's facial features up close - it houses a wax replica of him.

The actor actively supports gay rights, including financially, and considers this activity one of the most important components of his career.

Radcliffe says he is an atheist and is also proud to be Jewish.

His favorite work is “The Master and Margarita” by M. Bulgakov.

The actor celebrated his 21st birthday in St. Petersburg.

15. Daniel likes Natalie Portman and Scarlett Johansson, not only as actresses, but also as attractive women.

16. Daniel Rackliffe (Harry Potter), Emma Watson (Hermione Granger) and Rupert Grint (Ron Weasley) are still friends to this day.

Radcliffe's hero is Spider-Man, which, according to him, he would definitely turn into if he had a magic potion.

18. "Harry Potter" has his own superpowers - he can rotate his hand 360 degrees and curl his tongue in half or even three times.

Daniel does not like to see himself in films, so he has never seen many films with his participation.

20. For a long time the actor was in a relationship with assistant director Rosie Cocker.

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