Money signs and superstitions. Folk signs about the wallet

We buy a wallet, purse, banknote for ourselves or as a gift, appreciating both its external beauty and functionality. But the main purpose of this accessory is, of course, storing money. It is known that a wallet not only saves our hard-earned money, but can also attract big money. To do this, you should know a few rules about which wallet is better to choose and what to put in it.

What is it like, a wallet that attracts banknotes?

1. Spacious
Money is good in a big wallet. Banknotes of any denomination and country - from hryvnia to rubles and euros - must be hidden in it without bending. If they do not fit entirely and are bent in half, then they become cramped and the money no longer wants to be in your wallet. In addition, this accessory must have a “pocket” for small coins - with a button or with a zipper, because, as they say, a penny saves the ruble.

2. Solid
A cheap wallet, like a bad hotel, will not attract respectable guests. If you don’t have the funds for a too expensive wallet, opt for a mid-priced one. It is important that the wallet is beautiful, comfortable and that when you look at it you have a feeling of pride.

3. Made from leather
Choose a wallet made of good quality genuine leather for yourself or as a gift to a loved one. You should not buy a wallet made from artificial materials - nylon, oilcloth or other synthetics. There is no living energy in such things; in addition, they themselves prevent the arrival of the life-giving energy of luck from the surrounding world.

4. Certain color
Feng Shui is an ancient Chinese teaching about harmony between a person and the world around him. When buying a wallet, it teaches you to choose the color of Metal or Earth - black, gray, brown, shades of yellow and gold. Do not buy a blue or green wallet, because these are signs of Water, in the presence of which money “leaks” out of your wallet like streams.

5. With the desired item inside
According to the teachings of Feng Shui, you should put in your wallet and always carry with you a few beans, or a cinnamon stick, or a picture of a vine. According to Russian tradition, there should be a piece of dried black horseradish in the wallet.

What should you do to make your wallet attract monetary wealth?

1. You cannot spend every penny of money in your wallet. Leave a certain emergency reserve - at least one bill or lucky coin.

2. Money that you find or win in gambling should not be put in your wallet. It is better to spend such money quickly or distribute it to those in need.

3.Regularly clean your wallet of old receipts, tickets, notes - all this garbage has no place in your wallet.

4. Also, you should not carry a photo in your wallet. A wallet has only one function - saving money.

5. If your wallet is frayed and even torn in several places, immediately throw it away and buy a new one.

The main thing is that your wallet should be a source of pride for you, and that your money should be a cozy nest and a place for successful “reproduction.”

The color of your wallet

In order for your money to stay with you for a long time, Feng Shui experts advise buying a wallet in black, brown, or yellow. Golden and gray shades are also suitable. Metal and earth colors will contribute to a favorable financial atmosphere. But it is definitely not recommended to take a green and blue wallet; these shades belong to the signs of water, so your capital is more likely to “flow away” than to increase.

What to put in your wallet

In Russian folk superstitions, it is believed that a piece of dried black bread will definitely bring good luck. Well, if you start from the teachings of Ancient China, then you need to carry a little cinnamon, beans or an image of a vine in your wallet. Money is also attracted to red objects; there is a popular belief that you need to carry a piece of red fabric with you.

Folk signs about the wallet

Never leave your wallet completely empty. There should be at least one coin left in your wallet. If you empty your wallet completely, it can remain that way for a long time.

According to superstition, you should not carry photographs of loved ones in your wallet; this has a detrimental effect on your financial situation. Money loves attention, you shouldn’t “offend” it in this way.

Never put money in a torn or worn wallet.

Do not leave trash in your wallet; unnecessary receipts and tickets should be immediately thrown into the trash bin.

The money you find or win should be kept separately. Folk signs say that they can contain negative energy and seriously spoil your affairs.

Your wallet should become a reason for pride, and a real cozy “home” for your money. Keep track of your finances and remember these signs and rules, do not forget to press the buttons and

17.07.2015 09:30

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Only in this article are presented signs about wallets that always come true.

Wallet as a gift omens

The wallet cannot be given to close relatives. You need to give an expensive thing, because a cheap one will bring lack of money and poverty. Present a roomy wallet so that the money in it is comfortable and free; if it feels cramped, they will leave.

Signs for a new wallet to carry money, traditions and customs

To prevent money transfers, you need to put a banknote or an old coin in the new wallet. If you are given a wallet with money, then you need to leave one bill, for good luck.

An old coin that will always be in your wallet will also attract money. A dollar bill or with the number 5 will be a great force of attraction for money; “lucky” money should always be in your wallet. Buy a red wallet; according to signs, money loves red.

It is believed that the chestnut has the energy to attract money, so put it in your wallet or bag, in a storage room with money. Do not carry photographs in your wallet, because its purpose is to store money. Keep order in the branches, throw away unnecessary checks and notes. Spend or exchange torn and dirty bills, they have no place in your wallet. The money should be unfolded, divided into sections, with change in a special pocket with a button or zipper.

Signs for a woman's wallet and how to buy it correctly

It's time to replace your wallet and you need to do it according to all the rules. The flow of money depends on what material the wallet is made of. Leather - the housewife has stability and confidence that her money reserves will not be exhausted. Fabric – periods of lack of money arise, the housewife has a superficial attitude towards money. Exotic materials - the owner has a non-standard approach to money.

The most attractive colors for wallets: black, brown, gold, red. These colors help replenish your wallet. It’s good if the business card holder, purse, bag and wallet are the same color.

You need to buy a wallet in a decent store, not second-hand or in stock markets; a cheap item will not bring you wealth. An expensive branded wallet is designed to attract money. It is better to buy a wallet on the waxing moon on the first Thursday. This must be done in the first half of the day without bargaining.

As soon as the wallet is purchased, you must immediately put money in it so that there are more bills.

Is it possible to throw away an old omen wallet?

It’s better not to use old wallets, but you don’t need to throw them away either. If there was money in the old wallet, then let it be in a convenient place. You can store stashes in it or save for purchases. A wallet that does not attract money to the owner and is torn should be thrown away. A wallet that is very worn and has holes should be thrown away; if you continue to store money in it, your wealth will disappear.

Is it possible to give folk signs to a purse?

A purse, like a wallet, can be given as a gift only in compliance with the rules. There is no need to give a small purse as a gift, otherwise it will not hold money. You need to put a coin or bill in the compartment. Choose a wallet made of black or brown leather.

Signs of a wallet falling on the floor

If the wallet falls and money spills out, then you need to collect it with your right hand. One coin must be left for reproduction. It is believed that a fallen wallet with money is an offering to the gods, so the money can go away.

If your wallet is stolen, signs and superstitions

If a wallet with money is stolen or lost, then this is good luck. You lost money, but you will gain something else in return. It can be not only money, relationships, business connections.

An empty wallet is stolen - minor troubles and troubles are coming.

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A wallet is the item in which we store our money. And it has been noticed that, even for the same person, there will always be money in one wallet, while in the other there is always a gaping emptiness. Why is this happening? The fact is that it depends on the wallet itself how much money will be in it. How to choose the right wallet so that money in it is not transferred, but only multiplied?

Wallet size and shape

What is the optimal wallet size to always have money in it? Feng Shui masters have a special ruler with positive and negative values ​​of the segments marked on it. Don't despair if you don't have such a line. These sizes are generally known and available.

  • Positive size values. All those values ​​that are included in the specified segments are considered to be such. From 0 to 54 mm, from 162 to 215 mm and from 378 to 432 mm.
  • The most favorable sizes. These include segments from 0 to 13 mm, from 40 to 54 mm, from 243 to 256 mm, from 378 to 402 mm and from 429 to 432 mm.
  • Unfavorable meanings. These are considered to be segments from 81 to 95 mm, from 95 to 108 mm, from 149 to 462 mm, from 270 to 284 mm, from 297 to 351 mm.

Unfavorable values ​​should, of course, be avoided. But you can find at least one of the positive sizes. That is, so that at least one side of the wallet matches the specified values. In this case, the purchase can be considered very successful. If you come across a wallet, several sides of which fall under favorable values, consider yourself very lucky!

Please note that it is not advisable to purchase a small wallet for money. It is believed that a small wallet will contain little money. In addition, it will be impossible to store banknotes in a decent form in such a wallet. And they must be carefully straightened, without bent corners, and not bent in half.

Feng Shui experts do not recommend purchasing a so-called folding wallet. The thing is that, even if all the bills in it are neatly straightened, they will still be bent in half, and this will disrupt the monetary energy, and, as a result, the influx of money.

The best shape for a wallet that attracts money is rectangular. A round wallet is undesirable; it contributes to a lack of stability. So even if you prefer to carry your coins in a separate wallet, look for a rectangular one for them too wallet, feng shui, meaning the attraction of money.

The material and quality of the wallet - everything matters

From what material and how should a wallet be sewn that can attract money to its owner?

  • First of all, you should pay attention to the quality of tailoring of the product. Everything should look very neat. There should be no protruding threads or peeling elements. All seams must be smooth, without gaps.
  • The color of the product must be very durable. Try rubbing the material lightly with your finger. Will there be traces of paint left on it?
  • All wallet accessories used must work properly. Immediately check all buttons and zippers on all compartments.
  • Keep in mind that the money in your wallet should never be visible to strangers. Therefore, avoid having any transparent compartments or parts.
  • If you like a wallet with an external finish, choose one that uses elements painted in metallic colors - gold, silver, steel.
  • According to Feng Shui, the best material for a wallet is considered to be genuine leather. This is explained by the fact that it is able to freely pass cash flows and energy through itself. In addition to leather, suede also has the same properties. If such wallet options are too expensive for you, pay attention to fabric products. This will be better than a wallet made of artificial materials such as leatherette, plastic and the like. Artificial materials are not capable of transmitting energy.
  • When choosing a wallet, try not to buy the most expensive one out there, but as expensive as you can afford. If you choose a decent option, the wallet will serve you for a very long time. In addition, the investment will quickly pay off. And the money will rustle in the new beautiful “house”.

How to decide on the color of your wallet

Indeed, what color of wallet is the most successful? Are there universal colors?

So, first you must determine which group you belong to according to the Eastern calendar. To do this, pay attention to the last digit of the year of your birth.

  • The last digit of the year is 0 or 1. For example, 1950, 1951, 1970, 1981, etc. Those born in these years belong to the group Metal .
  • The last digit of the year is 2 or 3. For example, 1952, 1953, 1972, 1993, etc. Those born in these years belong to the group Water.
  • The last digit of the year is 4 or 5. For example, 1954, 1965, 1974, 2005, etc. Those born in these years belong to the group Tree.
  • The last digit of the year is 6 or 7. For example, 1946, 1957, 1986, 1997, etc. Those born in these years belong to the group Fire.
  • The last digit of the year is 8 or 9. For example, 1938, 1959, 1968, 1989, etc. Those born in these years belong to the group Earth.

Once you have determined which group you belong to, you can begin to determine the color scheme of the wallet that is suitable for you.

  • If your group Metal. The most favorable colors for this group of people are considered to be golden, silver, gray, bronze, white and copper. However, it is worth keeping in mind that white wallet will need special care.
  • If your group Water. The most favorable shades for this group of people are blue, black, light blue, turquoise, and violet. However, these colors are only suitable for the specified category. For all other groups they will be extremely unfavorable - from blue wallet And black wallet money will flow away like water. Turquoise wallet and purple do not have such strong destructive energy, but people from another group should still refrain from these color solutions.
  • If your group Tree. For this group, all shades of green are considered the most favorable. It symbolizes growth and prosperity. That is, constant growth of money is guaranteed. In addition, green is the color of money.
  • If your group Fire. All shades of red will suit you, including burgundy. And also the colors of the flame - yellow and orange. Yellow wallet is able to attract a large amount of money, in turn, orange wallet will increase your capital.
  • If your group Earth. All shades of brown, gold, orange, beige and yellow are suitable for you. They contribute to the accumulation of money. In addition, these colors promise financial stability.

However, there is also a universal color that suits any of the above groups. This is red. In Feng Shui it signifies superiority and powerful energy. It also symbolizes big money. However, red wallet should look expensive and rich. And its care should be appropriate.

Additionally, the wallet may contain all sorts of symbols and attributes of wealth - images of coins, a crown or metal trim.

What talisman should you put in your wallet?

When you have decided on the wallet that you need and purchased it, it’s time to think about what kind of talisman you will put in it in order to enhance the energy of attracting money.

  • The first bill or coin you earned yourself. If you already have such a talisman, be sure to put it in your wallet. This kind of thing has very powerful energy. To enhance the effect, you can even smear the money with a drop of honey.
  • In specialized Feng Shui stores you can always find such a talisman as 3 Chinese coins connected by a red thread. A strong talisman that can attract money.
  • To prevent wallet theft and to avoid thoughtless spending, you can put a bean pod in your wallet. However, if it prevents the money from lying flat and free, it is better to place an image of a pod.
  • Money really loves the scent of mint, it literally attracts them. Place 2-3 drops of essential oil on the lining of your wallet.
  • To enhance the effect of attracting money, you can put in one of the wallet compartments a picture depicting any monetary symbol - a monetary hexagram, rune or hieroglyph.
  • Another strong talisman for multiplying money is a special Feng Shui mirror. Buy it at a special store and put it next to the money.

What and how should be in it

It depends on how the money is in your wallet whether it will multiply or rush to leave its “house”.

  • Your wallet should always contain money and only money. Since this item is purchased specifically for them. Only the presence of bank cards is allowed, but only in a specially designated branch.
  • The bills in the wallet should be strictly in ascending order, face up. Keep an eye on this, and over time you will get into the habit of putting money in your wallet correctly.
  • Make sure that banknotes do not wrinkle or bend in your wallet. Otherwise, they will block other money from entering your wallet.

What not to keep in your wallet

Most people, in addition to money, store many important, in their opinion, little things. However, such things can scare away the influx of money. What items in your wallet should you get rid of immediately?

  • All kinds of tickets, receipts, checks and all sorts of different papers, for example, with a shopping list. They have no place in your wallet. Make it a habit, upon arriving home, to immediately put the necessary papers in a specially designated place for them, and immediately get rid of all the rest.
  • Photos of loved ones. It is better to store them separately, not in your wallet. No matter how wonderful people your relatives are, their energy can interrupt the energy of money.
  • Do not keep old, dirty, torn money in your wallet. Try to spend them first or exchange them for cleaner and new ones.
  • Never leave your wallet completely empty. The energy of money can leave him forever! Always leave at least one bill or even a coin.
  • Carefully monitor the state of your wallet. It should not have any scuffs, broken locks, fallen off fittings, and especially not holes in the lining. Money will simply disappear from such a sloppy old wallet.

Using the above rules when choosing a wallet, you will undoubtedly be able to increase your money and attract wealth! I wish you happiness and good luck!

Anyone who wants to be rich simply needs to know the signs for increasing money in their wallet. These little tricks help maintain material wealth and increase the number of banknotes.

When and how to buy a wallet

There are a number of signs about a new wallet in order to carry money. It is important to buy storage for banknotes according to certain rules.

Time to buy

Signs about a wallet say: money will not be found in a shabby or torn wallet, so it is recommended to change this accessory once a year. The replacement of old wallets needs to be planned to attract material wealth and ahead of schedule, if suddenly a hole has formed in them: finances will begin to leak through it.

According to the signs about buying a new wallet, the best time to purchase is considered to be the New Year holidays, when all dreams, including material ones, come true.

Some tricks will help banknotes settle in your wallet:

  • signs for buying a wallet say that it will be correct to buy it only on the waxing moon;
  • the most suitable time of day to go to a haberdashery store for a new item is morning or noon;
  • Signs about a wallet say that it is better to buy it on Wednesday and Thursday.

Purchase rules

In order for a new item to bring prosperity, and for money to continue to be found in it, you need to take as much money for its purchase as the item itself costs, since, according to signs, they do not take change from such a purchase, especially if they give out small change.

How to start using

A new wallet should not immediately become a keeper of money. Before you put banknotes and change in it, you should speak to it:

“Be a reliable home for my money, save and increase it, may the Lord bless me and the angel help me.”

According to signs, they don’t tell anyone about the ritual with a new wallet and purchase for several days, but hide it away from prying eyes.

Color, material and size

If you believe popular wisdom, money will not be transferred in a wallet that is suitable in color, material and size for banknotes.


The most suitable color for carrying money is dark or yellow. Of the dark shades, black or brown will be the best. All shades of yellow are acceptable, but golden color is preferable.

Many experts say that banknotes love everything bright, and they are sure that the red color of a money wallet can be just the thing. Shades of pink and burgundy are also suitable.


Money does not like cheap and dirty packaging and cannot stand it when it is put in paper, a plastic bag or a purse made of synthetics. To prevent funds from being transferred, the wallet must be made of natural materials, for example, suede or leather.


The size of the wallet also matters, because money cannot stand being treated poorly and does not like to be bent. This is a reason to buy a large accessory. It is important that it has many compartments for paper bills and small change.

What should be in your wallet

According to popular wisdom, a money item should never be left empty. If you choose it as a present for someone, you should not give it empty - you must put a coin or a paper bill there. To ensure that the wallet does not remain empty, money from it is not spent until the last minute: there should always be something left in it.

According to popular belief, many talismans and amulets are capable of attracting money.

  • The Russian people tried to attract banknotes with the help of black bread, putting a small piece in their wallet.
  • Among the Chinese people, beans, a picture of a vine and cinnamon were always placed in a keeper that attracts money.
  • Many are sure that those who love the color red will react favorably to a piece of red fabric.

Photos, old receipts and other unnecessary items have no place in a wallet. Banknotes are not happy in such a neighborhood.

Signs about an old wallet

After replacing your old wallet with a new one, even if the used one is quite frayed or torn, you should not rush to throw it away.

Whole wallet

If the old wallet is intact, it should be used to store money at home. Having accumulated monetary energy, it will be able to ensure an influx of money. To do this, it is enough to place the old item in the east of the apartment, having previously placed a bill inside. You cannot spend it in the future, but you can exchange it for a higher value.

They always change the banknotes placed in an old wallet in increments.

According to the signs about an old used wallet, in order for it to protect and increase wealth, it is necessary to charge it, for which a special ritual is performed for 7 days on the waxing moon:

  • For 3 days they keep him with banknotes inside (at least 2) near him, the money is not taken out.
  • On the fourth night, the banknotes are taken out and the spell words are pronounced:

“I have power, you have profit. Our agreement is stronger than stone.”

  • A large banknote is exchanged and spent on gifts for loved ones. The remaining money is counted, the largest bill is put back.

Torn wallet

If your old wallet is torn, you can’t just throw it away. It is necessary to burn the torn item. It’s better to do this outside the house, throwing it into a specially made fire with the words:

“Burn with red fire, take all troubles with you. Whatever you had before, let it triple. What was not there before, let it appear.”

If dropped, lost or stolen

There are superstitions in case a wallet is dropped, lost, or stolen.

Signs about a fallen wallet

  • If you believe the folk superstitions about money, if a purse with money falls to the ground, in the near future a lack of money is expected, even to the point of real poverty. This is popularly explained by the well-known saying “what falls is lost.”
  • It is a very bad omen when a wallet falls, touching an object dropped from one’s hands in a cemetery. According to popular superstitions, you should not pick up such a fallen wallet, so as not to attract the attention and dissatisfaction of the buried and representatives of the other world. If there is a large sum in the wallet, which cannot be left, it is recommended to pick up the fallen wallet with the words: “I’m taking what’s mine, not from those who lie in the ground.”
  • Sometimes coins fall out of a dropped wallet. It is recommended to lift them and put them back with your right hand, not forgetting about the redemption from misfortunes in the form of at least one coin left in the place where the wallet fell.

Signs about a stolen and lost wallet

Stolen or lost money is a good omen. The people believed that something new would come to replace what was lost, and on a larger scale than before. When someone has lost their wallet, it is believed that good luck will soon come to them. Only theft and loss of an empty wallet will lead to minor quarrels.

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